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Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women’s Cardiovascular Health xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of

Women’s Cardiovascular Health
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Microcirculatory blood flow derangements during severe preeclampsia

and HELLP syndrome
Gustavo Adolfo Ospina-Tascón a,⇑, Albaro José Nieto Calvache a, Edgardo Quiñones a,
Humberto José Madriñan a, Juan David Valencia a, William Fernando Bermúdez a, Javier Carvajal a,
María Fernanda Escobar a, Daniel de Backer b
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Fundación Valle del Lili – Universidad ICESI, Cali, Colombia
Intensive Care Department, CHIREC Hospitals, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective: To evaluate the microcirculatory blood flow in severe preeclampsia and compare it with
Received 13 February 2017 healthy pregnant and non-pregnant women controls, using a portable intravital-microscopy technique.
Received in revised form 5 June 2017 Methods: Using a side-stream dark field (SDF) device, we prospectively evaluated the sublingual micro-
Accepted 22 July 2017
circulatory blood flow before placental delivery in 40 women with severe preeclampsia (PE-group) com-
Available online xxxx
plicated (n = 8) or not (n = 32) with HELLP syndrome, 40 healthy pregnant women (HP-group) matched
by gestational and chronological age, and 20 healthy non-pregnant women (NP-group). Microvessels
were classified as large or small using a cutoff value of 20 lm and those with continuous flow were con-
HELLP syndrome
sidered as normal while sluggish, intermittent and stopped flows were considered as abnormal. We com-
Microcirculation puted the proportion of well-perfused small vessels (PPV), and total and functional capillary densities
Microcirculatory dysfunction (TCD and FCD) were calculated according to the total number and quantity of well-perfused small vessels
per area unit, respectively.
Results: Total capillary densities were significantly higher in all pregnant women when compared to non-
pregnant controls. The PE-group exhibited, however, significantly lower TCD compared with the HP-
group. Meanwhile, significant decreases in PPV and FCD were observed in the PE-group, with deeper
alterations in those with coexisting HELLP syndrome. These altered PPVs were significant although
incompletely reversed after placental delivery in pregnancies complicated by HELLP syndrome, while
capillary densities remained unaltered at least during very early post-delivery period.
Conclusions: Substantial distributive microcirculatory blood flow alterations and restricted capillary den-
sities are observed in preeclampsia, suggesting a key role for microvascular dysfunction in the patho-
physiology of this condition.
Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Society for the Study of Hypertension in

1. Introduction ical, genetic, behavioral and environmental factors have been

implicated in its pathogenesis [4], although generalized endothe-
Preeclampsia remains a leading cause of maternal mortality and lial cell and microvascular dysfunction seem to underlie the patho-
a major contributor to maternal and perinatal morbidity in both logical manifestations leading to major cardiovascular
developed and emerging countries [1–3]. A myriad of immunolog- derangements [5,6]. In fact, the reduction of peripheral tissue
blood flow preceding the onset of clinical preeclampsia [7–10]
advocates for the key role of microvascular dysfunction as a com-
Abbreviations: SDF, side-stream dark field; PE-group, preeclampsia group; HP-
mon pathway for multiple pathophysiological mechanisms.
group, healthy pregnant group; NP-group, non- pregnant group; PPV, percentage of
small-vessels perfused; TCD, total capillary density; FCD, functional capillary In normal conditions, tissue oxygenation is determined by dif-
density; HI, heterogeneity index; MFI, microvascular flow index; HELLP syndrome, fusive and convective components of microcirculation and these
hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count syndrome. in turn, are determined by the capillary density and the microvas-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Fundación
cular blood flow itself, respectively. These physiological compo-
Valle del Lili, Av. Simón Bolívar Cra. 98, Cali, Colombia.
E-mail address: (G.A. Ospina-Tascón).
nents of the microcirculation are responsible for fine-tuning
2210-7789/Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy.

