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1. Introduction
2. Definitions
2.1 Call Center:
Since the 1970s, call centers have traditionally been defined as physical places
where calls were received in high volume. This was initially for the purpose of answering
customer queries of service industry. There is not much change in recent decade except
that many industries are conducting standard services through Call Centers such as
banking, insurance, traveling, telecommunication services, airliner, and etc. Also it is
broadly used in plenty of business activities such as telesales, telemarketing, and technical
support. In these contexts, the call centers entitle organizations to interact with their
customers through a telephone from any location in the world with no reference to physical
boundaries. Call centers allow organizations to keep their customers in track for business
Apart from traditional functions, call center can make outgoing calls to customers
(Shanti N.Tiwari, 2009)1. The call center can be a focal point for most specific business
activities of an organization such as answer incoming calls; log calls as well as solicits
customers for new sales, donations, conduct customers’ survey etc.
According to Shanti (2009), call center can be any of the following:
• Huge telemarketing centers

• Fund-raising and collection organization

• Help desks, both internal and external

• Outsourcers (better known as service bureaus) that use their large capacity to serve
lots of companies

• Reservation centers for airlines and hotels

Recent globalization has made call center a rapid rate growth industry the in
developing world when worldwide organizations outsourced their call centers to lower-cost
regions. This growth reflects aspiration of companies to improve access to their business in

more efficient time period manner to attain satisfied customers (Bird, 1998)2. The
development of technologies has forced the companies to restructure the ways they
managed relationships with customers. Many industries, such as banking, have been
innovatively applying state-of-the-art technology in their customer relationship
management through telephone and internet banking. Call centers provide organizations
valuable information about the performance of their services (Staples et. al, 2001)3. They
allow organizations to understand how customers feet about service performance.
(Gilmore, 2001)4

2.2 Service
The 21st century is considered as the service industry century. Service industry is
growing at a rapid pace across developed and developing countries. There are many
definitions of what constitutes service.
Services are deeds, processes and performances (Zeithaml and Bitner, 2003)5.
Broadly speaking, services include all economic activities whose output is not a physical
product or construction is generally consumed at the time it is produced and provides
added value in forms (convenience, amusement, timeliness, comfort or health) that are
essentially intangible concerns of its first purchaser (Quinn,Baruch and Paquette, 1987).6
Service has been entering every part of life from the most essential demands (such as
eating, sleeping) to other entertainment needs (such as sport, traveling, cooking, and
telecommunication). In other words, we readily define bank, hotel, restaurants, and beauty
salon as being service-based business. Similarly said by Hung N. Bui (2004)7 service is an
activity that impacts all parts of our life. Since we were born, our lives have relied on
services (such as hospital service, education service, retail service etc.). In addition to that,
nowadays a wide range of products heavily rely on its services to acquire competitive
advantages. For instance, a TV buyer is now buying not only tangible components of a TV
set but also other service benefits like free delivery and installation, 24 hour technical
support etc.
Another definition of service is that a service is any activity or benefit that one
party offers to another which is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership
of anything. Its product may or may not be tied to a physical product (Kotler, Armstrong,

Saunders and Wong 19998). These modern marketers view services as a business that
produces no tangible product.

2.3 Service quality

Service quality was defined differently through the view of many researchers. For
Bitner, Booms and Mohr (1994)9 defined service quality as ‘the consumer’s overall
impression of the relative inferiority / superiority of the organization and its services’.
Therefore, service quality is key of survival to all servicing companies.
Cronin and Taylor (1994)10 viewed service quality as a form of attitude
representing a long-run overall evaluation. Maintaining service quality at certain level and
improving service quality must be life-time efforts to those companies who desire life-time
prosperity in customers’ heart.
Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985)11 defined service quality as ‘a function of
the differences between expectation and performance along the quality dimensions’.
Likewise, Roest and Pieters’ (1997)12 held the same definition that service quality is a
relativistic and cognitive discrepancy between experience-based norms and performances
concerning service benefits.

