Hoyer Reverses After Inquiry Messaging Flub: Kennedy Warned Against Challenging Sen. Markey

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V O L . 1 3 • N O . 7 3 | T H U R S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | P O L I T I C O . C O M

Why the GOP shouldn’t breathe ‘I love Bernie, Biden camp thinks Matt
a sigh of relief after N.C. win but …’ the media just doesn’t get it Wuerker
Republicans held on to a district Trump carried Sanders needs to The ex-VP’s allies say neither detractors The cartoonist’s
by 12 points in 2016, while Democrats’ sagging convince voters he can in the media nor his rivals on the stump daily take on the
rural performance also drew notice. win a general election. understand the root of his appeal. world of politics.

Hoyer reverses
after inquiry
messaging flub
The No. 2 Democrat backtracks later, saying
he misunderstood an impeachment question
BY SARAH FERRIS, The No. 2 Democrat later re-
HEATHER CAYGLE, leased a statement that said he
LAURA BARRÓN-LÓPEZ misunderstood a question from
AND ANDREW DESIDERIO reporters, shortly after he told re-
House Democratic leaders still porters that he did not believe the
can’t get their impeachment mes- House is conducting an impeach-
saging straight. ment investigation — a direct con-
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer on tradiction of the language in the
Wednesday backtracked after say- House’s own court cases against
ing Democrats were not conduct- President Donald Trump, and one
ing an “impeachment inquiry,” a that senior Democrats fear could
PATRICK SEMANSKY/AP remark that directly contradicted hurt their standing with the federal
Sept. 11 remembrance at the Pentagon top House investigators and sowed
further confusion about Demo-
“I thought the question was in
Donald Trump marked his third Sept. 11 anniversary as president, honoring victims, first responders and crats’ strategy. IMPEACHMENT on page 12
U.S. troops at a Pentagon event. He also warned militants, saying, “If anyone dares to strike our land, we
will respond with the full measure of American power and the iron will of the American spirit.”

Kennedy warned against

Senators make last-ditch plea to Trump on guns challenging Sen. Markey
BY BURGESS EVERETT as Thursday. all can agree on is what I took out BY BURGESS EVERETT
AND MARIANNE LeVINE The senators described Trump of it.” AND HEATHER CAYGLE
President Donald Trump spoke as engaged and inquisitive on the “We’re getting to the witching Joe Kennedy doesn’t have to just
for 40 minutes with three leading speakerphone with them as they hour, and we’ll know soon within beat incumbent Ed Markey to win
senators Wednesday about ex- made a last-ditch bid to get the the next day or two about whether a Senate seat. He’ll also have to
panding background checks during president to support expanding the White House is willing to put a trounce Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth
gun sales, keeping alive the Sen- background checks to cover private substantive background checks bill Warren, Senate Democrats’ cam-
ate’s long-running gun negotia- sellers on the internet, advertise- on the table,” Murphy said. paign arm — and maybe Alexandria
tions with the White House for at ments and gun shows. Trump has But Toomey, who is lobbying re- Ocasio-Cortez. Kennedy Markey
least one more day. been reluctant to commit to any luctant members of his own party The 38-year-old congressman
Trump is expected to be briefed piece of legislation, but the sena- to support a new version of legis- and grandson of Robert F. Kennedy “That kind of intraparty fighting
on Thursday by White House of- tors said he’s doing enough to keep lation he wrote with Manchin in will confront a buzz saw of Wash- is not good in the long term. And I
ficials on his options, according their hopes alive. 2013, was more cautious on both ington Democrats if he takes the don’t think it will be good for Joe
to two GOP officials familiar with “We’ll know hopefully by to- the timeline and the president’s leap to challenge the Massachu- Kennedy,” Sen. Jeanne Shaheen
the matter. And Sens. Joe Man- morrow if there’s something we stance. Trump said they are “go- setts senator, a move that would (D-N.H.) warned. “I’m a survivor
chin (D-W.Va.), Chris Murphy (D- can agree on, and once we agree ing to take a look at a lot of different create a massive distraction for the of the [Ted] Kennedy-[Jimmy]
Conn.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) said on something, we’re going to hold things.” party in a safe Democratic state Carter fight. I know how long those
Trump could signal to the Hill what to it and fight for it,” Manchin said. “He did not make a commitment amid a battle for both the White sentiments last.”
package he could support as soon Trump “can support something we GUNS on page 13 House and the Senate majority. MASSACHUSETTS on page 15


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A daily diary of the Trump presidency

Trump brings up failed Taliban out?), Sleepy Joe, Pocahontas and

peace talks in Sept. 11 remarks virtually all others would beat me
President Donald Trump on in the General Election,” Trump
Wednesday made his remarks wrote online.
at a memorial service marking An ABC News/Washington
the anniversary of the Sept. 11 Post survey released Wednesday
attacks to bring up his dashed showed Trump lagging behind
peace talks with the Taliban. former Vice President Joe Biden,
Speaking at a ceremony at Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders,
the Pentagon, the president Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth
reiterated his position that Warren, California Sen. Kamala
he wants to bring the ensuing Harris and South Bend, Ind.,
military conflict in the Middle Mayor Pete Buttigieg in potential
East to an end, but pointed to a general election contests.
deadly Taliban attack in Kabul, Biden enjoyed the most
Afghanistan, last week to significant advantage over
justify his sudden cancellation Trump among all adults polled,
of peace talks that were set to 16 percentage points ahead of the
take place at Camp David last president, while Sanders led by
weekend. 12 points, Warren by 11 points,
“We do not seek confl ict. Harris by 10 points and Buttigieg
But if anyone dares to strike by 6 points.
our land, we will respond with Among registered voters,
the full measure of American Biden is out in front of Trump by
power and the iron will of 15 points, Sanders by 9 points,
the American spirit, and that Warren and Harris by 7 points,
spirit is unbreakable,” he said and Buttigieg by 4 points —
during an otherwise standard though Buttigieg’s advantage
speech commemorating the is within the survey’s range of
18th anniversary of the Sept. 11 sampling error.
attacks. “This is a phony suppression
“We had peace talks scheduled poll, meant to build up their
a few days ago,” he continued. Democrat partners. I haven’t
“I called them off when I learned even started campaigning yet,
that they had killed a great and am constantly fighting
American soldier from Puerto Fake News like Russia, Russia,
Rico and 11 other innocent EVAN VUCCI/AP Russia,” Trump tweeted.
Trump alleged that the Taliban 9/11 remembrance, and a threat Although the president
claimed he has not begun
had conducted the attack in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump hold a moment of silence Wednesday at the White campaigning for reelection, he
Kabul to gain leverage in the House on the 18th anniversary of 9/11. The president later spoke at a ceremony at the Pentagon. “The last has held regular campaign-style
talks and “to show strength. But four days, we have hit our enemy harder than they have ever been hit before, and that will continue,” Trump rallies across the country dating
actually, what they showed is said, apparently referring to the Taliban. “And if for any reason they come back to our country, we will go back to the transition period
unrelenting weakness.” wherever they are and use power the likes of which the United States has never used before.” before his inauguration, and his
Reactions were mixed to 2020 campaign manager has been
Trump’s revelation over the in place since February 2018.
weekend that he’d planned “Look at North Carolina
to bring Taliban and Afghan last night. Dan Bishop, down
leaders to the U.S. to fi nalize a ‘Mr. Tough Guy’: Trump delivers within former President George events on Wednesday, recounting big in the Polls, WINS. Easier
peace deal that had been reached vicious takedown of Bolton W. Bush’s administration. that “John came to see me the than 2016!” Trump continued,
in principle earlier in the week. President Donald Trump on “You know, John wasn’t in night before” his ouster and pointing toward the Republican
While some lamented Trump Wednesday savaged former line with what we were doing, pointing to the chair in the Oval state senator’s victory Tuesday
upending the yearlong peace national security adviser and actually, in some cases, he Office where Bolton allegedly sat. in the closely watched special
talks, others asserted that the John Bolton one day after thought it was too tough what we “I told him, ‘John, you have too election for North Carolina’s 9th
U.S. should never have been unceremoniously dismissing were doing,” Trump said. “‘Mr. many people. You’re not getting Congressional District.
negotiating with terrorists in him via Twitter — blasting his Tough Guy.’ You know, ‘You have along with people. And a lot of “If it weren’t for the never
the fi rst place, let alone inviting hawkish ex-aide’s hard-charging to go into Iraq.’ Going into Iraq us, including me, disagree with ending Fake News about me,
them to a storied location like brand of diplomacy and partly was something that he felt very some of your tactics and some of and with all that I have done
Camp David. blaming him for launching the strongly about.” your ideas. And I wish you well, (more than any other President
The plan even divided the Iraq War. Trump caught much of but I’d like you to submit your in the fi rst 2 1/2 years!), I would
White House and is said to In a winding assessment Washington and seemingly resignation,’” Trump said. be leading the ‘Partners’ of
have been a major factor in of his tenure atop the White some senior members of his — Quint Forgey the LameStream Media by 20
Tuesday’s ouster of national House’s National Security administration off guard on points,” he concluded. “Sorry,
security adviser John Bolton. Council, delivered to reporters Tuesday when he tweeted the Trump slams poll showing him but true!”
Bolton, a policy hawk who assembled in the Oval Office, news of Bolton’s ouster. trailing several 2020 Democrats Trump most recently railed
clashed with Trump frequently, Trump alternated between “I informed John Bolton last President Donald Trump on against polls by news outlets on
vocally opposed the talks, as vicious criticism of Bolton and night that his services are no Wednesday dismissed a survey Tuesday, after an ABC News/
did Vice President Mike Pence, an insistence that they had longer needed at the White showing him trailing several of Washington Post survey reported
according to several media maintained a warm working House,” the president wrote his top 2020 Democratic rivals his job approval rating dropping
reports. relationship. online. “I disagreed strongly with in head-to-head matchups, to 38 percent — a decrease of 6
And while Trump maintained “John is somebody that I many of his suggestions, as did and blamed “never ending points from a peak of 44 percent
that he’s looking to strike a actually get along with very others in the Administration, and Fake News” for his dismal approval in July.
peace deal, he also issued an well. He made some very therefore … I asked John for his performance in public polling “One of the greatest and most
explicit warning to the Taliban, big mistakes,” Trump said, resignation, which was given to ahead of next year’s election. powerful weapons used by the
claiming that in the wake of last repeatedly referencing Bolton’s me this morning.” The broadsides appeared on Fake and Corrupt News Media is
week’s attack “we have hit our invocation of a “Libya model” for White House press secretary the president’s Twitter feed the phony Polling Information
enemy harder than they have North Korean denuclearization in Stephanie Grisham on Tuesday roughly a half-hour before he they put out,” he charged in a
ever been hit before and that will April 2018. backed up the her boss’ story, and fi rst lady Melania Trump tweet. “Many of these polls are
continue.” “It set us back, and frankly, saying that Bolton and Trump walked out of the White House fi xed, or worked in such a way
To applause from the audience he wanted to do things not met in the Oval Office on Monday to participate in a moment that a certain candidate will look
of officials, Sept. 11 survivors necessarily tougher than me,” night before the president of silence on the South Lawn good or bad. Internal polling
and family members of victims, Trump said. “You know, John’s departed for a rally in North commemorating the 18th looks great, the best ever!”
Trump went on: “And if for any known as a tough guy. He’s so Carolina. It was then that Trump anniversary of the Sept. 11 The ABC News/Washington
reason they come back to our tough, he got us into Iraq. That’s asked for Bolton’s resignation, attacks. He is scheduled to Post national poll was conducted
country, we will go wherever tough.” she said. attend an observance ceremony Sept. 2 to Sept. 5, including a
they are and use power the likes Trump again claimed later in But Bolton offered a different at the Pentagon later in the random sample of 1,003 adults.
of which the United States has his remarks that it was he, not account in his own tweet posted morning. The overall margin of error is
never used before — and I’m Bolton, who at times advocated shortly after Trump’s messages “In a hypothetical poll, done by plus or minus 3.5 percentage
not even talking about nuclear for a more muscular foreign on Tuesday: “I offered to one of the worst pollsters of them points, and the margin of
power. They will never have seen policy approach, despite Bolton’s resign last night and President all, the Amazon Washington error among the sample of 877
anything like what will happen perceived proclivity for military Trump said, ‘Let’s talk about it Post/ABC, which predicted I registered voters is plus or minus
to them.” intervention and championing tomorrow.’” would lose to Crooked Hillary 4 percentage points.
— Caitlin Oprysko of the 2003 invasion of Iraq from Trump stuck to his version of by 15 points (how did that work — Quint Forgey
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Why GOP shouldn’t breathe a sigh of relief after N.C. win

