Financial Secrets Are Debt Free - Seminar 2 - Sacred Powers of Natural Law - How To Defend Your Rights - Introduction To Ascension

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Welcome to My Second Seminar
● If you missed my first presentation, it would be a good idea for you to
download the presentation file and read and view it. [Visit this link to
view the file.]
● The topics I will be discussing in this presentation are:
– The sacred powers of Thought, Love, and Consciousness
– The Laws of Nature (i.e., the Law of Free Will, the Law of
Attraction, the Law of Action, and the Law of Balance)
– The relationship between reality and energy
– The forbidden secrets of the legal system
– Trust Law, Contract Law, Corporate Law, Common Law, Admiralty
Law, and Maritime Law
– How to stay out of court
– The secret organization responsible for enslaving the human race
– The solutions for freedom and sovereignty
My Background and Expertise
● I am an artist, visionary, critical thinker, freedom
lover, and spiritual person (not religious). If you
combine a visionary, artist, scientist, philosopher,
and activist into one, you would get someone
who thinks like me.
● I am not an expert in anything but knowledgeable
in health and wellness, spiritual science, energy
mechanics, esoteric knowledge, secret societies,
conspiracy, law (Natural Law, contract law, trust
law, common law, etc.), advanced technology,
cryptocurrency, finance, and history.
My Presentation Style and Goals
● I reveal the problem in a way that people can
understand, but I also show effective solutions to
solve the problem.
● I am not afraid to tell it like it is, even if it makes
people uncomfortable or angry. If I do not make
most people feel uncomfortable, then I am not
teaching them the right controversial and
sensitive information.
● One of my goals is to teach you empowering and
esoteric knowledge to empower you to become a
light warrior (a sentient being with great vitality,
courage, virtue, honor, love, and wisdom).
Have You Seen the Movie Warriors
of Virtue?
A Summary of Warriors of Virtue
● Warriors of Virtue is a movie about a disable kid
named Ryan who loves kung fu and reading comics.
In the beginning of the movie, Ryan fell into a portal
during a game of dare and ended up in another reality
known as the mythical Land of Tao.
● While in the Land of Tao, Ryan meets 5
anthropomorphic kangaroos who are expert in kung fu.
They are known as “Warriors of Virtue.”
● Each of the warriors can use one of the Five Elements
of Nature as a superpower (i.e., Water, Fire, Wood,
Earth, Metal). These superpowers allowed them to
defeat the Dark Forces that were trying to destroy the
Land of Tao.
Why Am I Telling You About the
Movie Warriors of Virtue?
● Because our planet is also being destroyed by dark
forces. These dark forces like to use their minions,
which are the International Banksters and leaders
of certain secret societies to do their dirty work.
● Instead of teaching you how to use the Elements of
Nature to defend yourself from the Dark forces, I
am going to teach you how to use the Energy
Forces of Nature and the Laws of Nature to
defend yourself and protect the human race.
● When you learn how to use the Energy Forces of
Nature and the Laws of Nature to defend yourself,
it is like have your own superpowers!
What are the Energy Forces of
Nature and Laws of Nature?
● There are many Energy Forces of Nature. The
ones I will be talking about in this presentation
are Thought, Love, and Consciousness.
● There are also many different Laws of Nature.
Today, I will be teaching you about the Law of
Free Will, the Law of Attraction, the Law of
Action, and the Law of Balance.
● Before I explain what these energy forces and
laws are, let us turn our attention to what
Natural Law is.
What is Natural Law?
● Natural Law, also known as the Laws of the Universe,
the Laws of Nature, the Laws of the Prime Creator,
Cosmic Law, and God’s Law, is a body of organic
Spiritual Laws that is used by Nature to govern
everything in the Universe. Without Natural Law, life and
reality cannot exist.
● Everything in the Universe is bound to Natural Law. It
does not matter if it is a soul, demon, subatomic particle,
atom, microorganism, planet, star, or galaxy.
● The Laws of Nature are binding, immutable (cannot be
changed), and inescapable. Because of this, if you
violate the Laws of Nature, be prepared to face the
consequences. This is why it is important that you know
what the Laws of Nature are.
● The Laws of Nature are not meant to punish us, but
are meant to maintain balance and order, so we can
experience life to the fullest.
● One very important thing you need to know about
Nature is that all thoughts, intentions, and actions
are known by Nature. If you think you can get away
with harming others, you do not know how reality
● To learn how to use the Laws of Nature to defend your
rights, you need to know who you truly are. Most of us
have no clue as to who we really are, which is why it is
easy for the Dark Forces to enslave us under their
legal system. One of the effective ways to find out who
you truly are is to learn about the sacred powers inside
you, which are Thought, Love, and Consciousness.
The Sacred Powers of Thought
● To comprehend how powerful thought is, you
need to know what it is. Thoughts are things but
they exist as unmanifested matter with pure
potentiality (infinite possibility and creativity).
● Thought is an attribute of consciousness that
acts like a focusing and filtering system. One of
the main roles of thought is to focus everything
in the external world into holograms, which
are thought projections.
● Thought is a subtle energy that influences
everything we do, because every action
involves the use of thought. Even though it is
subtle, thought has infinite potentiality
(possibility) and is the most powerful
manifestation energy force in the Universe. It
is so powerful that it has the power to manifest
energy into material things.
● Thought is the creative power that Nature uses
to focus everything into being. The pure form
of thought has no limitation due to the fact that
it has infinite potential. The fact that you have
thought is proof that you are a sentient being
with infinite potential!
● The reason why your thoughts do not feel very
powerful is because you are not responsible
enough yet and have not evolved enough to
handle the true power of thought. With great
powers come great responsibilities.
● From the eyes of Nature, you are still like a
baby who is just learning how to crawl. To give
you access to the true power of thought is too
much of a risk at your current state of evolution.
The Sacred Powers of Love
● Love goes beyond feeling and attraction. In essence,
pure love is nothing more than an energetic state of
perfect vibrational harmonization. As a result, words
cannot describe what this love really is. If you want to
know what pure love is, you will need to experience it. It
is only through direct experience that you can
comprehend what pure love truly is.
● Many of us think that love is a strong emotion related to
friendships, relationships, and sexual desires. This
definition of love only defines the surface of love. At the
deeper levels, love is a harmonic conscious energy
that attracts everything into oneness. It is a form of
energy that is always vibrating toward a state of perfect
vibrational harmonization.
● When you experience the pure form of love, it is like
being in an ecstasy state of total awareness and
infinite joy with all things. Most people who have
experienced a little bit of this pure love often feel
unhappy afterwards, because it makes the love that
they experience here on Earth feel like nothing, causing
them to be depressed and even suicidal.
● In our current state of evolution, we human beings are
not able to embody the full frequency of pure love. If
somehow we were able to do so, our physical bodies
would explode because the joy of this love would be too
overwhelming for us to handle. However, we can
gradually tap into this love by learning how to activate
our “junk DNA” and expand our consciousness.
● Love is essential for life and reality to exist, because it
gives Nature the desire to keep everything in balance.
The Sacred Powers of
● Consciousness is understood by most people as a
state of being aware, but there is more to
consciousness than just being aware. At its core,
consciousness is basically energy that is self
aware and intelligent. Furthermore, consciousness
is an intelligent and information field of infinite
possibility and creativity.
● One important thing you need to know about
consciousness is that it exists in many different
stages. The current state of our consciousness is
still in its infancy state, which is why we do not feel
like we have infinite potential.
● Another important thing you should know about
consciousness is that everything that exists in
the material realm has some level of
consciousness within it. This means that atoms,
DNA, minerals, rocks, water, planets, stars, and
even the air you breathe have some level of
consciousness inside it. In other words,
everything is alive but lives in different states
of consciousness.
● Consciousness is the main determining factor
of life. Without it, you will not be aware that you
are alive. Because of this, it plays a very
important role in creating your experience and
the reality you live in.
Thought, Love, and Consciousness
Have One Thing in Common:
What is Reality and Life?
● Before I continue any further, I need to explain to
you what reality and life are. If you do not what
reality and life are, you will never know why
comprehending Natural Law is a requirement for
freedom and sovereignty.
● Everything in the Universe is focused into
existence by thought. Because of this, reality is
thought construction and is made of only
● To help explain why everything is just energy, let us
explore the four commonly known realms of reality.
The Four Commonly Known Realms of Reality
Material Realm Cell Realm

