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TEN SONGS G. F. HANDEL English Text and Piano Accom- paniment (arranged from the original Figured Bass) by ARTHUR SOMERVELL CURWEN EDITION Ed, 2046 G Schirmer, Inc. New York Copyright, U.S.A. 1928, by Arthur Somervell Printed in the U.S.A, CONTENTS FROM 1. COME TO ME SOOTHING SLEEP = ‘Otho’ Vieni o Figho 2. THE LAND OF DREAMS. . . ‘Tamerlane’ ‘S'ei Non Mi Vuol Amar 3 SPRING . 2... .) . ‘Otho? . La Speranza ? Giunta 4. AH! WHAT SORROW ‘No, Oh Dio 5. THE TRUMPET IS CALLING . Un Ombra Di Pace 6THEMOON . . . . . ¢ , DON int ‘Ptolemy’ 7-OWHAT PLEASURE 9... Floridante’ . Vanne, Segu'il Mia Desio &LOSTLOVE . . . . . ‘Tamerlane’ A Swoi Piedi 9 SILENT.WORSHIP . . . ‘Ptolemy’ ‘Non Lo Diré Col Labbro 10, MOTHER,OHIDEME . . . ‘Sosarme’ Rendi'l Sereno Al Cigho Attributed to G. B. Buononcini by some authorities. 4207 PAGE 33 38 . COME TO ME SOOTHING SLEEP VIENI 0 FIGLIO _ G.E HANDEL from the Opeta“OTHO” Largo —= Voice Come to me sooth’. "ing sleep! Vie-nio fi - - eho — — Piano er with thee bring for - get - ful-ness © and dreams for - cheseil vi - ver - vie- ta - to mo - rial- t 3 Copyright, U.8.A.: 1928, by Arthur Somervell London: J.Curwen & Sons Ltd, 24 Berners St.,W.A New York: G. Schirmer Inc., Sole Agents for U.S.A. azes7 0 Printed inthe U.8.A, —__—. ~get - ful - ness and dreams For”. get - ful- ness and -men in to__sen Mo-rial-men in ques-to that my sor - fow may as - suage. mori al-men im ques_ fo sen. sar 3 2837 + = a Dreams that my sor’: row may___—as-suage. Mo - ri al- men. in ques - to sen. sa7 ad os 11 desired the song may end hereafter the repeat has been made 5 wel - come, bid her wel te - coio__ ver - v0 men. sar 6 2, THE LAND OF DREAMS SEI NON MIVUOL AMAR G. E HANDEL from the Opera“TAMERLANE” Voice Piano P doa ) i sear 7 & —— wan - der cer the hills, Through val - leys and by streams. non miowol a-mar Al - me-noil tra - di - tor Seck-ing the far - off coun - — fido ingan - na-tor__ wan-der o'er the hill, Through val - leysand by non I Sei mi ouol a - mar. al - me-notl tra - di- fF Seek-ingthe far - off coun - try, The land of all my per-fidoin-gan - na - tor cor mi ren 42837 8 azar I wan-der o'er the hills, o'er the al - me-now tra - di - ton @ tra- hills_____ di tor. Seeking the far offcoun-try Seek = - ingthe far offcoun - try. The cor mi ren - da. it cor mi ren - da sei ropt —{=—— land of all my dreams, The land of all my dreams, non mi ouol a - al - me-noil tra - dé - tor__ rr rir —— Seek-ing the far - offcoun - try The land of ali'“mydreams. Seek - per-fidoin-gan-na-tor______ il. cor. mi rm ~ da at r tr r - ing the far. off____ land, __ The land -me-notl tra - di-tor, eee teed al cor in thosedreams I see pot lo ser - baancor_. —# __ Northe signs of fea, Nor hear the sound of war, For in my net @-mar-toit sen poi non Vof-fen - da se poi to dreams I see no cm - el-ty Nor sor - row _nor the signs of ser_- baancor_ che non__ Jo spres-sial - men 0. nel a-mar-lo il rall. Nor hear the sound of war, the sou offen - da poinon — Lof- fen ~~ s20a7 a 3. SPRING LA SPERANZA & GIUNTA G. F HANDEL from the Opera"OTHO” Andante con moto " — a = = Piano t Spring is coming With sun and show’rand blossom. La __spe-van-sa és giun - ta tn por-to er 42837 pc 2037 are court - ing, Lambs sa. pile di. che hum _— of the bee. ve - de il mar cr er Theircar-ols ring - ingfrom ev Se tran-quil - lo__ ve are sport - ing, Na - re Se fe-me - - "ry tree, —__ = deitmar. 