Beer Dinamica 9e Manual de Soluciones c14 PDF

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PROBLEM 14.1 An airline employee tosses two suiteases, of mass 15 kg and 20 kg, respectively, onto a 25-kg baggage carrier in rapid succession. Knowing that the cartier is initially at rest and that the employee imparts a 3-nvs horizontal velocity to the 15ky, sui nfs horizontal velocity to the 20-kx suitease, determine the final velocity of the baggage cartier if the first suitease tossed onto the carrier is (a) the 15-kg ase, (b) the 20-kg suitcase, SOLUTION There are no horizontal external forces acting during the impacts. The baggage carrier is to coast between impacts. @ (5K 18) CS-Ag4 2548) vy B= il =o GON(2) (wore) (2049 os = irl ® (2rSDeMH) —(toigy 2549) 9, @ = 8 “e OSH 510.289) 15445) 92 © + ial =o 15-kg suitease tossed on carrier first: Let ¥ be the common velocity of suitease A and the carrier after the first impact andy, be the common velocity of the two suiteases and the cartier of the second impact. Conservation of momentum: (15)3)= 40), 20-kg suitcase tossed next: (20)(2}-+(40)(.125) #1125 m/s + 60%, ¥p= 1417 m/s + 4 20-kg suitease tossed om carrier first: Let ¥f be the common velocity of suitcase B and the carrier after the first impact and v4 be the common velocity of all after the second impact. Conservation of momentum: (20,2) = (45) 8889 m/s —> 5-kg suitcase tossed next: (1593) + (45)(0.8889) = 60%, 117 mis — PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MeG WH Companies, Ine AM rights eeerved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed, reproduced ew dbus br any frm o” By any means, wtlout the prior writen permission of the publisher, or used beyond the led (tribution to teachers and educators permed by MeGraw-l for thelr individual course preparation If youre see using thie Menu, uw are ang i withow permission m7 PROBLEM 14.2 An airline employee tosses two suitcases in rapid succession, with a horizontal velocity of 2.4 mis, onto a 25-kg baggage carrier, which is initially at rest. (a) Knowing that the final velocity of the baggage carrier is 1.2 mis and that the first suitcase the employee tosses onto the carrier has @ mass of 15 kg, determine the mass of the other suitease, (5) What would be the final velocity of the rier if the employee reversed the order in which he tosses the SOLUTION ‘There ate no hori impacts. tal external forces acting during the impacts, The baggage carrier is to coast between (@) Conservation of momentum: Mplnurye) — (ISGP (24m) Ma +15 425) Verne + = Al 5) @ = Ga! 2Aly +15) = (hg + 4D)Vegt aw Let Yggy = 1.2 ms: 2dmy +36 =1.2m, +48 ny =10.00 kg (5) Conservation of momentum equation is still valid, Let m, =10.00 kg. in Eq, (1) 2.41015) = (10+ 40) Val PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, nc, AIL hls reserved. No part of tix Manual may Be displayed ‘reproduced or disnibued tv any form or by any means, witout the rior written permission of the publister, owed beyond the Ginited disibtion wo teachers and educators permitad by McGraw Il for ter ndvdal course preparation. Ifyou area student wing this Manu Yow are sing ied permission. 8 PROBLEM 14.3 A 180-Ib man and a 120-1b woman stand side by side at the same end of a 300-Ib boat, ready to dive, each with a 16-108 velocity relative £0 the boat. Determine the velocity of the boat after they have both dived, if (a) the woman dives first, (6) the man dives first. SOLUTION | (@) Woman dives first HeGe-m) | Conservation of momentum & 1204) 3004180 g g Man dives next. Conservation of momentum: le Ben g8e 4, wu, HB ie ) = 6 a = = 3004180300, 180 ie Rao) » $n sons) 9.20 fs 5 =9.20 fs -— () Man dives first Conservation of momentum 180 6 7 a6) g <0 sao 600 10120 30, gy peg 20v/ + (12016) gO AIO 7 ay wa0aT tis : 420 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ights reserved. No part of this Manual may Be displayed ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, wtihow the per ren permission ofthe publisher or used beyond the lined Ustibation to teachers and educciars permed by MeGraw- Il for ther individual course preparation Ifyou are ase wing ths Mea [On are using Ht withoat permission or} PROBLEM 14.4 A 180-Ib man and @ 120-Ib woman stand at opposite ends of a +300-1b boat, ready to dive, each with a 16-1 velocity relative to the boat. Determine the velocity of the boat after they have both dived, if(a) the woman dives first, (b) the man dives first. SOLUTION (a) Woman dives first Conservation of momentum: 206 — y)s OTM, z 2006), % =3.20 vs —> 600 ‘Man dives next, Conservation of momentum: eg Ae 3004180, 300, 18016 ,,) 6 8 vy BOATS) 9 g0 fs vy = 2.80 Us -— 480 ‘ (8) Man dives fest Conservation of moment 190 44.) 3004120, £ = HO) 24.80 tls — 600 ‘Woman dives next. Conservation of momentum: 300210, 300 1204.5 8 s 20, +1201) 9990 ays 420 ¥, =0.229 ls-— 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All ights reserved. No part of this Manual may Be displayed, Tepraduced or disibued Ine form or By any means, withou the prior writin permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the limited “Gurtbtion to teocheys al educators permite by Metra HU fort individual course preparation If you areca stent using his Manu, peo are sing i witht pormssion 00 PROBLEM 14.5 A bullet is fired with a horizontal velocity of 1500 fis through @ 6-Ib block 4 and becomes embedded in a 4.95-Ib block B. 0 hs Knowing that blocks 4 and # start moving with velocities of — a 5 fils and 9 fs, respectively, determine (a) the weight of the bullet, (0) its velocity as it travels fiom block 4 to block B, SOLUTION ‘The masses are m for the bullet and my and my for the blocks. (@) The bullet passes through block 4 and embeds in block B, Momentum is conserved Initial moment snp + (0) +g 0) = vg Final momentum ivg-tm og typ Equating, ring = vg +p, Hye natty (OXS+495X) 0509 5 1500— 80002 4 (0) The bullet passes through block 4. Momentum is conserved. Initial momentum: ang +m (O) =m, Final momentum: ms, bye Equating, vy = my mye riivy— Mg _ (0.0500)(1500) = (VS) ~ 900 1 ™ 0.0500 “ % 900 ftis—+ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «© 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. AIL igh weve. No part af this Manual may be dinplaed. reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or ned Besa the Tie distribution to teachers and eduetors permite by McGra-1Bl for chet nvidia conse preparation ym areca stde using this Marna, youre using it without permission nor PROBLEM 14.6 A.45-ton boxcar 4 is moving in a railroad switchyard with a velocity of 5.6 mi/h toward cars B and C, which fare both at rest with their brakes off ata short distance from each other. Car B is a 25-ton flatear supporting a 30-ton container, and ear Cis a 40-lon boxcar. As the cars hit each other, they get automatically and tightly Coupled. Determine the velocity of car 4 immediately after each of the two couplings, assuming that the container (a) does not slide on the flatcar, (6) slides after the first coupling but hits a slop before the second ‘coupling occurs, (c) slides and hits the stop only after the second coupling has occurred. SOLUTION Fach term of the conservation of momentum equation is mass times velocity. As long as the same units are used in all terms, any unit may be used for mass and for velocity, We usc tons for mass and mish for velocity. Conservation of momentum: (a) Container does not stide 52 mith —+ € 800 mish —> (0) Container slides after Ist coupling, stops before 2nd. | sXs.@ OO), Lie) f) = as, = BL bso v, =3.60 mith —> vy, = 1.800 mifh —+ (©) Container slides and stops only after 2nd coupling (mee Com, Ho) id= he, = Bleed 252= 70y, = 110%, 3.60 mith —+ 2.29 mith —r PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «> 2009 The MeGhraw-1il Coxponics, Ine. All ights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be dixplayed reproduced or dried in any frm of Dy any means, withont the prior sven persion of the publisher om used beyond the linited Uitriburon ws teachers and educa porited by Me Grave Hl for their dividual course preparation Ifyouare ase asing this Mann ow are uring 1 without permission. 02 PROBLEM 14.7 Atan amusement patk, there are 200-kg bumper cars 4, B, and C that have riders with masses of 40 kg, 60 kg, and 35 kg, respectively. Car A is moving to the right with a velocity ¥,=2 mis and car C has a velocity vg=I.5 mis ( the left, but car B is initially at rest, The coefficient of restitution between each car is 0.8. Determine the final velocity of each car, after all impacts, assuming (a) cars A and C hit car B at the same time, (6) car 4 hits car B before ear C does. SOLUTION Assume that each car with its rider may be treated as a particle. ‘The masses are: m1, =200+40=240 ke, y= 200+ 60-= 260 ke, 200-435 =235 kg, Assume velocities are positive to the right. The initial velocities are: 1S mis vy=2mis vy = Let v, vgyand yf, be the final velocities. (a) Cars A and Chit B at the same time. Conservation of momentum for all three ears, 44H Mpg HM = MV, H MV, Mes (240}(2) +04 (235)(-1.5) = 240v,, + 260¥4, + 235y,, a Coefficient of resttion for ears 4 and B. 82-0) =1.6 @ Coefficient of restitution for cars B and C. Vom = Oy Ye) = (O8YO-C1.S)] =1.2 8) Solving Eqs. (1), 2), and (3) simultaneously, Vj =-1288 m/s =0312 m/s vf, = 1.512 mis Vj =1288 mis —~ 312 mis —+ 512 mis —» PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Coonpanies, Ie. Al rights reserved, Mo part of this Mannal may he diplaed reproduced or cstrbuted in any form or by any means. wlont the prior Mvllen permission ofthe publisher wsed bevond the limited Sccond impact. Cars B and Chit, Let vj and v@. be the velocities after this impact. Conservation of momentum for ears B and €. May + Miche = gv + mee (260}(1.728) + (235)(-1.5) = 260075 + 23552 © Coefficient of restitution for cars B and C. fv, =el0 ye) = O.RYLL.728—(-1.5)]= 2.5824 o Solving Eqs. (6) and (7) simultaneously, Vf =~ 1.03047 mis vf, = 1.55193 as Vj, = 1.03047 mis + vi =1.55193 mis —* ‘Third impact, Cars 4 and B hit again, Let v7 and vf be the velocities after this impact, Conservation of ‘momentum for ears A and B. mg +m (240)(0.128) + (260\-1.03047) = 2407 + 26075 ®) Cofticient of restitution for cars A and B. nv] tm Uv = elv4, 0) = (0.8)10,.128 ~(-1.03047)] = 0.926776 0 Solving Eqs. (8) and (9) simultaneously, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Conpanies ne. All rights served. Ne part of dis Mennal may Be displace epvoduced or dictributed in any form or By ay mes, ia the pri rien permission ofthe publisher, o° used Beyond the lined tribution to teachers and econ pate by MeGraw-H for thet dividual course preparation. fou area studen sing dis Manual Som are wg I thon permision PROBLEM 14,7 (Continued) ‘There are no more impacts, The final velocities are: V7 =0.956 mis — Vp =0.0296 mis — mls —» We may check our results by considering conservation of momentum of all three cars over all three impacts, gg FM yn + eve = (2A0V2)+ 0+ (235)1.5) 27.5 kg- m/s (240)(--0,95633) + (260)-0.02955) + (235) = 127.50 kg-mis. mel my + mere PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All dights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed. Yeprodaced or dsnbuted in any form or by avy) means. wow the prior writen permission of the publisher ov ueed boyend the limited Second impact, Cars B and C hit, Let vj and vf. be the velocities after this impact. vj =0. Coefficient of restitution for cars B and C. WoW el — ve) =(08M1.728- ve) vf = 1.3824 -0.8% PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MoCien-Hil Companies, Ie. AL sights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be diplaved. ‘produced or ested in any form or hyn means, with the prior written perosion ofthe publisher, or ased beyond the Tinted Astribunion to teachers and eucors pert By Mera HU forte mid course prepanaton Ifyou stent using hs Manuel Dow are ining without permassen. 06 PROBLEM 14.8 (Continued) Conservation of momentum for ears B and C. Igy mde = mpg + ev (260)(1.728) +235y¢ =(260)0) + (235)(1.3824 0.81.) (235(1.8)xp = (235)1.3824) — 2604(1.728) vp = 0.294 mls Ve =0.294 mis — Note: ‘There will be another impact between cars A and B. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. wanes, Ine. AIL igs reserved. No prt of this Maral wuay be dpe, reproduced or cstibued in any form or by any means, without the price writen permission ofthe publisher, o”ased beyond the linked lstrbutionto teachers and deers permite by MeGray-1l for thet Individual eounse preparation Ifyou areca stdent asi his Marve. som are using i without permision. 07 PROBLEM 14.9 A system consists of three particles 4, B, and C. We know that kg, my =4 kg, and nic ~5 kg, and that the velocities of the particles expressed in m/s are, respectively, v, =—4i-+4)-+ 6k, +8)+4k, and vo =2i-6j-4k. Determine the angular momentum Hy of the system about 0, SOLUTION Linear momentum of each particle (kg-t/s): my, 124+ 125+ 18k 241 + 32} +16k }01 -30j~20k mee Position yeotors, (meters): nye 12+ 15k, ty = HL 2}4 12K, He =2Ah+ 1.8K Angular momentum about 0 (kg-m?) Hy Shp MNs HAPR MV HH MVe joj kl fi kl Ji Gok 12 0 154 |09 12 12}+]0 24 18 12 12 18| |-24 32 16| f1o -30 -2 (18i~ 39,65 +14.4k) + (19.21 43.25 + 97.0k) + (61-418) 24k) ~31.21 ~ 64.8) + 48.0k Hy =-GL.2 kg-m"/s)i (64.8 kg-m"/s)j (48.0 kg-m's)ke PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2008 The MeGraw4ill Companies, ne Al rights resrved, No part of this Marea! may be asplayed reproduced or dsrbated in cy fm or by any means, wihoat the prior writen perntsion of the publiher, or used beyond the Fimited (stride to tachers and ects permite by MeGrove Til for ther individual couse preparation. 7 you area student wing this Marval, don are axing without permission PROBLEM 14.10 For the system of particles of Problem 14.9, determine (a) the position veotor ¥ of the mass center G of the system, (b) the linear ‘momentum mv of the system, (c) the angular momentum Hof the system about G. Also verily that the answers to this problem and to Problem 14.9 satisfy the equation given in Problem 14.27, PROBLEM 14.9 A system consists of three particles A, B, and C. We know that m,=3 kg, m,=4kg, and my =5 ke and that the velocities of the particles expressed in m/s are, respectively, vy dit Aj+ Ok, vp =-G1+8)+4k, and yp = 21~6)~4k. Determine the angular momentum H, of the system about 0. SOLUTION Position vectors, (meters): 1, =1Q4LSK, ty = 0.914 1.2) 1.2K, (@ Mass center: (ny tm, em SE Las bat me SMU 21 + 1.5K) + 4Y{0.91 + 1.2]+1.2ke) + (52.4) +1.8k) GAH APHI.S25K Le ¥ (0.600 m)i+(1.400 m)j-+(1.525 mk Linear momentum of each particle (kg m/s): mV q = VANDA 24i-+ 32] +16K ~30)- 208 mp5, meve= (0) Linear momentum of the system (kg: mis): T= MV, #MVy HM Ne =-OL-+ 14] + 1k iv = ~(26.0 kg-an/s}t+ (14.00 kg-miS)j + (14.00 kgm) Position vectors relative to the mass center (meters). (.64 1.4) -0.025k 0.31-0.2)-0325k Whig -F=-0.41+1,05+0.275k PROPRIETARY MATERLAL. © 2009 The MeGrowHill Companies, In. All ights reserved, No part of this Mane! may be displayed reproduced or disnibuted in any form or hy any mcs iho the prior viriten persion ofthe publisher, or used beyond the linkted dstibution to teachers and edcators permit by McGrew Hl fr the individual course preparation Ifyou areca student using his Mua. Yow are sing iwithou permission PROBLEM 14.10 (Continued) (©) Angular momentum about G (kgm): SEL XIV HE XM g HEX MN ij ok eee ij k =|06 -14 -0.025) + }0.3 0.2 -0.325) + |-0.6 1.0 0.275) }12 12 1s | foo 32 16 10-30 -20 24.91-10.5]-9.6k) + (7.21-+3.0]-+4.8k) + (-11.751-9.25}+8.0k) = -29.454~16.75}4+3.2k Hi, =-Q9.5 kg-m?