Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction Impact On Employees' Turnover Intention in Private School Sector of Karachi

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Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: Impact on
Employees’ Turnover Intention in Private School Sector of Karachi


Employees are considered valuable assets of the organization. It was identified that the level of

OC is higher if the working conditions are better, i.e., the amount they need to be a piece of the

association, and their JS. (Wang, Tsai, Ru Lei, Chio, & Lai, 2016) Employee's TI is crucial in the

competitive business world. A high level of the worker's inclination, ownership and status are

straightforwardly associated and interlinked to a lower turnover rate. (Erdila & Müceldilib, 2014)

The retention is "an obligation to continue to conduct business or to exchange with a particular

company on an ongoing basis" (Zafar, 2015). Turnover aim is the behavioral propensity of

individuals to endeavor to leave their work association, which may prompt genuine turnover. Much

research focuses to turnover as the principle factor to a man's demonstration of turnover. (Chen,

Su, Lo, Chiu, Hu, & Shieh, 2014). The actual turnover and turnover are two different variables

and should be measured separately. However, these two concepts have a close relationship, since

it is expected that the actual turnover will increase as the intentions of turnover increase. (Javed,

Balouch, & Hassan, 2014)

The turnover is of two types: voluntary turnover and involuntary turnover. Voluntary turnover

refers to choice of an employee to terminate an employment contract with the organization. This

happens if an individual quits the job because of conflict, not fitting into the organizational culture

or finding alternative jobs that offer more than what the employee is looking for at work.

Involuntary turnover refers to an employee's statement by an organization. Some of the causes of

involuntary trafficking include reduced reductions, redundancy, career change or 69 retirement. In

most cases, involuntary turnover cannot be avoided. The result of factors such as retirement, health

problems, continuing education and advancement in job, whereas others are the result of

supervisors and include payments and dismissals. The intention of turnover is the last stage in a

series of cognitive analysis methods that unsatisfied workers experience and is seen as an

antecedent variable that predicts real behavior. (Azanza, Antonio, Fernando, Jean-Pierre, & Lévy-

Mangin, 2015)

Studies have likewise demonstrated that commitment is related with a few key factors that should

be overseen harmoniously: hierarchical culture, correspondence, procedure, salary and

advantages, adaptable working hours and career development (Logan, 2000). The list of elements

of capacity and survey of writing ought not to be thorough of every conceivable hypothesis or

factors identified with the maintenance and turnover of representatives. (Zafar, 2015)

Studies in the field of turnover and retention for decades are widespread in the literature on

governance, psychology and sociology and remain an essential issue of enthusiasm, as the world

keeps on relocating to an information based economy. A current meta-examination of turnover of

workers discovered proof of the connection amongst turnover and the most exceedingly terrible

authoritative markers, exhibiting that the loss of human and social capital from turnover was more

essential than the potential advantages of supplanting active representatives with pretty much

expensive. (Mensah & Kosi, 2016)

Most of the literature on turnover shows literature of various level of individual turnover forecasts;

including JS and OC. In this sense, the role played by both the working interaction and the
identification of the working group in the intentions of the turnover of personnel has received

considerable attention in the literature. ( Azanza, Antonio, Fernando, Jean-Pierre, & Lévy-Mangin,


Turnover is a cautious idea for smaller scale and full scale analysts in numerous controls. At the

small scale level regarding hierarchical behavior, the connection between JS and the aggregate

estimation of the firm; At the full scale level, the connection between the total level of monetary

movement and the level of business. (Erdila & Müceldilib, 2014)

Intentions to leave was described as the last in the sequence of withdrawal of consciousness, the

set of knowledge includes the thought of retirement and the intention to seek alternative work.

Factors of turnover among teachers incorporate elements identified with organizational attributes

that are considered as factors in this survey, for example, OC and JS. In the event that the qualities

of the workplace addressed the issues of the staff, teachers revealed little aims with turnover.

(Okubanjo, 2014)


2.1 Frederick Herzberg Two Factor Theory (1959)
According to (Thiagaraj & Thangaswamy, 2017) One of the most popular models of motivation is

the two theories of Herzberg's factors, proposed in 1959. The theory depicts the concept that a

person has two sets of needs: psychological need and the need to avoid pain. The theory suggests

that the elements associated with obtaining job satisfaction (and motivation) are separate and

distinct from factors that lead to job dissatisfaction. There are certain satisfaction and

dissatisfaction of workers in an organization. Internal factors are linked with job satisfaction,

whereas external are linked with dissatisfaction. This theory was developed on the question: "What
do people want from their work?" The people were asked to describe such situations when they

felt extremely good or exceptionally bad. The conclusion was from the answers he received, that

the opposite of satisfaction does not cause discontent. Removing unsatisfactory performance does

not make the job satisfactory. He argues that certain factors are natural in the organization, and

therefore it presence does not lead to satisfaction. Dissatisfaction is the result of its immunity.

