All Adv Itt Consolidated Questions

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None of the
1 Which of these is an ERP Systems? SAP Oracle All the above above C

______states that the objective of the auditor

is to identify and assess the risks of material None of the
2 misstatement whether due to fraud or error SA330 SA315 SA300 above B

including the excluding the excluding the

entity's internal including the entity's internal entity's external

As per SA315,understanding the entity and its control entity's external control control
3 control environment means _____ frameworks control frameworks frameworks frameworks A
As per SA315,the auditor has to understand
the information systems environment relevan

4 to _____ Financial reporting Communication Either A or B Both A & B D

In Governance Framework,The _______ is the None of the
5 owner of the application Business team IT team Either A or B above B

In Governance Framework,The _______ is the
owner of the data residing within the None of the

6 application Business team IT team Either A or B above A

The communication lines are strictly drawn

between the Chief Information Officer and
Chief Financial Officer so as to maintain the

7 ____ of the data within the application confidentiality integrity availability All the above B
The risk in an automated environment are
8 _____ less many moderate All the above B

due to the number

The risk in an automated environment may and location of interfaces between security within the
9 be ______ applications the applications applications All the above D
In addtion to SA315,the auditor's in response
to Clause (i) of Sub-Section 3 of Section _____ 142,internal 143,internal 142,external 143,external
of the Companies Act,2013,have to report controls system in financial controls controls system in financial controls
10 whether the entity has adequate ______ place system in place place system in place B

______ deals with the auditor's respnsibility

to design and implement responses in the
form of audit procedures in response to work None of the
11 done as part of SA 315. SA 330 SA 300 SA 610 above A

The audit procedures are required for the
12 _______ listed companies unlisted companies Either A or B Both A & B D
A/An ______system inherently means that all
the modules within the system are seamlessly

connected with each other and the integrated

transactions flow through the relevant Enterprise resource Enterprise resource Entity resource None of the
13 modules planning planning planning above B

In ERP,____Primary set of Books are there

14 and _____ transactions reside here. one,few many,all one,all many,few C
p Systems
Which of these is not the possible reason of volume of distributed within
why substantive procedures may not be outsourced transactions are the same

15 feasible in ERP? nature of business processes high geographies D

International International
Indian Standard for Standard for Indian Standard Standard for
Assurance Assurance for Audit Audit
16 ISAE means ______ Engagements Engagements Engagements Engagements B
Compliance Payment Payment Card
Industry-Data Compliance Industry- Payment Card Industry-Data
Sensitivity Data Security Industry-Data Sensitivity
17 PCI-DSS means _____ Standard Standard Security Standard Standard C
areas where CAATS
may be used as part
Which of the following are not the key Involvement of key of the audit None of the
18 aspects of SA 300? team members procedures All the above above D
A test of controls is an _____ to test the
effectiveness of a control used by a client
entity to prevent or detect material None of the
19 missatements audit strategy audit procuedure audit evidence above B

Say whether TRUE or FALSE?
When auditors have access to
systems,Auditors should always request
20 access to the production or live environment TRUE FALSE A

The type of access that auditors request

21 should be ______ Display-only read-only Either A or B Both A & B D
Auditor should request for _____access for administrative

22 the duration of the audit priviliged access access temporary access super user C
General IT controls are known as ____ None of the

23 controls pervasive indirect Both A & B above C
p Application
Data center and acquisition,develo
Which of the following is not a category of Network pment and

24 GITC? Program change Access control operations maintenance B

______ controls are embedded into IT IT-Dependent None of the
25 applications Manual controls Automated controls controls above B
______ controls are activities in a business
process that are performed by individuals or
employees without the need to rely on a IT IT-Dependent None of the
26 system Manual controls Automated controls controls above A
______ controls are basically manual controls
that make use of some form of data or
information or report produced from IT IT-Dependent None of the
27 system and application. Manual controls Automated controls controls above C
changes to
Unauthorized systems or Direct data
28 Which of the following is not a risk in IT? access of data Temporary access programs changes B
Which of the following is not essential for the Information
effective implementation and operation of produced by IT-Dependent None of the

29 General IT controls? Entity(IPE) Manual controls controls above B

Which of the following are to be considered History of errors

30 for determining the sample size Types of control Timing of test and expectations Risk management D

How does IT
Have formal IT communicate and

How is the policies and collaborate with Are the
Find the odd one out in the IT Governance department procedures been other business employees

31 Review Checklist? organised defined functions trained D

that modified systmes continue to meet

The objective of program changes is to ensure
None of the
32 _____________ objectives Internal reporting Financial reporting Both A & B above B
_____ are changes required in the existing

functionality of the ERP due to a business

33 need. Minor change major change normal change data changes C
______ are changes provided by the vendor
of ERP to address known bugs,security or
provide improvements to functionality to patches and
34 existing ERP. Minor change major change Bug fixes updates D
_____ are high risk because they bypass the
application controls and impact the integrity emergency patches and
35 of financial data changes direct data changes major changes updates B
Which is the last step in change management
36 process? change request implementation testing documentation D
_______ are provided to the IT department
where the systems analysts perform analysis Approved change None of the
37 and design All change requests requests Major changes above B
system database netwrok
38 A priviliged user may be a _______ administrator administrator administrator All the above D
In a security log of ERP,if the system default
value is OFF it indicates the table log are None of the
39 _____ enabled disabled not defined above B

Environment controls form part of the None of the
40 ______ of access security Physical layer Network layer Application layer above A

Data transfer Data transfer

When a company has two or more IT systems between systems between systems

41 as an interface ,what is the risk involved? may be incomplete may be inaccurate Either A or B Both A & B D
completeness of the validity of the

42 The objecive of AAC's are to ensure______ accuracy of data data transactions All the above D
_______ controls come along with the

implemented ERP and also called as Input
43 control
________ may not prevent or detect
p Inherent
configurable security embedded
44 misstatements deficiency design deficiency control deficiency deficiency B

As per ________,communicating deficiencies

in internal contol to those charged with
governance and management makes it
necessary for the auditor to communicate
45 control deficiencies to the management. SA 315 SA 330 SA 265 SA 300 C

______ controls are implemented by the

46 company at the time of installing the ERP Inherent configurable security embedded B
_____ controls are also known as processing
47 controls Inherent configurable embedded Both B & C D
Which of the following are some basic depreciation discount None of the
48 controls in inherent controls? Debit=Credit calculation calculation above A
If the GITC's are found to be ineffective,then
the auditor will have to test the auomated
controls _______ Balance sheet date to
support the opinion on internal financial None of the
49 controls on closer to the Either A or B above A
Do the auditor will have to mention if the
deficiencies were present in the prior periods
50 of audit? yes no A

to look into the
One commonly preferred method for testing to look into the process flow a walkthrough of None of the
51 design effectiveness is process narratives diagrams the control above C
Auditor to

Entity Personnel to perform

perform a relevant Auditor to test a substantive
52 IPE is used by control relevant control procedures All the above D

53 The IPE can be in ___ forms 2 3 4 1A
How many types of reports can be extracted

54 from ERP systems 1 2 3 4C
These are reports that are available at the
time of implementation of the ERP systems
p None of the
55 by the entity Standard Reports Customised Reports Database Queries above A

These reports are created by the entities with

respect to their businesses, revenue streams, None of the
56 divisions etc. Standard Reports Customised Reports Database Queries above B

________ are used to retrieve information or

data from a database in a readable format None of the
57 using a SELECT statement Standard Reports Customised Reports Database Queries above C
None of the
58 These reports are inbuilt into the systems Standard Reports Customised Reports Database Queries above A
ERP comes with a set of reports that can be
used as is, if the company has implemented
59 the ERP without too many modifications TRUE FALSE A
Cash flow statement is one of the examples None of the
60 of _________________ reports Standard Customised Database Queries above A

