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Term-End Examination
N- December, 2009



Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50

(Weightage 70%)
Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Do any four questions
from queshon no. 2 to 7.

1. Which of the following statements are true ? 10

Justify your answers :
The function f, defined by f (x) = sin 2x, is
periodic with period 7r.
If f (x) = x3 and g (x) = 4x, then fog = gof.

d [re x
--d–x - ix lnt dt = xex –In x

sin x > x –— , for x > 0.
(e) f (x) = sin x has a maximum value at two
points in [0, 27r].

MTE-1 1 P.T.O.
2. (a) Taking six equilength sub-intervals of the 6
interval — 3, 3], find the approximate value

of x dx by the trapezoidal rule, and also

by the Simpson's rule. Compare these

values with the actual value also.
(b) Evaluate f0 4
5 + 4 cos X •

3. (a) If y = (cos -1 x) 2 check whether or not 4

yn +2 — ( 2n +1)xy n1 — n2yn = 0.
Prove that the function f, defined by 2

f (x) = sinx — cosx, is monotonic on 0, 2 [ .

Find the area enclosed by the cardioid 4

r= a (1+ cos0).

4. (a) Find the maximum and minimum values, if 4

any, of the function f defined by
f (x) = 8x5 — 15x4 + 10x3.
(b) Suppose 3
c 2 x , if x < 1
f (x)=
3cx— 2, if x 1
Determine all the value of c for which f is
continuous for all real values of x.

MTE-1 2
(c) Differentiate sin— with respect to 3
1 + X2
1 - X2
1+ X 2 1
(a) If In = — 1 4 x dx (n > 1), then prove 5

that In +
Hence find the value of 16.
(b) Prove that the sum of intercept on the 5
coordinate axes of any tangent to the curve
Nri \fi = is constant, where a > 0.

Trace the curve 4y 2 = x2(x2 + y2). Also, clearly 10

state all the properties you have used for tracing

x2 + 1
7. (a) Evaluate ex dx . 3
(x +1)2
Find all the asymptotes of the curve 4
x3 + y3 = 6xy.
Find the domain and range of the function 3
f, defined by f Vx2 - 4.


MTE-1 3 P.T.O.
I TIA4. -1
tittich q
3 Trai chi stoi

tixl ti t1T

q t1 l-cit, 2009

Ch 1 : 4.
Tr:64.-1 : chmi
ffH el : 2 It" : 50
(17ci Th7 70% )

VE": 301 Fl! 1 a+<11 giteif g, 301 2 4 7 # 9t)4r Wri^3R7

w7f-- 7. 1 4>e-q,e-?ej m e► g ch<-? 371-17-

1. 141 (1 tld 4-4 ETa. ? 311T4 314 -*--1; 10

-grg I

f (x) = sin 2x gill trft ilTruff th—d7 f 374-4-w

Tik-d airTdIt I.

7ifq f (x) = x3 3t1T g (x) = 4x,c9 fo g — gof + II I

d rex
cTx- ix lnt dt = xex —In x.

x> sin x > x —— .

(e) f (x)= sin x [0, 21-r] t rci-saff dr"cr4B


MTE-1 5 P.T.O.
(a) 31- 71-0 [ -3, 3] * citicit-ei0sR
3-cf-afaTM Pi f#SCri

• 4
q gRI fx dx kir;Ichd TrF old

I Ti -p:rk 1:ITi ift

(b) 4
J.0 5 + 4 cos x 1:fri I
(a) -zft y = (cos -1 x) 2 7N f* 4
yn +2 - ( 2n +1)xyn , -/ - n2yn = 0 t TIT -01
#14 fi f (x) = sinx - cosx mitillftfff 2

0, [ ldlt1

WTP-T r = a (1 + cos()) gRI trfroz 4-479 4

Old I

4. f (x) = 8x5 - 15x4 10x3 9 4TINff Lbril f 4

-k-ar---S AT Trr9., irq*lItt,olcf*If7R1
{c2 x, if x < 1
1:1F f (x) = 3
3c x -2, if x 1
C* l 13 Ord .-rf-4Rf rok; f, x*
Th.ft aR.circido 4-11-4 rzR 4cict

MTE-1 6
(c) cos-1
1— X2
k1i4V sin -1
2x Ivr 3
1+ X2 1 + X2 )


5. Trfq In = — x dx (n > 1) ftz 5


fT In + I„_2 — I6
n - 1

rkiag cist) -FN= a> 0 V. 5

fcb41 Tzpi fa---vrfw aTkil ITT atff:tiZ
ql , mo 31-q7 t I

6. i 4y2 = x2 (x2 + y2) TT 3-110 1-1 1 1f4R I 5 ti ct) I 10

arltuut m ,(4 3TrEr4 rn711 mqlq 611 t

d • TcTE --•dq7 I

f x 2 +1 x , 3
7. (a) e a x -179. Pi cnirc-R I
( x + 1)2
(b) 7t) x3 + y3 = 6xy R ift 31"9.-d71711 7110 Vi7R 4

(c) f (x) = \ix 2 - 4 5R I tIft 'ITTNU 410 '1 fWF .51fU 3

tri-mT vrff


MTE-1 7

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