Likewise, few elements also had an adverse effect, as their presence create motivation whereas

absence of which cause dissatisfaction.

2.2 Maslow Hierarchy of needs theory”

The theory was proposed by Maslow in the article "Theory of Human Motivation" and the book

"Motivation and Personality," which assumes that individuals are propelled to address

fundamental issues previously proceeding onward to other, further developed needs. This system

is regularly shown as a pyramid. The least levels of the pyramid are produced using the most

fundamental needs, while the more mind boggling needs are situated at the highest point of the


It is strongly associated to JS, if the employees are happy with the implementation of each step of

this pyramid, they will be at the highest point of the business' steadfastness and hold with the

association longer timeframes. All levels of the Maslow hypothesis are specifically identified with

the fulfilment of the requirements and necessities of workers, which fulfil them be and remain in

the association. (Thiagaraj & Thangaswamy, 2017)

JS is a viable instrument for foreseeing worker practices and it additionally enables individuals to

assess their conduct for change. Moreover, a negative relationship was found between JS and

turnover. Past investigations have reasoned that low levels of JS can affect associations regarding

turnover. Along these lines, it is basic to evaluate the part of saw representative fulfilment in

anticipating future conduct, especially while considering worker maintenance as this can

specifically influence workers' goal to stay or leave the organization’s association. This

examination has estimated that JS is contrarily identified with TI. (Zain-UlAabdeen, Khan, &

Tahir, 2016)

Satisfaction can originate from learning, critical thinking, intergroup collaboration and great work.

These connections suggest that occupations with a high level of worker contribution increment

fulfilment. This recommends work fulfilment is likewise an important variable that could impact

the person's choice to stay or leave an association. (Okubanjo, 2014)

One of the unresolved issues is the interaction between job satisfaction and the rolling intent that

this study aims to address. The magnitude of the problem has sparked renewed interest among

researchers in the literature, which identifies the individual and organizational factors that

contribute to these behaviors, and traces the interconnection between these factors. It has been

theoretically established that low levels of job satisfaction result in the withdrawal of employees

from the organization. (Chen, Su, Lo, Chiu, Hu, & Shieh, 2014)

According to (Khan & Aleem, 2014) JS and TI reflect the perspectives, employees have on their

jobs. This perspective is influenced by the extent to which the salient needs of employees are met
by their work. The employee's intentions to leave the organization are an expression of an

emotional response to his work. As a result, workplace attitudes combined with employment

alternatives predict the intention of renewal. For example, in a longitudinal study, it was found that

lower levels of JS predicted the intention of turnover while higher levels of job satisfaction

predicted intention to stay. (Rizwan & Mukhtar, 2014). The relationship between higher levels of

job satisfaction and reduced turnover intention (negative correlation) appears to be consistent

across the number of studies (Shah & Jumani, 2015).

High turnover of workers is relied upon to be a hindrance to the nature of administration gave by

an association and adversely influences authoritative execution. Various investigations have

discovered a negative connection between JS and TI. Individuals with bring down levels of

employment fulfilment are regularly apathetic regarding their work and not perceived by others.

(Wang, Tsai, Ru Lei, Chio, & Lai, 2016)


There are different reasons why employee leaves their association. A standout amongst other

known elements is OC. However, it is critical to take note of that diverse sorts of authoritative

engagement affect in different ways on employee retention or turnover goal. (Sow, Anthony, &

Berete, 2016) OC and JS were examined as a predictor power on teachers of primary school. The

sample size was 200 school teachers. Findings indicated that the variables, OC and intrinsic

motivation are the determinants of TI. Moreover, it was observed that OC has a significant impact

on TI. (Okubanjo, 2014)

The association between JS, OC and TI were observed on the employees of 2 casinos in Macau.

The sample size of the workers was 150. JS was found to have a significant and positive correlation
with OC. It was found that the relationship between OC and TI was negative; and therefore it was

concluded that JS and OC were effective predictors of TI. (Wang, Tsai, Ru Lei, Chio, & Lai, 2016)

A stronger commitment to the organization normally discourages employees from leaving. For

example, organizationally engaged employees typically have lower rolling intentions. At the point

when employees feel satisfaction at work, a feeling of commitment builds up that, in turn, can lead

to the intention of staying with the organization. It should be noted that the existing literature

attests to this prediction, subsumed by a number of research findings that confirm that

organizational engagement has a significant negative impact on turnover intentions (Okubanjo,


According to the idea of the conceptual framework is taken as: (Esra Alniacik, 2013)

Job Satisfaction

Turnover Intention



In this chapter we discusses the literature, which refers to factors that correspond to the job

satisfaction. Theories of motivation associated with job satisfaction were analyzed. The

commitment of the organization and its consequences were reviewed and its resultant behaviors

have been discussed, which includes turnover intention, absenteeism and work performance. A

literature review was conducted to see the impact of JS and OC on ETI... Moreover, hypothesis

has been developed keeping in view the literature studied and the last part of the chapter covered

the proposed conceptual framework.

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