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How to Write a Reaction Paper

When you write academic papers, you have various goals to achieve. For instance, you may
inform your readers about some important facts or events or impress them by revealing your own
point of view about certain issues in your essay.

Students who don’t know how to write a reaction paper should understand that they will inform,
but not impress. Their main task is to persuade their readers that the research they are writing
about is valid, important and relevant to the other investigations done in the same field.

If you don’t know how to write a reaction paper, you may find some important clues and hints in
this article.

What Is a Reaction Paper

The modern science area is one of the most changeable and unpredictable ones. Lots of new
inventions and developments appear every day, so sometimes you may need to complete a
reaction paper sample. The main aim of this essay is to help you share your own research work’s
results or review the investigations made by other scholars. But what is a reaction paper and how
to write it properly?

Guide to Writing Reaction Paper

While writing a reaction paper, remember that this type of paper has two main audiences to
address: the referees who assist journal editors in choosing

While writing a reaction paper, remember that this type of paper has two main audiences to
address: the referees who assist journal editors in choosing the most appropriate articles for
publication and the journal readers themselves who have enough knowledge to grasp the main
idea of the article.

Reaction papers should be written by concise, accurate and clear language because they might be
cited by other scholars in the future. Remember, that you shouldn’t just tell how the investigation
was done. Your main goal is to prove that the invention you are writing about is both important
and valuable for other scientists.




According to Lazarus in 1999 , there are seven (7) types of stress namely, work
stress, family stress, chronic stress, acute stress, daily hassles, trauma and crisis. After
learning the several types of stress, I then realized that each of us will encounter in any of
these stresses either one at a time or even two or three stresses combined in a given time.

Stress is any change in the environment that requires your body to react and adjust

in response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional

responses. Stress is a normal part of life. Many events that happen to us and around us -- and

many things that we do ourselves -- put stress on our body. We can experience good or bad

forms of stress from our environment, our body, and our thoughts.

The human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. Stress can be positive

("eustress") -- such as a getting a job promotion or being given greater responsibilities –

keeping us alert and ready to avoid danger. Stress becomes negative ("distress") when a person faces

continuous challenges without relief or relaxation between challenges. As a result, the person

becomes overworked and stress-related tension builds.

Distress can lead to physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood
pressure, chest pain, and problems sleeping. Research suggests that stress also can bring on or
worsen certain symptoms or diseases. Stress also becomes harmful when people use
alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to try to relieve their stress. Unfortunately, instead of relieving the stress
and returning the body to a relaxed state, these substances tend to keep the body in a stressed state
and cause more problems. Consider the following:

1.Forty-three percent of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress.

2.Seventy-five percent to 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments and


3. Stress can play a part in problems such as headaches, high blood

pressure, heartpressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depressio
n, and anxiety.

4. The lifetime prevalence of an emotional disorder is more than 50%, often due to chronic,
untreated stress reactions.

Neesh Hufton of University of Hyderbard narrated the disadvantage of stress:

 Causes hairfall
 Leads to over thinking and mental health issues
 Cardiovascular issues
 Can damage your immune system
 Might lower your memory power.
 Make the littlest things look vast.
 Feel like giving up, procrastination.
 Low self-esteem, anxiety, depression.
 Might find difficult to focus.
 Tired all the time.
 Emotionally drained.

Neesh Hufton also suggested the following in dealing with stress and make ourselves
grow stronger. Try doing this when ever you feel stressed out or tired.
Go on walk, hit the gym and burn some calories. It makes you feel good about yourself.
 Watch cartoons or whatever movies of your childhood time. Reconnect with your inner
 Doodle, get a little creative.
 Listen to your favorite music , treat yourself, go on solo dates.
 Connect with people.
 Read some good books, or watch a movie.
 Reconnect with your passion.
 Take a step back and figure it out. Think of ways to manage your work. Make a new
schedule and strictly follow it.
 And most of all, love your work and enjoy it. It makes you far more productive.


The benefit of stress can help you meet daily challenges and motivates you to
reach your goals. In fact, stress can help you accomplish tasks more efficiently. It
can even boost memory. Stress is also a vital warning system, producing the fight-
or-flight response.
All life events, even good ones, cause a certain degree of stress. For example, getting a
new job is a positive change, much like getting married, falling in love, getting a raise, winning a
tennis match and so on. Stress often accompanies a breakthrough in creativity.
So-called "good stress," or what psychologists refer to as "eustress," is the type of stress we
feel when we feel excited. ... There are many triggers for this good stress, and it keeps us
feeling alive and excited about life. Another type of stress is acute stress.

According to Elizabeth Scott, So-called "good stress," or what psychologists refer to as

"eustress," is the type of stress we feel when we feel excited. Our pulse quickens, our hormones
change, but there is no threat or fear. We feel this type of stress when we ride a roller coaster,
gun for a promotion, or go on a first date. There are many triggers for this good stress, and it
keeps us feeling alive and excited about life.
Another type of stress is acute stress. It comes from quick surprises that need a response. Acute
stress triggers the body's stress response as well, but the triggers aren't always happy and
exciting. This is what we normally think of as "stress." Acute stress in itself doesn't take a heavy
toll if we find ways to relax quickly. Once the stressor has been dealt with, we need to return our
body to homeostasis, or its pre-stress state, to be healthy and happy.