In ___________ reports, the company has

followed their own pattern or code for Chart None of the
61 of Accounts (CoA), Vendors, Customers etc. Standard Reports Customised Reports Database Queries above B

______________ can be used to extract
payroll information such as leaves available None of the
62 per employee Standard Reports Customised Reports Database Queries above C

Which of the following is not an element for Report

63 determining the testing strategy for reports Source Data Report Logic Parameters Functions D
Completeness of

64 Validation of Reports includes Accuracy of Logic Data Accuracy of Data All the above D

The Auditor has to check the ____________
of the data before planning to understand the
types of reports and the procedure to
65 validate them consistency integrity independency redundancy B

The auditor may limit the test procedures to Controls in Business

validate / test the reports when Controls in GITC Processes are
66 ________________ are effectuve effective Both A and B Either A or B C
Which of the folowing indicative commands
will be used by the company in SAP to
67 generate reports? se16 se16n sa38 All the above D
In case of a standard report, the
creator/modifier of the report would be the
68 _____________ vendor company finance controller IT personnel A
The evidence of the creator/modifier of the
report can be found in _________________ change
69 logs alert management file backup B

During 1st year of audit of the entity, after

ensuring the creator/modifier value of the
report, the auditor needs to then understand
and test the _____________ and controls, completeness,
70 ______________ of the report compliance controls, efficiency accuracy accuracy, impact C

During subsequent years of the audit, when
GITCs and relevant Business process controls
are tested & effective, and there is no change
in the creator/modifier value of the standard

reports, what need to be done by the no further testing reliance can be None of the

71 auditor? need to be done placed on the report Both A and B above C

relied upon by the
used by auditors during

management to for compliance the course of the
72 Why to test the reports by the auditors? p make decisions purposes audit All the above C
adopt appropriate
In quarterly review of aging analysis, when controls based and

report logic is working correctly, what is the substantive audit adopt substantive None of the
73 next step to be done? procedures audit procedures Either A or B above A
These reports are created by the business/IT
persons in the company for their use and Customised
74 reporting requirements Reports Database Queries Standard Reports Other tools A

The procedure to test the completeness and

accuracy of the reports have to be performed
75 every year in ________________ Standard Reports customized reports Both A and B Either A or B B
While testing for users who have access to
create/modify the custom report, the auditor
will have to verify whether the users are technical
76 __________ end users authorised users programmers consultant B

If any change to the custom report has appropriate code appropriate date of appropriate appropriate
happened in the year of audit, then change should be change should be approvals shouldreport output
77 _____________ verified verified be verified should be verified C
These reports are extracted on ad hoc basis None of the
78 or on as and when basis Standard Reports Customised Reports Database Queries above C

These reports have a high probability of the None of the
79 data being manipulated after creation Database Queries Custom Reports Standard Reports above A

The auditor cannot rely on just one sample to controls in all there are no controls are

test the completeness and accuracy domains of GITC's relevant ineffective in all
80 assertions of the report when are effective deficiencies domains of GITC's C

The criteria to be used to decide timing of Inclusion of Period New ERP

81 report testing and Entries Company Policy implementation All the above D
When GITC's are effective, the auditor needs
to follow which sampling procedure to test a
p Appropriate
One Sample in each substantive None of the
82 report One Sample Scenario procedures above B
When there are deficiencies in the

reports/IPE that have been tested, the errors

83 at a minimum may be of _______ 1 type 2 types 3 types 4 types B
____________ is when a user has the ability
to perform critical business activities in an
84 ERP Role Responsibility Authorized Access Sensitive Access D
The users who have the business activities
that carry a higher risk and could have wider
impact onoperations are said to have
85 _____________ Sensitive Access Authorized Access Responsibility Role A
__________ refers to the separation or
distribution of job roles among employees in
such a way that incompatible or conflicting Segregation of
86 job roles are assigned to different persons Sensitive Access Duties Roles Profiles B

___________ are typically regular employees

who carry out day-to-day business operations
87 and transactions using the ERP Normal Users End Users Business Users All the above D
________ users are internally used within the

ERP to perform automated operations and
88 transactions Normal Users System Users End Users Business Users B
These are a type of super users who have
very extensive or unlimited access to carry

out all or several activities in an ERP

89 environment Normal Users System Users Previleged Users Business Users C
These are the users that come packaged

90 along with the ERP software Normal Users System Users Previleged Users Default Users D
_________ represent a title, position,

designation or function, place or region

within a company and do not represent an
individual or person
p System Users Previleged Users Generic Users Default Users C
These are users who are given user id for a
92 limited time period System Users Temporary Users Generic Users Default Users B

These are users who do not belong to the

93 company System Users Temporary Users Generic Users External Users D
Users access to ERP is based on _______ of
94 respective users Job Roles Responsibilities Either A or B Both A and B D
The relationship between ERP Roles and
95 Users is __________________ One to Many Many to One Many to Many One to One C
___________ are access control features in
an ERP that enable grouping of several None of the
96 related access rights in to a form Roles Profile Both A and B above C
Roles offer an easy to understand, fast and
reliable way to manage user access to an ERP. None of the
97 This feature is known as ____________ RBAC RBFC RBOC above A
None of the
98 A ________ represents a high-level grouping User Role Profile above B

A _________ is the more granular internal

technical grouping of authorisations,
permissions and access rights winin the ERP

99 based on the input derived from the Role User Profile Either A or B Both A and B B
Segregation of duties can be implemented as None of the
100 _____________ control Preventive Detective Either A or B above C

Tool used in implementing and review of

101 segregation of duties and sensitive access SAP GRC Oracle GRC BIZRights All the above D
Auditing standards require auditors to obtain None of the

102 the evidence for _________ point-in-time full period of audit Either A or B above B
User access controls are like ________ in an IT dependent application None of the

103 ERP environment GITCs controls controls above C
p should evaluate
When an auditor found deficiencies in User should report the impact of
Access Controls, the auditor deficiency to ignore the record the these deficiencies

104 __________________ management deficiency deficiency on the audit D

The auditor should first gain and understand

the ___________ before auditing segregation Business
105 of duties and sensitive access in an ERP Environment IT Environment Both A and B Either A or B C
______ make it easy to manage user access
106 to an ERP Role Profile SA SOD A
Reliability of user access controls in an ERP
depend on effectiveness of IT dependent application None of the
107 __________________ GITCs controls controls above A
Business rules for implementing segregation
108 of duties should be defined by the ________ Auditor Company IT Consultant Government B
Which of the following is an example of
109 Generic Users? Auditors Consultants Sales User Business Partners C
Which of the following is an example of
110 External Users? Auditors Support Users Sales User Business Partners D
Which of the following is an example of
111 Temporary Users? Auditors Vendors Sales User Customers
SAP the purchase and inventory processes are

provided in the module known Procurement Inventory Materials Accounts C
112 as____________. Management Management Management Management

____________Where the IT infrastructure
including operating system,database,Network B

or hardware are changed but not change in Non-Technical Non-Data
113 version or functioning of ERP. Migration Technical Migration Data Migration Migration

The Key Phases in any ERP migration project

will consist of planning,system Data A
114 design,________,Testing and Go Live. Data Conversion Data Migration Data Convergence Configuration
115 Which of the following is example of an ERP SAP Oracle R12
Developed All of the above
Which of the following activity is part of the Allocation of
116 system design phase of a migration Budget Configuration Mock Conversion All of the above

