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Nanocomposite Materials Overview

Polymer Nanocomposites:
A Small Part of the Story*
L.S. Schadler, L.C. Brinson, and W.G. Sawyer

Polymer nanocomposites are polymer filled amorphous polymers are being

matrix composites in which the fillers are used as scratch-resistant, transparent
less than 100 nm in at least one dimen- Polymer nanocomposites can be coatings in cell phone and compact-disc
sion. These composites have exhibited defined as polymers containing fillers technology,3 and nanoparticles are being
extraordinarily interesting properties. with one dimension smaller than 100 nm considered for enhancing matrix proper-
A defining feature of polymer nano- (Figure 1a). In contrast to traditional ties of traditional composites to increase
composites is that the small size of the polymer composites with high loadings out-of-plane properties and add conduc-
fillers leads to a dramatic increase in (60 vol.%) of micrometer-sized filler tivity and sensing capabilities.4
interfacial area as compared to tradi- particles, polymer nanocomposites are The recent resurgence of interest in
tional composites. This interfacial area being developed with very low loadings polymer nanocomposites has emerged
creates a significant volume fraction of (less than 5 vol.%) of well-dispersed for several reasons. First, nanoscale fill-
interfacial polymer with properties dif- nanofillers. While elastomeric compos- ers often have properties that are differ-
ferent from the bulk polymer even at low ites with nanoscale spherical fillers have ent from the bulk properties of the same
loadings. The properties and structure of been in use for more than 100 years,1 in material. For example, as the size of
this interfacial region are not yet known the last 15 years new fillers have emerged, silicon nanoparticles decreases, the band
quantitatively, presenting a challenge providing an opportunity for the develop- gap changes, and the color of the par-
both for controlling and predicting the ment of high-performance multifunc- ticles changes.5 As another example,
properties of polymer nanocomposites. tional nanocomposites. For example, single-wall carbon nanotubes can exhibit
This paper provides a brief overview of transparent conducting polymer/nano- stiffness, strength, and strain-to-failure
polymer nanocomposites with emphasis tube composites are under development that substantially exceeds that of tradi-
on the impact of the interfacial region. as solar cell electrodes,2 nanoparticle- tional micrometer-diameter carbon fiber.
These features of nanoparticles provide
an opportunity for creating polymer
composites with unique properties.
Second, nanoscale fillers are small
defects. Micrometer-scale fillers are
similar in size to the critical crack size
causing early failure6,7 while nanofillers
are an order of magnitude smaller. This
can prevent early failure, leading to
1 nm 50 nm 100 nm
nanocomposites with enhanced ductility
Nanoplatelets Nanoparticles Nanotubes
and toughness.8,9 Similarly it has been
shown that nanoparticles can increase
1 Figure 1. (a) Nanoparticles all the electrical breakdown strength and
2 nm Particles have at least one dimension endurance10,11 and are small optical scat-
Volume Fraction of Interfacial Polymer

smaller than 100 nm:
0.8 2 nm Tubes 10 nm Particles nanoplates one dimension, tering defects.12 Third, due to the large
0.7 nanotubes two dimensions, surface area of the fillers, nanocompos-
0.6 and equiaxed nanoparticles ites have a large volume of interfacial
all three dimensions less than
0.5 100 nm. (b) A plot showing matrix material with properties different
0.4 the volume of interfacial from the bulk polymer. Figure 1b shows
0.3 10 nm Tubes 50 nm Particles polymer based on 10 nm thick the large volume of interfacial material
interfacial region surrounding
0.2 each nanoparticle. The plot for spherical nanoparticles and nano-
0.1 illustrates an increase of tubes. In this paper, this region will be
50 nm Tubes interfacial region volume
0.0 called the interfacial region and even at
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 with decreasing nanoparticle
b Volume Fraction of Filler size. small filler volume fractions, less than
5 vol.%, almost the entire matrix can be

