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Saint Michael’s College Basic Education Department (SHS)

Iligan City SY 2017 – 2018



Name: ____________________________________Date: _______Score: __________

Grade Level & Section: _________________Teacher: Ms. Princess Majeca B. Icalina

Test I. Modified True or False (2points). Indicate whether the statement is true or
false. If False, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.

____________________1. Reading is a critical process of decoding symbols

to derive meaning from a text.

____________________2.Context clues help you recognize the meaning of an

unknown word which is a very useful process because this allows you to read fluently.

____________________3. Reading involves a complex interaction between the text

and the reader.

____________________4. Critical reading skills go beyond actively understanding a


____________________5. Skimming is a fast reading technique. Use it to obtain the

gist of a piece of text

Test II. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1.Tommy was a real avid baseball card collector. He inherited the desire to collect
cards because his dad had a collection, too.

a. eager
b. careless
c. apart
d. fearful

2. Her Christmas bills added up. After the holidays, her extravagance was going to take
several months to pay off.

a. economy
b. praise
c. external
d. overdoing
3. It was gratifying to see how she acted toward her grandmother because her
grandmother was always kind to her.

a. pleasing
b. nervous
c. aggravating
d. unclear

4. The boy was caught stealing from the store. His larceny caught up with him when the
owner showed him a video tape.

a. gift
b. theft
c. lawless
d. honor

5. The ideas she presented to the class were clearly an untested theory because there
had never been any research done on it.

a. magic

b. brutal

c. indictment


6. His eternal light would shine on the people even after his death.

a. temporary

b. ethical

c. reformed

d. endless

7. He cut the paper precisely on the line, and it fit perfectly in the grooves of the picture
a. exactly

b. embellish
c. outer

d. advance

8. The boy tried to justify his actions to his mother by explaining the reasons why he
did it.

a. depend

b. prove

c. strict

d. concourse

9. She did several backbends in a row to show how limber she was, so that she could
be chosen for the squad.
a. enthused

b. responsive

c. likely

d. flexible

10. He climbed the mountain and stood looking over the tops of the trees on the
mountain across from him. He was right on the precipice and could have fallen.
a. edge

b. stiff

c top

Test III. Essay. (5 points each) please answer the questions concisely.
Criteria 5pts 4pts 3pts 1-2
Ideas and The The The The
Content paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph is
uses relevant, tells of a tells a bit of a using a
rich details challenge; challenge but random
and examples. uses relevant it may not thought.
details and always be in
examples. focus.
1. How do you find context clues useful in understanding a word, phrase or
sentences in a text?

2. How does connotation of the word affects your understanding of its meaning?
State an example.

3. Compare and contrast Skimming from Scanning

4. Explain the quotation “ Critical reading is an active and reactive process”

Test IV.Critical Analysis: Read each passage and ask yourself, “What is the author
doing in this paragraph?” Write your answer in the summary box and then think of an
appropriate title for the passage based on the main idea of the passage.
1. Sir Isaac Newton was contemplating the universe in his garden one day in 1665
when he noticed an apple fall from a tree. Newton wondered to himself, “Why should
the apple always fall to the ground? Why does it not go sideways or upwards but
directly toward the Earth’s center?” After much contemplation Newton concluded that
objects are pulled to the Earth through a force that he called gravity, which means
heaviness in Latin. On July 5th, 1687 Newton formally expressed his law of universal
gravitation in series of books called The Principia.

Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main

An appropriate title

2. For most of human history, people thought that the Earth was the center of the
universe. Nicolaus Copernicus changed how people understood the universe when he
theorized that it was heliocentric, or sun-centered. Interestingly, Copernicus had most of
this theory worked out some time before 1514, and his work was fully articulated by
1532, yet publication of this text was not completed until 1543 as he lay dying. Some
scholars believe that Copernicus delayed publishing this work because it contradicted
the Catholic Church’s view that the Earth was at the center of the universe.
Copernicus’s may have been smart in doing so because the Church did not formally
accept his view of the universe until 1822, almost 300 years later.

Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main

An appropriate title:


God Bless You!

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