Allocation of
117 __________ happens in Planning Phase. Budget Configuration Mock Conversion All of the above
Allocation of
118 ________is part of Data conversion phase. Budget Configuration Mock Conversion All of the above
How many Phases are there in data migration
119 strategy 4 5 6 7
__________ In this phase of migration the
objectives of migration and the migration C
120 strategy are defined. System Design Data Conversion Planning Testing
At which phase of the migration would C
121 rollback procedures be triggered,if necessary Planning Data Conversion Go-Live Migration Testing
Rollback procedure are defined in the
122 ____________ phase. Data Conversion Planning Go-Live Migration Testing
User access and
Which of the following require specific segregation of D
123 considerations during a migration. duties Open items Master data All of the above
During pre-

/Post- C
Where would auditors review migration implementation When reviewing None of the
124 process and controls. reivews general IT Controls Both A& B above
___________ should be prepared and Technical

125 maintained for all phases of migration Documentation Allocation of Budget Configuration Migration

In Oracle the purchase and inventory
processes are provided in the __________ Procurement & Material & Migration and None of the A

126 module Inventory Inventory Inventory above

_________ can be used for implementation of A
127 a completely new accounting system. p
QuickBooks Microsoft Dynamics Open Bravo
All of the above
Reports and system generated data IPE Information Information projected by D
128 i.e._________________ could change. processed by entity planned by entity entity

___________phase of migration process

prepares including the process flows,data
129 flows and business process re-engineering. Data Conversion System Design Planning Go-Live
__________ phase of migration involves
identification of source data,mapping between A
130 source and target system Data Conversion System Design Planning Go-Live

Intermediary data stores called ____ areas are C

131 used to hold convert and transfer data. Integrity Data Conversion Staging Mock Conversion
In __________ phase integrity checks are
done to ensure completeness and accuracy of A
132 data. Data Conversion Sysmen Design Planning Go-Live

_____________ are carried out iteratively to D

133 rectify errors and data inconsistencies. Planning Data Conversion Sysmen Design Mock Conversion
In ______ phase scenarios and scripts are
134 prepared for the new system. System Design Testing Data Conversion Go-Live

A_______________ project provides an


opportunity to review and carry forward only
135 the relevant data and discard obsolete data. Technical Functional Migration Accounts

The auditor may consider using the work
performed by internal auditors in accordance

136 with guidance given in __________ SA 630 SA 330 SA 310 SA 610

137 How many types of journal entries are there ? 3 2 5 4

_________transactions pertaining to sales,

purchases, inventory, rent, audit fees, AMC
p in A
expenses, salaries etc. are subject to internal Non Standard
138 controls as defined by the company. Standard Entries Entries Top up Entries Top Down Entries

_________these entities record

nonrecurring,unusual transactions or Non Standard B
139 adjustment entries in the ERP’s. Standard Entries Entries Top up Entries Top Down Entries
__________These entries may not be subject
to the same level of rigour of the internal
controls or may not have passed through any Non Standard
140 controls at all. Standard Entries Entries Top up Entries Top Down Entries
_____________are residing outside the books
– for example in excel sheets etc. and may Non Standard C
141 impact the financial statements. Standard Entries Entries Top up Entries Top Down Entries
If the journal entries are passed using a
specific journal type then a list of such entries
can be extracted from the system. For D
example, journal types could be MJV Material Journal Missing Journal Match Journal Manual Journal
142 i.e._____________ Vouchers Vouchers Vouchers Vouchers

ERP/application should have ________ many

fields and the company must be entering data
143 in these fields for them to be extracted. 17 18 19 20

_________ the entries passed during the year
to the balances in the Trial Balance. The B
auditor may use ACL/IDEA Caseware/MS
144 Access/Excel to perform __________ testing Roll Down Roll forward Roll Back Roll up

Using tools such as ______, IDEA Caseware,

MS Access, Excel etc., the auditor can test the A
145 data for completeness ACL ADL ABL AGL


__________ can also help in finding out if
146 there are duplicate journal numbers used. ACL Ms Access CAAT All of the above
______Accounts that are used very
147 infrequently.
p Unusual Intercompany Seldom Non General
Non Stimulated Non Standard Non Sensitive Non Segregated B

148 What is the expansion of NSJE__________ Journal Entries Journal Entries Journal Entries Journal Entries

The unusual, non-recurring transactions may None of the B

149 generally be directly entered in_________ Sub ledgers General Ledger Excel sheets above
Estimates, impairments are generally a type Non Standard None of the
150 of__________ Standard Journals Top up journals journals above
While understanding the IT/ERP systems used
to record entries, the points to note Automated or SA/SOD among IT Timing of passing D
151 are___________ Manual entries and Business teams the entries All of the above
Personal gain such Debts
Some of the fraud risk factors to note which as Bonus, incentives requirements for D
152 may lead to unusual transactions are_____ Sales Targets etc. banks etc. All of the above

A key factor to be kept in mind while making Ask close ended No discussions Ask open ended None of the C
153 enquiries of personnel are_______ questions required questions above

Risk of lack of
Which is the main risk due to Non Standard Risk of Material Risk of management Risk of lack of segregation of
154 Journal entries: misstatement override of controls sensitive access duties.

__________are entries that may be passed as a
result of fraud. Hence, this is the main risk.
Another risk can also be risk of management
155 override of controls. NSJE NSVE NSUE NSWE

It is possible that a Non-standard journal entry

may not have relevant ____________ None of the B
156 supporting. Non-Printed Printed All of the above above

In industries/sectors, where volume of data is

huge, ________________ testing may not be
an appropriate way of testing completeness of
157 data. p Roll Down Roll forward Roll Back Roll up
______________ to be achieved may be a key
fraud risk factor from an investor/ stock holder
perspective leading to Non-standard journal Operational

158 entries. Purchase Targets Marketing Targets Sales Targets Target

_____________ to be achieved may be a key
fraud risk factor from a bank/financial Non-Debt Monetary Non-Monetary Debt D
159 institution perspective. Requirements Requirements Requirements Requirements
To bring in efficiencies in the process of
extraction and analysis of JE data, the auditor B
160 may use ____________ Developer Scripts Software Scripts
Testing Scripts Hardware Scripts
Automated Automated
Automated Automated control corrected computer A
161 What is the expansion of ACL__________ command language language language language
To perform un-matched Query, minimum
162 required tables/fields are one two three four

Which of the follwing wild card character is to D

163 be represent more than 1 characters + - & *
Which of the following symbol is used to
164 write a sub query [] () {} #
The Sub query must always be written as a
165 SQL Statement FALSE TRUE
The where clause can be used in both

166 aggregate and non-aggregate query TRUE FALSE
167 Having clause is used in the aggregate query FALSE TRUE
If the sub query is returning more than 1 row, Any one of the None of the

168 which operator should be sued IN ANY above above

Which of the following is an aggregate
169 function Sum() AVG() Count() All of the Above

How many different joins available In Access
170 Databse 1 3 2 4

In MS-Access, forms help to display, add,
171 modify and delete data
In Access form, un-bound coltrols are linked
172 with any field of Table/Query TRUE FALSE B

173 In MS-Access, data can be edited in Reports FALSE TRUE A

In MS-Access, Report Header is used to print
174 information in Page Header Report Header All of the Above Non of the above B
In MS-Access, Page Header is used to print
175 information in Page Header Report Header All of the Above Non of the above A
A _______________ is a query nested inside
176 another query select query parameter query sub-query group by query C
___________________ will return the
records from the first table which do not have Find matched Find unmatched Find duplicate
177 matching values in second table query query Find unique query query B
Sub queries can be used within
178 ______________________ select query action query other sub queries All of the above D
Sub queries in select statement can be the
part of Where clause or Having clause in
179 Group By query TRUE FALSE A

The queries that can be used for obtaining the

aggregated results instead of individual Find unmatched Find duplicate Parameter
180 records are known as _______________ queries queries Group By queries queries C
A _______________ can be considered as a

