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2.1 NEEDS 6







2.3.5 SUPPLIES 18


2.3.7 SUPPORT 21






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FIGURE 1 – SYSTEM LIFECYCLE ................................................................................................................................ 9

FIGURE 2 - GENERIC FUNCTION DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................ 12

FIGURE 3 - SYSTEM CYCLE CHAIN OF COMMAND .................................................................................................. 24

FIGURE 4 – OPERATIONAL CHAIN OF COMMAND .................................................................................................... 25


TABLE 1- TACTICAL MOBILITY MORPHOLOGIC TABLE .......................................................................................... 12

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1. Introduction

The Australian Defence Forces have identified a major system need with special capabilities

that is required to be developed by the Australian Industry, a new system named an Air-

Deployable Amphibious Vehicle (ADAV).

Throughout Assignment 1 three essential capabilities of the system of interest were analyzed

to cover the most important burdens of the customer: High Speed Responsiveness, Structural

Survivability and High Tactical Mobility. The scenario of the capability, core of the new

development in order to create the new system is described as follows: “The Amphibious

Vehicle shall be able to move in different kind of surfaces covered with obstacles and slopes,

have high speed in flat surfaces and long range endurance, navigate in water and also it shall

be deployed by transport helicopters”.

Taking into account the scenario above mentioned, this report addresses the needs of the

customer, describes the requirements and explores in detail the Fundamental Inputs of

Capability focusing on the current means to cover all the conditions related to them as well as

proposed short-term measures while the system of interest is developed using a morphological

table [1], a functional logical architecture [2] and a function to component diagram [3] which

define the detail design of the High Tactical Mobility capability.

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2. Capability description

2.1 Needs

The DOD of Australia has identified the need to develop an amphibious vehicle (ADAV

System) with special features related to the High Tactical Mobility (HTM) capability.

The high tactical mobility capability development will provide vehicles for operating in the

most extreme surface conditions, water environments and be deployed by air along with all

their equipment.

The circumstances where ADAV is going to be deployed are highly harsh and hostile and it is

necessary to ensure that it has the proper performance to cross several types of terrain,

conditions and obstacles in ground or water as well as the possibility to be deployed by air.

According to the customer, the following needs will require being covered to fulfil the ATM

capability of the system:

₋ Need to ensure ground mobility in different kind of surfaces

₋ Need to allow mobility between obstacles

₋ Need to provide ground mobility on slopes

₋ Need to develop high endurance mobility on ground and water

₋ Need to develop high speed on ground and water

₋ Need to be deployed by helicopters

2.2 Requirements

According to the needs mentioned above, the following conditions will be covered by the

detail design of the system:

₋ High ground Mobility in different kind of surfaces (flat, rough terrain).

₋ Ground mobility in obstacles (up to 80 cm) and trenches (up to 200 cm).

₋ Slopes ground mobility (30° side, 60° climbing and descending).

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₋ Ground mobility endurance of 750 km at 75 km/h.

₋ Ground mobility speed 100 km/h.

₋ Water mobility Range 30 km/h.

₋ Air mobility by helicopters CH-47.

₋ Electronic control of the tactical mobility capability

₋ Communication with other vehicles in the warfare scenario.

2.3 Fundamental Inputs of Capability

2.3.1 Personnel

The personnel involved in the operation and maintenance of this system related to HTM will

manoeuvre and work in different kind of missions, environments, conditions and schedules.

For that reason the following factors are essential to select the appropriate personnel. Type of personnel

The personnel recruited for operate this system must have personal qualities such as:

Adaptability, flexibility, professionalism, work ethic, positive attitude and energy.

Furthermore, basic skills such as: Effective communication, computer and technical literacy,

interpersonal abilities, teamwork skills, planning and organizing, leadership and management

are important to perform tasks in different pressure and stress conditions. Qualifications

The personnel involved in the operation of the Vehicle must have Bachelor Degree related to

engineering, business and management, computer science, education, health care, information

system and technology or social sciences.

