Circuit Training

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What is circuit training Benefits of circuit training

Circuit training is a workout where you go from exercise to exercise to exercise with little to no rest in
between the exercises. An example would be doing a set of say 8 push ups, then 8 biceps curls, then 8
squats. So, that would be the first circuit, and you would do this circuit 3 times, maybe rest for a short
time and move to the next circuit of exercises.

Some of the benefits of circuit training is that it is highly time efficient. By keeping up a moderate to
intense pace you can complete a full body routine in about 20 to 30 minutes.

Circuit training can improve your strength and cardiovascular fitness. By doing strength training
exercises and having little to no rest, you are improving your muscular strength and muscular
endurance, and you are keeping your heart rate elevated which will work your respiratory system.

By switching up the exercises you are doing in circuit training sessions, it can keep you mentally
stimulated. Many people, including me, get bored doing the same exercise routines over and over
again. Changing exercises and trying new and more challenging movements stimulates your brain and
can keep exercise interesting.

Circuit training can be done just about anywhere. You can do routines in the gym, at home in an open
space, or even outside at a local park in fresh air.

Circuit training sessions burn a lot of calories. By keeping your body moving, it is using more energy.
Most people can burn from 150 to 200 calories doing a 20 minute body weight only circuit training

Circuit training can be set up many different ways, you can use free weights, resistance bands,
suspension trainers or even doing body weight exercises. You can do each of the exercises for set time
periods or for a set number of reps. And I think it is good to do 3 to 4 exercises for each circuit.

So, let’s go through a quick example of a circuit training session.

So, first circuit is push up, dumbbell biceps curls and squats. Do 8 to 10 reps per exercise and go
through the circuit 3 times. Rest for a couple of minutes if you need to, then next circuit is side raises,
dumbbell deadlifts, and crunches, again 8 to 10 reps, 3 times through the circuit. Last circuit is triceps
kickbacks, bent over dumbbell rows, and a single leg 3 cone touch to work your legs and balance.

You would go through this circuit at whatever pace is best for your fitness level, beginners should use
lighter weights, and rest when you need to. As your fitness level increases, you can increase the pace
and the amount of weight for the exercises.

Beginner or advanced, this circuit training session should only take about 20 to 30 minutes.

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