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Twenty question using the verb to be

1. Why is he a good pilot?

Because he is been many hours of practice
2. Is she a beautiful girl?
Yes, she is a beautiful girl
3. Is she smart in the school?
Yes, she is smart because she always study
4. Is it a yellow house?
No, it is not a yellow house
5. When are they tired?
Whenever they work in the office
6. Why is he a free man?
Because he is an honest person
7. How is it a great park?
When they have many trees
8. Why are you in the hospital?
Because I broke my leg
9. Are we a good chef?
Yes, we are the best chefs
10. Are we old friends?
yes, we are a good friend
11. Is she happy?
No, she is not
12. Are they brothers?
Yes, they are
13. Is it my cat?
Yes, it is
14. Are they from Mexico?
Yes, they are
15. Why are they so fat?
Because they don’t stop eating
16. Are they interested in sports?
No, they are not
17. Are you a nurse?
No, I am not
18. Why is he a good driver?
Because he follows the driving rules
19. Why is it a good movie?
Because it is a good story
20. Is it sunny?
Yes, it is
Twenty question using do and does
1. When do you go to the school?
I go to the school every day of the week
2. Where does she wait the bus?
She waits the bus in her house
3. Does he go to the gym?
Yes, he does
4. Does she work on Sunday?
Yes. She does
5. What do they play on Saturday?
They play to the videogames
6. What do you listen in your phone?
I listen my favorite music
7. Why do you study in your home?
because I have a test the next week
8. Why do you close the door?
Because the weather is cold
9. What do you plan for the Friday?
I want to go out to the park
10. What do you need every day?
I need money every day
11. When does he practice to the football?
He practices on Tuesday
12. When do we finish the homework?
We finish the Wednesday
13. Does she cook the dinner?
Yes, she does
14. When do you practice English?
I practice every Sunday with my teacher
15. Where do they live?
They live in Mexico
16. Does he work in a company?
No, he does not
17. Do they like to eat pizza?
Yes, they do
18. When do you use the car?
I use the car every day in the morning
19. What do they sell in the street?
They sell in the street, tomatoes and fruits
20. When do you arrive home?
I arrive in two days

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