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OGL 481: Pro-Seminar I

Core Assignment 1
Gary Strong
Table 1: Organizing and Reflecting on Key Learnings – and Collecting Key Artifacts
COURSE Key content – textbook / articles / Professional (or personal) Possible artifacts to include in
multimedia presentations / videos application. As a result of professional e-portfolio / website –
your academics: how do you that illustrates tangible connections to
Key learning – concepts, theories, skills, think differently? How do you personal and professional
best practices, applications, cases, behave differently? What can transformation. You will describe the
assignments, discussions, simulations / you do more effectively? How artifacts with your explanation, not
activities, teamwork initiatives, readings, have you changed as a attach them in this space. Make sure to
analysis, other projects, etc. person? save them for Core #2.
OGL 200: Introduction In this course it was my first-time using I think that a big way that I Some good artifacts that I used
to Organizational Planet Jockey in order to learn new styles have changes when it comes throughout this course was of course
Leadership of leadership. Learning how to make high to being a leader in this planet jockey where I used virtual
performing teams, using what is inside course is beginning to simulations in order to get better as a
the team’s hearts in order to help them understand the type of leader leader in the corporate environment. A
better understand their roles, setting you are is dependent on the great exercise that I learned from was
goals, facing conflict and how to deal with approach you decide to take. I one where you had to lead a crisis
it, and making sure everybody on the can more effectively be event and steps had to be taken in
team has a voice that is being heard. adaptive to what exactly each three stages, the pre-crisis, crisis event,
Some key learning for me was Trait vs follower needs in order to and post crisis. There were also online
Relational leadership approaches and pick the best leadership tools that were used that helped depict
how one focuses on the relationship approach. As a person I think what kind of leader that I am such as
between the leader and the follower that I have become more me being expressive and it reveals I
while the other focuses on characteristics empathetic because in this was honest, thoughtful when
that each leader has to solve problems. course I had to learn how to communicating, taking others into
deal with people and read consideration.
them in order to know the
correct way to lead then.
OGL 220: Behavioral In this course I think observations and From this course I think I There were various videos that were
Dynamics in understanding who you were leading was developed an attention to used in this course between TED talks
Organizations a key learning. Looking to see if the detail that was focused on and YouTube and some of the best ones
leader was being clear with the purpose what is being said from me were the ones that focused on
of their demands, implying causes and and the people around me. I empathy. I did not have a good sense of
solutions, being able to share essential learned to truly understand what empathy was but the videos
information amongst a group, the words and intentions that followed by the “notion of self
encouraging participation, keeping focus, I was giving along with the awareness” exercises helped me get a
using systematic procedure, and leaders that were present in perfect grasp on what the concept was.
clarifying responsibilities is what I my positions. Not empathy is not only apart of my
learned in this course. everyday vocabulary, but I also know
how to use it in the proper context and
OGL 240: Introduction
to Project

