Teaching Strategies in A Multicultural Classroom: Prachi Nadda

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017

ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

Teaching Strategies in a Multicultural Classroom

Prachi Nadda
Research Scholar, Department Of Education, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla.
Abstract : India is a country of diverse cultures, histories, cultures, traditions and contributions of
traditions and languages in which these change not diverse group of people.
only from state to state but also at times even at
village level. A multicultural classroom is one in 2. MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION:
which there is a blend of students from various INDIAN CONTEXT
cultures to form a diverse learning environment.
Where culture not only includes tradition and India is culturally, linguistically, religiously
religion but also races, language, socio-economic and ethnically one of the most diverse countries in
level, ethnicity and living conditions. To combine the world. The multicultural experience is
all these in a classroom involves lots of creativity represented in what is called “unity in diversity”.
and management skills on the part of the teachers. This includes the diversity of religious
In the present paper various teaching strategies communities, languages, ethnicities and traditions
have been discussed namely: role playing, and cultures of various states. Parekh (2000) while
cooperative learning, exposure to different describing India’s diversity mentioned India has a
language culture, group discussions, community common criminal law but not a civil law. To focus
participation, knowledge of student background, on the concept of “multiculturalism” is a matter of
moving beyond text book etc which may help exigency for the harmonious and progressive future
teachers in a multicultural classroom setting. of India, as it is for global classrooms worldwide.
Therefore by creating a multicultural environment Majority of classrooms in India contain students
in the classroom the teacher is of advantage for who belong to different cultures, follow different
diverse background students because the payoff is beliefs, customs and traditions, belong to different
worth the efforts because each student learns socio- economic status and adhere to different sets
acceptance and the importance of diversity of ideology. In education this diversity has been
viewed as both a negative and a positive challenge.
The school districts, educational planners, school
authorities and teachers have been hard pressed to
1. INTRODUCTION provide quality education for all. Multicultural
education requires that schools acquaint students
Multicultural education is a concept built on with the rich heritage of all groups, and also that
the ideals of freedom, justice, equality and human educators understand that not all children are
dignity which is mentioned in the Declaration of receptive to the same educational environment.
Human Rights and is adopted by the United
Nations Organizations. It refers to any form of Thus today one of the major challenges faced
education that incorporates the histories, texts, by teachers in the transaction of curriculum in the
traditions, beliefs and values of people from varied class is for these culturally different students.
cultural backgrounds. It recognizes the roles which Although such students have always been a part of
schools can play in developing the values and the Indian education system, they have not been a
attitudes necessary to sustain oneself in the significant factor in the development of educational
interdependent world of today. The education programs till as late as 2005 when National
system values the cultural differences and reflects Curriculum Framework laid emphasis on it. The
them through the students, teachers and various National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005,
communities. It challenges all form of designed syllabus which is child centered and
discrimination in schools and societies through the friendly. It recognized that a child’s education
promotion of democratic principles of equality and should be stress free, full of creativity and should
social justice. Multicultural education is a process lead to a joyful experience of learning. NCF further
that involves all aspects of school practices, recognized five guiding principles for curriculum
policies and organizations to ensure not only the development all centering on the child’s
highest level of academic achievement but also the relationship with nature and environment. These
all-round development of the children’s principles are: (1) connecting knowledge to life
personality. It helps the students develop a positive outside the school, (2)enriching the curriculum so
self-concept by providing knowledge about the that it goes beyond textbooks, (3) ensuring that
learning shifts away from the rote method, (4)

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 741

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

making exams more flexible and integrated with since overload might lead to discouragement from
classroom activities and (5) nurturing identity trying it at all. Here is a discussion of some
within democratic polity of the country. Besides teaching strategies which teachers may make use of
this the NCF (2005) also promotes other along with other methods to supplement their
educational goals that focus on human values teaching in a multicultural classroom.
namely: a commitment to democracy and freedom,
sensitivity to other persons, a flexible and creative ● Role playing
approach to learning and appreciation of beauty
and art forms as an integral part of human life. In Is a versatile activity that allows students to
context of multicultural education NCF specifically express their opinion in a realistic situation. In role
lays down certain points namely: play the students play a part they do not play in real
life (eg: enacting as parliamentarians, as banker’s
▪ strengthening national system of education in a or a role from work of literature). A multicultural
pluralistic society, role play exercise allows students to be immersed
in a social scenario that causes them to experience
▪ reducing the curriculum load based on insights feelings and realities that they may not otherwise
provided in “Learning without Burden”, be exposed to. Hence by organizing a role play
activity in the class the teacher can bring in issues
▪systematic changes in tune with curricular of the subjects related to caste, religion, current
reforms, topics or something related to history which are
otherwise difficult to explain to the students in the
▪ curricular practices based on values enshrined in class.
the constitution, such as social justice, equality and
secularism, ● Exposure to different language and culture