Please cite this article in press as: G.A. Ospina-Tascón et al., Microcirculatory blood flow derangements during severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome,
Preg. Hyper: An Int. J. Women’s Card. Health (2017),
2 G.A. Ospina-Tascón et al. / Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women’s Cardiovascular Health xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

perfusion to meet local metabolic requirements and might con- the presence of hemolysis based on examination of a peripheral
tribute to the development of multiorgan dysfunction when blood smear and/or elevated lactate dehydrogenase
altered. Exploring microcirculation had been restricted to the (LDH  600 U/L), associated with elevated liver enzymes (aspartate
experimental laboratory until the advent of new imaging tech- aminotransferase, AST  70 U/l), or thrombocytopenia (platelets
niques capable of evaluating microcirculatory blood flow at the count <100,000/mm3) after ruling out other causes of hemolysis
bedside [11]. Data from critically ill patients during the last decade and thrombocytopenia [20].
suggest that microcirculatory alterations play a decisive role in the A healthy pregnancy was determined by comprehensive exam-
development of multiorgan failure, independently of macro- ination and laboratory testing according to the attending obstetri-
hemodynamic parameters [12–14], but information about cian criteria during the antenatal clinical consultation. Pregnant
microvascular changes during preeclampsia remain partially women with chronic or suspected chronic hypertensive disorders
unknown [9,10]. Microcirculatory dysfunction in preeclampsia were not included in the study. A two-weeks postpartum follow-
has been suggested by a decrease in arteriolar and venular calibers up was carried out in healthy pregnant controls in order to discard
of retinal vessels via fundus photography [15–17] and reduced the development of preeclampsia after inclusion. Healthy non-
capillary density as shown by cutaneous intravital microscopy pregnant volunteers were women in childbearing age with no
[9,10]. These alterations precede the onset of clinical manifesta- hypertension and/or no antecedents of hypertensive disorders.
tions, thus reinforcing the possible role of microvascular dysfunc-
tion and abnormal microvascular development. Unfortunately, 2.1. Study protocol
most of these observations were restricted to microvascular beds
highly influenced by environmental factors and macro- During a ten-month period (July 2013–April 2014), all patients
hemodynamic changes [9,10]. with pregnant hypertensive disorders were screened and evalu-
Recently, a small-size study by Cornette et al. [18] evaluated ated by two independent evaluators (M.F.E., and J.C.). After obtain-
microcirculation in preeclamptic patients using a portable imaging ing written informed consent from each pregnant participant,
technique. They did not find significant microvascular density patients fulfilling the criteria for severe preeclampsia (PE-group)
abnormalities, challenging previous observations by intravital were enrolled, while healthy pregnant women were weekly
microscopy [9,10], although they observed significant microcircu- searched at the antenatal consultation clinic and selected accord-
latory flow distribution abnormalities in preeclamptic pregnancies ing to each preeclamptic case included, matching them by gesta-
complicated with HELLP syndrome. Thus, it is not clear if these tional and chronological age (HP-group). Finally, twenty healthy
observations confirm the absence of microcirculatory blood flow women volunteers, usually health workers from the intensive care
alterations during severe preeclampsia without HELLP syndrome, unit and the obstetric high-dependency unit served as non-
whether these are product of an underpowered observation, or pregnant age-matched controls (NP-group).
whether these simply denote the inherent limitations of the imag- Patients with preeclampsia were managed according to interna-