50 JOM • March 2007

interfacial polymer. This interfacial tions as a function of filler content for bonding, and ideal nanotube properties;
polymer can dramatically change the carbon nanotube filled polymers.18–21 It relaxing any of these assumptions would
thermal, mechanical, and electrical should be noted that these commonly decrease the predictions. Nevertheless,
properties of the overall composite. used, simple predictions are all upper in some cases it is clear that the modulus
One of the challenges in developing bounds for two-phase composite behav- from the data exceeds that predicted by
polymer nanocomposites for advanced ior as the models all assume straight both the rule of mixtures (ROM) and a
technology applications is a limited nanotubes, perfect nanotube-matrix Mori-Tanaka method for randomly ori-
ability to predict the properties. While
the techniques exist to tailor the surface
chemistry and structure of nanoparticle � — XLPE
1,400 � — XLPE + Untreated Nanosilica
surfaces13,14 using a myriad of methods,

Endurance Strength (KV/mm)

1,300 � — XLPE + Vinylsilane-Treated Nanosilica
the impact of the nanoscale filler surface
on the morphology, dynamics, and prop- 1,200 �
erties of the surrounding polymer chains 1,100
cannot be quantitatively predicted. 1,000 �

900 � �
Therefore, the properties of a significant �
� �
volume fraction of the polymer, the 800 �
interfacial polymer, are unknown making 700 �� � � �

it difficult to predict bulk properties. � XLPE � � � ��
600 �� ��
�� ����

Other challenges include predicting the 500 � ��
impact of heterogeneous filler distribu-
tion and filler geometries (e.g., wavy 100 1,000 10,000
a Time (min.)
fibers). The solutions to this predicament
are focused experimental and multiscale
modeling efforts which are ongoing and
too broad to address here. Instead, the
goal of this paper is to briefly introduce
polymer nanocomposites and describe
the impact of the interfacial region on
both composite properties and the abil-
ity to model behavior
It’s All Interface
“It’s all interface” refers to the large
volume fraction of interfacial polymer
compared to the volume fraction of filler
as indicated in Figure 1b. By taking
advantage of this large interfacial area
and interfacial volume, unique combina-
tions of properties have been achieved.15
Figure 2 shows select examples. In Figure
2a the electrical endurance strength of Figure 2. Examples of nanocomposites in which
the interface dramatically affected properties. (a)
crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) nano- The electrical endurance strength of crosslinked
composites is shown.16 The endurance polyethylene (XLPE) nanocomposites showing
strength of XLPE increased by more an order of magnitude improvement in endurance
strength due to the addition of untreated
than an order of magnitude due to the nanosilica and a further improvement due to
addition of 5 wt.% (about 2.5 vol.%) covalent linkage of the silica to the XLPE using
— Unfilled Polyamideimide
untreated nanosilica. Further improve- a silane coupling agent.10 (b) A plot of the
modulus improvements observed in nanotube — 2 wt% Alumina Nanocomposite
ment was found due to the incorporation filled polymers along with predictive models. 120
of a vinylsilane treatment of the silica The models are based on idealized two-phase Pure Material −

composites with perfectly straight tubes, 100

to promote a covalent linkage with the Brittle
Stress (MPa)

perfect bonding, ideal nanotube properties 80 Nanocomposite

XLPE. Similar behavior has been

(1 TPa modulus), and no interphase; the fact

observed in titania/epoxy nanocompos- that several data sets exceed the models 60
ites.17 In both cases, the interfacial region indicate that the properties of the interfacial 40
region must be included to properly predict the
created local conduction and scattering behavior of polymer nanocomposites. (c) A plot 20
that partly explained the nanocomposite showing a simultaneous increase in strength and 0
performance. ductility in a nanoscale alumina/polyamideimide
(PAI) nanocomposite while maintaining the 0 5 10 15 20
Figure 2b shows a plot of the modulus modulus.23 c Elongation (%)
data along with several two-phase predic-

