The Middle Test 7: Name: Year

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THE MIDDLE TEST 7 8. What are Firman’s hobbies?

a. Playing badminton
b. Eating fried chicken
YEAR: c. Listening music.
d. Playing badminton and listening music
1. Ahmad : Good morning, Herman ?
Herman: .................... How are you? 9. What is his favoritecolor?
Ahmad : I’m fine. How about you ? a. Fried chicken b. Badminton
Herman : I’m fine too. c. Blue d. Black
a. Yes b. I’m OK.
c. Good morning d. Hello. The text is for number 10-13

2. Reny : Hi, Lisa. How are you? Hello friends, I am Rina. My full name is Rina
Lisa : …......................And you? Ayuningtyas. I was born in Surabaya, September
Reny : I’m OK. 18th, 2004. I study at SMP Harapan Surabaya. It is
a. How do you do? b. Good bye. on Jl. Pramuka no.25, Surabaya. Mr. Wibowo is
c. Yes, I am d. Very well, thank you my father. He is a taxi driver. Mrs. Lestari is my
3. Reza : I want to sleep, Mom. ... mother. She is a nurse of Sarjito Hospital.
Mother : Good night, Dear.
10. Who is introducing in the text?
a. Take care. b. Be careful. a. Rina Ayuningtyas
c. Good night. d. Good bye. b. Mr. Wibowo
4. Andri: Wina, may I use your phone to text my c. Mrs. Lestari
father d. Rina’s father
Wina : Sure. Here it is
Andri : Thank you 11. How old is Rina? She is ... years old
Wina : .... a. eighteen b. fifteen
a. I am sorry b. Thanks c. seventeen d. twenty five
c. Thank you, too. d. You’re welcome

12. Where does she live ? She lives ....

5. Andi : Good morning,madam. a. in Surabaya
Mrs. Anisah : Good morning, Andi. b. at Sarjito Hospital
Why are you late?
c. at SMP Harapan Surabaya
Andi : ............................. I missed my
d. on Jl.Pramuka no. 25 Surabaya
a. Nice to meet you b. Thanks
c. I’m sorry d. Glad to hear that 13. Where does she study?
a. September 18th, 2004
The text is for number 6-9 b. On Jl.Pramuka no. 25 Solo
Hello, my name is Firman c. Sarjiti Hospital
I am eleven years old. d. at SMP Harapan Solo
I live at JalanJenderalSudirmanDesaLubuk Raman.
My Father is Mr. SopianHermantito. My School is 14. Sheila : Dian, Please meet my friend,
MTs N Yogyakarta. I am in the sevent year Vino. Vino, this is Dian.
I like playing badminton and listening music.My Vino : Hi, glad to meet you, Dian.
favoritecolor is blue. Dian : ….
My favorite food is fried chicken. a. Hi. How are you?
I go to school by bus b. Hi. How do you do?
6. How old is Firman? c. Hi. Glad to meet you, too
a. 11b. 12 c. 13d. 14 d. Hi. I am very glad

7. What are Firman’s hobbies?

a. Playing badminton
b. Eating fried chicken
My name(15)....Nurlatifah. My classroom is
c. Listening music.
clean.(16) nice for me. I have some friends.
d. Playing badminton and listening music
Ratna, Rully, Roshan.(17) kind to me. Essay
Rully(18)..... smart student.(19)..... a good person.
1. fill the blank!
(20)We.... in great friendship.
Sani : ___________
15. a. Amb. Is c. Are d. Nurlatifah
Fitri : Good morning.
16. a. I b. You c. She d. It
Sani : How are you?
17. a. We are b. She is c. They are d. I am
Fitri : ____________
18. a. Is b. Am c. Are d. He
Sani : We___going to library. Are you coming with
19. a. She is b. He is c. It is d. You are
20. a. Are b. Am c. Is d. Friends
Fitri : Yes.___________
2. Make a mini dialogue about Thanks dan Say
3. Make a sentence with Noun, adjective and
Verb -ing! Add with the means.
4. Introduce yourself!

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