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Future Trends in 3-D Seismic Analysis: The Integration of Seismic

Stratigraphy and Seismic Geomorphology*
Henry W. Posamentier1

Search and Discovery Article #40127 (2004)

*Adapted from the Geophysical Corner column in AAPG Explorer, February, 2004, entitled “3-D Yields
Strat Geologic Insights” and prepared by the author. Appreciation is expressed to the author, to R. Randy
Ray, Chairman of the AAPG Geophysical Integration Committee, and to Larry Nation, AAPG
Communications Director, for their support of this online version.

Manager, geoscience and technology, Anadarko Canada Corporation., Calgary, Canada

General Statement

The application of seismic data to stratigraphy and depositional systems analysis has been
widespread at least since the publication of AAPG Memoir 26, over 27 years ago.
Most of the early work was based on analyses of 2-D seismic. Only relatively recently
has the emphasis shifted to 3-D seismic, with sometimes astonishing results. In some
instances entire depositional systems with discrete depositional elements can be directly
imaged, resulting in highly accurate predictions of lithofacies relationships in time and
space. Such direct imaging of geology has resulted in refinement of depositional models,
especially within the context of sequence stratigraphy.

Geologic interpretation of 3-D seismic data can take two forms:

• Analysis of cross-section views, or seismic stratigraphy. This has been the
classical approach to extracting geologic insights from seismic data, especially
when only 2-D seismic data are available.
• Analysis of plan-view images, or seismic geomorphology. This approach
necessarily involves 3-D seismic data and constitutes the analysis of the
geological significance of landforms observed. Clearly, the most robust geologic
interpretations involve the integration of insights derived from stratigraphic as
well as the geomorphologic analyses.

Visualization of Channel Systems

Figure 1 illustrates a Pleistocene deep-water depositional environment on the basin floor

of the Gulf of Mexico. Both seismic stratigraphy and seismic geomorphology are
employed in the analysis of the stratigraphic succession and the prediction of geologic
facies distribution.

In addition, more far-reaching sequence stratigraphic insights can be derived as well.

The stratigraphic architecture, as shown by the seismic section, reveals a condensed
section as suggested by the high-amplitude reflection that can be correlated over a large
area. Immediately overlying this is a subtly mounded moderate-to-high-amplitude
reflection package.

Seismic geomorphological analysis of this stratigraphic unit reveals that it is composed of

a leveed channel feeding a frontal splay or turbidite fan lobe, composed of multiple
bifurcating channels. The geological interpretation of this map pattern is that of a
turbidite system consisting of numerous shallow channel-levee deposits, likely resulting
in a near sheet-like deposit of sand. Detailed slicing of the seismic volume reveals that
the system gradually evolves from a distributary channel complex (i.e., the frontal splay)
to a single-leveed channel crossing the study area (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Seismic line showing a Pleistocene deepwater turbidite system in the Gulf of Mexico;
flanking oblique map views display turbidite fan and channel morphologies. The annotated
condensed section creates a regional strong seismic reflection on which a turbidite mound (i.e.,
frontal splay/lobe) builds. The mound is about 12 miles wide in this figure and is overlain by an
isolated leveed channel about half a mile wide. The water depth here is approximately 10,000 feet.

Deepwater Turbidite Fan Deposition

The interpretation of the succession shown in Figure 1 suggests that this deep-water
environment was a site of low rate of deposition, resulting in deposition of a widespread
condensed section. Presumably at that time, river systems on the shelf were not capable
of delivering significant volumes of sediment to the slope or basin beyond. This situation
must have abruptly changed, as evidenced by the deposition of deep-water turbidites in
the form of a channel feeding a frontal splay deposited directly over the condensed

The interpreter could surmise that shelf fluvial systems were now delivering their
sediment load directly to the upper slope and ultimately to the basin floor, possibly as a
result of sea-level fall, which would have had the effect of shifting depocenters from the
inner/middle shelf to the outer shelf. Subsequently, the gradual change from splay
complex to isolated leveed channel within the deep-water study area suggests a
progressive shutdown of the sediment supplied from the shelf. Specifically, the
interpreter could suggest that the sand:mud ratio delivered to the deepwater was
progressively diminishing, possibly as a result of sea-level rise and backstepping of
depocenters on the shelf.

Shelf-Edge Delta: The Staging Area

Figure 2 also illustrates the value of integrating seismic stratigraphy and seismic
geomorphology. Shown are the stratigraphy and geomorphology of a shelf-edge
environment. The stratigraphic section shows the presence of a shelf-edge, prograding
system, likely a shelf-edge delta.

The base of these prograding deposits is characterized by a gullied surface; these gullies
are most densely distributed in the area nearest the thickest part of the prograding system.
Ultimately, one of these gullies dominates and captures the bulk of the flow from the
associated fluvial system, as expressed by the large single slope channel shown in section

Visualization of Channel Systems

The power of visualization is illustrated in Figure 3, which shows a basin-floor leveed

channel in perspective view. The channel is apparently sand-filled, as suggested by the
raised core of the channel caused by differential compaction effect.

Two avulsion nodes can be observed. These are locations where flows have cut through
the levee walls and established new channels in the overbank area. Note that the channel
is not sand-filled upstream of the avulsion nodes, but rather is incised there.

Each of these examples is that of a Pleistocene shallow-buried system. These shallow-

buried examples are very well imaged and provide the interpreter with information that
can be exported to similar deposits more deeply buried but more poorly imaged.

Such near-seafloor analogs have proven invaluable in the understanding of deep-water

depositional processes and, consequently, in our ability to predict geologic relationships
in advance of drilling. The integration of seismic stratigraphy and seismic
geomorphology is rapidly becoming a mainstream style of analysis, necessarily involving
both geologists and geophysicists. This approach promises to further mitigate risk
associated with geologic prediction, as ever more stratigraphic/geologic insights are
extracted from 3-D seismic data.
Figure 2. Orthogonal seismic sections illustrating a Pleistocene shelf edge delta. The base of the
prograding complex is shown as an illuminated surface. This basal surface is characterized by
multiple gullies that likely formed at the onset of sea-level lowstand. Later in the development of this
shelf-edge system, a single, larger slope channel replaced the multiple gullies as the dominant feature
of the slope. The slope channel is about one mile wide and the slope gullies about 600 feet wide.

Figure 3. Perspective view of a basin-floor leveed channel from the Gulf of Mexico. The channel is
about one-half mile wide. Where the channel displays a convex-up cross profile, it is inferred to be
sand-filled; where it is concave-up it is inferred to be mud-filled. Two avulsion nodes are seen where
younger flows cut through the levee walls to form new channels in the overbank area. These avulsion
channels typically are mud-filled and incise into the earlier-formed sand-filled channels.

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