Atomic Realm Quantum or Energy Realm

● When you zoom in through the different layers of reality,
you will eventually come to the realm of energy. Energy is
all there is and this energy is conscious. This is why you
are conscious, because the core of who you are is made
of energy and consciousness, not matter. Matter is only
a projection of energy.
● So, why am I telling you this? To let you know that reality
does not work the way you have been conditioned to
believe, and that you are not really a physical being, but an
energy or light being. Your body is just a biological
vessel that houses your soul/spirit. Your soul is the one
animating your body and observing your life's experiences.
● Knowing who you truly are is essential for defending your
rights in court. If you do not know who you are, according
to the legal system, you do not have any natural rights
(rights given to you by the Prime Creator). Judges are
well aware of this, which is why they love atheist people.
● By the end of this presentation, you will know what
I mean when I say “reality does not work the way
you have been conditioned to believe.”
● Many of the information you have learned through
elementary school, middle school, high school,
college, and the mainstream media is BULLSH*T!
Especially the information about science, history,
religion, and law.
● History is one of the subjects that has the most
lies. Nearly 80 percent of what we were taught in
history class was distorted or false information.
● The people who do not want you to be free are
responsible for creating this “con game” to prevent
you from knowing the truth. I will reveal who they
are near the end of this presentation.
Explaining How Reality Works Using the
Spoon Scene in the movie The Matrix
The people who control our society do not
like to use the education system to inform us
about the truth. Instead, they like to tell us
the truth using movies, because most
people do not take the information in movies
seriously. They have conditioned us to think
that movies are just movies and do not
contain real information. In some movies,
the information is mostly fictional. However,
many movies do contain some or a lot of
truth. It is just that the truth is often hidden
using symbols and metaphors.
An excerpt of a conversation between Neo and the Spoon Boy in The Matrix
Spoon Boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize
the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Spoon Boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Spoon Boy: Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.
What is the Spoon Scene Trying to
Tell Us About Reality?
● When Spoon Boy said to Neo, “there is no spoon.” He is
trying to tell him that reality works like an illusion.
Remember what I said earlier that matter is only a
projection of energy?
● When Spoon Boy said to Neo, “then you'll see that it is not
the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.” This sentence is
full of esoteric knowledge and wisdom. Everything that is
happening in the matrix does not really exist, so if Neo
wants to change it, he must first change himself and the
way he thinks.
● The external reality that we live in works similar to this
spoon scene in The Matrix. Everything that is happening in
our reality is actually happening in our mind and body,
and then is projected into the external world.
The Law of Attraction
● In simple terms, the Law of Attraction is a universal law that
involves like energy attracting more like energy. If you
understand that everything existing in the material or external world
is made of only energy, you should know that focusing your energy
or thought toward something you desire can help manifest it into
reality quicker.
● Many teachers of the Law of Attraction like to tell their students that
manifesting desires is easy to do and does not require action. This
wishful thinking version of the Law of Attraction is often used by the
Dark Forces and their minions to prevent people from creating real

