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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the student should be able to;
a. define natural resources;
b. identify the natural resources that can be found in Philippines;
c. recognize that soil, water, rocks, air, plants, animals, and fossil fuels are earth materials that people use as a
resources; and,
d. appreciate the importance of the natural resources in humans daily living.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Natural Resources in the Philippines
Materials: Cartolina, Peltipen, Scissor, Laptop, Projector
Reference: Science 7 Learners Module
Method: Case Method, Inductive Method
Strategy: Cooperative Learning

III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Students Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Checking of attendance
c. Setting of Standards
B. Review
Class our topic last meeting is all about the
location of the Philippines with respect to landmasses
and bodies of water in which we have understood that
through determining the areas that surrounds the
specific country we could easily locate its area. Now do
you have any clarifications about the last topic class? None, Sir!

Since you don’t have any clarifications about the last topic
class we will be having now our new lesson.

C. Motivation
Before we are going to start our new lesson. I have here
a video presentation all you have to do is to watch, listen and
understand the video presentation and at the same time take
down notes because after this presentation I am going to give
you an activity and questions. Am I understood class? Yes, Sir!

(Playing the video presentation about the natural resources) (Students watch the video presentation)

Based on the video presented class. What is it all about?

Yes, Ricky? It’s all about natural resources Sir!

Very good Ricky! Let’s give 5 claps for Ricky!

Does all of this natural resources class can be found in Philippines?
Yes, Sir!
Very good class! Now what do you think is our topic for today?
Yes, Jenn? Our topic for today Sir is all about the Natural
resources in the Philippines.
Very good Jenn! Let’s give 5 claps for Jenn.

D. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
In order for all of you to understand more our topic class
, we will be having now an activity based on the video
presented a while ago. All you have to do is to collaborate with your
group and list down all the natural resources, its uses and explain why
it is considered as natural resources. I will divide the class into four
and this will be the group 1, 2, 3, and 4. You are given 5 minutes to
do your task and choose one representative to present your output.
Am I clear class? Yes, Sir!
(The student will do the activity)


EXCELLENT The student shows strong delivery, strong information,

10 pts strong evidence of preparation, organization and
enthusiasm for the topic
VERY GOOD The student uses generally correct delivery, include an
8pts adequate amount of information, some evidence of
preparation, organization and enthusiasm for the topic.

GOOD The student uses generally correct delivery, does not

6pts include much supporting information, and appears that
preparation and organization are irregular.

POOR The student’s delivery is understandable, fails to

4pts provide supporting information, does not appear that
there was much preparation or organization

FAIR The students delivery is difficult to follow , does not

2pts provide supporting information, it appears that the
student did not prepare or plan the organization.

2. Analysis
Time is up!
The first to present will be the group 1. (The group 1 will present their output)
As we collaborate with our group we come up
with these results where we found out that soil
which is use for farming, plants which is the
producer of the food that we eat, animals which
helps us for farming, rocks which is use in build
-ing houses, minerals which is used for
making jewelries, fossil fuel which is used to run
machineries, air which then used to produce
electricity and lastly water which is also used to
produce electricity and all of this are natural
Very good group 1! Let’s give 5 claps for group 1. Resources because this are the primary source
And now the group 2 will present their output. of our needs.

(The group 2 will present their output)

With the discussion our group brought
with this answers where we found out that soil
which is use for farming, plants which is the
producer of the food that we eat, animals which
helps us for farming, rocks which is use in build
-ing houses, minerals which is used for
making jewelries, fossil fuel which is used to run
machineries, air which then used to produce
electricity and lastly water which is also used to
produce electricity and all of this are natural
Very good group 2! Let’s give 5 claps for group 2. Resources because all of this could not be
produced or created by the human being in
which all of this are present naturally in our
And now the group 3 will present their output.
(The group 3 will present their output)
With the cooperation of our group we have
answered the following natural resources, soil
which is use for farming, plants which is the
producer of the food that we eat, animals which
helps us for farming, rocks which is use in build
-ing houses, minerals which is used for
making jewelries, fossil fuel which is used to run
machineries, air which then used to produce
electricity and lastly water which is also used to
produce electricity and we can say that this are
all a natural resources because all of this are
Very good group 3! Let’s give 5 claps for group 3. existing naturally in our ecosystem.
And now the group 4 will present their output.
(The group 4 will present their output)
As we collaborate with our group we have
we decided to answer the following, soil
which is use for farming, plants which is the
producer of the food that we eat, animals which
helps us for farming, rocks which is use in build
-ing houses, minerals which is used for
making jewelries, fossil fuel which is used to run
machineries, air which then used to produce
electricity and lastly water which is also used to
produce electricity and we can say that this are
all a natural resources because all of this are
Very good group 4! Let’s give 5 claps for group 4. made by god and could not be made by

3. Abstraction

Based on the activity, we have found out that the soil,

water, air, fossil fuel, rocks, plants, and animals are a natural
resources that can be found in our country the Philippines.
And the reasons behind of its richness may vary on our location
on the earth where in our country belongs to an area or countries
called tropical countries where in, in this area a moderate climate
are present and is good for production of any resources. The
other reason of the abundance of natural resources specifically
the minerals is that the Philippines is belongs to an area called
pacific ring of fire which is associated with over 450 volcanoes
and a home of 75% of active volcanoes in which through this
or to be specific through the eruption of volcanoes minerals will
be produced such as nickel, copper, silver and etc. So this literally
means that the richness of natural resources lies on its area or
position. Did you get it class? Yes, sir!

Any clarifications class? None so far Sir!

Since you don’t have any clarifications I have here a

question . What do you think is the importance of our natural
resources in our daily living?
Yes, Rico? The importance of natural resources in our daily
living is that it provides all of our needs in
order for us to survive.
Very good Rico!
Let’s give 5 claps for Rico!

4. Application
Since you have already understood our topic for
today we will be having now an activity with the same group
you will be having a role play showing on how do humans
consumes or used our natural resources. You are given 6
minutes to do your task. Am I understood class? Yes, sir!
(The student will do the activity)

EXCELLENT Point of view, speech, and uses proposed were

20pts always realistic and consistently in character.

15pts Point of view, speech, and uses proposed were
usually realistic and in character.

GOOD Point of view, speech, and uses proposed were

10pts often realistic and in character.

POOR Point of view , speech, and uses proposed were

5pts rarely realistic and in character.

Time’s up!
The first to present will be the group 4. (The group 4 will perform their role play)

Very good group 4! Let’s give 5 claps for the group 4!

Now the group 3 will present their role play. (The group 3 will perform their role play)

Very good group 3! Let’s give 5 claps for the group 3!

Now the group 2 will present their role play. (The group 2 will perform their role play)

Very good group 2! Let’s give 5 claps for the group 2!

Now the group 1 will present their role play. (The group 1 will perform their role play)

Very good group 1! Let’s give 5 claps for the group 1!

E. Assessment
Direction: Choose the letter that appropriately match to the words provided.
1. Soil a. naturally existing resources
2. Air b. Philippines
3. Rocks c. 450 volcanoes
4. Plants d. gasoline
5. water e. jewelries
6. Minerals f. hydroelectric power plant
7. Fossil fuel g. producers
8. Pacific ring of fire h. buildings
9. Tropical countries i. wind mill
10. Natural resources j. farming

F. Assignment
1. List/write your ways on how to conserve and protect our natural resources.

2. Define Renewable and Non-renewable resources.

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