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Making an Interview Dialogue

Patient : “Toktoktok ... Assalamualaikum.”

Midwife Assistant : “Waalaikumussalam, please come in, please sit
down, Ma’am.”
Patient : “Yes, Ma’am.”
Midwife Assistant : (Visiting Midwife) then said, “A new patient is
coming, Ma’am.”
Midwife : “Who is it?”
Midwife Assistant : “I don't know Ma'am. I see her first time at the time.”
Midwife : “Oh sure, I will go there to see her.” (while walking
to see the patient).
“Good morning Ma’am, what is your name?”
Patient : “My name is Inaz.”
Midwife : “What can I do for you, Mrs. Inaz?”
Patient : “I haven't had menstruation for 2 months, and I
experience nausea vomiting. What should I do,
Midwife : “Don’t afraid Ma’am. We will check your problem
and know what happened with you?”
“Who accompanies you to go here, Ma'am?"
Patient : “I go here alone.”
Midwife : “Sorry, Ma’am. Where is your husband? Why
he doesn’t accompany you?”
Patient : “He is at work right now, Midwife.”
Midwife : “OK, Ma’am, When is the first day of the last
Patient : “July 15th, 2019.”
Midwife : “Have you tried checking with the test pack?.”
Patient : “Not yet.
Midwife : (Calling her assistant) “Sister, can you come closer
Midwife Asistant : “Sure, Ma’am. What can I help?”
Midwife : “Please get me the test pack.”
Midwife Asisstant : “OK, I’ll take it.”
Patient : “Should I check it? What the function from
the test pack?”
Midwife Assistant : “Yes, you should. It is for knowing it’s your
problem caused from the pregnancy, Ma’am.”
Patient : “It is mean I might be pregnant?”
Midwife Asisstant : “Yes, Ma’am. And this is for the tesk pack.”
Patient : “Thank you. How I can use it, Ma'am?”
Midwife Assistant : “Mother please go to the bathroom to pee and then
this test pack is put in your pee water. I
accompany you to the bathroom, Ma'am.”
(A few minutes later)
Patient : “This is the test pack. What is the result, Ma’am?”
Midwife Assistant : “Okay, Ma'am, I will deliver it to the examination
room again. I will immediately give it to Midwife
Fina. You can know the result from Midwife Fina,
Patient : “Sure Ma’am.”
(Arrive at examination room again)
Midwife : “Ma'am the result from this test pack is a positive
pregnant mother.”
Patient : “Alhamdulillah, I am very happy, Midwife.”
Midwife : “Congratulations mother for your pregnancy. If I
may know which child is it, Ma’am?” .”
Patient : “It is my first child, Midwife. Oh, yes, Midwife, I
will ask, why I always feel nausea vomiting
especially in the morning?”
Midwife : “It is because of the production of the pregnancy
Hormone called HCG’s hormone and increased
production of Estrogen's hormone.”
Patient : “Then, How I overcome it, Ma’am?”
Midwife : “If you feel it in the morning, wake up slowly from
your bed and if possible eat a piece of biscuit before
you standing from your bed. Then you can
consumption food in little portions but often. You
can also try taking supplement vitamin for pregnant
women with food before going bed at night, and
many more. If you want to ask more questions about
your pregnancy, you can ask me via chat. Do you
understand what I have explained, Ma’am?”
Patient : “Thank you so much, Midwife. I understand
with your explained just now.”
Midwife : “OK, Ma’am. Have something to ask again?”
Patient : “How do I maintain this pregnancy?”
Midwife : “Don’t be worried, Ma’am. We will always help
Patient : “My husband is always busy. Who will always
accompany me, Midwife?”
Midwife : “We will accompany you, but not every time.”
“Sorry, Ma’am. Where is your husband’s work
Patient : “At Riau, Ma’am. But, my husband will be go
Midwife : “When it’s the time, Ma’am?”
Patient : “I’m not sure for the date, Midwife.”
Midwife : “OK, sure, Ma’am. After this, my assistant will
provide information about visits during pregnancy.
And may her give you supplement vitamin for
Patient : “Okay.”
Midwife Assistant : “Excuse me mother here I will explain about visits
during pregnancy.”
Patient : “Where should I visit?”
Midwife Assistant : “You can come to the midwife clinic or the nearest
health center, you can also make a return visit
here. And this is the supplement vitamin for
pregnant. You can eat this at night before you go
to bed.”
Patient : “Certainly. Thank you for the information and the
Midwife Assistant : “Yes, you are the same. Any question, Ma’am?”
Patient : “How much the frequency I visit here?”
Midwife Assistant : “It is minimum 4 times. 1 times at Trimester I, 1
times at Trimester II, and 2 times at Trimester. The
visiting I so important, Ma’am. So, you should
come accord your visiting time”
Patient : “Why is so important, Ma’am?”
Midwife Asisstant : “Because it is to to monitor the health of the mother
and baby. And if there is problem at your
pregnancy. We can treated immediately.”
Patient : “Oh sure, Ma’am. Thank you so much. I will take
my leave first, Ma'am”.
Midwife Asisstant : “Let me deliver to the front, Ma’am.”
Patient : “Sure Ma’am, thank you. Assalamualaikum.”
Midwife Assistant : “Waalaikumussalam.”

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