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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2797018, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Improving the Operation of Solar Water Heating

Systems in Green Buildings via Optimized Control
Wen-Tai Li, Member, IEEE, Kannan Thirugnanam, Member, IEEE, Wayes Tushar, Senior Member, IEEE, Chau
Yuen, Senior Member, IEEE, Kwee Tiang Chew, and Stewart Tai

Abstract—Solar water heating (SWH) systems are well-known promising ecological solutions to combat catastrophic climate
and effective structures that transfer solar energy into thermal change, photovoltaic (PV) panels have been widely installed
energy with hot water as the storage. The efficiency of an in both commercial and residential buildings and facilities for
SWH system is mainly based on well-designed solar collectors
and proper operation mechanisms. Although the most existing using solar as an alternative source of energy [15–20].
literature has focused on the efficiency enhancement of solar One important solar energy resource for buildings, which
collectors, limited studies are devoted to improve the operating is also the topic of this study, is the solar thermal system.
mechanism. As such, this paper studies the control mechanisms Essentially, a solar thermal system uses the sun’s energy
of the SWH system with a purpose so as to help the building to generate low-cost and environmentally friendly thermal
manager to achieve targeted energy management goals. In
particular, three control approaches are presented for improving energy. This energy is used to heat the water or other fluids,
the operational efficiency of the SWH system by controlling e.g., to power solar cooling systems, and has been very popular
auxiliary heaters, such as heat pumps and electric heaters, as well for use in commercial and residential buildings for past few
as circulation pumps. The proposed approaches are developed years [21]. Recently, low heat generation capacity of solar
based on different requirements of information such as the thermal collectors has been a key concern for the efficient
hot water demand, weather, and electricity price. Moreover,
three various energy management objectives are studied with use of such system. As such, designing and optimizing solar
considering different scenarios in terms of real weather pattern thermal panels for achieving higher efficiency are discussed
and hot water demand of a commercial building. The results in [22–26]. In [22], the authors present the effect of flow
validate that the proposed approaches can improve the operation and geometric parameters on the performance of solar thermal
of the SWH system according to various operation objectives. collector provided with impinging air jets. Based on multiple
Index Terms—Solar thermal, Solar water heating system, Heat life cycle impact assessment methodologies, a comprehensive
pump, Hot water storage, Optimal control, Optimization. evaluation of the environmental profile of a building-integrated
solar thermal collector is conducted in [23]. A comparative
I. I NTRODUCTION study on the suitability of different type of solar thermal
With increasing global warming and its effect on recent collectors for use in a combined heat and power system at
climate change, adopting environmentally friendly technolo- the UK market is demonstrated in [24]. Other studies in this
gies for energy sector has been recognized as a key potential category can be found in [25] and [26].
solution to this problem [1–7]. Consequently, buildings, which While the emphasis on improving the efficiency of solar
account for around 40% of total global energy consump- collectors is of great importance as efficient solar thermal
tion [8], have become the focul point of many institutional collectors can considerably improve the generation of solar
energy reduction initiatives and research to make them more energy, the efficient use of this energy within the building
sustainable and energy efficient, e.g. see [1, 9–14]. In this requires the practice of effective energy scheduling process. As
context, and due to the fact that solar energy is one of the most such, an energy scheduling problem for a household equipped
with a solar-assisted heating, ventilation, and air conditioning,
This work is supported in part by the project NRF2015ENC-GBICRD001- and water heating system is studied in [27] to minimize
028, which is funded by National Research Foundation (NRF) via the Green the electricity cost while maintaining user’s thermal comfort
Buildings Innovation Cluster (GBIC), and administered by Building and
Construction Authority (BCA) - Green Building Innovation Cluster (GBIC) requirements. In [28], the authors develop a dynamic model
Program Office, and in part by the SUTD-MIT International Design Centre to maximize the solar energy harness ability of a variable
(IDC; Any findings, conclusions, or opinions expressed in speed dish Stirling solar thermal system. The dynamics of
this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the sponsors. solar thermal plants, covering all processes between market
W. -T. Li, K. Thirugnanam and C. Yuen are with the Singapore University of demand through power output at millisecond resolution, for
Technology and Design (SUTD), 8 Somapah Road, Singapore 487372 (Email: the purpose of control design is modeled in [29], and the
{wentai li, kannan, yuenchau}
W. Tushar is with the School of Information Technology and Electrical authors in [30] demonstrate the use of linear programming
Engineering of the University of Queensland, QLD 4072, Australia (Email: and Pontryagin’s principle to determine how storage should be operated in a solar thermal power plant to maximise the
K. T. Chew and S. Tai are with the Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
(KTPH), 90 Yishun Central, Singapore 768828 (Email: {chew.kwee.tiang, revenue.
tai.stewart.yf} However, a reliable solar thermal system not only takes the