Manifesting desires is NOT as easy as wishful thinking. Thinking
good thoughts and setting intention are just the early steps. This is
because the Universe has other laws in addition to the Law of
Attraction that play an important role for creating reality. Another
important law is called the Law of Action, which is when we start to
act upon our intentions to create the experiences we desire.
Have You Seen The Secret by
Rhonda Byrne?
● The Secret is very well produced in a drama kind of way,
which is why it did such a great job of convincing people
that it is easy to manifest their desires using the Law of
Attraction. Unfortunately, it lacks a lot of knowledge and
wisdom of how reality works. By dissecting The Secret, I
could tell that it was designed to mislead people toward
the path of greed and materialism. This path can be
harmful to our connection to life and Nature if we allow it to
control us.
● If we follow the path of greed and materialism for too long,
we will begin to believe that we are entitled to something,
that we are better than others or that someone owes us
something. Once we fall into this mind trap, we set
ourselves for endless frustration. This frustration is caused
by replacing unrealistic and untrue expectations upon life,
others and ourselves. As long as we keep thinking like this,
we can never achieve true world peace and freedom.
● There is nothing wrong with wanting to have nice things,
like a nice house or a nice car. The problem is that we
become too obsessed with them, causing us to lose touch
with what is real within us.
● One thing I do not like about The Secret is that it focuses
too much on what each of us wants. When you focus too
much on what you want and do not care about others, it
can cause your ego to become overactive. This can lead
to selfish behaviors and other negative behaviors. As
these negative behaviors spread throughout a nation, we
eventually create a society full of self-centered people.
● A society full of self-centered people is exactly what the
Dark Forces and the International Banksters want. An
egocentric society will always have problems with
racism and discrimination, which eventually lead to other
conflicts, such as wars. This is how they divide and
conquer us.
● In order for us to manifest anything into reality,
we need to think about it first. Everything that
was created by mankind was first built in
someone's mind. If we cannot build it in our mind
first, then our ideas cannot manifest as material
things. Nothing can happen here in the physical
realm without an act of will or intent.
● When we really think about it, we do everything
with our mind, because every action has to be
thought of first before it can manifest in physical
form. When we live on Earth, we need a body
because it is used as a medium to transfer our
ideas into the physical realm through actions.
In other words, our body is merely an extension
of our mind in physical form.
The Law of Action
● The Law of Action is a universal law that allows us to act
upon our thoughts and intentions to create the
experiences we desire. This universal law plays a very
important role for manifesting our ideas and desires,
because it allows us to express them into physical forms
using our physical body.
● For example, when we want to bake a cake, we think about
it first and then act upon our thoughts and intentions using
our body to assist us to build the cake into physical form.
● Once we evolve to a level of consciousness that allows us
to instantly manifest things out of thin air using our mind,
we do not need to rely on the Law of Action as much
anymore. We are nowhere near that level so do not get too
excited yet.
The Law of Free Will
● The Law of Free Will gives us the ability to make choices
that are not controlled by fate. Even though we have the
freedom to make our own choices, our free will does have
certain limitations due to our current state of
consciousness and evolution.
● Many people like to make the argument that there is no
free will, because they believe that human life is controlled
by fate and destiny. People who think that they cannot
change their fate lack the knowledge and wisdom to
understand what life and reality are.
● Before we can explore how fate affects us, we need to
know what it is. defines fate as “something
that unavoidably befalls a person; fortune; lot” or “that
which is inevitably predetermined; destiny.”
● Fate can be a confusing topic to talk about.
However, if you understand how the future
works, it will be less confusing. Exploring how
the future works can also be confusing, but it
can be simplified by using a tree to
metaphorically demonstrate how the future
● Think of the future like it is a magical tree with
billions of leaves and branches that keep on
multiplying for eternity. This magical tree is also
surrounded by countless magical trees. Imagine
that each tree represents a reality of its own
but they are all interconnected by their roots,
creating an entangled network of realities.
The branches of this magical
tree are like the paths you walk
on in life and the leaves are like
events or destination points in
time. The free will choices that
you make in life are what are
going to determine which leaves
you end up on. Once you
understand this concept, you will
know that your future is
determined by your free will
choices. You are exactly where
you are in life because of the
choices you made, not because
of fate or destiny.

