Os Notes

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Operating System Notes

Process and Thread

A process is just an instance of an executing program, including the current values of

the program counter, registers, and variables. Conceptually, each process has its own
virtual CPU.
We are assuming a multiprogramming OS that can switch from one process to
another. Sometimes this is called pseudoparallelism since one has the illusion of a parallel
processor. The other possibility is real parallelism in which two or more processes are
actually running at once because the computer system is a parallel processor, i.e., has
more than one processor

Fig. 2.1 Multiprogramming Process

In Fig. 2-1(a) we see a computer multiprogramming four programs in memory. In
Fig. 2-1(b) we see four processes, each with its own flow of control (i.e., its own logical
program counter), and each one running independently of the other ones. Of course,
there is only one physical program counter, so when each process runs, its logical
program counter is loaded into the real program counter. When it is finished (for the
time being), the physical program counter is saved in the process‘ stored logical
program counter in memory. In Fig. 2-1(c) we see that, viewed over a long enough time
interval, all the processes have made progress, but at any given instant only one process
is actually running.

A process is basically a program in execution. The execution of a process must
progress in a sequential fashion. A process is defined as an entity which represents the
basic unit of work to be implemented in the system. o put it in simple terms, we write
our computer programs in a text file and when we execute this program, it becomes a
process which performs all the tasks mentioned in the program. When a program is
loaded into the memory and it becomes a process, it can be divided into four sections ─
stack, heap, text and data. The following image shows in fig.2.2. a simplified layout of a
process inside main memory.

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 1

Operating System Notes

Fig. 2.2 Process in Memory

The process Stack contains the temporary data such as method/function parameters,
return address and local variables.
This is dynamically allocated memory to a process during its run time.
This includes the current activity represented by the value of Program Counter and
the contents of the processor's registers.
This section contains the global and static variables.
A program is a piece of code which may be a single line or millions of lines. A
computer program is usually written by a computer programmer in a programming
language. For example, here is a simple program written in C programming language
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

void main()
printf("Welcome to Operating System By Er.Manoj Kavedia! \n");
A computer program is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task when
executed by a computer. When we compare a program with a process, we can conclude
that a process is a dynamic instance of a computer program. We emphasize that a
program by itself is not a process; a program is a passive entity, such as a file containing a
list of instructions stored on disk (often called an executable file), whereas a process is an
active entity, with a program counter specifying the next instruction to execute and a set

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 2

Operating System Notes

of associated resources. A program becomes a process when an executable file is loaded

into memory.
A part of a computer program that performs a well-defined task is known as an
algorithm. A collection of computer programs, libraries and related data are referred to
as a software.
2.2.1 Process States:
As an when a process executes, it changes state. The state of a process is defined in
part by the current activity of that process. Each process may be in one of the following
Five states as shown in fig.2.3.
(A) New
(B) Running (actually using CPU instant)
(C) Waiting /Blocked (Unable to run until some external event happens)
(D) Ready (Runnable , temporarily stopped to let another process run)
(E) Terminated /release

Fig. 2.3 Process States

This is the initial state when a process is first started/created. This state do not
participate very frequently in the process state transitions during the execution of a
process. They participate only at the beginning of a process.
When you create a process, before getting into a queue of ready processes, it might
wait as a new process if the Operating System feels that there are already too many
ready processes to schedule.
Ready - The process is waiting to be assigned to a processor:
A process which is not waiting for any external event such as an I/0 operation is said
to be in ready state. Actually, it could have been running, but for the fact that there is
only one processor which is busy executing instructions from some other process, while
this process is waiting for its chance to run. The rating System maintains a list of all such
ready processes and when the CPU becomes free, it chooses one of them for execution as
per its scheduling policy and dispatches it for execution.
When you sit at a terminal and give a command to the Operating System, to execute a
certain program, the Operating System locates the program on the disk, loads it in the
memory, creates a new process for this program and enters this process in the list of
ready processes. It cannot directly make it run because there might be another process

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 3

Operating System Notes

running at that time. It eventually is scheduled when it starts executing. At that time its
state is changed to running.
Running - Instruction Being Executed:
Once the process has been assigned to a processor by the OS scheduler, the process
state is set to running and the processor executes its instructions. Is the only process
which is executed by the CPU at any given moment. In multiprocessor systems with
multiple CPUs however, them will be many running processes and the Operating
System will have to keep track of all of them.
Blocked / Waiting - The process is waiting for some event to occur:
When a process is waiting for an external event such as an I/0 operation, the process
is said to be in a blocked state. Process moves into the waiting state if it needs to wait for
a resource, such as waiting for user input, or waiting for a file to become available. The
major difference between a blocked and a ready process is that a blocked process cannot
be directly scheduled even if the CPU is free, whereas, a ready process can be scheduled
if the CPU is free.
Terminated or Exit or Release:
Once the process finishes its execution, or it is terminated by the operating system, it
is moved to the terminated state where it waits to be removed from main memory.
Similarly after the process terminates, the Operating System can put it in the halted
state before actually removing all details about it. In UNIX, this state is called the
Zombie state
2.2.2 Process Control Block:
The Operating System maintains the information about each process in a record or a
data structure called Process Control Block (PCB) as shown in Fig.2.4. Each user process
has a PCB. It is created when user creates a process and it is removed from the system
when the process is killed. All these PCBs art kept in the memory reserved for the
Operating System.

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 4

Operating System Notes

Fig. 2.4 Structures of Process control Block

Process ID:
Process ID is a number allocated by the Operating System to the process on creation.
This is the number which is used subsequently for carrying out any operation on the
process is clear from Fig. The Operating System normally sets a limit on the maximum
number of processes that it can handle and schedule.
The Operating System starts allocating Pid from number 0. The next process is given
Pid as 1, and so on. This continues till n-1. At this juncture. if a new process is created,
the Operating System wraps around and starts again with 0 again. This is done on the
assumption that at this juncture, the process with Pid = 0 would have terminated. UNIX
follows this scheme.
Process state:
The state may be new, ready, running, waiting, halted, and so On.
Process Priority:
The processes which are urgently required to be completed are set at higher priority
while are set with others (lower priority). This priority can be set externally by the
user/system manager, or it can be decided by the Operating System, internally
depending on various parameters. You could also have a combination of these schemes.
Register Save Area:
This area is used to save all the CPU registers at the context switch.
CPU registers:
The registers vary in number and type, depending on the co architecture. They
include accumulators, index registers, stack pointers, and general-purpose registers,
plus any condition-code information. Along with the program counter, this state
information must be saved when an interrupt occurs, to allow the process to be
continued correctly afterward

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 5

Operating System Notes

Pointers to the Process’ Memory / Memory Management:

This gives director indirect addresses of pointers to the locations where the process
image resides in the memory. For instance, in paging systems, it could point towards the
page map tables which in turn point towards the physical memory (indirect). In the
same way, in contiguous memory systems, it could point to the starting physical
memory address (direct).
This information may include such information as the value of the base and limit
registers, the page tables, or the segment tables, depending on the memory system used
by the operating system.
Pointers to Other Resources:
This gives pointers to other data structures maintained for that process.
List of Open Files:
It is used by the Operating System to close all open files not closed by a process
explicitly on termination.
Accounting Information:
This gives the account of the usage of resources such as CPU time, connect time, disk
, I/O used, etc. by the process. This information is used especially in a data centre
environment or cost centre environment where different users are to be charged for their
system usage. This obviously means an extra overhead for the Operating System as it
has to collect all this information and update the PCBs with it for different process.
CPU-scheduling information:
This information includes a process priority, pointers to scheduling queues, and any
other scheduling parameters.
Other Information:
As an example, with regard to the directory, this contains the pathname or the BFD
number of the current directory. As we know, at the time of logging in, the home
directory mentioned in the system file (e.g. user profile in AOS/VS or /etc/passwd in
UNIX) also becomes the current directory. Therefore, at the time of logging in, this home
directory is moved in this field as current directory in the PCB.
Subsequently, when the user changes his directory, this field also is appropriately
updated. This is done so that all subsequent operations can be performed easily. For
instance, at any time if a user gives an instruction to list all the files from the current
directory, this field in the PCB is consulted, its corresponding directory is accessed and
the files within it are listed.
Apart from the current directory, similar useful information is maintained by the
Operating System in the PCB.
Pointers to Other PCBs:
This essentially gives the address of the next PCB (e.g. PCB number) within a specific
category. This category could mean the process state. For instance, the Operating System
maintains a list of ready processes. In this case, this pointer field could mean ―the
address of the next PCB with state = ―ready‖. Similarly, the Operating System maintains
a hierarchy of all processes so that a parent process could traverse to the PCBs of all the
child processes that it has created.
2.2.3 Process State Model:

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 6

Operating System Notes

Process management is an integral part of any modern day operating system (OS).
The OS must allocate resources to processes, enable processes to share and exchange
information, protect the resources of each process from other processes and enable
synchronisation among processes. To meet these requirements, the OS must maintain a
data structure for each process, which describes the state and resource ownership of that
process, and which enables the OS to exert control over each process.
Different process management models are
(1) Two State Process management model
(2) Three state Process management model
(3) Five State Process management model

A thread is a flow of execution through the process code, with its own program
counter that keeps track of which instruction to execute next, system registers which
hold its current working variables, and a stack which contains the execution history.
A thread shares with its peer threads few information like code segment, data
segment and open files. When one thread alters a code segment memory item, all other
threads see that.
A thread is also called a lightweight process. Threads provide a way to improve
application performance through parallelism. Threads represent a software approach to
improving performance of operating system by reducing the overhead thread is
equivalent to a classical process.
Each thread belongs to exactly one process and no thread can exist outside a process.
Each thread represents a separate flow of control. Threads have been successfully used
in implementing network servers and web server. They also provide a suitable
foundation for parallel execution of applications on shared memory multiprocessors.
The following figure shows the working of a single-threaded and a multithreaded

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 7

Operating System Notes

Fig. 2.9 Process with Single Thread and Three Thread

Why Threads?
Following are some reasons why we use threads in designing operating systems.
(1) A process with multiple threads make a great server for example printer server.
(2) Because threads can share common data, they do not need to use inter process
(3) Because of the very nature, threads can take advantage of multiprocessors.
Threads are cheap in the sense that
(1) They only need a stack and storage for registers therefore, threads are cheap to
(2) Threads use very little resources of an operating system in which they are
working. That is, threads do not need new address space, global data, program
code or operating system resources.
(3) Context switching are fast when working with threads. The reason is that we
only have to save and/or restore PC, SP and registers.
But this cheapness does not come free - the biggest drawback is that there is no
protection between threads.
Types of Thread
Threads are implemented in following two ways −
User Level Threads: User managed threads.
Kernel Level Threads: Operating System managed threads acting on kernel, an
operating system core.
User Level Threads:
In this case, the thread management kernel is not aware of the existence of threads.
User level thread shown in fig.2.10. The thread library contains code for creating and
destroying threads, for passing message and data between threads, for scheduling
thread execution and for saving and restoring thread contexts. The application starts
with a single thread.

Fig. 2.10 User Level and Kernel Level Thread

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 8

Operating System Notes

The most obvious advantage of this technique is that a user-level threads package can
be implemented on an Operating System that does not support threads. Some other
advantages are
User-level threads does not require modification to operating systems.
Simple Representation: Each thread is represented simply by a PC, registers, stack
and a small control block, all stored in the user process address space.
Simple Management: This simply means that creating a thread, switching between
threads and synchronization between threads can all be done without intervention
of the kernel.
Fast and Efficient: Thread switching is not much more expensive than a procedure
There is a lack of coordination between threads and operating system kernel.
Therefore, process as whole gets one time slice irrespect of whether process has one
thread or 1000 threads within. It is up to each thread to relinquish control to other
User-level threads requires non-blocking systems call i.e., a multithreaded kernel.
Otherwise, entire process will blocked in the kernel, even if there are runable
threads left in the processes. For example, if one thread causes a page fault, the
process blocks.
Kernel Level Threads:
In this case, thread management is done by the Kernel. There is no thread
management code in the application area. Kernel threads are supported directly by the
operating system. Any application can be programmed to be multithreaded. All of the
threads within an application are supported within a single process.
The Kernel maintains context information for the process as a whole and for
individuals threads within the process. Scheduling by the Kernel is done on a thread
basis. The Kernel performs thread creation, scheduling and management in Kernel
space. Kernel threads are generally slower to create and manage than the user threads.
Kernel can simultaneously schedule multiple threads from the same process on
multiple processes.
If one thread in a process is blocked, the Kernel can schedule another thread of the
same process.
Kernel routines themselves can be multithreaded.
Kernel threads are generally slower to create and manage than the user threads.
Transfer of control from one thread to another within the same process requires a
mode switch to the Kernel.
Advantages of Threads over Multiple Processes:
Context Switching Threads are very inexpensive to create and destroy, and they
are inexpensive to represent. For example, they require space to store, the PC, the
SP, and the general-purpose registers, but they do not require space to share

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 9

Operating System Notes

memory information, Information about open files of I/O devices in use, etc. With
so little context, it is much faster to switch between threads. In other words, it is
relatively easier for a context switch using threads.
Sharing Treads allow the sharing of a lot resources that cannot be shared in
process, for example, sharing code section, data section, Operating System resources
like open file etc.
Disadvantages of Threads over Multiprocesses:
Blocking The major disadvantage if that if the kernel is single threaded, a system
call of one thread will block the whole process and CPU may be idle during the
blocking period.
Security Since there is, an extensive sharing among threads there is a potential
problem of security. It is quite possible that one thread over writes the stack of
another thread (or damaged shared data) although it is very unlikely since threads
are meant to cooperate on a single task.
Multithreading Models:
Some operating system provide a combined user level thread and Kernel level
thread facility. Solaris is a good example of this combined approach. In a combined
system, multiple threads within the same application can run in parallel on multiple
processors and a blocking system call need not block the entire process. Multithreading
models are three types
Many to many relationship.
Many to one relationship.
One to one relationship.
Many to Many Model:
The many-to-many model as shown fig.2.11. multiplexes any number of user
threads onto an equal or smaller number of kernel threads.
The following diagram shows the many-to-many threading model where 6 user level
threads are multiplexing with 6 kernel level threads. In this model, developers can create
as many user threads as necessary and the corresponding Kernel threads can run in
parallel on a multiprocessor machine. This model provides the best accuracy on
concurrency and when a thread performs a blocking system call, the kernel can schedule
another thread for execution. IRIX, HP-UX, and Tru64 UNIX use the two-tier model, as
did Solaris prior to Solaris 9.

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 1

Operating System Notes

Fig. 2.11 Many to Many Model

Many to One Model:
Many-to-one model shown in fig.2.12. maps many user level threads to one Kernel-
level thread. Thread management is done in user space by the thread library. When
thread makes a blocking system call, the entire process will be blocked. Only one
thread can access the Kernel at a time, so multiple threads are unable to run in parallel
on multiprocessors. Green threads for Solaris and GNU Portable Threads implement
the many-to-one model in the past, but few systems continue to do so today.

Fig. 2.12 Many-to-One Model

One to One Model:
There is one-to-one relationship of user-level thread to the kernel-level thread. one
to one model is shown in fig.2.13. This model provides more concurrency than the
many-to-one model. It also allows another thread to run when a thread makes a
blocking system call. It supports multiple threads to execute in parallel on

Fig. 2.13 One to One Model

Disadvantage of this model is that creating user thread requires the corresponding
Kernel thread. Linux, windows(95 to XP)OS/2, windows NT and windows 2000 use
one to one relationship model.

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 1

Operating System Notes

Thread Libraries:
Thread libraries provide programmers with an API for creating and managing
Thread libraries may be implemented either in user space or in kernel space. The
former involves API functions implemented solely within user space, with no
kernel support. The latter involves system calls, and requires a kernel with thread
library support.
There are three main thread libraries in use today:
(1) POSIX Pthreads - may be provided as either a user or kernel library, as an
extension to the POSIX standard.
(2) Win32 threads - provided as a kernel-level library on Windows systems.
(3) Java threads - Since Java generally runs on a Java Virtual Machine, the
implementation of threads is based upon whatever OS and hardware the JVM
is running on, i.e. either Pthreads or Win32 threads depending on the system.
Difference between Thread and Process:
No. Process Thread
1 Process is heavy weight or resource Thread is light weight, taking lesser
intensive. resources than a process.
2 Process switching needs interaction Thread switching does not need to interact
with operating system. with operating system.
3 In multiple processing All threads can share same set of open files,
environments, each process executes child processes.
the same code but has its own
memory and file resources.
4 If one process is blocked, then no While one thread is blocked and waiting, a
other process can execute until the second thread in the same task can run.
first process is unblocked.
5 Multiple processes without using Multiple threaded processes use fewer
threads use more resources. resources.
6 In multiple processes each process One thread can read, write or change
operates independently of the others another thread's data.
Difference Between User Level and Kernel level Thread:
No. User Level Thread Kernel Thread
1 User-level threads are faster to Kernel-level threads are slower to create
create and manage and manage.
2 Implementation is by a thread Operating system supports creation of
library at the user level. Kernel threads.
3 User-level thread is generic and can Kernel-level thread is specific to the
run on any operating system. operating system.
4 Multi-threaded applications cannot Kernel routines themselves can be
take advantage of multiprocessing. multithreaded.
Benefits of Thread:

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 1

Operating System Notes

(1) Responsiveness:
Multithreading an interactive application may allow a program to continue running
even if part of it is blocked or is performing a lengthy operation, thereby increasing
responsiveness to the user. For instance, a multithreaded web browser could still allow
user interaction in one thread while an image is being loaded in another thread.
(2) Resource sharing:
By default, threads share the memory and the resources of the process to which they
belong. The benefit of code sharing is that it allows an application to have several
different threads of activity all within the same address space.
(3) Economy:
It is much more time consuming to create and manage process than threads, therefore
allocating memory and resources for process creation is costly. Because threads share
resources of the process to which they belong, it is more economical to create and
context switch threads. In Solaris 2, creating a process is about 30 times slower than is
creating a thread, and context switching is about five times slower.
(4) Utilization of multiprocessor architectures:
The benefits of multithreading can be greatly increased in a multiprocessor
architecture, where each thread may be running in parallel on a different processor. A
single-threaded process can only run on one CPU, no matter how many are available.
Multithreading on a multi-CPU machine increases concurrency. In a single processor
architecture, the CPU generally moves between each thread so quickly as to create an
illusion of parallelism, but in reality only one thread is running at a time.