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2797018, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

efficiency of solar collectors into account but also the operation Hot water
Cold water
Tank water
Control signal
of auxiliary heaters such as heat pumps and electric heaters,
that produce heat energy in the absence of solar energy. Hence,
we note that one critical question that is needed to answer
in existing studies: what is the efficient way of scheduling tube collector
these auxiliary heaters within a solar thermal system that are Heat pump Electric
heater Kitchen
used for heating the water/fluid when the generated and/or Flat plate
collector Kitchen tank
stored solar energy is not enough to meet the demand? This
Main water
is particularly important as the auxiliary heaters are generally Circulator supply
driven by the electricity from the main grid. Hence, if the pump Main tank

auxiliary heaters are run inefficiently to heat the water, the Fig. 1: Demonstration of the solar water heating system considered in this
impact of the building on the environment would still be work.
detrimental, and thus go against the main purpose of using
the solar thermal system. Furthermore, the operation schedule
of auxiliary heaters is also critical. If auxiliary heaters are any time of the day to meet the hot water demand with
run at the periods of peak hour or high electricity price, high necessary temperature. This provides the lower bound of
penalty cost may be charged by the utilities. In this context, the control performance. Finally, we propose a perdition
there are needs for effective scheduling mechanism of heaters based scheduling method to determine a solution that
to heat the water within a solar thermal system such that the lies between the lower bound and the upper bound. The
electricity cost for running the auxiliary heaters is minimized perdition based method is designed using a two timescale
while fulfilling the heat demand of the building. scheduling technique.
As such, we study optimized control strategies for the • To show the effectiveness of the proposed scheduling
operation of a solar thermal system in this paper. In particular, techniques, we study three cases with three different
we consider a real solar water heating (SWH) system, which objectives including operational cost reduction, consump-
is currently being operated within a commercial facility in tion of peak power alleviation, and multi-objective of
Singapore. Based on the system specification, actual data on joint cost-peak mitigation. The results demonstrate that
the hot water demand of the facility, and weather condition, the proposed approaches can effectively and efficiently
we model the system and show that significant energy and improve the operation of the SWH system.
cost savings are possible by scheduling the auxiliary heaters The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The system
without compromising the hot water demand by the occupants. model considered in this study is described in Section II
An initial version of this study has been published in [31], followed by the problem formulation and proposed control
and we have extended our previous work that the main strategies in Section III. The cases with various situations
contributions of this study are threefold: are studied in Section IV, where we also explain the related
results. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section V.
• We develop a mathematical model of the SWH system
considering the general hot water demand of the entire
building and a specific hot water demand with a higher II. S YSTEM M ODEL
temperature requirement. This is a practical scenario of
the considered commercial facility, where the general A. Description of the Solar Water Heating System
hot water (60◦ C) demand could be for the showering
purposes and the specific hot water (70◦ C) is necessary The schematic of a solar water heating system in a building
for the cooking purposes in the kitchen. Such two- is illustrated in Fig. 1, that consists of two different sizes
tier demand adds a new dimension to the optimization of hot water storages called main tank and kitchen tank,
framework due to not only the fact that the temperature heat pumps (HPs), electric heaters (EHs), and both flat-plate
requirement is higher, but also because it has a different and evacuated tube solar thermal collector (STC) arrays with
demand profile and is equipped with separate auxiliary circulator pumps (CPs). The number of heat pumps and
heaters (electric heaters) to heat the water to the required electric heaters is N and K, respectively. The main tank,
temperature. Further, the electric heaters are also run by which is connected to the cold water supply, HPs, and STCs
electricity from the grid, which contributes to increased with CPs, is responsible for supplying hot water to the whole
cost. building. The main tank stores the heat extracted from the
• We propose three different control scheduling techniques STCs by circulating water via circulator pumps. When the heat
in this paper. First, we study the real-time control of from the STCs is not enough to heat the water to the desired
heat pumps, electric heaters, and circulation pumps based temperature, the deficient heat is supplied by the connected
on the hot water demand of the buildings. This study heat pumps.
provides us with insights on the upper bound of the For kitchen’s demand, the hot water from main tank is
control performance. Then, we propose an optimization flowing in the kitchen tank, and the water inside the kitchen
technique to find the optimal schedule of heat pumps tank is further heated up to the higher specific temperature by
and electric heaters that are required to be turned on at electric heaters before supplying to kitchen zone.

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2797018, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

B. Thermal Energy Model heat and consumed electricity by the heat pump. If the required
heat demand of water is more than the amount that can be
In this section, the mathematical model of SWH system is
produced with Qsh , the deficient amount of heat needs to be
presented according to the above description.
supplemented by the HPs. For this case, we assume that all
1) Required Thermal Energy: Let the amount of hot water
HPs have equal heating capacity, and are running at their
demand of the whole building be denoted as Dhw (liter) at any
maximum heating capacity (i.e., q hp ) while they are turned
time slot h ∈ {1, 2, . . . , H} of a day, where H is the total
on. Hence, the heat energy produced by HPs can be expressed
number of time slots. Then, referring to [32], the necessary
thermal energy Qw h (kWh) required for heating the water from Qhp hp
h = q ∆h × nh , (6)
cold water source to the desired temperature is calculated as
where nh is the number of HPs that need to be turned on to
Qw w w cold

h = CDh Tset − Th , (1)
produce the heat to fill the deficient amount of heat energy at
where C = 0.0012 (kWh/(liter◦ C)) is the specific heat capacity time slot h. Similar to heat pump, the produced heat of EH is
w expressed as
(or thermal capacity) of water. Tset represents the required
temperature of hot water set by the building manager (e.g., q eh = COPeh × P eh . (7)
Tset = 60◦ C), and Thcold is the temperature of the cold water
where COPeh is the coefficient of performance of EH, and
which is assumed as same as ambient temperature. Note that
P eh is the power consumption of electric heater. Then, the
the thermal energy Qw h is extracted from the main tank.
w total heat energy produced by EHs at time slot h is obtained
For kitchen zone, the hot water with temperature Tset is
further heated up to the higher temperature. Then the required
Qeh eh
h = q ∆h × kh . (8)
thermal energy extracted from kitchen tank is expressed as
where, kh is the number of EHs that are switched on at time
Qkh = CDhk (Tset
k w
− Tset ), (2)
slot h.
where Dhk represents the amount of kitchen’s demand, and Tset

