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Flip & Gap First Position Funding (FGFPF)

Processing Application Form

All applications should be submitted by commercial loan brokers. Please fill out this four-page form.
Send the first three pages as a Word file. Fourth page: Since it requires your signature, please fill it out,
then sign it, and finally turn it into a PDF and send it along with the three Word files pages to us all at
once. PLEASE DO NOT SEND: PDFs, hand-written Applications or via email. Please only send it as a
Word file.

A. About the Requestor of the funding

1. Name

2. Entity name, if any (LLC, Corp., partnership dba, etc.)

3. Address/City/State/Zip

4. Email

5. Phone # (land line if any)

6. Cell #

7. Website (if any)

8. Social Security Number

B. Street Address/City/Zip of the property, etc. for which funds are being sought

1. Property s.f.?

2. Land s.f.?

3. Current value? (AVERAGE of 3 recent, local, sold comps)

4. Assessor’s Tax No. for this property

5. Legal Description of the property

6. Just to confirm, that to the best of your knowledge:

a. this property does not have ANY liens or loans against it, correct? The answer SHOULD be yes. If it
is NO, then please explain.


b. You plan to flip it within 30 days, using our funds to pay off the existing balance due on the property
(for which we will require a Payoff Letter. See No. 17 in the Instructions attachment).

7. So, if EMD Funding does provide the money you need, we will be in first position on the property,
correct? The answer SHOULD be yes. If it is NO, then please explain.

C. Exit strategy: Since EMD Funding needs to be certain that we will receive both the return of our
capital as well as our markup when the note comes due, we need to know now where (i.e. from what
specific source or sources) you are going to get the funds from to pay back same. PLEASE BE
Explain right here

D. What are the funds to be used for? Be specific.

E. Timing details

1. How soon do you need funds?

2. How long do you need the funds?

F. Doing the math

The following example is based on a $125,000 FMV.

Math for: $75,000 for 30 days is as follows

Net amount you wish to receive $75,000

10%/fixed fees = $ 7,500
Subtotal $ 82,500

Markup = 1% per day x 30%

$ 24,750
Total Payback $107,250
(30 days)

1. Amount of investment funding requested?

(Example: $20,000 net proceeds to you)

2. Add 10% fixed markup equals:

(Example: $2,000 or 10% x $20,000)

3. Total of No. 2 & No. 3 equals:

(Example: $20,000 + $2,000 = $22,000)

4. Take total of No. 3 x 1% per day x number days equals:

(Example: $22,000 x say 40 days or 40% = $8,800)

5. Total of No. 4. & No. 5, to be paid to EMD Funding at close of escrow, equals:

(Example: $30,8000…$22,000 + $8,800)

NOTE: Please take into account that the funding requestor (you) pays 100% of all escrow/title,
processing, etc. fees, costs, etc. The 10% fixed costs that we include is to cover all of our backroom
work, underwriting, confirming info, etc. No. 21 for more details about this.

G. Anything else we should know about the deal? Please be brief.


1. Referrer (Commercial loan broker, hard money lender, other)


Co. Name

Phone #

Cell #

Mailing Address/City/State

Email address

2. Please indicate if you are a commercial loan broker. Yes/No:

States in which you do business


Co. Name

Phone #

Cell #

Mailing Address/City/State

Email address

3. Escrow, Closing Attorney


Co. Name

Phone #

Cell #

Mailing Address/City/State

Email address

4. Title Co.


Co. Name

Phone #

Cell #

Mailing Address/City/State

Email address

I. Comps: Please provide at least three recent, nearby SOLD comps

J. Please read (below) Instructions to Funding Requester (to be filled in and submitted by a commercial
loan broker) before emailing in the above form.

K. By submitting this form, I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree with all the terms, etc.
found in the Instructions previously provided, etc. as well as this Application form, etc.

L. I also certify, by submitting this form, that there are no encumbrances (loans, liens, etc.) of any kind
currently on the property, that I own the property free and clear, and I further certify that will not
encumber the property between now and the time that EMD Funding provides money for a first note and
deed on the property.

M. I understand and agree that the funds I will receive are not in the form of a loan, and that I am not a
borrower, and EMD Funding is not a lender. Instead the funds I will receive are a cash-on-cash
investment for which there are no monthly payments, interest charges, points to be paid, or credit
checks, etc.

N. Please do not send in material piecemeal. Be sure to send in all requested info items at the same time
to us, i.e. this form and all the items listed in No. 17 in the Instructions.

Please send in the above as a Word file. Please send the portion below as a PDF

O. I hereby agree to all the terms and conditions found in the Instructions form I received and within this
Processing Application.

Signed ________________________________________________________
Funding Requestor

Print Your Name (here)


P. I have overseen the filling out and submission of this Processing Application and hereby state that all
the facilitators for this funding request are aware of the terms and conditions that are part and parcel of
this funding request (title, escrow, attorney, etc.)

Signed ________________________________________________________
Commercial Loan Broker/Transaction Coordinator

Print Your Name (here)


Once we receive the material from you, we will be in touch.

©EMD Funding™ / / 310-408-7015 / Eff. Date 05-11-19

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