2.4 Customer satisfaction

Definitions of customer satisfaction have been widely discussed from the view of
many researchers and organizations who increasingly desire to measure it. A group of
researchers of the Center for the Study of Social Policy (2007) 13 conceptualize that
satisfaction is based on the customer’s experience of both contact with the organization
(the moment of truth) and personal outcomes. According to these researchers, satisfaction
can be experienced in a variety of situations and connected to both goods and services. To
another extent, these researchers defined satisfactions as a “highly personal assessment”
that is greatly influenced by “individual expectations”. This definition views “individual”
element as powerful force to create satisfaction. Likewise, many researchers (Oliver, 1981;
Brady and Robertson, 200114) conceptualize customer satisfaction as an individual’s
feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s perceived
performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations.15

Whereas, Boulding et al., (1993)16 and Yi and La (2004)17 conclude satisfaction into
two general conceptualizations: transaction-specific satisfaction and cumulative
satisfaction. Transaction-specific satisfaction is a customer’s evaluation of his or her
experience and reactions to a particular service encounter (Cronin and Taylor, 1992;
Boshoff and Gray, 2004). Cumulative satisfaction refers to the customer’s overall
evaluation of the consumption experience to date (Jones and Suh 2000) 18.
Because customer satisfaction is highly variable assessment individuals do based
on their experiences with specific features of products and services they receive, it makes
sense for servicing organizations to involve customer satisfaction measurement as their
meaningful benchmark for development.

2.5 Link between service quality and customer satisfaction

Many researches have realized the interrelated values of service quality and
customer satisfaction. Corrin and Taylor (1992)19 consider that service quality and
customer satisfaction “share a close relationship”. Service quality is the key to measure
user satisfaction (Pitt et al., 1995)20. Taylor and Baker (1994) and Rust and Olivier (1994)
identified several factors that precede customer satisfaction. They argued that there are 5
antecedents that contribute to satisfaction: clear understanding of customer needs and
expectations, perceived value, service quality, internal satisfaction and complaint
management. This research showed that Service quality is one major attribute of
satisfaction. It is said by Olivier (1993) that service quality is a casual antecedent of
customer satisfaction, due to the fact that service quality is viewed at transactional level
and satisfaction is viewed as an attitude. Dabholkar et al. (1996)21 reported that the service
quality divisions are related to overall service quality and or customer satisfaction. Fornell
et al., (1996)22 expressed that satisfaction is a consequence of service quality.
To another extent, other researches suggested that in service field service quality
and customer satisfaction (also called the “construct”) are separate but distinct constructs.
(Boulding et. al., 1993)23. They argued that service quality has specific dimensions
judgments while customer satisfaction can be resulted from any dimension, whether or not
it is quality related. They report that expectations for quality are based on ideals or

perceptions of excellence, whereas customer satisfaction assessment comprise by non-

quality issue such as needs, equity, perceptions of fairness etc.,
From the review of literature it can be inferred that performance of service delivery
can result in level of customer satisfaction.
3. Theoretical Framework
3.1 Instruments to measure Service Quality
3.1.1 SERVQUAL model
The service sector is expanding at an increasing rate and is becoming intensely
competitive (Chen, Gupta and Rom, 199424). As such, service quality becomes pivotal
across all business units of an organization. Corporate now pay appropriate attention to
continuously revisit their service quality system in order to improve approaches their
organizations using to serve customers. However, defining and measuring quality in
services might be difficult due to intangible nature of service offering. SERVQUAL model
developed by extensive research by Parasuraman et. al. (1985, 1988 and 1991) has been
carried out widely to measure service quality in many sectors.
Early research done by Parasuraman et al. realized that determinants of Perceived
service quality comprise of 02 elements of expected service and perceived service. This
discrepancy is illustrated by Service Quality Gap. This gap is displayed in A “Gaps”
Model in Service Quality as follows:
• Gap 1: This gap appears when there is discrepancy between Customer
Expectations and Management Perceptions of Customer Expectations.
Reasons creating this gap are because the servicing organizations don’t have
sufficient marketing research, or there is inadequate use of marketing
research, lack of interaction between management and customers, or there is
insufficient communication between contact employees and managers.
• Gap 2: appears when there is discrepancy between Management
Perceptions of Customer Expectations and Service Quality Specifications.
This gap exists when the company management is not committed to service
quality. Or even when they are committed, but they lack of formal process
to set up the service quality goals, and there is inadequate standardization of
tasks to implement the promises. It also happens the managers don’t have

