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ATM Manufacturer Quickly Creates ATM

Management Solution Using Cloud Resources

Overview “By developing Conductor in Microsoft Azure, we were

Customer: Diebold
Industry: Financial services able to get it from concept to pilot very quickly—in
about three months—and position it for equally quick
Customer Profile
Diebold is a global provider of integrated adoption, both of which are critical in the competitive
self-service and ATM solutions, security
systems, and services. Diebold does branch transformation market.”
business in more than 90 countries. Devon Watson, Vice President, New Business & Solution Incubation, Diebold

Business Situation
Diebold wanted to help clients—financial Diebold, one of the largest global providers of automated teller
institutions—migrate routine transactions
from the branch teller line to in-branch machines (ATMs), created a tablet-based application called
self-service terminals. Conductor that bank branch personnel use to monitor ATM
Solution usage. Diebold developed and runs Conductor in Microsoft
Using Microsoft Azure as a development Azure, which helped Diebold meet its three-month time-to-
and hosting platform, Diebold developed
an ATM management application that market target and gives Diebold an easy way to introduce the
lets branch personnel monitor ATM app globally. Conductor gives financial institutions a low-cost,
usage and health status from a tablet or
smartphone. easy-to-use tool to help transform their branches by migrating
more transactions to self-service terminals.
 Introduce new services faster
 Expand business globally with lower
 Help banks cost-effectively transform
Situation channels.” Branch personnel could not
“We wanted to give Even though automated teller machines stand over customers’ shoulders and watch
branch personnel better (ATMs) have been around for decades and them; they needed remote insight into the
offer an expanding set of financial services, consumer’s ATM experience.
insight into self-service many bank customers prefer to stand in a
teller line and talk to a person. While that Whatever solution that Diebold came up
transactions so that they preference is understandable, it represents with, it wanted to get it to market quickly,
could both monitor a big problem for Diebold customers in the as the branch transformation area is quickly
finance industry that are eager to shrink evolving. Diebold was also eager to market
operations ... and help branch size and costs. new solutions in other global markets,
including key developing regions in Latin
customers use more “All of our customers are engaged in America and Europe but did not want to
complex transactions.” branch transformation projects aimed at burden customers with heavy IT
transforming their branch networks to be infrastructure requirements.
Devon Watson, Vice President, New more cost-effective while better promoting
Business & Solution Incubation, Diebold
their products and services,” says Devon Solution
Watson, Vice President of New Business & Diebold came up with a number of branch
Solution Incubation for Diebold. Diebold is transformation solutions, one of which is
one of the largest global manufacturers of Diebold Conductor. Conductor is an
ATMs and provides associated self-service application that runs on the Windows 8
software and services in addition to operating system and gives branch
physical and electronic security solutions. personnel real-time insight into ATM
Diebold is based in North Canton, Ohio, transactions. The ATM runs a small piece of
employs 16,000 people, and sells its agent software that communicates terminal
products in more than 90 countries. and user session information to Conductor,
which is a highly visual, touch-enabled app.
Diebold wanted to help customers with
their branch transformation efforts by Handheld Insight into ATM Health and
introducing new user interfaces and Usage
terminal form factors specifically for the Conductor shows a branch manager or
branch environment. Many banks have other bank employees a stylized picture of
already moved ATMs into the branch so each ATM in the branch along with a quick-
that bank staff is nearby to help customers glance green, yellow, or red health
and drive adoption, but Diebold knew that indicator. The employee can tap on
it could do more to remove the barriers individual ATM images and see the status
that kept some consumers from migrating of specific subsystems in the ATM such as
to self-service. cash dispenser, receipt printer, and check
acceptor. Branch personnel can create
“Diebold has always been known for alerts for notifications that they care about,
innovation, and we’ve been at the forefront such as low cash or low receipt paper.
of user experience research,” Watson says.
“Our consumer studies tell us that users When the ATM is in use, the branch
prefer self-service, but sometimes need manager can see the customer’s name and
help adopting. We wanted to give branch the amount of time that he or she has been
personnel better insight into self-service at the terminal and engaged in a particular
transactions so that they could both transaction. Branch personnel can set a
monitor operations, such as cash levels and notification to alert them if a customer has
device health, and help customers use been using the terminal for an unusually
more complex transactions. This is critical long period of time, which could indicate
for financial institutions that seek to drive that they are stuck at some point in the
more transactions into self-service transaction and need help. There’s also a
button on the ATM that customers can Creating Conductor took two Diebold
“Using an Azure-hosted discretely push to ask for help. developers just two months. A few key
development model was customers then reviewed the app and
Branch personnel can walk over to the ATM provided feedback. Diebold launched the
a great way to speed up and help the customer through the beta app for pilot availability in June 2014.
transaction and use the face-to-face
the development cycle. encounter as an opportunity to teach the Conductor consists of a software agent that
There was very little customer how to use other ATM functions. runs on the ATM and collects session data
Knowing which customer is at an ATM also and feeds it to Azure. This data includes
friction in transitioning gives branch personnel the opportunity to device health and status, ATM cash levels,
personally greet high-value customers. user identity, and where the user is in the
our staff to Azure, transaction. This information is fed into web
because our Microsoft Developed and Hosted in the Cloud services that run in Azure Websites, where
Diebold developed Conductor, and hosts it, Conductor applies rules about transaction
.NET-trained developers in Microsoft Azure, a public cloud length and other information. If transaction
environment that provides virtual compute, length exceeds the set timeframe and
could continue to use networking, storage, and high-level action is required from branch personnel,
