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United States Patent (19) [11] 3,860,217

Grout (45) Jan. 14, 1975

54). SHEAR MIXER fluid in which the mixing action is produced primarily,
but not solely, by high internally generated shear
(75) Inventor: Kenneth M. Grout, Topsfield, Mass. forces. The basic element of the mixer is formed with
73) Assignee: Kenics Corporation, Danvers, Mass. a plurality of elongated channels, each preferably hav
22 Filed: Apr. 26, 1973 ing an elliptic transverse cross section. The channels
are disposed about each other in a helical arrange
21 Appl. No.: 354,688 ment and communicate with each other through one
or more elongated helical slots formed in adjacent
52) U.S. Cl. .................................................... 259/4 sides of two or more contiguous channels. The sides of
51) Int. Cl................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . .... B01f 5100
each slot are cusp-shaped and the end faces of each
58) Field of Search............... 259/4, 18, 19, 36, 37, mixing element are preferably concave at the ends of
259/99, 114; 138/38 said channels with cusps in the end faces joining the
cusps at the slot edges. A mixer may consist of a single
56) References Cited element or of a plurality of such elements arranged.
with alternating right and left-handed helix groups, (a
group consisting of one or more of such elements).
3,286,992 11/1966 Armeniades......................... ... 25914 The element or elements in one helix group has the
3,664,638 5/1972 Grout...................................... 259/4 transverse axis of each pair of its channels angularly
disposed with respect to such axis of an adjacent
Primary Examiner-Harvey C. Hornsby group. Methods of making such mixers are also dis
Assistant Examiner-Robert Pous closed.
A shear mixer for mixing components of a flowing 10 Claims, 15 Drawing Figures
PATENTEDJAN 14 1975 3 ,860,217


G. 8
PATENTEDJAN 14975 3,860,27
PATENTEDJAN 14 1975 3,860,27

29 FIG 3
1. 2
S.HEAR MIXER FIG.9 is a view similar to FIG.3 but illustrating the
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION effect of using more than two helical passages in a sin
gle mixer unit;
1. Field of the Invention FIG. 10 is a view similar to FIG. 1 showing a form of
Mixers having stationary elements for mixing or oth mixer element with concave ends;
erwise contacting components of a flowing fluid or FIG. 11 is a side view of an arrangement with two ele
fluid-like stream in order to produce such effects as ho ments of the type of FIG. 8 assembled in end-to-end re
mogenization of miscible fluids, mass transfer to reac lationship;
tive components, establishing a uniform temperature FIG. 12 is an enlarged end view of the upper element
throughout the stream and producing dispersions of im O taken along line 12-12 of FIG. 11 with the orientation
miscible substances. of the lower element shown in dotted lines;
2. Nature of the Prior Art FIG. 13 is a perspective view, partly in section, illus
The field of motionless mixers relates to that type of trating one method of making a mixer element;
mixing device designed to mix components of a flowing FIG. 14 is a perspective view of a metal blank illus
fluid by causing a stream of such fluid to pass through 15 trating a step in another method of making a mixer ele
a conduit containing within it stationary structural ele ment; and
ments which physically react with said stream to pro FIG. 15 is a cross-sectional view of a mixer element
duce the desired mixing action. An example of this type made by the process illustrated in FIG. 14.
of mixer is shown in the U.S. Pat. No. 3,286,992 to Ar The basic component of the mixer of this invention,
meniades et al. Such devices are used for a wide variety as illustrated by way of example in FIG. 1, consists of
of purposes including the homogenization of miscible a body 1 in which is formed a plurality of elongated
fluids, mass transfer of reactive components, the estab channels 2 and 3 each having an elliptic cross section
lishment of a uniform temperature throughout a flow and each having its longitudinal axis disposed along a
ing fluid mass, and the dispersion of immiscible sub helical path. These channels are interwound with each
stances including generating such fine dispersions as to 25 other and their cross-sections intersect adjacent the
produce stable emulsions. While such devices are gen longitudinal axis of the body 1 so as to produce an elon
erally satisfactory for many purposes, completely satis gated helical opening 4 through which each channel
factory operation has not yet been achieved for a vari communicates with its adjacent channel. If we pass
ety of objectives. along each channel 2 and 3 in FIG. 1 from the top to
30 the bottom, it will be seen that the helices formed by
Nature of Present Invention these channels are left-handed helices. As shown in
The present invention takes a basically new approach FIG. 1, a preferred embodiment of the basic compo
to the solution of the fluid mixing problem by placing nent is one in which each channel 2 and 3 consists of
a major emphasis upon increasing the shear forces 35
a 180° helical turn. Variations in the degree of helical
which interact between different parts of the fluid turning in each such unit will be matter of choice in the
stream. While high shear is important in many mixing design of such mixers. While the longitudinal axis of the
processes, it is particularly important where it is desired body 1, referred to above, lies along a straight line, it
to produce a stable emulsion of immiscible fluids. As is to be understood that the term "longitudinal axis,"
the viscosity ratio between the two fluids increases, a 40
as it applies to body 1, includes any line, whether or not
higher and higher degree of shear is required to im straight, about which the channels progress with either
prove the degree of subdivision of the fluid particles to right-handed or left-handed turnings. In addition, al
the point where a stable emulsion is reached. Even in though the opening 4 is shown as a continuous slot ex
those cases where such an emulsion is not required, the tending from the top to the bottom of body 1, parts of
higher shear forces produced by the present invention 45 the contiguous sides of channels 2 and 3 could be left
are very useful. solid so as to provide a plurality of such slots extending
longitudinally of the body 1.