the perception of infeasibility to the areas that customer expectations can’t

be met.
• Gap 3: occurs when there is differentiation between Service Quality
Specifications and Service Delivery. This gap might be originally caused by
lack of team work, poor employees, poor technology, lack of appropriate
compensation system, role conflict among contact employees or role
ambiguity among contact employees.
• Gap 4: happens when there is discrepancy between Service Delivery and
External Communications to Customers. If a Sales person fails to
communicate with customers the service quality properly, it may cause to
create the gap. Poor advertising of the organization service quality also fail
ways of customers approach. Big organizations are likely to commit this
mistake if there are differences between polices and procedures across the
branches and departments.
• Gap 5: exists when there is distinction between Customers’ Service
Expectations and Customers’ Service Expectations. Parasuraman used this
gap to measure service quality in his approach.
Initially in their research, Parasuraman (1985) established a model based on
dimensions of service quality that customers use to assess the service. There are 10
potentially overlapping dimensions: tangibles, reliabilities, responsiveness,
communication, creditability, Security, competence, courtesy, understanding/knowing the
customer and access.25
• Tangibles: include the physical evidence of the service: physical facilities,
appearance of personnel, tools or equipment used to provide the service,
physical presentations of the service such as plastic ATM cards or bank
• Reliabilities: involve consistency of performance dependability. It means
that the firm performs the service right the first time. It also means that the
firm honors its promises. Especially it involves first call resolution, and
following up ATM card delivery on designated time to customers.

• Responsiveness: concerns the willingness or readiness of employees to

provide service. It involves timeliness of service: emailing forms of
registration to customers immediately, calling the customer back quickly, or
giving prompt service (cooperating with other personnel quickly to solve
customers problems)
• Communication: means keeping customers informed in language they can
understand and listen to them. It may mean that the company has to adjust
its language for different consumers – increasing the level of sophistication
with a well-educated customer and speaking and plainly with a novice. It
involves speaking English with foreign customers, explaining the service
correctly and assuring the consumers that problem will be handled right
away by authorized persons.
• Creditability: involves trustworthiness, believability, and honesty. It
involves having the customer’s best interests at heart. Contributing to
credibility includes company name, reputation, and personal characteristic
of contact agents.
• Security: is the freedom from danger, risk or doubt. It involves physical
safety while doing transaction at ATM, or financial security (Can I trace
where my credit card was used) and confidentiality ( Are my dealings with
the bank private?)
• Competence: means possession of the required skills and knowledge to
perform the service. It involves knowledge and skill of the agents, and
research capabilities of the organization.
• Courtesy: involves politeness, respect, consideration, and friendliness of
agents, their sweet voices and helpful attitudes.
• Understanding/knowing the customer: involves making the efforts to
understand the customer’s needs. It involves: learning the customer’s
specific requirements, providing individualized attention ( say customer
name while communicating) or recognizing the regular customers
• Access: involves approachability and ease of contact. It means: the service
is easily accessible by telephone (lines are not busy and they do not put you