/s)i~(16.75 kg-m?/s)j+G.20 kg-m’/s)k Eee 6 1A 1,525|=-1.75i-48.05j+44.8k 26 14 14 Hg + FXmv = (31.2 kg-m"/s)i— (64.8 ke-m"/s)j + (48.0 kg m"/s) ‘Angular momentum about O (kg: m/s): Hy HH, myv Hy Xp Vy HR XMM i og kl [i go kl fi gk 2 0 14 ]09 12 12+ fo 24 18 12 12 1s) [24 32 16] flo ~30 29 (8139.6 414.4) + (19.24 43.2) +57.6K) + (61+ 18]— 248) “G12 ke-m*/s)i ~ (64.8 kg-m?/s)j + (48.0 kg -m*/s)k Note that He + Pom. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies ae. All rights reserved. No part of dix Manual may be dpployed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any mens, thon the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the lined (Asian to teachers ad excaors permite by MeCaraw-Hil or te ndividua conrae preparation Ifyoarecastent ws this Maral ow are using without permission a0 PROBLEM 14.11 A system consists of three particles A, B, and C. We know that my =3kg,my=d4kg, and me =5kg and that the velocities of the particles expressed in mis are, respectively, v,=—4i+4)+6k, vp =vi+y,j+4k, and Yo =2i-6j—4k. Determine (a) the components ¥, and ¥ of the velocity of particle B for which the angular momentum Ho of the system about Q is parallel to the axis, (b) the corresponding value of Ho, SOLUTION Hy = ty Kg g thy XMaVa HECK MVe i jk ij kl) fi Gk =Gkgl2m 0 1Sm)+4}o9 1.2 12f4slo 24 1.9) L4mis 4's 6m} |v, , 4] [2 6 -4 =-18i- 39.6) +14.4k + (19.2 ~4.81, i+ (4.80, ~14.4)) + 3.60, —4.80,)k + 61+ 18]— 24 Hy =(7.2-4.8v, Jit -364-4.8r,)) + (-9.643.6y, ~ 4.87, IK (@ For Ho to be parallel to the z axis: 2-4. 7.50nvs, vy, =1.500mis Oy Hy (40.2 kg-m?/s)k PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. Al rights served. No part of this Mama may be doplaed, Deproduced or dsteibued in any farm a By any moans, withow the pri writen pormiseion ofthe publisher, or sod beyond the Tied distribution to tachers ad educaors pari by McCrae Hil for thet indvidual enna preparation Ifyou areca silent avin his Montel, bow are using without persion au PROBLEM 14.12 For the system of particles of Problem 14.11, determine (a) the components 1, and vy of the velocity of particle B for which the angular momentum Ho of the system about O is parallel to the y-axis, (b) the corresponding value of Ho. PROBLEM 14.11 A system consists of three particles 4, B, and C. We know that m,=3kg,m, =4kg, and m= Ske and that the velocities of the patticles expressed. in m/s are, respectively, v,=—4i+4j+6k, vp =v,ity,)+4K, and the velocity of particle B for which the angular momentum Hy of the system about O is parallel to the z axis, (6) the corresponding value of Hy. ~6j~4k. Determine (a) the components 'v, and vy of SOLUTION Hy =e 20m Vy ty INV pH RX MN i ik i kl fi ik =Gkg)L2m 0 1LSm)+409 1.2 12/45/0248) L4nvs 4mis mis vy, 4| 2 -6 ~d ~39.6)+ 144k +(19.2 By, e+ (A 8y, -14.4)) + B.6r, ~ 4.8%, Jk 46+ 18) ~ 24k Hy =(1.2-48y, Jit (3644.81) + (-9.643.6y,~4.87)K (a) For Ho to be parallel to the y axis’ HH, =7.2-48v, =0 ~9.6+3.6v, ~48y, =0 1,500 mvs -9.6+3.6(1.500)~4.81 0.875 ms y= 0875 mis, y, S00 mis ) My=H, 36448-0879) “40.2 kg mhs)j PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MeGrws-Hil Companies, In. All ights reserved, No part of thir Mano may be eisplaved eproduced or distributed in any form or by any moans tho the prior itn pormiscon of the publisher, or nsed beyond the lite Adstribetion wo oachere and educators perma by Metro: Md fir heir lividual course preparation Ifyou are a student asing His Sane ow are ung it ons persion. sa PROBLEM 14.13 A systom consists of three particles 4, B, and C. We know that W,, =51b, W,=4lb, and We =31b, and that the velocities of the particles expressed in fs are, respectively, vy =2143)—2K, vy = b+ 8,+¥.K, and ¥o = —31-2)+k. Determine (a) the components vy, and, of the velocity of particle B for which the angular momentum Ho of the system about O is parallel to the x axis, 2) the value of Ho. SOLUTION ij ok lo = Ea xmv, = Ean) x IO). OD, OD, ik] fi i k ik 5 4|+ola 4 3 6 ol 3 ~ 24 +1 f58-0)+40y, —4y,)+30-8)15 8 4! fs¢a—10) + 4(8— av, ) +3(-16 + 18)]k & [(16v, -116)i-+ (2v, —16v, +16) +C16y, -12)k] a g (a) For H, tobeparalieltothex axis, we must have H, = H, =0: HH, =0: ~16v, -12=0 vy, = 0.75 tis H,=0: 12(-0.15)-16v, +16=0 4375 tus (8) Substitute into Bg. (1): L 109.0 {16(0.8375)~ 116} = 51 My = L(y, 116) z PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw Hill Companies, Ine. Al vighis reserved. No part of this Manes! may be displayed ‘reproduced or diewibuted in any form or by any means, without the prior vitien permusson ofthe publisher, o” sed beyond the Tinnted 2008 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL rights reserved. Nop’ of this Manual nay be dsplved, ‘ryproduced or distribute in any form or hy ony meen, won the price written permission ofthe publisher, or use beyond the Fiited ‘dsoribaton to teachers ane educators permit by Merc Hil forth indvuhl onreepreprin, Ife areata wing this Mana [oor are ning ith! permission PROBLEM 14.20 (Continued) =129.6 kmh ~36 mvs, Data: From (1), xp =3-4(0.375YB3ON24)—(0.3)(25)(2.4) = 17.4 m From (2), ¥p = 0.94. (0.325) 20)(2.4) = 16.5 xp=t74om yp =16.50m PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 1 2009 The MoGraw- Hill Companies, Ie. AI sighs resarved. Ne par ofthis Manual ma’ be displayed, reproduced or dourbated i eny form or by cans means, wilt the prior vtin permision of the pubs, ov tse beyond the Fined Aston to teachers an edactors permed by MeGraw Hil for ter hudviual course pparin. If yorcarea stent wig this Maral Dow ane aig i with permission, 2 PROBLEM 14.21 Jn a game of pool, ball A is moving with a velocity vp when it strikes bulls & and C, which are at rest and aligned as shown. Knowing that after the collision the three balls move in the directions indicated, and that y, =12 fs and »;-=6.29 fs, determine the magnitude of the velocity of (a) ball 4, (B) ball B. ‘Conservation of Finear momentum. In x direction: ‘(12 Rs)eos 45° ney, sin 43° myy sin 37.4° +t(6.29) 008 30° 0.074980, + 0.607380, =3.0380 o Iny direction: m2 fils) sin 45° = nw, c08 4.3°~ my, cos 37.4° +41n(6.29)sin 30° 0.99719 0.7944 yg = 5.3403 2 (@) Multiply (1) by 0.79441, (2) by 0.60738, and add 0.66524, = 5.6570 50 ts () Multiply (1) by 0.99719, (2) by ~0.07498, and add: 0.66524y, = 2.6290 95 fs PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGra-Hill Companies, ne. AIL ight woseved. No part of thir Mannal nay be displaved ropreduced or dsribite bv any farm oF by any mens, without the prior welt pormistion of te publisher, ov nxed Beyond the fined dsebaton ta teachers at coors permite by MeGren-Hhl fr thet india course prepares Ifyou arc stent esi hs Manna ow are wig how! permission 3 PROBLEM 14.22 In.a game of pool, ball 4 is moving with a velocity vo when it strikes, balls B and C, which are al rest and aligned as shown, Knowing that afler the collision the three balls move in the directions indicated and that vy =12 Ms and v= 6.29 fs, determine the magnitude of the velocity of (a) ball 4, (6) ball B. Conservation of linear momentum, In x direction: ‘(12 £5) c08 30°= mv , Sin 74° + ry it 49.32 +m(6.29) 05 45° 0.12880y, +0.75813, = 5.9446 @ Iny direction: (12 Rs)sin 30° = ny, cos 7.4 Mv €08.49.3° +m(6.29)sin 45° 0.99167y, ~0.65210y = 1.5523 ® (a) Multiply (1) by 0.65210, (2) by 0.75813, and ada 0.83581 y, = 5.0533 vy = 6.05 ths (8) Multiply (1) by 0.99167, (2) by -0.12880, and add: 0.83581 4 =5.6951 yy = O81 ts PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeCew-Hill Companies Ie, All rghts reserved. No purt ofthis Mana! may be asployed, ‘reproduces or dsiibued ine form or by any means, witon the prior wetten permission ofthe publisher, or wsed beyond the tinted dstribatin to teachers an educators permed by Metal for di India course preparaion. fou area student using hs Mart, De are nag ith! permission nat PROBLEM 14.23 ‘An expert archer demonstrates his ability by hitting tennis balls thrown by an assistant. A 58-g tennis ball has a velocity of ((0 nvs)i ~ (2 m/s}j and is 10 m above the ground when itis hit by a 40-g arrow traveling with a velocity of (50 m/s)j + (70 ms)k where j is directed upwards. Determine the position P where the ball and arrow will hit the ground relative to Point O located direetly under the point of impact. SOLUTION Assume that the ball and arrow move together after the hit. Conservation of momentum of ball and arrow during the hit. MV y+ Mg Vy = (ig +g (0.040)(50) + 70k) + (0.058)(105 - 29) = (0.040 + 0.058) (5.9184 ms)i (19.2245 mis}j-+ (28.5714 mis)k After the hit, the ball and arrow move as a projectile. Vertical motion, V=M+OI 4st = 10419.2245 1-98) y= at ground. 4.917? +19.22451+10=0 Solve fort Aller rejecting the negative root, 14.3884 Horizontal motion T= ay +O) “0 + (M2 )al + (5.91844 3884) 260m ++ (28.5714 4.3884) 254m (26.0 m)i+ (1254 m)k PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hil Companies, fo, AU ights reserved. No part ofthe Manual may be displayed, >apreduced or cated in any form or by any mens, sithod the prior sii permission ofthe publisher, ov ased beyond the lined ] “Ja 8i-+ 99 - 18K} a! i ) 4(35] ) asec +95 ) 5(% +2{ te \ 5( 26.) 3.5) 18k) Multiply by g and resolve into components. 480=-30 24 sa i938) "a7 -360= a(Z2)-o1 (#5) a) a3) i _s Solving, ae 097 Us $ 68.634 vp =1853 Rs ve= 738s PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL rights weserved. No part ofthis Manual may be ciplayed ‘reproduced or ditibured in any form or By any means, without the pri writen permusson ofthe publisher, oF used beyond the limited dstibuton to teachers and educators permit by MeGrave-Hl for tei indviua course preparation, ff yuna stent ws Bs Mania, “yo are ring i with permission. sr PROBLEM 14.27 Derive the relation HH, =Fxnv+ Hg the angular momenta Hy and H,; defined in Es. (14.7) and (14.24), respectively. The vectors F respectively, the position and velocity of the mass center G of the system of particles relative to the newtonian frame of reference Oxyz, and m represents the total mass of the system. SOLUTION From Eq. (14.7), Hy = Dy xmy,) = Slleeeem ] «Slim + Levens) Fxniv+ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, fn. All hts reseed. No part of this Manual may be displayed produced or dribuded tv any form or by any means, witht the prior wrden permusion of the publisher, or nse beyond the Timited ttsbution to teachers an educators pormitied by afeGraw Hl for ter lava course preparation. Ifyow area stadent sing this Mam sen are wing thot person. cd PROBLEM 14.28 Show that Eq, (14.23) may be derived directly from l&q. (14.11) by substituting for Hy the expression given in Problem 14.27. SOLUTION Prom Eq. (14.7), Ho = a xmy,) =D +n)xmy,] o (my) Differentiating, Hy =Fxnv+ Femi sig Using Eq. (14.11), EMy = Fx mv + Fx mw + Hy = Vxniv Fm + Hy -orn{ Set w a But Subtracting F x(x, ;) from each side of Eq. (1) gives EM, =H, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ° 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All rights reserve No part of tix Mamal may be displayed, ‘reproduced or distibned in ay form oF by any means, withow the prior written permission ofthe publisher, oF wad beyond the Tonite ‘sibution to teachers and edcators permed hy McCirow-Hil fir thei nds course prepration lj youarce student wn is Manel, scan singin permission wat PROBLEM 14.29 Consider the frame of reference Ax'y’z’ in translation with respect to the newtonian frame of reference Oxyz. We define the angular momentum Hi, ofa system of # particles about 4 as the sum Suxmy, o of the moments about 4 of the momenta mv, of the particles in their motion relative to the frame 4x’y2’. Denoting by H., the sum Hy = Dir xmy, @ of the moments about A of the momenta mv, of the particles in their motion relative to the newtonian frame Oxy2, show that H, =H, at a given instant if, and only if, one of the following conditions is satisfied at that instant; (a) A has zero velocity with respect to the fiame Oxye, (b) 4 coincides with the mass center G of the system, (c) the velocity vy relative to Oxy2 is directed along the line AG. SOLUTION v=ytv, Hy =Sxemy, =Yxxin(v,+¥)) =S(rrxmy,)+ aren, =S (mau, +H, Fnte-noneseHt =m — 1) x04 +H H, =H’, ifjandonlyif, — m(r—e,)xv,=0 ‘This condition is satistied if @ v4=0 Point 4 has zero velocity. ter. or (6) Ferny Point 4 coincides with the mass or (c)_% is parallel to ¥ Velocity v, is directed along line AG. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL rights eseved. No part of dis Manual may Be displayed, Tepreduced or dissed in any form or by ay means, wthow the prior tien permision ofthe publisher, or used beyond the limited (Garbo to tocchers a eens permited By Metra Hil for dh nda course preparation [yan area student using hs Manual pon are asing i wethou permision PROBLEM 14.30 Show that the relation IM, =I¥,, where MY, is defined by Eq, (1) of Problem 1429 and where EM, represents the stim of the moments about of the extemal forces acting on the system of particles, is valid if, and only if, one of the following conditions is satisfied: (a) the frame Av'y’2" is itself a newtonian frame of reference, (2) 4 coincides with the mass center G, (c) the acceleration a, of A relative to Oxys is directed along the line AG. SOLUTION From equation (1), HY =) (eexmyi) Hy = S10 r,)%mAv, =v] (= DIG Fam, woe SUG =e) Ly, VO) But and Hence, Wy, =04 Df) -1 xm (a, a0 Slee 98 ~ma,91 = Die 2x8 Lime, ror, Fr) xa, Hy=M, —ifandonlyif, mF —r,)xa ‘This condition is satisfied if (a) ‘The frame is newtonian. or (6) Fry Point A coincides with the mass center. or (6) ay is parallel to Fry Acceleration ay is directed along line AG. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All ights reserved, No part of this Manual may be displayed reproduced or datribnted i any form or by anys mens, wit the prior written permision of te publicher. used Bepond the United eee ieee Initial kinetic energy T= dm,y) + Lingyy + hme _ Baie z nahi? vorteasasy =nasss Final kinetic energy: mio) shines Padmore? cass? -Laayaanay «Leave sy 180.39 3 TT, =264.03) energy loss = 2645. (8) CarA hits car B. Then B and Chit. Then A and B hit. The final velocities (from Problem 14.7) are: L956mis—, v= 1.582 m/s—> 1.0296 ms =~, Initial kinetic energy: 44.375) Final kinetic energy: Lali mylog) pm? 3 2 (240)(0.956)? + Hoan 0296)" + pean 552 2 energy loss = 352.3 € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGrew-Hill Companies, ne. AIL ghts reserved. No part af this Manual may be cspaved reproduced or csribuled any fon oF by eps ews, with the prior ween peraiston of the publisher. or wsed beyond the lined Uistabution to teachers and edcutns permed by Cana Il for thet inva conrse preparation. If yore tak wing ths Sau ‘ou ave asin twit permission. a8 PROBLEM 14.33 In Problem 14.3, determine the work done by the woman and by the man as each dives from the boat, assuming that the wornan dives firs. SOLUTION : seas a Ge. Woman dives first rs Buea) Conservation of momentum: ° YER = 120 5) 3004180, g z 09) 3.20 IVs 12.80 fs —+ Kinetic energy before dive: 13004180 1120 Kinetic e iter dive: 7 =~ 3.20) + (12.80 inetie energy after dive: Fay C2? +5535 280) =381.61 815 Work of woman: T.-Ty=381.61 Ib F-T,=382 lb ee Coe 25180 y- (e-a) serge a 220, ti eel - oR 202180, 200, G5) 480y) + (180)016) “480 20 fs <— Kinetic enengy before dive: Kinetic energy after dive: Work of man: T-T=447 tel PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 ‘he MeGray-Nill Companies, Ie. AI ighs reserved. No part of this Manual maybe dgplayed, ‘repraduced or disibted bs ey form or by any meas wow the prior viii permission ofthe plisher, ar used beyond the lined ddisriton to teachers an educators peru by Meow Hil fortes indsnhea course preparation Ion area stent unin thie Manuel Lew are using i wind permsion 9 PROBLEM 14.34 In Problem 14.5, determine the energy lost as the bullet (a) passes through block 4, (b) becomes embedded in block 8. SOLUTION ‘The masses are m for the bullet and m, and mg for the blocks. “The bullet passes through block 4 and embeds in block B, Momentum is conserved, Initial momentum: ayy +m, (0) +m (0) = mp Final momen vg +m deme Equating, any =p 4M Vy Mp na a MM Yn = (ONS) +(4.95N9) 1500-9 = 0.0500 1b ‘The bullet passes through block 4. Momentum is conserved Initial momentum yy 4m, (0)= mv Final momentum: my ay Equating, ny = my, + my =o = M4 __(0.0500)(1500)- (6,45) 0.0500 =900 Ns 0.05 “The masses a 2.08 Pee 322 =1.5528% 107 Ibs" m= 322 = 0.18633 b-s7t 495 aarrry 0.193727 Ib- s/t PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGrsw-Hill Compavies, inc. All ghts reserved. No pary of this Manual may be displayed rprdlaced or dsrdbuted hs any form oF hy any means, witout the prior writen permision of te publisher or ase beyond the limited dsr uion arhers end educais permite by Meant for the india couse preparation. Ifyou are astden sing tis Manvel, Sone are sing tho permission 0 PROBLEM 14.34 (Continued) (@) Bullet passes through block A. Kinetic energies, Before: Aner: Lost ToT, =1746.9~631.2 118.7 fell energy lost =1116 f-1b (1) Buller becomes embedded in block B. Kinetic energies my Before: (1.5528 «10700, = 6289 Ald (010+ ry Wi Afler: qt (0.155289)? 1 2 1 2 =6.29 feb Lost: Ty~T, = 628.9-6.29 = 622.6 ft-lb energy lost = 623 1-10 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 Tye McGraw lll Companies, Ine. All igh reserved. No prt of this Manual may be displaved ‘reproduced or dspributed in any form or By any mes, withont the pri written permission ofthe yubiisher, or ned beyond the Tinted disribuson to teachers and educators permite by Me ranHlilf forth indvihal course preparation. you are astuent using os Manta, dow are uring i witout permission PROBLEM 14.35 ‘Two automobiles A and B, of mass m, and mp, respectively, are traveling in opposite directions when they collide head on, The impact is assumed perfectly plastic, and itis further assumed that the energy absorbed by cach automobile is equal to its loss of kinetic energy with respect to a moving frame of reference attached to the mass center of the tvo-vehicle system. Denoting by Ey and By, respectively, the energy absorbed by automobile A and by automobile B, (a) show that E/E ~ my/m, that is, the amount of energy absorbed by each vehicle is inversely proportional to its mass, (6) compute £, and fp. knowing that m,=1600 kg and ‘nig = 900 kg and that the speeds of A and B are, respectively, 90 kmv/h and 60 kmh, SOLUTION Velocity of mass center: (ing + map = mvt MAN ee my +My Velocities relative to the mass center: eV) m+ my MaNat MpVy _ Ms (Va * Va) Yn ny tiy my thy Energies: wv mambo ev) Co 99) : m+ mg) Hime vi Ces vey aVg “Vy = aaa Ma) it No) my + Ma) (a) Ratio: al ® y,=90 kinth = 25 mis —e Vg = 60 kava = 16.667 mis -— Vy ty = 41.667 ms —> LOONOO 667” g0.0,c10" 5 800k (32500) 2 2 1.600)" 000K41.667Y" _ 599,109 J 2013 ()2500)? PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-1ill Companies, In. Al hts reserved. No part ofthis Btonwal may be displayed, ruproduced or distributed in any form or By any moans, withont the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or nse Beyond the anita dsributon to teachers and educators permite by Mera for thei invidal course preparation. Ifyou arecastudent using ths Manual, Nomar mig i without permission wan PROBLEM 14.36 It is assumed that each of the two automobiles involved in the collision described in Problem 14.35 had been designed to safely withstand a test in which it crashed into a solid, immovable wall at the speed vo. The severity of the collision of Problem 14.35 may then be measured for each vehicle by the ratio of the energy absorbed in the collision to the energy it absorbed in the test. On that basis, show that the collision described in Problem 14.35 is (mj/mig)* times more severe for automobile B than for automobile 4 SOLUTION (ng bmg = mg V+ Vy MV MyV my tig Velocities relative to the mass center: mgt My MYX st MBN, vy, 2st mae mvt mY, MN t MeV my (Vet Vp) mt My mvs vp) m+ my my +My Energies: + mynib et Vp) Cp) By= kins Vs ; 2 2m, + m4)? seat ys ital Ye) -Ci Ye) 2g * mp)? Jo Energies from tests: Lg 1 nye zm Endo =F imp Vat Ve) Wat Ye) Scrvcritics: (ing + my) Ve. Sy sly * Va) at Ye) Egy (am mg Ratio; Sa Sp PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-18 Conypanies, Ine, AIL hts reserved. Me part ofthis Manel may be dicplaved ‘aproduced or disibued In any form or by any means. without the prior wriden permission ofthe publisher, oF nied bevord te lined stribution 1 teachers and educators permed by MeGraw-10l fr thelr ndvidual course preparation. Ifyou ast asng Has Manu, Do are using i whan permiscion PROBLEM 14.37 Solve Sample Problem 14.4, assuming that cart 4 is given an initial horizontal velocity vo while ball B is at rest. SOLUTION (a) Velocity of B at maximum elevation, At maximum elevation, ball B is at rest relative to cart A. Use impulse-momentum principle. aie Se rh ae Gi SRdt = + ° Post ae yeomponents: mig FO myey MYM y (im, +m Wp m+ My () Conservation of energy: Boon tg) mygh TtVy=T +h mit sy hed Bony +m) 8 i mye 2 aye a =| mah at | ie my tm, my +My 2g PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, tn. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, ‘reproduced or doruted in ey farm or by cay means, witowt the prior srt permission ofthe publisher, or nse beyond the liated “ibn to teachers ane edueciors pormited by McGraw Hil for tle indviual course preparaion Ifyou area stadent tng hs Mav, ou are using iho permision, aaa = PROBLEM 14.38 Jn. game of pool, ball 4 is moving with the velocity ¥, when it strikes balls B and C, which are at rest side by side Assuming frictionless surfaces and perfectly elastic impact (i. conservation of energy), determine the final velocity of each ball, assuming that the path of 4 is (a) perfectly centered and that 4 strikes B and C simultaneously, (B) not perfeetly centered and that A strikes B slightly before it strikes C, SOLUTION (a) Astrikes Band C simultaneously. During the impact, the contact impulses make 30° angles with the velocity vo mh ah my, ) . 3S ° Thus, vp =¥p(cos30% + sin307)) Ve = Ve(00830°I—sin 30°) By symmetry, yyy Conservation of momentum: —mvy = mv 4 + mv + mV¢ _y component: 0=0+ mvy sin30°~ mye sin30? ve = vy component ig = m+ 7420830" c0820" emoeca ay ware ae Rw) Conservation of energy: PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 Tho MeGrawHill Companies, In. All his resrwed. No parr ofthis Marval may be disploned reproduced or dsrbuded in cow form or by any means, wihowt the prior ilen permision of the publisher, or need beyesd the Tinie tribute to teachers and educators permite by McGratl forth individual course preparation you area student using his Manual, “you are using itwithou permission mas. PROBLEM 14.38 (Continued) 0.200%, +— 693y) 30" 0.693% 30° Va" (6) Astrikes B before it strikes C. First impact: 4 strikes B. During the impact, the contact impulse makes a 30° angle with the velocity vp. ma Ca " OX” \ \ i w Thus, Vg = Vg (608 30°F + sin 30°) Conservation of momentum: vy = mv +71 y component 0= mvj), 47% 8in30 (04), =v, sin 30° x component: Vy =7A(v)y +m? C0830" (04), = yy Mp £0830" Conservation of energy: 1 2 Finley —%4y c08307 + ; nya = Ln ; nto, 92 + nod t vp sin 30°) +o (ogsin30°) +4 ins —2rvp + v3 os? 30°+ v5 sin? 30° + v2) / 239021 oe WDx =H sin? 30°= 7, B y= ¥9 60830 = 2 (Wy =¥%p€0830°sin 30° PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MeGrow-4ill Companies, Inc. AM rights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed, reproduced or dsebted in any frm oF by anys means, without the prior writen permission of the publisher, or nsed beyond the fined dlsribution to feachers and edacaiors permed by MeGrav-Hil for heir individual conse prepartion If sow are assent wing thie Marae ow cre using without permission 46 PROBLEM 14.38 (Continued) Second impact: A strikes C, During the impact, the contact impulse makes a 30° angle with the velocity v9. mes. oy ‘Thus, Conservation of momentum: component: {y component: imp) = mg) mv SiNBO" Wy Wap bv sin30° = 7 vy + yesin30° Conservation of energy: pm y+ vie ! in| sh vg 1 wyrz 00830° + v2 c0s? 30° 162 os 3g sre sins0 fin? 30°48 | save tc0s30° + sin 30°} 202 2 z ven n4{ Looss0e+ A einsoe] = 4 3 By sin30e at ra 0. Way ¥, = 0.250%, 37 60° Vp = 0.866r5 <% 30? Yo = 0.433 yy 30° PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All rigs reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or dibuted in coy forms or by ay means, wihowt the prior witen permtsion of the publisher, or used beyond the limited (sll totoochers and edvecttrspormited by SdeGrave Hl for tel nde course preparation. Ifyou areca studet sing dhs Marva, dou are asing i thou permission a7 PROBLEM 14.39 Ina game of pool, ball 4 is moving with a velocity vp of magnitude yy = 15 1s when it strikes balls B and C, which are at rest and aligned as shown, Knowing that after the collision the three balls move in the directions indicated and assuming frictionless surfaces and perfectly clastic impact (ie., conservation of eneray), determine the magnitudes ofthe velocities v, vp, and Vo. SOLUTION Velocity vectors: Conservation of momentum: Vo = vy cos 45% + sin 45°) wp =15 fs vad Yq = vp(sin 30% —cos30°j) je (€0s30°%+ sin 30° j) % V9 = MV HN FN Divide by mand resolve into components i: sy cos45°= vp sin 30” + vz €0830” 5 Solving for vp and ves Conservation of energy: aysin 45° yp C0830" + ¥¢ sin 30° ¥p =-0.25882r4 + 0.86603", Ye =0.96593y4 — 0.50, Divide by 4 and substitute for vp and ve vd = v3 + (0.258824 +0.86603»,)" + (0.96593y, -05»,)° =2v) 4y} -1.414224y, vy, = 10.61 fis 4 = 0.707, = 10.61 fs 5.30 fs 135355 y, =5.30 fs y Vo =9.19 05 61237 yy =9.19 fs PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ° 2009 The McGraw Companies, In. All hls reserved. No part of thir Manan! snay be displayed, reproduced or dutibuted in any form oF by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or axed beyond the liited Aisritution to teachers cn educators permited by MeGnaw- Hil fr thet inocual course preparation. I yoneareestadent uring this Mane, Sow are ws if wet permission as PROBLEM 14.40 magnitude vy = 15 fs wi collision the three balls m Jn a game of pool, ball 4 is moving with a velocity vy of hen it strikes balls B and C, which are at rest and aligned as shown. Knowing that after the nove in the directions indicated and assuming frictionless surfaces and perfectly elastic impact (Chat is, conservation of energy), determine the magnitudes of the velocities va. Vis and Vo SOLUTION Velocity veetors: Yq = vp(e0830°4 + sin 30%) wend os 45°) Vo = He (cos45°% + sin 45°)) Conservation of momentum: Vy = MV, + Vg + PV Divide by m and resolve into components. fy. c0830°= vp sin 45° 4 ¥- C08 45° i: inas° vp 008454 ¥¢ Solving for vy and vy yy = 0.25882y, +0.707 | Iv, Ye = 0.96593vq ~ 0.7071, v= v4 + (0.258821) +0.7071 1)? + (0.96593 ~0.707L1y,)? =v —vyy +204 yy =0.5y) =7.500 fs Vp = 0.61237 ¥%) =9.1856 fs 61237) =9.1856 fs, vy =15 fs 4, =7.50 fs vp =9.19 fs 9.19 fs PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MeGraw-Aill Conspanies, ho. AIL rights reserved. No port of thir Maal may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or By any moans, wilhont Ihe prior writen permission of he publisher, ar used beyond he lied (strbuaon to tochers ad educcorspermited by McGrail for thet individual course preparetion you areastdent using his Manual, Dow are tng without person. oa PROBLEM 14.41 ‘Two hemispheres are held together by a cord which maintains a spring, ‘under compression (the spring is not attached to the hemispheres). ‘Phe potential energy of the compressed spring is 120J and the assembly has an initial velocity v, of magnitude yy =8 m/s, Knowing that the cord is severed when @=30°, causing the hemispheres to fly apart, dotermine the resulting velocity of each hemisphere. SOLUTION Use a frame of reference moving with the mass center: ou scat criti zg eG , “ nae Conservation of energy: m,Qva +m) w (tea) eda rigQing 4m) 2 2m, ye Ln? BY Yingling tmy) Data: mg =2.5 kg my =1.5 ke ¥=120) y, [2123020 Pcie 1 isan) 10 m/s 30° 6 m/s 30" Velocities of A and B. vy =[8 mis — ]+[6 mvs %.30°] y= All ms 2469" [S wis ]+[10 mvs 30°) 17.39 m/s 16.79 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw Companies, Inc.All ightsteserved. No part of this Maal may be displayed, reprodhiced or dstribueed in any form or by any means, without the prior writen permission of the publisher, oF used bexond the ined dstribution to teachers and xucotors permite by McGriff thei indvidua course preparation Ifyum areas axing hs na, Yow are wg 1 thou permission, 480 PROBLEM 14.42 Solve Problem 14.41, knowing that the cord is severed when 0 = 120°. PROBLEM 14.41 Two hemispheres are held together by a cord which maintains a spring under compression (the spring is not attached to the hemispheres). The potential energy of the compressed spring is 120) and the assembly has an initial velocity vy of