181 modified form of Crosstab queries Datasheet form Pivot Table Pivot Chart Multiple items B
Pivot Chart helps visualize a
182 ____________________ Pivot Table Query Form All of the above D
183 Joins created in a _______ are temporary Table Query Either A or B Both A and B B

The __________________ query returns all of
the rows from left table, and also those rows

from the right table that share a common
184 value on both sides of the join Left Outer Join Right Outer Join Inner Join Cross Join A

Access query result is not restricted to the
table fields but can display many other
computed columns known as
185 _________________ Bounded Fields Unbounded Fields Calculated Fields Expression Fields C
Unbound controls are also known as None of the

186 ____________________ Variables Memory Variables Either A or B above C

Computed results may be bounded to some

187 field in the table or may be unbounded TRUE FALSE A

A _______________ is a compact method of

presenting a list of choices and allows user to
188 enter a value that is not in the list Option Button Check Box Tab Control Combo box D
________ controls are usually graphical
objects that do not operate as standalone
solutions, and they run only in the Windows
189 environment Add-in Plug-in Com Add-in Active X D
___________ controls are useful for
presenting grouped information that can be
190 assembled by category List Box Tab Calendar Combo Box B
___________ can be created in forms to
191 display a summary of data Pivot Table Form with Sub form Linked form Split form A
______________ represents the data in a

192 graphical form Pivot Table Pivot Chart Multiple Items Modal Dialog B
The calculated values in reports are added
using a _____________ and specifying an
193 expression Label box Text Box List Box Combo box B

The calculated values in queries are displayed
194 as _______ in reports which use them Data Variables Fields Values C

______________ is a report that is inserted

195 into another report called the Main report Unbound Report Bound Report Child Report Sub-Report D
An ___________ is not based on a table or p
query, but can serve as a container for one or Unbound main None of the
196 more sub-reports Bound main report report Main report above B
_________ are a way of communicating

197 database information Tables Queries Forms Reports D

The best way to display the summary report

198 is to create _____ to represent the data Pivot Table Queries Charts Sub-Report C
The multiple columns for the report can be
199 set using the ___________ property Report Page Setup Report Wizard Report Report Print A
The report event _______________ can be
used to cancel the printing of report when no
200 data is returned On Print Cancel Print Cancel Event On No Data D
Expressions can be used with
201 ____________________ Tables & Queries Forms & Reports Macros All the above D
An ___________ is a value on which a
202 calculation is performed Operator Operand Expression Paranthesis B
203 Operands can be _____________ literals identifiers functions All of the above D

204 Literals are also referred as ______________ Identifiers Operators Constants Operands C
205 Identifiers are ________________ Variables Operators Constants Operands A
0 or any number of
206 [XYZ] denotes __________ in LIKE Operator characters a single character a set of characters a single digit C

The BETWEEN operator cannot be used with
207 ______________ datatype Numeric Text Date Either A or B or C B
Logical Operators are also known as Comparison Arithmetic Miscellaneous Boolean
208 ___________________ Operators Operators Operators Operators D

______________ are used to override the Operator None of the

209 default order of precedence Precedence Orders Parentheses above C

210 A text box in which expressions are written Code Builder Macro Builder Expression Box Elements C
Among +, <>, MOD, AND operator which

211 operator has the highest priority + MOD AND <> B
A _________ allows you to automate tasks p
and add functionality to your forms, reports,
212 and controls Function Expression Macro Module C

In Access, ___________ can be considered as

213 a simplified version of VBA programming Expressions Macros Modules Switchboard B
MS Access 2010 provides a _________ that
contained large list of actions to be chosen,
enabling a wide range of commands that can Action Catalog
214 be performed Task Pane Navigation Pane Pane Action Pane C
Macros can automate responses to many
types of __________ without using a
215 programming language events queries controls Either A or B or C A
The Where condition is applicable as an
argument for the macro actions __________ OpenTable, OpenTable, OpenQuery, OpenForm,
216 and ___________ OpenQuery OpenForm OpenReport OpenReport D
____________ provide a good flexibility to
217 place complex validation Query Advanced Filter Macros Switchboard C
A ______________ is a Microsoft Office
Access 2010 form that facilitates navigation in
Access and access to different parts of an None of the
218 application Navigation Pane Switchboard Tabbed Windows above B
_______________ forms are an invaluable

way to keep users focused on using the
219 database as intended Switchboard Split Columnar Pivot Table A
Switchboard Manager only allows a maximum
of ____________ command buttons on a

220 switchboard 6 7 8 9C

Open Form in Edit Mode allows any record to
221 be _______________ added edited Either A or B Both A and B D

Displaying the ______________ at startup
helps to implement a level of security by

hiding the key elements of the interface from None of the
222 the user p Switchboard Login Form Password above A
When same table is being used for the main
query and sub-query, it is mandatory to None of the

223 provide __________ to the tables prefix aliases suffix above B

The _______ option creates a query that
reports which records in a table are
duplicated by matching one or more fields in Unmatched
224 the table Queries Duplicate Queries Crosstab Queries Group by queries B
To calculate the count of orders placed for
each product and arrange them in descending
order of the counts, which query should be
225 created? Sub Query Crosstab Query Total Query Pivot Table Query C
A criterion in Total queries can be created Non-Aggregate
226 against ___________ fields Group By Aggregate Total Total All the above D

For the Non-Aggregate Total field, the criteria

227 can only be specified using the ______ clause where group by having order by A
For Group By and Aggregate Total, criteria can
be mentioned using Criteria tab of Query
228 Design window TRUE FALSE A
This is a special type of query that can be
created to describe one numerical quantity in Unmatched

229 terms of two other fields Sub Query Totals Query Crosstab Query Query C
This option allows the inclusion of the grand Yes, include
total of values in the row as a column in the Yes, include Yes, include row Yes, include Grand column grand
230 query result column sums sums Total total B

A _______________ is a view in Access

Queries that allows summarising and
231 examining data in a datasheet form Crosstab Query Totals Query Pivot Chart Pivot Table D

Expansion Markup Expansion Makeup EXtensible Markup Makeup

232 XML stands for_________ Language Language Language Language C
233 XML is a ___________ Recommendation
XML is a language that’s very similar to
p W3C W1C W2C W4C A
234 ____________ C HTML C++ JAVA B
235 XML Tag names are not case sensitive. TRUE FALSE C

Document Type Data Type

236 DTD stands for ___________ Direct to Direct Definition Definition Data to Data B
237 XML Tools would be available in Add-Ins Developer Data Review A
238 XML data file extension is (.xsd) (.xml) (.mlx) (.xlm) B
239 XML group available in____________Tab. Review Add-Ins Developer Data C
240 XML tags are predefined TRUE FALSE B
Schema files extension is
241 __________________. (.xml) (.xsd) (.xlm) (.mlx) B
Visual Basic for Visual Basic for Visual Basic for Visual Basic for
242 VBA stands for_______________ Application Applets Apple Auto Mobile A
243 Macro written in___________ Java Visual Basic V++ C++ B
Macro enabled workbook file extension is
244 ___________ . .xlsx .xlsm .xlsv .xlsw B
Analysis of
245 ANOVA stands for___________ Analysis of Value Analysis of Varity Analog of Variance Variance D
_______function doesn’t require an
246 argument. DATE() TODAY() MONTH() YEAR() B

For calculation of For calculation of

For calculation of For calculation of depreciation as depreciation as

depreciation as per depreciation as per per Variable per Double
Sum of Years’ Digit Straight Line Declining Balance Declining Balance
247 SLN function is used _________________ Method Method. Method Method B

For calculation of For calculation of

For calculation of For calculation of depreciation as depreciation as
depreciation as per depreciation as per per Variable per Double

