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Impurity States and the Absence of Quasiparticle Localization

in Disordered d-Wave Superconductors
A. V. Balatsky* and M. I. Salkola†
Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545
(Received 3 April 1995)
The absence of localization of impurity-induced low-energy quasiparticle states in a 2D d-wave
superconductor is shown for any amount of disorder in the limit of unitary scatterers. This result follows
from the fact that a unitary impurity produces a marginally bound state at zero energy which decays as
a power law along the nodes of the d-wave energy gap. Consequently, for finite density of impurities,
the impurity-induced states are coupled by long-range overlaps yielding extended quasiparticle states
below a characteristic energy scale vc . Simple scaling arguments suggest that vc ~ e2cynimp , with nimp
the impurity density and c a positive constant.

PACS numbers: 74.20.Mn, 71.27.+a

When impurity scattering violates the symmetry of the within the coherent-potential approximation (CPA) [19].
superconducting condensate, the superconducting energy Note that, in the CPA, the quasiparticle self-energy
gap is depleted and ultimately destroyed by impurities. Ssvd ­ nimp Tsvd is approximated by a single impurity
This happens, for example, in s-wave superconductors T matrix; nimp is the impurity density. Spatial anisotropy
with magnetic impurities [1,2]. Some of the recent ex- of impurity states, which is important for a d-wave
periments support d-wave symmetry as a pairing channel superconductor, is lost upon averaging. Moreover, the
in the cuprates [3–5] predicted by the spin-fluctuation the- CPA is not adequate for studying fine details of impurity
ory [6–8] as well as by the Hubbard model [9]. For this bands [19].
state, even scalar impurities act as pair breakers, produc- In this Letter, we consider the problem of localization
ing a finite lifetime for quasiparticles near the nodes in of quasiparticle states at low energies, starting from a
the gap, and a finite density of states at low energies [10]. single-impurity solution as a basis [20]. Our main result
As a result, the measured low temperature properties of, is the conclusion that the weak-localization theory does
for example, YBa 2Cu 3O 7 [3], Bi 2Sr 2CaCu 2O 8 [11], and not apply to localization of impurity-induced quasiparticle
La 1.86Sr 0.14CuO 4 [12] display a remarkable sensitivity to states in 2D d-wave superconductors because of the long-
the presence of impurities. range interactions between these states [21]. We argue
Recently, the role of imperfections in d-wave supercon- that in order to address this question one has to implement
ductors has been considered by Lee [13], Hirschfeld and an approach where the single-impurity problem is solved
Goldenfeld [14], and subsequently by others [8,15,16]. first. This approach was used by Yu and Shiba to study
Qualitatively, these low-energy quasiparticle states be- the effect of magnetic impurities in an s-wave supercon-
have as a disordered Fermi liquid with a renormalized ductor [22,23]. They showed that a quasiparticle bound
density of states. Impurity scattering in a disordered state is formed in the energy gap as a result of multiple
s-wave superconductor can lead to localization of low- scattering. A similar consideration of scalar impurities in
energy states, as was first pointed out by Ma and Lee a p-wave superconductor was done by Buchholtz, Zwick-
[17] and Maekawa and Fukuyama [18]. The same ef- nagl, and Stamp [24]. These midgap states eventually
fect should also, in principle, take place in disordered form an impurity band in conventional superconductors.
d-wave superconductors [13,16]. Lee showed that in Notably, scalar unitary impurities create large analogous
two-dimensional (2D) disordered d-wave superconductors impurity states in d-wave superconductors [20].
these states are subject to weak-localization corrections Below, we first argue that, due to the long-range
and thus are localized. Localization of quasiparticles was overlaps between impurity states, disorder scattering does
advocated as a way to recover some s-wave features in not localize quasiparticle states at v ­ 0 and in its
a d-wave system. Here we argue that the conclusion re- vicinity. Along the directions of the vanishing energy
garding localization found in Refs. [13,16] is based on a gap (the diagonals of the square lattice for a dx 2 2y 2
simplified picture which does not take into account the gap function), the impurity wave functions decay as
long-range nature of hopping between impurity states. It 1yr. This in turn leads to the 1yr power-law overlaps
is this long-range hopping which makes our approach dif- between impurity states and to a novel network of strongly
ferent and which is lost upon trivial averaging over impu- coupled impurities, yielding extended impurity states (see
rity positions. Fig. 1). From the point of view of the localization
In obtaining the above results, impurity-averaged theory, our impurity problem belongs to a new class
quantities were expressed in terms of ensemble-averaged where for any amount of disorder long-range hopping
single-particle Green’s functions which were calculated delocalizes impurity states [25]. Second, we speculate