ing technique. tional guidelines [19]. All hemodynamic measurements were per-
Pathophysiological mechanisms associated with preeclampsia formed at lateral decubitus in resting conditions and maintaining
are not completely understood and despite some microcirculatory a fasting period at least of 120 min. In all cases, arterial pressure
abnormalities that have been described in the past, there is little recorded before placental delivery was obtained by sphygmo-
information about diffusive and convective alterations during clin- manometry, while in some post-placental delivery measurements,
ically established preeclampsia. Thus, we aim to explore microcir- invasive pressure by intra-arterial cannula (radial artery) was reg-
culation by direct visualization in women with preeclampsia with istered. Sublingual microcirculation was explored using the Side-
and without HELLP syndrome, comparing them with healthy preg- stream dark-field (SDF) imaging device before placental delivery
nant and non-pregnant groups of women, hypothesizing that in both PE and HP groups. In PE-group, images were recorded at
preeclampsia is associated with significant microvascular density the most severe point of the disease (usually, at the peak of hyper-
and blood flow distribution alterations. tension or when clinical deterioration or symptoms impairment
were detected). A new set of images was obtained within 12 h of
delivery in those patients whose pregnancy was ended or 48 h
2. Materials and methods after the first set of measurements when a delayed delivery was
planned (according to the decision of the attending physician).
We conducted a prospective observational study in a 20-bed General demographics, laboratory parameters, and cumulative
high-dependency obstetric unit and the antenatal consultation magnesium sulphate doses at inclusion were also recorded.
clinic in a University Hospital (Fundación Valle del Lili. Cali, Colom-
bia). Our institutional Ethics and Biomedical Research Committee 2.2. Microcirculation measurements
approved this study (Protocol number: 627; Chart number: 037;
2.013. Renewal No. 072–2.015). An informed consent was obtained We used a Sidestream dark-field (SDF) imaging device (Micro
from all the pregnant participants. Sublingual microcirculation was Scan; MicroVision Medical, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) to
explored in three groups: (a) pregnant women complicated by sev- explore microcirculation in the PE, HP and NP groups. This portable
ere preeclampsia with (or without) HELLP syndrome: PE-group; (b) video-microscope device uses a stroboscopic green light (around
healthy pregnant women matched by gestational and chronologi- 530 nm wavelength), which is delivered to the tissues by multiple
cal age: HP-group; (c) healthy non-pregnant women: NP-group. light-emitting diodes (LEDs). This wavelength of light is absorbed
Preeclampsia was defined as a new onset of blood pressure by the hemoglobin of red blood cells, allowing their observation
>140/90 mm Hg on two separate opportunities at least 4 h apart as dark cells flowing in the microcirculatory net while the light
accompanied by proteinuria 300 mg/24 h, or 2+ on urine dip- reflected by superficial layers does not reach the optics. As a result
stick, or urinary protein to creatinine ratio >30 mg/mmol [19]. Sev- of the peripheral location of LEDs and the synchronization between
ere preeclampsia was defined as severe hypertension (systolic the light emission and camera frame rate, SDF provides a detailed
pressure >160 and/or diastolic pressure >110 mm Hg), and/or visualization of open capillaries using a 5x objective and providing
symptoms (epigastric/right upper quadrant pain, cerebral or visual an on-screen magnification of x380 [21] (Fig. 1).
disturbances, pulmonary edema), and/or with biochemical, and/or After gentle removal of secretions with gauze, the SDF device
hematological impairment [19]. HELLP syndrome was defined as was softly applied to the lateral side of the tongue covering an area