is the required temperature of hot water for cooking purposes, 4) Energy Balance in Hot Water Storage: We regard hot
e.g., Tset = 70◦ C. Note that the amount of kitchen’s demand water storage as a pool that all relevant thermal energy steam
must be less than or equal to the amount of hot water demand must flow into or out of this pool. That is, if the amount of
of the whole building ( i.e., Dhk ≤ Dhw , ∀h). the sum of the produced energy is more than required energy,
2) Solar Energy: Considering the panel area of the flat- then the excess energy will be stored in the pool. On the other
plate and evacuated tube STC array are Af and Ae respec- hand, the energy stored in the pool also can be discharged to
tively. Also, Mf and Me are the respective number of flat- support the deficient amount of heat energy. Hence, a simple
plat and evacuated plat solar thermal panels. Let the solar energy balance model can be expressed as
irradiance be dented as Ih (kW/m2 ) at time slot h, then the QM M s hp w l
h = Qh−1 + Qh + Qh − Qh − Qh (9)
total effective thermal energy collected from the two STCs is
expressed as where QM
is the total thermal energy stored inside main tank
at time slot h. Qlh represents the overall energy loss due
qhs = Ih (ηf Af Mf + ηe Ae Me ) . (3) to heat exchange, demand delivery, and insulation materials
In (3), ηf and ηe are the thermal efficiency of the flat-plate 1 of the storage tank. Furthermore, the energy balance model
and evacuated tube STCs respectively. Hence, the solar energy can be transferred as dynamic variation of temperature in
extracted by CPs is determined as the hot water storage. In this context, let ThM denote as the
water temperature in the main tank at time slot h that can be
Qsh = qhs ∆h × uh , (4) calculated as [32]
where ∆h (hour) is the interval of time slot, and uh represents ∆QM
ThM = Th−1
+ h
, (10)
the status of CPs that are only switched ON or OFF. Note that CV M
the all circulator pumps are synchronously operated due to the
where ∆QM M M
h = Qh − Qh−1 , and V
is volume capacity of
setting of system. As a result, uh ∈ {0, 1} is a binary variable.
the main tank. For simplification, we assume that the overall
3) Heat Energy from Auxiliary Heaters: In this study, energy loss relies on the temperature of tank at pervious time
ON/OFF controlled air-to-water heat pumps and electric im- slot, that is, Qlh / CV M ≡ η M Th−1M
, where η M represents
mersion heaters are considered as auxiliary heaters. Assuming the heat loss coefficient of the main tank that indicates the
one HP consumes electricity power P hp (kW) while HP in influence of energy loss. By substituting Eq. (1) into Eq. (10),
service. Then the heat production of HP is determined as the dynamic temperature model of the main tank is determined
q hp = COPhp × P hp . (5) as:
  1  s hp

Here, COPhp represents the coefficient of performance of HP, ThM = 1 − η M Th−1
+ Qh + Q h
that is, an indicator of the relationship between the produced ∆Thw w
− M Dh , h = 1, 2, . . . , H, (11)
1 That is how much heat energy is produced per unit of incidence I on
the surface. where ∆Thw = Tset
− Thcold .

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2797018, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Similarly, for the kitchen tank, the energy balance model is Furthermore, the electricity consumption by CPs at h is
expressed as
Ehcp = P cp ∆h × uh , (20)
QKh = QKh−1 + Qeh
h − Qkh − Qlk
h , (12)
where the rated power of all circulator pumps is P cp .
where QKh
is the total thermal energy stored in the kitchen tank Accordingly, the total cost Jcost of total electricity consump-
at time slot h, and Qlk
h is the overall energy loss corresponding tion for the whole day (i.e., H time slots) is determined as
to the kitchen tank. Then the dynamic temperature model of H
the kitchen tank is given as
Jcost = Ehhp + Eheh + Ehcp (21)
  1  eh  h=1
ThK = K
1 − η K Th−1 + Qh
CV K where Ch is the price per unit of electricity at h.
∆T k
− K Dhk , h = 1, 2, . . . , H. (13)
η K and V K are the heat loss coefficient and volume capacity The aim of this work is to devise control approaches to
of the kitchen tank, representatively, and ∆T k = Tset
k w
− Tset . improve efficiency of the SWH system. It indicates that the
In addition, there are some key constraints and assumptions building manager would be able to pursue its own efficiency
that are needed to be satisfied with the characteristics of objectives such as
storage tanks as follows: • Minimizing the total electricity cost:
• At the beginning of a day, we assume the temperature of H
the both tanks should have individual initial value as
Jcost = Ehhp + Eheh + Ehcp ,
T0M = Tini
, (14a) h=1

T0K = Tini
. (14b) • Minimizing the peak power consumption:

Also, the temperature should be maintained above certain Jpeak = max{P hp nh + P eh kh + P cp uh }.

