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J Forensic Sci, September 2015, Vol. 60, No.

doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.12828
PAPER Available online at:


Kathleen A. Hauther,1 B.A.; Kelly L. Cobaugh,2 M.S.; Lee Meadows Jantz,1 Ph.D.;
Tim E. Sparer,3 Ph.D.; and Jennifer M. DeBruyn,2 Ph.D.

Estimating Time Since Death from

Postmortem Human Gut Microbial

ABSTRACT: Postmortem succession of human-associated microbial communities (“human microbiome”) has been suggested as a possible
method for estimating postmortem interval (PMI) for forensic analyses. Here we evaluate human gut bacterial populations to determine quantifi-
able, time-dependent changes postmortem. Gut microflora were repeatedly sampled from the proximal large intestine of 12 deceased human
individuals as they decayed under environmental conditions. Three intestinal bacterial genera were quantified by quantitative PCR (qPCR) using
group-specific primers targeting 16S rRNA genes. Bacteroides and Lactobacillus relative abundances declined exponentially with increasing
PMI at rates of Nt = 0.977e0.0144t (r2 = 0.537, p < 0.001) and Nt = 0.019e0.0087t (r2 = 0.396, p < 0.001), respectively, where Nt is relative
abundance at time (t) in cumulative degree hours. Bifidobacterium relative abundances did not change significantly: Nt = 0.003e0.002t
(r2 = 0.033, p = 0.284). Therefore, Bacteroides and Lactobacillus abundances could be used as quantitative indicators of PMI.

KEYWORDS: forensic science, forensic anthropology, postmortem interval, human microbiome, gut bacteria, microbial ecology, quantitative
polymerase chain reaction

In forensics and law enforcement accurate estimates of time oviposition (3). Fluid analysis, specifically volatile fatty acids
since death (postmortem interval [PMI]) are critical. Empirical (VFAs) surrounding and under a decomposing body, is a viable
methods of PMI assessment are increasingly required to provide approach (4), along with chemical or biological characterization
more accurate estimates for use in a medicolegal context (1). of the soils beneath (5,6), although is not useful if the body has
Historically, visual assessment of the stages of decomposition been moved from the original site of decomposition. It has been
comprised the primary method to estimate PMI. However, proposed that the inorganic constituents of bone could indicate
because decay is a continuous and dynamic process, categoriza- longer term PMI estimates (weeks to months) (7,8). All these
tion is not always consistent between evaluators. A variety of methods can provide an estimate of PMI or minimum PMI but
empirical methods to estimate PMI have thus been developed. suffer from high variability. For investigators, using a combina-
Over the short term, in the immediate hours postmortem, mortis tion of approaches improves PMI estimation (e.g., 9), and
triad (algor, liver, and rigor mortis) and changes in vitreous environmental parameters (moisture, temperature, and partial
humor and soft tissue components can be used to estimate PMI, pressure of oxygen) can sometimes be integrated into models to
but there exists considerable error in these methods (2). For account for local variability within a climatic region (10). The
intermediate intervals (days to weeks), forensic entomology more parameters that can be included in the calculation, the
offers estimations of the minimum PMI based on insect coloni- more reliable the PMI estimation.
zation but is limited to cases where insects can access the human The human microbiome, the diverse microbial communities
remains, and may be inaccurate if there are delays in initial residing in or on the human body, plays a key role in decompo-
sition of soft tissues postmortem. The majority of our commen-
sal microbes reside in the gut, which has been well characterized
Department of Anthropology, 250 South Stadium Hall, University of through efforts such as the Human Microbiome Project (11).
Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA 37996. Human large intestine microbial communities are dominated by
Biosystems Engineering & Soil Science, 2506 EJ Chapman Drive,
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA 37996. Bacteroidetes (e.g., Bacteroides spp.) and Firmicutes (e.g., Lac-
Department of Microbiology, M409 Walters Life Sciences, University of tobacillus spp.), with smaller populations of Proteobacteria
Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA 37996. (e.g., Escherichia spp.) and Actinobacteria (e.g., Bifidobacterium
*Funding provided by the William M. Bass Endowment, the University of spp.). Despite variation in the relative proportions of these spe-
Tennessee Undergraduate Summer Internship program, and the Microbiology
Across Campuses Research and Educational Venture.
cies between individuals due to diet and lifestyle (12,13), the
Presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Foren- human gut microbiome composition is consistent enough to be
sic Sciences, February 20-25, 2012, in Atlanta, GA; and at the Mountain, distinct from other microbial communities (e.g., those from soil
Swamp, and Beach (MS & B) Regional Forensic Anthropology Meeting, and water) (14). Succession in the human gut microbiome has
October 1, 2011, in Clemson, SC. been examined in living subjects and revealed these communities
Received 7 Jan. 2014; and in revised form 1 Sept. 2014; accepted 2 Sept. are relatively stable over time (11,15); however, there has been no