Republicans narrowly
held on to a district
Trump carried by
12 points in 2016
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Republicans
went all-in to keep hold of a key
congressional district in a special
election Tuesday, and they won —
but they still have good reason to be
concerned about the result.
While the GOP can celebrate the
election of a new congressman, Dan
Bishop, his 2-percentage-point vic-
tory in a district President Donald
Trump carried by 12 points in 2016
continues a worrisome trend for the
party, which suffered heavy losses in
the 2018 midterms and has not seen
the political environment improve
as Trump gears up for reelection.
Trump cannot win a second term
without improving his political
position, and Democrats know it,
casting Bishop’s narrow win as a
sign of progress in North Carolina.
But Democrats also saw worrying
trends of their own on Tuesday, as
their candidate Dan McCready ben-
efited from a surge in metropolitan
support that would have brought
them victory — if not for an even
stronger swell in rural support for BRIAN BLANCO/GETTY IMAGES
Bishop and the GOP. Dan Bishop celebrates after winning North Carolina’s 9th District seat on Tuesday. Bishop based his win in a red district on improved turnout in exurban
In short, Tuesday’s results out- and rural areas. “Trump’s support in these mixed rural-suburban districts is really strong,” said David McIntosh, president of the Club for Growth.
lined the path to 2020 victory for
both parties, cut along the fun-
damental trend of politics in the take the House last year. And next it’s hard to argue with results: Mc- includes parts of Charlotte and a spirited primary race from a self-
Trump era: cities and suburbs year, it will decide whether Trump Cready had carried the surround- its southern suburbs, 56 percent funding opponent accusing him of
swinging more and more Demo- gets another term or a Democrat ing county, Cumberland County, to 43 percent, up from a 10-point insufficient loyalty to Trump, in
cratic, while the president’s ap- takes the White House for four by more than 4 percentage points win in 2018. Those are some of the addition to the challenge of seek-
peal brings exurbs and rural voters years. last year. But Bishop won it by the same trends that led the party to ing reelection in a swing state.
deeper into the GOP fold. Trump Trump’s election-eve rally for narrowest of margins on Tues- lose Michigan, Pennsylvania and Republicans were quick to trum-
pushed harder on one side of the Bishop brought thousands to Fay- day, also making improvements in Wisconsin in the 2016 presidential pet the success of their coordinated
scale to win in 2016; Democrats etteville on Monday night on the neighboring counties far from the race, even if stronger numbers in effort — from last-minute visits
pushed back on the other side to eastern edge of the district, and Charlotte suburbs where McCready metropolitan areas can put new from Trump and Vice President
was strongest. states on the map for the party. Mike Pence, all the way down to
“Trump’s support in these mixed “If we don’t connect with rural the congressional leaders and the
rural-suburban districts is really voters — if we don’t show up in constellation of official and outside
strong,” said David McIntosh, 2020 and win these places back — groups and super PACs — in push-
president of the conservative Club then Trump wins,” Montana Gov. ing Bishop across the finish line.
for Growth and a former Indiana Steve Bullock, a candidate for the That may not be replicable in
congressman. Democratic presidential nomina- November 2020 all the way down
Robert L. Allbritton Republicans agreed the party’s tion, tweeted late Tuesday night. the ballot. But Trump’s robust
PUBLISHER & EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN fortunes are tied to Trump’s in Kellyanne Conway, the former campaign operation — which he
Patrick Steel 2020 — and argued the results on GOP campaign pollster now work- continues to build as Democrats
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Tuesday suggested that might not ing as a counselor to Trump in the fight for their party’s nomination
be a bad thing. White House, touted Trump as the — will be formidable, despite the
Matthew Kaminski “The rest of the party is going to difference-marker, boosting “en- president’s low political standing
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF live or die based on how the presi- thusiasm, optimism and turnout” compared with past incumbents.
dent, in ’20, performs,” said Pat- for Bishop with Monday’s rally. “The White House, Republican
Carrie Budoff Brown rick Sebastian, a GOP consultant in “The haters waste so much time leadership and all our Republican
the state. “If Trump can win North trying to insult and impede the and conservative partners were
CONGRESSIONAL STAFF Carolina by a point or two, that’s president that they fail to grasp there for us every step of the way
BEN WEYL CONGRESS EDITOR HEATHER CAYGLE, KYLE CHENEY, excellent news for the party.” the political currency he conveys in because they all understood what
DAVID KIHARA SENIOR EDITOR ANDREW DESIDERIO, BURGESS EVERETT, Meanwhile, Democrats were tight races like this,” Conway said. was at stake in this election,”
JOHN BRESNAHAN CONGRESSIONAL BUREAU CHIEF SARAH FERRIS, MARIANNE LeVINE, quick to find the silver lining in Mc- The president took even more Bishop said in his victory speech
MELANIE ZANONA REPORTERS Cready’s narrow defeat. Rep. Cheri credit for Bishop’s win, writing in Tuesday night.
NEWSPAPER STAFF Bustos of Illinois, the chairwoman a victory lap on Twitter that Bishop For McCready, who campaigned
BILL KUCHMAN ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR SUSHANT SAGAR COPY DESK CHIEF of the Democratic Congressional was trailing and “asked me for help, for this House seat for 27 months —
M. SCOTT MAHASKEY DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY ANDY GOODWIN, JUDAH TAYLOR, Campaign Committee, noted that [and] we changed his strategy to- launching a campaign in 2017, suf-
MATT WUERKER EDITORIAL CARTOONIST ROBIN TURNER COPY EDITORS there are nearly three dozen GOP- gether, and he ran a great race.” fering an apparent defeat in 2018
held House seats that are less Bishop’s embrace of the presi- only to run again in 2019 when the
Republican-leaning than North dent — in the closing days of the previous election was voided amid
For corrections or questions regarding the newspaper, email bweyl@politico.com or dkihara@politico.com. Carolina’s 9th District. campaign, he repeatedly decried credible allegations of ballot fraud
POLITICO serves the United States Senate and SEPTEMBER’S PUBLISHING SCHEDULE “We fell an inch short tonight, the treatment Trump had received — he sounded some of the same bi-
House of Representatives, the White House but it took more than $6 million in from Democrats and the news me- partisan notes that twice brought
and offices of the executive branch, Cabinet departments and
federal agencies, the Supreme Court, lobbyists and special outside Republican spending and a dia and said he would go to Con- him close to winning a congres-
interest groups, the media, airline and rail passengers, paid last-minute Trump rally to scrape gress as a vocal Trump defender — sional seat Democrats haven’t held
subscribers and select nonpaid recipients. Reproduction of
this publication in whole or in part is prohibited except with the by in a district that the president also serves as a playbook for other since the 1960s.
written permission of the publisher. POLITICO is nonideological carried by 11.9 points,” Bustos said. Republicans. “We may not have won this cam-
and nonpartisan.
Democrats did increase their “Republicans should be watch- paign, but that does not mean we
POLITICO is published Tuesday through Thursday when
Congress is in session, and on Wednesday when Congress is in margins in and around Charlotte ing: Run with the president and were wrong,” McCready said in his
recess for one week or less, by POLITICO LLC. Subscriptions are in the election, but they were win,” Conway said. concession speech. “And as long
$200 per year or $350 for two years for domestic subscribers,
and $600 per year overseas. POLITICO is printed at Evergreen POLITICO.com swamped by Bishop’s stronger per- That could include vulnerable in- as there are people who thrive off
Printing and Publishing Co. Inc., Bellmawr, N.J. POSTMASTER: PHONE (703) 647-7999 • FAX (703) 647-7998 formance east of the city. McCready cumbents like GOP Sen. Thom Til- our division, there is still work to
Send change of address to POLITICO, P.O. Box 36, Congers, NY 1000 WILSON BLVD., 8TH FLOOR
10920-0036. © POLITICO LLC, 2018. ARLINGTON, VA 22209 won Mecklenburg County, which lis of North Carolina, who is facing be done.”
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White House moves to ban flavored e-cigarettes

Vaping-related illness covered by FDA restrictions an-
nounced last fall that limited sales
that has sickened 450 of flavored vaping products in con-
and is tied to six venience stores and gas stations.
Azar said the administration
deaths prompts action within weeks would prioritize
requirements subjecting flavored
BY ADRIEL BETTELHEIM, products, including mint and men-
ADAM CANCRYN thol, to pre-market reviews. The
AND SARAH OWERMOHLE administration has been develop-
The Trump administration is ing a rule requiring all e-cigarette
finalizing a ban on flavored e- makers to submit their products for
cigarettes after the outbreak of a review by May 2020 or pull them
vaping-related illness that’s sick- off the market.
ened 450 people and resulted in at Manufacturers would have to
least six deaths. show the administration their
“We can’t allow people to get products don’t pose a public health
sick and we can’t have our youth threat. They would also need to
be so affected,” President Donald demonstrate why any flavored prod-
Trump said during an Oval Office ucts should stay on the market. E-
meeting with Health and Human cigarette manufacturers that submit
Services Secretary Alex Azar and products for review can keep their
acting Food and Drug Administra- products on the market for a year
tion Commissioner Ned Sharpless. while the FDA evaluates them.
“People are dying from vaping, so “The Trump administration
we’re looking at it very closely.” is making it clear that we intend
Democrats and an increasing to clear the market of flavored e-
number of Republicans in Con- cigarettes to reverse the deeply
gress have pressed for flavor bans, ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES concerning epidemic of youth
age restrictions and other curbs on “We can’t allow people to get sick and we can’t have our youth be so affected,” President Donald Trump said e-cigarette use that is impacting
the sale of vaping products. They’ve Wednesday during an Oval Office meeting with health officials, adding, “People are dying from vaping.” children, families, schools and
urged the FDA to move faster to in- communities,” Azar said.
vestigate and regulate e-cigarettes, The agency in March acknowl-
which manufacturers have touted the respiratory illness, hammering Azar’s backing, despite griping are to blame for recent cases of lung edged that many flavored vapes
as devices to wean people from tra- the FDA for weeks over its delays in from some congressional Repub- illness, adding that flavored vaping would likely be discontinued in
ditional cigarettes but have led to taking decisive action. licans who had lobbied for a more products have been shown to be one response to the looming regula-
what the FDA calls an “epidemic” “It’s been clear for years that sympathetic approach to the vap- of the most effective smoking ces- tory deadline and sales restrictions.
of youth vaping of nicotine. an epidemic of youth e-cigarette ing industry. Azar’s allies have said sation tools. Senate Finance Chairman Chuck
Public health officials haven’t addiction was building,” Sen. Jeff he’s had a particularly strong in- “Barring flavors would be a pub- Grassley (R-Iowa) on Wednesday
established a firm cause for the Merkley of Oregon said. “It should terest in public health, including a lic health travesty,” the group said endorsed the administration’s fo-
vaping-related respiratory ill- never have taken multiple deaths deeply cynical view of tobacco and in a statement. cus on vaping, but stopped short of
nesses. Counterfeit or black-market and hundreds of cases of teenagers e-cigarettes. The administration’s announce- backing a sweeping ban. Grassley
vapes might be playing a role, but with lung disease.” Azar “saw the work that Gott- ment came as preliminary findings has long expressed concern about
legal vapes haven’t been ruled out. Administration health officials lieb was doing as very much part from a national youth tobacco sur- presidents’ use of executive pow-
Many of the cases have been linked have for months expressed con- of his own legacy,” one person vey indicate a continued rise in ers, preferring that Congress pass
to vaped forms of marijuana and cerns about the spread of e-ciga- familiar with the situation said, vaping, especially of nontobacco legislation instead.
one of its compounds, CBD. rette use, and they raised alarms adding that industry giant Juul’s flavors. HHS said preliminary data “I’m concerned about the rise in
Capitol Hill Democrats swiftly about companies’ marketing claims attempts to curry favor with the shows that more than a quarter of underage vaping and the ability for
backed the administration’s move, and product safety well before re- Trump administration won over high school students had used e- devices to be tampered with in ways
calling it long overdue and further ports of vaping-related illness first few officials at HHS. cigarettes in the past 30 days, and that might be especially hazardous
evidence that the growing e-ciga- made waves last month. Vaping industry groups were the overwhelming majority of to users’ health,” he said, adding
rette market needs tight oversight. Former FDA Commissioner Scott quick to condemn the administra- youth e-cigarette users cited the that he’s already discussed the is-
Democrats, led by Sen. Dick Durbin Gottlieb, who left the administra- tion’s move. The Vapor Technology use of popular fruit and menthol sue with members of his panel. “It’s
of Illinois, had harshly criticized tion in the spring, pushed an ag- Association said there is no indi- or mint flavors. something we’re looking into in the
the administration’s response to gressive anti-smoking agenda with cation that its members’ products Mint and menthol were not Finance Committee.”

Senators back Trump’s wall despite move to shift military funding

BY MARIANNE LeVINE wall, and as of now, it doesn’t ap- Tillis said when he wrote the op- ish them down the road would should be standing up against it,”
AND JAMES ARKIN pear that anyone will change their ed he “had less concerns with what amount to a drop in the bucket for Cortez Masto said. “At least from
Vulnerable Senate Republicans vote. we were doing here and more con- total defense appropriations. what I’ve seen from The Den-
are standing with President Donald Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), cerns with the precedent we would “We all have parochial concerns ver Post it’s having an impact,
Trump and his efforts to build the who is up for reelection in 2020 set for future precedents and I still about our states but border secu- absolutely.”
wall. And it may cost them. and whose state will see military stand by that.” He added that he rity is part of national security, so W h e n a s k e d We d n e s d a y
Last week, the Trump adminis- money diverted for the wall, said still wants to work with Sen. Mike my constituents want to make sure whether he’d support the national
tration unveiled its plan to divert he’s confident the money for those Lee (R-Utah) on making changes to we do our job,” Cornyn said. “And emergency declaration, Gardner
$3.6 billion in military construc- projects will be restocked. the law governing national emer- if the Democrats won’t cooperate responded: “I haven’t seen the
tion funding to build the president’s “I’m willing to divert funding gencies, even though he continues then we’re going to have to do the resolution of disapproval, but I
border wall, a move that came for the wall since we couldn’t get to support the current one. Lee last best we can without them.” mean, the Democrats refuse to
after Trump declared a national a legislative outcome we can deal week criticized Trump’s decision Democrats plan to attack Re- fund the border.”
emergency in February to access with these projects later in the next to divert military funding to build publicans politically for support- In March, the majority of Repub-
the funds. Among the states with budget cycle,” Graham said. “But the wall. ing Trump’s wall over projects licans voted against a resolution
projects the administration plans to I’m willing to divert the funding Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) in their home states. Democratic disapproving of Trump’s national
raid are Colorado, Arizona, North and absorb some pain to get the also plans to vote again for the na- challengers bashed Republicans emergency declaration. Twelve
Carolina, Texas and South Carolina wall moving forward.” tional emergency. Others say the last week when the list of military Republicans broke with Trump,
— all of which have senators up for Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) also onus is on Democrats, arguing that projects affected was announced. including Sen. Susan Collins of
reelection in 2020. said this week that the two proj- the minority has insufficiently sup- Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto of Ne- Maine, who is also up for reelection.
But Democrats are seeking to ects in his state affected by Trump’s ported funding for border security vada, who chairs the Democratic Republicans insist they aren’t
pressure Republicans into going military construction diversion measures. Senatorial Campaign Committee, concerned about the political im-
on the record with their support would still get funding on time, “We wouldn’t be in this posi- referenced a Denver Post editorial plications of continuing to support
for Trump’s national emergency adding that he will vote against the tion if Democrats would just vote criticizing Sen. Cory Gardner for the border emergency.
by forcing another vote disapprov- resolution of disapproval. Earlier for border security funds but since failing to speak out against Colo- “Senate Democrats have shirked
ing of it in the next month. Under this year, Tillis published an op- they won’t do it then the president rado funds being diverted. all responsibility when it comes to
federal law, Democrats can bring ed in The Washington Post, say- is exercising these extraordinary “I think, from my perspective, dealing with the crisis at the border
up the disapproval vote every six ing that he would vote against the powers,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R- at the end of the day we should all and have failed to join Republicans
months. emergency declaration but reversed Texas). Cornyn downplayed con- be fighting for our states on issues in providing the necessary funds
Republicans insist the money his stance and voted to back Trump cerns about military construction that matter and no matter what to protect our country,” said Jesse
will be replenished later on and re- after coming under pressure from projects in his home state, saying the president is doing if it’s going Hunt, a spokesman for the National
iterated their support for the border within his party. that passing the funding to replen- to harm our communities then we Republican Senatorial Committee.
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T H U R S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | POLITICO | 11