threshold at the end of control period H,
At same time, all the relevant system constraints need to
M M be maintained so as to meet the hot water demand of the
TH ≥ Tini , (15a)
K K consumers within the building. Based on Eq. (18) – (21), it
TH ≥ Tini . (15b)
can be clearly observed that these objectives are related to the
• At any time slot h, the temperature inside tanks needs to operation of HPs, EHs, and CPs. Hence, in this section, we
be more than a lower temperature threshold propose three energy management strategies for the operation
of HPs and EHs as well as CPs in terms of different objectives
ThM ≥ Tmin
, (16a)
and knowledge of future information:
ThK ≥ K
Tmin . (16b) 1) On-Demand Control (ODC) approach, which requires no
The lower temperature threshold must be great or equal future information and is performed in real-time. Thus,
to the desired temperature of hot water based on the law this control approach is more practical and implementable
of thermal equilibrium, i.e., Tmin w
≥ Tset K
, Tmin k
≥ Tset . in real SWH systems.
• Similarly, at any time slot h, the temperature always 2) Optimal day-ahead scheduling (ODS) approach that as-
needs to be lower than a maximum temperature threshold sumes the prior information is perfectly known for future
24-hours. The solution of this approach is theoretical
optimum based on exact future information, and thus can
ThM ≤ Tmax
, (17a) serve as a lower bound for different objectives.
ThK ≤ K
Tmax , (17b) 3) Sliding time-scale window scheduling (STWS) approach,
which is the modified ODS approach performing based
based on the type of the design and material of the hot on forecasted information. It can be expected the solution
water storage tank. Otherwise, it would compromise the of STWS would be close to ODS’s as the accuracy of
lifetime and operational efficiency of the storage tank. forecasts increasing.

C. Electricity Consumption A. On-Demand Control (ODC)

Now, most of electricity consumption of SHW system is ODC approach aims at maximizing the utility of solar
consumed by HPs, EHs and CPs. Then the total electricity energy. That is, ODC approach gives priority to using solar
consumption (kWh) of HPs at time slot h is calculated by energy to heat up water at each time slot h, and stores surplus
solar energy into the main tank for future usage. The idea
Ehhp = P hp ∆h × nh . (18) behind ODC is to minimize the number of HPs and EHs that
need to be turned on at each time slot h so as to reduce total
Similarly, the electricity consumption by EHs is
electricity cost Jcost . By minimizing the number of HPs and
Eheh = P eh ∆h × kh . (19) EHs that are turned on at each time slot h, it means that the

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2797018, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

objective of peak reduction is also considered within ODC B. Optimal Day-ahead Scheduling (ODS)
approach. The basic functionality of ODC approach is shown Although ODC is a practical and implementable approach
via controlling the HPs, EHs and CPs to meet the current hot
Algorithm 1: ODC approach. water demand in real-time, ODC may be confronted by some
initialize: Specifications and parameters of system: problems. For instance, if the upcoming hot water demand
{Mf , Me , ηf , ηe , Af , Ae , · · · }
input : Solar irradiance {Ih }, hot water demand: {Dhw , Dk } is lager than the available capacity of heat energy of all
output : The number of HPs, EHs and CPs: {nh , kh , uh }, and HPs and STCs, the desired temperature of hot water would
temperature of both tanks: {Th , Th } K
not be achieved leading to user uncomfort. It is due to the
1 for each h ∈ {1, · · · , H} do
fact that ODC approach lacks the future information such as
the weather condition and hot water demand. Therefore, if
Main tank:
2 Estimate the required heat energy by Eq. (1); the exact forecasting for future information is available, we
3 Estimate the current solar energy by Eq. (3); can efficiently schedule the operations of HPs, EHs, and CPs
s > 0 then
if qh
uh = 1
according to various aims. In this study, since the control of
else HPs, EHs, and CPs is only possible through on/off control,
uh = 0 searching for the optimal patterns of (nh , kh , uh ) from set
Let Qh , nh = 0 and calculate ThM by using Eq. (11); {0, 1} ∀h is the ultimate target. In this context, the optimal
6 if Eq. (16a) (& Eq. (15a) if h=H) hold then day-ahead scheduling (ODS) problem can be expressed as
7 Update the temperature of the main tank by Eq.
(11); min J
nh ,kh ,uh
8 Determine the necessary number of HPs, nh , and s.t. (11), (13), (14) − (17), (22)
calculating Qh by Eq. (6); nh , kh , uh ∈ {0, 1} ∀h.
9 Update the temperature of the main tank by Eq.
(11); Note that (22) is a general version of ODS, and J can
Kitchen tank: be any objective as long as the system constraints (11), (13),
10 Estimate the required thermal energy by Eq. (2); (14)-(17) are satisfied. That is, if the building manager wants
11 Let QEh K
h , kh = 0 and calculate Th by using Eq. (13); to schedule the HPs, EHs, and CPs via ODS so as to minimize
12 if Eq. (16b) (& Eq. (15b) if h=H) hold then
13 Update the temperature of the main tank by Eq. the total electricity cost, Jcost would be substituted for J in
(13); (22). Similarity, substituting J by Jpeak indicates minimizing
else the peak of power consumption via ODS approach. In addition,
14 Determining the necessary number of EHs, kh , and ODS (22) is formulated as an integer programming problem
calculate Qeh
h by Eq. (8); (MILP), and there are many popular solvers that can be applied
15 Update the temperature of the kitchen tank by Eq.
(13); to solve it. In this work, we employ built-in tool of MATLAB
to solve this problem.
16 Return {nh , kh , uh , ThM , ThK }, ∀h

