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Ashish Gollamudy


 Skilled and experienced in designing and developing in IT industry using JavaScript libraries and
frameworks like React JS, Angular JS and Node JS with ECMAScript 2015/ ES6 Specifications.
 Designed and implemented customer facing web applications including the API layer, Storage
layer, and infrastructure utilizing Single page Apps and Microservices Architecture.
 Solid experience in developing Single Page Applications using ReactJS and AngularJS front end
JavaScript frameworks.
 Worked extensively with NodeJS to build restful webservices on HBASE, PostgreSQL and AWS
 Proficient in building web user interface using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery.
 Solid experience with Bootstrap and Responsive Web Design.
 Excellent skill of Document Object Model manipulation by JavaScript and jQuery.
 Proficient with Browser Debugging tools like Chrome developer tools, Mozilla Firebug and IE
Developer tools.
 Working experience in Agile/Scrum methodologies for application development.
 Experience with open source tools: Package Mangers (NPM/Bower) and Atlassian tools
(Confluence, JIRA and Stash).
 Experience in using version control tools like GIT and TFS.
 Excellent working knowledge on compatibility issues with different versions of browsers like
Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome.
 Excellent communication, analytical and problem-solving skills.


Web Technologies: \ Code Editing Tools: \

HTML5, CSS3, LESS, \ VS code, Webstorm, Brackets, IntelliJ
JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, Bootstrap, JSON, \ Atom\
jQuery UI, DOM, Angular JS, Node.js, \

React.js, D3.js\

Frameworks: \ Web Servers: \

ReactJS, AngularJS, NodeJS.\ HTTP Web Server, Restful Web services.\

Database: \ Operating Systems: \

HBASE, PostgreSQL, Redshift, Mongo DB.\ Linux, Windows, Mac.\

Debugging Tools: \ Testing tools: \

Firebug, Chrome Developer tools, \ Jasmine, Karma, Jest \
Safari developer tools.\

Version Control: \
Git, Bitbucket, TFS \

Management Science Associates(MSA), Pittsburgh PA July 2016- till date

Full Stack Web Developer

Project: POS (Point of Sale) Retailer Portal

Project description: This portal was used by internal and external clients to keep track of retailer’s
organization information, as well as their Point of sale data. I was part of scrum team that was
responsible for portal maintenance, updating old features to suit new business needs and
planning/development of new features.


 Extensively used ReactJS, Redux and Flux to build front end framework for external and
internal web-portal.
 Used Node.js and Express.js to build web-services to do massive reads and writes on HBASE,
Elastic Search and Amazon Redshift.
 Built Single Page Applications (SPA) for different parts of the portal web application with
extensive use of ReactJS and React-Router.
 Improved web development practices on the team such as introducing Typescript to build clean
and scalable web apps.
 Worked on automating the builds and deployments of projects locally and on server using Grunt,
Gulp.js and Forever to ensure scripts ran continuously.
 Extensively worked with built-in React CSS transition module and third-party libraries like
React-motion for animation effects and widgets to give user a rich experience.
 Worked on mobile/tablet/desktop versions of the application using CSS3 media queries to write
styles for different devices and viewport.
 Performed unit testing using Jest and Enzyme for React Components.

Environment: ReactJS, Node.js, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 4, Elastic Search, Amazon
Redshift, HBASE, Git, Jira.

Project: Enterprise Master Data Management

Project description: This project was managing the collection, cleansing and alignment of disparate
source data creating a single, trusted view of master data and reducing the need for human intervention
through the use of automation and workflows. I was mainly involved in developing the user interfaces for
data quality team where they would ability to perform cleansing and error checking on source data
before being integrated.