OGL 260: Resource Some key take-aways from this course I think differently from this Investing 101 Articles came in handy
Allocation in was how funds are moved through the course because it taught me where they gave me the primary lesson
Organizations / economy and there was only three ways some lessons on how money on how money moves, internal growth,
Foundations of that it can be done, expansion of moves and why companies and the importance of reinvesting back
Finance businesses because of focus on providing and organizations are so into the firm, company, or organization.
customers in industry empowerment, successful. This course has The book Foundation of Finance: The
and types of investments along with how helped me invest some of my logic and practice of financial
technology has advanced investing. own money toward different management was a key tool that I used
ventures and helped me look as well.
at the big picture rather than
think small (9-5 job).
OGL 300: Theory and Key take-aways from this course was I received a in depth There was a followership
Practice of Leadership understanding customer, employee, and explanation on the different questionnaire that was used to help
OR PAF 410: Building shareholder satisfaction. Also approaches and seeing them with engagement and independent
Leadership Skills understanding the different theories and in scenarios being played out thinking that was used in the course.
how they work such as employee & to advance my understanding The biggest aid was the simulation
product orientation, situational approach, of them. I am more of a visual with 4 other people from the class that
authentic leadership approach, and learner rather than just were intertwined positions at the head
adaptive leadership. reading a book, so it helped of a company who were facing
me develop my approach conflicts. I played the COO which was
understanding better. the head of the operations side of the
OGL 321: Project There was some key takeaways in this I think this made helped me The big tools that were used in this
Leadership, Strategy that were all new for me because I have prepare for possible jobs that course were the Harvard Business
and Scope no experience in project management. I could come to me in project Simulation that helped me make
learned about scope management, cost management. This course decisions from a Project manager’s
management practices, communication made it easier for me to be perspective and blogs from
management, quality management, HR able to understand the job professionals in the field they gave
management, risk management, and after college and also gave an constant fresh views on Project
procurement management. opportunity to help spark my management.
interests about the job.
BIS 345: The key learning from this course was This course changed me by I think the tool that was the most
Organizational Ethics understanding how ethics plays a huge helping me apply ethics to effective during this course was
role in the leadership role and when everything I do, there is no whenever we had to do research and
considering ethics, a leader is certain to situation where there are no paper/assignments on our favorite
get positive results from their followers. values or morals behind what ethical leader. It gave me the
The ability for leaders to apply values and I do now. opportunity to see who’s an ethical
morals to everything they do including leader and what traits they
their work was the basis of the course. used/implemented to become
BIS 343: Social I learned about successful team This was a good course for Team Campaign for the class was a
Processes in performance, social loafing, sucker helping me because more useful tool that helped us get a grasp
Organizations aversion, free riding, working on a virtual aware that I am a on participation and how it related to
team how to work with having participative leader and management. My team did a campaign
productivity, accountability, through this style/approach for combating pollution in the ocean. It
coordination, and conflict. I also gained it will always encourage my also helped by providing some hands-
insight on internal dynamic, decision team’s involvement, purpose, on experience through using virtual
making, mental models, creativity, responsibility, and incentive teams because we had to converse on a
leadership paradox, more on to work hard. webcam with our team for our project.
transformational leaders, and
encouraging participation management.
BIS 357: Assessment The lessons from this course were This course gave me a chance I used all reading material in this
in Organizations focused around the necessity of to get better with trying to course as the helpful tools but the best
performance. The steps leading, become a perfect leader. I one was the story of Warren Buffet and
performance while it is still going on, and received some helpful tools how he was able to turn Berkshire
the afterwards process that is used to get on how to judge and improve Hathaway from a poor textile company
better overall. Organizational assessment practices, methods, and to a holding company invested in
gives the organization a chance to see protocols for the better of an multiple industries that is worth
what is going right and wrong and if organization, a team, or billions of dollars now.
anything is going wrong, it can be myself.
assessed to be made better.

OGL 481: Pro-Seminar So far, I have learned about structure I can already feel myself Some tools that are being used thus far
I (what have you within an organization, recognizing beginning to change when it are SEAL approach models(Situation,
learned so far) systems that can be improved, efficient comes to creating structure Effect, Action, Learning), Relevant TED
protocols, hierarchy, structural within my leadership talks, movie clips (Lean On Me), and
imperatives & structural tension, and patterns. Healthy leadership motivational speakers
reframing overall in the big picture. techniques that can be
implemented using my
preferred approach is what I
aim to get from this course.
OGL 482: Pro-Seminar I will be taking this course next semester I will be taking this course I will be taking this course next
II (when will you be for my last semester of my undergrad at next semester for my last semester for my last semester of my
taking it) ASU. semester of my undergrad at undergrad at ASU.
Table 2: Plus / Delta – Significant Learning Experiences – Structure and Transfer
Pick one of your most significant learning experiences from Table 1. Take some time to deeply reflect on the experience. Respond to the
following questions / sub-questions as explicitly as possible. Use your imagination and creativity here – this is really all about making
connections, and seeing what you can learn about your learning style (and yourself) from the experience!