magnitude yp =8 m/s. Knowing that the cord is severed when @= 30°, causing the hemispheres to fly apart, determine the resulting velocity of each hemisphere. SOLUTION Use a frame of reference moving, with the mass center, Conservation of momentum: Conservation of energy: Sn ( te) moss! 2 "(my me made i a imglig ¥ my) m,=25ky mp =1S ky v=i203 v= [OED 46 vy, 0 2 60° (1.540) phd (10)=6 vi, =6ms>-60° Velocities of A and B. < vy =12.17 mis 25 Vy =9.NT mis % 70.9% PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 19 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ightsreseved. No pat of vir Mannal may be dyplayed, ‘reproduced or dribued in any form or by any means, witht the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or ned beyond the lined “stibnion to toachors and edacators ported by Sra Hil fort eid conraeprepavion Ife are asada ning it Mart Jou are using It without permission ast nth PROBLEM 14.43 ‘A.d0-Ib block B is suspended from a 6-8 cond attached to a 60-1 cart A, which may roll freely on a frictionless, horizontal track. I the system is released from rest in the position shown, determine the velocities of and B as B passes directly under SOLUTION Conservation of linear momentum, Since block and cart are initially at rest, “Thus, as B passes under 4, 7 Lamy, + ingy, =0 ete Ee mg + tg =0 a Conservation of energy. Initially, A 4 T=0 tfe' Vase |e ¥y = myglll~cos0) As B passes under 4, Thus, To#V=TAV: mpgil(l cos) Substituting for vy from (1) and multiplying by 2: 2m,g(1~c058)= my (tha}emes me : oben obama 2m, uI(1~cos) @) my + my PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, «© 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companics, ne. All Fights reseved. No part of this Manual may be dspleed, Depradced or elated i any farm or by any means, wthow the prior site permission ofthe publisher, or ase beyond the famed ‘soibaton to teachers and educators permite by Mere forthe via course prsnaration If yore student us hs Baal Yow are using i withou prmision ast PROBLEM 14.43 (Continued) Given data GOI wy =401, 1=6 1 232.2 fs? O=25° 2imy 2M N60) Fy yb Wy 60440 From Eq. (2), vp =U DGE NOMI c0s25% Vp =4.66 fs —> From Eq. (1), v=R1I Ms PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2000 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. Allright wseeved. No part of this Manual may be displayed ‘reproduced or datibued in any form or by any mean, without the per written permision ofthe publisher, or used beyond the loited Aisrbuton to eachereane ecucalorepermited by Merc Hl frei indivi course preparation Ifyo are stent using this Manna, Dow are using iithon permission PROBLEM 14.44 e ‘Three spheres, each of mass m, can slide freely on a frictionless, ry horizontal surface. Spheres A and B are attached to an inextensible, inelastic cord of length / and are at rest in the position shown when sphere is struck squarely by sphere C, which is moving to the right with a velocity vp. Knowing that the cord is slack when sphere B is struck by sphere C, and assuming perfectly elastic impact between and C, determine (a) the velocity of each sphere immediately after the cord becomes taut, (5) the fraction of the initial kinetic energy of the system which is dissipated when the cord becomes tat SOLUTION (a) ion of velocities. ¢ B Impact of Cand B. O- & Conservation of momentum: my, my, ivy =v +m, wety ay o Conservation of energy (perfectly elastic impact): Lang =1 mtkome v2+v2 =09 2 Deeper Square Bq. (1) ve trem Hy? Subtract Eq. (2): ve =0 ¥, =0 corresponds to initial conditions and should be eliminated, Therefore, you 4 avemy, a BRIS From Eq. (0) oye Cord AB becomes taut, nt, A A Because cord is inextensible, component of along AB must be equal £0 ¥y. Conservation of momentum: snvy= 2, FV pg 4+} comp: 0-= 2m. sin60° ~ mv, Sin 30° Vag = 230, @B) A. x comp: yy = 2mv , C08 60" + mvp, , C0830" PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All ightsresived. No part ofthis Manual xy be cplayed ‘reproduced or doarthe in any form or by any means, wabout te prior writen permusion ofthe publisher or used beyond the med ‘seston to teachers enabedacators permite by MeGrc-Hilfor tir endviualconrse preparation. Ifsow area student wring ths Manel. ow are sing i withow permission. xsi Canying into Eq. (3: Thus, () Fraction of kinetic energy lost PROPRIETARY M4 PROBLEM 14.44 (Continued) Dividing by m and substituting for, from Bq. (3): ve =20j(05)+ (25, }( V3) wy =4vy v4 =0.250%, Vag = 2N5(0.250%4) = 0.866%, Yo Vat Von, 0.2500vg <2 60° + 0.86649 % 30° Vp = (0.250y9 C0860" +-0.866y4 c0830}i + (0.250r4 sin 60°— 0.8661 sin30°)j Vp = O8TSvgh 0.2165) ¥p =0.90139% 13.90° V4 = 0.250%, 7 60° 4 vy = 0.901% 13.9" € JAL. € 2009 The MeGraw ill Conpanis, Ine AIL ights reserved. No part ofthis Mamual may be displayed, reproduced or disrbas i any form o” By any ncn, without the prior writen permission of the publisher. or used beyod the fimied ‘srdvation to echers aad chcahrs permite by Meas for fhe inde oneveprsparaton If ye aveca stderr this Mental, ‘you are ing iid pormsion sss PROBLEM 14.45 A 360-ke space vehicle traveling with 2 velocity vp = (450 m/s)k passes through the origin O. Explosive charges then separate the vehicle into three parts 4, B, and C, with masses of 60 kg, 120 ke, and 180 ke, respectively. Knowing that shortly thereafter the positions of the three parts are, respectively, (72, 72, 648), B (180,396, 972), and C(-144, ~ 288, 576), where the coordinates are expressed in meters, that the velocity of Bis vp =(150 1eV5)i +330 m/s}j+-(660 mv/s}k, and that the x component of the velocity of C is 120 mis, determine the velocity of Part 4. SOLUTION Position vectors (meters): ry = 72+ 72) +648k ry = 1801 +396) + 972k Fy 1441-288] 4 576K Since there are no external forces, linear momentum is conserved. (my 4 Mg MWg = MN AMV EMV Mahe Se Ye =6¥) ~2¥p—3Y, @ = (6MASOK) ~ (2X1 50% +330, + 660k)—G)[-1201 + 0), 5+ (e), 1 = -30,),.J-Mve), K+ 01-660) + 1380K 04), = 60, (Ve), =Hie), 660, (4p). =H), #138 Conservation of angular momentum about Ot (Hy), =o) Since the vehicle passes through the origin, (H) (Bg )p = ng) ey Ugg) 4 FeX CMe) =O Divide by my. Fe AVe Sy X Vy Wy X Vp AR VE = 14 X(O¥p = 2p BV I+ AX V pF HEM = Hk Hy) KV EH OFX Vy + 2p Ey )XVp = (648i ~1080j~216k)x vy + (4324 + 432)+3894K) xy, +2161 + 648) + 648k) x vy yyy egypt PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MeGresHill Companies. Ines All sights reserved. No part ofthis Monval may be diplaye 2eproduced or cstibued ivan far or by anny means, wt the prior written permission ofthe publisher, ov wsed beyond the Hndted (05 fs) Wo 3 ; 1.6304 Ib-s)i L = (1.630 Ib-s)i € Gemyrg = (2 i0.)§x (1.6304 Ib- spk ~(3.2669 in -Ib-s)k =+(0.27174 fe-Ib-s)k Hy =-0.272 ft-lb-s)k (6) Velocities of A and B after 180° rotation Ay Conservation of linear momentum: t (2heml2hu-e 7 Sv, 4 2vp =525 Conservation of angular momentum about G’: Dram gay rym yyy + rags Qin. {2}oo 5)=-@in (3). +(5 in (2) 8 8 e PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ‘2 2009 The MeCraw-Hill Companies, ne. All rights reserved. No part of his Manual may be displayed. reproduced or diiribted in any form or by aay means, withou the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or used beyand dhe Tnated disrbution to teachers and educators permitted by MeGravelil for dir individual course preperalion If ow area student asin his Manual, ‘yon are asin i wth permission PROBLEM 14.47 (Continued) Multiplying by g and dividing by 2: S04 5h, @ ‘Add Eqs. (1) and (2): 105 vy = 415.00 fs From Eg. (1): Svi, +215) =52.5 vy =44.50 fis ¥, =(4.50 fis}is vj, =(15.00 fs) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, nc. All ights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed, ‘repraduce or distributed bs any form or by any miss, withon the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the lint ‘dstrbation ta tochers ant educors ported by McCrae. Hil for thts inva conse preparation If youarcvstdetwsing ths Men Dpoware ning witout permission a6 PROBLEM 14.48 Solve Problem 14.47, assuming that itis B which is suddenly given the velocity vq =(10.5 M05} PROBLEM 14.47 Two small spheres 4 and B, weighing 5 Ib and 2 1b, respectively, are connected by a rigid rod of negligible weight. The two spheres are resting on @ horizontal, frictionless surface when 4 is suddenly given the velocity vy =(10.5 fi/s)i, Determine (a) the linear momentum of the system and its angular momentum about its mass center G, (6) the velocities of 4 and B after the rod AB has rotated through 180°, SOLUTION 1 of mass cen AG+ BG = Tin. AG(S Ib) = BG Ib) BG=2.SAG 3.5AG AG=2in, BG=Sin. (a) Linear and angular momentum 2b 210 (0.5 fi) = (0.6522 1b 32.2 fi ? 7 L=(0.652 th-s)i € GB magvg = (5 in.) (0.6522 Ib-s)i (3.261 in -Ib-s)k (0) Velocities of A and B after 180° rotation Conservation of linear momentum: (mri Sv/j +204 =21 Conservation of angular momentum about G: Damen (10.5) = in 5)y in(2}s g £ Vg Fut PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 Tho MeCisw Hill Companics, fn. All rights reserved. No port ofthis Mana! may be cplayed ‘reproduced or déibuted tn any form ar by any means, without the prior writen permision of the publisher or need beyond the Uned ‘isiibtion to teachers ans edcors permitted by MeGraw Hl for ther budvtval course preparation Ifyou are student si is Maal Yom are sing i thou permission od PROBLEM 14.48 (Continued) Multiplying by g and dividing by 2: 3,50 @ Subtracting Eq. (2) from Eq. (1) Wy=BLS vi, =~4.50 fs From Eq, (1) 5, +2-4.50)=21 vi, = 46.008us Vi, = (6.00 fU3)is vy = (4.50 f9)i PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No part of tis Maral may he displ, repreiuced or distributed in any form a by any means, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher, ov aid beyond the lated sstitaton to teachers al ecucators permite by MeCran-Hil for hel nda course preparation If yowarccastudent ta i Man, oware using without permission 63 PROBLEM 14.49 ‘Three identical spheres 4, B, and C, which can slide freely on a frictionless horizontal surface, are connected by means of inextensible, inelastic cords to a small ring D located at the mass center of the three spheres ({' = 2! cos). The spheres are rotating initially about ring D, which is at rest, at speeds proportional to Pa their distances from D. We denote by vy the original speed of 4 if and B and assume that @=30°. Suddenly, cord CD breaks, a ne ‘causing sphere C to slide away. Considering the motion of spheres ad A and B and of ring D after the other two cords have again become taut, determine (a) the speed of ring D, (6) the relative speed at which spheres 4 and B rotate about D, (c) the percent of energy of the original sy is dissipated when cords AD and BD again become taut, SOLUTION ‘We consider the following two positions of the spheres 4 and B and the ring D. Position 1: Immediately after cord CD breaks Tinear momentum: L= Qn, c0s0)i 0) Angular momentum about G: He, = 2d sin OVonyg sin. OK Hg =(2hnvgsin? 0k @ Position 2: After cords AD and BP become taut (a) Speed of mass center (now located at D). Recalling Fg. (1): L= Qmyv = 2ny, cos Ohi (0, c080)1 vp =P = 1 C088 ) (B) Relative speed vat which 4 and B rotate about D. Angular momentum about G: Hg = (nwt Recalling Eq, (2) 2mnv'l = Div sin? fygsin’ 0 o PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 6 2009 Te MeGrow-il Companies, ne, All ghts reserved. No port of this Manual nay be dispaved Fepoediced or elated in any form oF By any meus, witout the prior written persion of the publisher, o” axed beyond the lnited Lisbon te teachers na ects permite by MeGnes- HU or the indvidual course preparation, Ufyeteareatadent wing this March Sonn are ing iio permission 0 PROBLEM 14.49 (Continued) (2) Energy lost: Considering system of 3 spheres: Initially, 5) 4 = (2cos0)%, ‘Therefore, Tox meh +g Lime =mg(+ 2008 8) 7, =emb3 + ot oni?) Lame =. n[ v3 cos? + m{ry sin? OY? + 255 cos? 8] = my (3.cos? 6+ sin’ @) Z- % loss = 100. inp 2c08? @~3e0s? @-sin’@ 14 2cos? @ 6) Making @=30° in Eqs. (3), (4), and (5) (a) 0.866y, (b) 0.250 vy, (©) 7.50% PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MoGraw-Hill Companies, Ie. Al eights reserved. No put ofthis Manual wey be displayed, ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without th rir writen permission ofthe publisher, or usd beyond the tated distribution teachers and educators permite by Metra Hil for thetic course prepavatian If youre sede asin th Mant, ow ae using tho! permission 65 PROBLEM 14.50 \ Solve Problem 14.49, assuming that 8=45°. 2 PROBLEM 14.49 Three identical spheres A, B, and C, which ean slide © feely on a fiictionless horizontal surface, are connected by means of “ inextensible, inelastic cords to a smal ring D located at the mass center of the three spheres ({’=2/c0sd). ‘The spheres are rotating initially about ring D, which is at rest, at speeds proportional to their distances from D. We denote by vy the original speed of 4 and B and assume that @=30". Suddenly, cord CD breaks, causing sphere C to slide away, Considering the motion of spheres 4 and B and of ting D after the other two cords have again become taut, determine (a) the speed of D, (b) the relative speed at which spheres A and B rotate about D, (©) the percent of energy of the original system which is dissipated when cords AD and BD again become taut SOLUTION We consider the following two positions of the spheres 4 and B and the ting D. Position |: Immediately after cord CD breaks linear momentum: L=(Q2mv, cost a Angular momentum about G: Hg = 2(0 Sin \gsin OK He Position 2: After cords AD and BD become taut (a) Speed of mass center (now located at D). 21 mavy sin? Ok. Q) Recalling Eq. (1) mW = (Amy, cos}. V=(vy cos hi vp =Pavy cos? {b) Relative speed v” at which A and B rotate about D. Angular momentum about G: 2mv He Recalling Bg, (2) 2mv'l = 2imvg sin? O vewysin?@ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw- Hill Companies, Inc.All ights reserved. No part of thir Manaal may be displayed. oproduced or dietbued In any form oF by any mens, sith the prior srlten pormsion ofthe publisher, or used beyond the lnaied lUsiributon i teachers ne educators permed by MeGraw-I for thei individual conse preparation Ifyouare seen ws ths Monta, Dow are wei without permission 366 PROBLEM 14.50 (Continued) (0) Energy lost: Considering system of 3 spheres: Initially, Ye = (7)y, = (208 Oy, therefore, 1 2 m(L+2c0s? 8) 1 t pm hon home lem -2( Li? dame =n vfcoe® 9mm? 0? + 2yZcos J] = my, 3cos” 4+ sin* 8) 100 in* 1+ 2cos? 2 eos? St” eos 1+2c0s°O Making @=45° in Egs. (3), (4), and (5): (@) 0.207%, (b) 0.500 vy, (c) 12.50% PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. % 2009 The MeGrow4ll Companies, In. All ightsrescrved. No part ofthis Manuel may be displayed. ‘reproduced or ditibuted ineny form or by ety meas, sto the prior writen permission of te publishes, Or ted beyond te ited + . fees Principle of impulse and momentum, “kr (Amy, = Par=0 an, dr P= (125925) p=32N <4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All ights reserved. No part af this Manual may be displayed reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permivion of the publisher, oF need beyond the Fnited in each of the two resulting streams, === knowing that @=30° and that the total force exerted by the ¢ stream on the horizontal plate is a 500-N vertical force, | SOLUTION For steady flow Q,+0,=0 a Assume that the velocity is constant Velocity vectors y=usindi—cosd), v4 Lot Pj be the force that plate C exerts on the fluid, Impulse-momentum prineiple: wR aN Pyar) "ae Cota. (Amv + PUAN = (Am), (AMV, ( + pQ,vi~ pOv(sindi ~cos}) Resolve into components pQv+pQ.v~ pOvsind — Qsind=0;~Q, ° js P= pOveosd @) Bae: p=1000 kgm’, y=40.m's P From Eq. (3) _ ‘rom Eq. (3), poeosd 500, (1000)(40) cos 30° 4.433410 *m'/s = 866.03 L/min PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2008 the Meraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ghis reserved. Nb port of tis Manual may be diployed, ‘reproduced or disiibuced ina form or by any means. without the prior writen pension ofthe publisher, or used bevond the linted ‘srbtion to teachers cd edcatrs permite hy Aral for tsi indbie course preparation If yom avec student wv ie Mame. ene are using it wou permission. PROBLEM 14.62 (Continued) Solving Eqs. (1) and (2) simultaneously for Qy and Qs, 1 =100-sina) Q-700 ) e 7806 .03)(1~ sin 30°) Q)=217 Limin (1+ sind) = H866.0341 +sin30°), Q, = 650 Limin PROPRIETARY MATERAL. © 2009 The MeGrw-Ahll Companies, Ine. Allright reserved. No port of this Mama may be displays ‘reproduced or distributed in any fora or by any moans eho the prior serittos permission ofthe pullin, or wed bxyondthe lined : (aon + FLAN) siner= (Amy €088 sine = A" w(1 cos Psinar= A w(l-c0s 0) ® Components «4: 0+ F(ANeosa = (Ampusin® Foosa = using @ ar cos 2sin?§ Dividing Eg. 2) by E = 18 Eg. 2) by Eq, (1), tan a= 2sin ? cos? Thus, Point C lies at the midpoint of are AB. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. (2 2009 The MeGruw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL nights reserve. Na part of His Manual moy Be displayed, reproduced or disused in any form or by any means, withou the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or used heyand the Liited ‘distin to teachers amd edn rd hy Scions Hl forth induc coun preparation If yon are student using hs Mav Yow are nsng withana permission 89, PROBLEM 14.65 ‘The stream of water shown flows at @ rate of 150 gal/min and moves with a velocity of magnitude 60 fs at both 4 and B. The vane is supported by a pin and bracket at C and by a load cell at 2 which can exert only a horizontal force. Neglecting the weight of the vane, determine the components of the reactions at Cand D (It? =7.48 gal). SOLUTION etna 9) = "9 = (624 WM A190 galinn) (min a & (32.2 fis" )(7.48 gallA?)(60 seo) dn OY 0.647 Ib- sit at Velocity vectors: y,=60 RUS | vy =60 US uct 40° Apply the impulse-momentum principle, (ane gue) ae Gree 8 +) Moments about C Same, +s «pa eee 12 q 6 ie 6477)[(8)(60.cos40°) + (6.5)(60 sin 40”) + (1.5)(60)] = 764711 4s components: (40) + D(A) = (Amy, cos 40° Q (2) .c0840° - D=(0.6477)(60e0s 40°) -76.471 C,=46.7b +ty components (Ang +C, AE) = (Arm sin 40° O.8lb << 608 40° = (0.6477)(60 + 60sin 40°) o-(Z way PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2008 Tho McGraw Hill Companies, ne. AN ights reserved. Nb part of this Manual may be aspaved ‘eprodtced or dieibured bs any form oF by any moans, wathout the prior wettea permission ofthe publisher, oF used bevond He Lamited ‘isrbaon to teachers end eccators permite by Mera fr thet individual curve preparation ff you areastden using this Manual, “yom are igi withom permision 890 PROBLEM 14.66 ‘The nozzle shown discharges water at the rate of 200 gal/min, Knowing that at both B and C the stream of water moves with a velocity of magnitude 190 fs, and neglecting the weight of the vane, determine the foree-couple system which must be applied st 4 to hold the vane in place (10? = 7.48 gal) SOLUTION 200 gal/min (7.48 gal/it")(60 s/min) = 0.44563 104s, dm _¥Q a _ (62.4 Ibs (0.44563 10) Ee 32.2 fils” = 0.8636 Ib-sit vy, =(.00 f¥s)j Vp. = (100 /s)(sin 40°F + eos 40°)) Apply the impulse-momentum principle, Pome. + 7 dat Mat) ond a Agta Le xcomponeats: 0+ (1) = (A100 sin 40°) Am EX o0sin 40°) Fy (odsin 40°) = (0.8636)(100 sin 40°) +f y components: (Amn)(100) + 4, (AA) = (Am)(100c08 40°) Am S% (ony(eos40"— 1 ar Om ) (0.8636)(100)(cos 40° 1) =-20.2b 0.2 | PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, le. AIL ighss serve, No part ofthis Munual maybe diplayed, aproduced or dsiibued in any form or by any means, withon the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond thelist (dstribution to teachers an educators pert by Metra for thet individual onraepreraraton Ifyou areastudet using his Monae, Do ae sing io prison 01 PROBLEM 14.66 (Continued) 2) Moments about 4: (Zemeo 4+,(A1) = (Fema 00 cos 40°) 15 Jame 00 sin 40°) (75 cos 40° ~125 sin 40° 25) = (0.8636(-47.895) =-41.36 lb-ft M,=414b- RO 4 A=59.1 Ib 20.0° € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 ‘The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All ighs reserved. No part of this Manual may’ be doplyed, ‘reproduced on citibued in any form or by my means, sto the prior written permieson ofthe publisher, or ved Bayon the liited dsiibution to teachers and educators permed by Gril for thsi dividual course preparation Ifyow area set wing thie Mae you are sing it who permission. PROBLEM 14.67 A hrigh speed jet of air issues fiom the nozzle A with a velocity of v, and mass flow rate of 0.36 ke/s. The air impinges on a vane causing it to rotate to the position sivinm — shown, The vane has a mass of 6-kg. Knowing that the magnitude of the air velocity is equal at A and B, determine (a) the magnitude of the velocity at 4, (6) the components of the reactions at O. [250 sm SOLUTION Assume thatthe speed of the air jt is the same at andl B. var Apply the prineiple of impulse and momentum, alae? eA) | o ey + = (wa ~(0.250)Am)vcos50" = (0.500)(Amprsin 50° (a) 2)Moments about O: (0.190)(Am)v—(0.250)1"(A4). A 0.2501 . “Amn 0.150c0850° + 0.500 sin 50? + 0.190 250" 66944 de = 61.058 mls—+ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGiaw-18it Companies, Ine. All ightsteverved. No part of is Manual may be diplaye eprutaced os diseibuted hx any fora or by any means, without the pros veiten persion ofthe publisher, oF ased Beyond the fined ‘dsribution to teachers amd edacators poem by Metra Hil forte livia conse preparation Ifow area sadn wing hs Manual, yw are ning i withon permission PROBLEM 14.67 (Continued) (6) +»xcomponents: (Am)v + R,(Ad) =—(Am)vsin 50° SE v(esins0r) = ~(0.36)(61.058)(1 + sin 50°) =~38.82.N stycomponens: 04-8 (42)-I7 (81) =(em)vous so" R, +A voos50° a (6)(9.81) — (0.36)(61.058)e0s 50° = 44,73 N (38.82)? + (44.73) r= 49.0" R=59.2N 49.0 € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. (0 2099 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Al rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, ‘reproduced om dissed in any form or by em mean, vito the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited ‘stuatin fo teachers and educators permed hy Mera Flor tir dvi conrse preparation Ifo area stdent sing his Mana, Dow are using without permission 94 gee Ee - PROBLEM 14.68 Coal is being discharged fiom a first conveyor belt atthe rate of 120 kw/s. It is received at 4 by a second belt which discharges it again at B. astsu Knowing that v)=3 m/s and v, = 4.25 m/s and th that the second belt assembly and the coal it 1a 2 supports have a fotal mass of 472 kg, determine J the components of the reactions at C and D. SOLUTION Velocity before impact at (oe = =3 mis (vp) = 2we(Ay) = (2)(9.8)(0.545) = 10.685 m2) (4), =3.268 mis | Slope of belt tang = 28212 gag 07° 235 Velocity of coat leaving at B ¥, =4.25 (cos6i +-sind}) Apply the impulse-momentum principle, co, dang, = + = ral ae 4 components: (Am)(v,), + CCA) = (Amy, cos Pv c088-=(v4),]= (120)(425e0828.07°-3) 1.0 Ne #) moments aboutC: (Am)[~1.2(v,), ~0.75(v,), ]+3.00D(A0) = LB (AN) = (Amn) [-2.4 vy 38-43 sind] 20 2)(3)~(0.73)(3.268)] +30 = (1.8)(472)(9.8) Mtr eas 25c0s0)-+(3)(4.25sin 8)] 897 Nt D=2175.+1.01682 = 2775 + (.0168)020 Companis, Ine All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be dspaved PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any moans, without the pri written permission ofthe publisher, oF ed beyond the Lmtd dstribution to racers ed ducers port by Me Gravel fon thet india conasepreeanaton If omar sdent ws ht Mantel, Jeu are sing without permission. 95 PROBLEM 14.68 (Continued) +f y components: (Amp-v,), +(C, + D=WYAN = (Am)y sind C+D =W =A 3.268 44.2568) a = (120)(5.268) = 632.2 N 4625.6~2897 + 632.2 ‘mani, Ine. AU rights rosewsd. No part of thi Manual maybe displayed thou the prien writen permission ofthe publier, or aed beyond the limited Hil for thee indi conve preparation. fvouara student sg tis Mannal PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 Te MoCwaw-1 epreducesd o distibuned in any form or By any means, {soribnton to teachers ond edeators permite by MeGra bv re ning wut permission 895 PROBLEM 14.69 While cruising in level flight at a speed of 900 knvh, a jet plane scoops in air at the rate of 90 kg/s and discharges it with a velocity of 660 mis relative to the aicplane. Determine the fotal drag duc to air frietion on the aitplane. SOLUTION Flight speedy =900 km/h =250 m/s Mass flow rate: oi 00 kgs a " an ee p= May) By) where, for a frame of reference moving with the plane, v is the free stream velocity (equal to the air speed) and wis the relative exhaust velocity. D-= (90)(660 ~ 250) = 36,900 N 6.IKN PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companis, Ine. All igh ceservel No part of this Manual may be displayed produced or duribted in amy form or by any moans, withow the prior writin permission ofthe publisher, or wed beyond the bined Atisribution to teachers ad edicaiorspormited by MeGrse Hil for thei indica course preparation. If you area student wing ths Mone. ow are ating witht permission wr PROBLEM 14.70 ‘The total drag due to air friction on a jet airplane cruising in level fight at a speed of $70 mish is 7500 Ib. Knowing that the exhaust velocity is 1800 f¥/s relative to the airplane, determine the rate in Ib/s at which the air must pass through the engine. SOLUTION Flight speed ¥=570 mith =836 fs. dm ER or p= Taw) where, for a frame of reference moving with the plane, v is the fie stream velocity (equal to the air speed) andu is the relative exhaust velocity dm __D_ 7500 dt uv 1800-836 7.78 slugss Mc astibis € dt PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ® 2009 The MeGrawHil Companies, In. All rights reseed. No part ofthis Mental may be cslayed reproduced or trated in any frm: or by ane means, iho the prior wvtlen permission of the publisher or nsed beyond the United Ulsributn to teachers and edveudons pete by MeGraw Hal for ther byBvidual course preparation. Ifyou area stakent wing this Manoa dum are using i thou permission PROBLEM 14.71 ‘The jet engine shown scoops in air at 4 at a rate of 200 Ilys and dischanges it at B with a velocity of 2000 fs relative to the airplane. Determine the magnitude and line of action of the propulsive thrust developed by the engine when the speed of the airplane is (a) 300 mish, (0) 600 mi/h. SOLUTION Use a frame of reference moving with the plane. Apply the impulse-momentum principle. Let F be the force | that the plane exerts on the air. (omen + = fe Feat Fae Combe +, x components (Amin + F(A) = (Amy am an | a te adage Had ay °) moments about B: =e(Am)u s+ My(At)=0 dm oy Q) Gia @ Let d be the distance thatthe line of action is below B. Fd=M, d= Me oy Fo iy-u, dim 200 D: #200 Ws 6.2112 slugs!s, uy =2000is, = Data: 77200 Wis = <5 = 6.2112 shawls, uy = 2000S, e= 12K @ 14, =300 mith = 440 fs From Eg. (1), F = (6.2112) (2000-440) F=9690 Ib ae 12440) From Eq. 3), a ) 133804 4.0) soa d=3.388 [O) 1, = 600 mifh =880 [Vs From Eq. (1), F = (6.2112) (2000 ~880) F = 6960 Ib 12)(880) From Eq, (3), A280), d=943 Pn 2000 ~880 - PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGrav-Llill Companies, Inc.All ights reserved. No part of this Manval may be displayed rprodced or dstribued in any form oF by any mens, seithont the prior written permission ofthe pubbisher or nsed beyond the lined iden a aa ad | | ‘Thrust on the airstream: alae dm geno where ¥p is the velocity just downstream of the fan and v, is the velocity for upstream. Assume that v, is, negligible. (2t bein? (Z 0 400 m)*(6 ws)? = 5.474 N (pAvw= (20 Force on fan: Maximum height h FEM, =0 Fh-We=0 We _ (600.1) h=1.096m 4 Fo 3474 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGirawHil| Companies, In. All rights reserved, No pur of this Manual may be displayed ‘reproduced or distbuted tn any form or hy cay means, svt the prior virion permission ofthe publisher, ov ase Devond the fined stsrittion fo teachers an educators perma by Mera-l forth india conte preparation. von area stent using ths Manu ou ane asing iit permission ot yy PROBLEM 14.74 ‘The helicopter shown can produce a maximum downward air speed of 80 fi’s in a 30--diameter slipstream, Know that the weight of the helicopter and its crew is 3500 Ib and assuming 7=0.076 Ib/f for air, determine the maximum Toad that the helicopter can lift while hovering in midair, SOLUTION an “The thrust is Hv) Cateultion of mass = density x volume = densityxarea length 7 at An pAy( A= pAyyg(A0) tp an 1, + Bp Agyy = Ayyy =e T= Aare = Ayyy where Ay is the area of the sli in the slipstream. Well above the blade, , =0. stream well below the helicopter and vp is the corresponding velocity Hence, Lay sg =| 2.076 thie (Z)eo A780 tvs)" s2ane \\4 =10,678 tb F =10,678 tb | ‘The force on the helicopter is 44.3 KN f. Weight of helicopter: W, =3500 1b | Weight of payload: W, = Wel Staties: aflF,=F-m, -W> Wy = F Wy =10,678~3500=7178 Ib W=T1801b-4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGrsv-Hil Companics, ine, All rights ceserve, No port of thi Manual maybe displayed, Irprddaced or ditute any form oF by any anes, withont dhe pier widen permision of the publisher, or ased bajo the fied stain to teachers end educa perted by MeGranHl forte nvidia ona preavaan. If youareastdet ws ths Ma ow ar aing i to permission. om PROBLEM 14.75 A jt airliner is cruising at a speed of 600 mish with each of its ‘three engines dischatging air with a velocity of 2000 {Vs relative to the plane. Determine the speed of the airliner after it has lost the use of (a) one of its engines, (b) two of its engines. Assume that the drag due to air frietion is proportional to the square of the speed and that the remaining engines keep ‘operating at the same rate SOLUTION Let v be the air liner speed and 2 be the discharge relative velocity. 