Dave Jefferson A. Afinidad XI-Disney Reflection Paper: Small Business

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Dave Jefferson A.


1.) Is Ray Kroc an entrepreneur or a small business owner? what about the
McDonalds brothers? Cite at least a scene in the movie that would best show their
characteristics as either an SBO or an entrepreneur.

-Ray Kroc is an entrepreneur as he is a salesperson.

-The McDonalds brothers are small business owners.
Ray Kroc McDonalds Brothers
He wants to franchise They are already
the fast-food chain satisfied to what they
and he wants to have and don’t want
expand it. to expand the chain.

2.) Do you think that Ray Kroc has the entrepreneurial mindset? Give a scene in the
movie where he gives off the entrepreneurial mindset.

Yes, he has the entrepreneurial mindset as in the beginning of the movie he never gives
up and listens to the other entrepreneur’s advice and apply that advice. Like
persistence, hard-work and many more.

3.) Reiterate a scene in the movie where the corresponding theories where played out

Innovation Theory – The McDonalds brothers made a fast production method that has
never done before in that time.

Keynesian Theory – Ray Kroc took a risk to give all his expenditures to franchise the
food chain.

Alfred Theory – In the beginning of the movie there’s a part where he said “When you
increase the supply the demand follows”

Risk and Uncertainty Bearing Theory – Ray Kroc took a risk by getting a small business
model and began down a long expansion plan with absolutely no real idea of what the
outcome would be.

Weber’s Sociological Theory – The McDonalds brothers wants the employees to be

friendly with the costumers.

Kaldor’s Technological Theory – When Ray Kroc go to the workplace of the food chain
there were technologies that was ahead of its time like their machines and many more.

Kirzner’s Learning Alertness Theory – Developing strong, efficient processes and

procedures and remaining consistent on them allow for businesses to develop
consumer confidence in the food chain.
Dave Jefferson A. Afinidad


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