Describe the task / assignment? What, specifically, did you

In OGL 300 there was a simulation that had me and 4 other members from my
learn? class pick roles within a company as the CEO, COO, CFO, CMO, and CHRO. We
Be sure to address both declarative forms of knowledge all had to pick our own roles before we started, and I chose COO which was the
(things you learned – concepts, theories, ideas, models) as
head of the operational side of the organization. We then went through
well as procedural forms of knowledge(things you learned scenarios weekly that reported satisfaction rating for employees, stakeholders,
how to do – skills). and customers. We received a team rating, an individual effort rating, and a
leadership approach preference. This is where I learned that I am the best at
using the adaptive leadership approach because my ability to be flexible and
react quickly to crisis. I learned how to address, evaluate, and react to
situations that I was not used to but was still able to make decisions correctly
because of the concepts learned in the course.
Why is it important to you? The connection that I can make between this, my other lessons in school, and
What connections can you make between this learning and my real life is that I feel they all are aligned with one another. Whenever I have
other things you have learned (in school – and beyond)? faced a situation, I usually take an approach to it that is not the smartest or
What connections can you make between what you ethical but when I began this degree program, I realized there is so many ways
learned and your life roles and goals? to address every situation. Whether a situation requires a transformational
leadership approach that bases all decision off ethics, values, morals and goals
or an authentic leader which focuses on how genuine they are. Learning how
to problem solve correctly to each situation is why this is so important to me.
What worked for you? What appealed to me about the assignment the most is the fact that it
In terms of process, was there something about the happened on a virtual setting. It made it easier to grasp the concept and truly
assignment structure that appealed to you? How did this understand the purpose of what we are learning. In the future when we do
task / structure of this assignment differ from other have to fill the roles of a CMO, COO, or CEO it gives a brief glimpse of the
assignments? Was it similar to other assignments / tasks everyday crisis that one has to go through and shows how to apply the lesson
that were meaningful to me? What strategies, skills, from the courses to the real world. Other assignments usually just give a
procedures proved effective in the completion of this scenario and ask what you would do but this was different because it was so
assignment / task? Do you see any patterns or hands on, even if it was only virtual it proved to be extremely helpful. Keeping
connections in this regard to your preferred approach to deadlines and focusing on planning stages were patterns that I notice the most
learning – such as following an outline, keeping to as far as making connections between course material and real life.
deadlines, other learning or study skills?
What can you transfer? I can apply these skills used to any context where I am in a leadership role. For
Where can you apply / use these skills and knowledge? example, I am a manager at a retail store and when I took the course back then
How can you apply what worked for you (above) to other I started applying some of the skills I learned to my store to produce better
learning goals or initiatives in your life? Can you connect results out of my employees. The impact from a leader on the employees plays
or adapt this knowledge / skill to other areas of your life? such a big role when it comes to their development, that is why I bounce
What kinds of metaphorical connections can you make? between task and relationship behaviors to help push my employees to
Can you connect something that was interesting or accomplish goals.
important with respect to this knowledge / skill to
something that you are struggling with?

What evidence do you have? I have begun to apply my communication to my employees, and I have
Do you have a plan for communicating your learning to received feedback since when I first became apart of the team and it has been
others? Are there any tangible outcomes (and specific extremely positive. I have spoke to some of our top performers along with
artifacts, in particular) that serve as evidence of this some of our former low performers who have stepped it up and both parties
knowledge / skill? spoke highly of the new approaches and implementations that I have laid out. I
have created a new system for them to improve through accountability, values,
and flexibility. I think that by the time I end my role at my current position I
will be ready to play on a bigger field and mold multiple teams at a time.

Assignment #1: Questions for Reflection

Prompt #1: Now that you have completed Assignment #1, what were the most important aspects of this assignment? What moved you the
most? Any surprises?

I think that the biggest aspect of this assignment was being able to reflect on all the lessons from all the courses that I learned thus far and
applying them to my tools that I used to learn them with the real world. It is one thing to be able to learn a lesson out of a book but seeing
hands on how it applies to the real world is truly where the learning happens. The biggest surprise that I was not expecting was the block in
table 1 that asked me about the key tools that were used in each course for my learnings. I had to go back to each course and see which
simulations lined up and what reading material was best for each lesson.

Prompt #2: What are your ideas in terms of how to best illustrate your growth and development over the course of your education and
experiences with the Organizational Leadership program? What are your best ideas with respect to specific artifacts / evidence that you
might present (within the context of an e-portfolio) as you consider your growth and development in the Organizational Leadership

The best way that I would illustrate the growth and development over the course of the OGL program is going from a seed in the ground to
becoming a small tree with the roots being the lesson learned in the course, the branches being the approaches and implementations that I
choose to use, and the leaves sprouting (or not sprouting) would be the results that comes from the decisions I make in the real world. The
best ideas are picking an approach, focusing on the plan to execute task effectively, clearly lay out the plan and roles to the team, empower
the team and help them become better, and take consideration of stakeholder and your followers when making decisions.

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