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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Elementary Mathematics

Upper Primary Level – Intellectual Disability

STM: Mrs. Augustiniana S.A. Villahermosa
January 31, 2013, 1:30 – 2:30 P.M.

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
● tell the time past 15 minutes of the hour.
● set the clock to the time past 15 minutes of the hour.
● participate in group problem-solving activity.

II. A. Subject Matter

a. Telling the time past 15 minutes of the hour

B. References:
Bittinger, G. (2004). 101 number activities. Grand Rapids: McGraw-Hill Children‟s Publishing.
Nursery Rhymes. (n.d.). Microsoft Student Encarta [Computer Software]. Redmond, W.A.

C. Materials
● analog clock cards ● digital time cards ● charts
● flaglets ● speaker ● analog clock folders
● egg carton ● worksheet ● cutouts

Dep.Ed. Thrust: Values Education – Cooperation

Pupils will take part in group activity through actively cooperating with their group mates.

III. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Routine
a. Prayer An assigned pupil will lead the prayer.
b. Greeting Good afternoon teachers and classmates.
c. Checking of attendance

2. Review
The teacher posts the T-chart to present the Pupils will observe.
functions of the short and the long hands of the

Let us remember the functions of the short and the Pupils will listen.
long hands of the clock.

Which of the two hands of the clock works to The short hand works to show the hour of the time.
show the hour of the time? Is it the short hand or
the long hand of the clock?

The teacher posts the flashcard showing the word Pupils will observe.
„hour‟ alongside the long hand on the T-chart.

Yes, that is correct. The short hand of the clock Pupils will listen.
works to show the hour of the time.

Which of the two hands of the clock works to The long hand works to show minutes of the time.
show the minute/s of the time? Is it the short hand
or the long hand of the clock?

Thank you. That is another correct answer. Let us Pupils will listen.
check then if you have known well the functions of
the two hands of the clock.

The teacher distributes the short hand and the long Each pupil will have the cutouts of the two hands
hand cutouts. of the clock.

As you may have noticed, the word „hour‟ is Pupils will listen.
posted on the short hand of the clock. While, there
is the word „minute‟ in the long hand of the clock.
What you will do is that you will raise the short
hand of the clock if I say the word „hour‟ and you
will raise the long hand of the clock if I say the
word „minute.‟ Let us do this activity by group.

The teacher divides the class into two groups. The Pupils will participate in the activity.
teacher then randomly calls the two groups to do
the activity.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation: Minute Day Song
The teacher posts on the board the chart showing
the lyrics of the “Minute Day” song.

Do you remember how to sing the “Minute Day” Yes teacher, we do remember.

When we sing this song, what do we celebrate? We celebrate the minute of the time.
Is it the hour or the minute of the time?

That is correct. We will be singing it again but this Pupils will listen.
time it will be another minutes. We will be
celebrating today the 15 minutes.

What minutes are we celebrating today? We are celebrating today the 15 minutes.

I would like you to listen and follow on the chart Pupils will listen.
as I sing the song.

Minute Day
Sung to: “The Farmer in the Dell”
Accompanied by: Instrumental music

Today‟s our minute day.

Today‟s our minute day.
We celebrate the 15 minutes
Today‟s our minute day.
(Repeat 3 times.)

Adapted from G. Bittinger, Number Day, 101

Number Activities (2004).

The teacher demonstrates the singing of the song. Pupils will listen.

Now this time, please sing after me. Pupils will listen.

The teacher sings the song line after line. Pupils will sing after the teacher in every line of

the song.

The teacher distributes the flaglets. Each pupil will have a flaglet.

It was nicely done class! Let us now move around Pupils will listen and they will participate in the
the table and wave our flaglets as we sing the singing of the song.
“Minute Day” song.

2. Lesson Proper
The teacher distributes the analog clock folders. Each pupil will have one analog clock folder.

Let us locate where we can find 15 minutes on the Pupils will listen.
clock. I would like to ask three pupils to count the
number of minute marks and to post the 5-minute,
10-minute and 15-minute chips around the clock.

Who would like to volunteer? Pupils will raise their hands.

The teacher calls three pupils to demonstrate the Three pupils will demonstrate on the board.

Thank you, you did it well. Now everyone, please Pupils will post the 3 different minute chips
post the 5-minute, 10-minute, and 15-minute chips around their clocks.
around your clocks.

Next, please count the 15-minute marks on your Pupils will count the 15-minute marks on their
clocks. clocks.

Thank you all for counting correctly. So, what We stop counting at number 3 in the clock.
number on the clock did we stop in counting the
15-minute marks? Did we stop at number 1,
number 2, or number 3?

Since we already know where to find 15 minutes Pupils will listen and they will position the long
in the clock, let us now position the long hand of hand of the clock by pointing to number 3 in the
the clock to show 15 minutes of the time. clock.

Thank you, you have done it well. That is the Pupils will listen.
correct position of the long hand of the clock in
showing 15 minutes of the time. Now let us learn
the different digital times past 15 minutes of the
hour through reciting the rhyme “Hickory Dickory
Dock.” Please repeat after me as I read each line of
the rhyme.

The teacher posts the chart showing the rhyme Pupils will observe.
“Hickory Dickory Dock.”

Hickory, Dickory, Dock

The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck ___________,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock.

Adapted from Nursery Rhymes, Microsoft

Encarta, 2009.

The teacher reads the nursery rhyme and tells the Pupils will read the rhyme after the teacher and
digital time 12:15. tells the digital time 12:15.

After every time we read the rhyme, please move Pupils will listen.
the two hands of clock and position these hands to
match the time shown on the rhyme. Let me show
you how you will do it in your clocks.

The teacher demonstrates the movements of the Pupils will observe.

short and long hands of the clock.

First, we move the short hand of the clock in a Pupils will listen.
counterclockwise direction. The long hand will
follow the short hand, also in a counterclockwise
direction. As the hands move around once, stop the
hands of the clock according to your target time, in
this case the time is 12:15.

So what are the positions of the two hands of the The short hand is now pointing to 12, that is for
clock? Where are these pointing now? the hour, while the long hand is now pointing to 3,
that is for 15 minutes.

Your answers are correct. Let us continue Pupils will listen.

identifying the different times past 15 minutes of
the hour.

The teacher repeats the process of the discussion in Pupils will participate in the discussion.
every of the time past 15 minutes of the hour.

3. Generalization
What number in the clock should we point the long The long hand should be pointed to number 3 in
hand of the clock to show the 15 minutes time? the clock to show the 15 minutes time.

C. Post Activity
1. Application
The teacher posts on the board the analog time Pupils will observe.
cards and the digital time cards.

The teacher then divides the class into 3 groups, Pupils will sit together as a group.
each group with 4 members.

The activity that we will be doing next is called the Pupils will listen.
“Time Race Game.” I will be calling each group to
set the clocks on the board according to the given
digital time. Each member will have 3 assigned c
clocks to set. All members in the group will be
playing at the same time. The group with the
shortest time to answer correctly will be the
winning group.

The teacher demonstrates the game before Pupils will observe.


The teacher calls the group randomly. Pupils will participate in the game.

IV. Evaluation

Time-Egg Carton Activity

Direction: Draw the short hand and the long hand to set the analog clock according to the given digital
time posted on the egg container.

V. Assignment

Please see the attached worksheet.

Prepare by:
Krystal Claire P. Catan

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