2007 March • JOM 51

ented tubes. fracture than Kevlar or Spectra 900.22 cation of changes in crosslink density31
For this to be the case, it is believed Finally Figure 2(c) shows alumina/poly- due to small molecule migration either
that the interfacial region properties, amideimide (PAI) nanocomposites to or from the interface.
which are not accounted for in these exhibiting a simultaneous increase in As one example, consider semicrystal-
simple models, must play a significant strength and ductility while maintaining line thermoplastic composites. In this
role in increasing the composite modu- the modulus.23 This has been observed case, the nanofiller surface can alter the
lus. For amorphous polymer matrices, in several systems and is found to be degree of crystallinity, the phases pres-
it is hypothesized that the interfacial highly sensitive to the strength of the ent, the lamellae size and organization,
region in these nanotube composites is particle/matrix interaction. and even the spherulite structure (Figure
a region of polymer with reduced mobil- These and many other results indicate 3a).25,32,33 This influence is important
ity and associated higher stiffness. The that the structure and properties of the particularly in materials where the crys-
extent of the interfacial region and the interfacial region are not only different talline phase and spherulite structure
reduction in mobility (increase in stiff- from the bulk but are also critical to significantly impact the mechanical and
ness) can be tailored through function- controlling properties of the overall tribological behavior.34,35 Figure 3 shows
alization of the nanotubes. For the nanocomposite. It is relevant, therefore, data from a study in nanoscale gamma-
polyvinylalcohol data, the matrices are to explore the structure and properties phase alumina polyethylene terephthal-
semicrystalline and it has been shown of the interfacial region. In thermoplas- ate (PET).24 Figure 3b shows the percent
that the nanotubes facilitate the formation tics the interfacial polymer can exhibit crystallinity of the PET as a function of
of a highly ordered crystalline interfacial changes in crystallinity,24,25 mobility,26 time under isothermal crystallization
region. It is also in semicrystalline poly- chain conformation,27 molecular weight,28 conditions. At loadings of 1 wt.%, the
mers that the addition of multi-walled chain entanglement density,29 and even spherical particles were well dispersed
carbon nanotubes (MWNT) has led to charge distribution.30 In crosslinked and inhibited nucleation and growth
fibers with a higher specific energy to matrices, there is an additional compli- compared to the unfilled PET. As the
volume fraction of alumina was increased
and agglomeration occurred, the filler
acted as a heterogeneous nucleating
agent increasing the nucleation and
growth rates. In all cases the fillers altered
the lamellar organization. Figure 3c and
1.0 � d shows tapping mode atomic force
Surface Crystal Coverage (Ac /Ao)

� � microscopy images of the unfilled and
0.8 PET �
5 wt. % Al2O3 �
1 wt.% nanofilled PET. The darker

0.6 � regions represent interspherulitic bound-
2 wt. % Al2O3 aries. Even 1 wt.% (less than 1 volume
� �
0.4 1 wt. % Al2O3 percent) of loading interrupted the

� �
spherulite structure significantly, result-
0.2 � ing in smaller spherulites. Furthermore,
� � �
� �� � by compatibilizing the filler with the
0.0 � ��� �
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 matrix, the crystallization temperature
Time (min.) could be altered by 6 degrees (not
a b shown).36 In this case, the changes in
crystalline structure were important
because they dramatically decreased the
tendency of PET fibers to fibrillate and
fail in wear applications.37
In amorphous polymer matrices, it is
qualitatively understood that an attractive
interface will decrease the mobility of
the polymer chains and a repulsive
interface will increase the mobility.38
One method for probing this change in
mobility of the polymer chains in the
c 5 mm d 5 mm
interfacial region is to measure the glass
Figure 3. Data from a study in nanoscale gamma phase alumina polyethylene terephthalate.24.
(a) A transmission-electron microscopy image of the spherulitic structure in unfilled PTFE
transition temperature, using either dif-
and schematics emphasizing the structure. The circle is about 10 µm in diameter. (b) ferential scanning calorimetry (DSC) or
Calculations from atomic force microscopy images (not shown) of the percent crystallinity rheology—typically, dynamic mechan-
as a function of isothermal cooling time for composites with several loadings. (c) and (d)
Atomic-force microscopy images (phase images) showing the disruption in spherulite
ical analysis (DMA).39,40 Studies using
structure even at small nanoscale filler loadings. these methods show that the glass tran-
sition temperature of a polymer nano-