1234 © 2015 American Academy of Forensic Sciences


examination (to our knowledge) of these human microbial com- Materials and Methods
munities postmortem. After death, human cells undergo autoly-
Body Placement
sis, releasing new substrates for commensal microbes. The dense
microbial communities in the gut ferment the cellular byprod- Twelve human individuals were used in this study (Table 1).
ucts, causing the characteristic bloating. This led us to postulate Six individuals were sampled daily and six were used as controls
that changes in decomposition products and available substrates and were sampled only once. All individuals were donations to
would select for different populations of microbes, resulting in a the University of Tennessee Forensic Anthropology Center for
succession of microbiome populations. the W. M. Bass Donated Skeletal Collection and were placed at
The postmortem succession of insects has been well docu- the Anthropological Research Facility (ARF) in Knoxville, TN
mented and is a key tool in minimum PMI estimation. in May–October 2011. The ARF is in a deciduous forest biome;
Evidence is emerging microbial communities, too, undergo site description and soil characteristics have been previously
successional changes postmortem and could be used as indica- described (22). No preference was employed for sex, age, ances-
tors of PMI (16–19). For example, in decomposing mice, try, weight, etc. The University of Tennessee protocol for
distinct changes in gut populations could be observed in as accepting donations ensures the individuals do not have commu-
little as several hours postmortem (16), and population shifts nicable diseases. The bodies were not autopsied or embalmed
are repeatable (19). Similarly, Pechal et al. (20) observed and had no known bowel disease. All individuals were immedi-
shifts in the microbial communities on decomposing pig ately refrigerated after death and placed at the ARF within
carcasses’ skin and mouth cavities. There is also evidence 5 days, except individual G (placed after 14 days) (Table 1).
microbial communities in soils below decaying humans Bodies were placed unclothed and uncovered in a supine
undergo successional shifts (18). position at random locations at the ARF. Rocks were removed
While promising, these studies have been limited to animal from the area before placement. Scavenging was limited and
models (16,17,19,20) and/or limited sample sizes and temporal restricted to extremities.
resolution (18,21), so it remains difficult to evaluate the applica-
bility of these changes as a forensic tool. In theory, because
these microbes are an intrinsic part of the body, the human Sampling
microbiome could offer important advantages as a forensic tool: An incision was made in the right lower quadrant of the abdo-
There is no delay in colonization as with insects, and the gut men diagonal to palpation of the anterior superior iliac spine and
communities should not be greatly affected by changes in loca- the adjacent iliac crest. The approximately 20-cm incision was
tion (e.g., if a body was moved), or when decay occurs made with a disposable Feather #11 scalpel (Graham-Field).
indoors. Once the cecum was located, a 1cm incision was cut in the
The objective of this study was to quantify changes in gut cecum, approximately 8 cm from the ileum. A sterile swab was
microbial populations postmortem and evaluate these as potential inserted into the incision of the cecum enough to cover the
markers for PMI estimation. We tested the specific hypothesis cotton tip completely in gut material. The sterile swab was
that three common genera of gut microflora (Bacteroides, Lacto- removed, immediately placed into a sterile 5mL collection tube,
bacillus, and Bifidobacterium) would decline in relative and the plastic handle of the swab was cut off with sterile scis-
abundance as other more fastidious populations proliferate. To sors. The samples were stored on ice in a cooler for transport to
test our hypothesis, we employed replicate human bodies the laboratory at which time they were weighed and stored at
(n = 6) and control bodies (n = 6) decaying under natural envi- 20°C until further processing. Three samples were taken at
ronmental conditions at the Anthropology Research Facility in each time point for each individual. Duct tape was placed over
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.

TABLE 1––Individuals used in this study. Shaded rows indicate control bodies, which were only sampled once during the study.

