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Interactive Learning

Website name Website URL Brief Description

Starfall The game Noun Jump only lets you jump on
grades123.php nouns as you go up but if you step on a word
that is not a noun you will start over.
Cool math The exponents page on cool math went into
details about how to work on and with
PBS kids Most of the games taught the player how to
use everyday skills. One game made me put
all the same colors together.
Fun Brain The books arrange from different grades and
your level of comprehension.
Brain Pop Gives you a video to watch on the subject
you pick, then you will play a game, and lastly
there is a quiz.
Curious World You have the options to read, play a game,
and read
Far Faria This app reads along with you as you read.

National Geographic Kids Has quizzes about different animals.

Bright Storm Lots of videos on math such as Physics,

Algebra, and Chemistry.
Ticket to Read Students read books then later took a quiz
afterwards. If you pass the quiz you would
get tickets. Those tickets would buy thing in
the store.

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