Democrats decry double standard in fact-checking

Microscopic evaluation of Dems’ data points that we allow the bar to sink so low
that it vanishes.” He said “facts still
equates them with Trump’s whoppers, they say matter even if the Democrats are
not making up phone calls from the
BY MICHAEL CALDERONE lighting technical errors or dis- Boy Scouts or misdescribing altered
On Friday, The Washington puting policy talking points given maps when they get things wrong.”
Post’s Fact Checker column award- the unprecedented volume and fre- Pol iti Fact’s Hola n sa id the
ed three Pinocchios to President quency of Trump’s bogus claims. Democrats are currently running
Donald Trump for his boast that They’ve ranged from the danger- against one another and it would
he’s already built large sections of ous, like spreading unfounded con- be “a huge disservice to the vot-
a border wall, which the newspaper spiracy theories about the Clintons’ ing public, the primary voters, for
called “the false claim Trump most involvement in the death of Jeffrey fact-checkers to pull their punches
often repeats.” The Post counted Epstein, to the bizarre, such as in- in any way.”
nearly 200 instances of Trump sisting he was named Michigan’s Holan suggested primaries were
making it. “Man of the Year.” a less partisan time to fact-check
The Fact Checker also recently “In the Trump era, most fact- than the general election. “The vot-
gave three Pinocchios to Democrat checks on words uttered by those ers ostensibly are all on the same
Bernie Sanders for saying “500,000 other than Trump are tantamount team,” she said. “They’re looking
Americans will go bankrupt this to criticizing the captain of the at the field of candidates. They’re
year from medical bills” — when Titanic for not signaling before trying to make decisions about
the study on which the claim was ramming into an iceberg,” Nathan MICHAEL CIAGLO/GETTY IMAGES which is the best one to represent
based cited medical costs only as Barankin, a senior Harris adviser, Washington Post fact-checkers awarded Sen. Bernie Sanders three their interests.”
a contributing factor in 500,000 recently tweeted. Pinocchios for saying medical bills cause “500,000 bankruptcies a year,” But fact-checking during the
bankruptcies a year, and other stud- Beyond the Harris team’s gripes, when his source said only that they “contributed” to that many bankruptcies. 2020 Democratic primary, espe-
ies had a somewhat lower figure. the news media’s focus on former cially relating to Biden’s flubs, has
A false equivalence? Sanders’ Vice President Joe Biden’s factual revived criticism of the media from
team seems to think so — and errors, or gaffes, has drawn com- against it. addition to adjudicating whether the previous general election. CNN
they’re not alone among Democrat- parisons to the fervent coverage of But The Nation’s Jeet Heer sug- a claim is true or partially true. contributor Bianna Golodryga said
ic presidential campaigns fuming Hillary Clinton’s emails in the 2016 gested The Post’s fact-checking He acknowledges the pinocchio Sunday on the network that cov-
over fact-checkers who appear to election, while Sanders’ campaign is ideologically slanted, writing scale is “not scientific,” but said erage “brings back memories from
give their esoteric policy disputes has taken aim at the Post for pub- that the paper has “fallen into the he aims to be internally consistent how Hillary Clinton was covered
and faulty recollections the same lishing “factually inaccurate ‘fact- habit of accusing Bernie Sanders of when providing that “bottom line and some of the treatment she
weight as Trump’s daily whop- check’ articles.” That critique has misleading the public even in cases assessment.” received.”
pers and his spreading self-serv- been echoed in progressive outlets where the evidence is strongly on Kessler described the Fact Brookings Institution senior fel-
ing myths like that of millions of like The Nation and The Intercept. the side of the Vermont senator.” Checker’s mission as writing low Jonathan Rauch recently sug-
fraudulent voters. “When fact checkers rightly call For instance, Heer noted that “about important issues of poli- gested that the media, in an effort
The issue is of no small concern, Trump a liar for saying ‘the noise the Fact Checker took issue with cy” and “to provide an entree into to seek balance, “helps Trump and
Democratic strategists say. (from windmills) cause cancer,’ & Sanders for saying accurately in the demystifying or explaining policy normalizes his behavior by promot-
Trump’s bold lies and spreading then feel obligated to be ‘balanced’ first Democratic Debate that three issues to people.” ing false equivalents like Hillary’s
of disinformation — which have by calling Bernie a liar for correctly billionaires — Bill Gates, Warren Trump’s falsehoods that are emails and Biden’s gaffes.”
been regularly cited by almost ev- saying Wall Street got a ‘trillion Buffett and post-owner Jeff Bezos — deemed to be more trivial may not Biden has lately faced a flood of
ery mainstream news organiza- dollar bailout,’ Democracy Dies in have “more wealth than the bottom rise to the level of a standalone fact- negative headlines after several
tion — are a core part of their case Darkness,” Sanders senior adviser half of America.” check, he said, even though they’re misstatements, from false claims
against him. But when those same Warren Gunnels tweeted Saturday, Kessler and his team acknowl- included in the Post’s database. For about when he began publicly op-
outlets begin parsing Democrats for appropriating the Post’s slogan edged in its June 28 fact-check that instance, Trump’s false claim that posing the Iraq war to mangling
using questionable data and mak- while sharing The Intercept story. Sanders “snappy talking point is Hurricane Dorian was headed for the details of an anecdote about a
ing exaggerations, they create the The Post’s Fact Checker team, Alabama did not merit a separate soldier’s heroism in Afghanistan.
impression that everyone’s a fibber. led by editor and chief writer Glenn Fact Checker analysis. Rauch tweeted that the Post’s
When it comes to lying, Democrats Kessler, has catalogued more than Given the Fact Checker’s empha- article on Biden having conflated
say, Donald Trump once again has 12,000 false or misleading claims “We need to be clear sis on correcting the data behind three accounts into the soldier’s
broken the bounds of politics as made by Trump in office. The presi- serious policy matters, rather than story was “pretty innocuous,” and
usual, and the media is only help- dent’s tendency to continue making … that there is no blurted-out falsehoods, Democrats yet he noted it appeared on Page
ing him by enforcing the old rules. false claims in the face of evidence equivalence between running for president are likely to One while an article on Trump’s
Sharpie-altered map of Hurri-
The issue popped up again last even prompted them to add the be in its crosshairs throughout
week when Sen. Kamala Harris said “Bottomless Pinocchio” label to the frequency of the campaign. Kessler noted that cane Dorian’s trajectory landed
during a CNN climate town hall its standard scale of one-to-four they’re now “getting lots of ques- on page 10. (The Post’s article on
that she once sued Exxon Mobil. A Pinnochios.
the dishonesty from tions about what Democrats are Biden did mention Trump’s 12,000-
fact-checker at the network rightly But their decision to grant the Pi- the president and saying.” plus false or misleading claims in
pointed out that she only investi- nocchios to Sanders’ claim about Democratic candidates are es- office, though not until the 17th
gated Exxon, while suing other 500,000 people going bankrupt from anyone in the pecially visible right now, with paragraph.)
oil companies. Harris’ campaign each year from medical bills pro- Democratic field.” 10 candidates hitting the debate The Atlantic’s James Fallows
responded not by challenging the voked a fierce reaction. The Sanders stage on Thursday night in Hous- agreed with Rauch’s critique and
point of fact, but fact-checking it- campaign disputed the designation — Daniel Dale CNN ton, a week after the same group suggested the media “have to”
self in the Trump era. in a letter to the Post’s top editor addressed how they’d tackle the avoid creating a false equivalence
“Trump spent the morning po- that also included a demand for a climate crisis during CNN’s seven- with Trump.
tentially illegally teasing out jobs retraction. hour town hall marathon. CNN’s “I think you can see the effects in
numbers and lying about a massive “The overall premise of the piece based on numbers that add up,” Daniel Dale and his colleagues fact- 2016, where substantial numbers of
hurricane’s trajectory, but sure, is absurd,” Gunnels wrote on Aug. but suggested it’s “a question of checked candidate claims at that non-‘base’ people thought: What
let’s spend our time on whether, as 31 to Post Executive Editor Marty comparing apples to oranges.” event, including Harris’s on Exxon. the hell, they’re both crooks (DJT
Attorney General, Kamala ‘sued’ Baron. “The Post’s Fact Checker Because “people in the bottom Dale, who began doggedly fact- HRC), why bother to get out and
vs. ‘investigated’ Exxon,” Ian issued Senator Sanders ‘three pi- half have essentially no wealth, as checking Trump three years ago vote,” he wrote.
Sams, her press secretary, wrote. nocchios’ for accurately citing a debts cancel out whatever assets while a reporter at the Toronto During an interview last week
“When parsing word choice is given peer-reviewed editorial published they might have,” the comparison Star, has continued that role since with CBS late-night host Stephen
the same treatment as intentional in the American Journal of Public to Gates, Buffett and Bezos “is not joining CNN in June. He recently Colbert, Biden said, “It’s fair to
lies … it blurs the very lines ‘fact Health.” especially meaningful.” broke down the venues in which go after a political figure for any-
checkers’ are supposed to help keep “In what world does this merit In an interview with POLITICO, Trump made more than 328 false thing.” Still, he suggested the gaffes
drawn.” one so-called ‘pinocchio’ let alone Kessler said he thought the apples- claims in a six-week period. Dale he’s made are not about “substan-
In interviews with POLITICO, three?” wrote Gunnels, adding that to-oranges point was an “uncon- and his CNN colleagues found tive issues” and pale in comparison
several prominent fact-checkers the Post’s rating falsely attacked troversial observation” in their that Trump made at least 22 false to Trump’s actions. “I don’t get
said they don’t believe their job has Sanders, tarnished the reputation roundup of Democrats’ claims dur- claims in Monday’s rally in North wrong things like, you know, we
changed when it comes to holding of the author of the editorial, and ing the first debate. After pushback Carolina. should lock up kids in cages at the
politicians accountable for their misled “the public on one of the on Twitter, Kessler updated the “We need to be clear and di- border,” he said.
words on the stump and in TV most serious problems facing the post with a response from Univer- rect about the fact that there is no The Biden campaign has admit-
studios, despite Trump’s persis- American people.” sity of California-Berkeley profes- equivalence between the frequency ted mistakes, though, such as tell-
tent falsehoods. Post Managing Editor Cameron sor Emmanuel Saez, who he wrote of the dishonesty from the presi- ing The Fact Checker on Monday
“T wo wrongs don’t make a Barr responded that the study in had “agreed with our assessment.” dent and from anyone in the Demo- that the candidate “misspoke by
right,” said PolitiFact editor Angie question did not determine what (PolitiFact, for its part, didn’t as- cratic field,” Dale told POLITICO. saying that he declared his opposi-
Drobnic Holan. causes bankruptcies, as Sanders sess whether Sanders’ comparison But even as Trump has uttered tion to the [Iraq] war immediately.”
But this traditional part of the claimed, but “only factors that was meaningful or not, but con- “an unprecedented barrage” of Kessler wrote that Biden was
primary vetting process has come contribute to them.” Barr also re- cluded it was true). false claims by historical standards, “on his way to Four Pinocchios
under fire in 2020, with critics jected the campaign’s accusation Kessler said his fact-checking Dale said, it “does not mean that we until his staff acknowledged that
questioning the utility of high- that there is “a pattern of bias” team tries to provide context in abandon fact-checking everyone, he misspoke.”
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12 | POLITICO | T H U R S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9