Some people may argue that the leaves are like destination points,
so fate is real. When we look at it from that perspective, it is true to
a certain point. However, it is still your free will choices that will
determine which destination points you end up on.
● Having the power of free will is a blessing but it can also
be a curse if you do not use it wisely. The Dark Forces
and the International Banksters are well aware of the
consequences of violating the Law of Free Will, which is
why they need your CONSENT before they can do
anything to you. If this is hard for you to believe, study
Contract Law and you will know that whenever a
government agent wants you to do anything, they need
proof of contract or they are violating your rights.
● This is why cops will always ask you for a driver's
license when they pull you over. Your driver's license is
proof that you have a contract with the government.
When you do any business with the government, you
are always required to sign a contract. Contracts are
some of their favorite ways to trick you to give up some
of the power of your free will.
● The word “contract” does not mean what you think
it does. The common definition of contract is, “an
agreement with specific terms between two or
more persons or entities in which there is a
promise to do something in return for a valuable
benefit known as consideration.” This common
definition of contract only shows you the overt
meaning of contract.
● To find the covert or deeper meanings of the
word “contract,” you need to look below its surface,
dissect its layers, find its origins, and look at it from
many different angles. This means that you may
need to use an etymology dictionary to find the
origins of the word, and split and rearrange the
word using the art of anagram.
● One of the first steps to find the deeper meanings of
the word “contract” is to separate it into two words.
When you separate “contract” in half, you get “con-
tract.”As a verb, the word “con” is define as “to swindle
or trick.” As a noun, the word “tract” is define as “a
brief treatise or pamphlet for general distribution.”
Based on the two definitions, when you put “con” and
“tract” together, you get a “deceptive treatise” or a
“treatise of trickery.”
● When you sign a contract with a corporation (i.e. bank,
government agency), you are agreeing to a
fraudulent and deceptive treatise. The good news is
that pretty much all contracts you made with
corporations and government agencies are fraudulent
since they do not come with full disclosure.
The Law of Balance
● The Law of Balance has to do with keeping everything in
equilibrium. It is about keeping the energy of a system in
balance, so that everything within that system is working in
unison with itself and Nature.
● When it comes to the survival of systems, this law is the
most important Law of Nature. Balance is essential for the
existence of all systems of Nature, such as galaxies, stars,
planets, and the human body.
● The International Banksters (the Controllers) are well
aware of how the Law of Balance works. Because of this,
they know that they cannot tip the balance too far or they
will “break” the Law of Balance and get in trouble, causing
an end to their “con game.” This is why during wars, they
send in the Red Cross to help the injured and do other
things to make them look good.
Why You Should Learn How to Combine
the Energy Forces of Nature and the
Laws of Nature
● The Energy Forces of Nature that I talked about, which
are Thought, Love, and Consciousness, are the same
powers that Nature use to create the Universe. Once
you grasp this knowledge, you will know that you can
turn these Energy Forces of Nature into your own
superpowers and use them to help you build a better
future for humanity.
● If you learn to combine the power of your thought,
love, and consciousness with the Laws of Nature and
integrate them with Man's Law, most judges and
attorneys will not want to be in the same courtroom
with you, because you are too powerful for them to
charge or deceive.
How to Use the Energy Forces of Nature
and the Laws of Nature to Empower You
● By now, you should know that the Law of Free Will prohibits any
sentient being or government agent from forcing you to do
anything without your consent. Once you know how this affects
you, combine this knowledge with the power of your thought
and use your mind to think of effective strategies to protect you
from others who want to reduce the power of your free will.
● To strengthen this process even more, combine the power of
your thought and the Law of Free Will with the Law of Action.
One way to do this is to write to the appropriate government
agents (i.e., attorney general) to let them know that you are a
sovereign man or woman with a soul and not a legal person.
The reason why you want the government to know that you are
not a legal person is because a legal person is a fictitious
entity or a corporation. The government and the court only
have jurisdiction over a legal person, which is the name
written in all capital letters.
The Forbidden Secrets of the Legal
● Before I expose the forbidden secrets of the legal
system, I want to show you a very important video
about a sovereign man who scared the judge so bad
that the judge left the courtroom with his head down.
● When watching the video, pay attention to the
judge's posture when he leaves the courtroom.
● Visit the link below to watch the video. If the link does
not work, just type in these search terms “judge bows
sovereign freeman” in the search form at and click the search button.
Breaking Down the Important
Information in the Previous Video
● Did you notice how the judge tries to trick Keith into
accepting to be the legal name Keith Thompson? If he
would have said “yes” to being Keith Thompson, it would
have been game over.
● Instead of agreeing to be that legal name, Keith said to the
judge that he is the administrator of that account. The
account he is referring to is the legal name Keith
Thompson. This legal name is the name written in all
● Once Keith claims to be the administrator, he becomes
the master and the judge becomes the trustee, which is
the slave. This is why the judge, who is now the slave,
bows to his master (Keith) before the judge (slave) leaves
the courtroom.
● The previous video took place in Canada but it still
relates to the court system in the USA, the UK,
Australia, and many other Western countries.
● This is because most Western countries are under
the rule of Admiralty Law (the Law of the Sea)
and Maritime Law (Law-Merchant), which are
enforced by the Vatican. In other words, the courts
in the USA are NOT really operating under
Constitutional Law.
● People living in countries that are operating under
Admiralty/Maritime Law are not free or sovereign,
because their common law and constitutional
rights are suspended. The good news is that
there are ways around this. I will show you some
ways in a bit.
Introduction to Trust Law and
Corporate Law
● There are two main forms of law on Earth, which are Natural
Law (Prime Creator's Law) and Man's Law. Trust Law and
Corporate Law are considered Man's Law. However, they do
have some principles of Natural Law in them.
● What is Trust Law? A trust is define as “an equitable or
beneficial right or title to land or other property, held for the
beneficiary by another person, in whom resides the legal title
or ownership, recognized and enforced by courts of
chancery.” []
● Trust Law has to do with people and properties. At its most
basic form, any trust is “a property interest held by one
person (the trustee) at the request of another (the settlor) for
the benefit of a third party (the beneficiary).” [Black's Law
Dictionary 7th Edition]
● In Trust Law you have three parties; the
executor/administrator, the beneficiary, and the trustee.
The trustee is the one who holds all the property in a trust.
The trustee has to obey the instructions of the executor for
the benefit of the beneficiary. The trustee cannot be the
executor/administrator or the beneficiary and the
beneficiary or executor cannot be the trustee. When you
really think about it, the trustee is the slave.
● Governments are public servants and therefore they are
public trustees. They are the ones that hold all the
properties for the benefit of the executor and beneficiary of
● If you end up going to jail after a civil court trial, it was
because you were the trustee and you were being
ordered to do something for the benefit of the Crown. To
prevent this, you need to learn how to remove yourself
from playing the role of the trustee, which is the slave.
● To remove yourself from playing the role of the trustee, you need
to contact the Crown and the court before the trial date to let
them know that you are the administrator or the beneficiary of
the legal person, which is the name written in all caps (i.e.,
JOHN DOE). This is the name used by the government to
identify you.
● Even if you do not contact the court ahead of time, you can still
tell the judge what role you are playing at the beginning of your
hearing. Just be aware that judges do not like surprises. Also, be
aware that this process works best in civil courts. In criminal
courts, if you are found guilty for harming someone, you will
have to face the consequences no matter what you say or do.
● It is important to know that the courts in the USA (this also
applies to courts in other Western countries) are all based on
presumption. In other words, it is a “game.” This is why it is
called a “court-room.” What do people do in a court? They play
games, like a basketball game or a tennis game. They did not
call it the “court” or the “court-room” by accident. Are you starting
to see the big picture?
● When you walk into the courtroom, you are about
to play their “con game,” so the judge presumes
you are playing the role of the trustee (slave)
based on the document filed by the Crown. To trick
you to consent to be the trustee, the judge will ask
you if you are the legal name (i.e., JOHN DOE),
which is the name on your driver’s license, birth
certificate, etc.
● If you answer yes to being that legal name, you just
agree to be a legal fiction, which is a
corporation. A corporation is a “corpse” or a dead
entity that has no rights. If you look at the word
“corporation” closely, you can almost see the word
“corpse” in it. This is no accident. It is right in your
face! This word trick is known as “word magic.”
● In legal term, a corporation is an artificial person. If
you want proof of this, look at Black’s Law Dictionary
6th Edition for the legal term “corporation” and you
should see this definition, “an artificial person or
legal entity created by or under the authority of the
laws of a state.”
● Once you agree to be an artificial person
(corporation), it puts you under their jurisdiction. This
means that you have to play under their rules. As a
result, it is pretty much game over. Why do you think
most people lose 97 percent of the time in court?
● Instead of agreeing to be that artificial person or legal
person, tell the judge that you are the administrator
or beneficiary of that legal person. This will remove
you from playing the role of the trustee, which is the
role of the slave.
● Once you learn how the legal system really works and how
to defend your natural rights, judges and attorneys will run
away from you like a scared little kid being chased by a
giant killer bee!
● Since you now know the basics of Trust Law, let
us explore the basics of Corporate Law, so you
can see the relationship between Trust Law and
Corporate Law.
● Corporate Law is basically Trust Law with
different titles. Corporate Law deals with the
formation and operations of corporations
and is related to Commercial Law and Contract
● Like Trust Law, Corporate Law also has three
main parties, which are the shareholder, the
director, and the employee.
● In Corporate Law, the shareholders appoint or
remove the director (CEO), because they own
the stocks of the public company. Because of
this, they want a director who is setting the right
policies for the company and its employees, so
that they can get the maximum return in their
● The director sets policies for the company and
tells the employees what to do, so that the
employees can produce the most profitable
goods and services for the company. If the
company generates good profits, the
shareholders are happy because their stocks
are worth more money.
A Simplified Version of Trust Law
and Corporate Law
Executor / Administrator