A simple or elementary form of a left hand helix
In the annexed drawings: mixer using such a basic element is shown diagramati
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of one of the novel mixer SO cally in FIG. 2 in which a fluid extruder 5 is connected
elements; to the input end of a unit 1 and a discharge nozzle 6 is
FIG. 2 is a side view of a simple mixer using one of connected to its output end. The resulting reaction
the mixer elements of FIG. 1; within the unit 1 is illustrated in FIG. 3. As the fluid is
FIG. 3 is an enlarged cross-sectional diagram taken caused to flow from the extruder 5, it follows a helical
along line 3-3 of FIG. 2, illustrating the nature of its 55 path through each channel 2 and 3. Frictional forces
operation; will be set up between the walls of these channels and
FIG. 4 is a view similar to FIG. 1 but with the sense the fluid to produce a counter rotation in each channel
of the helical passages reversed with respect to the at right angles to the direction of longitudinal flow of
sense of FIG. 1; the fluid. The direction of such counter rotation is
FIG. 5 is a side view of a mixer using multiple mixer 60 shown by the arrows in FIG. 3 as a clockwise rotation
elements; of the fluid in each of the channels 2 and 3. This as
FIG. 6 is a representation of a step in the assembly of sumes a counterclockwise progression of the channels
two mixer elements in an arrangement as in FIG. 5; into the plane of the paper and a flow of the fluid into
FIG. 7 is a view as in FIG. 3 showing the effect of the such plane. Therefore, at each opening or slot 4 be
reversal of the sense of the helical passages in the mixer 65 tween the channels, the fluids flowing in the channels
unit; will be rotating oppositely to each other producing a
FIG. 8 is a partial view, similar to FIG. 4, showing a very high degree of internal fluid shear. Such high in
mixer with spaced units; ternal shear will produce a strong mixing action for the
3,860,217 4
various purposes for which such a device is intended. other where it is desired to provide a plenum 8 between
Where the opening 4 is not continuous from the top to successive elements.
the bottom of body 1, it is merely required that a suffi The principles of the present invention may be incor
cient total length of the common openings between porated in structures in which more than two helical
channels 1 and 2 be produced to result in a substantial channels are present. For example, in FIG. 9, three he
volume in which the above-described shear forces may lical channels 9, 10, and 11, similar to channels 2 and
be developed. 3 of FIG. 1, are provided in a body 12. These channels
It may be that, for some purposes, the elementary are formed respectively with longitudinal openings 13,
form of mixer shown in FIG. 2, would not be the pre 14 and 15, similar to opening 4 of FIG. 1. These open
ferred one. Therefore, a mixer might comprise a plural O ings 13, 14 and 15 merge into a central opening 16 ex
ity of units 1 in which the helical turns of channels 2 tending the length of the body 12. As described in con
and 3 would be reversed in each alternate unit. For this nection with FIG. 3, when fluid is caused to flow along
purpose, it is desired to add to the left-hand helical pas each channel 9, 10 and 11, frictional forces between
sage member 1, as shown in FIG. 1, a right-hand helical the walls of the channels and the flowing fluid produce
passage member 1a as shown in FIG. 4. 15 a rotation of the fluid as indicated by the arrows in FIG.