C. Sliding Timescale Window Scheduling (STWS)

in Algorithm 1. First, the ODC approach receives the estimated ODS gives the optimal solutions for the corresponding
measurement of the main hot water demand Dhw and the power objectives, but it may not be suitable for practical implementa-
of solar irradiance Ih at time slot h. Then it calculates the tion due to the requirement of extremely accurate forecasting
necessary heat energy Qw h and the solar energy Qh by using for the future 24-hours. Moreover, the computational time
Eq. (1) and (3), respectively. After estimation, the ODC prefers is exponential increasing as the scheduling period or control
to use the solar energy Qsh and the heat energy stored in the variables increasing. Hence, inspired by [33], we develop an
tank to meet the required heat energy Qw h as much as possible. online control approach, namely sliding timescale window
This is due to the fact that the electricity consumption of CPs scheduling (STWS). The scheme of STWS is based on ODS
is generally less than that of HPs. Thus, heat energy is no with some modification and relaxation that are detailed below.
required from HPs if enough heat energy form solar and the
main tank. Furthermore, surplus solar energy will be stored Time window of scheduling

into the main tank. Historical data:

Hourly resolution
Day-ahead forecasting
Otherwise, the necessary number of the HPs that need to wheatear, hot
water demand, 15 mins resolution
be turned on and the heat energy produced by HPs will be and electricity Hour-ahead forecasting
estimated. Finally, ODC updates the temperature of main tank ….. h
0 1 2 3 4 ….. Time
for next time slot h + 1. The procedure for kitchen part is
similar to the above explanation except of solar energy. In fact, Fig. 2: Architecture of sliding timescale window scheduling approach.
ODC approach is a simple real-time algorithm that provides a
simple and rough solution, and serves as an upper bound on The idea behind STWS is that forecasting the upcoming
the worst case performance of SWH system. As such, ODC time is generally more accurate than forecasting future time.
serves as a reference control and benchmark for performances Hence, we focus on deciding the actual control with respect
comparison afterward. to the immediate and upcoming time slots, and only perform

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2797018, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

a rough plan for the future. For instance, as seen in Fig. on the forecasted information. Such situation will result in an
2, we consider two kinds of time slot with different time infeasible solution. Fortunately, those unsatisfied constraints
intervals; the time slots within the upcoming one hour have usually take place at future time intervals. Therefore, we
15 minutes time interval, and otherwise the time interval is 60 adjust the limit of those unsatisfied constraints in order to
minutes. On the basic of the forecast data from different time overcome such problem, For example, we relax the constraint
as TiM ≥ Tmin M

resolution, i.e., 15 mins and hourly forecast, STWS schedules − δ , which δ is the tolerance. if Eq. (16a)
the control decisions for whole period as ODS does. Different cannot be satisfied at i-th time slot,
from ODS, STWS relaxes the relevant variables and certain of After scheduling, only the control decisions for the current
constraints for future time slot. This is due to the fact that the time slot are made, and then STWS will repeat for each time
control decisions of future time slot have highly uncertainty slot. Compared to ODS, STWS can be performed promptly
due to inaccurate forecasting. Hence, the general problem without huge computational burden due to relaxing the rele-
formulation of STWS can be express as vant variables and constraints for far future3 .
min J (h, h0 )
nh ,kh ,uh ,Nh0 ,Kh0 ,Uh0 IV. C ASE S TUDY
s.t. (11), (13), (14) − (17), In this section, we conducted the simulation to examine
nh ∈ {0, N }, kh ∈ {0, K}, (23) the proposed approaches based on the real data of SWH
uh ∈ {0, 1} ∀h ∈ H system from a commercial building in Singapore4 . That is, we
captured the historical data of hot water demand consumed
Nh0 ∈ [0, N ], Kh0 ∈ [0, K],
in this building, and the specification of the SWH system.
Uh0 ∈ [0, 1] ∀h0 ∈ H0 . The initial specification and parameters setting are detailed
Here, J (h, h0 ) indicates that the representation of objective is in TABLE I. Furthermore, the real weather data [34] and
adapted by different time resolution. Note that Nh0 , Kh0 , and electricity tariff [35] are also considered.
Uh0 represent the variables for hourly time slot, and are relaxed
form integer variable to real variable. H and H0 are the sets A. Considered Data for Simulation
of chosen time slot with the time interval of 15 minutes and 1 To validate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches
hour, respectively. For a better understanding on the problem under various scenarios, we first consider different weather
formulation of STWS, we provide an example to explain it. situations such as sunny, rainy, cloudy, and even dark such
Assume that the objective of building manager is to minimize the worst case. In particular, we select three practical days to
total electricity cost, and the index of current time slot is 1, i.e., run simulations, including a rainy day (RD - July/26/2016),
h = 1. Then, the set H of chosen time slots is H = {1, 2, 3, 4}, a sunny day (SD -July/05/2016), and a semisynthetic day
and the set of hourly time slots is H0 = {2, 3, · · · , 24}. Given with no solar (NS - July/01/2016). The RD and SD have
the forecasting values of 15 mins and hourly resolution2 , e.g., been chosen based on the real data including solar irradiance,
Whm , Whm0 , the problem can be written as ambient temperature, hot water demand and electricity price in
4 the month of July 2016, and also the NS has been chosen based
min Ehhp + Eheh + Ehcp on the real data except the whether data. Note that, only in the
h=1 NS case, the solar irradiance and the ambient temperature are
24 assumed to be zero and a constant value, 25◦ C, respectively.
+ 0 Ehhp0 + Eheh0 + Ehcp0 Fig. 3 shows the real date on RD, SD, and NS at each time slot
h0 =2 h. It is observed that, in Fig. 3, the peak of hot water demand
s.t. (11), (13), (14) − (17), (24)
arises from 6:00 to 10:00 hours in the morning, and the peak in
nh ∈ {0, N }, kh ∈ {0, K}, the evening is from 18:00 to 21:00 hours for all selected days.
uh ∈ {0, 1} , h = 1, 2, 3, 4. Furthermore, the peaks of the electricity price and hot water
demand profile are roughly coincident besides midnight. This
Nh0 ∈ [0, N ], Kh0 ∈ [0, K], indicates that the high electricity cost and power load, caused
Uh0 ∈ [0, 1] , h0 = 2, 3, · · · , 24. by auxiliary heaters, will have a high correlation during those
Here, Ch0 is the electricity price for hourly time resolution. periods without the optimized control.
Ehhp0 is based on Eq. (18), that is Ehhp0 = P hp ∆h0 × Nh0 , where To perform STWS, the forecasted information is necessary.
∆h0 = 4 × ∆h. Similar to Eheh0 and Ehcp0 , they are based on Eq. Hence, we generate a series simulated forecast data, including
(19) and Eq. (20), respectively. solar irradiance, ambient temperature, hot water demand ,and
However, the problem (23) is still possible to be infeasible electricity price by incorporating the real data with Gaussian
because sometimes the certain constraints, e.g., Eq. (16a), white noise, which is simulated as the forecasting errors. In
could not be satisfied when performing STWS approach based this work, we assume the any information within first hour to
be perfectly forecasted at the sliding time window of STWS.
2 There have been many methods, e.g., ARMA, artificial neural network 3 Essentially, STWS approach is a variant of model predictive control (MPC)