Beneficiary Trustee
Note: Blue is for trust law and black is for corporate law. These two colors were
chosen for no particular reason.
Introduction to Common Law
● Common Law is “the body of law derived from
judicial decisions, rather than from statutes or
constitutions.” [Black's Law Dictionary 8th Edition]
● In a common law court, the judge makes his
decision in accordance with morality and custom
rather than in accordance with the words in codes
and statutes (laws enacted by legislatures).
● Common Law was designed to secure the rights
of individuals (you and me) to property and to
make it difficult for the government to take our
property away from us without due process of
● Common Law recognizes that the power of
government lies in the common people and
not in an elite group of international bankers.
● In a common law court, it is the jury who
decides whether or not the facts of the case are
valid and they also decide the law.
● The principles of Common Law are recorded
deeply in the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of
Independence and Bill of Rights.
● Common Law is the law of the people.
Introduction to Contract Law
● Contract Law is a body of laws that regulate
obligations established by oral or written
agreements (express or implied) between two
or more persons or entities.
● When it comes to man-made laws, Contract
Law is at the top. Why? Because contract is
what makes the law. Without contract there is
no law because law is a form of contract. In
other words, without an agreement between
two or more parties, there is no contract and
therefore the law cannot be enforced.
● For any contract to be valid, it needs to have:
– An agreement with mutual understanding
– Competent parties
– Full disclosure of material facts
● One thing you must know about a valid contract is
that it is a mutual agreement. A mutual agreement
cannot be valid without full disclosure.
● Nearly 100 percent of all the contracts you have
made with corporations (i.e., banks, government
agencies) are NOT valid, because they do not
come with full disclosure. This means that your
loan agreements, driver's license, social security
card, and birth certificate are all fraudulent
Introduction to Admiralty Law and
Maritime Law
● Admiralty Law is the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law is the Law of
Merchant. They are commercial laws that work similar to Corporate
Law and Trust Law, because there are three main parties involved.
The main difference is that Admiralty Law and Maritime Law
originally heard cases involving commerce on the high seas.
● When it comes to Admiralty Law and Maritime Law, the person who
owns the goods being shipped on a vessel or ship is the property
owner of those goods. In Trust Law, he would be considered the
beneficiary. In Corporate Law, he would be called the
● The captain of the ship is the one in charge of the ship, so in Trust
Law he would be known as the executor/administrator. As for the
people who work on the ship, they would be called the trustees
(Trust Law). In Corporate Law, they would be referred to as
Evidence that the Courts in the USA are Under
the Rule of Admiralty Law (Military Law)

U.S. Military Flag of Peacetime U.S. Military Flag of Wartime

The U.S. Military Flag of Wartime
The gold fringe on the U.S. Military Flag of
War represents martial law, territorial law,
or Admiralty/Maritime Law. When you see
this flag in a U.S. government building, it
means that common law rights and the
United States Constitution are
SUSPENDED or VOID. The U.S. Military Flag
of War was traditionally flown over U.S.
military buildings only during wartime. Today,
this flag is now seen in nearly every court in
the USA and in the offices of U.S. politicians!
This is why if you mention your common law
or constitutional rights in a U.S. courtroom,
the judge may tell you to sit down and shut
up! Who are the U.S. government at war
with? We, the American people! We do
NOT live in a free country! Any American who
thinks that he or she lives in a free country is
very brainwashed and “delusional.”
U.S. Courtroom Flag: Notice the
Gold Fringe?
Evidence that the U.S. Federal Government
is at War with the American People
● According to Judge Dale, author of The Great American
Adventure: The Secrets of America, “The Trading with the
Enemy Act,” which was amended by Franklin D. Roosevelt in
March 1933, made every American citizen an enemy of the U.S.
government and this is the reason why Lincoln’s Declaration of
War is renewed yearly by Congress and the President.
● The U.S. government does NOT work for the American people
anymore. It has become a rogue government controlled by
secret societies or secret organizations, such as the Crown
Temple, the Vatican, the Illuminati, the Jesuits, the Freemasons,
the Skull & Bones, the Nazis, and the Zionists. Together these
secret organizations are known as the New World Order (NWO).
● Washington D.C. is NOT part of the USA. Instead, it is a
privately owned corporation that is independent from the 50
states. Washington D.C. is the military center for the NWO.
The UNITED STATES is NOT a Country
● Did you know that the UNITED STATES is technically not a
country but is a foreign corporation? When they refer to the
“United States,” they are talking about a name on a piece of
paper used for representing the District of Columbia.
● Here is the evidence:
– Title 28 U.S. Code § 3002
● (15) “United States” means—
● (A) a Federal corporation;

● This is why in business you will always see the “UNITED

STATES” or “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” written all caps,
just like your corporate name which is also written in all caps.
The “United States” can be written in lower caps and it can still
represent a corporation. As for the “United States of America,”
when it is written in all caps, it is referring to a corporation.
Did You Know There are Currently
no Judicial Courts in the USA?
● One of the forbidden truths of our court system is that
there are currently no judicial courts in the USA. Judicial
courts are courts that interpret and apply the law in the
name of the state.
● There are NO Judicial Courts in America and have not
been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and
Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and
Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428,
1 Stat 138-178)
● If you go to court and a judge tells you that he or she is the
judge of the law, just say “I object!” And then read the
content in the italics above out loud to the judge. U.S.
judges are not really judges. Instead, they are public
servants “pretending” to be executive administrators!
Evidence that Most Judges and Attorneys
are TRAITORS to the American People
● All licensed Bar attorneys in the USA, whether they
realize this or not, owe their allegiance and give their
solemn oath in pledge to the Crown Temple. This is
simply due to the fact that all Bar associations
throughout the world are signatories and franchises of
the International Bar Association located at the Inns of
Court at Crown Temple in London, England.
● This means that all Bar associations in the USA, such
as the American Bar Association, the Florida Bar
Association, or California Bar Association, are
franchises of the Crown Temple, which is a secret
society that controls the Crown of England. Guess
who controls the Crown Temple? The VATICAN!
● Whether they realize it or not, American attorneys
who are members of the Bar association are pretty
much “spitting” on the graves of the patriotic
Americans who died fighting the British empire
during the American War for Independence.
● In my opinion, most Bar attorneys are TRAITORS
and a bunch of SELLOUTS. These Bar attorneys
are actually foreign templar agents and are
committing crimes in the USA under the guise and
color of law.
● Anyone who has swore an oath to the Crown
Temple is basically declaring war on the American
people and the whole human race. This is because
the Crown Temple's goal is to enslave the human
race under a fascist one world government.
● The Crown Temple is part of the New World Order (NWO). The
NWO is a secret organization made up of many different secret
societies, including but not limited to the Illuminati, the
Freemasons, the Skull & Bones, the Zionists, the Nazis, the
Jesuits, and the Bilderberg Group.
● Be ware that not every faction of a secret society supports the
dark agendas of the NWO. For example, the Freemasons have
many different factions and some of these factions do not
support the enslavement of the human race. As for the
Illuminati, many of the lower members do not want to support
the dark agendas of the NWO. It is the high level members who
are very corrupt and evil.
● The secret societies of the NWO have declared war on the
human race. This war is a silent war which is why most people
do not know about it. World War 3 is already here. It is a war
between the NWO and the human race. Read the book
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars and you will know what I am
talking about.
Important Things You Need to Know
About the U.S. Government and the Court
● Today, U.S. courts operate under presumption, not logic.
● All agents of government are public servants and all government
agencies are corporations.