Date of Age at Death Cadaver

Individual Death (M/D/Y) Date of Placement Ancestry Sex (years) Stature (cm) Weight (kg)† Cause of Death
A 6/10/2011 6/12/2011 W* M 65 173 77 Pneumonia or cerebrovascular
B 7/3/2011 7/4/2011 W M 64 171 64 Chronic obstructive pulmonary
C 5/17/2011 5/18/2011 W F 62 161 113 Unknown; manner natural
D 6/11/2011 6/16/2011 W F 67 160 159 Congestive heart failure
E 5/8/2011 5/10/2011 W F 51 166 64 Metastatic breast cancer‡
F 6/15/2011 6/20/2011 W F 58 163 100 Metastatic small cell lung
G 4/1/2011 4/14/2011 W M 66 193 100 Cardiovascular disease
H 4/14/2011 4/18/2011 W F 62 167 102 Malignant lymphoma
I 7/27/2011 7/29/2011 W F 67 159 60 Chronic obstructive pulmonary
J 9/30/2011 9/30/2011 W F 57 157.5 82 Unknown; manner natural
K 9/30/2011 10/2/2011 W M 84 177.5 82 Myocardial infarction
L 11/9/2011 11/10/2011 W F 85 156 68 Congestive heart failure
*W = White.

Weight represents self-reported value so may not reflect weight at death.

Individual was undergoing active radiation or chemotherapy at time of death.

the incision to reduce insect activity at the incision site. At the (25) and a reverse primer designed for this study (Table 2). Bifido-
next sampling date, the original incision was accessed through bacterium were quantified using a SYBR Green PCR assay with
an incision in the duct tape; at all costs, the duct tape was not a forward primer designed by Matsuki et al. (26) and a reverse
removed to maintain the insect barrier, up until natural decom- primer designed for this study. Primer pairs were used to amplify
position processes prevented duct tape from sticking. Samples products from gut samples, and PCR products were sequenced and
were collected daily or every other day for the six test individ- searched against the bacterial 16S rRNA gene database at
uals, for as long as the incision and intestinal structure Ribosomal Database Project ( using Probe
remained intact. Match to ensure group specificity. Total 16S rRNA genes were
quantified using “universal” primers as previously described (27).
Quantitation standards for Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
Cumulative Degree Hours
were created by cloning amplicons into pCRâII plasmid (Life
As temperature is a primary determinant of decomposition rates, Technologies, Grand Island, NY, USA) and diluting the plasmid
and bodies were not all placed simultaneously, we calculated to known concentrations. Each 50 lL PCR reaction contained
cumulative degree hours (CDH) according to Vass et al. (8). To 5 lL 109 Buffer B (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA,
calculate CDH, we used temperatures recorded at the University of USA), 6 lL dNTP 2.5 mM each (Takara Bio Inc., Mountain
Tennessee Institute of Agriculture meteorological station (located View, CA, USA), 4 lL 25 mM MgCl2 (Thermo Fisher Scientific,
< 0.5 km from the ARF) averaged over twelve-hour periods. CDH Waltham, MA, USA), 0.1 lL Taq DNA Polymerase (Thermo
was calculated as CDH = ∑ ((Ta + Tp)/2), where Ta and Tp were Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), 2 lL each group primer
the temperatures in degrees Celsius at 11:00 AM and 11:00 PM at a concentration of 25 lM (Invitrogen), and 1 lL DNA template
local time, respectively. Threshold was assumed to be 0°C. (diluted 1:10 with sterile water). PCR was carried out with a PTC-
100 Thermal Cycler (BioRad, Hercules, CA, USA). The PCR con-
ditions for each group primer were as follows: for Lactobacillus,
DNA Extraction
95°C for 5 min followed by 35 cycles of 95°C for 60 sec, 46°C
DNA isolation utilized the PowerSoilâ DNA Isolation Kit for 30 sec, and 72°C for 25 sec with a final extension at 72°C for
(MoBio Laboratories, Inc.). For each 1 mg of sample weight, 7 min. For Bifidobacterium, 95°C for 5 min followed by 40
2.5 lL of lysis buffer was added to the collection tube, vortexed, cycles of 95°C for 20 sec, 49°C for 30 sec, and 72°C for 25 sec
and the swab with gut material was transferred to a bead beating with a final extension of 72°C for 7 min. Amplified products were
tube. Samples were heated at 65°C for 10 min, followed by visualized on a 1.2% agarose gel with ethidium bromide stain.
95°C for 10 min according to the Human MicroBiome Project Amplicons were cloned into the vector using TA Cloningâ Kit
Manual of Procedures (23). The remainder of the extraction was (Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY, USA) according to the
performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and the manufacturer’s directions. Ligation products were transformed
DNA was eluted in water. The extracted DNA was visualized into DH5a competent cells and positive colonies sequenced using
using a 1.2% agarose gel electrophoresis with an ethidium bro- Sanger sequencing at the University of Tennessee Molecular Biol-
mide stain. ogy Resource Facility for sequence confirmation. Concentration
of plasmids was determined by a PicoGreen Quant-iT assay (Life
Technologies, Grand Island, NY, USA) and diluted to create a ser-
qPCR Assays
ies of quantitation standards ranging from 102 to 108 copies per
For this study, we selected three common gut genera to quan- reaction.
tify. Two are representative genera of the two major phyla of The qPCR amplification was performed on a Opticon Monitor
intestinal bacteria: Bacteroides (phylum Bacteroidetes; III or CFX96 (BioRad, Hercules, CA, USA). Each 20 lL reac-
Gram-negative, strictly anaerobic) and Lactobacillus (phylum tion was composed of 1 lL of each primer (10 pm/lL), 2.5 lL
Firmicutes; Gram-positive, facultative anaerobic). The third sterile water, 12.5 lL Maxima SYBRâ Green Master Mix
group represents one of the less abundant populations: Bifido- (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), and 3 lL of
bacterium (phylum Actinobacteria; Gram-positive, also strictly 1:10 diluted DNA extract as a template. Amplification condi-
anaerobic). tions are shown in Table 2. Melt curve analysis was performed
Bacteroides were quantified using a Taqmanâ qPCR assay for the three SYBR-based assays to ensure a single PCR ampli-
targeting human-associated Bacteroides according to Layton et al. con was produced. Results were only considered if the standard
(24) (Table 2). Lactobacillus were quantified using a SYBR curve had an r2 > 0.99 and the log linear slope was between
Green PCR assay with a forward primer designed by Ritchie et al. 2.9 and 3.6.