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The personnel involved in the maintenance of the Vehicle must have Bachelor Degree and/or

postgraduate studies related to engineering, computer science and information system,

aviation, science, innovation, mathematics or technology. Competency Level

The personnel required for the operation of this new system must have at least 3 years in

military service and at least one year in combat operations.

The personnel required for maintenance must have at least 2 years of experience in armament,

structural repairing, piston engines, avionics, electrical maintenance, quality control and

helicopters maintenance.

2.3.2 Organisation

The organisation for the operation of the system must have 1 driver, 1 navigator and 4

additional crewmembers that must be trained to employ the armament systems. Related to

design, production, installation, operation and maintenance phases the structure is composed

by one main director and 3 departments according to the system lifecycle: Design and

Requirements, Implementation and Operations Support and Disposal. The following features:

balance of competency, structure, command and control are explained as follows. Balance of Competency

The qualifications must be followed according to section § and the competency

requires that the crewmembers of the Amphibious Vehicle have the following experience:

- The driver must have at least 5 years of experience in the operation of amphibious

vehicles in real combat scenarios.

- The navigator must have at least 2 years of experience in military vehicles

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- The armament operators must have at least 2 years of experience in similar roles in

military vehicles.

In the system engineering cycle, the bosses of the departments must have an experience at

least 10 years in their respective position. In addition, their staff must have at least 2 years of

experience in their respective roles related to planning, design, manufacture, operations and

maintenance. Structure

The engineering life cycle has the following structure where are described the different steps

of each phase according to Figure 1 and the Command and Control organisation is presented

in section

Figure 1 – System lifecycle

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2.3.3 Collective training

The required training must be given to all the personnel assigned (operators and maintenance

personnel) in order to acquire the adequate competencies and skills in their respective tasks.

The training is divided in training system and field training and they are explained below. Training System Requirement

The training system for operators is composed in 3 parts: academic section, simulator, ADAV

training and recurrent training and it has the following structure:

- Program Structure: Is composed by 7 academic courses (ADAV systems, limits,

emergencies, normal procedures, planning performance, human factors and first aid)

- Class size: maximum 15 students per class

- Course length: 6 weeks (academic section), 24 hours (ADAV training), 2 weeks

(recurrent training)

- Instructors team: 4 instructors assigned per program

- Student evaluation procedures: 2 written exams per each course

- Grading Decision: emergencies course is required 100% to pass and for the rest of

courses is required minimum 85%.

- Issue of certificates

- Records Control

- Documents control

The training system for engineering staff is related to an academic instruction it has the

following structure:

- Program Structure: Is composed by 6 academic courses (engine maintenance, water,

propulsion system maintenance, fuel tanks maintenance, avionics, cargo hook)

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- Class size: maximum 15 students per class

- Course length: 6 weeks (academic section)

- Instructors team: 3 instructors assigned per program

- Student evaluation procedures: 3 written exams per each course

- Grading Decision: Is required minimum 85% per course

- Issue of certificates

- Records Control

- Documents control Field Training

It will be focused on operators in the different scenarios described in section Error!

Reference source not found. in order to learn the tactical advantages of the air, water and

ground mobility and implement them in real scenarios in the future, the interoperability

among the different forces (Air Force, Navy and Army) will develop the competency on high

tactical mobility with emphasis on long-term readiness critical war fighting skills. To make

this requirement possible, the amphibious vehicle has to be deployed to real combat and

applying the lessons learned in the simulator and ADAV training mentioned before. The

operators must train 100 hours minimum assisted by instructors.

2.3.4 Major Systems Evaluation of alternatives

After an evaluation of possible alternatives for covering the requirements, there was detailed a

morphologic table [2] related to the different functions of the capability and their potential

components, this table assesses every option with a mark and the red lines show the most

feasible model of the new design as can be observed in table 1.

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Table 1- Tactical Mobility Morphologic Table

Taking into account the top-down model of the functional analysis allocation, the high

Tactical Mobility Capability is divided in 5 different types of functions: Operational, Control,

Input, Supporting and output which are detailed in Figure 1 which describes the

characteristics of each function [1].

