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The earth is a mystery, from being the only living

planet to having amazing creatures, places and

humans. Humans which are on top of the pyramid,
are in control of this planet. Other than having legs,
hands and verbalization. What makes humans
much more special than any of the things here on
earth? And How beautiful is it to be one?

According to Philip Rochat, a writer of the Human

niche. The effective way to know what makes
humans different, are by comparing them to
non-humans. Humans are much more different
than animals. When animals are born, it will take
them an hour or so to walk, meanwhile on the
other hand, Humans can walk after a year or so.
Animals depend on their instincts, their instinct to
live. Humans are much more complicated, after
being born, they cannot live independently. They
need guidance from those who have longer
experience as human being. To make it clear, you
see being human isn’t all about being a human

Humans become humans by experience.

Experience that will let them feel what we call
Emotions. Emotions like happiness, sadness, fear,
anger, disgust, surprise and etc. Through those
emotions, humans grow. Like having to make a
bad decision and regretting it later, feeling
happiness by achieving a goal, getting angry by

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