2386 0031-9007y96y76(13)y2386(4)$10.00 © 1996 The American Physical Society


where jsfd ; "yF yjDsfdj ­ j0 yj cos2fj and n ­

0, 1, 2, 3 correspond to the four nodes of the gap, along
which the tails are slowly decaying. We will consider,
having in mind strong planar anisotropy of cuprates, a 2D
d-wave superconductor: Dsfd ­ D0 cos2f, where D0 is
the gap amplitude and f is the planar angle. We ignore
small contribution D0 yeF r, present for all angles in (1).
In the tight-binding approximation, which is valid at
low impurity densities, j02 nimp ø 1, the hopping matrix
element between two impurity sites ri and rj is given
by V̂ij ­ Ĝ s0d sri 2 rj , 0d, where Ĝ s0d sr, vd is the unper-
FIG. 1. (a) Three impurities are shown at 1, 2, and 3. For
the impurities at sites 1 and 2, the long-range 1yr tails of turbed Green’s function in the superconducting state (for
the impurity states along the nodal directions of the energy details, see Ref. [28]). We shall work in Nambu space
gap Dsfd are depicted by two parallel lines. Strong overlap y
where Ci is the Nambu spinor describing a quasiparticle
between these states leads to a resonance behavior, if the on- (hole) created in the ith impurity state, Eq. (1), and V̂ij is
site energies e1 and e2 are close enough. The exponentially
small overlap between states at sites 1 and 3 will not produce a matrix in this space spanned by the Pauli matrices, t̂a
a resonance at small impurity densities, j02 nimp ø 1, and are sa ­ 1, 2, 3d [29]. The Hamiltonian is
omitted reducing the original problem to a localization problem X y X y
on a network of strongly coupled impurity states. The ring H ­ Ci V̂ij Cj 1 Ci ei t̂3 Ci , (2)
sR, R 1 dRd denotes the area which specifies the probability ij i
Pres sR, dRd [see Eq. (4)] for having another impurity resonant
with the impurity at site 1. (b) The density of states N where the random distribution of on-site energies ei is
of a disordered d-wave superconductor. Crossover from the assumed to be uniform: Psei d ­ 1yW , for 0 # ei # W ,
linear dependence Nsvd ~ v to the impurity-dominated regime and zero otherwise. Since we are working with Nambu
occurs at vp ~ nimp for unitary scatterers [13,14]. Because of spinors, the on-site energy is a matrix too. Strictly speak-
the strongly interacting impurities, the low-energy quasiparticle ing, the impurity states are well defined only at v ­ 0; by
states are delocalized. At higher energies, the impurity states assigning the on-site energies a distribution, these states
should form a band in which weak localization should prevail
[13] and there should be an “inverse” mobility edge at vc will be hybridized with the continuum of quasiparticle
s~ e2cynimp d. states [for a clean d-wave superconductor, Nsvd ~ v].
We shall ignore this small hybridization and consider only
that the nature of low-energy states in a disordered the direct overlap of the impurity-induced states.
d-wave superconductor is qualitatively different from Using Eq. (1), one can show that the overlap decays
the simple extended states predicted in any theory with exponentially (these sites will be called weakly overlap-
averaging over random impurity ensembles. ping), unless two impurities are connected by a radius
Originally, the effect of long-range hopping on localiza- vector r with the angle f ­ py4 1 npy2, in which case
tion was considered by Anderson [26] for randomly dis- the tails of the impurity states are strongly overlapping
tributed impurities in D dimensions with the Vij , 1yrij 1e [e.g., the impurities 1 and 2 in Fig. 1(a)]. These sites are
hopping interaction (cf., RKKY interacting spins). He called strongly overlapping. In this case, the hopping ma-
showed that, for e . 0, there is a localization transition; trix elements decay as 1yr:
for e , 0, states are always delocalized; and e ­ 0 repre- V̂ij ­ 2t̂3 V0 s"yF yrij d sinskF rij 1 dij d , (3)
sents the marginal case with power-law decaying states.
Subsequently, an analogous problem of localization of where kF is the Fermi momentum, V0 is the dimensionless
phonon modes in disordered solids was considered by Lev- strength of the matrix element, and dij is a phase shift,
itov [27]. We will use a similar method modified to take which we will ignore hereafter. Both the t̂1 and t̂3
into account strong spatial anisotropy of impurity states. components of the overlap integral are present in general.
First, consider overlaps between two impurity sites. However, the t̂1 component of V̂ij is zero along the
For an unitary-scattering impurity, the bound state is well diagonals [28].
defined and is located at zero energy. The crucial point in To establish delocalization, we show that for a given
our approach is that, for a 2D d-wave superconductor, the impurity site there exists a (large) distance R within which
impurity bound-state wave function is highly anisotropic this impurity will always find another strongly overlap-
and forms a cross-shape state with four tails along the ping impurity. The long-range hopping will provide a
diagonals of the square lattice [20]: strong resonance between these sites and the wave func-
tion will be delocalized [26,27]. This should be contrasted
cimp sr, fd ~ sinkF r
8 21y2 2ryjsfd p p with the weak-localization theory which predicts that all
<r e , f 6. 4 1 n 2 , quasiparticle states are localized in 2D.
3 (1) We calculate the probability density for a given im-
: 21 p p
r , f. 4 1n2 , purity state at site i with energy ei to have a resonance