Inter-Process communications or IPC, is the mechanism whereby one process can
communicate, that is, exchange data, with another process. While these techniques are
very useful for communicating with other programs they do not provide the fine
grained control that's sometimes needed for larger scale applications. In these
applications it is quite common for several processes to be used, each performing a
dedicated task and other processes requesting services from them.
Various techniques can be used to implement the Inter-Process Communication.
There are two fundamental models of Inter-Process communication that are commonly
used, these are:
(1) Shared Memory Model
(2) Message Passing Model
Shared Memory Model:
In shared memory model shown in fig.2.14. the cooperating process shares a region
of memory for sharing of information. some operating systems use the supervisor call to
create a share memory space. Similarly, some operating system use file system to create
RAM disk, which is a virtual disk created in the RAM. The shared files are stored in
RAM disk to share the information between processes. The shared files in RAM disk are
actually stored in the memory. The Process can share information by writing and
reading data to the shared memory location or RAM disk.

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 1

Operating System Notes

Fig. 2.14 Inter Process Communication Model

Message Passing Model:
In this model shown in fig.2.1.4., data is shared between process by passing and
receiving messages between co-operating process. Message passing mechanism is easier
to implement than shared memory but it is useful for exchanging smaller amount of
data. In message passing mechanism data is exchange between processes through kernel
of operating system using system calls. Message passing mechanism is particularly
useful in a distributed environment where the communicating processes may reside on
different components connected by the network.
For example, A data program used on the internet could be designed so that chat
participants communicate with each other by exchanging messages. It must be noted
that passing message technique is slower than shared memory technique.

Fig. 2.1.5 Message Format

A message contains the following information:
Header of message that identifies the sending and receiving processes
Block of data
Pointer to block of data
Some control information about the process

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 1

Operating System Notes

Fig. 2.16 Send and Receive Message

Typically Inter-Process Communication is based on the ports associated with process.
A port represent a queue of processes. Ports are controlled and managed by the kernel.
The processes communicate with each other through kernel.
In message passing mechanism, two operations are performed. Theses are sending
message and receiving message. The function send() and receive() are used to
implement these operations as shown in fig.2.16.. Supposed P1 and P2 want to
communicate with each other. A communication link must be created between them to
send and receive messages. The communication link can be created using different
The most important methods are:
Direct model
Indirect model
Methods to Implement Interprocess Communication:
Inter-process communication (IPC) is a set of interfaces, which is usually
programmed in other for a programmer to communicate between a series of processes.
This allows the running of programs concurrently in an operating system.
There are quite a number of methods used in inter-process communications. They
(1) Pipes: This allows the flow of data in one direction only. Data from the output is
usually buffered until the input process receives it which must have a common
(2) Named Pipes: This is a pipe with a specific name. It can be used in processes that do
not have a shared common process origin. Example is FIFO where the data is
written to a pipe is first named.
(3) Message queuing: This allows messages to be passed between messages using
either a single queue or several message queues. This is managed by the system
kernel. These messages are coordinated using an application program interface
(4) Semaphores: This is used in solving problems associated with synchronization and
avoiding race conditions. They are integers values which are greater than or equal
to zero

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 1

Operating System Notes

(5) Shared Memory: This allows the interchange of data through a defined area of
memory. Semaphore value has to be obtained before data can get access to shared
(6) Sockets: This method is mostly used to communicate over a network, between a
client and a server. It allows for a standard connection which I computer and
operating system independent.
Facility Provided by IPC
(1) IPC provides a mechanism to allow Processes to communicate and to synchronize
their actions without sharing the same address space.
(2) IPC is particularly useful in a distributed environment where the communicating
processes may reside on different computers connected with a network. An
example is a chat program used on the World Wide Web.
IPC is best provided by a message-passing system, and message systems can be
defined in many ways.
Message Passing:
The function of a message system is to allow processes to communicate with one
another without the need to resort to shared data. We have already seen message
passing used as a method of communication in microkernel‘s. In this scheme, services
are provided as ordinary user processes. That is the services operate outside of the
kernel. Communication among the user process is accomplished through the passing of
messages. An IPC facility provides at least the two operations:
 send(message) and
 receive(message).
Messages sent by a process can be of either
fixed or
variable size.
Fixed Sized Message:
When fixed-sized messages are sent, the system-level implementation is
straightforward ie easy. But makes the task of programming more difficult.
Variable Sized Message:
If variable-sized messages needs a more complex system-level implementation, but
the programming task becomes simpler.
If processes X and Y want to communicate, they must send messages to and receive
messages from each other, there exist a link between two process . There are variety of
ways to implement this link. Here physical implementation is not of much concern (such
as shared memory, hardware bus, or network), but logical implementation is more
important. There are several methods for logically implementing a link and the
send/receive operations:
(1) Direct or indirect communication
(2) Symmetric or asymmetric communication
(3) Automatic or explicit buffering
(4) Send by copy or send by reference
(5) Fixed-sized or variable-sized messages

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 1

Operating System Notes

We look at each of these types of message systems next.

Processes that want to communicate can use either direct or indirect communication
to refer to each other.
Direct Communication:
With direct communication, each process that wants to communicate must explicitly
name the recipient or sender of the communication. In this scheme, the send and receive
primitives are defined as:
(1) send(X, message) —Send a message to process X.
(2) receive(Y, message) —Receive a message from process Y.
Properties of communication Links:
A link is established automatically between every pair of processes that want to
communicate. The processes need to know only each other‘s identity to communicate.
(1) A link is associated with exactly two processes.
(2) Exactly one link exists between each pair of processes.
There can be symmetry or not to address both sender and receiver.
Symmetry in addressing:
Symmetry in addressing means that, both the sender and the receiver processes must
name the other to communicate.
(1) send(X, message) —Send a message to process X.
(2) receive(Y, message) —Receive a message from process Y.
Asymmetry in Addressing:
Another scheme employs asymmetry in addressing. Only the sender names the
recipient; the recipient is not required to name the sender and recipient name. The send
and receive primitives are defined as follows:
(1) Send(P, message) —Send a message to process X.
(2) Receive (id, message) —Receives message from any process; the variable id is set
to the name of the process with which communication has taken place.
Disadvantage in both symmetric and asymmetric schemes:
(1) Is the limited modularity of the resulting process definitions
(2) Changing the name of a process may necessitate examining all other process
(3) All references to the old name must be found, so that they can be modified to the
new name.
(4) This situation is not desirable from the viewpoint of separate compilation.
Indirect Communication:
The messages are sent to and Received from mailboxes, or ports in indirect
communication. A mailbox can be viewed as an object into which messages can be
placed by processes and from which messages can be removed. Each mailbox has a
unique identification. In indirect communication, a process can communicate with some
other process via a number of different mailboxes. Two processes can communicate only
if they share a mailbox. The send and receive primitives are defined as follows:
(1) Send(P, message) —Send a message to mailbox P.

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 1

Operating System Notes

(2) Receive(P, message)—Receive a message from mailbox P.

Properties of Communication Link:
(1) A link is established between a pair of processes only if both members of the pair
have a shared mailbox.
(2) A link may be associated with more than two processes.
(3) A number of different links may exist between each pair of communicating
processes, with each link corresponding to one mailbox.
Let processes X and Y all share mailbox P. Process X sends a message to P, while Y
and Z each execute a receive from P. Which process will receive the message sent by X.
The answer depends on the scheme that we choose:
(A) Allow a link to be associated with at most two processes
(B) Allow at most one process at a time to execute a receive operation.
(C) Allow the system to select arbitrarily which process will receive the message
(that is, either X or Y but not both, will receive the message). The system may
identify the receiver to the sender.
Communication between processes takes place by calls to send and receive
primitives. There are different design options for implementing each primitive. Message
passing may be either blocking or non blocking-also known as synchronous and
Blocking send: The sending process is blocked until the message is received by the
receiving process or by the mailbox.
Nonblocking send: The sending process sends the message and resumes operation.
Blocking receive: The receiver blocks until a message is available.
Nonblocking receive: The receiver retrieves either a valid message or a null.
Different combinations of send and receive are possible. When both the send and
receive are blocking, we have a rendezvous between the sender and the receiver.

Operating systems may feature up to three distinct types of schedulers:
(1) A long-term scheduler (also known as an admission scheduler or high-level
(2) A mid-term or medium-term scheduler and
(3) A short-term scheduler (also known as a dispatcher). The names suggest the
relative frequency with which these functions are performed.
Long-term Scheduler:
The long-term, or admission, scheduler decides which jobs or processes are to be
admitted to the ready queue; that is, when an attempt is made to execute a program, its
admission to the set of currently executing processes is either authorized or delayed by
the long-term scheduler.
Thus this scheduler dictates what processes are to run on a system, and the degree of
concurrency to be supported at any one time - ie whether a high or low amount of

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Operating System Notes

processes are to be executed concurrently, and how the split between IO intensive and
CPU intensive processes is to be handled. In modern OS's, this is used to make sure that
real time processes get enough CPU time to finish their tasks. Without proper real time
scheduling, modern GUI interfaces would seem sluggish.
Long-term scheduling is also important in large-scale systems such as batch
processing systems, computer clusters, supercomputers and render farms. In these cases,
special purpose job scheduler software is typically used to assist these functions, in
addition to any underlying admission scheduling support in the operating system.
Mid-term Scheduler:
The mid-term scheduler, present in all systems with virtual memory, temporarily
removes processes from main memory and places them on secondary memory (such as
a disk drive) or vice versa. This is commonly referred to as "swapping out" or "swapping
in" (also incorrectly as "paging out" or "paging in"). The mid-term scheduler may decide
to swap out a process for example
(1) Process which has not been active for some time, or
(2) A process which has a low priority, or
(3) A process which is page faulting frequently, or
(4) A process which is taking up a large amount of memory in order to free up main
memory for other processes, swapping the process back in later when more
memory is available, or when the process has been unblocked and is no longer
waiting for a resource.
In many systems today (those that support mapping virtual address space to
secondary storage other than the swap file), the mid-term scheduler may actually
perform the role of the long-term scheduler, by treating binaries as "swapped out
processes" upon their execution. In this way, when a segment of the binary is required it
can be swapped in on demand, or "lazy loaded".
Short-term Scheduler:
The short-term scheduler (also known as the dispatcher) decides which of the ready,
in-memory processes are to be executed (allocated a CPU) next following a clock
interrupt, an IO interrupt, an operating system call or another form of signal.
Thus the short-term scheduler makes scheduling decisions much more frequently
than the long-term or mid-term schedulers - a scheduling decision will at a minimum
have to be made after every time slice, and these are very short. This scheduler can be
preemptive, implying that it is capable of forcibly removing processes from a CPU when
it decides to allocate that CPU to another process, or non-preemptive (also known as
"voluntary" or "co-operative"), in which case the scheduler is unable to "force" processes
off the CPU.
The scheduler selects from among the processes in memory that are ready to execute,
and allocates the CPU to one of them. The ready queue is not necessarily a first-in, first-
out (FIFO) queue.
As we shall see when we consider the various scheduling algorithms, a ready queue
may be implemented as a FIFO queue, a priority queue, a tree, or simply an unordered
linked list.

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Conceptually, however, all the processes in the ready queue are lined up waiting for
a chance to run on the CPU. The records in the queues are generally process control
blocks (PCBs) of the processes.
Types of Scheduling:
Below given are the circumstances under which CPU Scheduling takes place.
(1) When a process switches from the running state to the waiting state (for
example, I/O request, or invocation of wait for the termination of one of the
child processes).
(2) When a process switches from the running state to the ready state (for example,
when an interrupt occurs).
(3) When a process switches from the waiting state to the ready state (for example,
completion of I/O).
(4) When a process terminates.
Hence there are two types of scheduling:
Non preemptive Scheduling
Preemptive Scheduling
Non preemptive Scheduling:
In circumstances 1 and 4, there is no choice in terms of scheduling. When scheduling
takes place only under circumstances 1 and 4, we say the scheduling scheme is
nonpreemptive; Under nonpreemptive scheduling, once the CPU has been allocated to a
process, the process keeps the CPU until it releases the CPU either by terminating or by
switching to the waiting state. This scheduling method is used by the Microsoft
Windows 3.1 and by the Apple Macintosh operating systems. It is the only method that
can be used on certain hardware platforms, because it does not require the special
hardware (for example, a timer) needed for preemptive scheduling
Example of Non Preemptive Scheduling Algorithm:
(1) First-come-first served
Preemptive Scheduling:
A new process (if one exists in the ready queue) must be selected for execution. There
is a choice, however, in circumstances 2 and 3. otherwise, the scheduling scheme is
preemptive. But preemptive scheduling incurs a cost. Consider the case of two
processes sharing data. One may be in the midst of updating the data when it is
preempted and the second process is run. The second process may try to read the data,
which are currently in an inconsistent state. New mechanisms thus are needed to
coordinate access to shared data; Preemption also has an effect on the design of the
operating-system kernel. Shown in fig.4.2.
During the processing of a system call, the kernel may be busy with an activity on
behalf of a process. Such activities may involve changing important kernel data (for
instance, I/O queues). What happens if the process is preempted in the middle of these
changes, and the kernel (or the device driver) needs to read or modify the same
Preemptive scheduling:
(1) Shortest-job-first
(2) Round Robin.

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Operating System Notes

(3) Priority based scheduling

(4) Multi-level Queue
Scheduling Criteria:
Since there are many CPU-scheduling algorithms, They have different properties and
may favor one class of processes over another. In choosing which algorithm to use in a
particular situation, we must consider the properties of the various algorithms. There
are many criteria for comparing CPU-scheduling algorithms. The characteristics used for
comparison can make a big difference in the determination of the best algorithm. The
criteria include the following:
(1) CPU Utilization
(2) Throughput
(3) Turn around Time
(4) Waiting Time
(5) Response around
CPU utilization:
We want to keep the CPU as busy as possible. CPU utilization may range from 0 to
100 percent. In a real system, it should range from 40 percent (for a lightly loaded
system) to 90 percent (for a heavily used system).
If the CPU is busy executing processes, then work is being done. One measure of
work is the number of processes completed per time unit, called throughput. For long
processes, this rate may be 1 process per hour; for short transactions, throughput might
be 10 processes per second.
Turnaround time:
From the point of view of a particular process, the important criterion is how long it
takes to execute that process. The interval from the time of submission of a process to the
time of completion is the turnaround time. Turnaround time is the sum of the periods
spent waiting to get into memory, waiting in the ready queue, executing on the CPU,
and doing I/O.
Waiting time:
The CPU-scheduling algorithm does not affect the amount of time during which a
process executes or does I/O; it affects only the amount of time that a process spends
waiting in the ready queue. Waiting time is the sum of the periods spent waiting in the
ready queue.
Response time:
In an interactive system, turnaround time may not be the best criterion. Often, a
process can produce some output fairly early, and can continue computing new results
while previous results are being output to the user. Thus, another measure is the time
from the submission of a request until the first response is produced.
This measure, called response time, is the amount of time it takes to start responding,
but not the time that it takes to output that response. The turnaround time is generally
limited by the speed of the output device.
Final Conclusion:

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Hence it is necessary to maximize CPU utilization and throughput, and to minimize

turnaround time, waiting time, and response time. In most cases, we optimize the
average measure. However, in some circumstances we want to optimize the minimum
or maximum values, rather than the average. For example, to guarantee that all users get
good service, we may want to minimize the maximum response time.
Comparison among Scheduler:
No. Long-Term Scheduler Short-Term Scheduler Medium-Term Scheduler
1 It is a job scheduler It is a CPU scheduler It is a process swapping
2 Speed is lesser than short Speed is fastest among Speed is in between both
term scheduler other two short and long term
3 It controls the degree of It provides lesser control It reduces the degree of
multiprogramming over degree of multiprogramming.
4 It is almost absent or It is also minimal in time It is a part of Time sharing
minimal in time sharing sharing system systems.
5 It selects processes from It selects those processes It can re-introduce the
pool and loads them into which are ready to process into memory and
memory for execution execute execution can be
Scheduling Algorithms:
A Process Scheduler schedules different processes to be assigned to the CPU based
on particular scheduling algorithms. The different scheduling algorithm are listed
First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) Scheduling
Shortest-Job-Next (SJN) Scheduling
Priority Scheduling
Round Robin(RR) Scheduling
Multiple-Level Queues Scheduling
These algorithms are either non-preemptive or preemptive. Non-preemptive
algorithms are designed so that once a process enters the running state, it cannot be
preempted until it completes its allotted time, whereas the preemptive scheduling is
based on priority where a scheduler may preempt a low priority running process
anytime when a high priority process enters into a ready state.
First Come First Serve:
The simplest CPU-scheduling algorithm is the first-come, first-served (FCFS)
scheduling algorithm. In this the process that requests the CPU first is allocated the CPU
first. FIFO(First In First Out) Queue is used to implement FCFS scheduling.
When a process enters the ready queue, its PCB is linked onto the tail of the queue.
When the CPU is free, it is allocated to the process at the head of the queue. The running
process is then removed from the queue. The code for FCFS scheduling is simple to

