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The English Alphabet and Meaning

Position Upper Case Lower Case Meaning Militarised

1 A a Ox Alpha
2 B b House Bravo
3 C c Hunting Stick Charlie
4 D d Door Delta
5 E e Body Echo
6 F f Speech Foxtrot
7 G g Camel Golf
8 H h Fence Hotel
9 I i Hand India
10 J j Arm Juliet
11 K k Palm / Fingers Kilo
12 L l Staff Lima
13 M m Water Mike
14 N n Fish / Snake November
15 0 o Eye Oscar
16 P p Mouth Papa
17 Q q Needle / Monkey Quebec
18 R r Head Romeo
19 S s Tooth / Support Sierra
20 T t Cross Tango
21 U u Peg Uniform
22 V v Nail Victor
23 W w Double U/V Whiskey
24 X x Mark X-ray
25 Y y Light Yankee
26 Z z Axe / Weapon Zulu

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