14 = 2000 As dn ‘Thrust formula for one engine ay a race) Drag formula Deh? ‘Three engines working. Cruising speed = vp = 600 mish = 880 fs dm 2 Slt) hig = K¢ssoy” — HERO _ as. a8e 3(2000—880) (a) One engine fails. Two engines working. Cruising speed dm > 2F-D=2u—1)—hy} F-D= 2 uw) ky (2)(230.484) (2000) hy? =0 af +460.96y, ~921.92x10? =0 4» =516 mith (6) Two engines fail. One engine working. Cruising speed dn, PD = uy.) ky aC (230.484)(2000 ~»,) Av} = 0 3 +2348, ~460.96%10° =0 73.41 fs vy, =391mih PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, lnc. All ights reserved. No part of thix Monnal vay e displayed ‘reproduced or dstibated in any form or by any means, ihn the rior vntien permission ofthe publiher, or used beyond the linaied ‘Asribtion to toachors and educators permite by MC forthe nda conrse preparation Ifo ares wg the Mant, ‘yon are using it with permission 0s PROBLEM 14.76 A 16-Mg jet aitplane maintains a constant speed of 774 km/h while {climbing at an angle c= 18°. ‘The airplane scoops in air at arate of 300 kg/s and discharges it with a velocity of 665 mis relative to the isplane. If the pilot changes to a horizontal flight while ‘maintaining the same engine setting, determine (a) the initial acceleration of the phine, (6) the maximum horizontal speed that will be attained. Assume that the drag due to air friction is proportional to the square of the speed, SOLUTION Caleulate the propulsive force using velocities relative to the airplane. dn pat, ae Data: tt. 300 ky/s de vy 774 kon, =215 ms i! Vp = 665 mis, € ie F = (300)(665~215) Ting =135,000.N Since there is no aeceleration while the airplane is climbing, the forces are in equilibrium, 4+218°RE =O: F-D—mgsina=0 F —D = mgsinar= (16,000¥9.8)sin 18° = 48,454 N (@ Initial acceleration of airplane in horizontal flight ma=F~D; 16,000a=48.45410° a= 3.03 ns 18° Corresponding drag force: D=135,000 48,454 = 86,546 N Drag force factor: or =1,87228 N-s"/m? PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. (2 2009 The MeGrew-Hill Companies, Ine. All ights reserve. No par) of his Manno may be disphaved aprodhced co ctributed in ay form o By any means, wien te pre rien permission of Bh publisher, eased beyond the lante! dtebation ta teachers ea ducers permite by MeGrnell fr thet individual curve preparation If yo area stent using thls Manta, Dow are using without person. PROBLEM 14.76 (Continued) (@) Maximum speed in horizontal fight Since the acceleration is zero, the forces are in equilibrium. F-D=0 dm den don pe WG 0 ng eT Ty = di 1,87228¥} +300y,, ~(300\665)=0 ¥, = 256.0 mis 922 kmh PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeCraweAhill Companies, Inc, Al rights reserved. No punt of this Manual may be dpa reprodiced or disvibuted in coy forms or by ay meant, wilt the prior written permission of the publisher nue Beyond the Tinted 2 =f one \Go (109.489) = 43,796 f-Ibvs ar STL ass00 nis ‘di Fe PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ‘2 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, ne. AIL Fights reseed. No part of his Manual may Be asplaved, repradced or dimibuted tn any form ar by any means, iho the prior written person ofthe publisher, or wsed heyand the Fnited Aisrsbntion fo teachers an eda permit By Maou Hl fort nds course preparation. Ifyan area suet win ts Mau, Den are sing itwithou permssion 09 PROBLEM 14.81 In a Pelton-wheel turbine, a stream of water is deflected by a series of blades so thatthe rate at which water is deflected by the blades is equal to the rate at which water issues from the nozzle (Am/At= Apv,). Using the same notation as in Sample Problem 14.7, (a) determine the velocity V of the blades for which maximum power is developed, (0) derive an expression for the maximum power, (c) derive an expression for the mechanical efficiency. SOLUTION Let u be the velocity of the stream relative to the velocity of the blade. v=(-V) (amu wa \ v \ ‘ Ge a RAtY e dm Mass flow rave: Bm = pay flow rat ay Pata Principle of pulse and momentum, be (Amu F(A) = (Amy 008 8 An ana ar ttl e088) = pdvylv, VXI cos) ‘where Fis the tangential force on the fi. The force F; on the fluid is directed to the left as shown, By Newton’s law of action and reaction, the tangential force on the blade is / to the right. Onput power: Pegg EV = pAvglv4 PV (cos 0) (@)_ V for maximum power output ae, as 2009 The MeGrsw-Hill Companies, Ine. All Fights reserved. No part of dis Banal may’ be ciple reproduced or desrtbuted in any form or by any means, whhout the prior written permision of the publisher, or used beyond the lined Asiaion to teachers and edaceiors permed by MeGraw Hal for ther buds conrse proportion Ifo are ashadent wing ths Banu, don are using i tout permission ou PROBLEM 14.84" (Continued) Noting that y= pg, O= BJ bedda(d, +43) Data: 23322 1s? b=12R, d=, dy=Stt = 12) 432.2 K4(5K9) = 646.08 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-ill Companies, Ine. AI vights reseed. No part of this Mansa! may be displaved reproduced or dvthated in any form ar by any means, wit the prior writen permission ofthe Publisher, oF wed beyand the fimited isrbaion ta teachers an eters penned by MeGravrltil for tr individual course preparation If pou arcastaden wing Os Mua, ow are ning i without permsion ois PROBLEM 14.85 Gravel falls with practically zero velocity onto a conveyor belt at the constant rate g =dmn/db (a) Determine the magnitude of the force P Tequited to maintain a constant belt speed v. | (b) Show that the kinetic energy acquired by the gravel in a given time interval is equal to half the work done in that interval by the force P. Explain what happens to the other half of the work done by P. SOLUTION (a) We apply the impulse-momentum principle (o the gravel on the belt and to the mass Am of gravel hitting and leaving belt in interval A Qoiy,a> Par om | + Fh = me Comoe | aoe, tex comp: mvt PAr=mv+ (Amy Am PoAM yay Pow 4 area a (0) Kinetic energy acquired for unit time: a Work done per unit time: AU _ Par _p, i aw A Recalling the result of Part ai AU = Px) AU 2 AY =a? Q) ar wes @) ‘Comparing Bags. (1) and (2), we conclude that ari ae Qk: < a2 ar ‘The other half of the work of P is dissipated into heat by frietion as the gravel slips on the belt before reaching the speed v. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MoGraw-Ail Companiss, In. AU rights reserved. No put ofthis Mana may he displayed ‘reproduced or dried is any form oF by any ect, win the rier written permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the lita disibon to teachers ent educators permited by McGrail for thew indeual cenree preparation Io avec student xb ths Man, Son one ang wiv person. PROBLEM 14.86 A chain of length / and mass in falls through a small hole in & plate, Initially, when y is very small, the chain is at rest, In each case shown, determine (a) the acceleration of the first Tink Aas a function of y, (b) the velocity of the chain as the last link passes through the hole. In Case 1, assume that the individual links are at rest until they fall through the hole; in Case 2, assume that at any instant all Tinks have the same speed. Ignore the effect of frietion SOLUTION Let p be the mass per unit ength of chain, Assume that the weight of any chain above the hole is supported by the Mloor. It and the corresponding upward reaction of the floor are not shown in the diagrams. Case 1. Apply the impulse-momentum principle to the entire ehain. zero zero laa eaycats eg (ys dy ors aor) pyvt paydt = ply + Ay\vt Avy) = pye playv py(av)+ playyav) Av | (AviAv) ay = p+ py + pata Pay = Pit pyle poe ay ae Let Ar, =p vs py® “> PRY= PAY PYG d =P Go Multiply both sides by yw: spy ) ai * gees Let v=% on left hand sie. 2 pw 4 oy m left hand sis pyr ) Integrate with respect to time pe fy°ay=p fomrainy ‘per =tpuny or ¥=29y oO pean =p 38 Differentiate with respect to time. wh a2 9H 2 yy asta 3 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeCiraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ights reserved. No part af is Manna mee dsptave ‘produced or diribted tx any form oF by any means, wiihnt the prior written permission of the publisher, caved beyond the United ‘Ustibtion to teachers and educators permite by Mera Hilfor thei tidal course prepara iyo are asta wing tis Ha don are nig if thon pormiscon ow PROBLEM 14.86 (Continued) dvi @ ange a=0333¢| 4 (6) Scty=/in Eq.(I). v=0.817 fei | Case 2. Apply conservation of energy using the floor as the level from which the potential energy is measured. Q Differentiating with respect to y, (a) Acceleration, ole (b) Setting y=1 in Eg. (2), veg vai | Note: The impulse-momentum principle may be used to obtain the force that the edge of the hole exerts on the chai PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Conspanies, Ine, AI rights reserve No part af this Mornal may be displayed reproduced or distributed bn any for or by any means, wibout the prior ween peemision of the publisher or wsed Beyond the limited ‘Astribuion i teachers and educators pried by McCraw Tl for ther blvd courae preparation fy area lnk using this Marat pow are using i thon! pormision or " PROBLEM 14.87 A chain of length / and mass m lies in a pile on the floor. If its end A is raised vertically ata constant speed» express in terms of the length y of chain which is off the floor at any given instant (a) the magnitude of the force P applied at A, (4) the reaction of the floor. SOLUTION Let p be the mass per unit length of chain. Apply the impulse-momentum to the entire chain, Assume that the reaction from the floor is equal to the weight of chain sfll in contact with the floor: Calculate the floor reaction, Apply the impulse-momentum principle. py + P(A) + R(AN)~ pgl(At= prt ayy PAi = pldyv+ pel(A)~ R(AD, @ Pap Qe pab-pll- ve =p? + pay P Let vw, dt (b) From above, Rem +) \« PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©) 2009 The Mea: Hill Companies, Ie. All eghts reserved. No part ofthis Maral may be displayed, ‘produced or datributed in any form ov by any means, without the prior written permission ofthe publicher, ov nted Beyond the Tinted sdsribnion to teachers and editors permitted by Mera Il for thet snstdul course preparation Ifyou area stent wing Is Maal, how are aang i thn permission 9 PROBLEM 14.88 Solve Problem 14.87, assuming that the chain is being lowered to the oor ata ‘constant speed v. (a) The force P supports the weight of chain still off the floor. P= pgy me (®) Apply the impulse-momentum principle to the entire chain, re on + flegaan = { Poy ay er it) ~pyv-s P(AN)+ RUAN ~ pelt) =~pely + avr R(Ad) = peL(av)~ Mat)~ pe(Avdv = pel—pey- py R= pel pay~p M LetAr—+0. Then Yd. a di R= pglL~y)+ pv R= MigL-yiv lle PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All ight wserved. No part of thir Manval may be display tspreduced or cutie in any form or by any means, thou the rior weitten permis of the publisher. or wood beyond te lined ‘dstibton to eachorsoxdehucaors permite by MMeGne- Hl for thes bua course ppnow thie Manvel Yow are ing i withon permis, 90 PROBLEM 14.89 A toy cat is propelled by water that squitts from an internal tank at a constant 6 fs relative to the car. The weight of the empty car is 0.4 Ib and it holds 2 Ib of water. Neglecting other tangential forces, determine the top speed of the car SOLUTION Consider a time interval Af, Let mr be the mass of the car plus the water in the tank at the beginning of the interval and (m~Am) the corresponding mass at the end of the interval. my is the initial value of m. Let v be the velocity of the car. Apply the impulse and momentum principle over the time interval. yeat) Goh Ce + Oy ee ty (dt) (yn- am (yrs dy") Horizontal components *>: mv 0= (Ama ~U cos 20°) + (yf — Amy + Av), Av=U cos 20° m= An Let Av be replaced by differential dv and Am be replaced by the small differential dm, the minus sign meaning that doris the infinitesimal inerease in m, am dv =U cos 20° Integrating, v= vy -U 608 20°In veU cos 20°In ™ Since % The velocity is maximum when m= my, the value of m when all of the water is expelled, =U cos 20° In my =(6 filsyeos 20°In 2442 » Yat rays = 10.10 fs oa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-4lll Companies, Ine, AM rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed ‘reproduced or diiibuted ine form or hy any means, without the prior writon permission ofthe publisher, or used besond the Toited isributio to teachers andes wtrs pert by MeGrowlil for tr dividual core preparation. If von area student wing is aaa, on are nsing i withea! permission on PROBLEM 14.90 A toy car is propelled by water that squirts from an internal tank. The weight of the empty ear is 0.4 Ib and it holds 2 1b of water. Knowing the top speed of the car is 8 fs, determine the relative velocity of the water that is being ejected. SOLUTION Cor interval and (m—Am) the corresponding mass at the end of the interval. my is the ii the velocity of the car, Apply the impulse and momentum principle over the time interval jer a time interval Af. Let mv be the mass of the car plus the water in the tank at the beginning of the value of m. Let v be Horizontal components +: mv-+0=(Am)(6 =U cos 20°) + (yf — Amb + Av) An m= Am Av=U cos 20° Lot Av be replaced by differential dv and Am be replaced by the small differential —dim, the minu ‘meaning that din is the infinitesimal increase in m. =U cos 20° io -U cos 20°In Integrating, cos 20° Since vy =0, The velocity is maximum when =m, the value of m when all of the water is expelled. 