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Operating System Notes

write and understand. The average waiting time under the FCFS policy, however, is
often quite
long. Consider the following set of processes that arrive at time 0, with the length of
the CPU-burst time given in milliseconds:
Process Burst Waiting Time
P1 24 0
P2 3 24
P3 7 27
P4 13 34
P5 21 47
If the processes arrive in the order PI, P2, P3,P4,P5 and are served in FCFS order, we
get the result shown in the following Gantt chart:
P1 /24 P2 / 3 P3 / 7 P4 / 13 P5 /21
0 24 27 34 47
The waiting time is
0 milliseconds for process P1
24 milliseconds for process P2
27 milliseconds for process P3
34 milliseconds for process P3
47 milliseconds for process P3
Thus when process arrives as P1,P2, P3,P4,P5 the average waiting time is
= (0 + 24 + 27 + 34 + 47 )/5
= 132 /5 milliseconds.
= 26.4 millisecond.
If the processes arrive in the order P3, P4,P1,P5,P2 the average waiting time is
= (0+7+20+44+65)/5
=136/5 milliseconds
= 27.2 millisecond.
From above two calculation it is clear that one process need 26.4msec and other need
27.2 msec. The average waiting time under a FCFS policy is generally not minimal, and
may vary substantially if the process CPU-burst times vary greatly.
Disadvantage of FCFS:
(1) Average waiting time is very large.
(2) FCFS is not an attractive alternative on its own for a single processor system.
Another difficulty with FCFS tends to favor processor bound, processes over I/O
bound processes and may result in inefficient use of both the processor and the I/O
Short Job First Scheduling (SJF):
Shortest-job-first (SJF) another scheduling algorithm. In this algorithm as soon as the
CPU is available, it is assigned to the process that has the smallest next CPU burst. If two

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 2

Operating System Notes

processes have the same length next CPU burst, FCFS scheduling is used to server the
process which came first in the queue.
Note that a more appropriate term would be the shortest next CPU burst, because the
scheduling is done by examining the length of the next CPU burst of a process, rather
than its total length.
Consider the following set of Five processes, with the length of the CPU-burst time
given in milliseconds
Process Burst
P1 24
P2 3
P3 7
P4 13
P5 21
Now the processes will arrive in the order P2, P3, P4,P5,P1 and are served in SJP
order, we get the result shown in the following Gantt chart:
P2 /3 P3 / 7 P4/ 13 P5 / 21 P1 /24
0 3 10 23 44
The waiting time is
0 milliseconds for process P2
3 milliseconds for process P3
10 milliseconds for process P4
23 milliseconds for process P5
44 milliseconds for process P1
Thus when process arrives as P2,P3, P4,P5,P1 the average waiting time is
= (0 + 3 +10 + 23 + 44 )/5
= 80 /5 milliseconds.
= 16 millisecond.
The SJF scheduling algorithm is optimal because, it gives the minimum average
waiting time for a given set of processes. By moving a short process before a long one,
the waiting time of the short process decreases more than it increases the waiting time of
the long process. Consequently, the average waiting time decreases.
The SJF algorithm may be either preemptive or nonpreemptive. The choice arises when a
new process arrives at the ready queue while a previous process is executing. The new
process may have a shorter next CPU burst than what is left of the currently executing
A preemptive SJF algorithm will preempt the currently executing process, whereas a
nonpreemptive SJF algorithm will allow the currently running process to finish its CPU
burst. Preemptive SJF scheduling is sometimes called shortest-remaining-time-first
Advantage and Disadvantage:

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Operating System Notes

• Overall performance is significantly improved In terms of response time.

• There Is a risk of starvation of longer processes.
Priority Scheduling:
A priority is associated with each process, and the CPU is allocated to the process
with the highest priority. Equal-priority processes are scheduled in FCFS order.
An SJF algorithm is simply a priority algorithm where the priority (p) is the inverse of
the (predicted) next CPU burst. The larger the CPU burst, the lower the priority, and
vice versa.
Scheduling may have priorities in terms of high priority and low priority. Priorities
are generally some fixed range of numbers, such as 0 to 7, or 0 to 4,095. However, there
is no general agreement on whether 0 is the highest or lowest priority.
Some systems use low numbers to represent low priority; others use low numbers for
high priority. Here we will use low numbers to represent high priority.
As an example, consider the following set of processes, assumed to have arrived at
time 0, in the order P1, P2,P3,P4,P5 with the length of the CPU-burst time given in
Process Burst Priority
P1 10 3
P2 1 1
P3 2 4
P4 1 5
P5 5 2
Using priority scheduling, we would schedule these processes according to the
following Gantt chart
P2/1 P5/5 P1/10 P3/2 P4/1
0 6 16 18 19
The average waiting time is 8.2 milliseconds.
Priorities can be defined either:
(1) Internally defined priority and
(2) Externally defined priority
Internal Priority:
Internally defined priorities use some measurable quantity or quantities to compute
the priority of a process. For example, time limits, memory requirements, the number of
open files, and the ratio of average I/O burst to average CPU burst have been used in
computing priorities.
External Priority:
External priorities are set by criteria that are external to the operating system, such as
the importance of the process, the type and amount of funds being paid for computer
use, the department sponsoring the work, and other, often political, factors.
Priority scheduling can be either
(1) Preemptive priority scheduling or

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 2

Operating System Notes

(2) Nonpreemptive priority scheduling.

Preemptive priority scheduling:
When a process arrives at the ready queue, its priority is compared with the priority
of the currently running process. A preemptive priority-scheduling algorithm will
preempt the CPU if the priority of the newly arrived process is higher than the priority
of the currently running process.
Non Preemptive priority scheduling:
A no preemptive priority-scheduling algorithm will simply put the new process at
the head of the ready queue.
Disadvantage of Priority scheduling:
One problem with a pure priority scheduling scheme is lower priority processes may
suffer starvation.
Problem with Priority scheduling:
A major problem with priority-scheduling algorithms is indefinite blocking (or
starvation). A process that is ready to run but lacking the CPU can be considered
blocked-waiting for the CPU. A priority-scheduling algorithm can leave some low-
priority processes waiting indefinitely for the CPU. In a heavily loaded computer
system, a steady stream of higher-priority processes can prevent a low-priority process
from ever getting the CPU.
Solution to Above Problem:
A solution to the problem of indefinite blockage of low-priority processes is aging.
Aging is a technique of gradually increasing the priority of processes that wait in the
system for a long time. For example, if priorities range from 127 (low) to 0 (high), we
could decrement the priority of a waiting process by 1 every 15 minutes.
Eventually, even a process with an initial priority of 127 would have the highest
priority in the system and would be executed. In fact, it would take no more than 32
hours for a priority 127 process to age to a priority 0 process.
Round-Robin Scheduling:
The round-robin (RR) scheduling algorithm is designed for timesharing systems. It is
similar to FCFS scheduling, but preemption is added to switch between processes.
A small unit of time, called a time quantum (or time slice), is defined. A time
quantum is generally from 10 to 100 milliseconds. The ready queue is treated as a
circular queue. The CPU scheduler goes around the ready queue, allocating the CPU to
each process for a time interval of up to 1 time quantum.
To implement RR scheduling, there is the ready queue as a FIFO queue of processes.
New processes are added to the end(Tail) of the ready queue. The CPU scheduler takes
the first process from the ready queue, sets a timer to interrupt after 1 time
quantum/time slice, and dispatches the process.
(1) One of two things will then happen.
(2) The process may have a CPU burst of less than 1 time quantum. In this case, the
process itself will release the CPU voluntarily. The scheduler will then proceed to
the next process in the ready queue.

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(3) otherwise, if the CPU burst of the currently running process is longer than 1 time
quantum, the timer will go off and will cause an interrupt to the operating
A context switch will be executed, and the process will be put at the tail of the ready
queue. The CPU scheduler will then select the next process in the ready queue.
The average waiting time under the RR policy, however, is often quite long. Consider
the following set of processes that arrive at time 0, with the length of the CPU-burst time
given in milliseconds:
Process Burst
P1 24
P2 3
P3 3
Le the time quantum of 4 milliseconds , then how takes place
(1) Process P1 gets the first 4 milliseconds. Since it requires another 20 milliseconds,
it is preempted after the first time quantum, and
(2) the CPU is given to the next process in the queue, process P2. Since process P2
does not need 4 milliseconds, it quits before its time quantum expires.
(3) The CPU is then given to the next process, process P3. Once each process has
received 1 time quantum, the CPU is returned to process P1 for an additional
time quantum. The resulting RR schedule is
P1 P2 P3 P4 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1
0 4 7 10 14 18 22 26 30
The average waiting time is
= 17/3
= 5.66 milliseconds.
In the RR scheduling algorithm, no process is allocated the CPU for more than 1 time
quantum in a row. If a process' CPU burst exceeds 1 time quantum, that process is
preempted and is put back in the ready queue. Hence the RR scheduling algorithm is
If there are n processes in the ready queue and the time quantum is q, then each
process gets 1/n of the CPU time in chunks of at most q time units. Each process must
wait no longer than (n - 1) x q time units until its next time quantum.
For example, if there are five processes, with a time quantum of 20 milliseconds, then
each process will get up to 20 milliseconds every 100 milliseconds.
Advantages and Disadvantages of RR scheduling
(1) Round robin is particularly effective In a general purpose time sharing system or
transaction processing systems.
(2) If there is a mix of processor bound and 1/0 bound processes, then the processor
bound processes tend to receive an unfair portion of processor time, which result In
poor performance for I/O bound processes, inefficient use of I/O devices and an
increase in the variance of response time.

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Operating System Notes

Memory Management
Main memory (RAM) is an important resource that must be very carefully managed..
Today‘s need for a programmer is private, infinitely large, infinitely fast memory that
is also nonvolatile, that is, does not lose its contents when the electric power is switched
off. But today‘s technology cannot provide such memory in bulk at less cost ie such
memories are expensive.
Hence the concept of a memory hierarchy shown in fig.3.1. is discovered, in which
computers have a
few megabytes of very fast,
expensive, volatile cache memory,
a few gigabytes of medium-speed, medium-priced, volatile main memory, and
a few terabytes of slow, cheap, nonvolatile magnetic or solid-state disk storage,
not to mention removable storage, such as DVDs and USB sticks.

Fig. 3.1 Memory Hierarchy

It is the job of the operating system to abstract this hierarchy into a useful model and
then manage the abstraction.

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Operating System Notes

The part of the operating system that manages (part of) the memory hierarchy is
called the memory manager.
Job of Memory Manager
is to efficiently manage memory:
keep track of which parts of memory are in use,
allocate memory to processes when they need it, and
deallocate it when they are done.
Early mainframe computers (before 1960), early minicomputers (before 1970), and
early personal computers (before 1980) had no memory abstraction. Only physical
memory was used , no mapping , nothing. When a program executed an instruction like
MOV R4,1000 the computer just moved the contents of physical memory location
1000 to REGISTER4.
Thus, the model of memory presented to the programmer was simply physical
memory, a set of addresses from 0 to some maximum, each address corresponding to a
cell containing some number of bits, commonly byte or group of 8 bits. Hence running
of multiple program was not possible at time.
If the first program wrote a new value to, say, location 000, this would erase whatever
value the second program was storing there. By any means if two program share same
memory then nothing would work and both programs would crash almost immediately.

Fig. 3.2 Organization of Memory

Fig.3.2. Show different ways to use single physical memory as below the Three
The operating system may be at the bottom of memory in RAM (Random Access
Memory), as shown in Fig. 3-2(a), this model was formerly used on mainframes
and minicomputers but is rarely used any more.
It may be in ROM (Read-Only Memory) at the top of memory, as shown in Fig. 3-
2b),this model is used on some handheld computers and embedded systems.
The device drivers may be at the top of memory in a ROM and the rest of the
system in RAM down below, as shown in Fig. 3-2(c). This model was used by
early personal computers (e.g., running MSDOS), where the portion of the
system in the ROM is called the BIOS (Basic Input Output System).

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Operating System Notes

Models (a) and (c) have the disadvantage that a bug in the user program can wipe out
the operating system, possibly with disastrous results. When the system is organized in
this way, generally only one process at a time can be running. As soon as the user types
a command,
The operating system copies the requested program from disk to memory and
executes it.
When the process finishes, the operating system displays a prompt character and
waits for a user new command.
When the operating system receives the command, it loads a new program into
memory, overwriting the first one.
One way to get some parallelism in a system with no memory abstraction is to
program with multiple threads. Since all threads in a process are supposed to see the
same memory image, the fact that they are forced to is not a problem. While this idea
works, it is of limited use since what people often want is unrelated programs to be
running at the same time, something the threads abstraction does not provide.
3.2.1 Running Multiple Programs without a Memory Abstraction
It is possible to run multiple programs with no memory abstraction at the same time.
Here the operating system save the entire contents of memory to a disk file, then bring
one program in and execute the next program. As long as there is only one program at a
time in memory, there are no conflicts. Brining in one program and executing and then
sending back to disk is called as swapping.
3.2.2 Running Multiple Program without Swapping
It is possible to run multiple programs concurrently, even without swapping with
some additional hardware. This was implemented in IBM 370 Model.
Here memory was divided into 2-KB blocks
Each was assigned a 4-bit protection key held in special registers inside the CPU.
A machine with a 1-MB memory needed only 512 of these 4-bit registers for a
total of 256 bytes of key storage.

Fig. 3.3 Relocation Problem

The PSW (Program Status Word) also contained a 4-bit key. The 360 hardware
trapped any attempt by a running process to access memory with a protection code
different from the PSW key. Since only the operating system could change the protection
keys, user processes were prevented from interfering with one another and with the
operating system itself.

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This technique has major drawback, shown in Fig. 3-3. Here we have two programs,
each 16 KB in size, as shown in Fig. 3-3(a) and (b). The first is shaded to indicate that it
has a different memory key than the second. The first program starts out by jumping to
address 24, which contains a MOV instruction.

Fig. 3.4 Two Programs in Memory

The second program starts out by jumping to address 28, which contains a CMP
instruction. When the two programs are loaded consecutively in memory starting at
address 0, we have the situation of Fig. 3-4. For this example, lets assume the operating
system is in high memory and thus not shown.
After the programs are loaded, they can be run. Since they have different memory
keys, neither one can damage the other. But the problem is of a different nature. When
the first program starts, it executes the JMP 24 instruction, which jumps to the
instruction, as expected. This program functions normally.
However, after the first program has run long enough, the operating system may
decide to run the second program, which has been loaded above the first one, at address
16,384. The first instruction executed is JMP 28, which jumps to the ADD instruction in
the first program, instead of the CMP instruction it is supposed to jump to. The program
will most likely crash in well under 1 sec.
Since the two programs both reference absolute physical memory this problem arises.
But in reality it should be that each program to get different set of addresses.
Hence as the solution the IBM 360 modified the second program on the fly(while
loading) as it loaded it into memory using a technique known as static relocation. That
is when a program was loaded at address 16,384, the constant 16,384 was added to every
program address during the load process (so ‗‗JMP 28‘‘ became ‗‗JMP 16,412‘‘, etc.).This
mechanism works if done right, it is not a very general solution and slows down
loading. Furthermore, it requires extra information in all executable programs to
indicate which words contain (relocatable) addresses and which do not. After all, the
‗‗28‘‘ in Fig. 3-3(b) has to be relocated but an instruction like MOV R1,28 which moves

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Operating System Notes

the number 28 to REGISTER1 must not be relocated. The loader needs some way to tell
what is an address and what is a constant.


The major draw back of no memory abstraction are
If user programs can address every byte of memory, they can easily trash the
operating system, intentionally or by accident, bringing the system to a grinding
halt (unless there is special hardware like the IBM 360‘s lock-and-key scheme).
This problem exists even if only one user program (application) is running.
With this model, it is difficult to have multiple programs running at once (taking
turns, if there is only one CPU). On personal computers, it is common to have
several programs open at once (a word processor, an email program, a Web
browser), one of them having the current focus, but the others being reactivated
at the click of a mouse. Since this situation is difficult to achieve when there is no
abstraction from physical memory, something had to be done.
The above two problem can be solved by allowing multiple applications to be in
memory at the same time without interfering with each other: protection and relocation.
First Solution : Protection and relocation:
This solution to the former used on the IBM 360: label chunks of memory with a
protection key and compare the key of the executing process to that of every memory
word fetched. However, this approach by itself does not solve the latter problem,
although it can be solved by relocating programs as they are loaded, but this is a slow
and complicated solution.
Second Solution:
A better solution is to invent a new abstraction for memory: the address space. Just as
the process concept creates a kind of abstract CPU to run programs, the address space
creates a kind of abstract memory for programs to live in. An address space is the set of
addresses that a process can use to address memory. Each process has its own address
space, independent of those belonging to other processes (except in some special
circumstances where processes want to share their address spaces).