on hold), waiting time to receive service, convenient hours of operation,

convenient location of service facility (location of bank branches, or ATM)
This model was applicable to any servicing organization in any industry. There
were intensive debate regarding this model, as noted by Babakus and Boller (1992)26, there
is a need to develop industry-specific measures of service quality. This is particularly
important from a managerial perspective (Shemwell and Yavas, 1999)27. Because many of
the questions in existing instruments (notably SERVQUAL batteries) intended to be
applied across situations/services just do not apply in a specific context and force
researchers to drastically alter the items (Babakus and Boller, 1992; Babakus and Mangold,
1992; Carman, 1990; McAlexander et al., 1994). Thus, instead of taking an existing
instrument and trying to fit it to the context, a better approach is to develop an instrument
specifically for the focal service. (Parasuraman et. al., 1988, 1990). Afterwards, the 10
dimensions were reduced to five by:
• Tangibles: Appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and
communication materials.
• Reliability: Ability to perform the promised service dependably and
• Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and provide prompt
• Assurance: Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to
inspire trust and confidence.
• Empathy: Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers.
In a speech given at University of Miami (2004), Parasuraman revised the
SERVQUAL model items into 21- item scale that are covered in 5 dimensions that
customers can receive from specific servicing company.
1. Providing service as promised
2. Dependability in handling customers’ service problems
3. Performing services right the first time
4. Providing service at promised time
5. Keeping customers informed about when services will be performed

6. Prompt service to customers
7. Willingness to help customers
8. Readiness to respond to customers’ request
9. Employees who instill confidence in customers
10. Making customers feel safe in their transactions
11. Employees who are consistently courteous
12. Employees who have the knowledge to answer customer questions
13. Giving customer individual attention
14. Employees who deal with customers in a caring fashion
15. Having the customers’ best interest at heart
16. Employees who understand the needs of their customers
17. Modern equipment
18. Visually appealing facilities
19. Employees who have a neat, professional appearance
20. Visually appealing materials associated with the service
21. convenient business hours

This 21 item-scale then will be adjusted according to the nature of call center of the
banking industry to build research measurement scales in later chapter.

3.2 Empirical studies

Many empirical studies have been conducted to test SERVQUAL model in specific
industries. In the banking industry, there were many researches done by Yavas et. al.
(1997)28, Bahia and Nantel 2000; Lassar et. al., 2000; Duncan and Elliott, 2002; Jabnoun
and Al-Tamimi, 2002; and Arasli et. al., 2005.
In the call center industry the empirical research for SERVQUAL model appears to
be scarce. Warren (2002)29 conducted a research to assess a case call center using
SERVQUAL model. They found that as a customer never comes into contact with the

physical appearance of a call center, the area covered by the tangibles criteria does not
apply. Via the telephone, the only dimension of “tangible” contact is customer service
representative’s (CSR) voice, which is extremely important in any encounter with a
customer through telephone. It is not possible for the customer to evaluate the service level
but the customer has to interact with other criteria. Responsiveness, reliability, assurance
and empathy are all transmitted by CSR’s voice and are dependent on CSR’s
communication skills.
In another research, Upal M. (2008)30 applied SERVQUAL approach in evaluating
customer satisfaction in telecommunication industry in Bangladesh. The traditional
SERVQUAL five dimension model was adjusted into four dimension model. These
dimensions are responsiveness, assurance, communication and discipline. The research
showed that call center agents are vital to the success of any call center. Satisfied
employees reinforce customer satisfaction, which in turn reinforced employee satisfaction.
In addition to that, customers’ education in the service delivery process contributes to their
satisfaction. Managerial orientation also is one of the major forces that drive customer
This research is hoped to be the platform for discussing the issues on the service
quality and customer satisfaction in the call center industry in Vietnam.