The government is the servant and we, the people, are the masters.
Due to our ignorance, we have been tricked into believing the opposite.

If you are NOT performing a function of government or acting in the
capacity of a public servant, then in most cases the court has no
jurisdiction over you.
● Today, judges are not really judges, but are public servants
“pretending” to be executive administrators.

The government only have jurisdiction over U.S. citizens and NOT the
American people. In most cases, U.S. citizens are subject to the laws of
the United States, because they are artificial persons and are
considered government agents or government employees.
● If you claim to be one of the People, then it is legally
implied that you are a legal king, with a sovereignty
superior to that of the United States, and subject only to
the common law of the other kings (your peers).
● “The people, or the Sovereign are not bound by general
words in statutes, restrictive of prerogative rights, titles or
interests, unless expressly named. Acts of limitation do not
bind at the King, nor the people. The people have been
ceded all the rights of the king, the former Sovereign. It is
a maxim of the common-law that when an act of
parliament is made for the public good, the advancement
of religion and Justice, and to prevent injury and wrong,
the king shall be bound by such an act, though not named;
but when a statute is General, and any prerogative rights,
titles or interests would be divested or taken from the king
(or the people) in such case he shall not be bound”. The
People vs. Herkimer, 15 American Decisions 379, 4
Cowen (NY 345, 348 (1825)).
Federal, State, and Corporate Laws Do
NOT Apply to a Sovereign Man or Woman
● In order for Admiralty/Maritime courts to have
jurisdiction over you, they have to trick you to agree to
be a public servant. Through your birth certificate, social
security card, driver's license, and other government
contracts signed by you, the government assumes that you
are a public servant or an agent of the government. If you
do not rebut this assumption, according to the government,
you are a public servant through implied consent!
● Implied consent means “consent that is inferred from
signs, actions, or facts, or by inaction or silence.” For
example, if the government or an agent of the International
Banksters make a claim against you and you do not rebut
it, they can legally claim that you agree through implied
● In the USA, federal, state, and corporate laws only
apply to U.S. citizens and government agents.
Remember what I said early that the government
only have jurisdiction over U.S. citizens and NOT
the American people?
● The good news is that just because you are a U.S.
citizen does not mean that you are acting in the
capacity of a government agent. Furthermore,
the U.S. citizenship contract is a fraudulent
contract because it does not come with full
disclosure. Due to these facts, federal, state, and
corporate laws do not apply to you. However, you
need to let the court and the government know that
you are not a government agent or employee.
The Government Can Only Operate
in a Fictional World
● The government can only operate in a fictional world
because it is a corporation. According to Black’s Law
Dictionary 6th Edition, a corporation is “an artificial person
or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of
a state.” Because the government is a corporation (artificial
person), it is a fictitious entity that has no natural rights and
power. Its main source of power comes from feeding on the
energy of the people.

Since a corporation is a fictitious person, it cannot think,
speak, see, touch, smell, or do anything that a living person
can do. In other words, a corporation cannot, by itself,
function in the real world. To function in the real reality, it
needs a conduit or a liaison of some sort to connect it, and
the fictional world in which it exists, to the real reality.
● As living, breathing people, we exist in the real
world, not a fictional world. But government
exists in a fictional reality, so it can only deal
directly with other fictional persons, such as
corporations, agencies, and states.
● This is why the name of the place that you go to
for a trial is called a “court-room.” Do you
remember what I said earlier about why the court
is a place where people go to when they want to
play a game? When it comes to the government,
the court has to operate as a game, because it is
dealing with a fictional thing. This is why the
court system is all based on presumption when
it is dealing with the government and the legal
● Because the government cannot deal directly with
the real you, it needs to trick you to agree to be a
conduit or a liaison, so that it can connect you to
the fictional government. This conduit is the legal
person (legal name), which is the name written in
all caps. This legal person is not you, but is a
fictitious entity used by the government to do
business with you.
● The moment you agree to be the legal person
(legal name), you create a contract that connects
you to the legal person. This allows the
government to do business with you. It also allows
the government and the court to have jurisdiction
over you. However, you can void the contract
anytime you want.
How to Stay Out of Court
● One of the best ways to stay out of court is to write a letter to
the agent, attorney, or person suing you ahead of the court date
and ask that person for proof of anything, such as:
– Proof of contract (contract makes the law)
– Proof that you were performing a function of government at
the time the complaint was made. For example, if you have
been summon to court for a traffic violation, contact the
person in charge of this complaint and ask him to provide
you proof that you were performing a function of
government. A payroll record should be good enough proof.
If he cannot provide you a payroll record or some kind of
proof, then he cannot prove that you were performing a
function of government or working as a government
employee. Remember, the court only have jurisdiction over
legal persons and government agents.
● If the person cannot show you proof of anything or
does not reply to your letters within the time frame
you wrote in the letter (usually 10 days), file a
motion to dismiss letter to the court to dismiss the
case. Do not forget to let the court know that you
have already contacted the person or attorney who
is suing you and that person has not shown proof of
claim. [For an example of a motion to dismiss letter,
visit this link.]
● When writing a letter to the court or to the person
suing you or the person you are suing, always use
simple words that are not open to interpretation.
● Always give the person a specific date to reply. A
time period of 10 days is reasonable.
● Once you know how corrupt the court system
is, you should know why it is wise to stay out
of court as much as possible. There is no
justice in a court system that operates under
Admiralty Law and Maritime Law. Why?
Because this type of court deals with
commerce and treats people as “properties”
and corporations.
● The government and the court actually see you
as a dead entity, also known as a corporation.
If you look at the word “corporation” closely, you
can almost see the word “corpse” in it. This is
not an accident. It is right in your face!
The Secret Organization Responsible
for Creating this “Con Game”
● The secret organization responsible for creating
the fraudulent legal system and the “con game” to
enslave the human race is the New World Order
● The NWO is made up of many different secret
societies, including but not limited to the Illuminati,
the Crown Temple, the Vatican, the Jesuits, the
Freemasons, the Skull & Bones, the Nazis, the
Zionists, and the Bilderberg Group.
● The United Nations (UN) and the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) are also a part of this
“con game.”
Did You Know the USA is Controlled
by Secret Societies?