The concept of an address space is very general as explained below with different
General Devices used for communication:
Consider telephone numbers. In the United States and many other countries, a local
telephone number is usually a 7-digit number. The address space for telephone numbers
thus runs from 0,000,000 to 9,999,999, although some numbers, such as those beginning
with 000 are not used. With the growth of smartphones, modems, and fax machines, this
space is becoming too small, in which case more digits have to be used.
Address space for I/O ports:
The address space for I/O ports on the x86 runs from 0 to 16383.
Address for Network:

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IPv4 addresses are 32-bit numbers, so their address space runs from 0 to 2 32 -1 (again,
with some reserved numbers).Address spaces do not have to be numeric. The set of .com
Internet domains is also an address space. This address space consists of all the strings
of length 2 to 63 characters that can be made using letters, numbers, and hyphens,
followed by .com.
Types of address space:
The concept of a logical address space that is bound to a separate physical address
space is central to proper memory management
Logical address: Generated by the CPU; also referred to as virtual address
Physical address: Address seen by the memory unit
Logical and physical addresses are the same in compile: Time and load-time
address-binding schemes; logical (virtual) and physical addresses differ in
execution-time address-binding scheme
3.4.1 Implementation:
Base and Limit Registers:

Fig. 3.5 Base and limit registers can be used to give each process a separate address
Dynamic relocation technique is used to map each process‘ address space onto a
different part of physical memory in a simple way. This technique is used on machines
ranging from the CDC 6600 (the world‘s first supercomputer) to the Intel 8088 (the heart
of the original IBM PC).
To achieve these each CPU has two special registers, usually called the base and
limit registers. When these registers are used, programs are loaded into consecutive
memory locations wherever there is space in memory and without relocation during
loading, as shown in Fig. 3-4.

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Fig. 3.6 Address Space Calculation

When a process is run, the base register is loaded with the physical address where its
program begins in memory and the limit register is loaded with the length of the
program. In Fig. 3-4, the base and limit values that would be loaded into these hardware
registers when the first program is run are 0 and 16,384, respectively. The values used
when the second program is run are 16,384 and 32,768, respectively. If a third 16-KB
program were loaded directly above the second one and run, the base and limit registers
would be 32,768 and 16,384.

Fig. 3.6 Address Translation

Every time a process references memory, either to fetch an instruction or read or
write a data word, the CPU hardware automatically adds the base value to the address
generated by the process before sending the address out on the memory bus.
Simultaneously, it checks whether the address offered is equal to or greater than the
value in the limit register, in which case a fault is generated and the access is aborted.
Thus, in the case of the first instruction of the second program in Fig.3.4, the process
executes a JMP 28 Instruction, but the hardware treats it as though it were JMP 16412 so
it lands on the CMP instruction as expected. The settings of the base and limit registers
during the execution of the second program of Fig. 3.4 is shown in Fig. 3.5.
Using base and limit registers is an easy way to give each process its own private
address space because every memory address generated automatically has the base-

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Operating System Notes

register contents added to it before being sent to memory. In many implementations, the
base and limit registers are protected in such a way that only the operating system can
modify them. Intel 8088/86 have multiple base registers, allowing program text and
data, for example, to be independently relocated, but offered no protection from out-of-
range memory references. A disadvantage of relocation using base and limit registers is
the need to perform an addition and a comparison on every memory reference.
Comparisons can be done fast, but additions are slow due to carry-propagation time
unless special addition circuits are used.
3.4.2 Swapping:
Swapping is a mechanism in which a process can be swapped temporarily out of
main memory (or move) to secondary storage (disk) and make that memory available
to other processes. At some later time, the system swaps back the process from the
secondary storage to main memory.
Though performance is usually affected by swapping process but it helps in running
multiple and big processes in parallel and that's the reason Swapping is also known as
a technique for memory compaction.

Fig. 3.7 Swapping

The total time taken by swapping process includes the time it takes to move the
entire process to a secondary disk and then to copy the process back to memory, as well
as the time the process takes to regain main memory.
Let us assume that the user process is of size 2048KB and on a standard hard disk
where swapping will take place has a data transfer rate around 1 MB per second. The
actual transfer of the 1000K process to or from memory will take
2048KB / 1024KB per second
= 2 seconds

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= 200 milliseconds
Now considering in and out time, it will take complete 400 milliseconds plus other
overhead where the process competes to regain main memory.
When swapping creates multiple holes in memory, it is possible to combine them all
into one big one by moving all the processes downward as far as possible. This
technique is known as memory compaction. It is usually not done because it requires a
lot of CPU time. For example, on a 16-GB machine that can copy 8 bytes in 8 nsec, it
would take about 16 sec to compact all of memory.
3.4.3 Managing Free Memory:
Since there is only a limited amount of disk space, it is necessary to reuse the space
from deleted files for new files. To keep track of free disk space, the system maintains a
free-space list. The free-space list records all disk blocks that are free (i.e., are not
allocated to some file). To create a file, the free-space list has to be searched for the
required amount of space, and allocate that space to a new file. This space is then
removed from the free-space list. When a file is deleted, its disk space is added to the
free-space list.
When memory allocation takes place dynamically, it is responsibility of an operating
system to manage it properly. In free space management techniques mainly two
methods are used as follows:
(1) Bitmap
(2) Linked List
(3) Grouping
(4) Counting Bit Map technique:
Frequently, the free-space list is implemented as a bit map or bit vector shown in
fig.3.8. Each block is represented by a 1 bit. If the block is free, the bit is 0; if the block is
allocated, the bit is 1.
For example, consider a disk where blocks 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 25, 26,
and 27 are free, and the rest of the blocks are allocated. The free-space bit map would be:

Fig. 3.8 BitMap

Advantages with Bit Map technique:
The main advantage of this approach is that it is relatively simple and efficient to find
n consecutive free blocks on the disk. Unfortunately, bit vectors are inefficient unless the
entire vector is kept in memory for most accesses. Keeping it main memory is possible
for smaller disks such as on microcomputers, but not for larger ones.
Problem with Bitmap Technique:

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There is one problem associated with bitmap that when k unit processes runs in the
memory, the memory manager has to search a ‗0‘ bitmap which are consecutive ‗n‘
The main argument against bitmap is that the searching a bitmap for a run of a given
length is a slow operation. Linked Lists Technique:
Linked list is another way using which track of free and used memory can be tracked.
Link list is collection of allocated memory or hole between two processes. As shown in
figure P indicates the process and H indicates the hole(free memory). All the entries
present in the list specifies a hole (H) process (P) and address at which it starts, the
length and a pointer to the next entry.
From the example shown in fig.3.9. This list is always kept sorted. One of the major
advantages of sorting is that when a process terminates or when a process terminates or
when a process is swapped out the updating list is straight forward.

Fig. 3.9 Linked Free Space Management

A terminating memory has two neighbors only. In exceptional cases like when it is at
the top of the memory and at the bottom of the memory. At the top of the memory it do
not have neighbor at the left side At the bottom of the memory there is no neighbor at
the right side. The neighbors could be holes or process.

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There could be for combinations as shown in the Fig. (a) shows modifying the list
requires replacing a P by H. Fig.(b) and (c)also two entries and combined into one and
the list becomes one entry shorter. Doubly link list is useful to find out most recent entry
and to see if merge is possible. When processes or even holes are kept sorted in the list,
then different algorithms could be used to allocate the memory. These algorithm are
called as
(i) First Fit
(ii) Best Fit
(iii) Next Fit
(iv) Worst Fit Grouping:
A modification of the free-list approach is to store the addresses of n free blocks in the
first free block. The first n-1 of these are actually free. The last one is the disk address of
another block containing addresses of another n free blocks. The importance of this
implementation is that addresses of a large number of free blocks can be found quickly. Counting:
Another approach is to take advantage of the fact that, generally, several contiguous
blocks may be allocated or freed simultaneously, particularly when contiguous
allocation is used. Thus, rather than keeping a list of free disk addresses, the address of
the first free block is kept and the number n of free contiguous blocks that follow the
first block.
Each entry in the free-space list then consists of a disk address and a count. Although
each entry requires more space than would a simple disk address, the overall list will be
shorter, as long as the count is generally greater than 1.


Real memory refers to the actual memory chips that are installed in the computer. All
programs actually run in this physical memory. However, it is often useful to allow the
computer to think that it has memory that isn't actually there, in order to permit the use
of programs that are larger than will physically fit in memory, or to allow multitasking
(multiple programs running at once). This concept is called virtual memory.shown in
An imaginary memory area supported by some operating systems (for example,
Windows but not DOS) in conjunction with the hardware. You can think of virtual
memory as an alternate set of memory addresses. Programs use these virtual addresses
rather than real addresses to store instructions and data. When the program is actually
executed, the virtual addresses are converted into real memory addresses.

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Fig. 3.10 Virtual Memory

3.5.1 Purpose of Virtual Memory:
The conceptual separation of user logical memory from physical memory. Thus we
can have large virtual memory on a small physical memory.
The purpose of virtual memory is to enlarge the address space, the set of addresses a
program can utilize. For example, shown in fig.3.11. virtual memory might contain twice
as many addresses as main memory. A program using all of virtual memory, therefore,
would not be able to fit in main memory all at once. Nevertheless, the computer could
execute such a program by copying into main memory those portions of the program
needed at any given point during execution.
To facilitate copying virtual memory into real memory, the operating system divides
virtual memory into pages, each of which contains a fixed number of addresses. Each
page is stored on a disk until it is needed. When the page is needed, the operating
system copies it from disk to main memory, translating the virtual addresses into real

Fig. 3.11 Concept of Virtual Memory

3.5.2 Mapping:
The process of translating virtual addresses into real addresses is called mapping
shown in fig.3.12.. The copying of virtual pages from disk to main memory is known as
paging or swapping.

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Operating System Notes

Fig. 3.12 Address Mapping from Virtual to Physical

All modern general-purpose computer operating systems use virtual memory
techniques for ordinary applications, such as word processors, spreadsheets, multimedia
players, accounting, etc. Older operating systems, such as DOS and Microsoft Windows
of the 1980s, or those for the mainframes of the 1960s, generally had no virtual memory
functionality - notable exceptions being the Atlas, B5000 and Apple Computer's Lisa.
3.5.3 Logical Versus Physical Address:
Program must be brought into memory and placed within a process for it to be run.
The concept of a logical address space that is bound to a separate physical address space
is central to proper memory management.
 Logical address – generated by the CPU; also referred to as virtual address.
 Physical address – address seen by the memory unit. The user program deals
with logical addresses; it never sees the real physical addresses.
Address binding is a process of mapping a logical (virtual) address into physical
(memory) address.
3.5.4 Paging and Conversion of Logical Address to Physical:
Dynamic memory partitioning suffers from external fragmentation. To overcome this
problem either we can use compaction or paging. This method allows a program to be
allocated physical memory wherever it is available. In paging physical memory is
broken into fixed size blocks called frames. Also logical memory is broken into fixed size
blocks called as pages.
Whenever a process is to be executed its pages are loaded into available backing
store. This back storage is nothing but the physical memory which is in the size of
frames, which are fixed blocks.
The size of page is dependent of hardware. It is typically a power of 2 varying
between 512 bytes and 16MB per page depending on system architecture. This is done
for translation of logical address into physical address in easy way.
The logical address is in the following form.

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Page Number Offset

Fig. 3.13 Address Conversion from Logical to Physical

Every logical address is bound with physical address shown in fig. 3.14 and fig. 3.15.
So paging is supposed to be a form of dynamic relocation.
Every address generated by the CPU is divided into two parts
(1) a Page number(p) and
(2) a page offset (d).
Page Number:
The page number is used as an index into the page table as shown in fig. 3.13, fig.
3.14. The page table contains the base address of each page in physical memory.
Base Address:
This base address is combined with the page offset to define the physical memory
address that is sent to the memory unit.

Fig. 3.14 Example of Page Translation

Example of Paging:

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Fig. 3.15 Example of Paging

3.5.5 Demand Paging:
When a page is referenced, either as code execution or data access, and that page isn‘t
in memory, then get the page from disk and re-execute the statement.

Fig. 3.16 Demand Paging

Demand paging system is some how similar to paging system with swapping. In this
type of method the process resides on the back storage (i.e. secondary memory or
disk).Shown in Fig.3.16.

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When we want to execute the process, we swap it into memory. A lazy swapper is
used to swap the page, which is needed, instead of swapping the whole process. The
page is swapped strictly if it is needed.
We can view the process as a sequence of pages rather than a large address space
Instead of swapper we use pager, which is concern with the individual pages of the
When a process is to be swapped in, the pager guesses which pages will be used
before the process is swapped out again. Instead of swapping in a whole process, the
pager brings only those necessary pages into memory. It avoids reading into memory
pages that will not be used anyway, decreasing the swap time and amount of physical
memory needed.
The hardware to support demand paging is same as that is required for paging and
swapping as follows
(1) Page table
(2) Secondary memory
(3) Software needed to solve page fault problem
In demand paging if we guess right and demand for only those pages that are
actually needed, then process will rim exactly as per our expectation. But if in case,
process tries to access a page that was not brought into memory, then access to this page
is called as a page fault.
(1) Demand paging, as opposed to loading all pages immediately.
(2) Only loads pages that are demanded by the executing process.
(3) When a process is swapped out (context switch) of memory, only those pages
loaded in main memory need to be swapped out from main memory to secondary
(4) As there is more space in main memory, more processes can be loaded reducing
context switching time which utilizes large amounts of resources.
(5) Less loading latency occurs at program startup, as less information is accessed from
secondary storage and less information is brought into main memory.
(6) Does not need extra hardware support than what paging needs, since protection
fault can be used to get page fault.
(1) Individual programs face extra latency when they access a page for the first time. So
demand paging may have lower performance than anticipatory paging algorithms
such as prepaging, a method of remembering which pages a process used when it
last executed and preloading a few of them, is used to improve performance.
(2) Programs running on low-cost, low-power embedded systems may not have a
memory management unit that supports page replacement.
(3) Memory management with page replacement algorithms becomes slightly more
(4) Possible security risks, including vulnerability to timing attacks;
3.5.6 Page Table:

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A page table is the data structure used by a virtual memory system in a computer
operating system to store the mapping between virtual addresses and physical
addresses. Virtual addresses are those unique to the accessing process. Physical
addresses are those unique to the CPU, i.e., RAM.

Fig. 3.17 Concept of Page table

Concept of Page Table:
The virtual address is divided into a virtual page number which are also known as
high-code bits and an offset called low order bits and an offset (low-order bits).
Example shown in fig.3.17. with a 16 bit address and a 4KB page size, the upper bits
could specify one of the 16 virtual pages and the lower 12 bits would then specific the
byte offset (0 to 4095) within the selected page.
However a split with S or 5 or some other number of bits for the page is also possible.
Different splits imply different page sizes.
Here the virtual page number is used as an index into the page table to search the
entry for that virtual page. From the :page table entry, the page frame number (if any) is
The page frame number attached to the high order end of the offset, replacing the
virtual page number; to form a physical address that can be sent to the memory.
The main use of page table is to map virtual pages onto page frames, in
mathematically words; the page table is a function, with the virtual page number as
argument and the physical frame number as result.
This result is useful function; a page frame field, thus forming a physical memory
address, can replace the virtual page field in a virtual address.
Two major issues attached with the file are that page table can be extremely large and
the mapping must be fast.

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Operating System Notes

Fig. 3.18 Concept of Page table

3.5.7 Translation Process of virtual address to physical address:
The CPU's memory management unit (MMU) stores a cache of recently used
mappings from the operating system's page table. This is called the Translation
Lookaside Buffer (TLB). When a virtual address needs to be translated into a physical
address, the TLB is searched first. If a match is found (a TLB hit), the physical address is
returned and memory access can continue. However, if there is no match (called a TLB
miss), the CPU will generate a processor interrupt called a page fault. Shown in Fig.3.19.


