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Capstone Graduation Project

Learning Outcomes and Rubrics

College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering

CE-497: Graduation Project 3 (3 Lec, 0 Lab, 1 Tr)

Graduation Project Program Learning Outcome (PLO)

S.No. Program Learning Outcomes

1. PLO-01 Engineering Knowledge/Problem Solving: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by
applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
2. PLO-02 The Engineer and Society: An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with
consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
3. PLO-03 Communication: an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
4. PLO-04: Ethics/Environment & Sustainability: An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering
situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental,
and societal contexts.
5. PLO-05: Team Work/Project Management: An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership,
create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
6. PLO-06: Modern Tool Usage/Problem Analysis: An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and
interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
7. PLO-07: Lifelong Learning: An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Graduation Project Course Learning Outcomes

CLO 01: Identify the objectives and milestones of the assigned project and compare it with previous related work. [Coginative-2]
CLO 02: Analyze problem statement through detail/in depth research and literature review. [Coginative-4]
Systematically gather requirements and data, combine it, and compose the solution to develop/ reproduce the components and
CLO 03:
engineering systems for advance computing problems. [Coginative-5]
Apply the composed solution to construct/design computing systems using specific IT/engineering tools and techniques.
CLO 04:
Demonstrate a wide range of technical skills by testing and evaluating a working prototype that has passed through design and
CLO 05:
implementation phases. [Psychomotor-5]
CLO 06: Perform necessary tasks required in the completion of research/project work as an individual or a team member. [Affective-2]
Present his/her research/project work in logical and well planned way by appropriate communication and presentation skills.
CLO 07:
An ability of student to integrate the societal and environmental effects of the project into the proposed engineering solution.
CLO 08:
CLO 09: An ability of student to compile, write and present the project work carried out in the form of a project report. [Affective-2]

An ability of a student to complete a project by practicing management principles including punctuality, commitment and
CLO 10:
dedication [Affective-2]
An ability of the student to identify personal professional goals that support lifelong learning, productivity and satisfaction in large
CLO 11:
framework of rapidly evolving technology. [Affective-4]
College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering

CE-497: Graduation Project 3 (3 Lec, 0 Lab, 1 Tr)

Mapping of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Table 1:

CLO 01: Cognitive Domain (Level C2)

Identify the objectives and milestones of the assigned project and compare it with previous related work.
Cognitive Domain (Level C4)
CLO 02:
Analyze problem statement through detail/in depth research and literature review.
Cognitive Domain (Level C5)
CLO 03: Systematically gather requirements and data, combine it, and compose the solution to develop/ reproduce the components and
engineering systems for advance computing problems.
Psychomotor Domain (Level P7)
CLO 04:
Apply the composed solution to construct/design computing systems using specific IT/engineering tools and techniques.
Psychomotor Domain (Level P5)
CLO 05: Demonstrate a wide range of technical skills by testing and evaluating a working prototype that has passed through design and
implementation phases.
Affective Domain (Level A2)
CLO 06:
Perform necessary tasks required in the completion of research/project work as an individual or a team member.
Affective Domain (Level A2)
CLO 07:
Present his/her research/project work in logical and well planned way by appropriate communication and presentation skills.
CLO 08: Affective Domain (Level A4)
An ability of student to integrate the societal and environmental effects of the project into the proposed engineering solution.
Affective Domain (Level A2)
CLO 09:
An ability of student to compile, write and present the project work carried out in the form of a project report.
Affective Domain (Level A2)
CLO 10: An ability of a student to complete a project by practicing management principles including punctuality, commitment and
Affective Domain (Level A4)
CLO 11: An ability of the student to identify personal professional goals that support lifelong learning, productivity and satisfaction in large
framework of rapidly evolving technology.

