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Phil 325 – Philosophies of Love and Sex

Fall 2019
Prof. Shlomo Sher

Midterm Questions Study Guide

The exam is worth 200 points (20% of your grade)

Exam format:

Part 1: 16 Multiple choice questions about these topics

Part 2: 3 short essay questions about these topics

Good luck!

Theories and concepts you need to know:

1. What Socrates thinks we look for in love, 15. Schopenhauer’s view of love in relation
why, and how he suggests we find it. to evolution and reproduction
2. Aristotle’s advice about how we can get 16. What Schopenhauer thinks makes us
phronesis (practical wisdom) and the passionate about a particular person we
virtues) love
3. What Aristotle believes a good life is and 17. Aristophanes’ story and what it says
what that has to do with friendship about love’s purpose
4. Aristotle’s view of what friendship 18. What, specifically, Aristotle thinks a good
requires friend can do to help you attain a good
5. Aristotle’s 3 types of friendships life
6. Greta Christina’s criticism of “vaginal 19. Pausanias’ distinction between Common
intercourse” as a problematic definition Love and Heavenly love
of what it means to “have sex” 20. Whether there is any kind of equality in
7. Greta Christina’s analysis of 3 potential Pausanias’ Heavenly love
alternative definitions of what sex is 21. Ortega y Gassett’s theory of falling in
8. Goldman, Nagel, and Solomon’s love
definitions of what sex is 22. Why Ortega y Gassett believes that we
9. Why Augustine thinks lust is sinful and attach so much importance to the person
sex is shameful we fall in love with
10. The difference Augustine draws between 23. The distinction Ortega y Gassett draws
lust and love between love and obsession
11. What Solomon means when he says that 24. Stendhal’s “Crystallization” theory of
love is a cultural and historical emotion falling in love (inc. all 7 steps and what
12. What philosophical, socioeconomic, and “crystallization” is)
culture shifts Solomon thinks led to our 25. Solomon’s paradox of love and the
contemporary notion of romantic love problem that leads to
13. What the features of romantic love are,
according to Solomon
14. Why Schopenhauer thinks love is an

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