(ANN), Kalman filter, and so on, that can applied to short term and long term without the computation burden and complexity that typical MPC meets.
forecasting. However, how to implement the forecasting methods is out of 4 The authors wish to acknowledge the help of Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
scope. Hence, in this study, we only simulate the forecasted value. (KTPH) in sharing their data

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2797018, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

TABLE I: Initial specification and parameters setting (the description of the parameter with the notation (*) indicates the corresponding value is assumed)
Description Parameter Value Description Parameter Value
The interval of time slot ∆h 15 mins The total number of time slots H 96
The required temperature of hot water for whole building w
Tset 60◦ C The absorber area of flat-plate panels Af 2.8 m2
The required temperature of hot water for kitchen zone k
Tset 70◦ C The absorber area of evacuated-tube panels Ae 2.8 m2
The maximum temperature of tank M
Tmax K
&Tmax 80◦ C The thermal efficiency of flat-plate panels (*) ηf 0.5
The minimum temperature of main tank M
Tmin 60◦ C The thermal efficiency of evacuated-tube panels (*) ηe 0.7
The minimum temperature of kitchen tank K
Tmin 70◦ C The capacity of tank V M /V K 12/3 m3
The heat loss coefficient of the storage (*) η M &η K 0.1%/hour The COP of heat pump COPhp 3.1
The number of flat-plate panels Mf 27 The COP of electric heater COPeh 0.76
The number of evacuated-tube panels Me 70 The electricity consumption of heat pump P hp 12.85 kW
The number of heap pumps N 5 The electricity consumption of electric heater P eh 18 kW
The number of electric heaters K 6 The electricity consumption of circulator pump P cp 2.75 kW

1000 35
Main tank

Ambient temperature ( °C )

No. HPs at ON-status

Solar irradiance (W/m 2)

Temperature (°C)
800 30 No. HPs (ODC) No. HPs (ODS) No. HPs (STWS) Temp. (ODC) Temp. (ODS) Temp. (STWS) 90
600 25 60
400 20 3
200 Solar irradiance 15 0
Ambient temperature 12 24 36 48 60 72
0 10 Kitchen tank

No. EHs at ON-status

12 24 36 48 60 72
No. EHs (ODC) No. EHs (ODS) No. EHs (STWS) Temp. (ODC) Temp. (ODS) Temp. (STWS)

Temperature (°C)
1500 100 70
Total hot water demand 60
Hot water demand (Liter)

Electricity Price ($/MWh)

Hot water demand for kitchen

Dynamic price 2
1000 75
12 24 36 48 60 72
Time (Hour)
500 50
Fig. 4: Demonstration of No.HPs and EHs and temp. of main tank and kitchen
tank on the selected days in Case 1.
0 25
12 24 36 48 60 72
Time (hour)

Fig. 3: Illustration of the considered data on a rainy day (RD), sunny day main tank up significantly. Moreover, more HPs and EHs are
(SD) and on a day with no solar (NS). turned on during the periods of lower price in order to reserve
heat for future demand. Similar phenomenon is also observed
from the results of STWS approach, that demonstrates the
For the remainder periods of time window, we assume that the effectiveness for the forecasts of demand and price. TABLE
mean of foretasting error is 0, and the standard deviation of
foretasting error, σ, is the 20% of actual data value for hourly TABLE II: The summary results of ODC.
resolution. For example, the foretasted solar irradiance at time Total electricity consumption (kWh)
No solar
Rainy day
Sunny day
Average of three days
slot h0 can be express as Peak power consumption (kW) 100.3 72.2 77.3 83.2
Total electricity cost (SGD) 39.87 33.18 22.75 31.9