Visual Studio.” platform services for developing and the app backend uses Azure Notification
hosting applications in Microsoft Hubs to send a push notification to the
Richard Harris, Vice President, New datacenters. “We needed Conductor to be employee tablet or smartphone. The app
Technology & Incubation, Diebold
mobile, so the branch manager could use it uses Azure SQL Database to store all the
while wandering the branch, and we data coming from the terminal agent.
wanted the app to be as lightweight as
possible, requiring as little software as On-Premises or Hybrid Cloud
possible to be downloaded on the various Deployment Options
endpoints,” Watson says. “The best way to Customers can run Conductor in the Azure
achieve both objectives was to host it in datacenter closest to them, in their own
Azure.” datacenters, or in both using a hybrid cloud
model. Larger banks may choose, or be
The Diebold research and development required, to run some Conductor
organization has long used Microsoft components on their own servers while still
software, such as Microsoft Visual Studio taking advantage of Azure services such as
development system, so Azure was a logical Azure Notification Hubs to facilitate
extension of the tools and processes that communication between their servers and
developers already knew. “Our goal in the the tablets in the branch.
New Business and Solution Incubation
group is to be very agile in bringing new Benefits
concepts to market,” says Richard Harris, By creating Conductor in Azure, Diebold
Vice President of New Technology & was able to complete the product within
Incubation at Diebold. “That’s hard to do if three months and can similarly accelerate
you have to set up new infrastructure every future development projects. By hosting
time you start a project or create a pilot Conductor in Azure, Diebold relieves both
program. Using an Azure-hosted its own organization and its customers of
development model was a great way to heavy infrastructure requirements and can
speed up the development cycle. There was more easily market the product globally.
very little friction in transitioning our staff Conductor gives financial institutions a way
to Azure, because our Microsoft .NET- to migrate more consumers to ATMs and
trained developers could continue to use transform their branch models.
Visual Studio.”
Introduce New Services Faster Diebold enjoys improved competitive
“Conductor has the “We want to be able to roll out new advantage because of its ability to focus on
services as quickly as possible to global delivering innovative ATM services rather
potential to help customers, and the best way to do that is than on managing infrastructure. “Neither
with a cloud-enabled development and we nor our customers have to deploy a
financial institutions hosting model,” Watson says. “By massive server infrastructure to run Azure-
shrink teller traffic by 50 developing Conductor in Microsoft Azure, hosted products, which accelerates
we were able to get it from concept to pilot adoption,” Watson says.
percent, which is huge very quickly—in about three months—and
position it for equally quick adoption, both Help Banks Cost-Effectively Transform
for our customers.” of which are critical in the competitive Branches
Devon Watson, Vice President, New branch transformation market.” Diebold Conductor gives financial institutions an
Business & Solution Incubation, Diebold was relieved of the time and expense of easy, low-cost way to migrate customers
setting up development, test, and out of teller lines to in-bank ATMs and
production server infrastructures, which eventually to out-of-bank ATMs. “Many
was readily available in Azure. branch transformation initiatives are ’heavy
lifts,’ involving significant time and cost,”
It also eliminated the need to build and Watson says. “Conductor gives banks
maintain a push notification infrastructure, something that’s ‘bite-sized,’ with a low
which can be complex and time consuming. barrier of entry that lets them immediately
“The use cases for Conductor place a heavy get going with a helpful branch
reliance on real-time notification to keep transformation tool.”
branch personnel aware of status and
session alerts on their terminals,” Harris The financial institution gets better visibility
says. “Azure Notification Hub provided the into terminal health and status and can
key ingredient of a single source for cross- proactively assist customers and identify
platform notification management.” customer engagement opportunities. The
consumer gets personalized help from
Since launching Conductor, Diebold has tellers when they need it, yielding smoother
begun other development projects in transactions and opportunities to learn new
Azure. “Azure is a speed-to-market enabler ATM services.
and our development platform of choice
going forward,” Watson says. “Reducing teller traffic is the linchpin of
everything in a bank’s branch model—
Expand Business Globally with Lower physical branch size, staffing requirements,
Costs and operational costs,” Watson says.
Diebold is using Azure to simplify customer “Conductor has the potential to help
deployment, IT operations, and regulatory financial institutions shrink teller traffic by
issues, and expects that these changes will 50 percent, which is huge for our
help the company to expand its business to customers.”
new corners of the globe. “Hosting new
services in Azure gives us a very efficient
way to expand in different markets with
PCI-compliant datacenters that all function
the same way,” Watson says, referring to
the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data
Security Standard, an information security
standard for organizations that handle
credit and debit cardholder data.
For More Information Enable modern business
For more information about Microsoft
products and services, call the Microsoft
Sales Information Center at (800) 426-9400. Enable modern business applications that
In Canada, call the Microsoft Canada meet the most demanding requirements.
Information Centre at (877) 568-2495. Microsoft development tools help you
Customers in the United States and Canada design, test, and deploy applications
who are deaf or hard-of-hearing can reach quickly, as well as connect applications,
Microsoft text telephone (TTY/TDD) data, and services to any device. Your
services at (800) 892-5234. Outside the 50 applications can run in your datacenter, a
United States and Canada, please contact hosted site, or a public cloud, or they can
your local Microsoft subsidiary. To access span multiple locations.
information using the World Wide Web, go
to: For more information about enabling modern business applications, go to:
For more information about Diebold cloud/cloud-os/modern-business-
products and services, visit the website at: apps.aspx

Software and Services  Windows 8.1

 Microsoft Azure
− Microsoft Azure Notification Hubs
− Microsoft Azure SQL Database
− Microsoft Azure Websites
This case study is for informational purposes only.

Document published July 2014

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