New Democratic dance: The impeachment sidestep

IMPEACHMENT from page 1 trict, said freshmen in tough dis- ferred to the House Judiciary Com-
regards to whether the full House is tricts told Nadler that they’re tired mittee, and in recent court filings,
actively considering articles of im- of Democrats being “characterized House lawyers have noted that the
peachment, which we are not at this as the party of impeachment.” panel is considering whether to
time,” Hoyer wrote in a statement. “Everyone is frustrated that im- recommend those articles, or a
“I strongly support Chairman peachment discussions take up all revised version, to the full House.
Nadler and the Judiciary Com- the oxygen in the room,” said Hill, As a member of the Bipartisan Legal
mittee Democrats as they proceed who was also in the meeting. “But Advisory Group, Hoyer signed off
with their investigation ‘to deter- beyond how we each talk about it on the lawsuits.
mine whether to recommend ar- in our own communities, and paid Additionally, in July, the com-
ticles of impeachment to the full communications, we cannot con- mittee began officially telling fed-
House,’ as the resolution states,” trol the national media narrative.” eral courts that it was considering
he continued. Some moderates have been whether to recommend articles of
Earlier, when pressed whether spooked by new polling by the impeachment against the president.
he agreed with Judiciary Chairman Democratic Congressional Cam- “[The] investigation includes
Jerry Nadler’s characterization that paign Committee, which found consideration of whether the Judi-
the House had begun an impeach- that the public was more aware of ciary Committee should exercise
ment inquiry, Hoyer said, “no.” Democratic investigations than the its Article I powers to recommend
“The delineation ought to be bills they’ve passed. articles of impeachment,” House
whether they’re considering a The national poll found that lawyers wrote in a lawsuit seek-
resolution of impeachment,” Hoyer “just 10% said investigating Trump ing testimony from former White
said. “I don’t want to be simplistic should be a top priority for Con- House counsel Don McGahn.
about it, but I don’t want to quibble gress, but 54% said that they be- “Articles of impeachment al-
on words either.” lieve it’s the top priority of Demo- ready have been introduced and
Hoyer’s initial comments un- crats in Congress,” according to the referred to the Judiciary Commit-
dercut Nadler (D-N.Y.), who has polling results, which was obtained tee in this Congress,” the lawsuit
said — and argued in court filings by POLITICO. continues.
that Hoyer himself signed off on — “The message was sent by mul- Hoyer on Wednesday addressed
that an impeachment investigation tiple members to the chairman that concerns from the caucus — par-
is ongoing. his efforts are sucking the air out ticularly from moderates — that
And minutes earlier, House of the room and they are not being talk of impeachment could swamp
Democratic Caucus Chairman cogently presented to the Ameri- the party’s ambitious agenda going
Hakeem Jeffries of New York had can people,” said one member in the into 2020.
declined to say definitively whether room. “They are being presented “The fear is that you will be ex-
the House is conducting an im- with elitist legalese.” clusively focused on it, to the exclu-
peachment investigation. ZACH GIBSON/GETTY IMAGES “All the while we’re not doing sion of all the other things we need
The comments from Hoyer and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer backtracked after saying Democrats were not nearly enough on health care and to do in the Congress of the United
Jeffries come as Speaker Nancy conducting an “impeachment inquiry,” a remark that contradicted House infrastructure and we’re losing States,” Hoyer said.
Pelosi has also sidestepped ques- investigators and sowed further confusion about Democrats’ strategy. trust of American people,” the Pressed on what, exactly, he
tions about impeachment and has member added. would consider a formal impeach-
avoided espousing the Judiciary Before Hoyer misspoke, Jeffries, ment inquiry, Hoyer said it would
Committee’s position on the issue. dent, while giving cover to vulner- ing Rep. Xochitl Torres-Small of a top member of the House Judi- need to be a specific action by the
Privately, several senior Demo- able moderates who have tried to New Mexico, and New York Reps. ciary Committee, said he would committee, or a formal floor vote
crats have expressed concerns that avoid the politically charged issue Anthony Brindisi and Max Rose, wait until after the panel voted on on the House.
the conflicting descriptions could altogether. told Nadler they are concerned the a resolution Thursday formalizing “Impeachment consideration
undermine their efforts in court, Earlier Wednesday, several widespread confusion is overshad- the procedures for its impeachment is a resolution that is drafted and
which depend on federal judges vulnerable freshmen privately owing their policy agenda and could investigation. under consideration by the com-
formally recognizing the House’s confronted Nadler about the im- cost them the House. “I don’t want to get caught in mittee, and or voted to proceed
impeachment authority in order to peachment messaging, according “We keep talking about how we semantics,” Jeffries told reporters by the House,” Hoyer told report-
grant lawmakers access to critical to multiple sources present. need to be able to walk and chew Wednesday. “We all agree, from ers. “In either event, I don’t think
grand jury information and to un- The sit-down with Nadler — gum at the same time, but if you Speaker Pelosi through every single that’s what happened. We don’t
lock testimony from key witnesses. which included more than a dozen look at someone in real life who member of the House Democratic think that’s what happened. I don’t
The muddled messaging from top Democratic freshmen — was part of is chewing gum and walking, you Caucus, that we have a constitu- think we can explain it better than
House Democrats has some built- a routine series of meetings Assis- don’t see them chewing gum at all,” tional responsibility to hold an that — that they’re continuing the
in strategic advantages, defenders tant Speaker Ben Ray Luján of New Rose said, according to multiple out-of-control executive branch search for truth.”
argue: It allows Pelosi to satisfy Mexico holds with new members. sources in the room. accountable.”
progressives’ demands to more While the huddle was described as Freshman Rep. Katie Hill of Cali- Despite these remarks, articles of Kyle Cheney contributed to this
aggressively investigate the presi- cordial, several freshmen, includ- fornia who represents a swing dis- impeachment have already been re- report.

Republicans and Democrats hammer Trump’s judicial nominee

BY MARIANNE LeVINE “You said something about trial Some of the most heated mo- him questions only about narrow expressed sympathy for the media
Republicans and Democrats on lawyers that I particularly don’t ments in the hearing took place subject matters. scrutiny Menashi has faced over his
Wednesday castigated President like,” said Graham, who asked when senators grilled Menashi Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) also writings.
Donald Trump’s nominee to the Menashi whether he had ever rep- about his work for the White House. voiced frustration with Menashi Prior to his hearing, CNN report-
powerful Second Circuit Court of resented a client in court. Graham Menashi, for the most part, refused after the senator asked a hypotheti- ed that as a student at Dartmouth,
Appeals for dodging their questions cited his own experience as a plain- to provide many details. cal question about school shoot- Menashi criticized “Take Back the
and over his prior controversial tiff’s lawyer and said that he “didn’t “I’m just asking if you have ings and social media, as well as Night” marches that intend to draw
writings. have time to do frivolous lawsuits.” worked or advised on the ad- the nominee’s views on the Bill of awareness to and stop sexual vio-
Senate Judiciary Chairman Lind- Menashi responded that the edi- ministration’s policy of separat- Rights. lence against women.
sey Graham (R-S.C.) in particular torial was written before he went to ing families at the border,” asked “Counsel, you’re a really smart In his writings, Menashi said that
chided Steven Menashi for not law school and “should not be seen Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), guy, but I wish you’d be more forth- such marches “charge the majority
being more forthcoming during as representative of [his] views as the committee’s ranking member. coming,” Kennedy told Menashi. of male students with complicity
his confirmation hearing after the an attorney.” “I’m not asking what, just whether “This isn’t supposed to be a game, in rape and sexual violence (every
nominee wouldn’t provide specifics Graham further questioned Me- you’ve done it.” we’re supposed to try to understand man’s a potential rapist, they say;
on how or whether he helped shape nashi’s writings, referring to an Graham even interjected on not how you’re going to rule but it’s part of the patriarchal culture),”
Trump’s immigration policy. Me- article he wrote for the University Feinstein’s behalf after Menashi how you’re going to think.” and argued there’s “no similar lee-
nashi currently serves as associate of Pennsylvania Journal of Inter- responded briefly to similar ques- When Menashi offered to be more way for men.”
counsel to the president. national Law about ethnonation- tions from Republican Sen. Josh open, Kennedy said he was out of M S N B C’s R a c hel M a d d ow
In the weeks leading up to his alism and the State of Israel and Hawley of Missouri. time and Menashi “took a lot by not also highlighted his article on
confirmation hearing, liberal judi- asked whether he understood “why “Mr. Menashi, we’re not going to answering my questions.” ethnonationalism.
cial groups railed against Menashi we respect other people’s faiths in do this. You’re not going to answer Menashi had a few Republican The Judicial Crisis Network, a
for his writings, highlighting his America.” his questions and not answer hers,” allies during his confirmation hear- conservative judicial group, came
comments on “ethnonationalism.” Menashi said he merely intended Graham said. ing. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) intro- to Menashi’s defense. Prior to
Graham criticized Menashi for to point out “that many states that After Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) duced the nominee and praised him the hearing, Carrie Severino, the
his editorial in the New York Sun are well known as liberal democra- described the hearing as a “worth- for his credentials, which include a group’s chief counsel said Menashi
on trial lawyers that the senator cies have a linguistic or ethnic ba- less exercise,” Graham advised degree from Stanford Law School would be “an outstanding judge”
said suggested such lawyers took sis” and that “Israel was not out of Menashi to be more forthcoming and a stint clerking for Supreme and expressed confidence he would
advantage of the public. the norm.” and said Democrats were asking Court Justice Samuel Alito. Hawley be confirmed.
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T H U R S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | POLITICO | 13

Trump denies asking aide to Trump still pushes Fed

push agency on Dorian’s path on rate cut, bashing chair
President calls the and others as ‘Boneheads’
entire hurricane BY QUINT FORGEY
scandal a hoax by President Donald Trump on
Wednesday morning called on
the ‘fake news media’ the Federal Reserve to slash inter-
est rates “down to ZERO,” admon-
BY CAITLIN OPRYSKO ishing Chairman Jerome Powell and
President Donald Trump denied other leaders of the U.S. central
that his acting chief of staff Mick bank as “Boneheads.”
Mulvaney was operating under “The Federal Reserve should get
his orders when Mulvaney report- our interest rates down to ZERO,
edly directed Commerce Secretary or less, and we should then start to
Wilbur Ross to pressure a federal refinance our debt,” Trump tweet-
agency to rebuke scientists who ed. “INTEREST COST COULD BE
had contradicted Trump’s hurri- BROUGHT WAY DOWN, while at
cane claims. the same time substantially length-
“No, I never did that — I never ening the term. We have the great
did that,” Trump told reporters currency, power, and balance
in the Oval Office on Wednesday, sheet.” MARK WILSON/GETTY IMAGES
dismissing the entire scandal as “a The message marked the first Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome
hoax by the fake news media.” time the president has publicly Powell has incurred President
“When they talk about the hur- suggested negative interest rates, Donald Trump’s ire as the economy
ricane and when they talk about a step the U.S. has never taken but faces signs of a recession.
Florida and Alabama, that is just that has been implemented in Ja-
fake news,” the president went on. pan and some European nations.
“Right from the beginning, it was Such a move would likely exhaust as appropriate” to support the re-
a fake story.” CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES much of the Federal Reserve’s fire- cord U.S. economic expansion, but
The so-called fake news ema- President Donald Trump tweeted on Sept. 1 that Alabama would be hit by power to fight a future recession at did not hint of an imminent reduc-
nated from Trump’s own Twitter Hurricane Dorian, a claim that was wrong based on the forecast at the time. a time when the U.S. economy is tion in the benchmark rate, Trump
account, when on Sept. 1 he warned still growing. savaged the chairman on Twitter —
that Alabama was among the states David Kotok, chief investment pondering whether Powell or Chi-
that “will most likely be hit (much) any documents relating to an un- Trump. On Monday, the news- officer at Cumberland Advisors, na’s communist leader Xi Jinping
harder than anticipated,” a claim attributed Sept. 6 statement put paper reported that after initially said that “zero and then negative was America’s “bigger enemy.”
that was misleading based on the out by NOAA in which the agency being rebuffed, Ross threatened interest rates have created a mon- Trump, who has maintained
forecast path of the storm at that chastised NWS Birmingham for firings at NOAA if the agency’s strosity in Europe,” and warned he has “the right to fire” Powell,
time. speaking “in absolute terms that acting administrator did not work Trump’s demand “to follow Eu- expressed regret last week over
The National Weather Service in were inconsistent with probabili- to fix the perception that NOAA rope into this quagmire would his decision in November 2017 to
Birmingham quickly countered his ties from the best forecast products was contradicting Trump. And harm every saver, every insurance nominate him as chairman, tweet-
assertion on social media, writing available at the time.” earlier Wednesday, the Times company, every bank” in the U.S. ing: “Where did I find this guy Je-
that “Alabama will NOT see any They also asked for information reported that Mulvaney directed “Trumpanomics of Fed bash- rome? Oh well, you can’t win them
impacts from Dorian. We repeat, regarding an agencywide directive Ross to enact that pressure. ing and trade war are an economic all!” Powell said in July he would
no impacts from Hurricane Dorian put out in the wake of Trump’s “As this story unfolds in the menace to the United States,” he not leave his post if the president
will be felt across Alabama.” tweet urging employees not to press, a number of actions stand added. attempted to oust him.
But recent media reports sug- contradict the president. out as a troubling politicization Trump continued his rant in an- Trump has also complained
gest the Trump administration Both NOAA missives sparked of crucial weather information,” other post, writing online: “The about U.S. interest rates in relation
took pains to minimize the presi- backlash within the science com- the lawmakers wrote, adding that USA should always be paying the to those of other countries, claim-
dent’s i naccu rate assertions, munity, which warned of the they are “deeply disturbed by the lowest rate. No Inflation! It is only ing that fellow heads of government
and that Trump himself kept the dangers of politicizing weather politicization of NOAA’s weather the naïveté of Jay Powell and the at last month’s G-7 summit in Biar-
spotlight on a gaffe that might forecasts and jeopardizing the forecast activities for the purpose Federal Reserve that doesn’t allow ritz, France, were indeed “giddy”
have easily just blown over. And credibility of its forecasters. of supporting incorrect statements us to do what other countries are about their interest costs, and
on Wednesday, House Democrats And the president apparently by the president.” already doing. A once in a lifetime charging that the Federal Reserve
piled on when they announced stewed on the subject for almost a House Science Chairwoman opportunity that we are missing “cannot ‘mentally’ keep up with the
an investigation into reports that week, at one point displaying a map Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) because of ‘Boneheads.’” competition” abroad.
the National Oceanic and Atmo- to reporters that had been altered and Oversight and Investigations Trump has leveled increas- Trump’s intense criticisms of
spheric Administration had come with a Sharpie to show Alabama S u b c om m it te e C h a i r wom a n ingly harsh broadsides against his the Fed chairman come as the U.S.
under pressure by Ross to issue a in the hurricane’s path, tweeting Mikie Sherrill (D-N.J.) gave Ross handpicked Federal Reserve chief economy stares down financial
statement disavowing the NWS and retweeting numerous out- until Sept. 20 to come up with in recent weeks, as Powell has de- warning signs of a possible reces-
Birmingham tweet. dated maps purported to support the information and documents clined to explicitly commit to the sion, but Powell said last week that
Democrats on the House Sci- his claims. requested, arguing that it is “es- campaign of aggressive cuts to the the central bank is “not forecasting
ence Committee and its oversight But The New York Times re- sential” that the forecasts pro- Fed’s benchmark rate as the presi- or expecting” such a crisis.
subcommittee on Wednesday ported this week that top offi- duced by the federal government dent has sought.
demanded the White House and cials within the administration “remain free of political influence After Powell pledged last month Victoria Guida and Ben White
Commerce Department turn over took more concrete steps to back and suppression.” that the Federal Reserve would “act contributed to this report.