Iˆh0 = Ih0 + 0.2Ih0 × N (0, 1), (25)

III shows the results of ODS and STWS obtained in Case 1.
where Ih0 is the exact value of solar irradiance, and N (0, 1) According to TABLE III, the total electricity consumption of
represents Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit ODS and STW is sightly more than ODC for all selected days,
variance. except ODS’s on sunny day. However, the total electricity cost
of ODS and STWS is reduced, compared to ODC, for all
B. Case1: Cost-optimal selected days, and the cost saving of STWS is less than ODS
Now, this case study aims to minimize the electricity cost due to the forecasting uncertainty. In addition, the peak power
via the proposed approaches. Hence, we perform the the consumption of ODS and STW is significant increased. This
proposed approaches, and show the results of the temperature is due to the fact that the more HPs and EHs, compared to
of main tank and kitchen tank and the status of HPs and ODC, are turned on during the periods of lower price in order
EHs in the Fig. 4. For reference control, ODC approach, the to achieve more cost saving.
number of the required HPs and EHs to fulfil the demand
of hot water varies with the variation of solar irradiance and C. Case2: Peak Reduction
hot water demand, correspondingly. For ease of observation, In this case study, we aim to minimize the peak power
the results of ODC, as shown in TABLE II, will serve as a consumption of the SWH system. Fig. 5 shows the electric
reference benchmark for performances comparison with ODC power consumption of the proposed approaches. Observably,
and STWS. Note that the results of ODC are same through ODC approach results in many peak loads due to the peaks of
all case studies. For ODS approach, as expected, it can be hot water demand, that indicate a large number of in-service
observed that more HPs are turned on early before the morning HPs and EHs during those periods. On the contrary, as seen
peak to pre-heat up water leading to rise the temperature of in Fig. 5, ODS and STWS have a much improvement, that

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2797018, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

TABLE III: The summary results of ODS and STWS compared to ODC in case study.
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
ODS 0.52% 1.52% −0.73% 14.22% 3.54% 1.81% 0.52% 0.04% −1.73%
Total electricity consumption
STWS 0.52% 1.52% 1.78% 0.52% 3.25% 16.71% 0.52% 0.55% 0.25%
ODS 71.82% 142.55% 122.83% −61.55% −46.57% −60.09% −61.55% −53.43% −60.09%
Peak power consumption
STWS 71.82% 138.74% 122.83% −61.55% −46.57% −56.53% −35.91% −28.76% −43.47%
ODS −5.04% −7.32% −6.42% 14.67% 2.18% 2.24% −2.81% −2.53% −3.59%
Total electricity cost
STWS −3.21% −4.92% −3.00% 0.76% 1.42% 17.83% −1.31% −2.17% −1.81%
In case 1, ODS and STWS achieve lower elec- In case 2, ODS and STWS achieve lower peak In case 3, ODS and STWS achieve both lower
Remark tricity cost than ODC in all weather conditions, power consumption than ODC in all weather electricity cost and lower peak power consump-
specially on RD. conditions, especially on NS and SD. tion than ODC in all weather conditions.

is, almost flat power consumption profile. It is observed that,

438 75
as shown in TABLE III, ODS and STWS have the almost Total electricity consumption
Peak load
equal performance in terms of the objective of peak reduction.

Total electricity consumption (kWh)

437 70
However, it is noted that the higher electricity consumption
and cost will be caused due to the influence of pursuing peak

Peak power (kW)

436 65
reduction. Hence, it is interesting that how to increase cost-
saving while reducing the peak. Therefore, simultaneously Optimal weight
435 60
considering the objectives of cost-optimal and peak reduction
is studied in next section.
434 55

433 50
80 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102
Power consumption (kW)

Weight factor (w)

Fig. 6: Demonstration of the weight selection performed upon ODS.


suffer in terms of peak or cost. That is, based on the objective

of electricity cost reduction, ODS and STWS will increase
0 the peak of power consumption. On the other hand, ODS and
12 24 36 48 60 72
Time (Hour) STWS based on the objective of peak reduction reduce the
Fig. 5: The dynamic profile of electricity power consumption in Case 2. peaks of power consumption but significantly rise the total
electricity cost due to load shifting to the periods with high
price. However, ODS and STWS based on Jdual with optimal
weight, gain both advantage of cost-saving and peak-reducing,
D. Case3: Dual Cost-Peak Objectives and avoid those drawbacks. But the performance of ODS and
Multi-objective of joint cost-peak is considered in this case STWS based on Jdual is less than that of considering individual
study. For ease, let Jdual denote the multi-objective function objective. Moreover, the performance of STWS is approaching
that simultaneously considers the reduction of peak load and ODS, without the needs of having perfect information on
the total electricity cost. In general, the optimal solution of weather, hot water demand and electricity price, as well as
Jdual will be taken in the presence of tradeoff between peak heavy computational burden.
load and total electricity cost. Therefore, we employ the
weighted sum method to address this multi-objective optimiza- V. C ONCLUSIONS
tion. Specifically, we sum peak load and total electricity cost In this paper, the optimal control mechanism for controlling
with multiplying a weight factor as heat pumps, electric heats, and circulator pumps within a
SWH system has been studied with a view to improving
Jdual = ω × Jcost + Jpeak , (26)
the operation of the SWH system. Three control strategies
where ω is weight factor. However, how to select weight factor including ODC, ODS, and STWS have been proposed based
so as to optimize peak load and total electricity consumption on different requirements of information on weather, hot water
simultaneously is an important issue. To do so, we choose demand, and electricity price. Further, we have studied three
the SD day’s condition to conduct ODS with various scale cases that consider the cost-optimal, peak-reducing, and dual
of weight factor. Fig. 6 shows that the curves of peak load cost-peak objectives, by using the real data of weather, price,
and total electricity consumption relating to various scale of and hot water demand of a commercial building in Singapore.
weight factor. It is note that the curves cross at ten. Hence, The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approaches
ω ? = 10 regards as the optimal weight factor in this case have been validated via numerical case studies. The case
study. Note that all relevant results shown below are carried results have shown that the proposed approaches can improve
out with the optimal weight factor. The results of ODS and cost-efficiency as well as reduce the peak demand. Specifically,
STWS with respect to three cases are shown in TABLE III. ODC, which is a simple and real-time control method, has
Observably, only considering the objective of cost-optimal been shown to have the potential for practical implementation.
or peak-reducing can only maximize their own objective but Hence, we have let the results of ODC serve as a reference

