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03/10 ND 26918469 Issue date: 27/09

General Information 1
R es ervat ion num ber : 026918469

General Inf orm at ion

Please check whether the information corresponds to the data you entered or provided.
If this is not the case, we kindly request you to contact TUI fly or the travel agency where you made your booking.

In c as e of c ont ac t by t elephone, pleas e have your res ervat ion num ber by hand.

C hec k-in at t he airport

The check-in starts as from 2 hours before departure (3 hours for long distance flights)
and closes 60 minutes before the departure of the flight.
Please arrive at the airport on time!

Perm anent Telephone Servic e

In case of serious problems and emergencies you can contact our permanent telephone service
by dialling +32 59 56 56 66.

Trans port c ondit ions

The complete text of the transport agreement and the applicable Conditions of Transport are
available for perusal at the TUI fly desk at the airport. You can also find them on our website or have them sent to you by TUI fly or by the travel agency where you made your booking.

C om plaint s
Any complaint should be communicated in writing to TUI fly within 30 days after the date of the
flight, with indication of the reservation number (see top right corner of the travel documents).
03/10 ND 26918469 Issue date: 27/09

F orm alit ies

Whic h ident it y doc um ent s are required t o t ravel?

- You will find specific information on the formalities required for your destination on our website.
- When checking in, each passenger must be able to submit a valid official proof of
identity with a photograph (passport or official national identity card), corresponding to
the name mentioned in the booking file. Travellers who don​t have Belgian nationality
are advised to make inquiries with the relevant authorities (embassy or consulate).
- Damaged travel documents: an identity card with a crack, or an electronic identy card
with a missing microchip, may be considered invalid. The risk of being refused entry to
the flight or the territory of the country of destination remains entirely with the traveler.

Theref ore w e rec om m end t hat you have your dam aged t ravel doc um ent s replac ed bef ore t ravelling.

TIP : It is recommended to keep a copy of your identity document

with you at another location than your real identity card.
In case of loss at your destination the appropriate formalities
can be completed much more easily thanks to such a copy.
03/10 ND 26918469 Issue date: 27/09

* In general
Maximum 1 piece of hand luggage per person.(Maximum dimensions:length 55 cm, width 20 cm and height 40 cm;
Weight of the hand baggage: max 10 kg)
If you have checked baggage in your reservation, the amount is mentioned on your flight coupon.
* Sport s equipm ent (golf/diving equipment, bicycle, ​) is not transported
f ree of c harge . This needs to be applied for upon booking.
* Wheelc hair is not included in the standard baggage. A wheelchair needs to be mentioned during booking
* A lapt op can be taken on board as hand baggage (but max. 1 piece of hand baggage)
* Overw eight is charged per additional kg. The rate for overweight varies according to the destination
and the applicable rates of the air carrier.
* Baggage labels : you can receive baggage labels at our desk at the airport
* Baggage : The liability of the carrier in case of baggage dam age, los s or t hef t
is limited by international treaties.
The set compensation is far below the actual value of or damage to the baggage.
You can take out an insurance against these risks at a premium.
In case of lost or damaged baggage you need to have a ​Property Irregularity Report​ and a ​D amage Baggage Report​
completed with the ​L ost & Found​ division upon arrival at the airport. It is impossible to receive a compensation
without this document.

* H and baggage s af et y m eas ures : Commission Regulation (EC) No 1546/2006 imposes

restrictions on the quantity of liquids in hand baggage. The more stringent rules only apply to baggage taken into the cabin
and to all passengers who depart from a European airport regardless of their destination. Separately packaged liquids of
maximum 100 ml each are allowed. Several bottles of liquid need to be packed together in a re-s ealable t rans parent
plastic bag.
There is a maximum of 1 litre per passenger. Liquid is understood to mean: drinks (including water), perfumes,sun lotions
shampoo, gels, semi-liquid products as toothpaste, sprays, deodorants, ​ There is no limitation on the quantity of these products
in registered (checked) baggage.

