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An incident I will never forget

It was a pleasant Sunday evening. I was watching TV in the living room while
enjoying my favourite ice-cream. My sibling, John and Zul were playing in the garden.

Everything was well until I heard a loud scream coming from the garden. I rushed out
as fast as lightning to check on my siblings. To my horror, I saw a dog biting John on
his leg. After few seconds, I managed to keep a cool head. I quickly called out to my
parents for help.

My father and I then picked up some sticks and charged at the dog. After the dog
was gone, my parents sent John to the hospital. John was crying non-stop as the bite
gave him an excruciating pain. After the doctor examined my brother, the doctor
stitched up his wounds and gave him an injection.

I was sad because my brother was hurt. I wished I could do more to save him. My
mother hugged and told me that he would be all right. I was glad to hear that. It is
certainly an incident that I will never forget.

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