Presidential muscle is needed to push through any gun bill

GUNS from page 1 dent. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) sure. They were driving toward egories should not have firearms. partisan lines for years.
to support any particular bill or any said he expects something this the end of the week,” said Senate This is a commonsense way to make “If this is a compromise, it’s go-
particular thing, but he did strongly week, but a White House official Majority Whip John Thune, who at- it much more difficult for those ing to be a compromise. It’s going
convey an interest in doing some- insisted no date has been selected tended the meeting. “There is an folks to get it. That’s the case that to have some Republican ‘no’ votes
thing meaningful,” Toomey said. for the rollout of gun legislation amount of inertia toward trying I made to the president,” Toomey and some Democratic ‘no’ votes,”
“There was a discussion about and no decision has been made on to get to a plan, but I don’t want to said of the conversation. Officials Murphy said. “If I end up agreeing
having a step forward one way or when the proposal would come make any guarantees about when from the Justice Department were to something that’s not … universal
another tomorrow but that’s not out. it comes.” also on the call, senators said. background checks, that’s going to
carved in stone.” The confusion over the timeline While other senators, like Lind- Republicans have been loath to be a heavy lift on the Democratic
Mike Braun (R-Ind.), one of only further muddled what’s been a sey Graham (R-S.C.) are working expand background checks in pre- side.”
the new senators whom Toomey wide-ranging debate that has yet to on providing grants for states to vious attempts, and just Toomey The House has passed a univer-
is courting, said Wednesday he’s make any concrete progress. Trump expand ”red flag” laws and Susan and Collins remain as GOP sup- sal background checks bill but the
willing to lobby Trump for tighter met with the top GOP congressio- Collins (R-Maine) has legislation porters of the background checks proposal being discussed is nar-
background checks and red flags nal leaders at the White House on to crackdown on straw purchas- bill from 2013. But members of rower, offering more exemptions
and “anything that’s not going to Tuesday afternoon, but although ers, the group of three senators both parties see an opportunity for for friends and family to do gun
impact a law-abiding citizen.” firearm legislation was discussed, made clear to the president that Trump to take the lead and push sales with no background check.
Congressional and administra- neither firm policy nor rollout dates any package should center around a bill past the Senate’s 60-vote
tion officials could not offer a firm were decided upon. background checks. threshold — and potentially rein- Anita Kumar contributed to this
timeline for action from the presi- “When that happens, I’m not “We all agree people in those cat- vigorate a debate that’s fallen along report.
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Kennedy primary could divide Hill Dems POLITICO INFLUENCE

Welcome to PI. Tips: tmeyer@

MASSACHUSETTS from page 1 politico.com and dbeavers@
With Kennedy flirting with the politico.com. You can
race and leading in early polls, Mar- also follow me on Twitter:
key has moved quickly to shore up @theodoricmeyer.
support from both the Washing-
ton establishment and prominent Manchin’s chief of staff
progressives. Rep. Ro Khanna heads to K Street
(D-Calif.) has endorsed him, and Patrick Hayes, who’s chief of
Schumer said the party is “fully staff to Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.
behind Sen. Ed Markey.” Kennedy Va.), is leaving the Hill for K
called Schumer about the race, but Street. He’ll start Thursday
the Senate minority leader didn’t as senior vice president for
divulge what was said. government affairs for Altice, a
Markey also asked Ocasio- cable and telecommunications
Cortez for her support, accord- company based in New York.
ing to a source familiar with the Hayes rose through the ranks
matter. The liberal firebrand said in Manchin’s office and is a
endorsing Markey is “in the realm former aide to former Sen. Evan
of possibility.” Bayh (D-Ind.). Manchin, who
Kennedy isn’t without allies. considered running for governor
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, against GOP Gov. Jim Justice
a moderate Democrat who served next year in West Virginia, ruled
with Kennedy in the House, is urg- out a run last week and plans to
ing him to run and told Markey of stay in the Senate.
her decision on the Senate floor
Wednesday afternoon. Former Ryan tax aide will lobby
“Joe Kennedy is an outstanding for Puerto Rico coalition
champion for his state,” Sinema George Callas, a former tax
said. “He’s a fresh thinker who can aide to former House Speaker
bring people together to get things Paul Ryan, has registered
done. He will make a terrific U.S. to lobby for a new coalition
senator, and I couldn’t be more called Concerned Residents of
proud to support my friend.” Puerto Rico. “Some people on
But the support of Schumer and the Hill have been interested
moderate Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W. in having the [Internal
Va.) for Markey, along with the in- Revenue Service] provide
cumbent’s close relationship with GETTY IMAGES FILE PHOTO 2017 Congress with what we believe
Ocasio-Cortez as original co- Rep. Joe Kennedy (left) and Sen. Ed Markey take part in an anti-Trump rally in Boston in 2017. Kennedy is is protected, confidential
sponsors of the ”Green New Deal,” weighing a primary challenge to Markey, but the Democratic establishment is firmly behind the incumbent. taxpayer information” under
demonstrates that the potential the tax code, Callas wrote in an
Senate race won’t revolve around email to PI. “We believe that
ideological conflicts like the GOP’s said in an interview. Warren was a caucus run by septuagenarian As the heir to a dynasty, Ken- discussions about appropriate
tea party wave of a decade ago. Kennedy’s professor at Harvard leaders. He did deliver the State nedy appears an instant front-run- tax incentives to encourage
Instead, the contest is shaping University. of the Union response last year, a ner in any statewide race. There’s economic activity in Puerto
up to be generational: The youth- In an interview on Wednesday, job usually reserved for the party’s private skepticism among some Rico should not be pursued
ful Kennedy and his famous fam- Markey touted his endorsement rising stars, although his speech is Democrats that the Democratic by circumventing statutes
ily brand against Markey’s 40-plus from NARAL Pro-Choice America, mostly remembered for the promi- Senatorial Campaign Committee that exist to protect American
years of service and lengthy liberal the League of Conservation Vot- nent smudge of lip balm that some will spend money in a primary in taxpayers from having their
record. ers, senators and state lawmak- viewers mistook for drool. a state seen as uncompetitive in legal right to privacy violated.”
“I don’t understand how any- ers. Asked about polls showing After nearly 40 years in the a general election, though DSCC Q The coalition is made up of
one wants to run against him — I Kennedy with an edge, he replied: House, Markey won a special elec- Chairwoman Catherine Cortez “individuals and families who
mean he is the progressive leader on “I’m getting tremendous support.” tion to replace John Kerry in 2013 Masto said the party is behind live in Puerto Rico,” Callas said.
climate in the United States Con- “So far, the response I’m get- and is a leading liberal lawmaker Markey. The primary would be in He declined to specify which
gress,” Khanna, a leading liberal ting is overwhelmingly positive,” in the Senate, though not neces- September 2020 — poor timing for lawmakers or congressional
lawmaker, said of Markey. “The he said. “I’ve led on climate change, sarily a partisan firebrand. He has party unity. aides had requested tax
progressive base is 100 percent led on gun reform, led on repro- one of the thickest accents in Con- Kennedy has a double-digit information related to Puerto
for Markey — it’s 110 percent for ductive rights and protections for gress, sometimes referred to as Ed lead in early polls in a potential Rico.
Markey.” women. … People are grateful.” “Mahkey.” He voted “present” on race against Markey. And he could
“I would tell Joe to wait,” Man- potentially scare Markey into re- Jobs report
chin, the Senate’s most conserva- tirement or position himself for the Q Scott Styles is rejoining
tive Democrat, said. “Those type of next Senate vacancy if Warren be- the Bockorny Group in a role
fights when two people are aligned comes president. focused on external and client
ideologically? What’s the fight?” “That kind of intraparty fighting is not good in the But Markey isn’t surrendering, relations. He was a managing
The Massachusetts delegation long term. And I don’t think it will be good for Joe and there’s really no room to his left director at FTI Consulting.
is behind Markey, save for three for Kennedy to pursue. He’s tell- Q SBL Strategies has hired
members who have yet to weigh in, Kennedy. I’m a survivor of the [Ted] Kennedy-[Jimmy] ing fellow senators that he is not Josh Novotney as a partner. He
including progressive star Ayanna retiring and will run hard against was vice president of federal
Pressley, who upset longtime Rep. Carter fight. I know how long those sentiments last.” Kennedy, according to those who government affairs at Arena
Mike Capuano in a primary last — Sen. Jeanne Shaheen have spoken with him. Strategies.
fall. Kennedy’s challenge to the “It’s ambition,” Senate Minor- Q Sally Rose Larson is
old guard has perplexed senators, ity Whip Dick Durbin said of Ken- joining the Digital Media
who see him as trying to climb the nedy’s motivation. “For Ed’s sake, I Association as vice president
political ladder at the expense of his don’t want a primary. … He’s clear- of government relations on
state’s seniority. Markey said he hasn’t spoken to war with Syria shortly after being ly running for reelection. And I’m Sept. 23. She was a Republican
But many of his House colleagues Kennedy recently. sworn in, annoying “literally ev- going to help him in any way I can.” staffer on the House Judiciary
are quietly rooting for him, eager Kennedy is expected to make a eryone,” as Boston magazine put it. The show of support from top Committee. The Digital Media
to demonstrate one of their own decision by the end of the month, Several House Democrats were Democratic leaders and progres- Association described her
can advance without waiting un- according to a campaign aide. Ken- reluctant to weigh in on the poten- sives suggests there’s some worry in a news release as “one of
til senators retire or their longtime nedy spokeswoman Emily Kaufman tial primary. Some said privately that Markey could lose to Kennedy the small handful of Capitol
leaders depart the top rungs of the said the congressman is still delib- they’re convinced Kennedy is or at a minimum drain money from Hill staffers who led efforts
House Democratic Caucus. erating but is “encouraged” by his running. And they offered effu- the party’s coffers. So if Kennedy to pass the landmark Music
And Markey’s supporters in the support. sive praise for the four-term law- runs, Democrats are preparing for Modernization Act” — a bill
Senate aren’t trashing Kennedy. “If he decides to run, it will be maker, who has developed a cadre a wild ride. backed by the trade group.
After all, he could be a future col- based on the people of Massachu- of friends on both sides of the aisle. “That’s life in a blue state,” said Q The public affairs firm Kivvit
league or presidential candidate setts — and them alone,” Kaufman “Joe Kennedy might be the most Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), a former has hired two: Vince Frillici
given his lineage and reputation said. popular member of the Class of 2012 DSCC chairman. “The Kennedy as managing director and Joe
as an ascendant voice in the party. Despite Kennedy’s famous last in both parties,” Rep. Scott Peters name probably has a little bit of Malunda as principal. Frillici
“Ed has been a great partner in name, he’s kept a low profile since (D-Calif.) said. “Massachusetts and stroke in Massachusetts. So chanc- led his own consulting firm,
the Senate, and I was glad to en- arriving in the House in 2013. He the country will find a good place es are it might be” competitive. Frillici Strategies; Malunda was
dorse him last February. Joe is do- has resisted calls to join House for Joe Kennedy to serve. It may not a senior account supervisor at
ing a terrific job in Congress. They leadership, focusing instead on be in House leadership, but he has Melanie Zanona contributed to this Edelman.
both are longtime friends,” Warren elevating younger members of a great future.” report. — Theodoric Meyer
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For a team in command of the Democratic primary, at least for now, Joe Biden’s campaign is awfully resentful of how the presidential hopeful is being covered. “I don’t know of anybody who
has taken as sustained and vitriolic a negative pounding as Biden and who has come through it with the strength he has,” said one top adviser to Biden.

