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Access Acupuncture Bazi Birth Chart Analysis accessacupuncture.


Name Miranda MacNeil Birth Gender Female

BirthDate April 5 1991 City Calgary AB Country Canada

BirthTime 4:50 AM MST Solar Noon 12:39 Correct Time 4:11 AM LST

Four Pillars Time Day Month Year

Stem Spirit (Finance) Spiritual Pivot (Warrior) (Warrior)

Celestial Stem (Yang Earth) (Yin Wood) (Yin Metal) (Yin Metal)

Earthly Branch (Tiger) (Snake) (Rabbit) (Goat)

Branch Spirits

Combinations (Rabbit & Goat Produce Self)

Age cycles 41-55 / 98-111 28-41 / 84-97 14-27 / 70-83 0-13 / 56-69

Chart Type Strong Yin Wood Constitution Wood

Helpful Elements Fire, Earth, Metal Hindering Elements Water, Wood

Lifetime Progression









Decade 2080-2089 2070-2079 2060-2069 2050-2059 2040-2049 2030-2039 2020-2029 2010-2019 2000-2009

Age 89-98 79-88 69-78 59-68 49-58 39-48 29-38 19-28 9-18









Benefit 50% X 90% X X 50% 50% 100% 50%


= Self = Wealth = Food = Rebel = Finance = harmony = control = torture


Legend Legend
= Mystic = Resource = Warrior = Career = Asset = Unity = clash = become

Christian Saint-Pierre R.Ac, Certified Bazi Consultant

Access Acupuncture Bazi Birthchart Analysis


Chart Summary

You are Born in : Metal Goat year, Metal Rabbit month, Wood Snake day, Earth Tiger hour.

Personality Overview

Self Image

The wood element adds a youthful responsiveness, ambition, and an appetite for
knowledge and information to a Birth Chart. Those born under the pivotal element of
Wood have the desire for enhanced imagination and artistic creativity. They will tend to

have a Peter Pan quality and an ability to mimic and learn by mimicry (actor). They
Wood strive to forgive by forgetting and are emotionally inclined to “start over” more than
once in life (due to loss or betrayal). Wood gives them an interest in the ‘new’ and the
wisdom/power that comes from simplicity.

Yin Wood is very flexible and adaptable, like a vine. It thrives by climbing up other
objects, towards the light. Just like the vine, yin wood constitutions are very flexible
Element Wood and adaptable, able to overcome adversity. As with the vine, they thrive by getting (or
taking) support from those around them. Without support, they cannot reach the light.

Interpersonal Behaviors

You are highly organized, detail oriented, precise, and have an aesthetic character. You
are artistic (visual and musical), persuasive, quiet, and charming. When the pivotal
element is strong wood, there is a tendency to be quietly competitive - some would
call you cunning.

Everyone Goat
Your artistic character is a basic instinct to communicate beyond words; to make the
world beautiful is to remind everyone, not just of surface, but of spirit. Material objects
serve you when they are tastefully arranged to express what cannot be said.

Though intelligent, you are quiet and humble around your elders. You thrive on the
intimacy of these relationships. You enjoy the company of social and religious leaders,

and can easily become romantically involved with them. You enjoy spiritual practices
and study, but struggle with their application, which can lead to self esteem issues.

When the pivotal element is strong wood, metal rabbits are excellent students, but
anxious and selfish, devising ways of having their mentors to themselves.

You are the witch of your peer group. When calm and centered, your innate skills of
mediumship allow you to channel whatever needs channeling in order to excel in your
endeavors. When the pivotal element is strong wood, those endeavors are expressive,
artistic and motivated by rebellion.

Peers Snake
You are honest and popular among your peers. Over-extensive channeling can lead to
exhaustion and/or depression, making you vulnerable to illness and injury, however
your resilient constitution recovers through rest, sleep and dream.
When strong wood is the pivotal element, you are impulsive, egotistical, overly
sensitive to criticism, prideful, vain, and inconsiderate. When on the lookout for
financial opportunities, you may often find yourself taken advantage of.


& Tiger Your unique fortunes with strangers rests on the fact that you actually benefit from
Subordinates harming others (strange karma debts to collect). You exhibit awesome energy and
physical strength. Strangers and subordinates can only make you sick with powerful
spells and/or demons.