FIG. 4 illustrates an element 1a with right-hand heli 9. The direction of such rotation about the opening 16
cal passages 2a and 3a providing a passage 4a between produces a cumulative circumferential force around
them. the opening 16 and drives the fluid in such opening cir
A preferred embodiment of the invention is that illus cularly in a direction opposite to the direction of rota
trated in FIG. S in which the mixer would consist of a 20 tion of the fluid in channels 9, 10 and 11. As shown, the
plurality of basic elements 1b and 1c, 1d and 1e assem rotation of the fluid in opening 16 is in a counterclock
bled end to end in a series within a casing 7. Each basic wise direction. The resultant of the forces causing the
element 1b and 1d is as illustrated in FIG. 1, while each flow of fluid along the length of the body 12 and the
element lc and 1e is as illustrated in FIG. 4. Thus, the above rotation forces will cause each particle in the
direction of the helical passages in each alternate ele 25 opening 16 to flow in a helical path along the length of
ment is of the opposite sense to the direction of the he the opening 16 substantially in synchronism with the
lical passages in the adjacent elements. helical flow in each of the channels 9, 10 and 11. Not
In addition to the reversal of direction of the helices only will there exist a very effective mixing action, but
in alternate elements, each alternate element also pref. also the residence times in the mixer for all particles in
erably has the transverse axis joining the centers of the the fluid flow will tend to be equal resulting in a highly
passages angularly disposed with respect to such axis in uniform product.
each adjacent unit. Thus, FIG. 6 shows a step in the as It is to be understood that, although the cross section
sembly of two adjacent units wherein the upper unit 1 of each channel has been illustrated as a circle, such
is the same as that shown in FIG. 1 while the lower unit cross section may be elliptic, a circle being one form.
la is the same as that shown in FIG. 4 but with the 35 By the term "elliptic' is meant any closed planar curve
above described transverse axis rotated through 90 so along which there is no reversal of curvature, but along
that the transverse axes of 1 and 1a are disposed 90° which there may be changes in the radius of curvature.
with respect to each other. This angular relationship is Such definition is not to be interpreted as excluding
not critical and may be of any substantial size. 40
gaps such as those due to openings 4, 13, 14 and 15.
The effect of reversing the direction of the helices is While channels with elliptic cross sections may be
illustrated in FIG. 7. The clockwise rotation of the fluid preferred, such channels may have any type of cross
for the right-hand helices of the unit of FIG.3 becomes section. As long as such cross section defines a closed
a counterclockwise rotation as shown by the curved ar figure (except for a gap due to the opening in its side)
rows of FIG. 7. The same high degree of internal fluid 45
and the channel progresses along a helical path, as de
shear, as in FIG. 3, is also generated at the opening 4a scribed above, a counter rotation of the fluid in adja
in FIG. 7. Therefore, in FIG. 5, when the fluid issues cent channels will be produced and the effects of the
from the first unit 1b and encounters the second unit present invention will be generated.
1c, the rotation imparted by unit 1b will be reversed by However, the elliptic form of mixer element elimi
the action of the unit 1c, thus increasing the mixing ef nates all corners which could create dead areas in
fectiveness of the combined device. Furthermore, the which parts of the fluid might remain for substantially
angular displacement of the transverse axes of the heli longer periods than the rest of the flowing fluid. The ex
ces between adjacent elements introduces additional istence of such corners in prior art devices are responsi
subdivisions of the fluid stream and increased internal ble for the fact that it has been virtually impossible to
shearing forces which further enhance the mixing ac 55
obtain anything approaching completely uniform resi
tion. dence time for fluids flowing through such mixers. The
Instead of reversing the direction of the helices in present invention makes possible a much closer ap
every alternate mixer element, a plurality of such ele proximation of such uniform residence time than has
ments with these helical elements all in the same sense been possible heretofore.
may be followed by a plurality of such elements with 60 In order further to enhance the uniformity of resi
their helices all in the opposite sense. Therefore, such dence time and to increase the mixing action of this in
elements may be considered broadly as being arranged vention, the embodiment of FIGS. 10 and 11 have been
in alternating right-handed and left-handed helix devised. In FIG. 10, the unit 18 is substantially like the
groups, it being understood that a group may consist of unit 1 of FIG. 1 and is formed with channels 19 and 20
one or more elements. 65 corresponding to channels 2 and 3 of FIG. 1. However,
Also, as illustrated in FIG. 8, instead of the adjacent in FIG. 10, the end of each unit is dished with concave
ends of successive elements 1b and 1c being in contact surfaces 21 and 22 at the ends of the channels 19 and
with each other, such ends may be spaced from each 20. Such concave surfaces meet along substantially
S 6
horizontal cusp edges 23 which terminate along a cir sitng the extruded material with respect to such die.
cular border 24 which defines the outer limits of the Various other methods of fabricating these units will
concave surfaces 21 and 22. This form of the end of suggest themselves to those skilled in the art.