TABLE 2––PCR primers and thermocycling conditions used in this study.

Amplicon qPCR Conditions

Target Primer Sequence (50 to 30 ) Size (bp) (°C/sec) References
Bacteroides HuBac566f GGGTTTAAAGGGAGCGTAGG 116 95/30, 60/45 (23)
Lactobacillus LactoF AGCAGTAGGGAATCTTCCA 135 95/15, 45/30, 72/60, 80/01 (24)
Bifidobacterium Bifid-F CTCCTGGAAACGGGTGG 102 95/20, 49/30, 72/60, 80/01 (25)
All bacteria Bact1369-for CGGTGAATACGTTCYCGG 142 95/15, 55/30, 72/60, 80/01 (26)

Gene quantities were all normalized to total 16S rRNA gene jects. In all analyses, the results were considered significant if
copies, quantified using qPCR universal bacterial primers target- p < 0.05.
ing highly conserved regions of the 16S rRNA genes (27). In
several samples, quantities of the highly abundant Bacteroides
populations were equal to or even greater than total 16S rRNA Results
gene copies due to differences in PCR efficiencies between the
two assays. However, PCR efficiencies were comparable across
all samples and therefore could be used for internal normaliza- We collected samples from the six test bodies (A–F) daily or
tion of gene quantities. every other day until structures were too compromised due to
decay: either the intestinal site could not be identified due to
advanced decomposition of the tissues or became extremely
Statistical Analyses
desiccated. Sampling duration ranged from 9 to 20 days, or 205
qPCR data were initially processed with CFX Manager soft- to 595 cumulative degree hours (CDH). The specific sampling
ware (BioRad, Hercules, CA, USA). All further statistical analy- durations for the six bodies were 9 days (205 CDH), 14 days
ses were performed in R (28). Data were fit to several different (408 CDH), 14 days (313 CDH), 15 days (330 CDH), 20 days
linear and nonlinear models in order to determine the best fit (478 CDH), and 20 days (595 CDH), respectively (Fig. 1). Five
models (highest r2). Predicted values and confidence intervals of the six bodies exhibited similar rates of decay: Bloating was
were calculated. To establish whether the variability between apparent for the first 5–7 days (100-150 CDH), followed by a 3-
individuals was due to cause of death, sex, or body mass, two- to 4-day period of active decay (end of active decay was 183-
tailed Student’s t-tests were performed on subgroups of test sub- 265 CDH). One body, C, experienced a longer bloat (first

FIG. 1––Relative abundance of bacterial populations for each of the test bodies (A–F) over the postmortem interval (days since placement).

