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Jen Mariel P.

Beltran MT 2-1

10 steps on planning a successful ABAKADA implementation

1. Learn about the community

The issues that I have observed in the community is It is poor or most of them
has low income based on our interview, they sometimes don’t practice the right
hygiene because there is a lack or efficiency of water supplies but I have learned
that the children know how to properly wash their hands. They said It was taught
in their school and It is nice to know that the parents too are learning from their
child. They need much more income to sustain their family, because most of
them said that their income is not enough for their family.

I learned this information through profiling even last year, we also had a seminar
last year but It’s about hand washing. I have observed that the telephone hotlines
when there is a disaster is on a poster, which is good for the people to be
informed so less harm or impact will occur. There is also a map for the whole
Brgy. glued on the wall, which I think is very helpful too, specially for those who
will conduct profiling or community service in the area. The Brgy. officials were
very friendly and approachable too which is a good thing specially because they
are in a capital where most of the people rely on them.

Knowing the spot map of the area is very helpful too, to know where to go and
prevent getting lost. I can search the map through internet or I can go and inquire
at the brgy. hall particularly but I’ll just need some money for transporation. I also
had a profiling at brgy. 143 last year so I already have a background knowledge
about it, which is helpful If we will be having another seminar there, I’ll just have
to look through the interview papers and review the informations we have
gathered. Communicating through profiling is the best way I can conduct
information about what their community is truly facing.

2. Listen to community members

Listening rather than talking too much is the best way you can help others.
Specially when gathering data or planning to have a seminar specifically an
Jen Mariel P. Beltran MT 2-1

awareness about anemia. I can talk to them casually and enjoy their company as
time goes by because they are also friendly, so the people there were very
friendly and It was nice listening to their different kind of stories. Listening to
other people, let you find common interest on what their community is truly
facing. I have learned in other subjects that continuous contact with the people is
having a connection with them, so one of this practices could also help.

By profiling I can connect informally with community members. I will introduce

myself as a medical technology student at Manila Central University that is
gathering data for the upcoming seminar about anemia to help give them more
knowledge about it and to help them address if they have a problem about it. I
will ask them questions of those who were diagnosed with anemia or who are
those that are mostly nauseous, weak or other symptoms of anemia.

3. Bring people together to develop a shared vision

The next step I would do is to have a seminar planning or a community
gathering. The people that would help me conquer this plan are specifically my
group mates who are assigned in this seminar too, but I could also seek help
through my other classmates and professor. The seminar planning was held at
the classroom, sharing different kind of ideas for the things that would make our
seminar enjoyable but at the same time the audience will learn and apply
something about it. Luckily, the plan was very active and all my group mates
were sharing ideas.
4. Assess community assets and resources, needs and issues
The strength of the community was all the people there were very participative,
the weakness was their immunity were weak because almost all of them has or
had an illness already and comparing it to the level of the income, they can’t
afford It if someone has a really severe illness such as anemia. Because most of
them said that they only got checks up If they only feel like there is something
wrong about their body. Good thing was there were no threats in the brgy. just
some of the people were crazy, some crazy people were approaching as one
time on the brgy. hall but we didn’t bother it because It is an old lady, instead we
Jen Mariel P. Beltran MT 2-1

just understand and respected her. Compiling a community demographic profile

was also a good start in starting all of this. The thing that I will focus more in the
community is gathering the rate of anemia in the brgy. or the morbidity and the
mortality rates. But all of this information must be analysed carefully first. Profiling
also gave me knowledge as to how people perceive their community based on
their answers because some of them are commenting about the issues in their
neighborhood or at the brgy. itself. After gathering all this kind of knowledge, I will
put all the information in a paper or document to synthesize and to make better
plans about the upcoming seminar about ABAKADA, and for my other group
mates to understand what we are going to do too. This type of assessment is for
our subject community development and the goal here is to provide information
about anemia by going to different houses, gathering data or background
information about their health.
5. Help community members to recognize and articulate areas of concern and
their causes.