20° in“ m,; 0442 8 fUs=U cos 20° tn: U=475 tus € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2000 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ighs reserve, No part of this Manna may be displayed reproduced or disibted in any form or by any msc, without the prior writin permission of the publisher, or aed beyond de liited lsoibution to teachers and educators permite by Mens forthe indvidual conse preparation Ion area student using this Manual, om PROBLEM 14.94 ‘The main propulsion system of @ space shuttle consists of three identical rocket engines, each of which burns the hydrogen-oxygen propellant at the rate of 340 ke/s and ejects it with a relative velocity of 3750 mvs, Determine the total thrust provided by the three engines. SOLUTION From Eq. (14.44) for each engine: dn de (340 kg/s)(3750 ms) =1.275x10°N For the 3 engines: Total thrust = 3(1.275%10°N) Total thrust =3.03 MN PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. £2 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All ights reseve. No part of this Mamual may be displayed ‘reproduced or desributed in any form or hy any means, witht the prior written permiesion ofthe publisher ruse beyond the Tinted ‘teat to teachers ond edustiors permet hy Meine Hil for ter nda course preperaion Ioana shadent ws is Maa, ‘yon are ncn witha perms on PROBLEM 14.92 ‘The main propulsion system of a space shuttle consists of three identical rocket engines which provide a total thrust of 6 MN, Determine the rate at which the hydrogen-oxygen propellant is bummed by each of the three engines, knowing that it is ejected with a relative velocity of 3750 mis, SOLUTION ‘Thrust of each engine: P eu dt Bg, (1444): 2x10°N = 2"(3750 mis) at 108 N im di 3750 mis ae ee PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part ofthis Manual! may be displayed, ‘reproduced ar distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior writin permision of the publisher, or used beyond the limited Aiesbution to foachors andl educators permite by Mer Hil for thsi india conte proparation If gow area stadt ving thie Mone, ow ore using if uhoutpermision one PROBLEM 14.93 A space vehicle describing a circular orbit at a speed of 24x10! kivh releases its front end a capsule which has a gross muss of 600 kg, including 400 ky of fuel. I the fuel is consumed at the constant rate of 18 kwis and ejected with a relative velocity of 3000 mvs, determine (a) the tangential acceleration of the eapsule as the engine is fired, (b) the maximum speed attained by the capsule ‘SOLUTION “Thrust p=|2), dt = (18 ke/s)(3000 mvs) =54x10°N P_ sax? 2 @ a0 (a,} =900 mis? (6) Maximum speed is attained when all the fuel is used up. ofan a u(t) on (_ ch apt (tay +uf"(- ee af Data: vy) = 24x10" km/h = 6.6667 x 10" m/s = 3000 ms ny = 600 ky my, = 600 ~ 400 =200 kg = 6.666710" +3000 In 2% 200 = 9.962510" ms yy =35.9%10" kv PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGra-Hill Companies, Ine. IE ght eseved. No pars of this Monnal may he displayed eprebucedo ditsbsed bn any form oF by ony means, shou the prior wetter permission ofthe publisher, or wsed beyond the linked ‘trbuton ta teachers ent ects permite by MeChn Bf thte inva cannse preparatay Iya astdent using this Manual sow are usin i without permision ons PROBLEM 14.94 A rocket has a mass of 1200 kg, including 1000 kg of fuel, which is consumed at the rate of 12.5 kg/s and ejected with a relative velocity of 4000 m/s. Knowing that the rocket is fired vertically from the ground, determine its acceleration (a) as it is fied, (8) as the last particle of fuel is being consumed, SOLUTION From Bq, (14.44) of the text book, the thrust is 12.5 kp/s)(4000 mis) = 50x10" kg-m/s? =50x10°N IF =ma P-mg=ma a o (a) Atthe start of firing, =m =960 kg = 981 ms? Prom Eq, (1), 5010" 9 8131.86 mis? a=31.9 ms} 4 1200 (®) As the last partiele of fuel ix consumed, m=1200-1000=200kg —-g=9.81 mvs (assumed) From Eq. (1), 54x10" 9.81= 240.2 is? 40 mis? 200 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeCiaw-¥ill Companies, Ie. Al ights resend. No part ofthis Manual may be ciplayed reprodwced or dsrited in any form or by any means, without the prior writen permision of the publisher, or uted Bayar the Finite “tribution Wo teachers and educators pervied by MGre%- Hil forts individual courge preparation Ifyow are astusent using his Mara [you ave using it without permission 926 PROBLEM 14.95 A communication satellite weighing 10,000 Ib, including fuel, has been ejected from a space shuttle describing a low circular orbit around the earth, After the satellite has slowly drifted to a safe distance from the shuttle, its engine is fired to increase its velocity by 8000 fs as a first step to its transfer to a geosynchronous orbit. Knowing that the fuel is ejected with a relative velocity of 13,750 fis, determine the weight of fuel consumed in this maneuver, SOLUTION Apply the principle of impulse and momentum to the satellite plus the fuel expelled in time Av (om are Aa ~ 0) mar (m-Amyv+ed) ot mv = (m—Am)(v-+ Av) + (Amo Av= vy) = mv + (Av) ~ (Amv — (Amy Av) + (Am)v4 (Am)(Av)— (Amy (Av) udm) =0 Am: Av udm rs m dt unk yin lee PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, lnc, All ighs reserved. No part of this Manual maybe diplayed reproduced or doribaed in any form oF by any means witha the price ellen permission ofthe publisher used beyond the lined stitution wo teachers and educators permed by Mere fr thelr inavidual conse preparation Ifyonarcastdent ws the Mena, Dom are uring i without permis 97 PROBLEM 14.95 (Continued) Data =v = 8000 fs 013,750 fs ‘my = 10,000 Ib 10,000, 8000 m 13,750 = 1.7893 im, = 5589 ke ‘hg, = My = 7%, = 10,000 5589 Magy = 4410 tb PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGra-Hill Companies, Inc All rights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be dptayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, wldout the prior writen permission of the publisher. or used beyond the linked \dsribuion to feachors and edvcutors permitted by MeGraw-Hil for ther onal course preparation. Ifyou are astdent sing tis Haru, dow are uring thou pormision one PROBLEM 14.96 Determine the increase in velocity of the communication satellite of Problem 14.95 after 2500 Ib of fuel has been consumed. SOLUTION Data from Problem 14.95: ‘mg =10,000 1b w= 13,750 fs Ny ~My ~ 10,000 2500 = 7500 Ih. Apply the principle of impulse and momenium to the satellite plus the fuel expelled in time AV. (am Yaredar- vY ae if 1D {ham ars Aan) te: mv =(m~ Amv + Av)+ (Amv + Av~v) + mv) — (Aan — (Avn)(Av) 4 (mpv+ (Amv) ~ (Amy (Av) ~u(Am)=0 Avy yp =13,750 In 002 Av =3960 fs 7500 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-1il Companies, In. Al rights teserved, No part of this Maneal may be diployed ‘reproduced or distibted in any form or by any means, without th por vvtien permission ofthe publisher or ase beyond the Hinited istibuton to teachers and educators pert by MeGra-I fo dello conve preparation Ifyou are student so ths Mont. oneare using i with permission on PROBLEM 14.97 ‘A 540-kg spacecraft is mounted on top of a rocket with a mass of 19 Mg, including 17.8 Mg of fuel, Knowing that the fuel is consumed at a rate of 225 kg/s and ejected with a relative velocity of 3600 m/s, determine the maximum speed imparted to the spacecraft if the rocket is fired vertically from the ground. SOLUTION See sample Problem 14.8 for derivation of 7 a Data 1 =3600 mis g=225 RWS, Mg, =17,800 ke my = 19,000 kg +540 kg=19,540 kg We have ‘mg = ats 17,800 ke = (225 kes) 1280018 _ao.1115 225 kels ‘Maximum velocity is reached when all fuel has been consumed, that is, when 4 = Mga. Eq. (1) yields in—® gy Ig ~ Mig 19,540 2 = wn 10 _ 09.81 mis? C7911 600 mis) In gag OSES 9) = (3600 m/s) In 11.230~-776.1 mis 7930.8 mis, »,, =7930 mis PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeCiew4ill Companies, Ine. AU vghtsseserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed reproduced or dianbited tn any form or by any means, witout the prior ten permission of the publisher, or use beyond the Fined Udit teachers nd educators permit by McGraw Tl for ther Indodeal course preparation. If you aré student wring this Manual ‘ot ave ning i tou permission. 930 i PROBLEM 14.98 The rocket used to launch the 540-kg spacecraft of Problem 14.97 is redesigned to include * bwvo stages 4 and B, each of mass 9.5 Mg, including 8.9 Mg of fuel. The fuel is again { consumed at a rate of 225 ky/s and ejected with a relative velocity of 3600 ny/s. Knowing that when stage 4 oxpels its last particle of fuel its casing is released and jettisoned, determine (a) the speed of the rocket at that instant, ()) the maximum speed imparted te the spacecraft, SOLUTION ‘Thrust force. Mass of rocket + unspent fue: Comresponding weight force: Acceleration: Integrating, with respect to time to obt =¥%)-win @ For each stage, ‘mj =8900 kee gq = 225 ke/s, For the first stage, My =0 ry =540+ (219500) = 19,540 kg. 19,540 8900 (a) y= 03600 In (9,81(39.556) = 1800.1 @ "1 19,540 (9.8DC ) = 1800.1 m/s yy, =1800 mis For the second stage, vy = 1800.1 m/s, ‘40 +9500 = 10,040 ke. 410,040 ~ 8900 (b) ¥) = 1800.1 ~3600 In __(9.81)(39,556) = 9244 m/s ) a I poay 2 8K89.556) ¥ =9240 mis PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie. All righte reserved. Yo part of this Manuel maybe doplaed, eproduced or distributed in any for ar hy any means, withou the pri writen pormssion ofthc publisher or wsed beyond the linked \dsiiburon wo teachers amd educators permite by MeCiraw-Hl fo thet nde corse proparation if you area stadent axing hs Mena Yow are wing i withou permission oat f PROBLEM 14.99 Determine the altitude reached by the spacecraft of Problem 14.97 when all the fuel of its launching rocket has been consumed. SOLUTION ‘See Sample Problem 14.8 for deri tte t oO mya Note that g is assumed to be constant. Set =» in Bq. (1) and integrate with respect to time. n= fave fla [om ctig-e}a MoH y Nye afi else moe ath ot my im ight (= Lia ha MOM F tne de-— gt q to 2 =e) set titt var] vf tect | hee ™ my Q) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL,‘ 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. Allis seve. No part of this Manual may be displayed, Ieproduerd ov diibuted in eny form a By’ any mess, witha the prior wt permission ofthe publisher, or ased beyond the Tinted dvibton to teachers cn chu pemite hy AdeGranetil for ltr indlosve course preparation yan areastudent ws ths Manual pun are sing wit! persion on, PROBLEM 14.99 (Continued) Dat 1 =3600 mvs my =19,000+540=19,540 ke, q=225 Kelsay =17,800 ke 17,800 : = Ls g=9.81 mae 225 lls og 1740 kg From Eq. (2), h= coon, un BDF 186,766 m h=1868km PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGray-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No part of this Mana may be displayed. Depraticed om ditibted in roy form or by any means, withou the prey wition permission ofthe publisher, or sed beyond the limited ditiution to teachers an educators ported by Meee Hill for thor indivi ourse preparation Ifyou areca stent wv ths Mana, ‘ou ore ing it wind permission, 933 i PROBLEM 14.100 For the spacecraft and the two-stage launching tocket of Problem 14.98, determine [ge the altitude at which (a) stage 4 of the rocket is released, (b) the fuel of both stages L has been consumed. in | SOLUTION “Thrust fa Pau aug dt Mass of rocket + unspent fuel m= — qt Corresponding weight force: W=mg F Acceleration: i qt Integrating with respect to Lime to obtain velocity, vot [lair=ny ru W my gh t wo Integrating again to obtain the displacement, sent Let palo ay Then sey tuys Pn ade da a mit ae asp tye mee (eines aif, Let soto AG [58 My =a py Mo int [= ttt = 9p tye alm mm mm Sy bat voli ‘on mee ft). L" 2 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MoGrave till Companies, Ine. All sights reserved. No part ofthis Mamta! may be day reproduced or diisted in any form or by any means, wiliou the par wvitton permission ofthe publisher, or sed beyond the Tinited \sribtn to teachers en educators pormited by MeGras Hil for thi indvidha onree preparation Ifyou area student wing this Mon Sow arc using isethout permission os PROBLEM 14.100 (Continued) For each stage, 2% =8900 kg 4 = 3600 mis Mt 8900 _ 39 556 5 q 225 g=mskys 4 For the first stage, wed Img = $40-+(2)(9500) 9,540 ke 19,540-8900 From Eq, (I), 4) = 0~ 3600 in 1225808900 _ og 6 4. (0, ) = 0-260 nT -O8189.550) =1800.1 n/s From Ea. 2), @ s ~ 0s] 593564( 258.9955) eee Lo.8n9.ss6y =31,249 m 2km € For the second stage, vp =1800.1 miss =31,249 m sm = 54049800 10,040 kg From Eq, (2), 10,040 30,040-8900 a) 1,249 + (1800.1}89.556) + 3600] 39.556 +| 12080 _ 49.556) 20040 8900 Aes eee » ss04( 225 ) 10,040 | 1 2 —Losngo.ss6 3 NC y = 197,502 m hy=1975km 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. {© 2009 The MeCraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AI ights reserved. No part of this Manval may be displavet ‘reproduced or dstributed in any farm oF by ny mens, seth the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, ov wsed beyond the lined lisribution to teachers and edceons permite by MCI for thei individual conse preparation Ison area sak wing this Sha Yon are ing itwithow permisoion sas PROBLEM 14.101 Determine the distance separating the communication satellite of Problem 14.95 from the space shuttle 60 s after its engine has been fired, knowing that the fuel is consumed at arate of 37.5 Ib/s PROBLEM 14.95 A communication satellite weighing 10,000 1b, including fuel, bas been ejected from a space shuttle describing a low cular orbit around the earth, Aer the satellite has slowly drifted to 4 safo distance from the shuttle, its engine is fired to increase its velocity by 8000 fas a first step toils transfer to-a geosynchronous orbit. Knowing that the fuel is ejected with a relative velocity of 13,750 fs, determine the weight of fuel consumed in this maneuver SOLUTION Apply the principle of impulse and momentum to the satellite plus the fuel expelled in time At. (hm r+ Aar -0 Y ma Cm-Am)\(a7+d 0) tes mya (n— Aimy Av) + (Amylort Av—¥) = my-+ m(av) ~(Amyv (Amr) + (Am)v + (Amv) — (Am m(v)—u(m)=0 eel ae eee ee ard mdm mgt at ~uin ny ~ a0), es ae InGny a0, = vy 1m (amy — gt) arin my {mp —at = vq —m in) MOH 1 ol) ® Sot =v in Eq. (1) and integrate with respect to time, No tree {o( =) fi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ighs reserved, No part of this Manual may be aispaved reprddced or dstribied in any form or by any means, without the prior written permisrion of te publisher ov used beyond the Tnited Chsaibton to teachers ans educators printed by MeGraw Il for thei individual cowrze preparation. Ifytearea stent using this Mara pint are arg It witout permission 96 PROBLEM 14.101 (Continued) Call the last term a and let dt or dtd 4 mgt q sa] f Ince = emz+2)f, , 4 Q Data 9 =375 Ibs ‘mp =10,000 Ib, r=60 see 4 =13,750 fs s0409.7|0-(90% co) oO | = 100,681 1 0.07 mi PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 13 2009 Tio McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All eights reserved. No part of this Manval may be displayed reproduced or disiibted in any form or by any mec, withow the por writin permission ofthe publisher, or sed beyond the finited heibution to fachors ond educators pormited by MeGrave-tll forth individual ounce preparation If yom area student ews this Man ow are sing i without perision 937 PROBLEM 14.102 For the rocket of Problem 14.94, determine (a) the altitude at which all the fuel has been consumed, (b) the velocity of the rocket at that time. PROBLEM 14.94 A rocket has a mass of 1200 kg, including 1000 kg of fuel, which is consumed at the rate ‘of 12.5 kp/s and ejected with a relative velocity of 4000 m/s. Knowing that the rocket is fired vertically from the ground, determine its acceleration (a) as itis fired, (b) as the last particle of fuel is being consumed, SOLUTION See Sample Problem 14.8 for derivation of mont wo veuln Note that g is assumed to be constant set & in