Figure 2 - Generic Function Description

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Similarly, those functions were detailed in Appendix A in a diagram that represents the

functional logical architecture and denotes the sequence what the system will do respect to the

user’s requirements agreement.

The Air-Deployable Amphibious Vehicle with an acquisition cost around $100m and $500m

represents a major system of armoured personnel carriers. It will be designed with the

following characteristics: 8 wheel (4 by each side) for ground mobility, with independent

suspension and automatic transmission to improve comfort for crew and equipment, using this

feature the amphibious vehicle will be able to cross side slopes at maximum 30 degrees, cover

trenches up to 200 cm, climb obstacles up to 80 cm and have a limit of 60 degrees of

maximum gradient for climbing slopes. Also an adjustable suspension will allow trimming

the vehicle in three different positions in order to adapt to different characteristics of the

surface. Detail Design

As the core of the capability, this System is divided in 5 different systems: Ground Mobility,

Water Mobility, Air Mobility, Electronic Navigation War System and Tactical

Communication System, Appendix B.

Furthermore, following the sample functional breakdown model [3] respect to the functional

architecture, the design was developed and the physical components are described coming up

next. The particular description is detailed in Appendix B. Ground Mobility System

This is one of the main functions of the capability and the essential component which enables

the military forces to move efficiently from place to place relative to the enemy, this system

will cover all the requirements related to powertrain and powerplant and the ground features

that the vehicle will be able to execute in different types of surface.

13 / 30 Ground Powertrain system

This sub-system is the main component that generates power and delivers it to the road

surface. This includes the transmission, drive shafts, final drive connected to the wheels and

the hydraulic system coupled to the wheel system which will allow adapting to sloped

surfaces, roads with trenches and rough terrain. Slope system control

This component will control the amount of hydraulic pressure that the struts attached to their

respective wheel must have in a particular slope condition in order to keep the gravity centre

of the vehicle within limits, the signals for setting up the struts position are provided by a

vertical gyro. Vertical Gyros

These components sense the attitude position of the ADAV with reference the horizon. It

provides to the slope system control indications for positioning the struts. Wheel Hydraulic system

The hydraulic system attached to the six wheels through struts, provides stabilisation in

manoeuvres during ground operations in different kind of surfaces, absorbs loads, keeps the

gravity centre within limits and insulates the structure and occupants from shock. Wheel and Drive Powertrain system

This system consists on a drive shaft assembly coupled to the 400 Hp Engine to the input of

the axle assembly and provides the thrust required for ground mobility.

Each main wheel consists on a strut assembly, drag beam, axle assembly, wheel, tire and

hydraulic brake.

14 / 30 Automatic Transmission system

This system changes as the gear vehicle moves freeing the driver from having to shift gears

manually, reducing the workload in the vehicle cabin. It will allow a more appropriate internal

combustion of the engine run at a relatively high rotational speed, to provide a range of speed

and torque outputs necessary for the specific type of surface. Engine and related systems

The powerplant system consists of one demountable power package containing the engine,

fuel tanks, engine transmission and indicating systems. Engine

This component is a Diesel 400 Hp engine with front drive used as the primary powerplant for

the vehicle. The engine will have a fuel consumption of 40 gallons per hour and it will be

designed with piston cooling and steel top pistons for improved reliability and durability. The

engine also will have electronic control features such as diagnostics, data downloading,

control, engine protection and maintenance monitoring. Fuel tank

Two interchangeable fuel tanks will be installed. The tanks will be crash-worthy and self-

sealing. They will be designed in rubber because this material allows higher ballistic

protection. The usable capacity of each tank will be 250 gallons (1.1 m³) in order to cover a

range of 750 km at 75 km/h, taking into account the fuel consumption described in section

§Error! Reference source not found.. Water Mobility System

This is the second of the main functions of the capability and is the component that uses

power from the 400 Hp Engine and supplies it on propulsion over water.
15 / 30 Propulsion Power system Engine-Pump Transmission system

