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STEP 7 Basic V12.

Overview of the settings for SCL

Overview of the settings for SCL

The following tables show the settings you can make for SCL:

Editor settings

Group Setting Description

View Keyword highlighting Notation used to represent the keywords of the programming
language. You can choose between uppercase and lowercase
letters or a notation corresponding to the conventions of the
Pascal programming language.

Default settings for new blocks

If you create new blocks, the following settings are set as default values. You can change these
in the block properties at a later point in time.

Group Setting Description

Compile Create extended status information Allows all tags in a block to be monitored. The memory
requirements of the program and execution times increase,
however, with this option.

Check ARRAY limits1) Checks at runtime whether array indices are within the declared
range for an ARRAY. If an array index exceeds the permissible
range, the enable output ENO of the block is set to "0".

Set ENO automatically Checks at runtime whether errors occur in the processing of
certain instructions. If a runtime error occurs, the enable output
ENO of the block is set to "0".
1)For CPUs of the S7-300/400 series: When the ARRAY limits are violated, the enable output ENO is set to FALSE.
For CPUs of the S7-1200/1500 series: When the ARRAY limits are violated, the enable output ENO is not set to FALSE. See
"" for error query options.

See also
→ Changing the settings

Το έγγραφο αυτό είναι ένα δωρεάν απόσπασμα που έχει επιλέξει ο ίδιος ο χρήστης και προέρχεται από την τεκμηρίωση που διαθέτει η Siemens γι΄αυτό το προϊόν.
Αποκλείεται κάθε ευθύνη που αφορά το πλήρες περιεχόμενο του εγγράφου. Προορίζεται αποκλειστικά για τους ίδιους και εσωτερικούς σκοπούς του χρήστη.
Απαγορεύεται η προώθηση σε τρίτους.

Antenna House XSL Formatter (Evaluation)

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