52 JOM • March 2007

and morphology of the polymer interact-
ing with nanoscale surfaces is still
Challenges for
Predicting the
Predicting the mechanical properties
of nanocomposites is quite challenging.
Not only are the properties and geometry
of the interfacial region unknown as dis-
cussed in the previous section, the disper-
sion, filler curvature (for tube and plate
Figure 4. The effect of nanoparticle waviness. In this continuum approach, the inherent structures), and the exact properties of the
curvature of nanotubes in-situ in the composite are taken into account and shown to nanofiller are also not well quantified for
dramatically affect the overall stiffness enhancement potential of the nanotubes.57 The light
gray line at ~2 GPa is the baseline unmodified polymer modulus. Inset figure shows the any given system. Thus, at the moment,
finite element unit cell used to capture the effect of nanotube curvature. models predicting macroscopic response
are best used to elucidate how changes in
composite can be raised or lowered with strength for nanotube/polymer compos- constituent properties and morphology
the addition of nanoparticles with attrac- ites using fragmentation tests47 and affect the overall material response. What
tive and repulsive interaction with the pullout tests.48 In most cases, their results is required to both aid in understanding
matrix, respectively.41–43 Changes in glass show that the interfacial shear stress interfacial polymer behavior and to
transition temperature as large as 30°C values for nanotubes are similar to those create models appropriate for materials
have been observed.21,44 While the cor- predicted for traditional composites. design is a coupled multiscale approach.
relation between interactions at the Thus, while it is clear that the inter- Currently, the methods used to simulate
interface and changes in glass transition facial region has a significant impact on nanocomposite behavior can be roughly
temperature are understood qualitatively, the properties of nanocomposites, quan- categorized as:
a quantitative understanding is required titative understanding of the structure • Molecular-scale approaches, such
in order to design nanocomposites.
Attempts to quantify this correlation
using the differences in surface energy
between the polymer and the nanopar-
ticle filler have had limited success.45,46
Rheological experiments can be used to
probe the properties of the interfacial
region more specifically. The loss
modulus is sensitive to the distribution
of relaxation times (relaxation spectra)
of the polymer matrix. As nanofiller is
added, if the mobility of the polymer
chains is altered, the relaxation spectra
can either shift (if the interface causes
global changes in the polymer relaxation
times) or broaden (if the interface creates
only local changes in polymer relaxation
behavior). Thus rheology has been used
in nanoscale composites to probe the Figure 5. (a) The normalized elastic modulus prediction from Mori-Tanaka
micromechanics models for two-phase (no interphase) and three-phase (with
extent, structure, and properties of the interphase) nanocomposites. Properties of the interfacial region are taken to be
interfacial region29 and it has been found twice that of the bulk matrix polymer and interphase volume fraction is determined
that the extent and properties of the by 1 nm × 1 µm2 nanoplates individually dispersed with interfacial region of 17 nm
surrounding each plate. For the highest volume fraction shown, 2% nanoplates
interfacial region depend on the nano- and 68% interfacial region is present. (b) Data and prediction of viscoelastic loss
filler/matrix interaction. modulus from a hybrid approach considering a restricted mobility interfacial region
Direct measurements of the properties surrounding 2 wt.% multi-wall nanotubes in polycarbonate. Here, due to the larger
diameter of multiwall tubes and imperfect dispersion, a 10% volume fraction of
of the interfacial region are extremely interfacial region is used; viscoelastic properties of the interfacial region are based
difficult. Wagner et al. have used tests on those of the matrix but with relaxation times shifted to 3 decades slower. The
developed for traditional composites and prediction for the composite with interfacial region then captures the experimental
data at low frequencies accurately.61 Loss modulus predictions for a composite
downsized them using an atomic force without interphase mimic the matrix properties and are not shown.
microscope to measure interfacial shear