10 days, 215 CDH) and active decay period (9 days, end of

active decay was 453 CDH) compared to the others. The reason
for this discrepancy between body C and the others is unknown;
it cannot be accounted for by differences in temperature or envi-
ronment that we observed, nor by any of the physiological data
available (Table 1). For two bodies, C and E, additional samples
were taken between days 20 and 40 (CDH > 600) and quantities
of the three genera determined (data not shown). However,
abundances of the different populations at these additional time
points were considerably variable and resulted in a reduction in
the goodness of fit of the models. Because data from
CDH > 600 were only available for two bodies and were highly
variable, these data were not used in the analyses.

To determine whether our repeated sampling of the proximal
large intestine influences bacterial population numbers (e.g.,
through introduction of oxygen), we used six additional bodies
as controls. Control bodies (G–L) were only sampled once each,
with the incisions made and samples taken at 0, 0, 44, 224, 230,
and 330 CDH, respectively. We found the relative abundances
of Bacteroides and Lactobacillus populations in the controls
were within one standard deviation of the mean of the six test
bodies (Fig. 2). For Bifidobacterium, however, only the starting
sample (0 day) was similar to the test bodies; the remaining
samples were greater than one standard deviation from the mean,
indicating that Bifidobacterium abundances may have been
affected by the repeated sampling (Fig. 2).

Population Relative Abundances

Over the first 20 days postmortem, relative abundances of
Bacteroides declined in all individuals, dropping an average of
four orders of magnitude over the study (Figs 1 and 2A). The
reduction in relative abundance with time was best fit using
an exponential decay model (Table 3) Nt = N0e-kt, where Nt is
the relative abundance of the group at time (t), N0 is the
starting relative abundance at time 0, k is the decay constant,
and t is time since death in cumulative degree hours (CDH).
As temperature is one of the main variables affecting decom- FIG. 2––Relative abundance of three bacterial populations over the post-
mortem interval (in cumulative degree hours). Lines correspond to the expo-
position rates and processes (e.g., 29,30), and bodies experi- nential decay equation (solid line) and 95% confidence intervals (dotted
enced slightly different weather due to placement at different lines) of Nt = N0ekt where Nt is the relative abundance of the group at time
times of the spring and summer, we converted days to CDH. (t), N0 is the starting relative abundance at time 0, k is the decay constant,
Data from all six test bodies were aggregated; the resulting and t is time since death in cumulative degree hours. Control points (open)
refer to bodies that were only sampled once (bodies G–L).
best fit exponential decay equation is provided in Table 3 and
displayed in Fig. 2 with 95% confidence intervals. Bacteroides
exhibited the greatest decay constants (i.e., most rapid in decay constants (k) between the individuals in terms of
decline), and the exponential decay model was statistically sig- cause of death (respiratory disease [A and B] vs. cancer [E and
nificant (Table 3). Lactobacillus relative abundances declined F], p = 0.262, 0.573, 0.761 for Bacteroides, Lactobacillus, and
about three orders of magnitude (Fig. 2B), and this decline Bifidobacterium, respectively), sex (male [A and B] vs. female
was significant (p < 0.001) for all bodies (Table 3). [C, D, E, and F], p = 0.191, 0.331, 0.421), and body mass
Bifidobacterium, the least abundant of the three, exhibited no (body mass index >30 [C, D, and F] vs. body mass index <30
significant change over the course of the study (Fig. 2C), [A, B, and E], p = 0.407, 0.140, 0.624).
increasing in two bodies and declining in the other four
(Table 3). This resulted in a decay constant (k) that was not sig-
nificantly different from zero (Table 3).
Here we have provided proof of concept that human-associ-
Variability Between Individuals ated microbial populations (i.e., the human microbiome) could
be used as an indicator of postmortem interval (PMI). Quantifi-
While some individual variability was noted, these differ- cation of three common gut bacterial populations postmortem
ences could not be explained by cause of death, sex, or weight: revealed these populations decline in relative abundance over
A Student’s two-tailed t-test revealed no significant differences time. For two of these populations (Bacteroides and Lactobacil-

