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NAME: ______________________________________ CLASS: _______ DATE:


Section A
[10 marks]
[Time suggested: 15 minutes]

Answer all questions in this paper.

The text below is about pets and the responsibilities that come with owning one.

Question 1

Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining line, there
is one grammatical error in each line.

Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has
been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.
There are no spelling and punctuation errors in this text.

The weather was perfect for our nature walk up Bukit Cerakah. Before
we left for Bukit Cerakah our Science teacher, Mrs. Chua brief us on e.g. would
what we should do when we reached our destination. She also broke (a)
us up in small groups of seven. We were really excited. I were ___________
appointed the leader to my group. Each group was given a specific (b)
route. We had to observe a species of plants, insects and birds that ___________
we saw along the way. As we were walking, Salina spots a bird’s nest (c)
in a tree. She shouted excited. We stopped to look. Ahmad decided ___________
to climb up the tree to see if there were any chicks in the nest. I told (d)
him not to do so and in vain. He did not realised that the mother ___________
bird was nearby. Just then she came towards him and started attack (e)
him. Ahmad tried to hit her away but he lost control and fell. He was ___________
not badly hurt as he has fallen onto a patch of grass. As the leader of (f)
the group, I reprimanded him. ___________

(j) ___________

Section B
[30 marks]
[Time suggested: 40 minutes]

Question 2

Read the following text. Then, answer questions (a) – (j).

Question 3

Read the schedule below. Then, answer questions (a) – (i).


10TH Anniversary Celebration
5 – 10 December 2014

Question 3

Read the recipe below. Then, answer questions (a) – (j).

Questions (a) – (d): Based on the schedule, state whether the following
statements are TRUE or FALSE.

(a) The garlic should be sliced in the recipe. _____________ (1


(b) The olive oil is essential in this recipe. _____________

(1 mark)

(c) Bay leaves are used for flavouring the cooking. _____________ (1

(d) This recipe serves four. _____________

(1 mark)

Questions (e) – (i): Read the schedule carefully and answer the questions below.

(e) What should you do if you do not want the mixture burnt in the cooking process?

_________________________________________________________________________ (1

(f) How long does it take to make the Irresistible Spaghetti Bolognese?

_________________________________________________________________________ (1

(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the brochure.

Meaning Phrase
i. Mix it smoothly and thoroughly together


ii. Serve food onto plates for a meal


(h) Why do you think the word ‘irresistible’ is used to describe the dish?

_________________________________________________________________________ (1

(i) Why is olive oil used in this recipe?

_________________________________________________________________________ (1


(j) Your sister wants to cook spaghetti for her friends and she asks for your help. In
about 50 words, write an email to her. In your email:
 Tell her how to go about making the dish
 Tell her your opinion about the dish
 add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

(10 marks)

[15 marks]
[Time suggested: 15 minutes]
Question 4

Read a story about Timmy Willie’s adventures.

Timmy Willie was born in a garden. He was a little country mouse who went to
town by mistake in a basket. The gardener sent vegetables to town once a week. He
would pack the vegetables in a big basket which would be sent by his delivery boy.

The gardener left the basket by the garden gate, so that the delivery boy
could pick it up when he passed by. Timmy Willie crept in through a hole in the basket.
After eating some peas, Timmy Willie fell fast asleep.

He awoke in fright while the basket was being lifted into the delivery boy’s
cart. Then, there was a jolting and a clattering of horse’s feet; other packages were
thrown in, for miles and miles –jolt – jolt – jolt! And Timmy Willie trembled amongst
the jumbled up vegetables.

At last, the cart stopped at a house where the basket was taken out, carried in
and set down. The cook gave the delivery boy some money; the back door banged and
the cart rumbled away. But there was no quietness; there seemed to be hundreds of
carts passing. Dogs barking, boys whistled in the streets, the cook laughed, the
housemaid ran up and down stairs and a canary sang like a steamed engine.

Timmy Willie, who had lived all his life in a garden, was almost frightened to
death. Presently, the cook opened the basket and began to unpack the vegetables.
Out sprang the terrified Timmy Willie.

(Adapted from The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse by Beatrix Potter)

Read the story carefully and answer questions (a) – (i).

(a)Where was Timmy Willie born?

_________________________________________________________________________ (1

(b)Why did the gardener leave the basket outside the gate?
_________________________________________________________________________ (1
(c) How did the delivery boy send the basket of vegetables to town?
_________________________________________________________________________ (1

(d) List two noises Timmy Willie heard in his new place.
i. ______________________________________________________________________ (1
ii. ______________________________________________________________________ (1

(e)Fill in the table with appropriate word/phrase from the story.

Meaning Word/Phrase
i. by accident

ii. shivered

iii. moved slowly and quietly

iv. finally

(4 marks)
(f) Where was Timmy Willie ended up?
_________________________________________________________________________ (1

(g) Did Timmy Willie get used to his new environment? Give a reason to support
your answer.
Response: ______________________________________________________________ (1
Reason : ______________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________ (1

(h) “Out sprang the terrified Timmy Willie.”

Based on this statement, what would Timmy Willie do?


(1 mark)

(i) The new place or environment poses some challenges to Timmy Willie. State

i. ___________________________________________________________________________

(1 mark)

ii. ___________________________________________________________________________

(1 mark)
Question 5

[40 marks]
[Time suggested: 45 minutes]
Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

The picture below shows an incident near some traffic lights.

Based on the picture given, write about the incident.

When writing about the incident, you should:

 describe what happened
 express what you felt
 suggest ways to prevent such an incident from happening
 write between 120 to 150 words
(40 marks)

Question 7

The following are the novels studied in the Literature Component in English
1 One is One and All Alone - Nicholas Fisk

2 Rumpelstiltskin - retold by Angela Lanyon

Based on one of the short stories or drama above, write about happiness.

Provide evidence from the text to support your response.


 in not less than 50 words

 in continuous writing (not in note form)















(10 marks)


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