Table 2:

Course CLOs PLO 1 PLO 2 PLO 3 PLO 4 PLO 5 PLO 6 PLO 7
CLO 1  C2
CLO 2  C4
CLO 3  C5
CLO 4  P5
CLO 5  P5
Graduation CLO 6  A2
CLO 7  A2
CLO 8  A4
CLO 9  A2
CLO 10  A2
CLO 11  A4
Table 3:

Course PLOs CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO 10 CLO 11
PLO 1 50% 50%
PLO 2 100%
CE-497 PLO 3 100%
Graduation PLO 4 100%
Project PLO 5 50% 50%
PLO 6 50% 50%
PLO 7 50% 50%
FYP Rubrics

CLO 01: Project Understanding and Objectives (C2)

Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Marginal
9-10 Marks 6-8 Marks 3-5 Marks 1-2 Marks
Project Complexity Innovative and challenging Project has good technical Acceptable scope of Limited scope of project
project that requires an challenges that require project that solves a that requires very little
effort that exceeds the innovative problem technical problem and creative development or
normal expectations. solving and engineering. requires some technical technical expertise.
expertise in Hardware
and/or Software.
Define Objectives Objectives are clear, Objectives are clear; Objectives are not much Objectives are unclear and
justifies the focus area of generally describe the clear and somewhat don’t explain the focus
project, challenging and focus area of project. explains the focus area of area of project.
achievable. project.

CLO 02: Problem Analysis and Literature Review (C4)

Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Marginal
9-10 Marks 6-8 Marks 3-5 Marks 1-2 Marks
Problem Statement Problem statement shows Problem statement shows Problem statement shows Problem statement and
full Understanding of much Understanding of some Understanding of related final deliverables
problem and clearly problem and clearly problem and clearly are not clear.
includes the final design includes most of the final includes few of the final
deliverables. design deliverables. design deliverables.
Research and Collected Collected a great deal of Collected some Collected very little Didn’t collect any
Information information and all relates information and most of it information and some of it information that relates to
to the topic. relates to the topic. relates to the topic. the topic.
Information Interpretation Always interprets Interprets information Interprets information Interprets information
information from literature from literature review from literature review from literature review
review correctly and correctly most of the time; correctly occasionally; incorrectly most of the
precisely; always draws most of the conclusion are some conclusion are time; many conclusions
correct and useful correct and useful incorrect. are incorrect.
CLO 03: Requirement Generation and Solution Development (C5)
Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Marginal
9-10 Marks 6-8 Marks 3-5 Marks 1-2 Marks
Requirements and Data Generated project Generated project Generated project Didn’t generate any
Collection requirements and data requirements and data requirements and data project requirements and
collected fully accurate collected generally collected are somehow collected data that relates
and all is related to the accurate and most of them accurate and few of them to the topic of interest.
topic of interest. are related to the topic of are related to the topic of
interest. interest.
Solution Development Well developed transfer of Satisfactory transfer of Minimal transfer of No solution, tries things
information to make information to make information to make out unsystematically.
decisions and create decisions and create decisions and create
solutions, procedures and solutions, procedures and solutions, procedures and
methods. Different methods. Few alternative methods.
alternatives are considered designs are evaluated.
and evaluated.

CLO 04: Construct/Design and Implementation (P5)

Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Marginal
9-10 Marks 6-8 Marks 3-5 Marks 1-2 Marks
Design/ Construction of Provides a best possible Provides a good possible Provides minor details of Poor design details.
Computing Systems feasible design by fully feasible design by design by analyzing design
analyzing the design analyzing design requirements and
requirements and requirements and limitations.
limitations. limitations.
Technical Knowledge of Student has best technical Student has good technical Student has acceptable Student clearly lacks the
Hardware and/or knowledge of hardware & knowledge of hardware & technical knowledge of technical knowledge of
Software software to be used in software to be used in hardware & software to be hardware & software to be
project. Technical project. Technical used in project. Student used in project. The
knowledge is gained knowledge is gained did require assistance from project is not completed or
through work, experience through work, experience the supervisor or others to was completed only with
or extra research. Using or extra research. Using complete the project. an unreasonable amount of
this specific HW & SW, this specific HW & SW, outside assistance.
project is working project is working
properly. properly.
CLO 05: Testing and Evaluation (P-5)
Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Marginal
9-10 Marks 6-8 Marks 3-5 Marks 1-2 Marks
Testing and Evaluation Student developed a good Student demonstrated the Student was able to Student demonstrated little
systematic procedure for ability to test hardware identify the problems in or no ability to
testing hardware and/or and/or software in order to hardware and/or software troubleshoot hardware
software that allowed for identify technical but required some and/or software for the
quick identification of problems, and was able to assistance in fixing some project.
technical problems. solve any problems with of the problems.
little or no assistance.