2007 March • JOM 53

and the interfacial region in predictions
of viscoelastic properties.59–61 In this
and similar approaches, the extent of
the interfacial region and its properties
must be given. The changes in proper-
ties can be based upon information from
molecular dynamic simulations or local
experimental data, or assumed based on
knowledge of the chemical interaction
between nanoparticle and polymer host.
For nanotubes that interact strongly with
the host polymer matrix, the interfacial
Figure 6. The Odegard equivalent continuum method: the molecular scale is related directly region can reasonably be assumed to
to continuum level by equating strain energies from molecular dynamics to a truss model
and then to a continuum model.63 be stiffer and/or have slower relaxation
mechanisms than the bulk polymer.
as molecular dynamics shown to affect the structure and mobil- As one example, consider the elastic
• Continuum approaches, such as ity.55 Quantitative numbers, however, stiffness properties of a nanocomposite
traditional micromechanics and with chemical specificity are not yet with and without an interfacial region
finite elements available. surrounding well-dispersed nanoplates.
• Hybrid methods, which aim to At the opposite end of the spectrum, Figure 5a illustrates that as the volume
combine aspects of the small- and the continuum approaches treat the fraction of perfectly dispersed nanoplates
large-scale approaches nanoscale objects with traditional contin- approaches 2%, the stiffer interfacial
Each scale level carries with it a set of uum mechanics properties and thus lose region overwhelms the bulk matrix and
assumptions and approximations. In all atomistic interaction detail. Efforts to dominates the overall response. Moving
the following only a brief description is bridge this wide gap between molecular beyond simple stiffness, Figure 5b shows
presented along with a few representative and continuum models are being devel- the loss modulus in frequency space of
examples for the modeling strategies; a oped and are among the most promising multiwall nanotubes in a polycarbonate
more extensive discussion can be found areas of research. Meanwhile, continuum matrix. The pure matrix polymer loss
in Reference 49. modeling approaches have been used modulus lies significantly below the
The molecular level approaches can, successfully to help better understand nanocomposite (black circles) at low
at present, only model short nanotube nanocomposite behavior. For example, frequencies, as does the predicted com-
segments and small numbers of short it was shown that the in-situ curvature of posite modulus if no interfacial region
polymer chains at elevated temperatures many nanotubes can have a significant is considered (not shown). To better rep-
to obtain meaningful results in a realistic impact on elastic stiffness (even greater resent the nanocomposite, an interfacial
time scale. Thus, how the results scale to than that of the interface).56,57 Figure 4 region was modeled and assumed to be
systems with molecular weights in the illustrates how predictions for randomly only 10% of the volume fraction for this
hundreds of thousands with microm- oriented straight nanotubes lie far above unfunctionalized system and to have
eter-long nanotubes is unclear. Such experimental data. To account for nano- properties of the matrix polymer shifted
models have been used very successfully, tube curvature, a curvature distribution is to longer relaxation times. The predic-
however, to understand the influence assigned and the reduced effective stiff- tion from the simulation with a restricted
of nanoparticle functionalization or ness of the curved nanotube can be deter- mobility interfacial region agrees well
geometrical constraints on neighboring mined either analytically or numerically with the experimental data. In contrast
polymer chains.50,51 They have shown for inclusion into the micromechanics to this example with unconnected inter-
that polymer density and diffusion is prediction. Note that a curvature distri- facial regions, in many cases with good
greatly impacted by nanoparticles and bution of the nanotubes can impact the dispersion, the interfacial region will be
to distances on the order of the radius predicted stiffness by as much as 70%. percolated throughout the composite.
of gyration of the polymer chain.51,52 A continuum finite element approach has In such cases, the loss moduli and tan
Related work on polymer ultrathin films also been used to elucidate the local strain delta shift dramatically to the value of
on substrates has indicated an even larger shielding provided by high-aspect-ratio the interfacial region polymer.62
influence of the surface on polymer nanoparticles that can lead to nonlinear Another hybrid approach is the
dynamics, over four times the radius reinforcing effects.58 equivalent continuum method pioneered
of gyration away from the surface.53,54 Hybrid and multi-scale approaches by G.M. Odegard and coworkers.63–65 In
The mobility near the interface has also that specifically include interface this approach the strain energies of a fully
been probed and it has been shown that properties are likely to have the largest molecular dynamics system are equated
for repulsive interfaces, the mobility impact on improving the ability to design to those of a truss system, which is then
increases and for attractive interfaces polymer nanocomposites. One hybrid equated to those of a continuum, as
mobility decreases, agreeing qualita- approach combines a finite element unit illustrated in Figure 6. Via this approach,
tively with experiment. In addition, the cell with traditional micromechanics to Odegard and coworkers have been able
heterogeneity of the surface has been account for nanoparticle morphology to study the mechanical properties of