Joe Biden’s camp thinks the media just doesn’t get it

His allies say detractors in media, and rivals cratic front-runner, is pointing and that Biden’s lack of precision 30, his Democratic opponents seem
his finger in Cayo’s face with his when he speaks, about scooters or similarly at a loss to understand,
on the stump, don’t get the root of his appeal eyebrows raised.” so many other things, is a sign of his let alone undo, Biden’s enduring
During another stop, at a diner authenticity. And they grouse that appeal.
BY RYAN LIZZA olic a negative pounding as Biden in Eldridge, Biden’s only comment Biden is held to a standard President
The first thing you notice at a and who has come through it with that made news was a cringe-in- Donald Trump is not held to. •••
Joe Biden event is the age: Many the strength he has,” said a top ducing remark to a 13-year-old How Democrats see such epi-
of the reporters covering him are Biden adviser. “So why isn’t the girl’s brothers: “You’ve got one job sodes is at the heart of the Demo- Given Biden’s resilience and con-
really young. Biden is not. The press argument not that he’s a ‘fragile here, keep the guys away from your cratic primary. One side views sistent lead in the national polls, his
corps, or so the Biden campaign front-runner,’ but instead why is sister.” He’s been using a version these typical Biden campaign-trail advisers range from bemusement to
sees it, is culturally liberal and this guy so strong? How is he able of this avuncular bit of shtick for moments as evidence of a politician rage in their frustration with how
highly attuned to modern issues to withstand this? Because it is un- years, but this time it created a fu- well past his prime — casually sex- he has been treated by the press and
around race and gender and social relenting. Every story that has been rious Twitter outrage cycle. (Biden ist in a way that might have gone many liberal elites.
justice. Biden is not. The report- written about Biden for a month has seems to have learned a lesson and unremarked in, say, 1973 when he They brandish the many predic-
ers are Extremely Online. Biden been negative! I would ask Warren abandoned the line.) first joined the Senate. His support- tions of his demise as evidence of
couldn’t tell you what TikTok is. and Sanders and these folks: He’s On the same trip, Biden spoke at ers see them as good examples of their more sophisticated under-
Inside the Biden campaign, it been pummeled for months. For a midday event in Clinton, Iowa. why he’s the lovable Democrat best- standing of the Democratic elec-
is the collision between these two months! So why is he going to fall At one point, he discussed the ben- suited to beat Trump. What is clear torate. “He’s still leading the race
worlds that advisers believe explain apart now?” efits of electric scooters as a trans- is that the critics, who are louder nationally. He’s leading in Iowa. It
why his White House run often In mid-June, when I spent a few portation solution in city centers, and more visible online and on cable looks like he’s in a dead heat in New
looks like a long series of gaffes. For days on the Biden campaign trail, and he explained that after a rider TV, have had absolutely no impact Hampshire,” said the top Biden ad-
a team in command of the Demo- one of the biggest stories on Twit- hops off a scooter, he plugs it in. He on changing Biden’s status as the viser. “I don’t know why the story
cratic primary, at least for now, ter to circulate about his swing pantomimed someone inserting a steady front-runner in the race. in New Hampshire isn’t how Ber-
the campaign is awfully resentful through eastern Iowa was about power cord into an outlet which, as This woke-working class divide nie Sanders went from 60 to 14.
of how the presidential hopeful is a young female activist who said anyone who has used one knows, is at the heart of the most salient And why is it that Biden is beating
being covered. And yet supremely she felt intimidated by Biden when is not what you do. Reporters, fact about the Democratic prima- Warren in Massachusetts? And he’s
confident that this team, not the she asked him a question about his myself included, snickered at the ries: Nothing has damaged Biden. way ahead in South Carolina. And
woke press that pounces on Biden’s reversal on the Hyde Amendment. micro-gaffe. Biden entered the race with about this is all on the back end of really
every seeming error and blight in A photo of the encounter went vi- To many Biden supporters, who 30 percent support nationally, and the most vicious press I think any-
his record, has a vastly superior ral, with almost 25,000 likes and polls consistently show are older, he has that same 30 percent today. one’s experienced. So that to me is
understanding of the Democrat- retweets. To many influential com- more working class, and more cul- Perhaps this could all begin to a statement of strength. And any-
ic electorate. This is the central mentators on lefty Twitter, where turally conservative, these alleged change tomorrow night in Houston, one who’s sitting around waiting
paradox of Biden’s run: He’s been Biden is sometimes accorded only gaffes are eye-rolling examples of when for the first time Biden and his for him to fall apart — you know
amazingly durable. But he gets no slightly more respect than Donald the absurdity of the press or the two closest competitors, Elizabeth what, it hasn’t happened yet.”
respect from the people who make Trump, it was a disrespectful and woke left. They think the young Warren and Bernie Sanders, will be To Biden’s advisers and allies,
conventional wisdom on the left. blatant act of Biden mansplaining. activist in eastern Iowa should on the same debate stage. But so far, the gap between a press corps, as
“I don’t know of anybody who Vice reported breathlessly, “In the toughen up, that the throwaway just as the press has been unable to well as the wider online political
has taken as sustained and vitri- photo, Biden, the current Demo- line to the 13-year-old is endearing, disrupt Biden’s bond with his core class, that is largely in its 20s and
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30s and a candidate who would be ties in nearby parks and beer halls. Iraq war and are long past a genera- about his short-lived campaign. when I mentioned Ryan’s remarks.
78 at his inauguration explains a lot On stage before the party del- tion of politicians that couldn’t do “And certainly the lead car was the “I’m running my own campaign,”
about why the pundits and Twitter egates, several candidates began anything about the income stag- vice president. I don’t know if this the Minnesota senator said through
activists are so confounded by the to make a more robust case against nation that exists in this country,” is a generational election because of bites of an apple, explaining why
former vice president’s resilience. Biden. Elizabeth Warren owned the Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet who the president is. Beating him is she wouldn’t discuss Biden or any
“You have a press corps in which room, and the day, with an electric told me in an interview backstage. so important because of who he is of her other opponents. After five
most of them were in college when performance that also showcased “When you hear the vice president, and what a threat to democracy he minutes of pressing her about how
Barack Obama ran for president her campaign’s ability to organize. who I’ve nothing but the highest is. It is still early and there are still to differentiate herself from Biden,
and they have fundamentally no She brought in many supporters regard for, say that if we just get other generational candidates, but she essentially ended the interview.
understanding and experience in from Massachusetts and outfitted rid of Trump it will all go back to my sense is that this isn’t a ‘Don’t Like several other candidates, her
how politics works,” said a well- them with inflatable thunder sticks, normal, which is what he’s saying, Stop Thinking About Tomorrow’ strategy remains one of waiting for
known Democrat backing Biden. producing a well-choreographed it misses the 10 years that I’ve been election. The stakes are so high Biden’s collapse rather than trying
“They have not really covered a true but authentic audience response in the Senate when it’s never been with this president that there is a to trigger it.
Democratic primary ever because that her campaign immediately normal. And for the last six years fear of rolling the dice.” But offstage, in the backrooms of
there hasn’t been one since 2008. used for a promotional video. (“We of the Obama administration, he Perhaps the one line of attack the SNHU Arena and nearby hotel
The 2016 race didn’t become a real did the same thing with Dukakis couldn’t get anything done.” that just might work against Biden lobbies where activists and aides
primary until very late and the in ’88,” one longtime Democratic Like others, Bennet argued that is, at least for the moment, the only gathered, the discussion frequently
press corps never thought Bernie strategist noted about busing in the polls are misleading and would area of criticism considered strictly turned to whether Biden is up to the
would win. And Bernie never got supporters from the neighboring get more volatile as voters focused off limits by almost every cam- task of facing Trump.
the treatment from the press corps state.) more closely on the race. “If his- paign. Most of Biden’s opponents “The narrative that Biden has
that opponents like him typically Biden’s message is that Trump tory is any guide, the people that are scared to directly confront the staying power is bullsh--,” said a
get. So they haven’t seen this kind represents a unique threat that are leading today are not going to be one issue that both his gaffes and all senior adviser to one of Biden’s ri-
of race.” requires Democratic voters to be the people that win in Iowa and win the talk about generational change vals. “It is just too f---ing early. Did
This dynamic has produced what careful and ultimately risk averse in New Hampshire,” he insisted, tiptoe around: his age. we not learn anything from 2016
Beto O’Rourke might call a ‘fu—- in choosing a nominee to face him adding with self-deprecation: “And I rode with Steve Bullock, the that polls are sh--? The dude does
-you’ attitude inside Biden world —an unmistakable warning not to I’m prepared to let history be our governor of Montana, to the con- not know what is going on. He is
toward the press and liberal social elect someone too far to the left, guide since I’m at 1 percent today.” vention arena. He is supremely not in fighting shape to beat Trump.
media influencers who drool over such as Warren or Sanders. After his speech, South Bend, confident and polished and in the You put him onstage together with
Elizabeth Warren’s every policy Warren’s response remains sub- Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg and his back seat of his SUV discussed his Trump, and they’re both gonna for-
paper and see Biden as hopelessly tle, for now. “There is a lot at stake husband, Chasten, played cornhole successes as governor, his frustra- get sh--, but Trump is sharper. The
square. and people are scared,” Warren told and ate ice-cream at a nearby park tions about being excluded from the dude is just old, and it’s showing
The well-known Democrat said the crowd on Saturday. “But we while mixing with supporters. In an next debate, and his concerns about and they’re fighting every day to
of the Biden press corps, “They can’t choose a candidate we don’t interview, he made an anti-Biden the leftward lunge of his party. The make the case that’s not happen-
view this party as dominated by believe in because we’re scared. case that put him somewhere be- only time he seemed to hold back ing, but it is.”
woke millennials and through the And we can’t ask other people to tween Warren and Bennet. was when I raised the issue of But only Bakari Sellers, a former
lens of coastal issues. They are vote for someone we don’t believe “Every single time Democrats whether Biden is really up for the South Carolina state legislator and
products, increasingly, of fairly in. I am not afraid. And for Demo- have won, it’s somebody who’s gen- job. “I think that’s one for the vot- supporter and informal adviser to
elite schools and they don’t talk to crats to win, you can’t be afraid erally viewed as outside of Wash- ers to figure out more than me,” he California Sen. Kamala Harris,
a lot of voters who don’t look and either.” ington, typically somebody from a said. (His campaign manager esca- was willing to say the quiet part
talk like them except their parents, T he assu mption embedded new generation and somebody with lated the rhetoric slightly in a memo out loud.
who also tend to be similar to them. in Warren’s line is that many of a different approach,” he told me, sent to reporters on Tuesday that “Joe Biden has been running for
Occasionally they are shocked to Biden’s supporters aren’t really noting the victories of Kennedy, read: “There is a growing fear that president since before I was born,”
learn they have relatives who voted enthusiastic about him, that they Carter, Clinton and Obama. “And the candidates promising revolu- Sellers said. “Joe Biden is nearly
for Donald Trump. And they were are backing him out of some mis- every time we’ve tried to do some- tions are out of step with general 80 years old and he’s running to
not on the ground in the Midwest guided sense of obligation and thing very conventional, and very election voters while others fear be president of the United States.
primaries for governor races in 2018 fear, which also might explain his safe and had a very established Vice President Biden may be un- My dad was president of an HBCU
in Michigan and Ohio and Wis- modest crowds and the lack of any Washington nominee, every time able to take down Trump.”) and will be 75 this year, and his
consin where more moderate and Biden thunder-stick moments in we’ve come up short. This is not In the afternoon, the issue of doctors told him he couldn’t do it
older and more experienced can- this campaign. just a pattern. This has essentially Biden’s age and mental acuity anymore. He didn’t have the energy
didates won against young cool left This line of attack drives people been an iron law for the last 50 or suddenly burst open in the airless and strength to lead that campus
— often people of color — primary inside the Biden campaign mad. To 60 years.” media room where most of the can- anymore. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t
opponents.” them, it smacks of elitism and sug- The Biden camp scoffs at the gen- didates, though not Biden, spoke a great man and a great leader and a
They are, this person argued, ob- gests that Warren and her most vo- erational argument. “The last guy with reporters after their speeches. great visionary. But it is a justifiable
sessed with a Democratic Party that cal supporters believe that Biden’s who tried this was out of the race I asked Rep. Tim Ryan, who the pre- conversation.”
exists only on Twitter. She point- voters, who polls consistently show in a week, that congressman from vious day had been quoted as saying Sellers went further and lumped
edly noted that there are Democrats are more likely to be working class California,” said the senior Biden that Biden was “declining,” wheth- Sanders and Warren into the de-
“outside of those 18,000 voters in and people of color, are somehow adviser, who couldn’t remember er he meant declining in the polls bate about age. “The three front-
Queens,” referring to the total vote not smart enough to understand the name of 38-year-old Eric Swal- or mentally declining and he made runners are all older than Ronald
share — it was actually closer to why they support him. well, who tried in vain to create a it clear he meant the latter. Pressed Reagan was when he took over,”
17,000 — for Alexandria Ocasio- “This gets back to the vitriol of viral moment about generational further by another reporter, he he said. “Democrats are afraid of
Cortez in her June 2018 primary the left,” said the prominent Demo- change during the first debate. “He would only say, “There’s a lack of criticism, which is silly to me. But
victory. “And by the way, those crat. “They seem to feel like, ‘Why was going to pass the torch.” clarity” when Biden speaks. (“You we are going to have a contentious
didn’t even tend to be the economi- don’t you dumb voters see what we Swalwell told me he was wrong know, with Ryan, if he declines any primary on vigor and issues about
cally disadvantaged people of color see? If we yell at you enough, will that this is the right moment for more he’s going from like 1 to zero,” fitness to be president.”
who live in that district. They were you start to listen to us?’” that message and doubted that a the senior Biden adviser told me in Then he paused and added, “But
the, quote, ‘new people,’ if you talk “The party is older than people candidate like Buttigieg would be response.) at the end of the day, I’ll take a
to anyone from New York.” think. It’s more centrist than people any more successful than he was. But Ryan was alone in raising 90-year-old Joe Biden over Don-
Her point was that the AOC phe- think,” said the senior Biden ad- “I felt like I was in a bad traffic jam the issue. Afterward, I visited Amy ald Trump.”
nomenon “is emblematic of what viser. He noted that Biden’s favor- with no offramp and no way to get Klobuchar in her suite and, she too The tricky part about attack-
most reporters think is going on ability rating among Democrats has ahead,” he said in an interview refused to engage on the subject ing Biden is that few Democratic
nationally.” been in the mid-70s since the start voters have any hostility toward
To Biden world, it’s the media’s of this race. Biden personally. The most ag-
cultural affinity for this new New “But they say he’s out of step gressive public attack against him
Left that explains why the Biden- with the party! Well, he’s the only was by Harris in the first debate,
will-soon-collapse storyline has person to demonstrate substantial when she confronted him about
such staying power. support across a multiracial coali- his past positions on busing and
“I get this question all the time: tion. So actually, he is most in step working with segregationist sena-
Why does the press hate him so with the party. But no one ever sees tors. She juiced her fundraising in
much?” she said. “And the answer it that way because that is not the the days following the debate and
is because they are younger and world as seen through Twitter.” received a spike in national polls,
they want someone cooler.” Speaking early in the day on Sat- but her numbers soon settled back
urday, Biden gave his typical stump down to where they were, at about
••• speech about beating Trump and 7 percent. Biden’s advisers now fre-
rebuilding the middle class, but quently mention the episode as a
Last Saturday, 19 of the Democrats the only thing that really made any cautionary tale for others.
running for president spoke at an news was when, at one point, he ac- “Kamala going after Biden didn’t
all-day convention of the New cidentally said “hump” instead of really work out for her, so I’m curi-
Hampshire Democratic Party in “Trump.” ous to see how many try that again
Manchester. The event attracts Other candidates have begun on Thursday,” said a Democrat
the state’s most important activ- beta testing a more direct anti- close to the Biden campaign. “How
ists, as well as a good smattering of Biden message, and the intensity of do you tear down the front-runner
Democratic political junkies from the message seems closely correlat- that everyone actually likes?”
around the Northeast, and cam- ed with how poorly the candidate’s He added, “Do I believe that Joe
paigns are under pressure to create campaign is faring. “Democrats are TOM BRENNER/GETTY IMAGES Biden is the future of the party? No.
some theatrics with supporters and long past believing that we want to Most of Joe Biden’s opponents seem afraid to directly confront an issue But he’s the right person to beat this
signage and post-convention par- be led by folks that supported the that the talk about generational change tiptoes around: his age. president in 2020.”
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18 | POLITICO | T H U R S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9