Fig. 3.19 Translation Process

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The operating system will have an interrupt handler to deal with such page faults.
The handler will typically look up the address mapping in the page table to see whether
a mapping exists. If one exists, it is written back to the TLB (this must be done, as the
hardware accesses memory through the TLB in a virtual memory system), and the
faulting instruction is restarted. This subsequent translation will find a TLB hit, and the
memory access will continue.
3.5.8 Valid Valid-Invalid Bit Invalid Bit:
With each page table entry a valid–invalid bit is associated.(1 - in-memory, 0 - not-in-
memory) Initially valid–invalid but is set to 0 on all entries shown in fig.3.20.
During address translation, if valid–invalid bit in page table entry is 0 - page fault

Fig. 3.20 Valid and Invalid Bit


Page replacement algorithms are the techniques using which an Operating System
decides which memory pages to swap out, write to disk when a page of memory needs
to be allocated. Paging happens whenever a page fault occurs and a free page cannot be
used for allocation purpose accounting to reason that pages are not available or the
number of free pages is lower than required pages.
A page replacement algorithm looks at the limited information about accessing the
pages provided by hardware, and tries to select which pages should be replaced to
minimize the total number of page misses, while balancing it with the costs of primary
storage and processor time of the algorithm itself. There are many different page
replacement algorithms. We evaluate an algorithm by running it on a particular string of
memory reference and computing the number of page faults,
Example where page fault can occur
(1) First example is in most computers have one or more memory caches consisting of
recently used 32-byte or 64-byte memory blocks. When the cache is full, some block
has to be chosen for removal. This problem is precisely the same as page
replacement except on a shorter time scale (it has to be done in a few nanoseconds,

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Operating System Notes

not milliseconds as with page replacement). The reason for the shorter time scale is
that cache block misses are satisfied from main memory, which has no seek time
and no rotational latency.
(2) A second example is in a Web server. The server can keep a certain number of
heavily used Web pages in its memory cache. However, when the memory cache is
full and a new page is referenced, a decision has to be made which Web page to
evict. The considerations are similar to pages of virtual memory, except for the fact
that the Web pages are never modified in the cache, so there is always a fresh copy
on disk. In a virtual memory system, pages in main memory may be either clean or
3.6.1 Different Page Replacement Algorithms
When total memory requirement in demand paging exceed the physical memory,
then there is need to replace pages from memory to free frames for new pages. For
replacement of pages various techniques are used.
(1) FIFO Page Replacement
(2) Optimal Page Replacement
(3) LRU Page Replacement
(4) NRU Not recently used
(5) Clock Page Replacement Algorithm First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Page Replacement Algorithm:
Oldest page in main memory is the one which will be selected for replacement. Easy
to implement, keep a list, replace pages from the tail and add new pages at the head.
FIFO algorithm low-overhead paging algorithm. The operating system maintains a list
of all pages currently in memory, with the page at the head of the list the oldest one and
the page at the tail the most recent arrival. On a page fault, the page at the head is
removed and the new page added to the tail of the list.
Example of FIFO:
In all our examples, shown in Fig.3.23. the reference string is

Fig. 3.23 FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm
In all our examples, Shown in Fig.3.24. the reference string is

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Fig. 3.24 FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm

Explanation :
(1) The first three references 7 0 1 cause page fault and brought into the empty frames.
(2) The next page is 2 and it replaces the first page 7 that was brought first in queue.
(3) The next page is 0 since it is already in memory, we have no fault. The next
reference 3 is to be replaced with 0 as follows sincQitwas the first of 0,1,2 as follows.
(4) The next first reference 1 is to replaced by page reference 0 or 2 is replaced by 4 and
3 i replaced by 2 sequentially as in following Figs. 3.25. and fig.3.26.
(5) Thus there are 6 page faults occurred.
Example of FIFO with Different Frames:
In all our examples, the reference string is
1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
3 frames (3 pages can be in memory at a time per process)

Fig. 3.25 3 Frames

4 frames (4 pages can be in memory at a time per process)

Fig. 3.26 4 Frames

Drawback of FIFO:
Process execution is slow

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Operating System Notes

The rate of page fault increases

Example-2: FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm: Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm:
The optimal page algorithm simply says that the page with the highest label should
be removed. If one page will not be used for 8 million instructions and another page will
not be used for 6 million instructions, removing the former pushes the page fault that
will fetch it back as far into the future as possible.
The only problem with this algorithm is that it is unrealizable. At the time of the page
fault, the operating system has no way of knowing when each of the pages will be
referenced next. Still, by running a program on a simulator and keeping track of all page
references, it is possible to implement optimal page replacement on the second run by
using the page reference information collected during the first run.

Fig. 3.27 Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm

Fig. 3.28 Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm

Fig.3.28. shows optimal page replacement algorithm. The first three references cause
page fault and we store these into first three frames. The reference page 2 replaces 7
because it is not used further for long period. The reference P age 3 replaces page 1 as:
The next reference page 4 replaces 0 and so on for page 0 and 1. Thus for last reference 7
wili replace 2.
Example with 4 Frames

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Operating System Notes

Fig. 3.29 Optimal Page Replacement Algorithm

(1) Algorithm is difficult to implement.
(2) FIFO algorithm uses the time when a page was brought into replacement uses the
time when page is used.
(3) memory, whereas optimal page
Example-2: Optimal Page Replacement LRU (Least recently used) Page replacement algorithm:

A good approximation to the optimal algorithm is based on the observation that
pages that have been heavily used in the last few instructions will probably be heavily
used again in the next few. Conversely, pages that have not been used for ages will
probably remain unused for a long time. The best way is to, throw out the page that has
been unused for the longest time when page fault occurs. This strategy is called LRU
(Least Recently Used) paging.
As shown in fig.3.29. Although LRU is theoretically realizable, it is not cheap. To fully
implement LRU, it is necessary to maintain a linked list of all pages in memory, with the
most recently used page at the front and the least recently used page at the rear.
The difficulty is that the list must be updated on every memory reference. Finding a
page in the list, deleting it, and then moving it to the front is a very time consuming
operation, even in hardware (assuming that such hardware could be built)

Fig. 3.30 LRU Page Replacement Algorithm

Example-1: LRU place replacement Algorithm

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Operating System Notes

Fig. 3.31 LRU Page Replacement Algorithm

From the above figure for first five diagrams will be same as those found in optima‘
page replacement. But in next figure with LRU page replacement algorithm, for page
replacement it sees which page is recently used, and then it replaces that with required
one. For e.g. for page 2 is replaced for page 4 and so on.

Fig. 3.32 LRU Page Replacement Algorithm

The major problem is how to implement LRU replacement:
(1) Counter: whenever a reference to a page is made, the content of the clock
register are copied to the time-of-use filed in the page table entry for the page.
We replace the page with the smallest time value
(2) Stack: Whenever a page is referenced, it is removed from the stack and put on
the top. In this way, the most recently used page is always at the top of the stack
Counter implementation:
Every page entry has a counter; every time page is referenced through this entry,
copy the clock into the counter.
When a page needs to be changed, look at the counters to determine which are to
Stack implementation:
o keep a stack of page numbers in a double link form:
o Page referenced:
 T move it to the top
 T requires 6 pointers to be changed
o No search for replacement
Difficult to implement:
One approach is to tag each page with the time of last reference.
This requires a great deal of overhead.
Example-2: LRU page replacement Algorithm

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Operating System Notes Not Recently Used(NRU) Page:

In order to allow the operating system to collect useful statistics about which pages
are being used and which ones are not, most computers with virtual memory have two
status bits associated with each page. R is set whenever the page is referenced (read or
written). M is set when the page is written to (i.e., modified). The bits are contained in
each page table entry. It is important to realize that these bits must be updated on every
memory reference, so it is essential that they be set by the hardware. Once a bit has been
set to 1, it stays 1 until the operating system resets it to 0 in software.
If the hardware does not have these bits, they can be simulated as follows. When a
process is started up, all of its page table entries are marked as not in memory. As soon
as any page is referenced, a page fault will occur. The operating system then sets the R
bit (in its internal tables), changes the page table entry to point to the correct page, with
mode READ ONLY, and restarts the instruction. If the page is subsequently written on,
another page fault will occur, allowing the operating system to set the M bit and change
the page's mode to READ/WRITE.
The R and M bits can be used to build a simple paging algorithm as follows. When a
process is started up, both page bits for all its pages are set to 0 by the operating system.
Periodically (e.g., on each clock interrupt), the R bit is cleared, to distinguish pages that
have not been referenced recently from those that have been.
When a page fault occurs, the operating system inspects all the pages and divides
them into four categories based on the current values of their R and M
Class 0: not referenced, not modified.
Class 1: not referenced, modified.
Class 2: referenced, not modified.
Class 3: referenced, modified.
Although class 1 pages seem, at first glance, impossible, they occur when a class 3
page has its R bit cleared by a clock interrupt. Clock interrupts do not clear the M bit
because this information is needed to know whether the page has to be rewritten to disk
or not. Clearing R but not M leads to a class 1 page.
The NRU (Not Recently Used) algorithm removes a page at random from the lowest
numbered nonempty class. Implicit in this algorithm is that it is better to remove a
modified page that has not been referenced in at least one clock tick (typically 20 msec)
than a clean page that is in heavy use. The main attraction of NRU is that it is easy to
understand, moderately efficient to implement, and gives a performance that, while
certainly not optimal, may be adequate. The Clock Page Replacement Algorithm:

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Operating System Notes

Although second chance is a reasonable algorithm, it is unnecessarily inefficient

because it is constantly moving pages around on its list. A better approach is to keep all
the page frames on a circular list in the form of a clock, as shown in Fig. 3.33. A hand
points to the oldest page.
When a page fault occurs, the page being pointed to by the hand is inspected. If its R
bit is 0, the page is evicted, the new page is inserted into the clock in its place, and the
hand is advanced one position. If R is 1, it is cleared and the hand is advanced to the
next page. This process is repeated until a page is found with.

Figure 3.33. The Clock Page Replacement Algorithm

R = 0. Not surprisingly, this algorithm is called clock. It differs from second chance
only in the implementation.
Example for All the page replacement techniques:

Fig. 3.34 All Page Replacement Algorithm

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Operating System Notes

Segmentation is a memory management technique in which each job is divided into
several segments of different sizes, one for each module that contains pieces that
perform related functions. Each segment is actually a different logical address space of
the program.
When a process is to be executed, its corresponding segmentation are loaded into
non-contiguous memory though every segment is loaded into a contiguous block of
available memory.
Segmentation memory management works very similar to paging but here segments
are of variable-length where as in paging pages are of fixed size.

Segmented memory allocation. Job 1 includes a main program, subroutine A, and subroutine B, so it’s divided into three segments.

Fig. 3.42 Segmentation and Segmap Table

A program segment contains the program's main function, utility functions, data
structures, and so on. The operating system maintains a segment map table shown in
fig.3.42 ,or every process and a list of free memory blocks along with segment numbers,
their size and corresponding memory locations in main memory. For each segment, the
table stores the starting address of the segment and the length of the segment. A
reference to a memory location includes a value that identifies a segment and an offset.
The system maintains three tables:
(1) The job table (as with static paging).
(2) The segment Map table list details about each job (one for each job).
(3) Memory Map Table (as before).

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Operating System Notes

Fig. 3.43 Segmentation

The addressing scheme requires the segment number and the displacement within
that segment, and, because the segments are of different sizes, the displacement must be
verified to make sure it isn't outside of the segment's range.
A segmented address reference requires the following steps:
(1) extract the segment number and the displacement from the logical address
(2) use the segment number to index the segment table, to obtain the segment base
address and length.
(3) check that the offset is not greater than the given length; if so an invalid address
is signaled.
(4) generate the required physical address by adding the offset to the base address.

Fig. 3.44 Address Mapping

Main Points:
The benefits of segmentation include modularity of programs and sharing and
There is a maximum segment size that the programmer must be aware of.
No internal fragmentation.
Unequal sized segments.

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Operating System Notes

Non –contiguous memory.

Some external fragmentation.
Segmentation greatly facilitates the sharing of procedures or data between a number
of processes. Because a segment normally has either program code or data within them
different segments within the same process can have different protections set for them.
While protection is possible in a paging environment it is far more difficult to
implement, the programmer is unaware of what pages hold a procedure or data area
that he may wish to share, to do this the programmer would have to keep track of the
exact pages that held a procedure and then assign the necessary protection to those

3.7.1 Difference between paging and segmentation:

No. Paging Segmentation
1. A page is a contiguous range of A segment is an independent address
memory addresses which is mapped space. Each segment has addresses in a
to physical memory. range from 0 to maximum value.
2. It has only one linear address space. It has many address spaces.
3. Programmer does not know that it is Programmer knows that it is
implemented implemented.
4. Procedures and data cannot be Procedures and data can be separated
5. Procedures cannot be shared between Procedures can be shared between users
6. Procedures and data cannot be Procedures and data can be protected
protected separately separately
7. Compilation cannot be done Compilation can be done separately
8. A page is a physical unit A segment is a logical unit
9. A page is of fixed size A segment is of arbitrary size.

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Operating System Notes

File System
A file can be described as a container that stores data that is accessible by a computer
system - it is basically a container holding a set of related information that will be stored
on some form of secondary storage. A data file may consist of for example, a set of
computer program instructions, text or another form of data. A text file may contain just
a short letter, or contain a complete book. In other words a file is basically a defined set
of named data.
A file is a named collection of related information that is recorded on secondary
storage. Also, a file is the smallest allotment of logical secondary storage; that is, data
cannot be written to secondary storage unless they are within a file.
Information may be stored in are:
 file-source programs,
 object programs,
 executable programs,
 numeric data,
 text,
 payroll records,
 graphic images,
 Sound recordings.
4.1.1 File Naming:
The rules for file naming vary somewhat from system to system, but all current
operating systems allow strings of one to eight letters as legal file names (in MSDOS).
Many file systems support names as long as 255 characters(in Windows). Some file
systems distinguish between upper- and lowercase letters, whereas others do not. Unix
considers upper and lower case as different while MSDOS consider both as same. Hence
vipul.txt and VIPUL.txt will be different file in unix but in MSDOS it 2 will considered
as same.
Many operating systems support two-part file names, with the two parts separated
by a period, as in vipul.txt. The part following the period is called the file extension and
usually indicates something about the file. In MS-DOS, for example, file names are 1 to 8
characters, plus an optional extension of 1 to 3 characters.
In UNIX, the size of the extension, if any, is up to the user, and a file may even have
two or more extensions, as in vipul.html.zip, where .html indicates a Web page in HTML
and .zip indicates that the file (vipul.html) has been compressed using the zip program.
Some of the more common file extensions and their meanings are shown in Fig. 4-1.
Extension Meaning
.bak Backup file
.c C source program
.gif Compuserve Graphical Interchange Format Image
.hlp Help file

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Operating System Notes

.html World Wide Web Hyper Text markup Language document

.jpg Still picture encoded with the JPEG standard
.mp3 Music encoded in MPEG layer 3 audio format
.mpg Movie encoded with the MPEG standard
.o Object file (compiler output, not yet linked)
.pdf Portable Document Format file
.ps PostScript file
.tex Input for the TEX formatting program
.txt General text file
.zip Compressed archive
Fig. 4.1 Example of File Extension
The system uses the extension to indicate the type of the file and the type of
operations that can be done on that file like what windows does. When a user double
clicks on a file name, the program assigned to its file extension is launched with the file
as parameter. For example, double clicking on vipul.txt starts notepad for editing that file
,and if extension is vipul.doc then it will be opened in Microsoft to edit the same.
For example only a file with a .com, .exe, or .bat extension can be executed. com and
.exe files are two forms of binary executable files,
(1) bat file is a batch file containing, in ASCII format, commands to the operating
(2) asm assemblers expect source files to have an .asm extension it consist of
assembly language program for the processor like 8086 , 8051 etc,
(3) wp the WordPerfect word processor expects its file to end with a .wp extension.
(4) jpeg , gif , png for the file which consist of image
(5) mpeg for the file which consist of Motion pictures
4.1.2 File Structuring:
A file has a certain defined structure according to its type. For example
(1) A text file is a sequence of characters organized into lines (and possibly pages).
(2) A source file is a sequence of subroutines and functions, each of which is further
organized as declarations followed by executable statements.
(3) An object file is a sequence of bytes organized into blocks understandable by the
system's linker.
(4) An executable file is a series of code sections that the loader can bring into
memory and execute.
(5) When operating system defines different file structures, it also contains the code
to support these file structure. Unix, MS-DOS support minimum number of file
Files can be structured in any of the are shown Fig.4.2 several ways. The three
common possibilities are as follows:
1. Stream of Bytes
2. Records

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 5

Operating System Notes

3. Tree
Stream of Bytes:
For operating system regard files is just sequences of bytes and provides the
maximum amount of flexibility. User programs can put any type of data they want in
their files and accordingly. All versions of UNIX (including Linux and OS X) and
Windows use this file model. The main advantage of such file structuring is that it
simplifies file management for the operating system and Applications can have their
own structure.

Fig. 4.2. Types of File Structure

Record File Structure:
A file is a sequence of fixed length record, each with some Internal structure shown in
fig.4.2. Collection of bytes is treated as a unit. For example employee record. Operations
are at the level of records (read_record, write_record).File is a collection of similar
records. Operating System can optimize operations on records. No current general-
purpose system uses this model as its primary file system any more, but back in the days
of 80-column punched cards and 132-character line printer paper this was a common
model on mainframe computers.
Tree File Structure:
In this organization, a file consists of a tree of records, not necessarily all the same
length, each containing a key field in a fixed position in the record. The tree is sorted on
the key field, to allow rapid searching for a particular key.
The basic operation here is not to get the ‗‗next‘‘ record, although that is also possible,
but to get the record with a specific key. The system can search a file with key without
worrying about its exact position in the file. Also, new records can be added to the file,
with the operating system, and not the user, deciding where to place them. This type of

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Operating System Notes

file is clearly quite different from the unstructured byte streams used in UNIX and
Windows and is used on some large mainframe computers for commercial data
4.1.3 File Type:
The types of files recognized by the system are either regular, directory, or special.
However, the operating system uses many variations of these basic types. The following
basic types of files exist:
1 Regular Contain user information, Stores data (text, binary, and executable).All
files are regular file.
2 Directory Contains information used to access other files. for maintaining the
structure of the file system.
3 Special Character special files are related to input/output and used to model
serial I/O devices, such as terminals, printers, and networks. Block
special files are used to model disks.
Regular files:
Regular files are the most common files and are used to contain data. Regular files are
in the form of text files or binary files:
Regular files are generally either ASCII files or binary files. ASCII files consist of lines
of text. In some systems each line is terminated by a carriage return character. In others,
the line feed character is used. Some systems (e.g., Windows) use both. Lines need not
all be of the same length.
The great advantage of ASCII files is that they can be displayed and printed as is, and
they can be edited with any text editor.
Text files:
Text files are regular files that contain information stored in ASCII format text and
are readable by the user. You can display and print these files. The lines of a text file
must not contain NUL characters, and none can exceed {LINE_MAX} bytes in length,
including the new line character.
The term text file does not prevent the inclusion of control or other nonprintable
characters (other than NUL).
Binary files:
Binary files are regular files that contain information readable by the computer.
Binary files might be executable files that instruct the system to accomplish a job.
Commands and programs are stored in executable, binary files. Special compiling
programs translate ASCII text into binary code.
Directory files:
Directory files contain information that the system needs to access all types of files,
but directory files do not contain the actual file data. As a result, directories occupy less
space than a regular file and give the file system structure flexibility and depth. Each
directory entry represents either a file or a subdirectory. Each entry contains the name of
the file and the file's index node reference number (i-node number). The i-node number
points to the unique index node assigned to the file. The i-node number describes the
location of the data associated with the file. Directories are created and controlled by a
separate set of commands.