● One of the most popular evidence showing that the USA is

controlled by secret societies is the “Great Seal” symbol on
the left-hand side of the back of the one dollar bill. At the
top of the symbol there is an illuminated triangle with an
eye in it. This symbol, which is often refer to as the “all-
seeing eye,” is the symbol of power for the Illuminati.
● The Illuminati is a secret society that was founded in
1776. However, the philosophy that the Illuminati teach
to their members goes back to the ancient times.
● All secret societies have secret symbols that they use
to communicate. They operate somewhat like street
gangs but are a lot more organized and powerful.
● Like street gangs, secret societies like to mark their
territories with signs and symbols to let others know
that they own a property or a territory. But unlike street
gangs that only control a few blocks or a small town,
secret societies control countries!
● By marking the one dollar bill with the all-seeing eye,
the Illuminati are telling you that they control the
financial system of the USA.
A Close Up of the Great Seal
Above the all-seeing eye, there is
the phrase Annuit Coeptis. This
phrase or Latin motto is often
translated as “He (God) is
favorable to our undertakings.”
However, according to Jordan
Maxwell, the word Annuit is
translated as “our enterprise” and
the word Coeptis is translated as
“crowned with success.” Together
the two words means “our
enterprise is now a success.”
To find out what enterprise they are talking about, look at the bottom
of the Great Seal and you should see the phrase Novus Ordo
Seclorum, which translates as the “new order of the world” or the “new
world order.” Also, notice that there are 13 steps on the pyramid. The
number 13 is a very important number in secret societies.
Symbols of Some of the Well-Known
Secret Societies
The Illuminati The Skull & Bones The Freemason

The Zionist The Nazi

The Knights Templar The seven secret society
symbols that I just shown you
are just a few examples of the
secret societies that make up
the New World Order (NWO).
It is important to know that
some of these secret societies
have more than one factions
and not every faction wants to
enslave humanity. For
example, the Freemasons
have many factions and some
factions are against the NWO.

Did you notice the Pope

wearing the Knights Templar
symbol? The Pope is one of
the leaders of the Knights
The red cross is a masonic symbol. The American Red
Cross and the British Empire are controlled by the Knights
Templar. The British flag actually has two crosses or “double-
cross,” which is a very popular masonic symbol. We all know
how it feels to be double-crossed!
The USA was founded by the Freemasons. Most of the
Founding Fathers were Freemasons. The art of Freemasonry
was used to create the American flag, which is why it has
masonic stars and 13 stripes. Remember what I said earlier
about the importance of the number 13?
Did You Know George Washington
was a Freemason?

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia,

USA was built to honor George Washington, a Freemason and the 1 st president
of the USA.
Did You Know All Churches are
Controlled by the Vatican?
The cross on roof of
churches is another masonic
symbol. Notice how the
cross on the right has a
circle. The circle represents
the sun that rises in the East
and sets in the West. All
churches are controlled by
secret societies associated
with the Vatican! You might
want to really think about
that before signing your soul
over to the church. The cross is a symbol used by
the Knights Templar.
Nearly All Major Corporations in Western
Countries are Controlled by Secret Societies
If you look closely at the circle object below,
you should see the number 666 hidden in it.

The CBS logo is the all-seeing eye.

The Eye of Horus is the logo

for Time Warner Cable.

Walmart 5-pointed star is now a 6-pointed star, which is also known as the Hexagram.
Most Western celebrities are Illuminati puppets. I do not have much respect for
many of them because they are a bunch of sellouts. In the images below,
there is Drake, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber doing the Eye of Horus hand
sign. The hand sign that Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga are doing also contains
the number 666 (A.K.A. the okay hand sign). At the bottom right, there is Jay Z
and Denzel Washington doing the Freemason hand sign.
Every Major System in the World is
Controlled by Secret Societies
● By now, you should realize that secret societies control
pretty much every system on the planet, including but
not limited to the financial, political, military, religious,
education, entertainment, media, corporate, energy,
health, food, technology, and legal system.
● The main reasons why they were able to infiltrate and
control all major levels of our society were because we
IGNORED them and allowed them to do so.
● Remember, we the people are the ones with the real
power. Without our support and ignorance, secret
societies and their government cannot thrive and
succeed at controlling us.
John F. Kennedy Secret Society