‘I love Bernie, but’: Sanders struggles to close the sale

He’s going all-out to
convince voters he can
win — but Warren has
made more headway
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Virtually every
poll since 2016 has shown Bernie
Sanders would beat Donald Trump.
But Sanders’ aides know that
some Democrats don’t buy it:
Doubters just can’t picture the
people of, say, rural Pennsylvania
putting a 78-year-old democratic
socialist in the White House. It
strains their very idea of America
“We still have work to do,” Faiz
Shakir, Sanders’ campaign man-
ager, told POLITICO. “Amongst the
Democratic primary electorate, in
some pockets, there’s fear of how
he’s going to campaign on ‘Medi-
care for All’: ‘Are people going to
get nervous and run away from it?’”
Sanders’ aides have long be-
lieved that convincing voters he
can oust Trump is key to winning
the primary. It’s been a central part
of their strategy since the earliest
days of their 2020 campaign, and
they’ve crafted a campaign tour,
speeches and digital P.R. push
aimed at winning the argument.
But after months of work, they’re
still running up against voters who CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES
support Sanders’ bid but just can’t Sen. Bernie Sanders and his wife Jane (left) campaign at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines on Aug. 11. The Vermont senator and his aides point to a
see it happening, no matter what phalanx of polls showing that he would beat President Donald Trump to rebut doubts about his electability.
the poll numbers say.
“I love Bernie,” said Gloria Hoag,
a New Hampshire delegate, at the he told his army of supporters. Sanders is facing a challenge for candidate best positioned to both dismiss African American and fe-
state Democratic Party’s annual Sanders has tried to convince multiple reasons, Democratic opera- defeat Trump and deliver change. male voters when considering who
convention last weekend. “But I Democrats that he’s their best tives said: He is seen by some voters Medicare for All is a key part of can win the Midwest: “It’s short-
don’t know if he can beat Trump fighter largely through data, but he as simply too liberal to beat Trump, that. Though they admit some vot- sighted. It’s wrong,” she said.
because he’s so far to the left. We has attempted other approaches at more the leader of a robust move- ers are wary of a general election In his most successful moments,
need someone who’s a little more times. The Vermont senator took a ment than a commander in chief. backlash over it, his staffers think Sanders’ efforts to prove he’s elect-
moderate.” four-day “electability tour” in April Republicans would try to scare cen- more and more people will even- able have gone viral. During a Fox
Democrats are petrified that through Pennsylvania, Wisconsin ter-left suburban voters by painting tually gravitate toward his candi- News-hosted town hall earlier this
Trump will win a second term, and Michigan — the Rust Belt states him as a leftist radical, skeptics of dacy precisely because of his far- year that was held in a Pennsylvania
and many are telling pollsters that that were critical to Trump’s 2016 the Vermont senator have said. reaching health care proposal. In county that backed Trump, audi-
they care more about whether can- victory — as well as other parts of While Sanders leads Trump in their view, Trump won, in part, by ence members cheered when they
didates can take him on than their the Midwest to demonstrate that he both national and battleground parroting Sanders’ populist plans, were asked if they wanted to switch
policy positions. Joe Biden is the can win over working-class voters. state polling, Biden is further ahead such as cutting prescription drug to Sanders’ Medicare for All plan.
front-runner in part because so But it’s Warren who has made — which could be important to prices and negotiating pro-worker The intended message was clear:
many voters are looking at the pri- the biggest gain in perceived elect- Democrats in an election in which trade deals. Sanders’ populism can defeat
mary through the eyes of a pundit. ability recently. The percentage of they see no room for error. It’s also “He campaigned as a fake Bernie Trump in the battleground states
Elizabeth Warren, who is tied with voters considering her who think possible Sanders isn’t talking about Sanders,” Shakir said. “The way that matter.
Sanders for second place accord- she would probably oust Trump electability the right way. you beat him is with a real Bernie Other times, his efforts have
ing to RealClearPolitics’ polling has gone from 39 percent to 55 per- “His message tends to focus on Sanders.” fallen flat. Ahead of the first de-
average, has risen in the polls as cent in the past three months — a what he wants to do and where he It’s striking how differently the bate, Sanders’ campaign signaled
she’s convinced larger numbers of that he would take on Biden over
Democrats she can win. electability. But Sanders failed to
But Sanders hasn’t had as much aggressively confront Biden, and in
success convincing more voters he “[Donald Trump] campaigned as a fake Bernie Sanders. the run-up to the second debate, his
has what it takes to defeat Trump, team settled on a different strategy:
possibly complicating his path to The way you beat him is with a real Bernie Sanders.” put Medicare for All center stage.
the nomination. Mark Longabaugh, a top strat-
— Faiz Shakir Sanders campaign manager
At a canvassing kickoff in New egist for Sanders during his 2016
Hampshire on Saturday, Sanders’ presidential bid, said the conven-
campaign co-chair, Ben Cohen, tional wisdom on electability gets
pinpointed the problem. He wanted it backwards: The first step is for a
to be sure that the hundreds of vol- 16-point leap — according to poll- wants to take the country on is- leading Democratic candidates talk candidate to make the sell to vot-
unteers and staffers in the crowd ing by CBS/YouGov. Other surveys sues. It’s not so much a compari- about electability. Biden has put ers on values and issues. Then, if a
heard what he said before they left paint a similar trajectory. son with Trump,” said Jeff Link, a the issue at the center of his cam- candidate succeeds on that front,
to knock on voters’ doors. For Sanders, the polling is more Democratic strategist in the first- paign, and his first TV ad in Iowa the rest comes naturally. Warren,
“For so many people out there mixed. He got good news this week in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa. used a number-driven approach. It he said, is probably seen as more
that are going to vote in this pri- when CBS/YouGov found that 58 “That’s probably why he hasn’t trumpeted: “All the polls agree: Joe electable by voters these days be-
mary, the most important issue is percent of voters eyeing him believe moved a lot. … Certainly, Biden Biden is the strongest Democrat to cause she’s won their support — not
beating Trump,” said Cohen, the he would probably beat Trump, up talks about Trump more.” do the job.” the other way around.
co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s. “And from 50 percent in June. But ac- Sanders’ aides believe that the Instead of talking about polls, “This whole electability thing is
for most people, the general idea cording to polls by the Economist/ media is also hurting his cause. Warren has sought to upend the overblown,” he said. “I remember
that’s out there in the mainstream YouGov, 52 percent of likely Demo- P undits portray Biden as the way voters think about electability the early feedback we got in 2015
is that the person who is going to cratic voters currently think Sand- electable candidate, they argue, altogether. In the second primary in Iowa and New Hampshire: A lot
beat Trump is the centrist, Biden. ers would probably win an election dismissing polls showing Sanders debate in July, she quipped, “I re- of people said they loved Bernie’s
But the reality is that in poll after against Trump — the same number would defeat him as well. member when people said Barack message, absolutely loved it, but
poll after poll, Bernie beats Trump.” as those who did so in June. Despite the fact that Warren has Obama couldn’t get elected. Shoot, they just assumed Clinton was go-
Sanders hammered away at the Biden, meanwhile, remains made more gains in the area re- I remember when people said Don- ing to win. Over time, as the cam-
same message minutes later: “We ahead of Warren and Sanders in cently, Sanders’ aides think he’ll ald Trump couldn’t get elected.” paign developed and his standing
are defeating Trump in every na- perceived electability in numer- win the nomination because vot- Kamala Harris has taken a simi- progressed, they stopped saying
tional poll that has ever been done,” ous polls. ers will come to see Sanders as the lar approach, arguing that pundits that. Because they liked him.”
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T H U R S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | POLITICO | 19

Trump, Bolton broke up because of course they did

The national security
adviser had his own
agenda and never
jelled with POTUS
Fox News host Tucker Carlson
had been lobbying President Don-
ald Trump to fire John Bolton for
months, telling him it was foolish to
keep on his team a top adviser who
did not share his views on pressing
national security issues.
Carlson and a host of others,
including several senior admin-
istration officials, frequently told
Trump that Bolton, a career hawk
with a reputation as a vicious bu-
reaucratic infighter, not only wasn’t
on his team but was using the news
media against him.
Trump, who became a fan of his
then-future national security ad-
viser while watching his frequent
television appearances on Fox, told
these people he enjoyed Bolton’s
presence in negotiations because
he believed he spooked U.S. ad-
versaries like Iran. But he chafed
at reading about and watching news
reports of Bolton’s disagreements
with administration policy on ev-
erything from talks with North Ko-
rea to pulling troops out of Syria to
angling for a sitdown with Iranian
“Where there is public disagree-
ment like that and it keeps going
on from one issue to another, I do
think there is a cumulative ef-
fect on the human psyche, and it
probably leads to less communica-
tion,” said Gen. Jack Keane, a for-
mer Army vice chief of staff who
talks frequently with the president
and other senior administration SEAN GALLUP/GETTY IMAGES
officials. President Donald Trump’s third national security, John Bolton, was never a natural fit in the White House. Serious and cerebral, he used a team of like-
Ultimately, it was hearing me- minded loyalists to push own his policy priorities — which were sometimes, but not always, those of his boss.
dia accounts about how Bolton had
advised the president to scuttle a
meeting with Taliban leaders at decessor, H.R. McMaster, had Bolton has served effectively in sent to Mongolia at the time that morning.”
Camp David that proved a break- worked to adhere to a traditional the senior ranks of previous ad- Trump was having his last meet- While Bolton’s deputy, Charles
ing point for Trump, according process in which the president is ministrations, but after Trump ing with Kim Jong Un, which is, Kupperma n, was on T uesday
to sources inside and outside the presented a range of options on key passed over him to be secretary of you know, being sent to Mongo- named acting national security
administration. In the president’s issues, along with a list of risks as- State during the transition in 2016, lia is kind of a joke, right?” said adviser, few in the White House
telling, he had taken his own coun- sociated with each option, Bolton Bolton widely acknowledged that David Rothkopf, who has written believed the longtime Bolton aco-
sel in arriving at the decision to call operated differently, preferring in- this was likely to be his last — and extensively about the NSC. Trump lyte would remain in that position
off the meeting and end negotia- stead to give the president his own most senior — government post. brought Carlson with him instead. for the long term, and the president
tions, and he was infuriated to hear guidance in private. While many That meant that unlike some of his Even Bolton’s dismissal instantly said he would name a permanent
Bolton credited with influencing his had griped that McMaster held too colleagues, most notably Pompeo, became a matter of dispute be- replacement next week.
decision. many meetings, under the Bolton who is 55, he had little to lose by tween the two men — going public Among the names being floated
Bolton’s exit is a stark illustra- regime, Secretary of State Mike aggressively pursuing some of his just moments after the president for the position are Stephen Biegun,
tion of how Trump has grown in- Pompeo at one point joked with own policy priorities, be it sticking announced his departure. Bolton the U.S. special representative for
creasingly confident in his own colleagues about jump-starting it to Iran or dismantling the Inter- fumed privately to allies that North Korea, who has been previ-
judgment on national security — ously considered for the position,
and how he’s developed a greater and retired Army Col. Douglas
sense of urgency to follow through Macgregor, a frequent guest on
on his campaign promise to re- Carlson’s program.
duce U.S. entanglements abroad. “The handwriting’s been on the wall for a long time. You can think back to John Bolton Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)
Bolton saw things differently and literally being sent to Mongolia at the time that Trump was having his last meeting with told Fox News’ Bret Baier on Tues-
made little secret of it. Both men day evening that the president had
were equally firm in their con- Kim Jong Un, which is, you know, being sent to Mongolia is kind of a joke, right?” also said he was considering the
victions, and the conflict proved — David Rothkopf Author vice president’s national secu-
irreconcilable. rity adviser, Keith Kellogg; Brian
A Bolton spokesman did not re- Hook, the special envoy for Iran;
ply to a request for comment. This and Ricky Waddell, an assistant to
account is based on conversations the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
with nearly a dozen administra- his own National Security Coun- national Criminal Court, even if the Trump had mischaracterized the Staff and an NSC veteran.
tion officials and people close to cil process to fill the Bolton void. president didn’t share them. events that led to his exit and pub- But critics cautioned that the
the president. Bolton, the president’s third na- As with previous top foreign licly to reporters seeking to illumi- president’s fourth national secu-
Bolton’s critics, including Carl- tional security adviser, was never policy aides, including McMaster nate the nature of their dispute. rity adviser is likely to have little
son, used the incident to urge the a natural fit in the Trump White and Rex Tillerson — and even Jim While the president wrote in a sway with the president.
president to act. He was a leaker, House. Serious and cerebral, the Mattis, who resigned of his own vo- tweet that he had asked for Bolton’s “The next national security ad-
they told him. Others in the admin- 70-year-old Yale University- lition — substantive disagreements resignation on Monday evening, viser of the United States is going
istration feared the same, at times trained lawyer immediately went and stylistic differences simply led Bolton told A BC News’ Jona- to be Donald Trump, just like the
excluding Bolton and his allies from about assembling a team of like- the president to seek Bolton’s ad- than Karl that Trump was “flatly current national security adviser of
sensitive meetings for fear they minded loyalists capable of pushing vice less frequently. wrong.” the United States is, in fact, Donald
would weaponize the information his policy priorities — which were “The handwriting’s been on the “He never asked me to resign di- Trump,” Rothkopf said. “The next
exchanged to their advantage. sometimes, but not always, those wall for a long time. You can think rectly or indirectly,” Bolton said. national security adviser is going to
While Bolton’s immediate pre- of his boss. back to John Bolton literally being “I slept on it and resigned this have [the job] in name only.”
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20 | POLITICO | T H U R S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9