This accessory will be part of the power train system in water and it will be connected directly

to the 400 Hp Engine that produces thrust in ground. When the vehicle is on water the ground

wheel transmission system will be disengaged from the Engine and it will be engaged to the

Waterjet bilge pumps in order to provide thrust at maximum speed of 4 m/s (15 km/h). Waterjet Bilge Pumps

The water propulsion system will have six Waterjet bilge pump, three in each side of the

vehicle. The pumps will be designed with the highest diameter possible in order to maximize

the thrust using minimum power and it they will be connected to the 400 Hp ground engine as

was described in section §Error! Reference source not found.. Air mobility System

This sub-system is a supporting function of the capability which allows air mobility by

transport helicopters CH-47; the vehicles can be carried by air for long distances up to 60

nautical miles and they can be deployed in confined areas with obstacles up to 80 feet height.

This sub-system includes the cargo hook system and its control panel. Cargo Hook System

The cargo hook hoist system consists of a 27.000-pound-capacity rings and electrical circuits

which control it. The rings located in the upper side next to the gravity centre of the vehicle

structure allow stabilisation in the external load procedures of the helicopter. The cargo hook

hoist system contains an explosive cartridge which is used to release the load during

emergency conditions.

16 / 30 Cargo Hook Control Panel

This control panel has an interface with the helicopter system in order to engage or disengage

the vehicle when it has landed safely in a selected area. It also controls the emergency

procedures described in section § Error! Reference source not found.. Electronic Navigation War System (ENWS)

This sub-system is related to control functions of the capability which manages the correct

functionality of the system, failures identification and war mission control. Multi-Function Display

This will be a control mission display that provides tactical information respect to the

battlefield in ground and water (allied forces, enemy position, nearest military bases and

refuelling locations), also navigation data (coordinates heading, course, target position,

distances and speed, tactical maps) as well as armament and communications control system.

This feature gives to the personnel all the warfare information required to cope with the

different scenarios. Tactical Communication System

This sub-system is an output function of the capability which allows network communication

among allied forces in the battlefield. This is a system adapted from AH-64 Apache

Helicopters in order to increase the tactical capability among a formation of vehicles in attack

missions. Joint Tactical Information Distribution System

This component will provide support in data communications requirements, principally in the

air and missile defence. It provides high-jam-resistance, high-speed, crypto-secure computer-

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to-computer connectivity in support of every type of military platform from Air Force fighters

to Navy submarines.

2.3.5 Supplies

The high tactical mobility of the Air-Deployable Amphibious Vehicle will require that the

vehicle can operate in different war scenarios for extended time and distances in adverse

environments. So, the supplies must be assured in order to assure permanent functionality in

the battle field and taking into account the following classes of supply. Class I Rations

The Vehicle has to be provided with subsistence for personnel (food and drinking water) for

at least 5 days. Class II Expendables

Tis class is related to individual equipment for personnel in the operation of the ADAV,

organisational tool sets and unclassified maps. It is necessary to provide the Vehicle with 2

axes and 3 fire extinguishers in case of emergency on-board. Class III POL (Petroleum, oil and lubricants)

The Diesel is the primary fuel for the piston engine that is going to be implemented in the

Vehicle and it is necessary to assure that the vehicle has enough refuelling facilities taking

into account its endurance in the battlefield to avoid unexpected engine shutdowns.

The vehicle must have reserves of oil, lubricants and hydraulic fluid on board during extended

operations to guarantee the functionality of the system. Class IV Constructions Materials

Not apply.

18 / 30 Class V Ammunition

It must be provided according to the armament system installed in the vehicle. Class VI Personal demands items

It is related to non-military sales items but it is not a priority in the development of the

capability. Class VII Major Items

The ADAV is categorised in this class. Class VIII Medical Material

It is necessary to include at least 3 first aid kits to support the soldiers in case of emergency. Class IX Repair parts

The maintenance manual will describe the minimum spare stock that must be kept to allow a

permanent functionality of the capability including kits, assemblies and subassemblies

(repairable and non-repairable) required for maintenance support of all equipment.