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Operating System Notes

Special files:
Special files define devices for the system or are temporary files created by processes.
These files are also known as device files. These files represent physical device like
disks, terminals, printers, networks, tape drive etc.
These files are of two types:
Character special files: Data is handled character by character as in case of
terminals or printers.
Block special files: Data is handled in blocks as in the case of disks and tapes.
4.1.4 File Access:
Access Methods:
Purpose of file is to store information. This information must be accessed and read
into computer memory. The information in the file can be accessed in several ways.
Some systems provide only one access method for files and some provide many
methods of access.
For example IBM support many access methods, and But the problem is selection of
the right method for a particular application. Different access methods are
 Sequential access method
 Direct access method
 Indexed access method
Sequential access method:
The simplest access method is sequential access. Information in the file is processed
in order, one record after the other. This mode of access is the most common method; for
example, editors and compilers usually access files in this fashion.

Fig. 4.3 Sequential Access

The bulk of the operations on a file is reads and writes. A read operation reads the
next portion(data) of the file and automatically advances a file pointer, which tracks the
I/O location. Similarly, a write appends to the end of the file and advances to the end of
the newly written material (the new end of file).
Such a file can be reset to the beginning and, on some systems, a program may be
able to skip forward or backward n records, for some integer n-perhaps only for n = 1.
Sequential access is depicted in Figure.4.3. Sequential access is based on a tape model of
a file, and works as well on sequential-access devices as it does on random-access ones.
Roll No Name Address Age
123 Manoj Shd 24
124 Kaushal Unr 12
125 Rishabh Kyn 10

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 6

Operating System Notes

126 Asha Dom 22

127 Vimla Unr 60
Fig. 4.4. Sequential Access
In this type of file a fixed format is used for records as shown in fig.4.4. All records
are of the same length consisting of the same number of fixed length fields in a
particular order. One particular field usually the first field in each record is referred to as
the key field. The key field uniquely identifies the record.
(1) Organization of data is in simple way
(2) Easy to access the next record.
(3) Data structures is absent.
(4) Sequential files are typically used in batch applications where they are involved in
the processing of all the records such as payroll, billing etc.
(5) They are easily stored on tapes as well as disks.
(6) Automatic creation of backup.
(1) Wastage of memory space because of master file and transaction file.
For interactive applications that involve queries and/or updates of individual
records, the sequential file provides poor performance.
Direct Access (Relative Access):
A file is made up of fixed length logical records that allow programs to read and
write records in without a particular order. The direct-access method is based on a disk
model of a file, since disks allow random access to any file block.
For direct access, the file is seen as a numbered sequence of blocks or records. A
direct-access file allows arbitrary blocks to be read or written. Thus, we may read block
24, then read block 13, and then write block 17. Shown in fig.4.5.

Fig. 4.5 Direct Access

For the direct-access method, the file operations must be modified to include the
block number as a parameter. Thus, we have read n, where n is the block number, rather
than read next, and write n rather than write next. An alternative approach is to retain read
next and write next, as with sequential access, and to add an operation position file to n,
where n is the block number.
Then, to effect a read n, we would position to n and then read next.

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Operating System Notes

Given a logical record length L, a request for record N is turned into an I/O request
for L bytes starting at location L * (N -1) within the file (assuming first record is N = 1).
Since logical records are of a fixed size, it is also easy to read, write, or delete a record.
Indexed Access Method:
These methods generally involve the construction of an index for the file. The index,
similar to an index in the back of a book, contains pointers to the various blocks. To find
a record in the file, user has to first search the index, and then use the pointer to access
the file directly and to find the desired record.
First Name Logical
Kaushal Asha Manager 37 KYN

Indexed File Relative File

Fig. 4.6. Indexed Access
For example, IBM's indexed sequential-access method (ISAM) uses a small master
index that points to disk blocks of a secondary index. The secondary index blocks point
to the actual file blocks. The file is kept sorted on a defined key. To find a particular
item, we first make a binary search of the master index, which provides the block
number of the secondary index. This block is read in, and again a binary search is used
to find the block containing the desired record. Finally, this block is searched
sequentially. In this way, any record can be located from its key by at most two direct-
access reads. Figure 4.6 shows a similar situation as implemented by VMS index and
relative files.
(1) Variable length records are allowed.
(2) Indexed sequential file may be updated in sequential or random mode.
(3) Very fast operation.
(1) The major disadvantage of the indexed sequential file is that, as the file grows a
performance deteriorates rapidly because of overflows and consequently there
arises the need for periodic reorganization. Reorganization is an expensive process
and the file becomes unavailable during reorganization.
(2) When a new record is added to the main file. all of the Index files must be updated.
Consumes large memory space for maintaining index files.
4.1.5 File Attributes:

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Operating System Notes

A file is named, for the convenience of its human users, and is referred to by its name.
A name is usually a string of characters, such as examp1e.java or .vbp. Some systems
differentiate between upper- and lowercase characters in names, whereas other systems
consider the two cases to be equivalent.
A file has certain other attributes, which vary from one operating system to another,
but typically consist of these:
Time of creation
Date of creation, and
user identification
The symbolic file name is the only information kept in human readable form.
This unique tag, usually a number, identifies the file within the file system; it is the
non-human-readable name for the file.
This information is needed for those systems that support different types.
This information is a pointer to a device and to the location of the file on that device.
The current size of the file (in bytes, words, or blocks), and possibly the maximum
allowed size are included in this attribute.
Access-control information determines who can do reading, writing, executing, and
so on.
Time, date of creation and user identification:
This information may be kept for creation, last modification, and last use. These data
can be useful for protection, security, and usage monitoring.
The information about all files is kept in the directory structure that also resides on
secondary storage. Typically, the directory entry consists of the file's name and its
unique identifier. The identifier in turn locates the other file attributes.
It may take more than a kilobyte to record this information for each file. In a system
with many files, the size of the directory itself may be megabytes.
Attribute Meaning
Protection Who can access the file and in what way
Password Password needed to access the file
Creator ID of the person who created the file

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Operating System Notes

Owner Current owner

Read-only flag 0 for read/write; 1 for read only
Hidden flag 0 for normal; 1 for do not display in listings
System flag 0 for normal files; 1 for system file
Archive flag 0 for has been backed up; 1 for needs to be backed up
ASCII/Binary flag 0 for ASCII file; 1 for binary file
Random access flag 0 for sequential access only; 1 for random access
Temporary flag 0 for normal; 1 for delete file on process exit
Lock flags 0 for unlocked; nonzero for locked
Record length Number of bytes in a record
Key position Offset of the key within each record
Key length Number of bytes in the key field
Creation time Date and time the file was created
Time of last access Date and time the file was last accessed
Time of last change Data and time the file was last changed
Current size Number of bytes in the file
Maximum size Number of bytes the file may grow to
Fig. 4.7 File Attributes
4.1.6 File Operation:
A file is an ADT (Abstract Data Type). To define a file properly, we need to consider
the operations that can be performed on files. The operating system can provide system
calls to
 create,
 write,
 read,
 reposition,
 delete, and
 truncate files.
Creating a file:
Two steps are necessary to create a file.
(1) Space in the file system must be found for the file.
(2) An entry for the new file must be made in the directory. The directory entry
records the name of the file and the location in the file system, and possibly other
Writing a file:
To write a file, we make a system call specifying both the name of the file and the
information to be written to the file. Given the name of the file, the system searches the
directory to find the location of the file. The system must keep a write pointer to the

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Operating System Notes

location in the file where the next write is to take place. The write pointer must be
updated whenever a write occurs.
Reading a file:
To read from a file, we use a system call that specifies the name of the file and where
(in memory) the next block of the file should be put. Again, the directory is searched for
the associated directory entry, and the system needs to keep a read pointer to the
location in the file where the next read is to take place.
Once the read has taken place, the read pointer is updated. A given process is usually
only reading or writing a given file, and the current operation location is kept as a per-
process current-file-position pointer. Both the read and write operations use this same
pointer, saving space and reducing the system complexity.
Repositioning within a file:
The directory is searched for the appropriate entry, and the current-file-position is set
to a given value. Repositioning within a file does not need to involve any actual I/O.
This file operation is also known as a file seek.
Deleting a file:
To delete a file, we search the directory for the named file. Having found the
associated directory entry, we release all file space, so that it can be reused by other files,
and erase the directory entry.
Truncating a file:
The user may want to erase the contents of a file but keep its attributes. Rather than
forcing the user to delete the file and then recreate it, this function allows all attributes to
remain unchanged-except for file length-but lets the file be reset to length zero and its
file space released.
Other operation which are performed on file:
Other common operations include
(1) Appending a file
(2) Renaming a file
(3) Creating a Copy
(4) Searching
Appending a File:
An appending new information to the end of an existing file . This call is a restricted
form of write. It can add data only to the end of the file. Systems that provide a minimal
set of system calls rarely have append, but many systems provide multiple ways of
doing the same thing, and these systems sometimes have append.
Renaming a File:
Renaming an existing file ie changing the name of the file for example vipul.txt is
renamed to new name vipul.pub.
Creating a copy of File:
Basic operations may then be combined to perform other file operations. For instance,
creating a copy of a file, or copying the file to another I/O device, such as a printer or a
display, may be accomplished by creating a new file, and reading from the old and
writing to the new.

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We also want to have operations that allow a user to get and set the various attributes
of a file. For example, we may want to have operations that allow a user to determine
the status of a file, such as the file's length, and allow a user to set file attributes, such as
the file's owner.
The file operations mentioned involve searching the directory for the entry associated
with the named file. To avoid this constant searching, many systems require that an
open system call be used before that file is first used actively. The operating system
keeps a small table containing information about all open files (the open-file table).
When a file operation is requested, the file is specified via an index into this table, so no
searching is required. When the file is no longer actively used, it is closed by the process
and the operating system removes its entry in the open-file table.
4.1.7 Information Associated with an Open File:
Several pieces of information are associated with an open file.
(1) File Pointer
(2) File open count
(3) Disk location of the file
(4) Access rights
File pointer:
On systems that do not include a file offset as part of the read and write system calls,
the system must track the last read-write location as a current-file-position pointer. This
pointer is unique to each process operating on the file, and therefore must be kept
separate from the on-disk file attributes.
File open count:
As files are closed, the operating system must reuse its open-file table entries, or it
could run out of space in the table. Because multiple processes may open a file, the
system must wait for the last file to close before removing the open-file table entry. This
counter tracks the number of opens and closes and reaches zero on the last close. The
system can then remove the entry.
Disk location of the file:
Most file operations require the system to modify data within the file. The
information needed to locate the file on disk is kept in memory to avoid having to read it
from disk for each operation.
Access rights:
Each process opens a file in an access mode. This information is stored on the per-
process table so the operating system can allow or deny subsequent I/O requests.

The file systems of computers can be extensive. Some systems store Megabytes of
files on terabytes of disk. To manage all these data, we need to organize them. When
there are many file searching time increases hence in order to save that time
organization of data can be done on disk.

Directory structure
Organizes and provides
Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297)
information (e.g., name, size6
location, and type) on all the7
files in the system
Operating System Notes

Fig. 4.8 Directory Structure

This organization is usually done in two parts.
(1) Disks are split into one or more partitions, also known as minidisks in the IBM
world or volumes in the PC and Macintosh. Each disk on a system contains at
least one partition, which is a low-level structure in which files and directories

The disk space can Directory Directory

be divided into files sk files
Partition A

partitions, or slices 2

Partition C
Both the directory Di
structure and the Directory sk
files reside on disk 3
Partition B

Fig. 4.9 File system Organization

About Partitions and Volume:
(a) Partitions are used to provide several separate areas within one disk, each
treated as a separate storage device, whereas other systems allow partitions
to be larger than a disk to group disks into one logical structure.
(b) Hence the user needs to be concerned with only the logical directory and file
structure, and can ignore completely the problems of physically allocating

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Operating System Notes

space for files. Hence for this reason partitions can be thought of as virtual
(c) Partitions can also store multiple operating systems, allowing a system to
boot and run more than one.
(2) Each partition contains information about files within it. This information is kept
in entries in a device directory or volume table of contents.
The device directory (more commonly known simply as a directory) records
information-such as name, location, size, and type-for all files on that partition. Figure
4.9 shows the typical file-system organization.
The directory can be viewed as a symbol table that translates file names into their
directory entries. If we take such a view, we see that the directory itself can be organized
in many ways. The most common schemes for defining the logical structure of a
 Single Level Directory
 Two-Level Directory
 Tree Directory Structure
4.2.1 Single Level Directory:
The simplest directory structure is the single-level directory. All files are contained in
the same directory, which is easy to support and understand shown in Figure.4.11.
A single-level directory has significant limitations, however when the number of files
increases or when the system has more than one user. Since all files are in the same
directory, they must have unique names. If two users call their data file test, then the
unique-name rule is violated.

Single Level Directory

All files are contained in the
same directory.
Limitations (Naming problem,
Grouping problem)

Fig. 4.10 Single Level Directory Structure

For example, in one programming class, 23 students called the program for their
second assignment prog2; another 11 called it assign2. Although file names are generally
selected to reflect the content of the file, they are often limited in length. The MS-DOS
operating system allows only 11-character file names; UNIX allows 255 characters.
Even a single user on a single-level directory may find it difficult to remember the
names of all the files, as the number of files increases. It is not uncommon for a user to
have hundreds of files on one computer system and an equal number of additional files
on another system.
A single-level directory often leads to confusion of file names between different users.
The standard solution is to create a separate directory for each user.
4.2.2 Two Level Directory Structure:
In the two-level directory structure, each user has her own User File Directory
(UFD). Each UFD has a similar structure, but lists only the files of a single user. When a

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Operating System Notes

user job starts or a user logs in, the system's Master File Directory (MFD) is searched.
The MFD is indexed by user name or account number, and each entry points to the UFD
for that user. When a user refers to a particular file, only his own UFD is searched. Thus,
different users may have files with the same name, as long as all the file names within
each UFD are unique.

Two Level Directory

Separate directory for each user Efficient searching
Can have the same file name for different user No grouping capability

Fig. 4.11 Two Level Directory Structure

To create a file for a user, the operating system searches only that user's UFD to
ascertain whether another file of that name exists. To delete a file, the operating system
confines its search to the local UFD; thus, it cannot accidentally delete another user's file
that has the same name. Fig.4.11. Shows Two level File Structure.
The user directories themselves must be created and deleted as necessary. A special
system program is run with the appropriate user name and account information. The
program creates a new UFD and adds an entry for it to the MFD. The execution of this
program might be restricted to system administrators.
4.2.3 Hierarchical / Tree Directory:
Tree directory structure is the most popular tree structure. It is very useful because it
solves the problem of grouping. i.e. it can group different users or directories. Again the
data can be efficiently searched due to path concept. Path describes where exactly that
file or directory is stored.