Trump delivers campaign pitch to wary HBCU leaders

President touts low a sign that he was open to listening
to their leaders and delivering re-
unemployment rates sults. More than half of the admin-
and poverty levels istrative offices for the initiative,
however, remain in the Department
for African Americans of Education.
Like most university leaders,
BY MAYA KING HBCU presidents have courted
President Donald Trump told presidential administrations re-
leaders of historically black colleges gardless of their political leanings.
and universities of his “fierce dedi- On average, historically black insti-
cation to strengthening HBCUs.” tutions rely on the federal govern-
He insisted his “administration’s ment for half of their total annual
commitment is bigger and better revenue.
and stronger than any previous That’s left HBCU leaders in a bind
administration by far.” when it comes to their relationship
“This nation owes a profound with Trump. They’re leery of alien-
debt of gratitude to its HBCUs,” ating the administration even as the
he said Tuesday in a speech to president maintains an approval
more than 40 representatives from rating among African Americans
HBCUs gathered in Washington of just 9 percent, according to the
for the White House Initiative on most recent CNN/SSRS poll.
Historically Black Colleges and Aware of the potentially nega-
Universities. tive optics of appearing too close to
His remarks were greeted warm- the president and his administra-
ly by an audience that nevertheless tion, one HBCU president who re-
took pains afterward to separate quested anonymity told POLITICO
itself from the other portion of that while HBCU leaders actively
the president’s remarks to them — CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES attended the week’s business meet-
Trump’s campaignlike pitch tout- President Donald Trump listens to White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council Executive Director Scott ings, they did not participate in a
ing himself to African Americans. Turner speak on Tuesday during the National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week Conference. public photo opportunity.
Pointing to what he said were Most sought to keep the focus
record-low unemployment and on the challenges facing their in-
poverty rates for African Ameri- Several HBCU students and “With every administration, … we’re very grateful.” stitutions — not on the president’s
cans, Trump at one point asked community members have been we pledge to work well,” said In the administration’s earliest rhetoric.
who on a presidential debate stage critical of their leaders for work- Katara Williams, chief of staff days, Trump said he would make “This conference is separate
“is going to beat these numbers?” ing with the Trump administration, for the Southern University sys- HBCUs a “top priority.” But the rela- from the president’s vision,” said
“I think it’s important to stay fo- saying they’re getting too close to tem, which pointed to the Trump tionship has been inconsistent. Lit- Anthony Jenkins, president of West
cused on the money and not on the a presidency that has continually administration’s role in securing tle more than one month into office, Virginia State University, who said
message,” said Austin Lane, presi- insulted the black community. loan forgiveness for the more than he moved the White House Initiative he did not attend Trump’s remarks
dent of Texas Southern University, HBCU leaders defend their decision $300 million in aid it received on HBCUs from the Department of because of a scheduling conflict.
which will host Thursday’s Demo- to maintain the relationship, saying alongside other Louisiana HBCUs Education to the White House — The president’s support, he con-
cratic presidential debate. “We’re working with the administration is in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. something black leaders called for tinued, “Is one part of a piece of
here to find out, most importantly, key to securing the federal funding “Any advancement that we can get under the Obama administration. pie. It is one sliver of what needs
if there’s money to access, where is necessary to keep their universities in terms of providing additional ac- Proponents of the move saw it as to be done. It’s going to take a com-
it and how do we get it.” running. cess through scholarships or grants a good-faith decision by Trump and prehensive, joint effort.”

Administration officials issue stark warning on mortgage finance

BY KATY O’DONNELL Democrats are mostly concerned As it stands, underwriting stan-
The U.S. housing finance sys- about providing affordable housing. dards at Fannie and Freddie have
tem is worse off today than it was The Treasury blueprint would “gotten worse, not better,” Calabria
on the cusp of the 2008 financial overhaul Fannie and Freddie before said, pointing to a “massive expan-
crisis, Republican lawmakers and releasing them from government sion” of loans with high debt-to-
Trump administration officials control. A major component of the income ratios in recent years.
warned on Tuesday. plan is building the companies’ “What you’re describing today
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, capital so they would be able to sounds even more dangerous than
the two government-controlled withstand an economic downturn the conditions that we had prior
enterprises that stand behind half without turning to taxpayers again. to the last crisis,” Sen. Martha
the country’s mortgages, are too Right now, the companies are McSally (R-Ariz.) said. “How is it
undercapitalized, and lending allowed to retain only a combined that reforms haven’t been made in
standards have actually deterio- $6 billion in capital despite own- order to prevent us being in similar
rated since the housing crash, the ing or guaranteeing $5.5 trillion of conditions?”
officials said. mortgages. Carson said reforms at the Fed-
“This whole thing is a car wreck. “I will tell you as a safety-and- eral Housing Administration have
It’s a dumpster fire,” Sen. John soundness regulator, when I look brought down delinquency rates.
Kennedy (R-La.) said at a Senate at a $3 trillion institution that is Efforts to reduce risk, though,
Banking Committee hearing on the leveraged 1,000 to 1, it keeps me up would inevitably result in fewer
White House’s proposal to over- at night,” Federal Housing Finance people getting mortgages — a point
haul the way the nation finances Agency Director Mark Calabria, ANDREW HARNIK/AP Democrats on the committee made
mortgages. the companies’ regulator, told the “This whole thing is a car wreck,” Sen. John Kennedy said of federal repeatedly.
“We spent $190 billion of tax- committee. mortgage lenders during a Senate Banking hearing Tuesday. When Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.)
payer money, and we’re in worse “If we do nothing, this is going to pressed the officials to identify
shape,” he said, referring to the end very badly,” he added. people who would not be able to get
bailout of Fannie Mae and Fred- Fannie and Freddie are less But when Sen. Mark Warner (D- “It appears to me from your ad- mortgages under the plan, Mnuchin
die Mac, which were seized by the equipped for a downturn now than Va.) pressed Mnuchin and Calabria ministrative proposals, we could said “there may be certain people
Treasury a decade ago to stave they were before the crisis, Senate on whether the Financial Stability end up with a system that actually today who really shouldn’t get a
off catastrophic losses during the Banking Chairman Mike Crapo Oversight Council, the regula- doesn’t end too-big-to-fail and mortgage because they can’t af-
crisis. (R-Idaho) said. Before 2008, he tor created after the crisis to spot doesn’t increase affordable access ford them.”
The hearing kicked off what said, the companies held 45 cents emerging risks in the financial to credit — that is a grave concern Carson agreed.
promises to be a highly conten- in capital for every $100 in mort- system, should subject Fannie and to me,” Warner said. The adminis- “Certainly there are some people
tious debate over the plans released gages; today that figure is 19 cents. Freddie to greater oversight, they tration’s plan, he said, is “going to who probably should not be mort-
last week by the departments of T reasu r y Secreta r y Steven rejected the idea. put us right back to where we were gage owners — in many cases very
Treasury and Housing and Urban Mnuchin, HUD Secretary Ben “Before we raised public capital, prior to 2008.” disabled people, elderly people,
Development to scale back the fed- Carson and Calabria all agreed we would make sure we understood Mnuchin disputed Warner’s people who are drug-addicted, who
eral government’s massive role in with Crapo’s assessment that the that there was enough capital so characterization; he and Calabria are not going to be able to make the
the mortgage market. Republicans GSEs “are systemically important that they did not need to be desig- emphasized that the White House payments,” Carson said. “We have
are focusing on what they say are companies [and] that they continue nated” as “systemically important” plan includes reforms to reduce the other programs for individuals like
growing risks in the system, while to be too big to fail.” by FSOC, Mnuchin said. risk in the companies’ portfolios. that.”
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T H U R S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9 | POLITICO | 21


The mad negotiator

fuzzy goals? By all means, let’s potential negotiating partners. prospect of him denuclearizing is in the Oval Office. But foreign
RICH accept it, and make the meeting a
captivating show. Is U.S. envoy
Indeed, the more hostile and
bloodstained they are, the more
is as distant as ever, Trump still
insists they are great friends and
actors, especially the worst,
have interests and ideological
LOWRY Zalmay Khalilzad nearing a
deal with the Taliban? Let’s get
alluring they seem — because
any deal would be ever more
he is a promising young man.
There are, to be sure, things to
commitments that they can’t
simply be talked out of and
leaders of the insurgency, not just epic, more dramatic, and more be said for Trump’s dealmaking- aren’t susceptible to clever

n the “fi re and fury” phase of to Washington, but to the storied validating of Trump’s image as fi rst approach. When it comes to workarounds. Not everything is a
Donald Trump’s presidency, retreat of U.S. presidents, Camp the ultimate dealmaker. China, for example, there is at negotiation.
everyone worried that he’d David. Will Trump and Iranian Trump is often interpreted in least a colorable case for making The very fact of a presidential
impulsively start a war with President Hassan Rouhani both Jacksonian terms, and rightly so. a trade deal the priority over meeting is a propaganda victory
North Korea. be at the upcoming U.N. General And yet, he goes well beyond a anything else right now. for the likes of Kim or the
The worry should have been Assembly meeting? Let’s talk. traditional Jacksonian’s instinct Thanks to his flair for the Taliban. And perception can’t
he’d, almost on a whim, step Trump has taken the old to leave the world alone until, dramatic and his belief in substitute for reality the way it
across the Korean DMZ in a Obama statement from a when a threat emerges, he feels walking away from the table might in New York real estate.
chummy photo-op with Kim Jong 2008 primary debate that he’d compelled to pound it into sand. as a tactic, Trump has been If a New York newspaper is
Un. be willing to meet without This has occasionally been willing to blow up his most persuaded by happy talk to run a
Richard Nixon famously had precondition with the leaders Trump’s rhetoric on North Korea dubious diplomatic gambits — favorable item about a property,
his ”mad man” theory of bringing of rogue states, and made it an and Iran, and his action regarding namely, the deal that was in the it might significantly affect
our adversaries to heel by animating principle of his foreign ISIS. But he’s a Jacksonian as offi ng during the Kim summit the property’s prospects. By
impressing on them his bellicose policy. real-estate developer; he doesn’t in Vietnam and the proposed contrast, we can say warm things
unpredictability. They’d better This is why the Russia want to leave the world alone Taliban visit to Camp David. about Kim, and it doesn’t change
talk, otherwise the crazed anti- conspiracy theorists have always — or pound it into sand — so From one point of view, Trump what he’s doing or alter any of his
communist Nixon might shake been off the mark. They’ve much as have attention-getting is an exaggerated version of the fi xed goals.
off the reins of his advisers and long believed — and still can’t ribbon cutting ceremonies after mistake many U.S. presidents No tool of foreign policy,
nuke somebody. shake the sense — that Vladimir audacious deals that prove the tend to make. Because getting including diplomacy, should be
It’s easy to see the inherent Putin “must have something” doubters wrong. elected president means by deployed indiscriminately and
appeal of this theory to Trump, on Trump to account for the The M.O. of a publicity- defi nition that they have better- thoughtlessly. Trump views
who has cited it in congratulating president’s unwillingness to conscious real-estate guy is, once than-average persuasive skills, himself as primarily a dealmaker,
himself for avoiding war with offend the Russian leader and you’ve cut the deal, even if it presidents often have an outsized which doesn’t mean that every
North Korea. But the president, eagerness to come to some sort of isn’t really the best one ever, you view of their own ability to deal is worth having or even
despite the occasional over- unspecified arrangement. By this insist it is. Your building is almost personally sway other leaders. pursuing. There’s lot of space
the-top threat, is not a natural reasoning, the Taliban, Kim Jong entirely sold out, rich and famous Obviously, though Trump between “fi re and fury” and
madman in this Nixonian sense. Un, Chinese President Xi and people are buying there, the prices takes it to another level. The hosting terrorists at Camp David.
He’s not a mad bomber; he’s the Rouhani all must have something are above market rates, etc. This problem with his worldview is Some hands aren’t worth
mad negotiator. on Trump, too. is what is known as puffery, and that, counter to its supposed shaking, some ribbons not worth
Does a South Korean Trump sees the best in even Kim has been the beneficiary of hard-bitten realism, it depends cutting.
delegation have an offer from the world’s most dismal actors it. on the idea that ultimately,
Kim to negotiate directly, with because he sees them, no matter Even though Kim’s missile yes, we can all get along, Rich Lowry is editor of National
little or no preparation and how hostile or bloodstained, as program continues apace and the assuming the right dealmaker Review.

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