Christian Saint-Pierre R.Ac, Certified Bazi Consultant

Access Acupuncture Bazi Birthchart Analysis

Core Relationship Priorities & Perspectives

Mother Difficult relationship. You see your mother as an intelligent, though fearful woman, perhaps even somewhat controlled by her fears.

Easy relationship. You see your father as stable, tolerant and fiscally responsible. Your relationship with him is “outside the house”,
suggesting you may not live with him. He plays an active role in how you approach life.

Possibly 2-3 siblings, including possibly a half sibling. Not close. Should be difficult relationships. You see siblings as creative & active,
though somewhat needy and dishonest individuals.

You prefer a passionate, avant-grade, talented partner who you can support and nurture. You will always find yourself attracted to
people who have one or more rats in their chart.

Children If children appear, they will benefit you. You will see them as passionate, caring, rebellious and talented.

Core Life Themes

Health Risk of stress related liver, gallbladder, kidney, bladder and gynecological issues. Protect your hands.

You are best suited to employment as a staff member in an organization as opposed to being self employed, which may lead to ill
physical and financial health. Careers best suited to you are: writer/performer, teacher, consultant, Health care provider, anything in the
Career computer/electronics field, chef, architect, banker.

Avoid careers involving water, such as plumbing, water quality, lifeguard, marine biology; avoid careers involving wood, such as
gardening, agriculture, landscape design, forestry, carpentry.

The more that you are able to align yourself to a well suited career, the better your finances will be. Overall, there is a tendency for you to
be financially secure. Be mindful of thieves, con artists and scammers.

Lifetime Progression (Decade by Decade)


Decade Age Forecast

Branch Animal Spirits

Balanced decade. A conflict between father and mother proves auspicious for you in
2000-2009 9-18
Dragon Self the end but creates a crisis of self esteem (either too much or too little).

Easy decade. You discover a great innate talent. People recognize your talent and
2010-2019 19-28
Snake Rebel consider you a rebel and/or witch/medium. Creativity becomes a priority.

Balanced decade. A significant loss, having to do either with your headstrong nature


2020-2029 29-38 or a sibling, creates a risk of stress-related illness which, if manifested, can last for up
Horse Food
to 5 years. Food cures/herbs help bring about a gentler, more caring approach to life.

Balanced decade. Self esteem issues are initially kept under control by a boyfriend or

a detail-oriented career that keeps you busy, but there is a risk of becoming overly
2030-2039 39-48
Goat Self preoccupied with yourself to the point of being considered neurotic or insecure.
Chance of hidden romance.

Difficult decade. Hidden romance continues. A decade of renewed creativity and

talent, this time with potential to both cement romantic partnerships and strengthen
2040-2049 49-58
Monkey Resource career opportunities is thwarted by a sudden need to spend lots of time thinking about
or taking care of your mother.

Fire Food
Difficult decade. This decade is commonly when parents die. If your mother is still
2050-2059 59-68
Rooster Warrior alive, she is most at risk during this time. Conflict at work and with your partner.

Earth Double
Easy decade. Finances are stable (possible retirement), and potential exists for more
2060-2069 69-78
Dog Finance creative output. If your father is still alive, the relationship strengthens.

Critical decade. Your health is at risk, particularly the gallbladder, brain and nervous
2070-2079 79-88 Earth Pig
Self system. Your partner’s health is also at risk.

Balanced decade. If you’re still alive, Congratulations! There is a chance of being

Metal Career

2080-2089 89-98 recognized for your life’s work. You find it easy to overcome your ego and express
Rat Mystic
yourself bluntly, but a renewed focus on mysticism may counter this ability.

Christian Saint-Pierre R.Ac, Certified Bazi Consultant

Access Acupuncture Bazi Birthchart Analysis
Decade Progression (Year by Year)


Year Forecast
Branch Animal Spirits

Easy Year. Your Ego is sublimated and/or channeled to good use. Much success with your
2018 Finances & your Father, especially in April & May.
Dog Finance

Critical Year. Health is threatened. Be especially mindful of August & September. Avoid
2019 traveling. Avoid going on or in the water.
Pig Resources

Balanced Year. Career & love life improve. If your partner has a strong fire, earth or metal
2020 chart, then a long term relationship may flourish and benefit you.
Rat Mystic

Easy Year. Authority & career improve. Assets improve. It is a year of secrets, especially
2021 financial, familial and spiritual secrets.
Ox Assets