Please cite this article in press as: G.A. Ospina-Tascón et al., Microcirculatory blood flow derangements during severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome,
Preg. Hyper: An Int. J. Women’s Card. Health (2017),
G.A. Ospina-Tascón et al. / Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women’s Cardiovascular Health xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

in microcirculatory parameters before and after placental delivery

in those patients subjected to an early delivery strategy. A Spear-
man rho correlation was used to assess the relationship between
the proportion of well-perfused small vessels and the degree of
proteinuria. Data are presented as medians (25th–75th per-
centiles) in text, tables and boxplots. A p-value <0.05 was consid-
ered statistically significant.

3. Results

General macro and microhemodynamics are presented in

Table 1. At enrollment, twenty-one preeclamptic patients were
receiving magnesium, with a cumulative mean dose of 1.1 [0.55–
1.2] gr. All pregnant women had a significantly higher total capil-
lary density (TCD) when compared with the NP-group; however,
the PE-group exhibited a lower TCD than HP-group (Fig. 2). Simi-
larly, PPV and MFI were significantly lower in the PE-group than
in the HP and NP-groups (Fig. 2). As a result, FCD was significantly
Fig. 1. Static image of the sublingual microcirculation during preeclampsia with
decreased and the heterogeneity of microvascular blood flow was
HELLP syndrome. An increased number of vessels with intermittent (black arrows)
and stopped flow (white head arrows) lead to a decrease in the percentage of small higher in preeclamptic pregnancies when compared with the other
vessels perfused (PPV) and functional capillary density (FCD). groups (Table 1). A demonstrative video of sublingual microcircu-
latory blood flow in a case of severe preeclampsia before placental
delivery is included (Video 1).
approximately of 2–4 cm from the tip of tongue. At each time point
for the measurements, we collected five sequences of video of 20 s
each from different adjacent mucosa areas using a videocard
(MicroVideo; Pinnacle system, Mountain Views, CA, U.S.A.). These
sequences of video were stored under a random number and later
analyzed by two investigators blinded to the origin and order of
sequences (H.M., G.O.T.). Vessels were classified as large or small
using a cutoff value of 20 lm. Microvessels with continuous flow
were considered as normal while sluggish, intermittent and
stopped flows were considered as abnormal. According to the con-
sensus for the evaluation of microcirculation [22], we report the
proportion of perfused small vessels (PPV) and the microvascular
flow index (MFI). We also reported the total vascular density
(TCD) and the functional capillary density (FCD) according to the
total number of vessels and to the number of well-perfused small
vessels per area unit, respectively. Finally, we calculated the blood
Video 1.
flow heterogeneity index (HI) defined as the difference between
the maximal and minimal proportions of perfused small vessels
evaluated at each point in the five areas divided by its own mean Preeclamptic patients with HELLP syndrome showed a lower
value. Intra and inter-observer variability were determined by PPV than those without HELLP syndrome (Fig. 3), while TCD was
reading five sequences analyzed five times at eight-week intervals not significantly different (Table 2). A new set of video sequences
by two observers (H.M. and G.O.T.). of sublingual microcirculation was obtained 10 ± 2 h after placenta
delivery in thirty preeclamptic patients subjected to an early deliv-
2.3. Sample calculation ery strategy (eight of them coexisting with HELLP syndrome). We
observed significant improvement in PPV and MFI after placental
A pilot study conducted in our high-dependency obstetric unit removal only in patients with HELLP syndrome while TCD and
and the antenatal consultation, in ten preeclamptic and ten healthy FCD remained with no significant changes (Table 3). When all PE
pregnant women, revealed mean PPV values of 72 and 95% respec- patients (with and without HELLP syndrome) subjected to the
tively. Thus, we estimated a sample size of 40 patients per group to delivery strategy were evaluated, we did not find significant differ-
demonstrate a relative difference of 25% in the proportion of well- ences in microvascular blood flow distribution or capillary densi-
perfused capillaries between preeclamptic and healthy pregnant, ties after placental removal despite a slight improvement in PPV
assuming an alpha error of 0.05 and a power of 0.8. (p = 0.23).
Proteinuria was 352 [320–471] mg/24 h for all preeclamptic
2.4. Statistical analysis patients. No significant differences were observed for proteinuria
in those patients with or without HELLP syndrome (394
A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to assess the distribution [320–506] vs. 334 [233–378] mg/24 h for PE and PE + HELLP
of data. After discarding the Gaussian distribution, we used a respectively; p = 0.59]. Finally, we did not find significant correla-
Kruskal-Wallis test to estimate differences among groups with a tions between the PPV and the degree of proteinuria obtained on
post hoc Mann-Whitney analysis and adjustment for multiple com- the day of the microvascular exploration in the PE-group
parisons. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare parameters (Spearman-Rho = 0.12, p = 0.60).
between PE patients with and without HELLP syndrome, while a The coefficient of variability of the determination of one
Wilcoxon paired signed rank test was used to test the differences video sequence of microcirculation ranged from 2.3 to 5.2%

Please cite this article in press as: G.A. Ospina-Tascón et al., Microcirculatory blood flow derangements during severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome,
Preg. Hyper: An Int. J. Women’s Card. Health (2017),
4 G.A. Ospina-Tascón et al. / Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women’s Cardiovascular Health xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

Table 1
General demographics, macro hemodynamic and microvascular blood flow parameters in preeclampsia, normal-pregnant and non-pregnant groups.