“The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open
society; and we are as a people inherently and historically
opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret
proceedings. … For we are opposed around the world by a
monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert
means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration
instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on
intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night
instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted
vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly
knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic,
intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."
● You can watch the full speech at the link below. If the link does
not work, just do a quick search on using the
keywords in the title above.
Most of What You Have Learned in
Life is Based on LIES
An excerpt from The Matrix
Morpheus: The Matrix is
everywhere. It is all around us, even
now in this very room. You can see
it when you look out your window or
when you turn on your television.
You can feel it when you go to work,
when you go to church, when you
pay your taxes. It is the world that
has been pulled over your eyes to
blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were
born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell, or taste, or
touch. A prison for your mind.
The Solutions for Freeing Humanity
from the New World Order
● Stop supporting the systems of the New World Order
(NWO). If you cannot stop, then reduce your support as
much as possible.
● Stop relying on politicians to create change. Nearly all
politicians in the USA are TREASONISTS, because they
swore an oath to a privately owned foreign corporation
Washington D.C. or the District of Columbia is also a
privately owned foreign corporation. Washington D.C. is
NOT part of the USA, just like Vatican City is not part of
● To find the evidence that nearly all politicians in the USA
are treasonists, you need to be aware of Title 8 U.S. Code
§ 1481.
● Under Title 8 U.S. Code § 1481
– (a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by
birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily
performing any of the following acts with the intention of
relinquishing United States nationality—
– (2) taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal
declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political
subdivision thereof, after having attained the age of eighteen
– (4)(A) accepting, serving in, or performing the duties of any
office, post, or employment under the government of a foreign
state or a political subdivision thereof, after attaining the age of
eighteen years if he has or acquires the nationality of such
foreign state;
● In simple terms, once an oath of office is taken by an American
citizen, his citizenship is relinquished and thus he becomes a
foreign agent. This happens because he is swearing an oath to the
foreign UNITED STATES INCORPORATED and the foreign
organization that controls it.
● Stop relying on a savior or a messiah to save you.
The savior ideology is a psychological operation
(PSYOP) created by certain secret societies to
enslave your mind and prevent you from taking
personal responsibility for your spiritual growth!
● Avoid making contracts with the NWO. A contract is
their favorite way of conning you to give up your
natural rights.
● Invest in “free energy” technology. Once this
technology is used in large numbers, we can stop
using oil. The oil industry is one of the top sources of
revenue for the NWO.
● Stop supporting wars and crimes against humanity; all
major wars are ENGINEERED by the International
Banksters, which are the leaders of the NWO.
● Use cryptocurrency (i.e., Bitcoin, Litecoin) as much as possible to
purchase goods and services instead of Federal Reserve Notes
and credit cards.
● Learn to barter and support your local stores and farmer's market.
● Vote with your money by buying organic food instead of the harmful
conventional food that is contaminated with pesticides and other
toxins. This action is already having a positive effect. 5-10 years
ago, you would be lucky to find organic food at your conventional
grocery stores. If the price of organic food is preventing you from
buying it, be aware that conventional food is cheaper because it
receives government subsidies. In other words, your tax money is
being used to make it cheaper than organic food.
● Claim back your sovereignty, remove your consent, and stop relying
on the government for everything, especially the federal
● Learn about Natural Law, Contract Law, Trust Law, Common Law
and Admiralty/Maritime Law, and how the legal system works.
Doing this will help you learn how to defend your natural rights.
● Take personal responsibility for your actions and stop
acting and thinking like a slave.
● Unite the human race and teach people to think and be
brave like light warriors. Remember, the NWO has
declared a war on the human race, so either unite or be
prepared to lose all your freedom, wealth, and properties.
● Start building local communities. Have you been to small
towns where they have their own doctors, mechanics,
mayor, food source, etc.? These communities grow their
own food, they have their own doctors to treat the sick,
they know how to live in harmony with nature, they all chip
in to help one another, and they do not rely on the
government much.
● That is what we need to do. We need to start living like
these small communities and learn to trust our neighbors
A Great Example of How to Take Back Our
Land and Rights Without Violent Revolutions

Read the full article by visiting the link below.
Real Freedom Requires
● Freedom and responsibility are like two sides of one coin. You
cannot have real freedom without responsibility. If you are given
too much freedom without responsibility, you will eventually harm
yourself and eventually others. When you harm others, it is a
violation of Natural Law. The consequence is very serious when you
harm others.
● With freedom comes great responsibilities. Here is a great example
that shows you why real freedom requires responsibility. Let us
pretend that each of us have a 5 year old child. Would you be willing
to leave your 5 year old child at the mall by himself? No, right? A 5
year old child is too irresponsible to be given that kind of freedom.
● When we rely on the government too much, the government sees us
as a bunch of 5 year old kids who need to be governed every
second and everyday of the year. The problem with our government
is that it has become like an abusive and dishonest parent.
● When it comes to freedom, educating yourself about
Natural Law and your natural rights are the two most
important things you can do. Why? Because learning how
to live in harmony with Natural Law is a requirement for
ascending to higher levels of consciousness.
● The process of ascending to higher levels of consciousness
allows your body to hold more higher frequency energy,
causing your spiritual powers (i.e., love, thought,
consciousness) to strengthen exponentially. With great
powers come great responsibilities.
● A lot of people like to think that protest is the way to restore
our freedom. Protest is NOT going to really change
anything. When people protest, all they are really doing is
telling the government that they want change but they want
the government to do it for them. In other words, they are
still babies who do not want to take responsibility for their
actions. Without responsibility, there is no real freedom!
I Am NOT Here to Save Anyone
● I am not here to save anyone because each of you
already have all the necessary powers you need to
save yourself. If I were to save you, it would not
teach you how to be a responsible being. Instead,
it would teach you how to be a slave. Slavery
thinking is one of the main reasons why humanity
has been enslaved for millennia.
● For millennia, we human beings have always been
looking for a savior to save us. All this is doing is
making us irresponsible. We are like naive little
kids who do not want to grow up and take
responsibility for our future.
● The real masterminds behind the enslavement of humanity
are not the Controllers (Elites). They are the Dark Forces, which
are made up of groups of demons and evil spirits. Some
people like to refer to them as Fallen Angels. I like to refer to
them as negative thought form entities. These demonic thought
form entities are worshiped like gods by certain secret societies.
● The Dark Forces like to infiltrate our civilization, because we
human beings are too divided and we do not want to grow up
and take responsibility for our actions. This makes us easy
preys for the Dark Forces. As long as we keep being
irresponsible and keep fighting one another, the Dark Forces
will always try to control us.
● At the deepest level, this Earth Drama is a spiritual war for
your soul, so you better start paying attention. But no need
to fear because once you learn who you really are and how to
use the Laws of Nature to defend your natural rights, the Dark
Forces will run away from you like a scared little kid being
chased by a giant killer bee.
Do You Remember this Picture?
Great Sources for Learning More About
Law, Freedom, and Sovereignty
● Dean Clifford
● Santos Bonacci
● Rod Class
● Kate of Gaia
● Frank O'Collins
● America's Hope: To Cancel Your Bank Loans Without Going
to Court by Thomas D. Schauf
● The American Voters Vs the Banking System by Thomas D.
● The Great American Adventure: The Secrets of America by
Judge Dale
● UnderstandContractLawAndYouWin
Introduction to Ascension
● Ascension is not only a spiritual concept but is also a scientific
process that utilizes the Laws of Nature to assist spiritual beings to
evolve back to the Supreme Creator in a multidimensional reality
system. This process allows all souls to eventually evolve and ascend
out of time and space to re-emerge with their higher identity of pure
● The process of ascension involves increasing the particle pulsation
rhythm of the body, allowing the body to absorb higher frequency into
its morphogenetic field and therefore increasing its frequency. The
more accurate term for this process is frequency accretion. This
process causes the body to become lighter and less dense.
● Once the body’s frequency reaches a certain level, the body will shed
its matter based body and transform into a light based body. Souls
who have reached this state of evolution are often called angels or
light beings. We are nowhere near that level yet so do not get too
My Next Seminar
● I am planning to do my next seminar on
ascension and the forbidden secrets of religion.
This seminar will be full of shocking and
empowering information. If everything goes
according to plan, I will schedule it for April 11,

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