Difficult Year. Education & Support systems become a hindrance. Use money and/or your
2022 father to solve the problem. Unexpected expenses appear.
Tiger Wealth

Difficult Year. Mother/support systems become prohibitive. Ego becomes an issue.
Rabbit Self

Difficult Year. Unplanned Expenses & finances conflict. Excessive Ego gets in the way of
2024 financial opportunities.
Dragon Finance

Balanced Year. Your Ego & career conflict, but productivity & creativity are good.
Snake Rebel

Easy Year. Productivity, creativity and fertility are all greatly enhanced. Career progress may
2026 slow down, especially if a pregnancy occurs.
Horse Food

Difficult Year. Creativity and career conflict. If you’ve recently given birth, then the conflict is
2027 between raising the child and returning to work.
Goat Assets

Christian Saint-Pierre R.Ac, Certified Bazi Consultant

Access Acupuncture Bazi Birthchart Analysis
Year Progression (Month by Month) for the year of (2018 Earth Dog)

Monthly Monthly

Month Forecast
Branch Animal Spirits

Difficult month. Unexpected expenses, tension with your father and, if you have any,


February your siblings. Possibility of getting robbed and/or scammed. Pay attention to detail
Tiger Wealth
and use critical judgement.

Difficult month. Ego-related issues and conflicts with friends dominate the month, but
March can be neutralized by exercising creativity and fire element Feng shui.
Rabbit Self

Balanced month. Creativity and productivity are increased, but financial gains and


April your relationship with your father are stagnant. Your mother will require unexpected
Dragon Self

Easy month. If you’re currently in a relationship, this is an easy month to get


May pregnant. Be mindful of accidents. Creativity and mentorship/mediumship is at the

Snake Rebel
highest point for the year.

Easy month. Lots of financial opportunities. Go out to business lunches & dinners.

June Good to spend time with your father.

Horse Food

Double Balanced month. Financial opportunities continue but are put at risk by Ego. Focus
July on productivity and use the fire element to overcome this obstacle.
Goat Asset

Double Easy month. New career opportunities and new romantic opportunities abound,
August including secret romances. Allow yourself to be opinionated.
Monkey Career

Easy month. Career and romance opportunities continue. Be less opinionated and
September more precision oriented to take advantage. Allow yourself to purchase quality goods.
Rooster Warrior

Balanced month. You may struggle to accept resources, or find yourself searching for


October resources and knowledge that you don’t really need. Use the earth element and
Dog Finance
spend time with your father to counter this. Finances remain stable and prosperous.

Difficult month. Your mother and issues around the pursuit of mystical knowledge


November cause both financial and creative conflict. Use the earth element, spend time with
Pig Resource
your father and be fiscally conservative.

Difficult month. Unexpected expenses, continued conflicts around your mother and
December spirituality, and a twin flame encounter leave you overextended and exhausted.
Rat Mystic

Difficult month. On the surface, conflict between career and friends amplifies. Behind


January the scenes, there is stress with your mother, with finances and with your output
Ox Assets
(difficulty being creative).

Christian Saint-Pierre R.Ac, Certified Bazi Consultant

Access Acupuncture Bazi Birthchart Analysis

Bazi Balancing Recommendations

Chart Type: Strong Wood

Yong Xing

Fire, Earth, Metal

(Beneficial Elements)

Yong Shen

Food, Rebel, Asset, Finance, Career, Warrior

(Beneficial Spirits)

Ji Xing

Water, Wood
(Harmful Elements)

Ji Shen

Resource, Mystic, Wealth, Self

(Harmful Spirits)

Maximizing Benefit & Minimizing Risk

Heavenly Qi

Yong Shi
Your most auspicious times are The Decades, years, months, days and hours of:

(Auspicious Times) Snake, Horse, Rooster, Dog; May, June, September, October.

Ji Shi
Your most inauspicious times are the decades, years, months, days and hours of:

(Inauspicious Times) Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Pig; February, March, April, November.

Earthly Qi

The fire and earth elements are most beneficial to you.

Fire corresponds to: the South-Southeast and Southern directions; the colors red & orange; the materials
of fire and leather, electricity, electronics and bright lighting, and fresh cut flowers.

Earth corresponds to: the North-Northeast*, East-Southeast*, South-Southwest and West-Northwestern

directions; the yellowish earth tones; the materials of stone, sand, clay, brick and ceramics.

