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(CHED Center of Excellence for Teacher Education)

(1) Sports and Wellness

This program discusses mainly on the effective pedagogical practices which aim to
cultivate the teaching-learning process in the field of physical fitness and health as it
affects the academic growth and well-being of educators and learners. This research
agendum also focuses on studies examining the role of emotions, motivation, cognition,
and attitude in athletes’ performance and well-being.

(2) Curriculum Development & Evaluation

The focal point of this research agendum is on the assessment of the programs and
learning process in the contemporary education system. This intends to develop ideas and
strategies to strengthen the programs relevant to the education profession which mirror
recent trends in education that would make the curriculum more flexible for students to
pursue various means of learning. This may explore on the factors affecting educator’s
delivery of the curriculum, relevance and responsiveness of the curriculum and
instruction to learners (i.e., localization and indigenization), and the utilization of the
educational system in addressing certain issues.

(3) Pedagogical Innovations: Development, Validation and Efficacy Assessment

This research agendum includes studies related to the development, validation and
assessment on the efficacy/effectiveness of innovative pedagogical practices and
approaches in student learning.

(4) ICT Integration

This research program talks about the systematic education transformation through ICT
that aims to abreast both teachers and learners with the newer avenues and learning
resources available. This agendum explores the approaches of integrating technology in
the students’ curriculum to pave the way for greater student achievement. The topics may
include teachers attitude towards ICT (restraining and motivating factors in using ICT);
competence of teachers in developing and customizing instructional materials using ICT;
the antecedents/consequences of ICT; and development and evaluation of ICT-based
learning programs.

(5) Teachers Well-being

This program emphasizes the crucial role of teachers’ well-being in attaining educational
goals in the academic setting. This deals about several factors affecting the well-being of
educators to safeguard their growth as professionals and human beings.

(6) Learners Motivation, Attitudes, and Perspectives

This program is centered on the interplay of motivation, attitudes, and

perspectives/beliefs to the learners’ academic performance and well-being. This covers
learner’s dispositional traits, motivators, goal orientation, amotivation, engagement,
ability to flourish, supportive network, academic capital, and well-being.
(7) Positive Education

The research agendum involves investigation on the antecedents and consequences of

students’ well-being. In line with the most recent theories and models, this agendum
covers studies that focuses on students’ life satisfaction, resilience, thriving, happiness
and other related constructs that pertain to positive education.

(8) Social and Cultural Dimensions of Education

The growing multicultural nature of education and training environments requires

instructors and instructional designers to develop skills to convey culturally sensitive and
culturally adaptive instruction (Parirish & Linder-VanBerschot, 2010). This research
program investigates the social and cultural dimensions and its factors that are highly
likely to impact instructional situations.

(9) Development, Processing, and Innovation of Products, Materials and Models

This research program includes studies examining the development and innovations
related to utility model designs, processing of products (i.e., food processing), and other
patentable outputs.

(10) Employability and Performance of Graduates

This research agendum focuses on the examination of factors that promotes

employability of CED graduates. The agendum also covers studies that monitors the
performance of CED graduates.

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