* At t he s af et y c hec kpoint passengers need to present the plastic bag with the liquids in question and take off their
jacket and/or coat and shoes and remove portable computers or other large electronic devices from their baggage.
Products which do not meet the regulations may be confiscated.
It is possible that local bodies outside the EU apply more stringent standards and may sometimes act rather arbitrarily.

* Exc ept ions (allow ed) : medicines, baby food products and dietary supplements for use during the flight
* Not allow ed in hand baggage but allow ed in c hec ked baggage : liquids, sprays, knives, scissors, nail files
and nail clippers
* Tax-f ree purc has es : this remains possible but the sealed packaging may only be opened at the final destination.
* Bat t eries f or c am eras and other similar devices may only be transported in the device itself
or in a separate packaging.
* (Gas ) light ers should be worn in a jacket or trouser pocket.
* Not allow ed : flammable products, petrol lighters, ​w et​ batteries,
air cartridges for bicycles, insecticides and fireworks
* Spec ial baggage : buggies, wheelchairs, sports equipment, i.e. everything that does not fit in a suitcase
with standard dimensions. This baggage is transported at the risk of the passenger. C us t om s Im port R es t ric t ions :
Read the brochure of the ​A dministration of Customs and Excises​ at
03/10 ND 26918469 Issue date: 27/09

Booking a seat type

It is possible to book a specific type of seat in the period from 30 days to 48 hours before departure
(74 hours in case of long-distance flights). For your return flight you can also book a specific type
as from 30 days before this return flight.
You can also opt to book a seat type only for the outbound flight or only for the return flight.
For flights for which online check-in is allowed, you can check in online immediately after booking a seat
type or in the period from 24 hours to 6 hours before departure if you have not booked a seat type.

For bookings made 30 days or less before the date of departure, it is only possible to book a seat type or check in
online half an hour after the booking is made.
Bookings can be made via your travel agent or directly via the website: (Section 'My TUI fly')

You can book a seat at a rate of 7 euros per person per flight. Payments can be made via the wesite by Mastercard, Visa,
American Express, iDeal, UATP, Belfius Direct Net, Bancontact/Mister Cash, ING HomePay, KBC/CBC Online and Maestro.

Online check-in
You can check in online via 'My TUI fly' immediately after reserving a seat. If you do not have a seat reservation,
you can fly for all TUI fly (TB) and Freebird (FH) from 24 hours to 6 hours before departure.
A seat reservation is only possible if the reservation is fully confirmed and paid.
Online check-in is not possible for all destinations.
When checking in online you will receive a boarding pass either in PDF or in mobile format* which you will have
to present at the airport.

Practical information:
-Will you only be taking hand baggage?
In that case, you can go directly to the security check and then on to the gate if you already have your boarding pass.

-Will you be taking checked baggage as well?

Go to the check-in desk to drop off your baggage.
The seat reservation confirmation does not necessarily have to be presented, but can be useful in case of irregularities.

* for Android users, the PassWallet app is required.

Whenever your booking is changed, you must check in online again. This can be done as from 30 minutes after the modification.
03/10 ND 26918469 Issue date: 27/09

Keep up with the latest news with a Free Digital

D ear t raveller,

The offer for a free Digital Newspaper is available as from 3 days prior to departure under ​M y TUI fly​ on

If you wish to take up this offer (national newspapers), please enter your e-mail address. Then you will be able to pick one
of the available newspapers. You will receive a code by e-mail to download a newspaper.

Thanks to the Free Digital Newspaper you won​t miss the news.

Enjoy your holiday!

Travel and assistance insurance

Assistance if something goes wrong during your holiday

We hope that your trip fully meets your wishes, but there is always the possibility that something can go wrong on holiday.

You did not take out an assistance insurance policy with your TUI fly reservation.
This is possible up to the day before the day of departure and is highly recommended.