SYD function is used Sum of Years’ Digit Straight Line Declining Balance Declining Balance
248 ______________________. Method Method. Method Method A

p in
For calculation of For calculation of For calculation of
For calculation of
depreciation as
depreciation as per depreciation as per depreciation as per Double
DB function is used Sum of Years’ Digit Straight Line per Declining Declining Balance

249 ______________________. Method Method. BalanceMethod. Method C

calculate calculate calculate depreciation as
depreciation as per depreciation as per depreciation as per Double
Sum of Years’ Digit Straight Line per Declining Declining Balance
250 DDB is used to _______________ Method Method. BalanceMethod. Method D
For calculation of
calculate For calculation of For calculation of depreciation as
depreciation as perdepreciation as per depreciation as per Double
VDB function is used Variable Declining Straight Line per Declining Declining Balance
251 ______________________. Balance Method Method. BalanceMethod. Method A
PV Ratio stands for Point Varaiance Profit Volume Profit Variance
252 _______________________ Point Volume Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio C
BEP stands for Balance sheet Even Balance sheet
253 __________________________ Point Break Even Point Equal Point Break Equal Point B

Excel provides a readymade template for
254 preparation of personal monthly budget TRUE FALSE A
Discounting Factor formula is

255 ___________________ = n / (1+a) - r = 1 + (1/r) * n = 1 / (1+a) ^ 2 = 1 / (1+r) ^ n D

In excel-Protect sheet option, Password is
256 not optional. TRUE FALSE B

257 In which tab, Data Validation is available? Formulas Insert Data Developer C

Which of the following function categorie is
258 not available in excel p Statistical Engineering Math & Trig Trignometrical D
____________ is the area under the normal Region of Region of None of the
259 curve that is outside of the region of certinty uncertainty Region of curve certainty Above A

Normally bank transactions are also

260 considered in cash budget. TRUE FALSE A
Budget stands for planning for planning for planning for
261 _______________________ Expenditure. planning for future. Event. Meeting. B

________________ is considered as non cash

expenditure and occupies a prominent place
262 in Profit & Loss Account. Cash Flow Depreciation Fund flow Expenditure B
what function is used for Sum of Years’
263 Digits? SOYD Digits of the Year SYD None C
____________ method of depreciation is one
of the accelerated depreciation techniques
which are based on the assumption that
assets are generally more productive when
they are new and their productivity decreases Sum of the years'
264 as they become old. SLN DB VDB digits D
_______method uses a fixed rate to calculate
265 depreciation declining balance VDB SYD SLN A

Virtual Declining Variable variable declining
266 VDB stands for ______________ Balance Discounting Balance balance None C
The VDB function uses the______ method by Double Declining Variable Decling Straight Line
267 default. Balance Balance Method Costing Method A

__________ stands for change in the total

cost that arises when the quantity produced
268 has an increment by unit. marginal cost Fixed Cost Variable cost Contribution A

Excel can also be used for taking decision on
269 ___________ Fixed Cost Marginal cost Both A& B None B

____________ is prepared for planning for

future as far as movement of cash is
p Capital Budgeting Cash budget Both A& B Actual Budget B
___________ is an estimate of pupulation Standard
Standard Deviation from data taken from a population none of the

271 samples Standard Deviation Standard Error deviation above B

____________ is the process of determining

the present value of a payment or a stream of
272 payments that is to be received in the future. Marginal costing Capital Budgeting Discounting None C

____________ is one of the core principals of

finance and is the primary factor used in
pricing a stream of cash flows, such as those
273 found in a traditional bond or annuity. Marginal costing Discounting PMT None B
Which function is used to calculate the
274 principal portion in every installment IPMT PPMT PMT None B
________ is a process used in statistical
analysis in which a predetermined number of
observations will be taken from a larger Systematic Simple random
275 population. Snowball sampling Sampling sampling sampling B
In this Method, Individuals are selected at
regular intervals from a list of the whole Systematic Simple random
276 population. Clustered sampling Sampling sampling sampling C
In this case each individual is chosen entirely

by chance and each member of the
population has an equal chance, or Convenience Systematic Simple random
277 probability, of being selected. Snowball sampling sampling sampling sampling D

_____________________ is the area under

the normal curve that corresponds to the Region of Region of None of the
278 required level of confidence. uncertainty Region of curve confidence above D

This method is commonly used in social
sciences when investigating hard to reach Simple random

279 groups. Quota Sampling Sampling Snowball sampling sampling C
It is a process in which a business determines
whether projects such as building a new plant
or investing in a long-term venture are worth Business
280 pursuing. Investment Capital Budgeting IRR NPV B

Popular methods of capital budgeting include discounted cash internal rate of

281 payback period and _________________. flow return net present value All the above D

_________ is the value of all future cash

282 inflows less future cash outflows as on today. Net present value Working capital IRR PMT A
___________is the process of defining and
analyzing the dangers to individuals,
businesses and government agencies posed
by potential natural and human-caused Qualitative risk
283 adverse events. Sensitivity analysis Risk analysis analysis Scenario analysis B
__________ which is used more often, does
not involve numerical probabilities or Qualitative risk
284 predictions of loss. Sensitivity analysis Risk analysis analysis Scenario analysis C
________ are generally used to present
information in a simple and better way and

also be used to analyse the risk in a better
285 way. Graphs Sparklines Both A& B Charts D

It is a technique used to determine how

different values of an independent variable

will impact a particular dependent variable Decision Tree
286 under a given set of assumptions. analysis Sensitivity analysis Both A& B Neither A &B B

_______ involves computing different

reinvestment rates for expected returns that Decision Tree

A typical value that represents all the data

287 are reinvested during the investment horizon. Scenario analysis Sensitivity analysis Analysis None A
288 points is called as ___________ Median Arithmatic Mean all the above None B

__________ is a computerized mathematical

technique that allows people to account for
risk in quantitative analysis and decision Monte Carlo Corporate Personal Finance
289 making. Finanical Planning simulation Planning planning B
________ is the process of meeting the
financial goals through the proper Monte Carlo Personal Finance
290 management of finances. Corporate planning simulation Financial planning planning C
___________ can be defined as the process
of setting the procedures in the organization Monte Carlo Decision Tree Sensitivity
291 for achieving the predefined goals. simulation Corporate planning analysis analysis B
292 Add_in is default Tab in Excel TRUE FALSE B
By default all the cells in any excel sheet are
293 locked. TRUE FALSE A
NPER stands Total Principal Total Interest Total Number of
294 for______________________________ Value Per value Value Periods D

A __________ is a series of commands and
functions that are stored in a Microsoft Visual
Basic module and can be run whenever the
295 user need to perform the task Pivot Table Solver Scenario Macro D

296 Consolidate is a What-If Analysis Tool. TRUE FALSE B

Which function that is used to calculate the
payment for specific loan terms none of the

297 ____________ sumif pmt countif above B
none of the

298 _________ are not allowed in a macro name spaces wild card characters symbols above A
The wizard that is used to create and edit
299 charts _______________
ppivot table wizard chart wizard
convert text to
columns wizard tip wizard B
Which one of the following will be the tool
that provides a way to view and compare the

results of all the different variations together

300 on the worksheet ? Goal seek Pivot table Solver Data table. D

The ______ generates a summarised report in

301 tabular form in an interactive manner Data table Pivot table Scenario Manager Solver B
The _________ wizard separates contents in convert text to
302 a cell into different cells text import wizard columns wizard tip wizard function wizard B

A cell reference that does not change during a

303 copy operation is known as ________ . absolute relative mixed constant A
Circle Invalid Data option is available in
304 ____________ Consolidate What-if Analysis Calculate Sheet Data Validation D
The wizard that is used to import text files convert text to
305 is_________________ text import wizard columns wizard tip wizard function wizard A