each unit may be more readily seen in FIG. 12. The I claim:
dotted lines show the orientation of the end face of an 1. A mixer element comprising a body having therein
adjacent unit assembled as will be described below for a plurality of elongated channels extending through
FIG 11. said body and displaced with respect to each other
As shown in FIG. 11, a plurality of such units 18a and around a longitudinal axis, each of said elongated chan
18b are assembled in end to end relation with the direc nels being disposed along a helix around said longitudi
tion of the helical turning of the passages in each unit 10 nal axis, the helices of adjacent channels being dis
being reversed with respect to the direction such turn posed in the same sense around said longitudinal axis,
ing in an adjacent unit, as described in connection with the contiguous inner sides of adjacent channels being
FIG. S. Further, as described in connection with FIG. provided with at least one common opening through
5, the transverse axes are angularly disposed. Thus the which said adjacent channels communicate with each
edges 23a on the lower face of 18a will be angularly dis 15 other; said opening comprising an elongated slot ex
placed with respect to the edges 23b on the upper face tending throughout the length of said channels.
of 18b. Therefore, any fluid which passes from the 2. A mixer element according to claim 1 in which at
channels of 18a to the channels of 18b will encounter
the sharp edges 23b which will exert additional shear least one end face of said body is concave at the end of
each of said channels.
forces to further enhance the operation of the device. 20 3. A mixer element according to claim 1 in which the
Each of the units of the type described may be made number of said channels is at least three.
of any suitable material and may be manufactured by 4. A mixer comprising a plurality of mixer elements
any suitable process. For example, the unit may be according to claim 2 mounted in end to end relation
made of a plastic or metal cast in a lost-wax type of ship with their longitudinal axes in line with each other.
mold, as shown in FIG. 13. Two cylindrical lengths of 25 5. A mixer according to claim 4 in which said mixer
casting wax 25 and 26 are pressed together along their elements are arranged in alternating right and left
lengths to form the central portion 27 which is to define handed helix groups.
the central opening 4 of the resulting unit. The mem 6. A mixer according to claim 4 in which adjacent
bers 25 and 26 are then twisted with the desired degree mixer elements are mounted with these ends abutting
of turning of the channels 2 and 3. The members 25 30
each other.
and 26 are then placed in a cylindrical mold 28 having 7. A mixer according to claim 4 in which adjacent
a bottom 29 and a cylindrical side wall member 30,
shown cut away in FIG. 13. The mold is then filled with mixer elements are mounted with their ends spaced
the desired plastic material and caused to set into a from each other.
solid form by any well known process. Thereupon, the 35 8. A mixer according to claim 4 in which the trans
plastic body is removed from the mold 28 and the cast verse axis through the centers of said channels of each
ing wax core 25-26 is dissolved or melted out to leave of said units is angularly displaced with respect to such
the unit substantially as shown and described in FIG. 1. transverse axis of each unit adjacent thereto.
Of course, the unit of FIG. 4 may be made in the same 9. A mixer according to claim 1 in which each of said
way with the members 25 and 26 twisted in a direction 40 channels has an elliptic cross section.
opposite to that in FIG. 13. Where desired, the concave 10. A mixer element comprising a body having
surfaces 21 and 22, as described in FIGS. 10, 11 and 12 therein a plurality of elongated channels extending
may be machined out by any well known machining through said body and displaced with respect to each
method. other around a longitudinal axis, each of said elongated
Other methods of making the units may be used. For 45 channels being disposed along a helix around said lon
example, as shown in FIG. 14, a sheet of metal 32 may gitudinal axis, the helices of adjacent channels being
be formed with two longitudinal channels 33 and 34. disposed in the same sense around said longitudinal
Thereupon the sheet 32 may have its ends twisted in axis, the contiguous inner sides of adjacent channels
opposite directions so that one end wall occupies the being provided with at least one common opening
position as shown in the dotted lines at 35 with respect 50 through which said adjacent channels communicate
to the other end shown in full line at 36. Of course, the with each other, at least one end face of said body
metal would have to be sufficiently malleable to ac being concave at the end of each of said channels, said
commodate such twisting. Two members 37 and 38 so concave face having pointed cusps transverse to the
formed may then be assembled with abutting longitudi line joining the centers of said channels at said end
nal edges 3a as shown in FIG. 15. The shapes shown in 55 face, each of said cusps extending from an edge of said
FIGS. 1 and 4 might be made by extruding plastic or slot to a point on saidck endk face removed from said edge.
malleable metal through an appropriate die while twi k -k sk



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