3 ture wakes to the tran- quil-lo_ Thear them sing - ing ve-de tl mar P Spring iscoming With sun and blossom. La spe-ran-sa 6 ~—_gtunta in por-to ——r F IP FP FP Spring iscom-ing With sun andblossom. Lads —arecourt - ing La Speran-sa 6 — giunta in por-to. Ne sa pit a rr —$—_—_ Lambs are sport-ing, Birds are sing - ing, Thear them. che te-me- re Se tran-quil - lo —= Their car-ols ring’. ing, ve - detl mar- ‘Their carols ring ingon ev - — ‘rytree, Se— tran-quil - lo ve - detl__ mar. id aeea7 4 P Why — should I a - lone be si - lent When : Sol manca-oaal__ mio _—con- for-to ques - ta fon - te P wakes to life@__ Why should I___ di____pia-ce - ve 0 - ra pit. 42827 16 AH! WHAT SORROW NO, OH DIO G.F HANDEL Andante P, Voice Ab— what 5 what sor-row fills mybreast, oh Dio che mai fa-ro Piano Ah, what sor-row, what sorrow ills my breast, deh cor mf-0, cormiononmi la-sciar ‘Ah, what sorrow, what sorrow fills my breast deh cor = mi-o No no non mi la-sciar- Cr eas? u mimy dear, When part-ed from my dear ‘Whenparted fromy _ O Dio chemat fa-ro_t_____ deh cormiononmi la- Flue er E cas SS Fain Iwould for ev-er rest, Se la ma-dreascol-te - r5 a2s37 8 SSS as wouldfor ev-er rest EE Oe Fain T would for nw-mi abbandonar st, For ev-er lin- ger here____________ For ev-er, _forev-er_lin-ger deggioinumiabban-do- mar____________ ¢_mu-mi, inumiab-ban-do- rall. D& al Fine forev- er; Ah, what sor-row, what @b-ban - do - nar oh Dio__ oh fa 42037 9 5. THE TRUMPET IS CALLING UN OMBRA DI PACE G.E HANDEL Tempo giusto Voice Piano & trum-pet is call. ing her sons to the fray, © And we must be om-bra di pa - ce si mos-tra al mio cor Af ~- fan-no che t aesa7 20 F marching be - fore break of day, be - fore break of day. pia-ce\ mi vie-ne a bear mi oie mea bear, = ——_= P call - ing her pa-ce st rall. Fine sons to the fray, And we must be marching be - forebreak of day. ‘mos-tra al mio cor af - fan-no che pia-co mi vi¢-ne a bear a rall. —_———=== oo == Fare - well to the home and the friends I hold dear, the friends I hold Mi par che si can - gi im giota il do - lor in gioia it do - dear, Fare- well to the homeand the friends I love dear. -lor ¢ di -ca tu pian-gi ma de - of spe-rar coun-try, the love of piangi ma de ot et D& al Fine sor - Tow and fear, de - of — spe-rar. rall. 4207 6. THE MOON TIRANNI MIEI PENSIERI G. F HANDEL from the Opera “PTOLEMY” Larghetto Voice Piano 42807 23 ‘That threat - enstorsh and thun - der, threat - en Da-te-mi di ri- po - so un moon islaunckd a-mong the cl ran - ni miei pen-sie - ri Paus-inga-non when skies are clear un solmo-men - - - to esa? —__ , bt SS eS S55 She gaz - es round in wonder, She Ti - ran - ni miei pon-sie- ri #e > Kae h y +4 h h Epes —— oe 2 £ ~~ ef 2 ; oe \r pe - | SS =F ¥ Paus-ing a-non when skies are clear, She - $0 un gaz - es round in won - der. = ran - ni miei pensie - ri da-te-mi di ri- po 4 b fe == = SS 5 gaz- es round in won - der, ‘When skies__ are clear__ she sol mo-men - to Un sol__ un sol. mo- SH ft 4] “HT 25 weanr 7. O WHAT PLEASURE! VANNE, SEGU’IL MIO DESIO G.E HANDEL from the Opera “FLORIDANTE” Allegro ina non troppo _ Piano rs re pleas-ure with - out meas se-gut il. mio | de~ sto those of _ those that -pre- -saé Gui-doo - with . out meas - isthelot of _-~—sthose,___ of _thosethat. mio de - sio__, dell?” im______ pre - sa# Gut -do o. FF = 42837 26 St. —_— clothed “"'them in his ar. La mia____fe-de Va-mor—__ mi - 0 Naught can sur - prise __ them: I-dle fear flies them,For their. Sa - ran pre_- mio del va lor____ Sa- ran re love flows from pre - mio rall. 42837 27 P But when - ed Arethoselov Van-ne i - 0 dell Yim - CF > till_—— they meet a gain. = presa__ & Gui-doo - nor. " a Bro - ken - heart - ed Arethoselov - ers till they meet a mio de- si - 0 dell im - pre - sae Gui-doo 4207 28 f Naught shall. La = mia. eq binds them: aught shall” mi - ° Sa - ran. harm —__ them Love will___ - dor Sa- ran____ 4 ' eo 42837 29 8s. LOST LOVE 4 SUOI PIEDI G. F HANDEL from the Opera TAMERLANE” Andante Piano Pe Love - ly summer! Rides the sun in glo- ry a - bove pa-drec sangue La su- per - ba mi ve - dra 2 42027 30 42087 _—Ridesthe sun—~"in glo-ry a - bove. la su - per-ba mi ve. dra. Andthe world lies basking in sun-shine, And the world lies basking in Asuoi pie - di Pa-dree san-gue A suoi pie - di Pa - dree — rs sun - shine, in sun ine As my heart— once lay san - gue— la su - per- ba a ‘As my heart once lay bask-ing in love. Lasu- per - ba mt ve-dra. 3t a2ea7 Andthe world lies, | Andthe world lies, © And the world lies baski Asuot pie - di Pa-dree san- gue la su - per sun - shine Asmy heart once lay bask - - ing in love ‘As my heart once lay bask-ing in love. la su- per - ba mi__ ve-dré. 32 ing in P Friends are gone;___— and a strange-ness, © And a strange - ness Se nom ha. del mio sde -gno del mio san - gue. fr poco falls like night, Ov-er my heart, over my heart —creep-eth a coldness, O #- mor O al-men pie- ti, 0 ti - mor 0 al-men pie-té Gey ep Fel [Cer Steal-eth a numbness and a Blight. Ov-er my heart, oal-men pie- ta. se non ha—__ del mio sde - gno, a 13 ral, Dat Fine a ) 7 heart creep-etha cold-ness, a sunbnessana hg, numbness and blight. sde-gno del___ mio san - gue o. fi mor 0 al-men pie - ta. + 2 sa7 33 9. SILENT WORSHIP NON LO DIRO COL LABBRO G.E HANDEL from the Opera “PTOLEMY™ Andante Voice + = Ss Piano P Go down the gar- den sing- ing? che tan- to ar-dir non ha, —_ String parts are available on hire, aus 34 Black-bird and thrush were si-Jent | To hear the al-leys ring - ing. Non lo di- ro col tab-bro Non lo di-rd col tab - bro —— a — hp. a = rw 4 = ee ee =] saw you not my la - dy Out in the gar - den there?. tan-to ardir ha__ Che tan- to ar-dir non ha, < = a => ~* f r - rall. ‘Shaming the rose and li- ly For she is twice as fai Non lo di-ri col labbro Che tan-toardir non ha. aeea7 35 ‘Though I am no-thing to her, ‘Though she must rare-ly look at me, And For. se conte fa - vil - le dW a - vf - de pu-pil- le per — — ,™ ee ES —————_—_ though I couldnev-er woo her, I loveher till I die. dir co-me tut-to ar - do to sguar-do par - le- ri: ——_—— Sure -ly youheard my la - dy Go down the gar- den sing- ing, Non lo di-rd col tab-bro che tan - to ar-dir non ha, 42837 36 = — = = = Saas Si-lencing all the songbirds: And Non to di-rd cot But Che set-ting the al -leys ring - ing, dir col lab -bro__ = = to Non lab- bro + = a $ ] — ii y ii i i £? u ii 37 ean 10. MOTHER, O HIDE ME RENDI’L SERENO AL CIGLIO G.E HANDEL from the Opera “SOSARME” 5 Wea-ry of life am Madre non pianger ———~ I pits aan? 38 am L Ma-dre non pian - ger pitt —_ = Wea-ry of life | : ! — ther O hide me inyour breast — dil se-re - no al ci-glio in your breast. un Hie HW es HNky A AN ae HH al ak a ft Hp althes ath Hit nH MH 42837 hr — * a a + Sas SS SS Rest me in Mo- therearth,__ rest_... me in Mo - therearth. Hide me Og-gt co-me puoi tu?__ og gt co-me puoi tu? = Ma - dre = h A ' - _ a: rr rt _— mA A —-—* x f SSS tS S =| bs —— ———— t = SS SS aes Mother,O hide me in yourbreast. | Wea-ry of lifeam ‘I, Mother O Rend'il se-re - no al ci - glio Ma-dre non pianger pits Non pianger = — ther O- hide me in yourbreast. ‘Wea-ry of life am I, — dit se-re - no al ct. glo. Ma-drenon pian - ger pits. ——_ azes7 “a

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