Preeclampsia (n = 40) Normal pregnancy (n = 40) Non-pregnant (n = 20) P

Age 25 (22–31) 30 (25–33) 26 (24–28) 0.24
Gestational Ageà 34.1 (28.8–36.5) 35.2 (29.0–36.5) – 0.92
Birth weight (gr)àà 2315 (1408–2860) 3025 (2748–3386) – <0.001
SAP (mmHg) 164 (160–168)* 106 (100–118) 102 (97–110) <0.001
DAP (mmHg) 95 (88–100)* 63 (60–72) 60 (57–68) <0.001
Heart Rate (beats/min) 92 (84–98)§ 88 (85–92)§,– 75 (72–84) <0.001
PPV,% 85 (79–88)* 92 (86–95) 95 (92–96) <0.001
MFI 2.5 (2.3–2.8)* 3.0 (2.9–3.0) 2.9 (2.7–2.9) <0.001
Heterogeneity Index 0.25 (0.17–0.36)* 0.11 (0.07–0.16) 0.12 (0.08–0.13) <0.001
FCD, n/mm2 8.3 (7.8–8.7)à 9.3 (8.8–10.0) 8.6 (7.5–9.8) <0.001
TCD, n/mm2 12.4 (11.9–12.7)* 13.5 (12.8–14.5)– 10.9 (9.9–12.4) <0.001

SAP: Systolic arterial pressure; DAP: Diastolic arterial pressure; PPV: proportion of small vessels perfused; MFI: microvascular flow index; FCD: functional Capillary Density;
TCD: Total Capillary Density; MFI: Microvascular flow density.
Gestational age at the evaluation of microcirculatory blood flow
Birth weight at delivery
Pre-eclampsia vs. normal pregnancy and Pre-eclampsia vs. non pregnant. p < 0.05.
Pre-eclampsia vs. normal pregnancy, p < 0.05.

Normal pregnancy vs. Non-pregnant group. p < 0.05.
Pre-eclampsia or normal pregnancy vs. non pregnant. p < 0.05.

Fig. 2. Microcirculatory blood flow parameters in preeclamptic, normal pregnancy and non-pregnant groups. Box plots depicting differences for (A) PPV: percentage of small
vessels perfused (B) MFI: microvascular flow index (C) FCD: functional capillary density (D) TCD: total capillary density. Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0.001 between groups, for
PPV, MFI, FCD, and TCD. *p < 0.05 for preeclampsia vs. normal pregnant and preeclampsia vs. non-pregnant. **p < 0.05 for healthy pregnant vs. non-pregnant. ***p < 0.05 for
preeclampsia vs. healthy pregnant. FCD and TCD values correspond to number of vessels/mm2.

(intra-observer) and from 3.5 to 5.8% (inter-observer) for the total 4. Discussion
number of vessels, and from 1.4 to 4.5% (intra-observer) and from
4.1 to 8.0% (inter-observer) for the proportion of perfused vessels Using a portable imaging system to directly visualize the
(all sizes). microcirculation at the bedside, we observed three remarkable

Please cite this article in press as: G.A. Ospina-Tascón et al., Microcirculatory blood flow derangements during severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome,
Preg. Hyper: An Int. J. Women’s Card. Health (2017),
G.A. Ospina-Tascón et al. / Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women’s Cardiovascular Health xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 3. Microcirculatory alterations in preeclamptic women with or without HELLP syndrome. Boxplots depicting the differences in (A) percentage of perfused small vessels
and (B) total capillary density in preeclamptic women complicated or not with HELLP syndrome. Mann-Whitney U test, p = 0.02, for PPV; and p = 0.25, for TCD. HELLP denotes
hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count syndrome. TCD denotes total capillary density. TCD values correspond to number of vessels/mm2.

