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Submitted by:

Kimberly B. Muares

Kristine H. Balena

Marian F. Centino

Francis Gomez

Rowland Xander Palada

Anthony Jose Sernal


Submitted to:

Mr. Conrad Albela III





Public market is very important in the society, this is a place where people sell and buy

product. Also, it is the primary trading centers for all cities and municipalities. Most of the public

markets in the country are in a state of disrepair thus hampering their potential as hubs for

efficient domestic retail trade. This will be done through development plant consisting primarily

of infrastructure improvement, institutional support programs and other support services for

consumer protection.

There is a need for people to buy and sell and transact their business in a way that life can

go normally. Public markets were once essential parts of the city; it serves several purposes like

social, political and economic, it is very important to keep it safe and well facilitated. It also

helps to achieve a variety of goals including employment and entrepreneurship. Markets play a

vital role in the economic life of people and they are essential in the chain of commodity

distribution. The existence of markets in any town or city is beneficial due to the fact that

commercial activities are the backbone of several economies (Fakere and Fadmiro, 2012).

Rural and urban markets are emerging or being rehabilitated all over the country. Public

market in Bacolod City was once a well-known market in its area long before it became the

market that it is today. Certain allegations about the market unsanitary ways may have caused

disease and sickness to both its vendors and customers. The market is presently facing waste

management problems and because of this, the local government of Bacolod City proposed to
close the market for good. Burgos Public Market is one of the well-known markets here in

Bacolod City that needs assessment on their facilities such as parking spaces, trading spaces and

loading and off-loading bays were inadequately provided.

The purpose of this research is to know the condition of the public market according to

the customer service development plan in Burgos public market Bacolod City. This study shows

on how to develop the facilities and services in the public market. Especially, this study focuses

on the assessment in the market facilities of Burgos public market which establishes the context

of the research.


1. What is the profile of the respondent:

a) Age

b) Gender

c) Educational Attainment

d) Length of stay

2. What is the satisfaction level of vendors in market facilities in Burgos Public market in

terms of:

a) Ventilation

b) Sanitary maintenance

c) Designated section of food stall

3. What are the development plans need to be implemented in the market:


1. There is no satisfaction vendors in facilities in Burgos Public Market Development Plan

when grouped according to:

a) Ventilation

b) Sanitary maintenance

c) Designated section of food stall


According to the” I-Movers” project was conceptualize to address the typical problems in

the public market. The focus of the of project is on the improvement of the market’s sanitation

and waste system. The public market or the palengke or business in the different cities and

municipalities of the country, particular in the rural areas. The typical public market is usually

characterized by poor waste management and sanitation standards. The project focused on the

enhancement of the efficiency and responsiveness of the public market. It is an essential service

that is provided for the protection of the environment and public health, as well as to promote

hygiene, recover materials, avoid waste, and prevent the spread of diseases.

According to Uchegbu, S.N. (2000) Sanitation is aimed at protection is aimed at

protection and promotion of public health which meant for the improvement of environment. The

issue of environmental sanitation in Bacolod City in particular faces major challenges such as

waste disposal especially, plastic waste which has become major problems of market. The

market places are facing challenges of environmental sanitation, such as improper drainage

system; lack of good refuse disposal system; inadequate number of toilets; blockage of essential
routines and exits that will used for emergency to mention purposes; to mention few are the

common problems in the market.

Since is this means that the cause of the problem, we must maintain our market for

people who buy our goods. Customer satisfaction is considered the most important marketing

metric, primarily because it is considered a key driver of customer loyalty and bottom-line

financial performance.

Costumers, so ensure that are they satisfied in your product. It`s also important

know your costumers in order to deliver quality customer service.

Respondent’s Profile:


Location Action Plan
Length of Stay

Monthly Income

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram showing the relationship of variables.


This study wants to help the vendors enable to know the requirements of the market and to

provide a solution to that particular problem. Acknowledge to the people/costumer the

progressive development when it comes in providing quality health care. This can help to the

daily operation of the vendors and can be favourable to the people in choosing the public market

instead to the private sector.

In this study, the dependent variable is the profile of the participants as to age, gender,

educational attainment and length of stay.

In this study, the independent variable is the conditions of place and compliance of the


Additionally, the independent variables are the process facilities, outcomes to enhance the

operation of the market and output improvement of the market.


Public market is very important and necessary in the society. Burgos Public Market is

well-known in Bacolod City it is concerned in the lower group of people in Bacolod City. This

research helps in identifying the customer service in the market.