A ___________ is a summary of the financial

position of a business at a specific point in Income &
306 time, showing all assets, liabilities, and equity. Balance Sheet Profit & Loss Expenditure None A
This ratio shows ability of company to pay
back long term loans along with interest or

other charges from generation of profit from Interest Coverage
307 its operations Debt Assets Ratio Ratio Total Fund Ration None B
Which ratio indicate efficiency with which
company used its capital ( Equity as well as Return on Interest Coverage Net Profit Margin

308 debt) Investment Ratio Total Fund Ration Ratio A

It is the simplest method of comparing
different stocks at a point of time to make Fixed Asset Over Price Earnings

309 investment decisions Earnings Per share ratio Multiple Gross Profit Ratio C
________helps to break down the Return on Return on

310 Equity Du Point Analysis Investment Profitability Ration None A

_______ is a common method for financing

311 property, facilities, and equipment. Mortagage Leasing Rent All the above B
None of the

312 xml schema file extention is _______ .xml .xmd .xsd Above C
In hypothesis test, when we can reject the
313 H0(Null Hypothesis) p-value> a p-value>=a p-value< a p-value<= a D
In Hypothesis test, when we can reject the H1 Test statistic >= Test statistic Test statistic <
314 (alternate hypothesis) critical value <=critical value critical value p-value<= a C
A product is purchased for Rs 400000, the
salvage value of the product is 50000 after 10
years. Now I want to findout the depreciation
value of first 4 years. In the given following VDB(400000,50000 VDB(400000,50000, VDB(50000,40000 VDB(50000,40000
315 which would be the currect function. ,10,1,4) 1,4) 0,10,4) 0,10,1,4) A
In VDB function what is the "factor" if it is
316 omitted? 4 1 3 2D

when the stright

line depreciation is
greater than the
When VDB function calculate the declining balance "no_switch"
317 depreciation by using Stright line method? calculation. argument is 'FALSE' Both A and B either A or B C

A machine was purchased for Rs.1000000 in
EMI at 8% interest rate. Planned to repay the

loan in 5 Years. In total cost Rs.100000 paid at
the time of purchase . What is the correct PMT(8%,60,-

function to calculate the monthly installment PMT(8%,5,- PMT(8%,60,100000 PMT(8%/12,60,10 1000000,100000,
318 amount.
A businessman planned to get a loan
p 1000000,100000,1) 0,100000,0) 00000,-100000,1) 0) C
Rs.1800000. If he get a loan at 8% interest for
6 years, Monthly Installment will be

Rs.31599.83. he calculate the same for

various interest rates and loan repayment
periods. Which Excel option will you suggest None of the
319 to him to make it easy. Goal seek scenario manager Data Table Above C

In Data table, at a time how many arguments

320 maximum can be used for analysis? 3 1 4 2D
In a business, Intial cost of investment one
year from today is Rs.10000, return from 1st
yeare is 3000, from 2nd year Rs.4200 and
from third year Rs.6800. Annual discount rate
is 10%. Then to find Net Present Value of this NPV(10%,- NPV(10%,-
investment what would be the correct NPV(10%,10000,30 NPV(10,-10000,- 10000,6800,4200, 10000,3000,4200,
321 function in the given following? 00,4200,6800) 3000,-4200,-6800) 3000) 6800) D
______ file cannot be easily converted into

______ function is used to calculate the
323 present values of all future cashflows. FV PV NPV IRR C
_____ is the rate of discounting at which

If Guess parameter is not specified by the
325 user in IRR,Excel assumes it to be ___ 0.09 0.14 0.1 0.13 C

In case if the cash flows occur unevenly,then None of the

326 we may use ____ and ____ in excel PV & IRR XNPV & XIRR NPV & IRR above B
_____ Function is used for calculating
depreciation as per Written Down Value
p None of the
327 Method SLN DB All the Above above B

_______ Function can be used while verifying None of the

328 depreciation expense claimed by the auditee DB SLN All the Above above A
_____ Function is used for calculationg None of the
329 maturity dates Date Month NetworkDays above D
In EOMONTH() , if the second
argument(months) is defined as 2 it will yield None of the
330 month end date ______ before 2 months after 2 months #N/A above B
Will the EOMONTH() will take the leap year
331 factor into account?
EDATE() returns the date with the _____
which is specified number of months before Next day previous day same day None of the above C
332 and after the start date.
EDATE() can be used to derive schedule of
unequal equal Either A or B Neither A or B B
333 dates at _____intervals
Which of these is/are mandatory arguments in
start date end date Either A or B Both A & B D

In NETWORKDAYS(), holidays argument excluding Saturday including Saturday

None of the above A
will contain the holidays list______ & Sunday & Sunday

Which of these function can be used,If we had
to calculate the working days where the NETWORK.INT() None of the above D
() ()
weekends are treated as Friday and Saturday?

The output of WORKDAY() will be a ______ Number Date Number or Date None of the above B
In WORKDAY(),if we want to go backwards

and derive a date in the past,then we must Zero Positive Negative None of the above C

specify days as_____
If you wish to obtain the days remaining after

casting out completed weeks,then which of
these function can be used?
p QUOTIENT() MOD() Either A or B None of the above B
If you wish to obtain the completed
weeks,then which of these function can be QUOTIENT() MOD() Either A or B None of the above A

340 used?
Which of these operator can be used for
comma ampersand space hash B
341 joining two or more text strings together?
Can we perform a non case-sensitive
342 comparison?
_____searches for a value in first column of
Hlookup Vlookup Match Index B
343 data/table array
In VLOOKUP(),the search of the lookup
value is performed in the ____ most colum of Left Right Either A or B Neither A or B A
344 the table array
The column index
Lookup value is the The search is always All the four
number should be
Which of these is incorrect with respect to value which is to performed in the arguments are
the relative D
VLOOKUP()? be searched in table leftmost column of mandatory
position of the
array the tavle array arguments
respect column
In VLOOKUP(),if the lookup_value being
searched in a slab/range of numbers EXACT MATCH Either A or B Neither A or B B
346 then_____should be used

While using Approximate match type in

VLOOKUP(),the table should be sorted in ascending order descending order Either A or B Neither A or B A
______ on the basis of the leftmost column.

Which of these is not an argument in row_index_numbe
lookup_array col_index_number Both A & B D
348 HLOOKUP()? r

______function returns the value or reference
at the intersection of a specified row and Hlookup Vlookup Match Index D

349 column,from an array.

Which of the following is an optional
Lookup value lookup array match type None of the above C
350 argument in MATCH()?

Lookup array means you can select ______
p Only one row Only one column
one row or one
multiple rows or
multiple columns
If we need to perform right to left lookup in a
INDEX() MATCH() Both A or B Either A or B C
352 table,then _____ can be used

The processing
Which of the following is not an advantage of It performs left to requirement is lower It can also be used It avoids data
Index match combination? right lookup as compared to as Hlookup redundancy
_____ returns the reference specified by a text INDEX() MATCH() INDIRECT() All the above C
IFERROR() is a brilliant function introduced
2010 2007 2013 2003 B
355 in Excel _____
In IFERROR(),value if error argument will be
#REF! #VALUE? #N/A #DIV/0! B
executed if value argument generates _____
Countblank function is the reverse of
COUNTA() COUNTIFS() COUNTIF() None of the above A
357 _____function
Countblank could be used in detectinig cells where data entry is
remained blank Both A & B None of the above C
358 which have inadverently _________ incomplete
_____ function returns the kth largest number
MAX LARGE Either A or B None of the above B
359 from a list of numbers.
Which of these helps us to understand the
Trace Precedents Trace Dependents Either A or B Both A & B D

360 interelationship between the cells
If the cell is deleted without bothering about
tracing its dependents,then the resultant cell #NAME? #N/A #REF! None of the above C
361 will carry _______ error

_____ is a dedicated tool for tracking down

Go to special Trace Dependents Trace Precedents Error Checking D
362 the errors

Error checking feature will not identify errors
syntax logic Either A or B Both A & B B
in the ____behind formula construction

If we want a quick evaluation of only one of
the parts of the formula,we can make use of
364 ____
Evaluate formula F9 Either A or B Both A & B B
Which of these operators will be executed 2nd
Brackets Addition Exponents Division C
365 in Excel?

