03 Do You Cook Much

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Daniel: So Hana, tell me, do you cook much?

Hana: Yes, I always cook. I often cook with my roommate, and we always make
Chinese of Japanese food. How about you?

Daniel: Well, I don’t really cook that often. I’m really busy during the week. So, I
always just get something at the shop and get that. But, during the weekends, I
always cook during the weekends because I really like making food. That’s what I

Hana: So, do you ever eat out?

Daniel: Only occasionally, because I’m really busy during the week, and I prefer
cooking, so not really often. I don’t go out really often to eat. Whenever I’m tired,
and I don’t have time to cook during the week, I go and eat out with a friend, so!
And you?

Hana: Well, I always , so I normally go and eat out during the weekend with my
friends or family.

Adverbs of Frenquency
Always | 90% - 100% frequency

 I always get up before noon.

 She always has coffee in the morning.

Usually / Normally | 70% - 90% frequency

 I usually drive to work.

 We normally watch TV at home.

Often | 40% - 70% frequency

 I often eat at my desk.

 She often plays tennis on the weekend.

Sometimes / Occasionally | 10% - 40% frequency

 I sometimes drive my mom to work.

 They sometimes come over for dinner.
Rarely / Seldom | 0% - 10% frequency

 Most people rarely wear a tuxedo.

 She rarely uses any social media.

Never | 0% frequency

 I never drink beer at work.

 Most people never leave their country.

Answer these questions about the interview.

1) Who does she cook with?

a) Just herself
b) Her family
c) Her roommate

2) When does he cook?

a) Never
b) Most nights
c) On the weekend

3) Who does she eat out with?

a) Family
b) Friends
c) Coworkers

4) Why does he eat out often?

a) He is lazy.
b) He is busy.
c) He hates cooking.

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