You will be asked to give your policy number for the treatment of any problem: 0 2 6 9 1 8 4 6 9
03/10 ND 26918469 Issue date: 27/09

Billet de Passage / Flight Coupon

Date d'émission/Issue date Transporteur/Carrier
27/09/2019 TUI fly
1 piece of hand luggage per person (not valid for infants) until a maximum of 10 kg, dimensions 55x40x20 cm(total sum maximum 115 cm
Nø de vol/Flight nr. Date/Date Départ/Depart Arrivée/Arrival Rendez-vous/Checkin-time
TB 7001 03/10/2019 20:05 22:35 EINDHOVEN 18:05


De/From : EINDHOVEN ( No m eals on f light )
Vers/To : Nador
Reservation number : 026918469

Not endors able, ref undable nor rerout able

Booking / Payment receipt

f or ext ras during t he f light

03/10/2019 EINDHOVEN - Nador

MRS. Z BUSMAA AMAR - Wheelchair patient-can walk but cannot do stairs

In exchange for this voucher you are entitled to assistance at the airport.
Upon departure: from check-in to the aeroplane - Upon arrival: from the aeroplane to the luggage hall
At Brussels Airport assistance will be provided by Axxicom Airport Caddy.
Please report to Axxicom Airport Caddy at the latest one hour and a half before departure. This is possible at the
Special Assistance Desk in the departure hall near check-in desk 1. If you are unable to to to the assistance desk in
the departure hall, you can make use of one of the telephones in Parking P3 Holiday (level 2), next to the payment
terminal in the drop-off zone, at the bus station on platform C or at the lifts in the train station.
At all other destinations you should address the hostess or the handling
company at the check-in. Special Service Requests for carriers other than TuiFly and Freebird must always be paid at the check-in.
03/10 ND 26918469 Issue date: 27/09

Booking / Payment receipt

f or ext ras during t he f light

03/10/2019 EINDHOVEN - Nador

To have your assistance, like any other assistance at the airport, executed perfectly, it is very important to wait for
the person responsible, even when he is not present immediately upon your arrival.


Our partner offers you a simple way of arranging transport between
your home and the airport. Book this practical service, both for your departure
and for your return home. makes use of a recent fleet with
well-trained professional drivers and was carefully selected as a partner on
the basis of its experience and professionalism. takes 150,000
Belgians to the airport every year.

The advantages:
Cheaper than parking near the airport,
You can leave your car safely at home,
No stress during the drive,
Advantageous rate for families with children,
The earlier you book, the less you pay!
03/10 ND 26918469 Issue date: 27/09


As a result of a recall action of Apply with respect to the 15 inch MacBook Pro
Mid, which was sold between 2015 and 2017, the European authority for aviation
safety EASA has imposed restrictions on the transport of this device. On the
basis of the instructions of EASA, TUI fly has decided, for safety reasons, not
to allow this type of laptop in hand baggage or checked baggage for the time
being. If you do bring a laptop of this type, we will unfortunately be
compelled to refuse the device. By way of precaution, we therefore advise our
passengers not to bring laptops of this type.

Click here for more information about Apple´s recall action:


I​m on a holiday and I have brought a MacBook of this type. What will happen
during my return flight?

You can check whether the restrictions apply to your laptop on the Apple
website. This website also contains information on how to have the battery
replaced free of charge by Apple, if necessary: If the
restrictions apply to your laptop and if you are unable to have the battery
replaced, you should inform the TUI host(ess) at your holiday destination. If
you had the battery replaced, you should be able to present proof during your
return flight.
03/10 ND 26918469 Issue date: 27/09


I have booked a holiday with TUI, but my flight will be operated by another
airline. Do other airlines apply these restrictions as well?

The restrictions imposed by EASA are European guidelines and are therefore also
applied by other airlines. For the specific guidelines of other airlines, we
advise you to contact the airline that will operate your flight.

Regulation (EC) 261/2004

The operating air carrier shall ensure that at check-in aclearly legible notice
containing the following text is displayedin a manner clearly visible to
passengers: 'If you are denied boarding or if your flight is cancelled or
delayed for at least two hours, ask at the check-in counter or boarding gate
for the text stating your rights, particularly with regard to compensationand

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