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Fuzzy logic is a logic of approximation allowing for different degrees of truth. It is a mathematical
tool for dealing with uncertainty that enables systems to reach a definite goal given vague,
ambiguous, imprecise, noisy, or missing input information, based on a system for showing linguistic
uncertainty such as many, low, often etc. The most important aspect of fuzzy logic is its tolerance on
imprecise data. It means that it can take vague information and give a reasonable output, in a similar
way that human being thinks.

It is worth noticing that Fuzzy logic might not be suitable for highly complex systems consisting of
numerous conditional parameters. In other words, if there are many different parameters to get a
reasonable response, then there will be inherently many conditions to be considered and as a result
handling such systems will be very difficult and tedious using fuzzy logic.

Application of fuzzy reasoning to a system consists of three main stages: fuzzification, inference and
de-fuzzification. Overall, these steps determine how fuzzy logic is mapped out in a specific system.


At the core of applying this step, there is the concept of fuzzy sets. These are sets that can have
some elements with a partial membership and their membership degrees will characterised by a
membership function. The membership function is a graphical presentation of the magnitude of
participation of each input. It takes a value as input and return a value between zero and one which
would be the degree of membership. Fuzzification is then defined as the process of converting crisp
numbers into fuzzy sets. Such crisp numbers are usually obtained from inputs to the system, such as
sensors etc. There are different membership functions related to each input and output response as

 Shape: the common one is triangular but also there are bell, trapezoidal, haversine and
 Height or magnitude
 Width of the base of function
 Shouldering: locks height at maximum if an outer function. Shoulder functions evaluate as
1.0 past their centre.
 Centre points: centre of member function shape
 Overlap: Typically about 50% of width but can be less.

Fuzzy inference

It is the process of formulating the mapping from a given input to an output using fuzzy logic. The
mapping then provides a basis from which decisions can be made, or patterns discerned. In other
words, inference step determines the degree to which fuzzy inputs matches the system rules and
what rules need to be implemented according to the given input. There are different methods to do
Fuzzy implication such as mamdami’s or Takagi_Sugeno. In Mamdami’s type Fuzzy inference system
the rules are in the form of IF x is A then y is B. here output is a Fuzzy variable, but in Takagi_Sugeno
type of Fuzzy inference system the rules take the form of: IF x is A THEN y is F(x), here the output is a
version of the input.


This is an inverse operation to the fuzzification. As such, it is the process of converting fuzzy sets
back into crisp numbers. There are various methods for de-fuzzifications. Some are producing a crisp
output like centroid method (in which the centre of area of a fuzzy set is returned as the
corresponding crisp value) or the centre of sums (COS) method (in which This process involves
the sum of individual output fuzzy sets is returned as the corresponding crisp value) or the mean of
maximum (in which the most plausible result is returned as the corresponding crisp value) and so on.

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Medium Medium Medium Slow
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