54 JOM • March 2007

nanocomposites where the anisotropy of sliding friction coefficient, but require at filler weight percents on the order of
the nanotubes is accounted for, as well a favorable balance between the supply 15 wt.%.70 In PTFE systems this wear
as the effect of a crosslinking network and removal of lubricant from the sur- rate reduction typically comes at the
polymer chains between functionalized face. Thus, these composites are sensi- expense of increases in dry sliding fric-
nanotubes. A similar hybrid struc- tive to load, sliding speed, counterface tion coefficient.71 For nanoscale fillers,
tural-mechanics/molecular-mechanics roughness, and environment. Because however, the wear rate can be reduced by
approach has been developed by C.Y. of these shortcomings, research efforts up to 3 orders of magnitude (Figure 7b)
Li and T.W. Chou.66 continue in the search for hard and inert using gamma-phase nanoscale alumina
Although many unresolved issues filler materials that can simultaneously (10 wt.%) and 4 orders of magnitude
remain to address the relatively simple improve the wear resistance and reduce for filler loadings as low as 1 wt.% of
realm of stiffness, there is an even greater the dry sliding coefficient of friction. alpha-phase alumina nanoparticles.72,73
need for understanding and modeling of One common solid lubricant is polytet- The alpha alumina had a stronger inter-
higher-level properties such as fracture rafluoroethylene (PTFE) because of its facial interaction with the PTFE leading
toughness. These problems are beginning low dry sliding friction coefficient (µ < to improved dispersion and a further
to be approached by molecular-level pull- 0.2), resistance to chemical attack in a reduction in wear rate. In all cases, the
out simulations67,68 as well as continuum wide variety of solvents and solutions, friction coefficient remains relatively
efforts to account for the influence of high melting point, and biocompatibility. low when compared to micrometer-
curvature and interfacial region on pull- A hypothesis for the low friction of PTFE scale composites (µ < 0.25), and the
out and crack bridging.69 Thus, while is that the fluorine atoms are close enough nanocomposites were not particularly
there are still many challenges remaining to form a smooth cylindrical surface abrasive to the steel counterfaces (the
to successfully model and understand against which other molecules can easily pre-test polishing marks were still visible
polymer nanocomposites, significant slide (Figure 7a). At a somewhat larger after many kilometers of sliding).
strides are being made. Coupled with scale, the long chains of PTFE orient on A 4-orders-of-magnitude decrease in
focused experimental study, the ongoing the counterface surface during sliding wear rate at less than 1 volume percent of
modeling efforts are helping to elucidate creating a transfer film. The transfer film filler is a striking result! To understand
the physical mechanisms that underlie creates a low shear-strength interface this result, it is important to describe
nanocomposite bulk performance and with the bulk PTFE material. the structure of PTFE more fully and to
ultimately will enable efficient design Unfortunately, however, PTFE suf- understand the role of the interface on the
of nanocomposites. fers from poor wear resistance. The structure. Figure 8a shows a schematic
addition of micrometer-scale fillers of the semicrystalline nature of PTFE.
Tribology of
to PTFE can result in a 2-orders-of- There are lamellae of crystalline layers
magnitude improvement in wear rate with amorphous regions in between. As
One area in which nanofilled polymer
composites are likely to have a significant
technical impact is as solid lubricants for
tribology applications. Homogeneous
polymers are commonly used in bearing
applications where the use of fluid lubri-
cants is precluded. The major advantage
of using homogeneous polymers in such
dry-sliding applications is their ability to
provide a non-abrasive and a moderately
low friction surface. The primary limita-
tion of using homogeneous polymers is
their poor wear resistance. To solve this
problem, hard micrometer-scale filler
particles are frequently incorporated
into a polymer matrix to increase the
wear resistance, bulk hardness, yield
strength, and elastic modulus. Unfor-
tunately, these hard particle reinforced
polymers tend to increase the abrasive
wear to the counterface (the surface on
which the polymer systems wear) and
the dry sliding coefficient of friction. b
Lubricous fillers (such as graphite) Figure 7. (a) A schematic illustrating the chemical structure of PTFE; (b) a summary plot of
added to polymers can reduce the wear wear rate as a function of nanoscale filler loading for PTFE nanocomposites.
rate primarily through a reduction in the