with another impurity state located at a distance R, as centric circles Ri si ­ 1, . . . , Nd, Ri11 2 Ri ­ r with
shown in Fig. 1(a). For any two sites with on-site ener- j0 ø r ø RQaround the chosen impurity and calculating
gies ei and ej , the resonance will occur only for a large Pnores sRd ­ i f1 2 Pres sRi , rdg, we find log-normal
enough hopping, jV̂ij j . jei 2 ej j. The t̂3 component decay of no-resonance probability instead of the expected
of V̂ , V3 sRd, decays with the distance, whereas the phase slow power law:
space for possible resonances is growing with the distance Pnores sRd ~ expf2O s1da ln2 sRyj0 dg . (7)
and the balance for the resonance probability will depend
on the power of the decay of V3 sRd [26,27]. For 1yR One can estimate the averageRminimum distance between
decay with essentially one-dimensional motion along the resonating sites as Rc ~ RdR expf2O s1da ln2 Rg ~
tails of the wave function, we find expfO s1dyag, which generates an energy splitting
vc ­ "yF yRc . We interpret vc as the characteristic
Pres sR, dRd ­ a lnsRyj0 d j sinkF Rj , (4) energy scale of the delocalized states at jvj # vc ; see
R Fig. 1(b).
where a ­ 2j02 nimp V0 "yF yW j0 is a small dimension- There is a caveat to the interpretation of the above cal-
less parameter. This small parameter allows us to ignore culation. The probability of pairwise resonances, Eq. (4),
higher order simultaneous
R resonances. The average num- does not take into account the effect of closed loops, which
ber of resonances Pres sR, dRd ­ Nres is divergent with provide backscattering, responsible for the localization.
distance and, therefore, we are led to consider the problem We believe, however, that loops are irrelevant at small
of strongly overlapping random impurity states, where the a. It is easy to show that a closed path should contain
tails of the impurity wave functions give rise to the net- at least four sites, since at each impurity site a particle can
work of strongly coupled impurity states [30]. only turn by an angle 6npy2 in order to move along the
To derive Eq. (4), we omit weakly overlapping sites tails. Because of this geometric constraint, the probability
because, for low densities j02 nimp ø 1, their contribution of quartic resonances is proportional to a 4 [28]. Therefore
is exponentially small. The inclusion of the weakly at large distances pairwise resonances dominate. Based on
overlapping sites will only help delocalization we are set this argument, we may conclude that inclusion of the loops
to prove. Next, we define the angular size of the tails at should not change our basic result. In the opposite limit of
large distances, as seen from the impurity site. Matching no on-site disorder W ! 0 sa ¿ 1d, the problem is in the
two asymptotics of the impurity wave function, Eq. (1), strong coupling limit and multiple resonances are impor-
one finds that the exponential asymptotic matches the tant. In this limit, the pairwise-resonance approximation is
power law at the angle f ­ py4 6 dsRd, where invalid and another approach is necessary. Nonetheless, it
is reasonable to assume that the impurity states are delocal-