Efficient searching
Current directory
(working directory)

Fig. 4.12 Tree structured Directory

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Operating System Notes

In the tree-structured directory, the directory themselves are files. This leads to the
possibility of having sub-directories that can contain files and sub-subdirectories shown
in fig.4.12.
An interesting policy decision in a tree-structured directory structure is how to
handle the deletion of a directory. If a directory is empty, its entry in its containing
directory can simply be deleted. However, suppose the directory to be deleted id not
empty, but contains several files, or possibly sub-directories. Some systems will not
delete a directory unless it is empty.
Thus, to delete a directory, someone must first delete all the files in that directory. If
these are any sub-directories, this procedure must be applied recursively to them, so that
they can be deleted also. This approach may result in a insubstantial amount of work.
An alternative approach is just to assume that, when a request is made to delete a
directory, all of that directory's files and sub-directories are also to be deleted.
The Microsoft Windows family of operating systems (95,95, NT, 2000) maintains an
extended two-level directory structure, with devices and partitions assigned a drive
4.2.4 Acyclic-Graph Directories:

Fig. 4.13 Acyclic Directory Structure

The acyclic directory structure shown in fig.4.13. is an extension of the tree-structured
directory structure. In the tree-structured directory, files and directories starting from
some fixed directory are owned by one particular user. In the acyclic structure, this
prohibition is taken out and thus a directory or file under directory can be owned by
several users.
4.2.5 Path Name:
A path, the general form of the name of a file or directory, specifies a unique location
in a file system. A path points to a file system location by following the directory tree
hierarchy expressed in a string of characters in which path components, separated by a
delimiting character, represent each directory. The delimiting character is most
commonly the slash ("/"), the backslash character ("\"), or colon (":"), though
some operating systems may use a different delimiter. Paths are used extensively
in computer science to represent the directory/file relationships common in modern

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Operating System Notes

operating systems, and are essential in the construction of Uniform Resource

Locators (URLs). Resources can be represented by either absolute or relative paths.
Absolute path name or Fully Qualified path name:
Here each file is given an absolute path name consisting of the path from the root
directory to the file. As an example, the path /usr/ast/mailbox means that the root
directory contains a subdirectory usr, which in turn contains a subdirectory ast, which
contains the file mailbox. Absolute path names always start at the root directory and are
unique. In UNIX the components of the path are separated by /.
In Windows the separator is \ . In MULTICS it was >. Thus, the same path name
would be written as follows in these three systems:
Windows \usr\ast\mailbox
UNIX /usr/ast/mailbox
MULTICS >usr>ast>mailbox
No matter which character is used, if the first character of the path name is the
separator, then the path is absolute.
Relative path name:
The other kind of name is the relative path name. This is used in conjunction with the
concept of the working directory (also called the current directory). A user can designate
one directory as the current working directory, in which case all path names not
beginning at the root directory are taken relative to the working directory.
For example, if the current working directory is /usr/ast, then the file whose
absolute path is /usr/ast/mailbox can be referenced simply as mailbox. In other words,
the UNIX command
cp /usr/ast/mailbox /usr/ast/mailbox.bak
and the command
cp mailbox mailbox.bak
do exactly the same thing if the working directory is /usr/ast. The relative form is
often more convenient, but it does the same thing as the absolute form.
Most operating systems that support a hierarchical directory system have two special
entries in every directory, ‗‗.‘‘ and ‗‗..‘‘, generally pronounced ‗‗dot‘‘ and ‗‗dotdot.‘‘ Dot
refers to the current directory; dotdot refers to its parent (except in the root directory,
where it refers to itself). A certain process has /usr/ast as its working directory.
It can use .. to go higher up the tree. For example, it can copy the file
/usr/lib/dictionary to its own directory using the command
cp ../lib/dictionary .
The first path instructs the system to go upward (to the usr directory), then to go
down to the directory lib to find the file dictionary.
The second argument (dot) names the current directory. When the cp command gets
a directory name (including dot) as its last argument, it copies all the files to that
directory. Of course, a more normal way to do the copy would be to use the full absolute
path name of the source file:
cp /usr/lib/dictionary .
Here the use of dot saves the user the trouble of typing dictionary a second time.

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Operating System Notes

Nevertheless, typing
cp /usr/lib/dictionary dictionar y
also works fine, as does
cp /usr/lib/dictionary /usr/ast/dictionar y
All of these do exactly the same thing.
Other Examples:
If a file name begins with only a disk designator but not the backslash after the colon,
it is interpreted as a relative path to the current directory on the drive with the specified
letter. Note that the current directory may or may not be the root directory depending
on what it was set to during the most recent "change directory" operation on that disk.
Examples of this format are as follows:
"C:tmp.txt" refers to a file named "tmp.txt" in the current directory on drive C.
"C:tempdir\tmp.txt" refers to a file in a subdirectory to the current directory on
drive C.
A path is also said to be relative if it contains "double-dots"; that is, two periods
together in one component of the path. This special specifier is used to denote the
directory above the current directory, otherwise known as the "parent directory".
Examples of this format are as follows:
"..\tmp.txt" specifies a file named tmp.txt located in the parent of the current
"..\..\tmp.txt" specifies a file that is two directories above the current directory.
"..\tempdir\tmp.txt" specifies a file named tmp.txt located in a directory named
tempdir that is a peer directory to the current directory
4.2.6 Directory Operation:
System call for operations of directories varies from system to system. Following are
the some system calls for managing directory used in unix oepating system
Create: A directory is created. It is empty except for dot and dotdot, which are
put there automatically by the system.
Delete: A directory is deleted. Only an empty directory can be deleted. A
directory containing only dot and dotdot is considered empty as these cannot be
Opendir: Directories can be read. For example, to list all the files in a directory, a
listing program opens the directory to read out the names of all the files it
Closedir: When a directory has been read, it should be closed to free up internal
table space.
Readdir: This call returns the next entry in an open directory. Formerly, it was
possible to read directories using the usual read system call, but that approach
has the disadvantage of forcing the programmer to know and deal with the
internal structure of directories.
Rename: It renames the directory.
Link: Linking is a technique that allows a file to appear in more than one
directory. This system call specifies an existing file and a path name, and creates

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Operating System Notes

a link from the existing file to the name specified by the path. In this way, the
same file may appear in multiple directories. A link of this kind, which
increments the counter in the file‘s i-node (to keep track of the number of
directory entries containing the file), is sometimes called a hard link.
Unlink: A directory entry is removed. If the file being unlinked is only present in
one directory (the normal case), it is removed from the file system. If it is present
in multiple directories, only the path name specified is removed.
4.3.1 File System Layout:
Disk on which operating system can be single or multiple partition. File system is
stored on this Disk. Each partition has independent File System. Sector 0 of disk is called
as Master Boot Record, Booting information is stored in this Sector. The end of the MBR
contains the partition table. This table gives the starting and ending addresses of each
partition. Out of Many partition One of the partitions in the table is marked as active.
This active partition help computer in booting. Control from BIOS is transferred to this
MBR by boot strap loader. The first block of MBR is also called as Boot Block.

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Operating System Notes

Fig. 4.14 File System Layout

The file system will contain some of the items shown in Fig. 4.14.
Boot Block
Super Block
Free Space Management
Root Dir
Files and Directories
Superblock: It contains all the key parameters about the file system and is read into
memory when the computer is booted or the file system is first touched. Information in
the superblock includes a number to identify the file-system type, the number of blocks
in the file system, and other key administrative information.
Free Space Management: free blocks in the file system have information that which
memory block are free, for example in the form of a bitmap or a list of pointers.
i-nodes: An array of data structures, one per file, telling all about the file.
root directory: It contains the top of the file-system tree.
Files and Directories: The remainder of the disk contains all the other directories and

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Operating System Notes

4.3.2 Implementation of File System:

Contiguous Allocation:

Fig. 4.15 Contiguous File Allocation Method

Contiguous Allocation:

Fig. 4.16 Contiguous File allocation

The contiguous allocation method requires each file to occupy a set of contiguous
address on the disk. Disk addresses define a linear ordering on the disk. Notice that,
with this ordering, accessing block b+1 after block b normally requires no head
movement. When head movement is needed (from the last sector of one cylinder to the
first sector of the next cylinder), it is only one track. Thus, the number of disk seeks
required for accessing contiguous allocated files in minimal, as is seek time when a seek
is finally needed. Contiguous allocation of a file is defined by the disk address and the
length of the first block. If the file is n blocks long, and starts at location b, then it
occupies blocks b, b+1, b+2, …, b+n-1. The directory entry for each file indicates the
address of the starting block and the length of the area allocated for this file. Fig.4.15 and
Fig.4.16 show contiguous File allocation method.

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Operating System Notes

Advantages of contiguous allocation:

(1) Supports both sequential and direct access methods.
(2) Contiguous allocation is the best form u allocation for sequential files. Multiple
blocks can be brought in at a time to Improve I/O performance for sequential
(3) It is also easy to retrieve a single block from a file. For example if a file starts at
block n and the 1 block of the me Is wanted, its location on secondary storage is
simply n + i.
(4) Quick and easy calculation of block holding data - just offset from start of file.
(5) For sequential access, almost no seeks required.
(6) Even direct access is fast - just seek and read only one disk access.
Disadvantages of contiguous file system are as follows:
(1) There is no best place to put a new file.
(2) Problems when file gets bigger - may have to move whole file.
(3) External Fragmentation.
(4) Compaction may be required, and it can be very expensive.
Linked Allocation:

Fig. 4.17 Linked File Allocation

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Operating System Notes

Fig. 4.18 Linked File Allocation

In linked allocation shown in fig.4.18., each file is a linked list of disk blocks. The
directory contains a pointer to the first and (optionally the last) block of the file. For
example, a file of 5 blocks which starts at block 4, might continue at block 7, then block
16, block 10, and finally block 27. Each block contains a pointer to the next block and the
last block contains a NIL pointer. The value -1 may be used for NIL to differentiate it
from block 0.
With linked allocation, each directory entry has a pointer to the first disk block of the
file. This pointer is initialized to nil (the end-of-list pointer value) to signify an empty
file. A write to a file removes the first free block and writes to that block. This new block
is then linked to the end of the file. To read a file, the pointers are just followed from
block to block.
Advantages of Linked Allocation:
(1) Does not suffer from external fragmentation.
(2) Support both sequential and direct access to the file.
(3) No more variable-sized file allocation problems. Everything takes place in fixed-size
chunks, which makes memory allocation a lot easier.
(4) No more external fragmentation.
(5) No need to compact or relocate files.
Disadvantages of linked allocation:
(1) Potentially terrible performance for direct access files - have to follow pointers from
one disk block to the next!
(2) Even sequential access is less efficient than for contiguous files because may
generate long seeks between blocks.
(3) Reliability -if loses one pointer, have big problems.
Linked with memory table / Indexed Allocation:
The indexed allocation method is the solution to the problem of both contiguous and
linked allocation. This is done by bringing all the pointers together into one location
called the index block. Of course, the index block will occupy some space and thus could

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Operating System Notes

be considered as an overhead of the method. In indexed allocation, each file has its own
index block, which is an array of disk sector of addresses.

Fig. 4.19.a Indexed Allocation

Fig. 4.19.b Indexed Allocation

Fig.4.19.a. and Fig.4.19.b. shows indexed File Allocation. The with entry in the index
block points to the ith sector of the file. The directory contains the address of the index
block of a file. To read the ith sector of the file, the pointer in the ith index block entry is
read to find the desired sector. Indexed allocation supports direct access, without
suffering from external fragmentation. Any free block anywhere on the disk may satisfy
a request for more space.
I-Node Allocation:
For keeping track of which blocks belong to which file is to associate with each file a
data structure called an i-node (index-node), which lists the attributes and disk

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Operating System Notes

addresses of the file‘s blocks. A simple example is shown in Fig. 4-20. Given the i-node,
it is then possible to find all the blocks of the file.
The main advantage of this scheme over linked files using an in-memory table is that
the i-node need be in memory only when the corresponding file is open. If each inode
occupies n bytes and a maximum of k files may be open at once, the total memory
occupied by the array holding the i-nodes for the open files is only kn bytes. But this
space need be reserved in advance.

Fig. 4.20 I-Node File Allocation

This array occupies less memory or space then file table. The table for holding the
linked list of all disk blocks is proportional in size to the disk itself. If the disk has n
blocks, the table needs n entries. As disks grow larger, this table grows linearly with
them. But, the i-node scheme requires an array in memory whose size is proportional to
the maximum number of files that may be open at once. It does not matter if the disk is
100 GB to 10,000 GB.
One problem with i-nodes is that if each one has room for a fixed number of disk
addresses, what happens when a file grows beyond this limit? One solution is to reserve
the last disk address not for a data block, but instead for the address of a block
containing more disk-block addresses, as shown in Fig. 4.20. Even more advanced
would be two or more such blocks containing disk addresses or even disk blocks
pointing to other disk blocks full of addresses.
4.3.3 Implementation of Directory:
The operating system uses the path name supplied by the user to locate the directory
entry on the disk. The directory entry provides the information needed to find the disk
blocks. File can be located on the disk using the method discussed above. In all cases, the
main function of the directory system is to map the ASCII name of the file onto the
information needed to locate the data.

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Operating System Notes

The attributes of file system are generally stored with directory entry as shown in
Fig. 4-21(a). following are different ways of implementing
In this simple design, a directory consists of a list of fixed-size entries, one per
file, containing a (fixed-length) file name, a structure of the file attributes,
One or more disk addresses (up to some maximum) telling where the disk blocks
For systems that use i-nodes, another possibility for storing the attributes is in
the i-nodes, rather than in the directory entries.
In that case, the directory entry can be shorter: just a file name and an i-node
number. This approach is illustrated in Fig. 4-21(b).

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Operating System Notes

Fixed Length File Name:

Generally files have short, fixed-length names. In MS-DOS files have a 1–8 character
base name and an optional extension of 1–3 characters. In UNIX Version 7, file names
were 1–14 characters, including any extensions. But all modern operating systems
support longer, variable- length file names.
Variable Length File Name:
The simplest approach is to set a limit on file-name length, typically 255 characters,
and then use one of the designs of Fig. 4.22 with 255 characters reserved for each file
name. This approach is simple, but wastes a great deal of directory space, since few files
have such long names.
Another way is that all directory entries are the same size. Here, each directory entry
contains a fixed portion, typically starting with the length of the entry, and then
followed by data with a fixed format, usually including the owner, creation time,
protection information, and other attributes. A disadvantage of this method is that when
a file is removed, a variable-sized gap is introduced into the directory into which the
next file to be entered may not fit.
Another way to handle variable-length names is to make the directory entries
themselves all fixed length and keep the file names together in a heap at the end of the
directory, as shown in Fig. 4-22(b). This method has the advantage that when an entry is
removed, the next file entered will always fit there. Of course, the heap must be
managed and page faults can still occur while processing file names.
Searching Directories:
Different way of searching in directories are:

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Operating System Notes

Linear Search
Linear Search:
Generally directories are searched linearly from beginning to end when a file name
has to be looked up. For extremely long directories, linear searching can be slow. Hence
to speed up search is to use a hash table in each directory. For the size of the table n. To
enter a file name, the name is hashed onto a value between 0 and n-1,
The table entry corresponding to the hash code is inspected. If it is unused, a pointer
is placed there to the file entry. File entries follow the hash table. If that slot is already in
use, a linked list is constructed, headed at the table entry and threading through all
entries with the same hash value.
While searching the file name is hashed to select a hash-table entry. All the entries on
the chain headed at that slot are checked to see if the file name is present. If the name is
not on the chain, the file is not present in the directory. The disadvantage of more
complex administration but searching is faster.
Yet another way to speed up searching large directories is to cache the results of
searches. Before starting a search, a check is first made to see if the file name is in the
cache. If so, it can be located immediately.
4.3.4 Virtual File System:
Modern operating systems now a days concurrently support multiple types of file
systems. The method of implementing multiple types of file systems is to write directory
and file routines for each type. Instead, however, most operating systems, including
UNIX, use object-oriented techniques to simplify, organize, and modularize the
implementation. The use of these methods allows very dissimilar file-system types to be
implemented within the same structure, including network file systems, such as NFS.
Users can access files that are contained within multiple file systems on the local disk or
even on file systems available across the network.
Data structures and procedures are used to isolate the basic system call functionality
from the implementation details. Thus, the file-system implementation consists of three
major layers, as depicted schematically in Figure 4.26.
(1) The first layer is the file-system interface, based on the open(), read(), write(), and
close() calls and on file descriptors.
(2) The second layer is called the virual File System (VFS) layer. The VFS layer
serves two important functions:
It separates file-system-generic operations from their implementation by
defining a clean VFS interface. Several implementations for the VFS interface
may coexist on the same machine, allowing transparent access to different
types of file systems mounted locally.
It provides a mechanism for uniquely representing a file throughout a
network. The VFS is based on a file-representation structure, called a vnode
that contains a numerical designator for a network-wide unique file. (UNIX
inodes are unique within only a single file system.) This network-wide

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 8

Operating System Notes

uniqueness is required for support of network file systems. The kernel

maintains one vnode structure for each active node (file or directory).

Fig. 4.26 A Virtual File System

Thus, the VFS distinguishes
local files from remote ones, and local files are further distinguished according to their
file-system types.
The VFS activates file-system-specific operations to handle local requests according to
their file-system types and calls the NFS protocol procedures for remote requests. File
handles are constructed from the relevant vnodes and are passed as arguments to these
procedures. The layer implementing the file-system type or the remote-file-system
protocol is the third layer of the architecture.