Feng Shui

(Environmental Design) Place your workspace in one of the fire directions of your home. Place your workstation within that space
in one of the fire directions in that space.

Place your your office space in one of the earth directions of your home. Place your financial documents in
one of the earth directions of your office and your valuables in one of the earth directions of the room they
are in.

*these earth directions are inauspicious for you due to their water and wood influences.

Human Qi

Practice cultivating fire characteristics (warmth, compassion, care, relaxation, joy).

Practice cultivating earth characteristics (tolerance, calmness, mindfulness, Balance [mental, emotional
and physical], groundedness, stability).

Yang Sheng Fa

Practice cultivating creativity and productivity. Practice being extroverted and expressive. Embrace your
(Self Cultivation)
performing talents and mediumship abilities.

Practice cultivating financial stability and fiscal conservatism. Look for steady sources of income - salaries,
repeat business, etc. Build an investment portfolio.

Spend more time with your father, teachers and superiors. Beneficial friends, colleagues, business
associates, partners and students are:

Guan Xi

1) People with lots of fire and earth in their charts

2) People born in Horse or Dog years, in May, June, July or October

3) You will get along EXTREMELY well with a strong earth partner born in a Rat year and Ox month, and
NOT on a pig day or pig hour.

Christian Sain-Pierre R.Ac, Certified Bazi Consultant

Access Acupuncture Bazi Birthchart Analysis

Specific Life Question


I’m feeling Stuck in my energetic practice. I’ve made a lot of progress in a short amount of time, but now I feel like I’m
unable to progress any further - I’ve hit a plateau. What can I do to break through this?

This is a question that has three aspects.

The first aspect, Mystical Knowledge, is related to water for you.

The second aspect, Self Confidence, is related to wood for you.

The third aspect, Talent & Skill, is related to fire for you.

Since Water and Wood (Mystical Knowledge and Self Confidence) are not beneficial to you, if you try to enhance your
talents and skill through mystical knowledge, you will stifle your natural talents. If you focus too much on measuring and
evaluating your own progress, if you are too self-conscious or self-confident about your own development, you will
suppress your true potential.

The fundamental way forward is through the actual use and application of your skills and talents. Practice is the key to
further development, not more mystical knowledge or self-confidence.

With that said, there are some other aspects which can play a role in triggering (or hindering) development.

The first is timing. Some times are quite simply better than others for developing your skills. For example, practicing
between 9AM and 1PM (10AM & 2PM in the summer months) is the best time of day for you to gain skill through practice.
Likewise, May and June the best months, and Snake and Horse years are the best years.

This past decade was a snake decade. The opportunities for skill development were exceptionally good, and will remain
so until your birthday in 2020.

From 2020 until 2029, it will be your Horse decade. This will also be an excellent decade for skill development, especially
the latter half of the decade. One of the differences between Snake and Horse Times for you, however, is the type of
practice. Snake times are really about expressive talent - practicing your talent in a public way, such as through giving
treatments. Horse times are really about inexpressive talent - practicing private, unseen skills, such as trance meditation,
mindfulness meditation, inner alchemy, etc. This is not to say that you should not practice your expressive talents; it
simply means that private, personal practice is useful for your question.

Other ways to support your development include adopting the Feng Shui correspondences of the Fire Element into your
practice space; practice in the southern parts of buildings and rooms, practice facing south, practice in well lit areas,
practice with candles, practice while wearing or surrounded by the color red, practice with fresh cut flowers close by.

Within the next decade, certain times will stand out as watershed times for progress. They are:

May 2018; June 2022; October 26, 2023; 2026; June 2027.

Whether Long or short, these watershed moments are all fleeting. Seize the moment and be grateful for them!

There will be other fleeting moments of greater opportunity here and there, but the majority of the time will be rather
neutral in terms of whether or not it benefits your practice. There will also be times when, try as you might, you will not
seem to make any headway.

Within the next decade, the toughest times for you will be:

2019; February 2023; March 2023; November 2023; August 2024.

The best thing to do during these neutral and tough times is to be patient, to recognize that it is not the right time to
expect progress, to remain consistent in your practice, and to look at progress in other aspects of your life, such as your
career, finances and relationships. Remember, tough times don’t last forever.

Christian Saint-Pierre R.Ac, Certified Bazi Consultant

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