tion (with or without preeclampsia) exhibited a significant higher

Table 2
General characteristics and microvascular parameters for pre-eclampsia with and TCD compared with non pregnant women; (3) a significant
without HELLP syndrome. improvement in microvascular blood flow distribution with no
variation in capillary densities after placental delivery in
Pre-eclampsia Pre-eclampsia p
+ HELLP (n = 8) without preeclamptic pregnancies coexisting with HELLP syndrome.
HELLP (n = 32) Diffusive and convective components of microcirculation are
Age 25 (23–31) 26 (21–31) 0.58
determined by the vascular density and the blood flow distribution
Gestational age 31.4 (25.5–31.4) 34.7 (31.6–37.1) 0.34 and these, in turn, are adjusted according to local metabolic
SAP (mmHg) 167 (164–175) 163 (159–167) 0.04 requirements [11]. Nevertheless, microcirculatory blood flow can
DAP (mmHg) 90 (82–101) 96 (89–100) 0.50 be severely disturbed during severe inflammatory states, leading
Heart rate (beats/min) 96 (87–99) 92 (80–98) 0.34
to tissue hypoperfusion and adverse clinical outcomes [11,12,14].
Hemoglobin (gr/dl) 10.4 (9.4–10.9) 11.6 (10.9–12.6) 0.003
ALT (UI/dl) 145 (81–294) 12 (8–19) <0.001 We found that pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia had a sig-
AST (UI/dl) 141 (85–163) 18 (14–23) <0.001 nificant decrease in the proportion of well-perfused small vessels
LDH (UI/dl) 814 (703–948) 203 (181–234) <0.001 (<20 lm) with a secondary reduction in the functional capillary
Platelets (n  103/mm3) 87.5 (66.3–130.5) 249.5 (205.5–274.8) <0.001
density and increased heterogeneity of microcirculatory blood
Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.7 (0.6–0.7) 0.6 (0.5–0.7) 0.26
Proteinuria (mg/24 h) 394 [320–506] 334 [233–378] 0.59
flow. Notably, these alterations were more pronounced in patients
PPV, % 76 (71–84) 86 (80–91) 0.02 coexisting with HELLP, thus highlighting the possible role of
Heterogeneity Index 0.35 (0.31–0.38) 0.22 (0.15–0.35) 0.04 microvascular blood flow misdistribution in the development of
MFI 2.2 (2.0–2.7) 2.5 (2.4–2.8) 0.12 organ dysfunction in more severe cases of preeclampsia. We
FCD, n/mm2 8.1 (7.9–8.4) 8.3 (7.6–9.0) 0.39
hypothesize that these microcirculatory alterations could be the
TCD, n/mm2 12.7 (12.0–13.2) 12.4 (11.9–12.7) 0.25
reflection of some endothelial derangements previously described
SAP: Systolic arterial pressure; DAP: Diastolic arterial pressure; ALT: Alanine in preeclampsia [23,24]. Predominant microcirculatory alterations
aminotransferase; AST: Aspartate aminotransferase, LDH: Lactate dehydrogenase.
observed in preeclamptic patients in our study were, however, rep-
resented by sluggish and intermittent flows but not by the stopped
Table 3 flows that are commonly observed during severe inflammatory
Microvascular parameters pre and post delivery in preeclamptic patients with HELLP states such as sepsis [13]. Previous observations have demon-
syndrome. strated the development of increased post-capillary pressure, clin-
Pre-eclampsia + HELLP Pre-eclampsia + HELLP p ically manifested by increased isovolumetric venous pressure and
Pre delivery Post delivery molecularly associated to a high expression of vascular and inter-
PPV, % 76 (71–84) 86 (81–89) 0.03 cellular cell-adhesion molecules [25], which could explain the pre-
Heterogeneity 0.35 (0.32–0.37) 0.24 (0.17–0.34) 0.06 dominant sluggish and intermittent flows observed in our patients.
Index One could also argue that discontinuous flows could be normal
MFI 2.2 (2.0–2.7) 2.6 (2.3–2.9) 0.05
since direct visualization of microcirculation using intravital
FCD, n/mm2 8.1 (7.9–8.4) 8.9 (8.0–9.4) 0.07
TCD, n/mm2 12.7 (12.0–13.2) 12.4 (12.2–13.2) 0.87 microscopy during extended periods can reveal intermittent flow
in some capillaries in normal conditions [11]. Nevertheless, the fact
PPV: Proportion of small vessels perfused; FCD: Functional Capillary Density; TCD:
that all our observations were performed in similar conditions for
Total Capillary Density.
all the study groups supports the consistency of our findings. Inde-
pendently of dissimilarities in the microvascular blood flow itself
phenomena during clinically established preeclampsia: (1) a signif- during sepsis and preeclampsia, the severity of microvascular
icant alteration in microcirculatory flow distribution with blood flow misdistribution seems to be associated with more sev-
increased blood flow heterogeneity, predominantly in those ere organ dysfunction and more severe clinical manifestations, as
patients complicated with HELLP syndrome; these alterations were observed in preeclamptic patients complicated by HELLP
mainly characterized by an increased number of capillaries with syndrome.
sluggish and intermittent flow and, to a lesser extend, by stopped Recently, Cornette et al. [18] also found a significant decrease in
blood flows; (2) a significant reduction in the total capillary density the microvascular flow index (MFI) in patients affected by HELLP
in preeclamptic pregnancies even though all the pregnant popula- syndrome. Unlike our findings, they did not, however, find signifi-