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2797018, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

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1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2797018, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

[33] J. Fink, R. P. Leeuwen, J. L. Hurink, and G. J. M. Smit, “Linear Kwee Tiang Chew received the Bachelor of Phar-
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[34] Department of Geography, NUS, “Geography Weather Station,” https: Singapore.
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[35] Energy Market Company of Singpore, “Price information,” https://www. maceutical Society of Singapore since 1995. She, [Online]. was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Khoo Teck
Puat Hospital, Alexandra Health Pte Ltd on 1 April
She was presented with the National Day Public
Administration Medal (Bronze) Award in August
Wen-Tai Li (M’18) received the B.S. and M.S. 2011. She also received the Pingat Kepujian Award from the President of
degrees in optoelectronics and communication en- Singapore for contributions in fight against SARs in 2003.
gineering from National Kaohsiung Normal Univer- She is a member of the Healthcare Tripartite for Workforce Innovation
sity, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in 2009 and 2011, respec- and Productivity with the Ministry of Health. She also serves as member on
tively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Institute of the Management Board of Institute of Systems Science (ISS), the Workforce
Communications Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen Development Agencys (WDA) Service Excellence Skills and Training Council
University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in 2018. He was (SESTC) as well as the School Advisory Committee for Huamin Primary
a Research Assistant, from 2015 to 2017, and is School. She was appointed as Chairperson of the Selection Panel for MOH
currently a Post Doc Fellow with the Singapore Healthcare Scholarships, as well as the Healthcare Academic Advisory
University of Technology and Design, SUTD, Sin- Committee (AAC) at the Institute of Technical Education.
gapore. His research interests include power system
monitoring, smart grid, and wireless communications.

Kannan Thirugnanam (S’12, M’14) received his

BE., degree in Electronics and Communication En-
gineering at Government College of Engineering
(GCE) Bargur in 2005 and ME., degree in Electrical
and Electronics Engineering with specialization of
Power Electronics and Drives at Alagappa Chettiar
College of Engineering and Technology (ACCET)
Karaikudi in 2009. He received his Ph.D. degree in
Electronics and Electrical Engineering from Indian
Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati in 2014.
Currently, he is a postdoctoral research fellow at
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). His research in-
terest includes renewable energy integration with smart grid, micro-grid and
reliability analysis, energy storage, battery energy management system, and
power electronics. Stewart Tai joined Alexandra Health in 2000, as
Manager of Facilities Management. He was ap-
pointed the role of overseeing the sustainability,
innovation and safety projects. He was also elected
to be in the Mechanical, Electrical and Green Mark
Wayes Tushar (S’06, M’13, SM’17) received the Committee for the planning and development of
B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineer- Khoo Teck Puat Hospital.
ing from the Bangladesh University of Engineering In 2002, he initiated the 1st Pilot Green mark
and Technology (BUET) in 2007, and the Ph.D. for Healthcare with BCA. And to drive the envi-
degree in Engineering from The Australian National ronmental sustainability efforts of Alexandra Health,
University (ANU) in 2013. Currently, Dr. Tushar is he spearheaded the CSR (Corporate Social respon-
working as an Advance Queensland Research Fellow sibility) Programme. Beyond this, he also developed the first prototype of
at the School of Information Technology and Elec- partial load bearing sole for post-surgical patient Singapore in conjunction
trical Engineering of the University of Queensland. with Polytechnic.
His research interests include energy and storage In the course of his outstanding career, Stewart achieved various awards
management, renewable energy, smart grid, design on behalf of Alexandra Health in green building and for energy efficiency
thinking, and game theory. awards. As a specialist in his field, he has traveled widely to various parts
of the Asian Countries to exchange ideas on energy efficiency with other
industry experts

Chau Yuen (SM’12) received the B. Eng and PhD

degree from Nanyang Technological University, Sin-
gapore in 2000 and 2004 respectively.
Dr Yuen was a Post Doc Fellow in Lucent Tech-
nologies Bell Labs, Murray Hill during 2005. He
was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Hong Kong
Polytechnic University in 2008. During the period of
2006–2010, he worked at the Institute for Infocomm
Research (Singapore) as a Senior Research Engineer.
He joined Singapore University of Technology and
Design from June 2010.
received IEEE Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award.

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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