▪ ensuring equality education for all children, Culture refers to the traditions, rituals, beliefs
and values that are common and shared amongst a
▪ building a citizenry committed to democratic group of people. Every individual is a part of one
practices, values and sensitivity towards gender culture or the other. Thus the first goal of
justice, multicultural education should be to assist the
children with recognizing differences as well as
▪ a renewed effort should be made to implement the similarities among fellow students. Allowing
three language formula emphasizing the children to explore varying cultures creates
recognition of children’s home language or mother opportunities for them to see that even when other
tongue as the best medium of instruction. students have different customs, languages and
traditions they also share some common traits.
▪ the multilingual character of Indian society
Students learn that people can be different and
should be seen as a resource for the enrichment of
unique, yet still share a lot of common things. Such
school life.
realizations help students to learn to accept
Besides this the ministry of Human Resource differences and aid in eliminating prejudice and
Development (2013) has focused on an inclusive racism. These realizations assist students to accept
agenda with a vision of realizing India’s human and respect people from all cultures and
resource potential to its fullest, with equity and backgrounds. Besides this children model what
excellence. they see, so the teachers’ inclusion and acceptance
of different ideas, customs, traditions and
3. TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR A languages help them to learn to accept and respect

A multicultural classroom is one in which there ● Knowledge of student’s background

is a blend of students from various cultures to form
a diverse learning environment. To combine all For a successful multicultural classroom setting
these in a classroom involves lots of creativity and one of the most essential things is knowledge of
management skills on the part of the teachers. diverse cultures. The teachers should take out time
Therefore it is critical to make sure that teachers to learn the background of the class students.
have access to professional development programs Knowledge of the traditions, beliefs, values,
that teach them to integrate vital information of day customs, food habits, economic status etc helps in
to day happenings into their teachings. The understanding the students in a better way. This
teachers who are just starting to introduce knowledge should then be shared with children by
multicultural content may find it difficult especially incorporating them in the learning experiences. The

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 742

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

students should be encouraged to ask questions that classrooms by organizing special lectures and
help them understand more about others who have involving the parents in the teaching learning
a background different from their own. Teachers process.
and other educators may learn about other cultures
and then intentionally incorporate them in the 4. CONCLUSION
learning experience. Besides this students from
different backgrounds may be given opportunities Diversity in Indian schools is both an
to discuss and share their cultural experiences. opportunity as well as a challenge. The nation is
enriched with cultural, language, ethnic and socio
● Cooperative learning cultural diversity which is clearly visible in the
school classrooms. As a result whenever these
After making the children accepts differences groups interact there may be tension,
and similarities among fellow students the next step discrimination, hatred or prejudiced attitude
for the teacher should be to encourage cooperative towards one or the other. Therefore the schools
learning of various knowledge and skills. The must find ways to respect the diversity of their
environment of the classroom should help assist students as well as help them to create a unified
children from minority cultures in developing allegiance .In the present paper certain teaching
cooperation and social skills. The general idea strategies were discussed which may be of use for
behind cooperative learning is that making small teachers in a multicultural classroom setting.
heterogeneous group of students so that they can Therefore by creating a multicultural environment
master the various aspects of a particular task. By in the classroom the teacher is of advantage for
doing so not only are the students motivated to diverse background students because the payoff is
learn but they also forge stronger interpersonal worth the efforts as each student learns acceptance
relationships than they would do by working alone. and the importance of diversity.
Cooperative groups help focus on students’
different strengths and styles. In addition, 5. REFERENCES
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have strong and consistent positive effects on social Annamalai. E.(2001). Managing multilingualism in
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discussions students work with multiple ideas and
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have to balance new ideas with their original
conclusions which become a challenging task. Thus Parekh, B. (2000). Rethinking multiculturalism:
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 743

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