Please cite this article in press as: G.A. Ospina-Tascón et al., Microcirculatory blood flow derangements during severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome,
Preg. Hyper: An Int. J. Women’s Card. Health (2017),
6 G.A. Ospina-Tascón et al. / Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women’s Cardiovascular Health xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

cant differences for MFI in those preeclamptic pregnancies without magnesium may have influenced our results since half of our
HELLP. We cannot deny that preeclampsia is highly influenced by preeclamptic patients were receiving it at the time of their inclu-
race and environmental factors, leading to profound differences sion in the study. Although magnesium sulphate has previously
between populations in different geographic zones [26]. The been related to improvement in the deformability of red blood cells
results reported by Cornette et al. may also, however, be due to [36], no substantial effects on microvascular blood flows have been
the lower sensitivity of MFI to detect alterations in heterogeneity reported, even during severe inflammatory conditions such as sev-
in perfusion. Microcirculatory evaluations based on the MFI some- ere sepsis [37]. Furthermore, most of our patients were initially
times differ from semi-quantitative count methods such as the De evaluated into the first hour of starting magnesium infusion when
Backer’s score [27]. The MFI is the result of the average score of the the cumulative doses did not exceeding 1 gr. Likewise, the initial
predominant type of flow observed in each of four quadrants. As a microcirculatory parameters in our study did not differ between
result, a quadrant will be considered as normally perfused even if those who were receiving or not receiving magnesium sulphate,
49% of the vessels are not perfused. Conversely, the De Backer’s which also suggests that simple vasomotor changes do not explain
score is based on the count of each vessel crossing three equidis- our results.
tant horizontal and vertical lines, and therefore the exact propor- We recognize various limitations in our study. First, we evalu-
tion of vessels with normal or abnormal flow can be calculated. ated a limited number of preeclamptic patients and normal preg-
Thus, a wide range of PPV or FCD values could be represented by nant women and we did not explore microcirculatory alterations
the same MFI leading to discordant results. Nevertheless, we report during less severe cases of preeclampsia. In fact, we enrolled the
concordant results between MFI and PPV in preeclampsia, reinforc- most complicated cases focusing on arterial pressure, the progres-
ing the idea that microcirculatory convective and diffusive mecha- sion of symptoms, target organ damages and laboratory alter-
nisms are more severely altered during HELLP syndrome. ations. Second, most preeclamptic patients were receiving
While normal pregnancies are associated with reduced vascular magnesium treatment at enrollment, since preeclampsia is a life-
resistance, those complicated by preeclampsia experiment a decline threatening condition. However, the severity of the microvascular
in blood flow associated to increased resistance even before the alterations observed when using this therapy for preeclampsia
onset of clinical manifestations [7,8]. In the past, authors have doc- reinforces the suitability of this imaging technique when applied
umented decreases of arteriolar and venular calibers in retinal and at the bedside. Third, we evaluated the sublingual mucosa and
conjunctival circulation during preeclamptic pregnancies [15,16, although we demonstrated some changes in microcirculatory
28], hypothesizing that vascular caliber tracks vascular resistances, blood flow, this zone could not be representative of utero-
as suggested by studies in populations of hypertensive (non placental and/or systemic microcirculation. Fourth, microcircula-
preeclamptic) patients across a wide range of ages, sex, and ethnicity tory alterations in our study were only described during the late
[17,29,30]. Interestingly, more than changes in vessel calibers, we stage of preeclampsia, when clinical manifestations were apparent.
found significant differences in the total vascular densities among Hence, we have no knowledge of the time-course of microcircula-
the groups. We found increased total capillary densities in all preg- tory alterations throughout pregnancy or whether these alter-
