Instrumentation Pressuremeter Test - PMT

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Interpretation of Soil Parameters based on the Results of Pressuremeter Test (PMT)

The pressuremeter test has been well known especially by European engineers. This test provides a
direct stress strain measurement of the soils. In a prepared borehole at certain depth, the cylindrical
pressuremeter probe is lowered down and a rubber membrane is inflated. The pressure and volume
change are recorded for each increment of pressure.
The results may be presented in a curve showing the relationship between the pressure and radial
expansion in the ground. A correction of membrane pressure and volume due to expansion of the
system is required. The curve shows the behavior of soil in radial direction. A method of analysis of the
curves will results in various soil parameters that can be used for design including the strength and
deformation characteristics of soil or rock. The basic parameters obtained from pressuremeter tests
1. po = ground pressure at rest (kg/cm2)
2. py = yield pressure (kg/cm2)
3. pL= limit pressure (kg/cm2)
4. EM = elastic modulus (kg/cm2)
5. Gm = shear modulus (kg/cm2)
6. cu = undrained shear strength of ground materials (kg/cm2) (based on Gibson & Anderson, 1961)

Figure 1 shows the pressuremeter equipment used in this project where the rubber membrane is
positioned at the depth of interest, and the inflation is by use of nitrogen gas. The gas pressure is
controlled by the pressure gauge and the volume change can be monitored.
Pressuremeter test is considered to be capable of producing a more accurate and representative data
compared to the laboratory test results due to difficulties and disturbance in sampling for soil specimens
to be tested and also difficulties to model stress condition in the laboratory (Hughes & Wroth, 1977).

Figure 1. Description of Pressuremeter Test

However, the pressuremeter test requires careful attention in preparation, calibration, the preparation of
good borehole, the position of probe in the boreholes and stress increment applied. The success of the
pressuremeter tests rely so much on these factors. A qualified and skilled engineer or operator is
recommended to run the tests. The tasks include:
 Determination of the depth of pressuremeter tests and type of material (from borehole)
 Procedure of test
 Interval of pressure increment
 Estimate of the soil or rock behavior
 Anticipate any problem that may arise during the tests
 Rough interpretation of test result during the tests
 Correct calibration
 Correction for condition during the test
 Understanding in the mechanism of test
 Understanding of the use of test results and their relationship with construction method

The pressuremeter curve can be divided into three phases:

1. bedding of the probe against the borehole wall, and re-establishment of horizontal in situ stress
2. pseudo-elastic linear stress-strain behaviour, with low levels of creep (po<p<py); and
3. plastic deformation, with increasing amounts of creep measured as the soil approaches failure
(py < p < pL).

The limit pressure (pL) for a pressuremeter test was defined by Ménard as the pressure necessary to
expand the probe to twice its original volume. The net limit pressure (pL*) is defined as:

p L *  p L   ho
where σho = in situ horizontal stress in the ground.

In French practice the limit pressure is used empirically in providing design values, for example, for the
bearing capacity of foundations. In clays, pL is related to undrained shear strength (cu) by:

pL *
cu 
where the factor Np varies between about 5.5 and 10.0 (Baguelin et al. 1978).

To determine the shear strength of clays, Gibson and Anderson (1961) derived the expression:

  G    V 
p  p o  cu 1  log e    cu log e  
  cu     V 
for an elastic-perfectly plastic soil, once yielding commences (at p = po + cu). As pressure increases the
volume of soil undergoing plastic straining increases, and the tangent stiffness decreases, since the
increasing volume of material shearing plastically has no tangent stiffness. At infinite strain ΔV/V = 1, and
because all strain is plastic the limit pressure, pL is reached, where:

  G 
p L  p o  cu 1  log e  
  cu 
This expression can be used to determine the undrained shear strength, cu, only if the true limit pressure
can be determined, which occurs when infinite probe expansion occurs (at ΔV/V = 1). There is limited
ranges of expansion of pressuremeters, and it is therefore necessary to extrapolate considerably to
determine pL.

From the above equations it can be seen that during the plastic deformation phase (p > po + cu):

 V 
p  p L  cu log e  
 V 
The limit pressure can therefore be estimated by plotting the corrected data for the last part of the test
as change in volume over total volume, ΔV/V as a function of corrected cell pressure, p. When plotted
in this way the data should form an approximately straight line.

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