Bq, (1) and integrate with respect fo time. ref foe oma} ee tid gf mae aoe Let or fr (eine+20h, ~ 580 my 1 a 2 in yh ay my ] 28 @ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ighis reserved, No part of this Mame may be ciple, ‘reproduced or dsiibted ina form or by ay means, ition te prior wrist permission of the publisher, or used beyond the Finited tribution ta teachers and edveators permite by MeGrow Hill fort individua course preparation Ifyou areca student using hs Manual “you are using it without permission ox PROBLEM 14.102 (Continued) Data: my =1200 kg Gt = Hy =1000kg = 12.5 kes u=4000 mis g=9.81 mvs? p= Mt, — 1000 «46 6 q 125 1200 1200 2 (a) From Eq. (2), h=(4000) s0-(1222-s0 In| _ © (9.81180)? . sites a | i235 ) in| eae =(4000)(80 — 16 In 6)~31,392 =173,935 ma. =173.9 km 12001000 6) From Eq. (1), = ~4000 In ZOO 2000 _ 9 s1y(80) @) Ba. (1), Sa O00! (9.81) 80) =4000 In 6- 784.8 = 6382 mvs y=6.38 km/s PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw Hil Companies, Ino. All ights reserved. No part of thir Manat may be displayed, reproduced or dried in any form or by any means, withoul the prior weten permisrion of the publisher or axed beyond the lined € (B) Let; be the common velocity of all three masses after the load has slid to a stop relative to the car. Corresponding momentum: @) Mpeg tgs + eds = (my +My + Me) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MeCraw-Fill Companies, Ine. All ghts reserved. No part ofthis Mana! may be asploved, ‘reproduced or disiuted In any form or by any means. without prior writes person ofthe publsher, or sed beyond the funted yi FO MeN =U g + My + Me Wp Thats Mere 6-43) Fy tig tg FA Ze 3 1.400 mph 0.400 mith —» () Cars.A and B hit and couple. Conservation of linear momentum for cars 4 ant B. myvg #O= (ig + Mg Way Vp = (Jo 3 mim mtg! \2 Cars and B are impacted by car C. Conservation of linear momentum for unit AB and ear C. (20g +, Way — MeN =U + Mg ag me Heed Yana = Man 5% 2 2 (48) = vy 40.5% wo PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ‘> 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All ight reserved. No pat af thir Manual may Ie displayed reproduced or dieibued bay form or by any meds, without the prior wren permission of the publsher used beyond the linited ‘Usiribation to eachors and educators permite by McCray Il for their nivel course preparaion Ifyou area student wsng this Hada ow are using it withont permission 94s PROBLEM 14.107 (Continued) Memeo 9) = (0.890448) @ qs. (1) and (2) simultaneously, Vag = 1.68 mich Ye = 4.56 min Vy= Vp =1.68 mih—» ye =4.56 mim —+ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2009 The McGraw Bill Companies, Ine. AI rights served. No part of this Manval nay be dgplaed, ‘reproduced or cstibited in any form or By any means, sithont tre per wetlen permission ofthe publisher, or rac beyond the lined distribution fo oachors coud educate permite by Metra Hil for thei individual conse preparation If yore astidnt ws this Man, ‘ow are sag i without permission. 6 PROBLEM 14.108 A.9000-Ib helicopter A was traveling due east in level flight at a speed of 75 mish and at an altitude of 2500 ft ‘when it was hit by a 12,000-Ib helicopter B. As a result of the collision, both helicopters lost their lft, and their entangled wreckage fell to the ground in 12 s at « point located 1500 feast ancl 384 ft south of the point of impact. Neglecting air resistance, determine the velocity components of helicopter B just before the collision, SOLUTION Let the.x axis point east, the y axis point up, and the z axis point south. The origin of the xy2 coordinate system is the point of the collision, Atthe time of the collision, 120 0 250 Atthe time of impact with the ground, ¢=12s x=1S00R y=-2500R 2=384.0 Letv‘with components v{, v}, of be the velocity of the entangled wreckage just after the collision, The entangled wreckage falls as a projectile, e=04% — 1500=(/X12) vf =125 fils yaon ir Let 2500 = (¥,912)— 2,82 2ya2y? v= 15.1333 fs Obye — 384=04)(12) ve =32 1s = (125 fis i— (15.1333 1/s)j +32 fs)k Let v4 and vy be the velocities of helicoptors 4 and B, respectively, before the collision. yy =(75 mith)i= (110 MUS) vp =? Conservation of linear momentum before and after the eatlision NF MyVy = Cg HEN m, we mbm mg 9000 Data Pat my, ins Ms = my 12,000 ‘my 12,000 (1.75)(125i~15.1333j + 32k) —(0.75\(U1 36.25 fi/s)i ~(26.483 fs) j + (56 fs) 02.9 min) ~(18.06 mi/h)j + B8.2 mifh)k Components of vy: 92.9 mifh east 38.2 mi/h sou 18,06 mish down, < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The Meraw-Hil Companies, io. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual me be displayed, reproduced on dite in any form or By any moans, thon the por written permission ofthe publisher, av axed beyond the Fittest ‘dtaribtion to tachere tod eacatrs permite by Metro Hilfor tis india conse prearotion Ifyou are ase wring hit Mona, Soe song it withou permission on PROBLEM 14.109 A 15-lb block B is at rest and a spring of constant =72 Ibfin, is held compressed 3 in. by a cord. After S-lb block 4 is placed against the end of the spring, the cord is cut, causing 4 and B to move. Neglecting friction, determine the velocities of blocks A and B immediately after 4 leaves B. 0155288210 722 AS -osssaib-s?in 322 2 Ibvin = 864 IbiAt e=3in.=0.25 A sft Conservation of linear momentum, ff + am = = Swat eae Horizontal components ta: 040% m%4 mare State 1 State 2. 2 ding? vib amve 1035205 we vy coaseany + eaoseo(%) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 1 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ihe reserved, No part of this Meal may be cisplaved ‘produced or distributed in any form or by any means, wiht the prior written permission of te publisher, ov used bajond the lnated ‘hetribution to toachors and ednctors permit by McGraw Hilfor ler vidual course preparation Ifyou ave astudeat win ts Mant, ‘om are using i without pavaission oe PROBLEM 14.109 (Continued) O+aT= 11035203 +2.5 vj =236.67 ¥,=15.38 fls—> wpa S.13 AS PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGewwHil Companies, Ine AM rights eesetved. No part of th Manual may be displayed ‘reproduced on ditibsed in emy form or hy any mors, ion th prior writin permission ofthe publsher, or used beyond the Donte tage - C+ Memer fixe Envy +3FF=Znw be component: = myvgyg €0830° ~ myrg yg mpeos30°, (9 kg)eos30" mat vy Skeet Oke “a a) n=0 a B Vy= mp gh : Asn 5 = 26487) Tah myst ¥=0 2 2 Referring to figures shown above and using the law of cosines: Jona thing (05+ v2 ¥en 60830") Recalling Eq, (1) and substituting the given data: 4 (15}0.32476)' i, + (OM0.32476) +1 ~210.32476) 00830", =0.79102v},, +2.04336v3,, =3.2344v2,, THV=T,4¥y 323402, =264873 Vga = 2.8617 mis PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGrww-thil Companies, Ine. All rights reserved, Nb port ofthis Moma! may be displayed ‘eproduesd on diibuted in cv farm or hy any means, thon the prior writin permission ofthe publishr, or aed beyond the Tinted sib to eachors and educators permited by MeGrow Hil for dei india conve preparation Ifyou areca student ws ths Mame, om are ning i wie permis PROBLEM 14.110 (Continued) @ Ying =2.86 mls “30? (6) From Bq. (1) 0.32476(2.8617 mis) = 0.92936 mis 0.929 mis -— 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. £ 2009 The Meraw-Hill Comics, fe. Al rights recived. No part ofthis Marea! may be display repraduced or dsrited tn any form or by cany means. wil the prior witien permission of the publisher, oF wed beyond the lied ‘iain to fencers ad ediars permed by Meta Hal for theirs course proportion. If oa staent si this Manuel ow arensing it without permssion ost PROBLEM 14.111 A mass q of sand is discharged per unit time from a conveyor belt moving with a velocity vp. The sand is deflected by a plate at A so that it falls in a vertical stream, After falling a distance A, the sand is again deflected by a curved plate at B. Neglecting the friction between the ssand and the plates, determine the force required (0 hold in the position shown (a) plate 4, (B) plate B — SOLUTION () When the sand impacts on plate 4, its momentarily brought to rest. Apply the prineiple of impulse and momentum to find the force on the sand. A(t) (Am) a5 oa oO i Ex x component: (aun)yy + A(a0)=0 ar y component OF A(a=0 A, Aa=qun+—4 ‘The sand falls vertically. Use conservation of energy for mass element Am. Let » be the speed at the curved portion of plate B. TAK aM: Oe (Bmeh =F (mv? +0 Fateh Over the curved portion of plate B, there is negligible change of elevation. Hence, by conservation of energy, vis both the entrance speed and exit speed of the curved postion of plate B. (6) Force exerted through plate B. Entrance velocity Pah i 2h (~c0s 30% —sin 30°9) Bxit velocity: Mass flow rate: PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2008 The MeGeaw-4l Companies, Ine. All rights reseed. Nb part ofthis Manual may be displayed ‘reproduced on disibuted in any form or hy any nears, thou xe prior vito persion ofthe publisher, or used beyond the Liited “isvibution to teachers ond edeatre parted by MeCirow-Hil for Hass indtsal course preparation Tryon ave student wing this Marea, ‘you are ing i wien! perms 92 PROBLEM 14.111 (Continued) le of impulse and momentum. Ce a 2 + Seu * fam) ar (Amy + BEA) = (Am)v" n-(2t)u= v)=qyigh(~cos30°t-sin30°}+) ~Vicoss0°= igh B, = (2ghtt—sin30%) =| Pgh B= gh 30" PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, nc All ights reserved. No part of thie Manual may be displayed, repratuced or dseibue vany form oF by any means, thou the prior. wetten permission ofthe publisher, oF nse Bevond the liniied dsrtntion (0 wachers ant educators porated by MeGra-ttl for thet Individual course prepavaton Ifyou area student us this Marva, ‘you are using i widho permission, 93 te PROBLEM 14.112 “chy, The final component of a conveyor system receives Se sand at a rate of 100 kg/s at A and discharges it at B. — ‘The sand is moving horizontally at A and B with a I velocity of magnitude v4 =v, =4.5 m/s. Knowing that the combined weight of the component and of the I» sand it supports is 17 =4 KN, determine the reactions SOLUTION Apply the impulse-momentum principle, (onl ood 95 : + = : Teyae pas? +) Moments about Cs =(.9)(Am)v,-+3D(A1) 1.8 (A2)= (1.65) Arg 18 yy 418M oy, -1.659,) 3 Far ENE) 1 G009(0.914.5) = (0.6594 5)1= 2287.8 N D=2.29KN| (Amy p+ C,(At) = (Amy ‘An Amt \oy, v4) (00y45-43)=0 ( a \ ry ~¥,) = (OYA 45) +{> eomporss 0+C,(A0) + DIAN) (ad) <0 =W ~D=4000~ 2287.5 =1712.5 N c=1712 kn} € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeGraw-16H Companies, In. Al tights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed, reproduced on csnbuted ie any form or by ony means, thu te pri writen permission ofthe pulse, or ase beyond the Tinie’ Ciaribuion to eachers and educators permit by Micra forte dividual couse preparation I youcrecastudet using his Manel, Downe wang it without permasion os PROBLEM 14.113 A garden sprinkler has four rotating arms, each of which consists of two horizontal straight sections of pipe forming an angle of 120° with each other. Bach arm discharges water at a rate of 20 Limin with a velocity of 18 mvs relative to the arm. Knowing that the fiction between the moving and stationary parts of the sprinkler is equivalent to a couple of magnitude M=0.375N-m, determine the constant rate at which the sprinkler rotates. SOLUTION ‘The flow through each arm is 20 L/min, 20. Limin Imin - xt 33.33x10 ms 1000 Lim?” 60s 290 = 0000 kgm 1333.39:10) i #033333 igs Consider the moment about O exerted on the Fu steam of one arm Apply the impulse moment principle. Compute moments about O. First, consider the geometry of triangle OAB. Using first the law of cosines, (AY? =1502 +100" ~ @\150)(100)cos120° OA =217.95 mm=0.21795 m sin _sini20° Lav ofsines. sinh ee 100 217.95 A BH2AI3, a@=60°- 6 =36.587° 100 mn =) Moments about 0 geass (Amy }(0) + Mg (At) = (OA Ame, since (OAK AMON { My =A" (OAw, sina (OA a} ee a saat ee 33333 ((0.21795y(18)sin36.587°-(0.21795'0] ean el = 0.77945 - 0.015834 Moment that the stream exerts on the arm Balance ofthe friction couple and the fours on My ~4My =0 z 0.375 4(0,77945 -0.01583400)= 0 = 43:305 rads @= 44 pm PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All sighs reserved. No part of this Manual snay be displayed ‘ypreced or stated in any form or hy any nce, witht the priar written permission of the publisher used beyond the lonted dsrbution to teachers and educators pert by MeGranelill firth india course prearatias If areca student using ths Mana ‘yor are ing without permission. 955 PROBLEM 14.114 “The ends of chain li in piles at 4 and C. When given an initial speed v, the chain keeps moving fieely at that speed over the pulley at B. Neglecting frietion, determine the required value of SOLUTION Let p be the mass per unit length of chain, Consider the impulse-momentum applied to the link bei to rest at Point C. brought | Calculation of Av. Impulse-momentum prineiple: 3 Am = p(Al) = pv(At) # +h => mm zero ~(Amyv+ CAr=0 (dm ar lat) ~pXan+ CN =0 c=pr Impulse-momentum applied to the moving portion of the chain, Consider only the changes in momentum and forces contributing to moments about O in the diagram. +) Moments about O: ot (Amyv-+{pgh—Car= (Amy Be T 4 C= peh Lomb Equating the two expressions for C, eta ae Epgh=clat PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2009 The MeCuattil Conypanies, Ins. All rights reserved. No pur of thie Monnal may be displayed, reproduced or disnibued In ey far or by any means, wilt the prior vette permission ofthe publisher, ov used beyond the lnited Udatibuton to teachers and educators pormited by McGraw Il for ter individual conse preparation Ifyou are u student using this Mart ow are ning i eho permission 956 PROBLEM 14.115 a A raifroad car of length Land mass my when empty is moving frocly on a horizontal track while being loaded with sand from asstationary chute at rate amid! = q. Knowing that the car was approaching the chute ata speed v, determine (a) the mass of the car and its load after the car has cleared the chute, (b) the speed of the car at that time. SOLUTION ‘Consider the conservation of the horizontal component of momentum of the railroad car of mass m, and the sand mass 4 t 1 ¥ ents my imo (omy egy v= Mate. 1 Tay = (My + gE) my +40 Q) ate mov at my + qt ee ay=0 and ee when be [hoe fh a= em ,)-h rat Pay am into aeeeeee mo mM mo (a) Final mass of railroad car and sand sy + gh, = myer” (0) Using Ea. (1). MaMa gating PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2009 The MeCraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All ights reserved. No part of sis Manual may be deployed reprodvced ar dsrtnted in cy form or by any means, wld the prior widen permision of the publisher. or used Bayan the Iiied

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