nancies when compared with non-pregnant controls. Preeclamptic ations could be detected early, therefore cannot be certain
patients showed, however, a significant lower vascular density than whether these alterations might precede the onset of clinical
healthy pregnant women, which might suggest an abnormal vascu- manifestations.
lar development. One could hypothesize that defective angiogenesis Substantial distributive microcirculatory blood flow alterations
might explain this apparent truncation in the increase of capillary and decreased capillary densities are observed in preeclampsia,
density, which would agree with studies demonstrating the imbal- suggesting a key role for microvascular dysfunction in the patho-
ance between angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors in preeclamp- physiology of this condition. Our observations are, however,
tic pregnancies [31–35]. In agreement with our data, Hasan et al. restricted to a limited number of severe preeclamptic pregnancies
[10] demonstrated a significant decrease in the functional and struc- and although our findings are biologically plausible, they should be
tural skin capillary density in preeclamptic women while Nama et al. confirmed in future studies evaluating microcirculation during
[9] showed that such decreases could be related to the imbalance early pregnancy and its relationship with other markers of
between angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors. Thereby, defective endothelial dysfunction.
angiogenesis manifested by a reduction in the total microvascular
density seems to be a key feature of preeclampsia and could account
Financial support
for the abnormalities in vascular resistance and the alterations in tis-
sue perfusion leading to clinical manifestations. The relationships
Tecnoquímicas S.A. (Colombia) – Centro Investigaciones Clíni-
between angiogenic/anti-angiogenic factors and microcirculatory
cas, Fundación Valle del Lili (CO) (CIC 001) – Universidad ICESI
dysfunction in preeclampsia should, therefore be addressed in
(CO) (IP-FO-01).
future studies.
The funding did not influence the study design, collection, anal-
We observed a significant improvement in microvascular blood
ysis or interpretation of the data, nor the writing of this report, nor
flow distribution in preeclamptic patients with HELLP syndrome
the decision to submit this article to Pregnancy Hypertension
after placental delivery, suggesting the potential reversibility of
convective blood flow alterations. Vascular densities did not, how-
ever, change significantly, despite macro hemodynamic normaliza- Statement of authorship
tion (at least within the first hours after delivery), suggesting that
TCD alterations could be related to abnormal vascular angiogenesis Contributions
and not to vasomotor alterations. Unfortunately, we did not use
topical mucosal vasodilators to discard whether such disturbances  Gustavo Adolfo OSPINA-TASCÓN, M.D., Ph.D: Conception and
were due to vasoconstriction. Conversely, when all preeclamptic design of the study, collection of data, analysis of microcircula-
patients subjected to early placental delivery strategies were eval- tion video sequences, analysis and interpretation of data, prepa-
uated, we did not find significant differences for any microcircula- ration and critical review of the manuscript.
tory blood flow variable, which could be explained by the low  Albaro José NIETO CALVACHE, M.D.: Conception and design of
severity of convective blood flow alterations observed in PE with- the study, collection of data, analysis and interpretation of data,
out HELLP syndrome in our population. One could hypothesize that preparation and critical review of the manuscript.

Please cite this article in press as: G.A. Ospina-Tascón et al., Microcirculatory blood flow derangements during severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome,
Preg. Hyper: An Int. J. Women’s Card. Health (2017),
G.A. Ospina-Tascón et al. / Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women’s Cardiovascular Health xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 7

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Please cite this article in press as: G.A. Ospina-Tascón et al., Microcirculatory blood flow derangements during severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome,
Preg. Hyper: An Int. J. Women’s Card. Health (2017),

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