By using Conditional Formatiing,you can

duplicate unique Either A or B Both A & B D
366 hghlight cells containing _____values
Remove Duplicates is introduced in Excel___ 2010 2007 2003 2013 B
In Excel,Using Number Filters,We cannot
Top 10 Bottom 10 Above Average Below Average B
368 extract______ values
In Date Filter, all dates in the period option
months quarters years All the above D
369 helps to obtain records for different____
For using Pivot tables,we need to have a
rectagular flat Either A or B Neither A or B C
370 dataset in ______ format
In Excel,Which of the following is not a field
Report Filter Column Labels Row Labels Filter field D
371 in Pivot Table?
Which of the following cannot be computed in
large max min sum A
372 value fields of pivot table?
Say whether TRUE or FALSE
In Pivot table, we cannot eliminate blank cell TRUE FALSE B
373 from data section
Pivot Tables
We cannot insert If the number of
Which of the following is not a limitation of rows or columns in records are very
themselves,We All the above C
Pivot Table? between a Pivot large,Pivot table

neednot refresh
Table report may respond slowly
374 them
If we want a list of the missing invoice
VLOOKUP() MATCH() INDEX() None of the above A
375 numbers,we can make use of _______

Benford's law was propounded by _____ Dr.Mark Nigrini Frank Benford Mark Benford None of the above B
Benford's Law is also known as law of

second first third last B
377 _____digit

As per Benford's law,Conventional probability
says that the probability of a particular digit 0.2222 0.3333 0 None of the above D
being the 1st digit of a number is ____
Benford observed that the probability of 1st
highest least most probable None of the above B
digit being 9 is the ____ among all digits

Stratification involves breaking _____ data heterogeneous,hom homogeneous,hetero humongous,homog
None of the above A
380 into _____ groups called as strata ogeneous geneous eneous
Which of the following is not a result of
381 descriptive statistics?

An _____________ is a group of people with

a common goal, having certain resources at its Company Enterprise Organization Concern B
disposal to achieve the common goal
________________ include money,
manpower, materials, machines, technologies Costing Production Sales Resources D
383 etc.
A _______________ is a collection of
activities that make one or more kinds of input Business
Business Model Business Function Business Process C
and creates an output that is of value to the Operation
384 customer

Information systems can be designed so that

Integrated Non-Integrated Non-Isolated
accurate and timely data are shared between Isolated Information
Information Information Information A
functional areas. These systems are called Systems

Systems Systems Systems
The approach to ERP is to first develop a

____________________ comprising the Business
Business Model Business Function Business Process A
business processes or activities that are the Operation

386 essence of a business
The business model is represented in the

flowcharts, flow
graphical form using ______________ and charts, pictures smart art, clip art graphs, shapes C
387 ________________

Online Analysis Online Analytical Online Analytical
OLAP stands for _________________ None of the above B
388 p Processing Processing Programming
________________ is a tool that refers to
skills, processes, technologies, applications Business
Data Warehousing Data Modeling Business Modeling D
and practices used to facilitate better, accurate Intelligence

and quicker decision making

Business Intelligence Systems are data-driven Information Integrated Decision Support
Information C
___________________ Systems Information Systems Systems
390 Systems
___________________ technology is the
process of creating and utilizing the company's Data Warehousing Data Modeling Business Modeling A
391 historical data
______________ can be defined as subject-
oriented, integrated, time-variant, non-volatile
Data Models Data Warehouses Data Mines Operational Data B
collections of data used to support analytical
392 decision making
________________ databases contain detailed
data that is needed to satisfy processing
Operational Non-Operational Subject-Oriented Informational A
requirements but which has no relevance to
393 management or analysis
Data in the Data Warehouse is
Dynamic, Static Non-Volatile, Static Volatile, Static Static, Dynamic D
394 ______________, not ____________

ODS stands for Operational Data Optional Data Operational Data Optional Data
395 _______________________________ Storage Storage Store Store
____________ data contains an historical
Operational, Informational, Informational,
perspective that is not generally used by the Operational, Static D

Informational Static Operational
396 _____________ systems

Establishing a data
Identifying and Defining the correct
warehouse help

prioritizing subject level of
Which of the following is/are the data desk and training
areas to be summarization to All of the above D

warehousing activity? users to effectively
included in the support business
utilize the desktop
Data Warehouse decision making
The definition of data elements in the data
p tools
warehouse and in the data sources, and the
Masterdata Detaileddata Metadata Basedata C
transformation rules that relate them, are

398 referred to as ___________

Data warehouses are not the optimal
Structured Unstructured Informational Operational B
399 environment for ____________ data
Maintenance Costs are high for Data
400 Warehousing
Credit Card Churn Insurance Fraud Logistics
Data Warehousing can be used for All of the above D
401 Analysis Analysis Management
_________________ is the process of
Data Analysis Data Warehousing Data Mining Data Modeling C
402 extracting patterns from data
___________________ is an approach to Business
Online Analytical Product Life Cycle Supply Chain
quickly answer multi-dimensional analytical Processing B
Processing Management Management
403 queries Management
The Output of an OLAP query is typically
Matrix Columnar Stepped Outline A
404 displayed in a ___________ format

___________________ is the succession of Business

Online Analytical Product Life Cycle Supply Chain
strategies used by management as a product Processing C
Processing Management Management
goes through its life cycle Management
A _____________ is a network of facilities

and distribution options that performs the
functions of procurement of materials,
Online Analysis Product Life
transformations of these materials into Business Processing Supply Chain C
Processing Cycle
intermediate and finished products and the

distribution of these finished products to the

406 customer
_______ integrates supply and demand

407 mangement within and across companies

__________ includes transportation from Outbound Production
Inbound Operations Sourcing planning A
408 Suppliers and receiving inventory Operations planning

409 of SCM?
Which of the following is not the service area
Logistics Asset Management PLM CRM D
______________ CRM provides support to Consumer
Operational Analytical Social A
410 "front office" business processes Relationship

_____________ CRM covers aspects of a

company's dealings with customers that are
handled by various departments within a Operational Collaborative Social B
company, such as sales, technical support and
411 marketing
Really simple Really super Rare simple Rare super
RSS stands for _____________________ A
412 syndication syndication syndication syndication
Revenue on Return on
ROI stands for _____________________ Both A & B None of the above B
413 Investment Investment
______________ companies is planning to
support tens of millions of customers with just B2B B2C C2B C2C B
414 hundreds of employees
Which of the following is the decisive feature Network as Architecture of
Both A & B None of the above C
415 of the framework? platform participation
Unsuitable for
Which of the following is the limitation of Increased
Legal Complexities conventional All of the above D
Open Source ERP? Complexities
416 applications
Which of the following is not an Open ERP
Openbravo SQL-Ledger Open-Project ERP5ERP C
417 software?