CLO 06: Attitude Towards Work as an Individual and/or a team member (A-2)
Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Marginal
9-10 Marks 6-8 Marks 3-5 Marks 1-2 Marks
Meetings and Discussions Student has regularly Student has occasionally Student has rarely visited Student has not visited the
visited project advisor visited project advisor for project advisor for project project advisor at all for
every week for project project discussion. discussion project discussion
As an Individual Student is self-motivated, Student is marginally Student slightly organized. Student has a defeated
Organized, has a strong organized, confident little confidence and has a attitude and is not aware of
sense of perseverance and enough but has difficulty hesitant attitude towards or unwilling to set goals
a confident balanced seeing goals. the completion of the for the completion of the
attitude towards the project project
completion of the project

As a team member Student works effectively Student works well as a Student rarely works as a Student doesn’t work as a
as a team member and has team member and has team member and has team member and has
best attitude towards other good attitude towards partial positive attitude negative attitude towards
group members regarding other group members towards other group other group members
FYP work. regarding FYP work. members regarding FYP regarding FYP work.
CLO 07: Presentation (A-2)
Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Marginal
9-10 Marks 6-8 Marks 3-5 Marks 1-2 Marks
Organization Presentation is clear and Presentation is generally Listener can follow Presentation is very
logical. Listener can easily clear. A few minor points presentation with effort. confused and unclear.
follow line of reasoning. may be confusing. Organization not well Listeners cannot follow it.
thought out.
Content: Depth Design, methods, results, Description of project and Some components of Description of project and
conclusions are clearly results is generally clear. project description are results is very difficult to
stated. Implications of Some discussion of what minimal or missing. Little follow. No discussion of
results and “where do we results mean. discussion of what results meaning of results.
go from here” discussed. mean. Listeners learn little.

Use of Visual Aids Aids prepared in Aids contribute, but not all
Aids are poorly prepared No aids are used, or they
professional manner. Font material supported by aids.
or used inappropriately. are so poorly prepared that
is large enough to be seen Font size is appropriate for
Font is too small. Too they detract from the
by all. Well organized. reading. much information is presentation.
Main points stand out. included.
Responsive to Audience Responds well to Generally responsive to Reluctantly interacts with Avoids audience
questions. Restates and questions. audience. Responds poorly interaction. Not responsive
summarizes when needed. to questions. to group.

CLO 08: Societal and environmental effects (A-4)

Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Marginal
9-10 Marks 6-8 Marks 3-5 Marks 1-2 Marks
Consideration of the Serious considerations Due considerations given Little considerations given to No considerations given to
effects the project will given to the effects the to the effects the project the effects the project will the effects the project will
have on the society. project will have on the will have on the society. have on the society. have on the society.
CLO 09: Report Writing (A-2)
Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Adequate Marginal
9-10 Marks 6-8 Marks 3-5 Marks 1-2 Marks
Report Writing The organization, depth of The organization, depth of The organization, depth of The organization, depth of
content and the work content and the work content and the work content and the work
compilation in the report is compilation in the report is compilation in the report is compilation in the report is
excellent. good. adequate. poor.

CLO 10: Project Management (A-2)

Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Marginal
9-10 Marks 6-8 Marks 3-5 Marks 1-2 Marks
Project Management Student is highly dedicated Student is generally Student is somehow Student is not dedicated
and committed towards dedicated and committed dedicated and committed and committed towards
work. He/she shows a towards work. He/she towards work. He/she shows work. He/she doesn’t show
strong implementation of shows a good an adequate implementation any implementation of
best management implementation of of management principles management principles
throughout the completion of
principles throughout the management principles project. throughout the completion
completion of project. throughout the completion of project.
of project.

CLO 11: Life Long Learning (A-4)

Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Marginal
9-10 Marks 6-8 Marks 3-5 Marks 1-2 Marks
Professional Goals for Student has gained a deep Student has gained a Student has gained some Student has gained no
Productivity and Life theoretical and technical general theoretical and theoretical and technical theoretical and technical
Long Learning knowledge of respective technical knowledge of knowledge of respective knowledge of respective
FYP area. In light of FYP respective FYP area. In FYP area. In light of FYP FYP area. In light of FYP
student can fully identify light of FYP student can student can somehow student can’t identify
his/her future professional identify his/her future identify his/her future his/her future professional
goals. He/she is also able professional goals. He/she professional goals. He/she goals. He/she is not able to
to use this knowledge for is also able to use this is able to use some of this use this knowledge for rest
rest of his/ her life in the knowledge for rest of his/ knowledge for rest of his/ of his/ her life.
best possible way. her life. her life.

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