 Used Angular 2/4 to develop single page applications for the internal data management
 Created multiple reusable components and services using Angular 2/4 built-in and custom
 Extensive use of core parts of Angular2/4 like Filters, Directives, Controllers and Services to
make use of MVC architecture.
 Used Angular Routing to build single page applications and implemented Lazy loading in the
navigation of Components.
 Designed and developed custom stylesheet project using custom CSS, LESS and Bootstrap 4 to
implement same styles across the application.
 Built scalable RESTFUL web service APIs using Node.js to support heavy CRUD operations of
the data quality team.
 Involved in designing and planning of the architecture for the Angular 2/4 UI layer and API layer
of the application.
 Participating the Sprint Planning and User Story Grooming sessions and suggesting can-do and
cannot-do in each Sprint.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, Angular 2/4, Node.js, TypeScript, Bootstrap 3, PostgreSQL, Git, Jira.

Deloitte, Nashville TN March 2016 – July 2016

UI Developer

Project: Dfeed

Project Description: This project was mainly building a news feed for the internal employees of the
Deloitte where they could see constantly updating list of stories on their home page and also have the
ability to customize the feed through personalized dashboard. I was mainly involved in building the
front-end for all the pages and connecting them to webservices.


 Analyzed requirements, participated in technical design, developed the UI pages using HTML5,
CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS and jQuery.
 Worked with AngularJS components like services, routers, directives and filters to make a single
page application.
 Implemented jQuery plugins for calendar, pagination, dialog boxes for the dashboard and news
feed module and jQuery Validation for common forms.
 Designed responsive website using Twitter Bootstrap along with components for Dropdown,
navigation system, grid layouts and data tables.
 Responsible for developing reusable components using Custom Directives and routing based
on states using UI-Routing in AngularJS.
 Used wireframes and style guides given by UX designer for layout and styling for webpages.
 Extensive use of Chrome developer tools for debugging and browser compatibility.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS (1.6), Bootstrap 3, .NET, TFS, Microsoft SQL

Subaru of America, Camden NJ Nov 2015 – March 2016

UI Developer

Project: Payment Calculator

Project Description: This project was building the payment calculator section for the external and
internal client by taking in vehicle, user and other information and giving an estimate to the user. I was
part of a small team responsible for building the front-end pages and coordinating with back-end team in
offshore to integrate it.
 Designed and developed the front-end using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
 Used JavaScript, HTML5, and jQuery for forms validations.
 Used AngularJS framework to build the front-end framework for the application.
 Used the jQuery widgets like Accordion, Date picker, Draggable, Droppable, Resizable jQuery
 Redesigned user interface HTML frameworks with Bootstrap and refined CSS styling.
 Extensively worked with JavaScript cookies.
 Used AngularJS built-in directives, custom directives and services for developing interceptor and
complex UI data table grids.
 Creating cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant CSS based page layouts.
 Highly involved in making updates to the current website and simultaneously handling
other projects.

Environment: HTML5, CSS, CSS3, AngularJS 1.3, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, Restful API, Oracle 11g

New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark NJ August 14 – November 15

Research Assistant

 Built the software for school announcement system released on the school network
 Responsible for designing page layout using HTML5, CSS3 along with jQuery and adding
dynamic functionalities to each module.
 Worked with jQuery Message plug-in, jQuery Validation Plug-in.
 Made cross browser compatible and thoroughly performed unit testing and integration testing.
 Heavily involved in the two major releases of the software and knowledge transfer to other
 Worked and coordinated with 3 teams from different majors to deliver the project for the school
with regular meetups and workshops.

Okda solutions July 12 - December 13

UI developer
Project: Claim Processing portal
Project Description: This project was building the web applications for the healthcare insurance clients
where the insurance provider would show the claim details of the patient and their status.

 Extensively coded in CSS3 to develop the intranet template for the application.
 Designed and developed dynamic web pages using HTML, CSS, EXt.JS and JavaScript.
 Developed HTML and CSS template using Photoshop.
 Developed mockups and prototypes using HTML / CSS3 and bootstrap.
 Did extensive JavaScript and jQuery programming to give AJAX functionality for the website.
 Creating cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant CSS based page layouts.

Environment: HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Ext.js, MS Office, IE 6, 7, 8, Firefox, Chrome.

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