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Good Morning, I am Susan Myers, I am a reporter at Central News and today I make a report on immigrants, today´s
guests are two immigrants from China, they are Jane lee, and Peter Lee, they are Students at the community college, she
is 19 years old and he is 20. They are students but they are not workers. They live in an apartment downtown.

Susan: Where are you from?

Peter: We are from the Guanddong Province

Susan: Are you happy in America?

Jane: Yes, we are, we enjoy living here.

Susan: Is your real name Jane?

Jane: No, it’s not, it is Dai-Xia, and it means summer.

Susan: Thank you very much.

They are two Chinese people living the American Dream, this is Susan Myers reporting from the Community College.

Escriba T (True) or F (false)

Susan Myers is a teacher at the community College ______

They are from Vietnam ______

Peter is a student at Harvard ______

Dorothy is 25 years old ______

They live in the suburbs ______

Responda las siguientes preguntas:

What is Susan’s profession?_____________________________________

How old are Jane and Peter? ________________________________

Where are they from? _________________________

Are they sad living in America? ___________________

2. Complete las oraciones afirmativas con la forma correcta del verbo que está en paréntesis en el tiempo presente

1. I ______________ (like) Paris

2. He ______________ (study) English at school

3. Sandy ______________ (take) nice photos

4. The cow ______________ (live) in the farm

5. The lawyer ______________ (have) an important case

6. She and I ______________ (work) at the beauty parlor

7. The nurse ______________ (read) a good book

8. Camila and Carlos ______________ (watch) TV at home

3. Organize las palabras y agregue el auxiliar que sea necesario para formar preguntas.

1. she/fruits/eat __________________________________________________________________

2. read/books/you __________________________________________________________________

3. money/I/need __________________________________________________________________

4. you/sell/cars/new __________________________________________________________________

5. write/he/books __________________________________________________________________

6. the cat/sleep/on the bed__________________________________________________________________

7. they/play/soccer __________________________________________________________________

8. he/work/at the mall __________________________________________________________________

9. the nurse/live/near __________________________________________________________________

10. like/music/you __________________________________________________________________

4. Pase a negativas las siguientes oraciones:

1. she leaves the house___________________________________________________

2. she wants a computer__________________________________________________

3. the secretary cleans the office____________________________________________

4. she sleeps in the morning_______________________________________________

5. he goes to another city______________________________________________

6. she finds many friends_________________________________________________

7. she speaks in the morning_______________________________________________

8. you listen to music_____________________________________________________

9. they play with the computer______________________________________________

10. they bring the dog to the vet____________________________________________

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