2007 March • JOM 55

shown in the phase diagram for PTFE
(Figure 8b),74 there are three crystalline
phases that are relatively stable around
room temperature at atmospheric pres-
sure. This is important because, as
shown in Figure 8c, phases I and IV
have a higher JIC fracture toughness
than phase II.75 Since the crystalline
phase and the morphology affect the
deformation behavior of PTFE, it might
be expected that they would also affect
the tribological behavior. Therefore, one
hypothesis for the role of nanofillers in
PTFE is that they stabilize phase I. Phase
I is a tougher phase and fibrillates more
easily, which provides an opportunity
for a well-adhered thin transfer film to
a c
To test the hypothesis that nanofillers
Figure 8. (a) A schematic illustrating the crystalline structure of PTFE; (b) the phase diagram stabilize phase I, the melting behavior
of PTFE demonstrating that there are three phases present near room temperature at
atmospheric pressure; (c) a figure from the work of E.N. Brown et al.75 showing that the of unfilled PTFE and nanofilled PTFE
toughness of PTFE changes significantly due to changes in crystalline phase. (Figure 9a) was monitored using differ-
ential scanning calorimetry. The peaks
in the plots are showing melting and
indicate that the nanofilled PTFE has
a higher melting temperature than the
unfilled PTFE. A higher melting point
is indicative of thicker lamellae. In addi-
tion, x-ray diffraction (XRD) of these
same materials showed that the nano-
filled PTFE had a higher fraction of phase
I at room temperature. It was also noted
that after treatment at 400°C, the melt-
ing behavior and the phases present (as
shown by XRD) of the nanofilled PTFE
a b
more closely matched that of unfilled
PTFE. If the hypothesis is correct, then
12 mm

100 mm
after heat treatment, when phase I is no

longer preferred, the wear rate should

increase significantly. Figure 9b shows a
nanocomposite that was tested for several
kilometers and then placed in an oven
at 400°C and cooled slowly. This same
sample was placed back on the tribology
testing rig, and the wear rate did indeed
increase (by 2 orders of magnitude). In
addition, Figure 9c and d shows scan-
ning electron micrographs of the wear
surface of PTFE showing a periodic
cracking on the wear surface. A close
c d
look at the surface reveals fibrillation
Figure 9. (a) Differential-scanning calorimetry results for unfilled, nanofilled, and nanofilled bridging the cracks. This prevents the
and heat treated PTFE. The peaks show the melting behavior and indicate that the nanofilled
PTFE has a significantly higher melting point; (b) a plot of the wear loss as a function of formation of wear debris. Unfilled PTFE
sliding distance for 1 wt.% nanofilled PTFE showing a low wear rate before heat treatment does not show this periodic cracking and
and a high wear rate after heat treatment of the same sample; (c) a scanning electron instead shows significantly more wear
microscopy image of the wear surface in PTFE showing periodic failure in the film with a
higher resolution scanning-electron microscopy image of the wear surface showing the fibrils debris. Therefore, it seems clear that
that span the cracks in the wear surface; (d) a lower resolution scanning-electron image the role of the nanofillers is to stabilize
showing that in some cases, the fibrils can span large cracks. phase I increasing the ease of fibrilla-
tion. This provides an opportunity for a

56 JOM • March 2007

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W.G. Sawyer and L.S. Schadler would (2001), pp. 137–113. 63. G.M. Odegard et al., Composite Science and
like to acknowledge Air Force Office of 28. A. Eitan, “Nanotube Polymer Composites: Tailoring Technology, 62 (14) (2002), p. 1869.
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L.S. Schadler acknowledge a National (19) 2002, pp. 7262–7273. Polymer, 46 (2) (2005), p. 553.
30. T.J. Lewis, IEEE Trans. Dielec. Elec. Insul., 11 66. C.Y. Li and T.W. Chou, Journal of Nanoscience and
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sions, or recommendations expressed in 1189. 69. X. Chen, I.J. Beyerlein, and L.C. Brinson, Mechanics
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of the AFOSR or the NSF. L.C. Brinson 35. D.L. Burris et al., Tribology of Polymeric 71. D.L. Burris and W.G. Sawyer, Wear, 260 (7–8)
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3. E. Barna et al., Composites Part A: Applied Science

2007 March • JOM 57

Institute, Troy, NY 12180. L.C. Brinson is Jerome B.
Cohen Professor of Engineering in the Departments
of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston,
Illinois. W.G. Sawyer is a professor in the Department
of Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida. Dr. Schadler can be reached

58 JOM • March 2007

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