This study conducted to develop the market facilities such as the ventilation, spacing,

design and the renovation of the market. This research study can provide the ability to

understand the situation of public market and improve the condition and the relations of the

customer service in the market. The market vendors and the buyers will benefit the demand of

facilities in the market.

Both market vendors and buyers will benefit the renovation of the market and to have a

cleanliness and sanitation of the market. Cleanliness is very important in the environment of the

market and this research also promotes the sanitation of the public market.


The purpose of this study is to identify the needs of public market and its condition

according to the customer service development plan in Burgos Public Market in Bacolod City.

This is to provide the insight to the vendors for them to be aware that they can have effective

development of facilities in the public market. Customer service development in public market is

necessary and beneficial in order to know the condition of public market and to identify the

potential for the development in facilities and services of the market.


Public market refers to a place, building or structure or any kind owned and or operated

by a city or municipality. The term also includes market stall, tenders, buildings, roads, subways,

waterways, drainage, parking spaces, and other infrastructure,

Development module refers to the whole package intended for the development of any

public market which shall be comprised primarily of four aspects, namely, infrastructure

improvement, extension of micro- financing services, institutional advancement and consumer


Waste disposal comprised of garbage bins, regular sanitation treatments and waste

disposal maintenance system

Consumer protection this shall include at its minimum the following programs that will

ensure consumer protection, namely, regular price monitoring, providing credible weighing

scales, creating an awards system for market vendors in the public market.

LGU refers to local government units may either be the local governments of highly

urbanized cities, provinces, and municipalities.


1. Profile of the respondent.

Name: (optional) __________________________ Age: _______

Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female

Length of stay: [ ] below 1 year [ ] 10-15 years

[ ] 1-5 years [ ] above 15 years

[ ] 5-10 year

Educational Attainment: _______________________________


DIRECTION: Please check (√) the box of your corresponding answers

5 – Extremely satisfied
4 – Very satisfied
3 – Moderately satisfied
2 – Slightly satisfied
1 – Not at all satisfied

A. What is the satisfaction of the market vendors in ventilation in

terms of: 5 4 3 2 1

1. Ceiling

2. Exhaust fan
3. Light

B. Sanitary Maintenance
1. Water sufficiency
2. Respective sanitary inspector
3. Respective Sanitary engineer
C. Designated section of food stall
1. A Designated area for fish stall
2. Designated area for meat stall
3. Designated area for fruit stall
4. Designated area for vegetable stall
Review and Related Literature

Public markets are expected to continue to serve as one of the major sources of fresh food
provisions and goods for the general public in the years to come and it is should be kept clean
and hygienic to provide a decent and comfortable shopping environment accessible to patrons
which is it may not be necessary for public markets to be upgraded to unduly upmarket shopping
venues (Weng, 2013).
According to Morales (2011) marketplaces is a location where vendors gather
periodically to sell merchandise, indoors or out, have been central to historical political,
economic and social prospects for people and places across the nation. It was traditionally
functioned as the major nodes of urban commerce and played an important role in the urban food
system. People nowadays are acting on the concern by purposely seeking fresh, high quality and
environment-friendly food, especially food that is grown locally (Tong, 2012).
Market places are not just a setting for commercial activities, but it also play an important
role in food systems, place making and community economic development. A city without a
market place might function, but it lacks the platform where layers of the community could
gather and socialize where tangible and intangible culture could be felt in its sense of place
(Qamaruz-Zaman, 2014).
Hem Sommerstad (2013) stated that, at Kviberg’s market the sections was divided into
two, left and right and both of them were surrounding with corridor and stalls. An organized
planning of the layout gave an ease experience for the user at the public market. So in the hasty
stream of building construction, the facilities management planning should not be ignored. The
planning of building and facilities management before, during and after a building construct must
be parallel to maintain the initial condition of the building and to make sure the surrounding of
the building is always in good quality, safe and healthy to all occupants or visitors of the
A development of public markets is a very important factor in improving the
competitiveness of public markets. The results obtained shows that the public markets condition
physically need to be improve as well as public market is one of the center for people to gather
buying goods and meet people. A good facilities can give an ease for the people as well as the
characteristics of the facilities need to be improve. There are many characteristics for the
facilities, but for this research only related to the common situation and top ten characteristics to
be improved were discussed. By upgrading facilities characteristics for example parking’s
landscaping, provide a resting area and provide a hand basins with water supplied can be
drastically changed people’s perception towards the characteristics of facilities at the public
market. This research believes that, with the improvement of facilities can be completely
transformed into viable and social interactive places (Md Sayuti Ishak1 & Nur Ain Che Aziz).

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