The people who only truly knows about the community are the people who are living
within the area so It is better to listen to the person or to hear them out. By
conducting the seminar about anemia the tools that I hope we can give are
medicines for anemia or at least give them foods that will prevent having an anemia
at the brgy. hall with the facilitation of us medical technology student and our
professor. Having this kind of charity should also help the people be self-reliant
about themselves because giving them awareness about it hopefully wakes them up
to see the true problem we are facing in the issue of anemia.

I will have to invite the brgy. officials to talk about what we have planned to do in
their brgy. by visiting them and giving corresponding letter about it. We would also
talk for the approval of our Dr. Ferdinand Mortel and our professor Ma’am Shiela. I
will also talk to my other group mates and members to talk about how other people
could be aware of this. We have came up with an ideas of how about just giving
them flyers or letting them see banner. I will held a meeting with my groups mates or
even brgy. officials If possible to find common ground about the upcoming event.
Jen Mariel P. Beltran MT 2-1

6. Establish a “vehicle for change”

The best way to give a change to others is being an inspiration as one and
eventually more people will just follow. Organizations that I think that could help the
upcoming event ABAKADA our Manila Central University health workers, faculties or
If possible a partnership of WHO/ DOH. The community should be democratic
because It will practice their habit that they themselves are self-reliant. I can speak
on behalf of the program, I’m not the best but I will try my best.

7. Develop and action plan

Goal: Anemia sa Brgy. Kalabanin Dapat

Task Who When Source Cash

Submission of Dr Ferdiand August 2, Manila Central None
corresponding Mortel, Ma’am 2019 University
letters to the Martin and
begy. and brgy. officals
Finish the Memers, Indefinite Manila Central Indefinite
complete plan professors and Universit
Onduct a brgy. Memebers, August 10, From Mostly 1K
seminara. audience and 2019 informations
officalls step 1-6 and
by the help of

8. Implement action plant

If there’s a possibility that we can work relationships with funding sources that would
be very helpful but If not there may have a risk of spending too much money for the
program so we should have a budget.
Jen Mariel P. Beltran MT 2-1

 Work with the community members

 Develop informational brochures
 Get some support from other organizations If possible
 Distribute brochures to the organizations
 Meet with brgy. officials
9. Evaluate results of action

I have to evaluate the results after the program to check If I didn’t caused any harm
and to check If our program about anemia were helpful for them to apply it in the real
world. I have to check in the participants or audiences that we had taught to check
their lifestyle, If there were any changes at all.

I will conduct my evaluation by giving them evaluation papers for them to fill out
after the seminar to see If they learned something or let them write some insights or
further suggestions about their community about anemia. If I made them laugh
through the process of seminar It means that I have conquered my plan for them to
learn and appreciate the things that we are learning. If I saw something, or there
were decreased rate of anemia in the brgy. after some time, It only means that the
seminar of ABAKADA was effective. Whatever the results may be, I will accept
everything, specially If there’s a constructive criticism.

10. Reflect and Regroup

After the seminar I will give us time to rest. Thank everyone for doing their best
specially my group mates that were also there to accomplish this goal with me. I’ll
celebrate my success no matter what but at the same time reflect on what things
that I have failed to do. After some time, maybe we’ll discuss things that may have
been done better for the next seminar or program we’ll conduct outside the
community. I will also give the audience some time to reflect on their own and If
possible, we will again continue more seminars at the brgy. 143 If they still want
more to decide wether additional seminars would be helpful to make their community
Jen Mariel P. Beltran MT 2-1

Activities that I think would help wrap up the seminar is by giving the audiences the
appropriate medicine for anemia, but If not allowed maybe just some foods that can
prevent them from having an anemia. If given a chance, maybe we can also conduct
CBC for their free diagnosis. But thinking on the reality, of course there might go
wrong and It si nice to be aware of this such as what If something wrong happened
to the audiences when they ingest the iron medicine or supplement, what If some
people got allergic reactions from food or what If some of us got wrong puncture of
the vein for CBC. Being aware of that, makes us or me aware so I can lessen about
it. In order to be exact that the audiences really learned or enjoyed,I will ask them
questions directly If there are something they want to ask more or If there are
something they are curious about. I will also talk to the brgy. officials to get some
insights about the seminar about ABAKADA.

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