_____ is the process of integrating all the
business functions and processes in an EDI ERP BPM None of the above B
418 organization to achieve numerous benefits

________ must consider the fundamental
Top Management Either A or B or

issues of system integration by analyzing the Manager Auditor A
Commitment C
organization's vision and corporate objectives

ERP ________________ requires

organizations to reengineer their key business
processes reengineering of the existing
processes, integration of ERP with other
business information systems, selection of
Traps Security Audit Implementation None of the above C
right employees, and training of employees on
420 the new system

The more the number of __________, the

modules process package units D
421 longer the implementation time
In which step of the ERP implementation,
educating and recruiting end users will be Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 B
422 involved

The system ____________ process will

address issues such as software configuration, implementation upgradation installation migration C
hardware acquisition and software testing
A __________________ review is
recommended to ensure that all business
objectives established during the planning pre under process post None of the
424 phase are achieved implementation review implementation above C
In _________________ stages, auditors have
access to rudimentary ERP tools and
capabilities for auditing security post
425 configurations implementation pre implementation Both A & B Either A Or B A

Customization of ERP systems is one of the

426 major challenges in auditing ERP security TRUE FALSE A
__________ is the World's one of the fastest
and most powerful concurrent multi-lingual
business accounting and inventory None of the

427 management software Tally Tally.ERP 9 Both A & B above B

Immediate posting and updation of books of

accounts as soon as the transactions are Interactive Immediate Real Time Business
428 entered. This is called as __________ Processing Processing Processing Processing C

Tally.ERP 9 provides graphical analysis of data

which helps the user to perform deeper
The user can ________ the company data
into multiple companies as per financial

430 periods required Import Export Split Backup C

E-Filing of Returns refers to the process of
electronically filing your tax returns through
431 the ___________ Intranet Internet Extranet Any of the above B
Select Alt+E from
the required
We can fill up the Return/Form/Annex
details online and ure to export to .xls
submit eVAT format and then
432 Which of the following is true? returns upload the same Either A or B Neither A Nor B C

Tally.ERP 9 does not allows you to export the

ETDS forms in NSDL compliant formats as well

as facilitates printing of TDS Forms in Physical
433 Form. True or False TRUE FALSE B

Which of the following ETDS forms are Form 26, Annexure Form 27, Annexure Form 26Q,

434 available in Tally.ERP 9? to 26 to 27 Annexure to 26Q All of the above D

The exported eTDS file from Tally.ERP 9 can
be validated through NSDL's freely

downloadable utility called File Validation File Validation File Valuation File Valuation
435 __________________ Program Utility Program Utility B

The ETCS forms available in Tally.ERP 9 are
436 _________ and ____________ p Form 27E Form 27 Form 26 All of the above A
Tally.ERP 9 allows accounting with the regular
437 names without any account codes TRUE FALSE A

A multi-user version of Tally.ERP 9 can be

installed on a network, having any number of
computers with different operating systems
such as win 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista,
438 Windows 7, Windows 8, etc., TRUE FALSE A
With ______________ technology the
characters are reduced in breadth and user is
allowed to input additional characters which
would make the account name, entity
439 complete and readable Tally Fix Tally Adjust Tally Fit Tally AutoFit C
The Tally.ERP 9 __________________
provides the user with administrator rights
and the capability to check the entries made
by the authorised users and alter these User-defined HTTP-XML based Unlimited multi-

440 entries, if necessary Security data interchange user support Audit Feature D
Tally.ERP 9 offers a data encryption option Tally Data Tally Data
441 called _______________ Encryption Tally Data Encoding Tally Vault Conversion C

ODBC stands for Open Database Open Database Oracle Database Oracle Database

442 ___________________________ Connection Connectivity Connection Connectivity B
___________________ is the process of

exchanging Tally.ERP 9 data between two or
443 more locations Serialization Randomization Synchronization Asynchronization C

Which of the following is the not the previous
444 version of Tally?
Can data of new version be migrated to old
p Tally 4.5 Tally 6.4 Tally 7.2 Tally 8.1 B
445 version? Yes No B

The Tally website offers _______________,

by which a user can communicate with a Tally
446 representative and get required information Tally Forum Tally FAQ Tally Support Tally Chat D
__________________ is an enabling
framework which establishes a connection
through which the remote user can access the
Client's data without copying/transferring the Direct Web
447 data Browser Access Web Publishing Tally.NET Email facility C
Tally.NET use _______________ for Administration
448 centralised Account Management Data Centre Control Centre Cloud Centre Centre B

The data is transferred between the remote

location and the server using a secured
449 mechanism called __________________ Encoding Decoding Encryption Decryption C

_____________ works as an interface

between the user and Tally.ERP 9 installed at
different sites, it enables the user to centrally

configure and administer site / user belonging Administration
450 to an account Control Centre Data Centre Cloud Centre Centre A

A chartered accountant as an

__________________ is exposed to various

operational risk factors viz., time, increasing
travel & people costs, limited availability of

451 skilled manpower, intense audit periods Administrator Auditor Expert Entrepreneur D

The ____________ edition provides the
Chartered Accountants with Tax Audit and
Statutory Compliance tools which equips
him/her to retrieve the required information
452 on the basis on which he form an opinion Educational Mode Silver Gold Auditor D

Generate Annexure for Tax Audit under Sec

_____ using Auditors' Edition of Tally.ERP 9, a
Chartered Accountant can provide services to
453 their clients 44A 44B 44AB Both A & B C
Data Reliability
Which of the following is one of the Concurrent multi- Real time and Automatic Accounting
454 Technological Features in Tally.ERP 9? lingual capability processing Recovery without Codes C
Which of the following is one of the salient Codeless user Graphical analysis of Split Company
455 features of Tally.ERP 9? interface data Data Scalability D
To utilize Tally.NET in Tally.ERP 9, which of Configuring Creating Remote Authorizing
456 the following is the pre-requisite? Tally.NET features Users Remote Users All of the above D
What is the short cut key for Tally.NET
457 features? F1 F2 F3 F4 D
Which of the following will be displayed in the
458 List of Companies screen? Company Name Account ID Serial Number All of the above D

If we want the company to be connected

automatically for remote access on load, the Allow to Connect None of the

459 property __________ needs to be set it as Yes Company Contact On Load Either A or B above B

In order to enable Tally.NET in Tally.ERP 9, the Allow to Connect

460 ___________ needs to be set to "Yes" Enable Tally.NET Contact On Load Security Controls Company C

A message "Company connected successfully"
461 is displayed in the ________________ panel Calculator Version License Configuration A

The remote users are broadly classified into
462 _____ security levels two three four five A

To create Remote Users, the security level None of the
463 should be _________________ p
Owner Standard User Either A or B above
None of the
464 Tally.Net ID has to be a valid _________ only Account ID User Name Email ID above C
______________ enables the user to centrally

configure and administer Site / User Administration

465 belonging to an account Data Centre Control Centre Cloud Centre Centre B

Surrender, Confirm Create users with

Which of the following is the advantage of the or Reject activation Manage Jobs and predefined
466 Control Centre? of a site Recruitments security levels All of the above D

Which of the following is not the predefined

467 security levels in Tally.ERP 9? Owner Tally.NET User Tally.NET Owner Tally.NET Auditor C
The Account _________________ is
authorised to surrender, confirm a site license
or Reject the request received on activation
468 from another site Administrator Owner Auditor User A

On starting Tally.ERP 9 the Gateway of Tally

screen appears displaying the Edition and
Users are under Version block, and the Serial
Number and Account ID under License block None of the
469 of the ______________ Horizontal Bar Information Panel Vertical Bar above B

______________________ enables user to
enter the essential information related to the Change Account Profile Licensing &
470 Account/Site ID User Management Admin Management Configuration C
_______________ enables user to change the Change Account Profile Licensing &

471 Account Administrator's ID User Management Admin Management Configuration B

Want to set
Set ___________________ to "Yes" to create Enable ODBC can be overridden client/server None of the

472 a fresh set of configuration Server locally configuration above C
Which one of the following is not an access Alter Account Manage

473 right? Admin Manage Sites Manage Users Passwords D

_________________ should be set to "No"

p Tally.NET Tally.NET Tally.NET Auditor Tally.NET Auditor
474 for local users Authorisation Authentication Authorisation Authentication B

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