Fig. 4.26 B Detial Look in Virtual File System

Let's briefly examine the VFS architecture in Linux. The four main object types
defined by the Linux VFS are:
The inode object, which represents an individual file
The file object, which represents an open file

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 8

Operating System Notes

The superblock object, which represents an entire file system

The dentry object, which represents an individual directory entry


4.4.1 Disk Space Management:
Files are normally stored on disk, so management of disk space is a major concern to
file-system designers. Two general strategies are possible for storing an n byte file: n
consecutive bytes of disk space are allocated, or the file is split up into a number of (not
necessarily) contiguous blocks.
Storing a file as a contiguous sequence of bytes has the obvious problem that if a file
grows, it may have to be moved on the disk. For this reason, nearly all file systems chop
files up into fixed-size blocks that need not be adjacent.
Block Size:
Once it has been decided to store files in fixed-size blocks, the question arises how big
the block should be. Given the way disks are organized, the sector, the track, and the
cylinder are obvious candidates for the unit of allocation (although these are all device
dependent, which is a minus).
Large or small block size means that every file, even a 1-byte file, ties up an entire
cylinder. It also means that small files waste a large amount of disk space. But also, a
small block size means that most files will span multiple blocks and thus need multiple
seeks and rotational delays to read them, reducing performance. Thus if the allocation
unit is too large, we waste space; if it is too small size is wasted.
Making a good choice requires having some information about the file-size
The results shows, where for each power-of-two file size, the percentage of all files
smaller or equal to it is listed for each of the three data sets.
Generally, with a block size of 1 KB, only about 30–50% of all files fit in a single block,
whereas with a 4-KB block, the percentage of files that fit in one block goes up to the 60–
70% range. This means that wasting some space at the end of each small file hardly
matters because the disk is filled up by a small number of large files (videos) and the
total amount of space taken up by the small files hardly matters at all.
On the other hand, using a small block means that each file will consist of many
blocks. Reading each block normally requires a seek and a rotational delay (except on a
solid-state disk), so reading a file consisting of many small blocks will be slow.
Keeping Track of Free Blocks:
Once a block size has been chosen, the next issue is how to keep track of free blocks.
Two methods are widely used, as shown in Fig. 4-27.
(1) Link List of disk Block
(2) BitMap
Link List:
This consists of using a linked list of disk blocks, with each block holding as many
free disk block numbers as will fit. With a 1-KB block and a 32-bit disk block number,
each block on the free list holds the numbers of 255 free blocks. (One slot is required for
the pointer to the next block.) Consider a 1-TB disk, which has about 1 billion disk

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 8

Operating System Notes

blocks. To store all these addresses at 255 per block requires about 4 million blocks.
Generally, free blocks are used to hold the free list, so the storage is essentially free.
Another approach is to link all the free disk blocks together, keeping a pointer to the
first free block. This block contains a pointer to the next free disk block, and so on. For
example, consider a disk where blocks 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 25, 26, and 27
are free, and the rest of the blocks are allocated, a pointer could be kept to block 2, as the
first free block. Block 2 would contain a pointer to block 3, which would point to block 4,
which would point to block 5, which would point to block 8, and so on. This scheme is
not efficient; to traverse the list, each block must be read, which requires substantial I/O

Fig. 4.27.(a) LinkList (b)BitMap

Bit Map:
Free space bitmaps are one method used to track allocated sectors by some file
systems. While the most simplistic design is highly inefficient, advanced or hybrid
implementations of free space bitmaps are used by some modern file systems.
The simplest form of free space bitmap is a bit array, i.e. a block of bits. In this
example, a zero would indicate a free sector, while a one indicates a sector in use. Each
sector would be of fixed size. For explanatory purposes, we will use a 4 GB hard
drive with 4096 byte sectors, and assume the bitmap itself is stored elsewhere. The
example disk would require 1,048,576 bits, one for each sector, or 128 KB. Increasing the
size of the drive will proportionately increase the size of the bitmap, while multiplying
the sector size will produce a proportionate reduction.
Frequently, the free-space list is implemented as a bit map or bit vector. Each block is
represented by a 1 bit. If the block is free, the bit is 0; if the block is allocated, the bit is 1.
For example, consider a disk where blocks 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 25, 26,
and 27 are free, and the rest of the blocks are allocated. The free-space bit map would be:

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 8

Operating System Notes

The main advantage of this approach is that it is relatively simple and efficient to find n
consecutive free blocks on the disk. Unfortunately, bit vectors are inefficient unless the
entire vector is kept in memory for most accesses. Keeping it main memory is possible
for smaller disks such as on microcomputers, but not for larger ones
Disk Quotas:
A disk quota is a limit set by a system administrator that restricts certain aspects
of file system usage on modern operating systems operating systems. The function of
using disk quotas is to allocate limited disk space in a reasonable way.
There are two basic types of disk quotas. The first, known as a usage quota or block
quota, limits the amount of disk space that can be used. The second, known as a file
quota or inode quota, limits the number of files and directories that can be created.
In addition, administrators usually define a warning level, or soft quota, at which
users are informed they are nearing their limit, that is less than the effective limit, orhard
quota. There may also be a small grace interval, which allows users to temporarily violate
their quotas by certain amounts if necessary.
Disk quotas are typically implemented on a per-user or per-group basis. That is,
a system administrator defines a usage or file quota specific to a certain user or group.
In doing so, an administrator can prevent one user from consuming an entire file
system's resources, or create a system of tiered access, whereby users can have different
levels of restriction. This is used, for example, by web hosting companies to provide
different levels of service based upon the needs and means of individual clients.
In most cases, quotas are also specific to individual file systems. Should an
administrator want to limit the usage of a specific user on all file systems, a separate
quota would have to be specified on each.
When a soft quota is violated, the system normally sends the user (and sometimes the
administrator as well) some sort of message. No further action is typically taken.
Disk quotas are supported by most modern operating systems, including Unix-
like systems, such as AIX (using JFS or JFS2 file system), Linux (using ext3, ext4, ext2,
xfs (integrated support) among other file systems), Solaris (using UFS or ZFS), Microsoft
Windows starting with Windows 2000, Novell NetWare, VMS, and others. The method
of administration for disk quotas varies between each of these operating systems.

4.4.2 Defragmentation:
In order to understand why defragging works, it is important to understand how
data is stored on your hard drive. When data, such as a file, is stored on a hard drive the
operating system attempts to store that file in one section of contiguous, locations that
are connecting without a break, space. When you have a new hard drive, storing data in
contiguous spaces is not a problem. As you use the hard drive, though, files will be
deleted from it and small pockets of space will be created on your hard drive. These
small pockets of space on your hard drive is called fragmentation.
When a hard drive is fragmented, and the operating system wants to store a file on
the hard drive, it attempts to store it in a section of contiguous space that will be large
enough to accommodate the file. If the hard drive is heavily fragmented, there is the

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Operating System Notes

possibility that there will not be enough contiguous space available to store the file, and
therefore the file will be broken up and stored in multiple locations on the hard drive.
This causes the file to become fragmented. This is especially bad when installing new
software on your computer because the program will now be installed over multiple
locations on your hard drive. Now when you run this particular application its
performance will be degraded because it has to be loaded from multiple locations on the
hard drive.
Fig.4.29. below shows an example of a fragmented file. Notice how File1 is stored in
two locations which are not contiguous.

Figure 4.29 Fragmented File

To solve this problem, software developers developed a type of program called a
Disk Defragmenter. A defragmenter is an application that reorganizes the data on your
hard drive's partitions in such a manner that the files are stored in as much contiguous
space as possible. The defragmenter will search your hard drive partition and move data
from one location to another location, so that the files stored there are one contiguous
piece, instead of being spread throughout multiple locations on the hard drive's
partition. This allows the programs and data to run more efficiently and quickly as the
operating system does not have to read from multiple locations.
Fig.4.30 below shows an example of a file store in contiguous space. Notice how the
entire file is located in one area and not split between multiple locations.

Figure 4.30 File that is not fragmented

There are two ways to defragment your hard drive.
One way is to use a Disk Defragmenter program and
the other is to use an extra empty hard drive.
Linux file systems (especially ext2 and ext3) generally suffer less from
defragmentation than Windows systems due to the way disk blocks are selected, so
manual defragmentation is rarely required. Also, SSDs do not really suffer from
fragmentation at all. In fact, defragmenting an SSD is counterproductive. Not only is
there no gain in performance, but SSDs wear out, so defragmenting them merely
shortens their lifetimes.


The MS-DOS file system is the one the first IBM PCs came with. It was the main file
system up through Windows 98 and Windows ME. Further supported on Windows
2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista, although it is no longer standard on new PCs
now except for floppy disks. However, it and an extension of it (FAT -32) have become
widely used for many embedded systems. Most digital cameras use it. Many MP3
players use it exclusively. The popular Apple iPod uses it as the default file system,
although knowledgeable hackers can reformat the iPod and install a different file

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 8

Operating System Notes

system. Thus the number of electronic devices using the MS-DOS file system is vastly
larger now than at any time in the past, and certainly much larger than the number
using the more modern NTFS file system.
To read a file, an MS-DOS program must first make an open system call to get a
handle for it. Although MS-DOS directories are variable sized, they use a fixed-size 32-
byte directory entry. The format of an MS-DOS directory entry is shown in Fig. 4-30. It
contains the file name, attributes, creation date and time, starting block, and exact file

Fig. 4.30 The MSDOS Directory Entry

File Name:
File names shorter than 8 + 3 characters are left justified and padded with spaces on
the right, in each field separately. The Attributes field is new and contains bits to
indicate that a file is read-only, needs to be archived, is hidden, or is a system file. Read-
only files cannot be written.
Directory Name:
The directory entry also contains the date and time the file was created or last
modified. The time field is subdivided into seconds (5 bits), minutes (6 bits), and hours
(5 bits). The date counts in days using three subfields: day (5 bits), month (4 bits), and
year - 1980 (7 bits).
MS-DOS stores the file size as a 32-bit number, so in theory files can be as large as 4
GB. However, other limits restrict the maximum file size to 2 GB or less. A surprisingly
large part of the entry (10 bytes) is unused. MS-DOS keeps track of file blocks via a file
allocation table in main memory. The directory entry contains the number of the first file
block. This number is used as an index into a 64K entry FAT in main memory. By
following the chain, all the blocks can be found. The FAT file system comes in three
versions: FAT -12, FAT -16, and FAT -32, depending on how many bits a disk address
The table below provides a comparison of volume and default cluster sizes for the
different Windows file systems still commonly in use:
Attribute FAT12 FAT16 FAT32
Floppies and very Small to moderate- Medium-sized to
Used For small hard disk sized hard disk very large hard
volumes volumes disk volumes
Size of Each FAT Entry 12 bits 16 bits 28 bits
Maximum Number of
4,086 65,526 ~268,435,456
Cluster Size Used 0.5 KB to 4 KB 2 KB to 32 KB 4 KB to 32 KB
Maximum Volume Size 16,736,256 2,147,123,200 about 2^41

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 8

Operating System Notes

MS-DOS uses the FAT to keep track of free disk blocks. Any block that is not
currently allocated is marked with a special code. When MS-DOS needs a new disk
block, it searches the FAT for an entry containing this code. Thus no bitmap or free list is


A file system is a logical collection of files on a partition or disk. A partition is a
container for information and can span an entire hard drive if desired. Unix file system
is shown in fig.4.31.
Hard drive can have various partitions which usually contains only one file system,
such as one file system housing the / file system or another containing the /home file
system. One file system per partition allows for the logical maintenance and
management of differing file systems. Everything in Unix is considered to be a file,
including physical devices such as DVD-ROMs, USB devices, floppy drives, and so

Fig. 4.31 Unix File System

Directory Structure:
Unix uses a hierarchical file system structure, much like an upside-down tree, with
root (/) at the base of the file system and all other directories spreading from there.
A UNIX file system is a collection of files and directories that has the following
It has a root directory (/) that contains other files and directories.
Each file or directory is uniquely identified by its name, the directory in which it
resides, and a unique identifier, typically called an inode.
By convention, the root directory has an inode number of 2 and the lost+found
directory has an inode number of 3. Inode numbers 0 and 1 are not used. File
inode numbers can be seen by specifying the -i option to ls command.

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 9

Operating System Notes

It is self contained. There are no dependencies between one file system and any
The directories have specific purposes and generally hold the same types of
information for easily locating files. Following are the directories that exist on the major
versions of Unix:
Directory Description
/ This is the root directory which should contain only the directories needed
at the top level of the file structure.
/bin This is where the executable files are located. They are available to all user.
/dev These are device drivers.
/etc Supervisor directory commands, configuration files, disk configuration files,
valid user lists, groups, ethernet, hosts, where to send critical messages.
/lib Contains shared library files and sometimes other kernel-related files.
/boot Contains files for booting the system.
/home Contains the home directory for users and other accounts.
/mnt Used to mount other temporary file systems, such as cdrom and floppy for
the CD-ROM drive and floppy diskette drive, respectively
/proc Contains all processes marked as a file by process number or other
information that is dynamic to the system.
/tmp Holds temporary files used between system boots
/usr Used for miscellaneous purposes, or can be used by many users. Includes
administrative commands, shared files, library files, and others
/var Typically contains variable-length files such as log and print files and any
other type of file that may contain a variable amount of data
/sbin Contains binary (executable) files, usually for system administration. For
example fdisk and ifconfig utlities.
/kernel Contains kernel files
File Types:
The UNIX filesystem contains several different types of files:
Ordinary Files:
(1) Used to store your information, such as some text you have written or an image you
have drawn. This is the type of file that you usually work with.
(2) Always located within/under a directory file
(3) Do not contain other files
Branching points in the hierarchical tree
Used to organize groups of files
May contain ordinary files, special files or other directories
Never contain "real" information which you would work with (such as text).
Basically, just used for organizing files.

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 9

Operating System Notes

All files are descendants of the root directory, ( named / ) located at the top of the
Special Files:
Used to represent a real physical device such as a printer, tape drive or terminal,
used for Input/Output (I/O) operations
Unix considers any device attached to the system to be a file - including your
By default, a command treats your terminal as the standard input file (stdin) from
which to read its input
Your terminal is also treated as the standard output file (stdout) to which a
command's output is sent
Stdin and stdout will be discussed in more detail later
Two types of I/O: character and block
Usually only found under directories named /dev
(1) UNIX allows you to link commands together using a pipe. The pipe acts a
temporary file which only exists to hold data from one command until it is read by
(2) For example, to pipe the output from one command into another command:
who | wc -l
This command will tell you how many users are currently logged into the system.
The standard output from the who command is a list of all the users currently logged
into the system. This output is piped into the wc command as its standard input. Used
with the -l option this command counts the numbers of lines in the standard input and
displays the result on its standard output - your terminal.


CD File Systems:
This section describes system-independent file systems for use on CDs. Many
vendors just use their platform's native format for bootable CDs. It is also possible to put
two file systems on a CD without partitioning; see "Hybrid PC/Macintosh CDs" below.
The ISO9660 file system is a system-independent file system for read-only data CDs.
It is named after the ISO standard that defines it. Drafts of the standard were known as
"High Sierra". shown in fig.4.32.

Fig. 4.32 ISO 9660 Directory Entry

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 9

Operating System Notes

The base standard defines three levels of compliance. Level 1 limits file names to MS-
DOS conventions -- 8 chars for the name, 3 chars for the extension. Levels 2 and 3 allow
up to 31 characters. In practice however, most CDs use Level 1 plus one of the various
extensions (covered in the following sections). That way, MS-DOS gets file names it can
handle, and most other systems get the full file names from the extension records.
ISO9660 puts its first superblock 32K into the device, i.e. in sector 16. (CDs always
have 2K sectors.) That allows it to co-exist with certain native file systems or partition
tables. ISO9660 actually uses a list of superblocks, or "Volume Descriptors", with
different roles. The "Primary" volume descriptor, which must be present and first on all
volumes, uses type 1.
The Joliet Extension:
The Joliet extension is favored in the MS Windows world. It allows Unicode
characters to be used for all text fields, which includes file names and the volume name.
A "Secondary" volume descriptor with type 2 contains the same information as the
Primary one, but in 16-bit encoded Unicode. As a result of this, the volume name is
limited to 16 characters.
disktype prints the Unicode volume name from the Joliet volume descriptor if
The RockRidge Extension
The RockRidge extension is favored in the Unix world. It lifts file name restrictions,
but also allows Unix-style permissions and special files to be stored on the CD.
Since RockRidge does not affect the volume descriptors, disktype does not detect or
report it.
Hybrid PC/Macintosh CDs:
Apple has its own set of ISO9660 extensions to store Mac OS metadata for files, but
they are seldom used. Instead, a full HFS or HFS Plus file system is put on the CD
together with an ISO9660 file system. This works well, since both file systems are flexible
in placing their data structures, and the (fixed-position) superblocks don't overlap. Some
mastering programs use an Apple-style partition table with a single entry, for no reason
in particular. File data can be shared between both file systems simply by pointing at the
same blocks in the appropriate structures.
Hybrid CDs contain two valid file systems, and disktype will report them as such.
The El Torito Boot Specification:
The El Torito standard defines a flexible format to store boot code on ISO9660 file
systems. It is implemented on most PCs today. A volume descriptor with type 0
(actually called a "Boot Record") points to another sector containing the actual "boot
catalog". That catalog lists a default boot image, plus an optional list of boot images for
specific hardware.
A boot image can be an image of a floppy disk (1.2, 1.44, or 2.88 MB), which will be
loaded into RAM by the BIOS and used to emulate a bootable floppy. Hard disk
emulation works likewise, but is not as useful. Finally, a boot image can be 'non-
emulated', i.e. just a piece of boot code that knows how to access the CD without
emulation. Whether the boot image is also available as a file on the CD is up to the CD
mastering software.

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 9

Operating System Notes

disktype will report the kind and parameters of all boot images found. Their contents
are analyzed for file systems and boot code in the usual way.
UDF (Universal Disk Format) is a new cross-platform file format for CDs. It offers the
capability to create the file system incrementally on write-once (i.e. CD-R) and read-
write (i.e. CD-RW) media. That allows users to use standard file manager operations to
create a disk (instead of specialized CD mastering programs). UDF is designed to co-
exist with an ISO9660 structure, and most UDF implementations write both structures
(for the same set of files) by default. The DVD-Video and DVD-Audio formats are based
on UDF.
disktype supports UDF and reports all interesting information it finds. However, it
may not detect some exotic variations. One reason for this is that the sector size is
variable, but must be guessed -- the "anchor volume descriptor" is located at sector 256,
not at a certain byte offset. Most UDF disks also carry an ISO9660 file system, which is
detected and reported separately.
Sega Dreamcast:
The Sega Dreamcast game console uses a special physical format called GD-ROM (?),
but a standard ISO 9660 file system on top of that. There is an additional signature at the
start of the first sector, which is detected by disktype. It is unclear if this is part of boot
code of just a general signature.
Xbox DVD file system:
The Microsoft Xbox game console uses a special file system for DVDs,
which disktype tries to recognize.
3DO file system:
The 3DO game console system (?) uses standard Mode 1 CD-ROM disks, but with a
custom file system. The signature in the first sector is detected by disktype.

Prof.Manoj S. Kavedia (www.kavedasir.yolasite.com)(9324258878/9860174297) 9


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