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MBAL allows non dimensional reservoir analysis to be conducted throughout the life of the
field, whether this is in early field life when limited data is available, or even in mature fields
where more certainty exists. As such, this straightforward but powerful reservoir toolkit can be
applied throughout the life of the reservoir and is often used in conjunction with numerical
simulators as a quality check of history matching, and/or as a proxy model for fast calculations.
Using limited data (PVT and cumulative production) the engineer is well equipped to find the
amount of oil in place, and any associated drive mechanisms.

4.2 Running MBAL

We must start from the left and finish to right of this tab.

Then, in the tool tab we will have to choose material balance.

After that, choose the tool option according to the data given by reservoir engineer.
At the PVT tab, choose fluid properties and input the data according to the data given by
reservoir engineer.

At the input tab, choose tank data and fill in the value according to the data given by reservoir
engineer. By this point, we can use the MBAL file at GAP to define the reservoir.
Below are the MBAL model that will be use on GAP to define the reservoir model:

Figure 4.1Angsa Upper

Figure 4.2 Angsa Lower

Figure 4.3 Angsa Kurus

Figure 4.4Angsa EW

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