4. Author’s research model and research hypothesis

4.2.1 Author’s research model
From the literature review of previous researches about interrelationship between
service quality and customer satisfaction using SERVQUAL model, it seems that
SERVQUAL approach is the most common method for measuring service quality. The
current research designed a conceptual framework for measuring the service quality of the
call center in ABBANK also using SERVQUAL model as follows:

Assurance H3 Customer


Author’s research model


The model comprises of 5 independent components:

• Reliability describes the ability to answer questions to customers
dependably and accurately.
• Responsiveness describes the willingness to help customers and provide
prompt answers and helps at first-call attempt.
• Assurance describes the knowledge and courtesy of agents and their ability
to inspire trust and confidence to customers through telephone.
• Empathy describes caring fashion, individualized attention call center
agents provide customers.
• Tangible describes the appearance of telecommunication tools, operation
hours, and call center physical present in their advertisement.
And there is one dependent variable:
• Customer satisfaction describes the level of satisfaction that customer is
experiencing with the services delivered by Call Center.
4.2.2 Research hypothesis
Hypothesis must be formulated in order to evaluate the level of satisfaction of the
service provided by call center using above quality dimensions. It is noteworthy that these
dimensions are interrelated and affect significantly on customer satisfaction.

• H1: There is a positive impact of reliability on customer satisfaction, which

means that the more reliable customers feel about call center services, the
more they are satisfied.
• H2: There is a positive impact of responsiveness on customer satisfaction,
which means that the more responsive the call center is, the more satisfied
customers feel.
• H3: There is a positive impact of assurance on customer satisfaction, which
means that customers are satisfied about call center when they are assured
about the services they receive.
• H4: There is a positive impact of empathy on customer satisfaction, which
means that the more empathetic customers feel when interacting with the call
center, the more they are satisfied.

• H5: There is a positive impact of tangible dimension on customer

satisfaction, which means that the more visual customers feel about the call
center, the more they are satisfied.

5. Introduction to An Binh Bank & Call Center

5.1 General view of An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank


Head Office: 170 Hai Ba Trung Street, Ward Da Kao, Dist 1, HCMC

An Binh Bank (ABBANK) is one of the leading commercial joint-stock banks and
among top ten largest commercial banks in terms of charter capital in Vietnam.
After 15 years of development since its establishment in 1993, ABBANK has made major
breakthrough over the last 3 years.
ABBANK’s current charter capital exceeds VND 2,700 billion and its national
network of nearly 70 branches and sub-branches covers 20 cities and provinces as of 2008.
Through its distribution channel, ABBANK provided products and services to thousand of
corporate and ten thousands of consumers. Over the past 2 years, ABBANK’s total assets,
incomes and profit kept growing more than 300%.
ABBANK currently aims at 3 categories of customers: corporate, individuals and
Corporate banking: ABBANK provides corporate with all-in financial-banking
products and services such as loans, factoring, guarantee services, import/export financing,
account services, trade services…

Consumer banking: ABBANK provides individuals with fast and complete credit
products as well as flexible savings products:

- Installment loan for house/land purchase or house renovation;

- Installment loan for house/land purchase with tenor up to 30 years

- Life insurance for consumer;


- Installment loan for car purchase; unsecured loan for consumption;

- Installment loan for manufacturing; working capital financing; flexible secured loan for

- YOUsaving products: interest rate based on actual deposit days, escalating savings,… and
payment services, internal and external remittance…

Investor banking: ABBANK provides individual and corporate investors with

authorized services as well as investment consultancy. ABBANK particularly provides
corporate investors with services such as financial consulting, consulting and guarantee on
bond issuance, acting as agent of bond issue.

ABBANK’s competitive features are recognized by the provision of flexible,

effective and safe financial solutions with friendly service; focus on customers’ needs and
satisfaction in the development of any business models and organizational structure;
ensuring of excellent and consistent service delivery based on standard technology and
process as well as skilled staffs.

5.2 Introduction to ABBANK call center

In March 2008, the call center of ABBANK was established with the purpose to
maintain and develop customer care service.
According to the decision 225/QD-HDQT-07, call center was set up in March of
2008 with the following objectives:
- Consulting about banking products and banking services of BA BANK to clients through
telephone, email, fax…
- Responding and handling directly information requested by customers or transferring to
authorised departments.
- Responding and handling directly payment transaction and services or transferring to
authorized departments
- Implementing telemarketing about banking products and services to individual clients.

Call center performance statistics from Mar 2008-Jun 2009


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