dsRd ­ sj0 y4Rd lnsRyj0 d . (5) ized again in this limit due to the strong overlaps between
The logarithmic factor indicates that the tails are con- impurity states. However, vc becomes of the order of vp
tinuously broadening at large distances.
R The probability or larger and our approach breaks down because the hy-
density is given as Pres sR, dRd ­ dfPres sR, dR, dfd bridization with the continuum is a new relevant feature in
with angular dependent probability being nonzero only for the problem.
jf 2 py4 1 npy2j # 2dsRd and zero elsewhere. This Finally, we comment on the nature of the delocalized
constraint results from the strong spatial anisotropy of the states. In principle, we are facing two possibilities:
overlaps, as shown in Fig. 1(a). We find that (i) The states are simply extended with nondecaying
probability density in the whole sample. In the view
jV3 sRdj
Pres sR, dR, dfd ­ nimp RdRdf . (6) of the highly nontrivial form of Pres sRd, this seems
W unlikely, although it cannot be excluded at a moment.
Combining Eqs. (5) and (6), we finally obtain Eq. (4). (ii) The extended impurity states are “critically” localized,
Consider the average number of resonances e.g., the impurity wave function envelope decays as
for a given R site inside the circle of radius R: 1yr n with some index 0 # n # 1. This could happen
Nres sRd ­ Pres sR, dRd ~ a ln2 Ryj0 . A diverging if the “dressing” of single impurity wave functions due
number of resonances indicates delocalization. Another to resonances is not sufficient to delocalize the states
interesting results is the ln2 Ryj0 behavior of the proba- completely. At present we cannot distinguish between
bility density. 1yR decay of the hopping elements along these two possibilities [31].
the one-dimensional tails would lead to the lnR growth The results presented here are sensitive to the specific
of Nres . However, the second logarithmic factor comes form of the energy gap close to the impurity. While
into play due to the cutoff angle dsRd and the problem the energy gap may change near the impurity, symme-
is “supercritical” instead of being simply marginal. To try considerations [32] suggest that the node structure of
illustrate this point, we calculate the probability of having the energy gap is not affected by the potential scatter-
no resonances Pnores sRd between a given site and any ers. However, purporting a more general situation, sup-
other sites inside a circle of radius R. By drawing con- pose that a small local imaginary s-wave component of


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We are grateful to B. Altshuler, A. Berlinsky, C. Kallin, a d-wave superconductor qualitatively differ from those
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Moscow, Russia. of coupled layers will further suppress localization cor-

Present address: Department of Physics & Astronomy, rections. Since we argue that the low-energy states are
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada delocalized already in 2D, inclusion of this coupling will
L8S 4M1. not change our conclusions.
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