Furthermore, the vehicle must store the hot spares on-board to solve unexpected failures in

the battlefield. Class X Material to support non-military programs

Not apply.

2.3.6 Facilities

The allocation of maintenance shops used to test the components, subsystems and systems

during the integration, verification and validation phases must be developed to ensure the

proper functionality of the assemblies and the system. The most relevant are the following. Instrumentation
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This facility will be used to develop the different components which monitor and control the

functionality of the systems on-board related to the functions of the engine, powertrain, slope

system, wheel drive powertrain, propulsion system, cargo hook panel, Electronic navigation

War system and multifunction display. Proving Environment

It is necessary to create and develop a facility to test the components and the assemblies of

subsystems, that environment must have the following characteristics:

- Hydraulic pressure tester

- Sloped field that simulates mountainous terrain

- Engine test equipment

- Fuel pressure tester

- Aquatic environment to proof the power performance of the water mobility system

- An outdoor environment to proof the air mobility components Calibration

Due to the several types of systems involved in the capability, the following type of

calibrations will be implemented to assure a proper performance before the verification and

validation phases:

- Pressure calibration: It will be used for fuel tanks and hydraulic systems.

- Electrical calibration: It will be used to measure voltage, current frequency and

resistance of electronic equipment and avionics of the capability systems.

- Mechanical calibration: A number of dimensional, mass, force, torque and vibration

elements will be calibrated during the testing process related to the Ground powertrain

system, slope system control, automatic transmission system, engine assemblies, water

and air mobility system.

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2.3.7 Support

A deployable infrastructure and service from the wider national support base within Australia

and offshore is an essential and integral element of the maintenance and it must be

implemented in conformity with the logistic and operational framework of the Australian

Defence forces. For that reason, the allocation of maintenance shops in strategic locations

among the area of operations will provide proper maintenance services necessary to support

high tactical mobility capability. Test and evaluation

Testing is a mechanism to assure quality of a system, or capability. To be effective, testing

cannot occur only at the end of a development. It must be addressed continuously throughout

the entire life cycle.

The following simulation and testing techniques will be used to verify the components and

system functionality in the integration and verification plan of the capability:

- Engine operational performance and functionality above specifications limits (power

demands, extreme temperatures and humidity)

- Ground operational performance in sloped surfaces up to 70° of inclination

- High and low pressure functionality of the hydraulic systems

- Performance of the system under water

- Water Bilge pumps performance and functionality above specifications limits

- Cargo load weight test of the air mobility systems above specifications (above 17.000


- Cargo load vibration test of the air mobility systems in several frequencies.

- Under voltage, over voltage and low frequency test for avionic systems

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The systems and components will be compared against requirements and specifications

through testing as well as the factor safety. The results will be evaluated to assess progress of

design, performance and supportability. Maintenance Program

The maintenance program will be focused on Reliability Centered Maintenance RCM that

will describe the maintenance requirements to allow the permanent functionality of the

vehicle. Its hierarchy is divided in three types [4]:

- Reactive maintenance for small parts and equipment, non-critical equipment,

equipment unlikely to fail and redundant systems.

- Preventive maintenance for equipment subject to wear, consumable equipment and

also with known failure patterns.

- Predictive for elements with random failure patterns, critical equipment and systems

which failure may be induced by incorrect preventive maintenance.

Into the maintenance program is included daily inspections, periodic inspections and major

inspections that will allow the permanent operability of the Vehicle. Logistics

This section of the supply chain plans, implements and control the efficient, effective and

reverse flow and storage of spare parts, service and information between the manufacturer and

the customer in order to meet the customer requirements.

According to the maintenance manual of the system all the requirements to support the

maintenance through the system lifecycle will be described in order to keep in stock all the

necessary spare parts to the continuous operability. The material handling, production,

packaging, inventory, transportation, warehousing and security are essential to ensure

reliability, maintainability and supportability.

22 / 30 In service through life support

For many complex systems, the cost of operating and supporting the capability exceeds the

initial acquisition cost by a factor of two or more.