TABLE 3––Best fit exponential decay models Nt = N0ekt, where Nt is the weight, or cause of death, although we acknowledge the sample
relative abundance of the group at time (t), N0 is the starting relative sizes in these categories are small. In order for this approach to
abundance at time 0, k is the decay constant, and t is time since death in
cumulative degree hours (CDH). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. be broadly applicable, future research should focus on validating
this approach under a variety of environment conditions (e.g.,
Individual N0 k r2 temperature, humidity etc.). For example, the use of microbio-
mes as a forensic indicator could offer significant utility in win-
Bacteroides A 0.142 0.0174 0.384
B 7.891 0.0228 0.828***
ter when insect activity is reduced, so this method should be
C 2.895 0.0125 0.640** evaluated under winter conditions. In addition, the deceased indi-
D 2.187 0.0233 0.558** viduals in this study represent typical populations of the south-
E 0.540 0.0127 0.939*** eastern USA. While we found consistent results despite different
F 0.795 0.0146 0.703** lifestyles, therapeutic drug use, and cause of death, regional dif-
ALL 0.977 0.0144 0.537***
ferences in diet and lifestyle can affect human gut flora composi-
Lactobacillus A 0.021 0.0087 0.280 tion (13), so our methods should also be evaluated for different
B 0.009 0.0129 0.672* human populations with varying diets and geographic locations.
C 0.047 0.0101 0.679**
D 0.016 0.0025 0.070
E 0.047 0.0096 0.986** Summary
F 0.009 0.0059 0.050
ALL 0.019 0.0087 0.396*** Our results provided a quantitative look at the postmortem
Bifidobacterium A 0.0002 0.0112 0.404 human gut microbiome over time. We confirmed bacterial
B 0.003 0.004 0.426 populations change in relative abundance postmortem, and the
C 0.016 0.009 0.419 change was consistent and predictable between individuals for
D 0.003 9E-04 0.056
E 0.016 0.002 0.663
the first 600 CDH (20 days) postmortem. In particular, Bacte-
F 0.001 0.0036 0.046 roides and Lactobacillus exhibited repeatable and statistically
ALL 0.003 0.002 0.033 significant exponential decay in relative abundance over time.
Overall, this method provided an accurate estimation of the
postmortem interval and contributed to the strength of the
lus), the declines were repeatable and statistically significant, biological profile forensic scientists use to yield a personal
which is best described by exponential decay models. These identification in a medicolegal context.
anaerobic populations likely declined, due to the introduction
of oxygen to the body cavity and the proliferation of other Acknowledgments
decomposer bacterial populations, either from the gut or the
environment. Our results corroborate those demonstrated by The authors thank all of the donors and their families who
Heimesaat et al. (16) in human-flora-associated mice where dis- make this research possible.
tinct changes in bacterial populations in the ileum gut flora We gratefully acknowledge Dr. Tom Masi, Pranay Dogra,
were observed within 72 h postmortem: the total bacterial load and Dr. Heather Williamson for their laboratory instruction
(general 16S rRNA genes) had increased, while populations of and assistance. The authors would like to thank all of the
Lactobacillus, Bacteroides, and Bifidobacteria were comparable students in the Department of Anthropology who have assisted
to starting quantities, resulting in a decrease in relative abun- in sampling, especially Jake Smith, Rebecca Taylor,
dances (16). Yangseung Jeong, Beatrix Dudzik, and David Mercer. Finally,
Bifidobacterium populations declined in relative abundance the authors thank the two anonymous reviewers for their con-
only in some individuals and the declines were not significant. structive critiques which helped improve this manuscript.
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potential use of bacterial community succession in forensics as described Jennifer DeBruyn, Ph.D.
by high throughput metagenomic sequencing. Int J Legal Med 2013;128 Biosystems Engineering & Soil Science
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21. Hyde ER, Haarmann DP, Lynne AM, Bucheli SR, Petrosino JF. The University of Tennessee
living dead: bacterial community structure of a cadaver at the onset Knoxville, TN 37996
and end of the bloat stage of decomposition. PLoS ONE 2013;8(10): E-mail:

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