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Rutter, Hobbs, & Davidoff Chooses Office Accelerator CRM to Replace

Lexus/Nexus Interaction

Torrance, CA – November 11, 2010 – Baseline Data Systems

( has announced that Los Angeles-based law firm Rutter,
Hobbs & Davidoff ( has purchased its flagship product, Office
Accelerator CRM to manage the firm’s relationships with clients, resources and

According to Baseline Data Systems President Chris Furgis, “They chose the Office
Accelerator CRM service primarily because of its greater ease of use, outstanding
support, free available training and it much lower yearly maintenance cost. Interaction is
a good product technically, but it is so hard to use, Attorneys don’t use it. Without their
lawyers using the product, it was hard to justify the expensive upgrade and maintenance
costs of Interaction. With Office Accelerator, we fully expect the firm to use it as a
business development tool that will help them both maintain and increase their client

The conversion of the Interaction CRM database took less than a week with 100% of the
old data converted over to the new system. Office Accelerator also syncs with Microsoft
Outlook which allows the lawyers to work in both Outlook and Office Accelerator for
access of their data.
Furgis says, the attorneys will extract significant value from Office Accelerator. “Office
Accelerator has a unique Personal Dashboard giving attorneys all the information they
need at their fingertips. It also automates the functions they do most, saving them
valuable time”.

The true potential of Office Accelerator is in the marketing department. With Office
Accelerator, they will be able to easily manage mailing lists and holiday care mailers.
With Office Accelerator’s mail merge feature, and tight integration with email packages
marketing has the tools they need to keep in front of their clients. Also they can easily
see which of their lawyers knows contacts at their client’s companies. This can help
them develop cross marketing strategies and increase their business”.

Rutter, Hobbs & Davidoff evaluated Office Accelerator vs. Interaction and ultimately
chose Office Accelerator for these compelling reasons:

1. Intuitiveness and ease of use – With the Personal Dashboard and available training,
Rutter, Hobbs & Davidoff have a CRM that they will actually use on a day to day basis.

2. Lower Cost – Office Accelerator’s yearly cost of ownership was much lower than
Interaction. Training and the conversion of the Interaction database to Office Accelerator
was included free with the purchase of the Office Accelerator CRM competitive upgrade.

4. Superior Customer Service – Baseline Data Systems was a local Los Angeles
company with 20 years of CRM experience. Rutter, Hobbs, & Davidoff would get
consistently more highly trained personal for support and training than Lexus/Nexus
could provide at no additional cost.
5. Rapid Return on Investment (ROI) – When fully implemented Office Accelerator will
more than pay for itself with increased revenue from new clients and the maintenance of
current clients relationship

6. Office Accelerator Key Features:

a. Ability to synch with to Microsoft Outlook and the Wireless BlackBerry Sync.
b. Fast and Flexible database for management of mailing lists and specific client
c. Data Maintenance Utilities that help reduce the amount of duplicate contact data.
d. Unique search and sort capabilities.
e. Built in marketing tools for corresponding with lists of contacts.
f. OAmobile web interface that allows access to contacts and calendar from any
g. BlackBerry Sync capability.

In closing, Furgis points out that many firms have already installed CRM systems, but he
believes most of them are not using the product the way they intended. Furgis says, “I
know this from my experience working at IBM 20 years ago in their sales and marketing
division. We had the most computer literate employee pool you could imagine. There is
no way, even we could have used a product as complicated as Interaction. This is why
the easy to use Office Accelerator has found success where most other CRMs have

Ralph Brackert, CEO of Baseline Data Systems is very pleased to have won the Rutter,
Hobbs, & Davidoff ‘s business. Brackert says, “Rutter, Hobbs & Davidoff is one of the
most respected law firms in Los Angeles. We are thrilled that they have selected Office
Accelerator and have enjoyed the opportunity working with them during implementation.
Law firms are increasingly discovering that CRM systems like Office Accelerator are an
incredible resource and tool for both their personal business development and firm wide
marketing efforts. We look forward to working with the Rutter, Hobbs & Davidoff going
into the future making sure Office Accelerator continues to meet their needs.

About Rutter, Hobbs & Davidoff

Los Angeles-based Rutter Hobbs & Davidoff is a full-service law firm founded in 1973.
The firm’s seasoned attorneys represent middle market companies, early stage entities,
large corporations and individuals in matters involving business litigation and dispute
resolution; corporate and securities; bankruptcy, reorganization and capital recovery;
estate planning and trust litigation; intellectual property, advertising and promotions;
Internet and new media; labor and employment; and, real estate. The firm's diverse team
of attorneys and experienced, tenured staff collaborates to deliver consistently excellent
service in a timely and cost-effective manner. For more information, please visit

About Baseline Data Systems, Inc.

Baseline Data Systems is located in Torrance, California, just a few miles southwest of
downtown Los Angeles. BDS has developed award winning software products and
services for over 20 years. The flagship product Office Accelerator, a full featured
contact manager, has won numerous industry awards and has sold more than 500,000
copies worldwide. BDS’s most recent release of Office Accelerator includes a Wireless
BlackBerry Sync.

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