Good through-life support planning is therefore essential to maximising the benefits of the

design and acquisition project. The integration of technical systems into existing operations

and support infrastructure is important through the lifecycle. Logistics Support Plan covering

performance measurement, training, spares support, maintenance and through-life upgrades.

[5]. The following characteristics in the design will improve the reliability, maintainability

and supportability of the components and the systems:

- Plug and play: It will be used in the handling of the avionics systems

- Field Repair Kits: These can be used to solve unexpected maintenance problems

related to the powertrain system of the ground mobility system

- Hot spares: Taking into account some critical equipment that could fail in the

battlefield unexpectedly, hot spares are an excellent choice to solve fast and efficiently

failures in the systems.

- On board Diagnostics: This will give to the vehicle customer or repair technician

access to the status of the various vehicle subsystems in order to identify and isolate

failures opportunely.

- Self-survival Functions

2.3.8 Command and Management

This capability requires regulations that must be issued along with instructions, publications

and manuals, as well as doctrine and tactical level procedures for the interoperability between

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the different armed forces, maintenance procedures and appropriate equipment operation.

These documents will support the decision making, administration and operations. Chain of Command

According to Figure 1 the following organization was established in order to fulfil all the

requirements related to the development of the capability and it is illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - System Cycle Chain of command

On the other hand, the operational command and control is illustrated in Figure 4, the

organisation is divided 3 Divisions, 5 Brigades, 5 Battalions, 4 companies and 4 platoons and

each platoon has minimum two crews in the Amphibious vehicle.

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Figure 4 – Operational Chain of command Special Groups

As can be observed in Figure 3 there are 5 different groups. Each on is specialised in different

sections of the engineering lifecycle such as: Needs development, Requirements, Acquisition,

Sustainment and Disposal. Schedule

The High Tactical Mobility capability project remains by planned dates of 2015 and 2017. Cost

Having reviewed the approved budget, there is sufficient funds remaining for the project to

complete against the agreed scope.

25 / 30 Technical Difficulty

While the Amphibious Vehicle is based on the Savunma Sistemleri design [6], the Australian

mobility capability requires design and integration work to be undertaken. The task of

integration of the elements, such as the ground, water and air mobility system and

internal/external communications systems, has proved to be more complex than initially


One of the additional challenges for this capability development remains in the potential

changes requirements on the capability. In the third assignment the integration of the three

capabilities will cope with trade-offs and taking into account that this project has a fixed

budget for the approved requirements, any modification requires a compromise among the

future features of the vehicle consequently the capability changes are likely to impact on

performance, quality, cost, risk and schedule.

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3. Bibliography

[1] B. S. Blanchard and W. J. Fabrycky, System Engineering and Analysis, New Yersey:

Prentice Hall, 2006, p. 97.

[2] D. Cropley, Composer, Functional Analysis & Allocation. [Sound Recording]. Defence

and Systems Institute. 2007.

[3] D. Cropley, Composer, System Synthesis. [Sound Recording]. Defence and System

Institute. 2007.

[4] U.S. Department of Energy, “Types of Maintenance Programs,” in O&M Best Practices

Guide, 2010.

[5] Nova Systems, [Online]. Available:


_planning. [Accessed 27 5 2015].

[6] F. -. N. S. S. A. (FNSS). [Online]. Available: https://www.fnss.com.tr/en/product/pars-

8x8. [Accessed 23 4 2015].

[7] A. Navy, “Australian Maritime Doctrine, Navy Webpage,” 2010. [Online]. Available:

http://www.navy.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/Amd2010.pdf .

[8] R. Stevens, Systems Engineering: Coping with Complexity, Prentice Hall, 1998.

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4. Acronyms

ADAV Air-Deployable Amphibious Vehicle

ADF Australian Defence Force

DOD Department of Defense

ENWS Electronic Navigation War System

FIC Fundamental Inputs of Capabilities

HTM High Tactical Mobility

RCM Reliability Centered Maintenance

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5. Appendix A -Functional Logical Architecture

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6. Appendix B–Functional Breakdown

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