For me, Lazarus in is right in making “ work stress” as the number one in the list because in
my twenty-six ( 26) years as School Head/ School Administrator, work stress really affect my
supposedly simple and quit living as a government worker. I did not expect that being a manager
and a leader is accompanied by stress. Work stress really kills my family bonding time due to
workloads of paper works in the DepEd as rushed reports must be complied and submitted online in
any day of the day 24/7 for being in the Four Point Zero Industrial Revolution Era./ FIRE ERA.

But good stress management in the field of administration is very important in order to
sustain and reach the destination , the retirement . My stress management I believe is very effective
and efficient because I reach this far . Had stress is not managed well, all my hair would changed
into gray and I cannot continue enroll my Doctoral studies. I am very thankful to God for giving me
the strength and power to navigate the journey he intents me to do, as what I am now.

Date: June

Topic: The Gift of Administration



Topic: Administration is a Gift of the Body


Date: August 31, 2019

Topic: Growing on Administration Effectiveness


Date: August 31, 2019

Topic: How will you are Motivated ?


Date: August 31, 2019

Topic: Administering Through Communication



Topic: Learn to be Enthusiast



Topic: Thinking Creatively



Topic: Without a Vision the Administration Perishes



Topic: The Organizational Function of Training



Topic: The Psychology of Training


Date: August 3, 2019

Topic: Determining Training Needs


Date: August 17, 2019

Topic: The Internal and External Evaluation


Date: August 17, 2019

Topic: Training Methods

In this topic, I’ve learned that training methods pertains to the type of training that can be
provided to the employees to sharpen their existing skills and learn new skills.

The training methods includes :

1. On the Job Training—which focuses on learning while an individual is actually
engage in work that includes coaching, mentoring, understanding, job rotation and

2. Off the Job Training-is concerned with imparting training to employees outside
The actual place of work which includes vestibule, discussion method, field trip,
lecture method and E-learning.


Topic: Organizational Development

In this topic, I’ve learned that Organizational Development is concerned with facilitating
change in organization through a holistic and humanistic approach. That puts people at the heart of
the process.

The following are the benefits of Organizational Development:

1. Continuous Development –which creates a continuous cycle of improvement whereby

strategies are planned, implemented, evaluated, improved and monitored.

2. Increased Horizontal and Vertical Communication- this involves the flow of messages
between individual and groups on the same level of organization and transmission of
information between different levels of organization hierarchy.

3. Employee Growth- this means of improving the skills of their employees to equip them with
market-relevant skills and the right attitude.

4. Enhancement of Products and Services- this includes the innovation which one of the main
benefits of the organizational development and it is often associated with the improvement of
products and services.

5. Increased Profit Margin- which is a financial ratio used to calculate the percentage of profit a
company produces from its total revenue.


Topic: Internship

Many things I’ve learned in this topic such as the meaning of Internship which is an
opportunity offered by an employer to potential employees called interns, to went at a firm for a fix
period of time.

There are two types of Internship namely:

1. Paid- which is common to professional fields. It expands the intern’s knowledge both in
their school studies and also at the company.

2. Unpaid- typically through non-profit charities and think tanks which often have unpaid or
volunteer position.

The benefits of Internship are the following:

1. A change to develop the knowledge and skills of an employee in a particular fields or

2. Exploring different roles to see which one we would like to pursue.
3. Getting insights into the way business work and what challenges they face on a daily
4. The opportunity to create a network of contact.
5. Gaining valuable work experience to set you apart from other candidates.


Topic: Evaluation of Training Program

What I’ve learned in this topic is why there is a need to evaluate training? The following are
the reasons why trainings need to evaluated.

1. It helps with the discovery of training gaps and opportunities in training employees.

2. It collects information that can help determine improvements and training programs and help
trainees decide if certain programs should be discontinued.

I learned also that there are four( 4) levels of Training Evaluation according to Kirkpatrick.

1. Reaction- this means that you want people to feel that training is valuable.
2. Learning- this focuses on measuring what the trainees e and haven haven’t learned.
3. Behavior- It is helps to understand how well people apply their training and it also
reveals where people might need help.
4. Results -this includes outcomes that the organization have decided are good for the team


Topic: Training: An Investment in Personal and Organizational Renewal


Date: August 17, 2019

Topic: Why Leaders Fail ?

In this topics, the reporter presented the different leaders in the world such as Abraham
Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and John F. Kennedy. Some of these are successful in
their leadership style but some also fail.

There are ten ( 10 ) reasons why leaders fail.

1. Inability to Organize details- which means that if a leader is too busy to change his plans,
attends emergencies, he admits his inefficiency.
2. .Lack of Imagination- which means that the leader has no room for creativity and innovation.
3. Too Reactive-this means that a leader will react too much in every situation.
4. Emphasis on Authority and Leadership- a leader through encouragement not fear.
5. A shift in Focus- a leader usually think big but when they reach the top they think small.
6. Risk Aversion- a leader is fear of failure.
7. Ethics Slip- which means that result is more important than the means of achievement.
8. Excessively “ Brittle Approach “- consistency is generally a good thing but can cause
leadership failure if taken too far.
9. Pathological Personality Traits- some leaders are hiding behind their true identity.
10. Insufficient Moral Development- this means that the leader are ordinary people, grow up
emotionally in stages of moral development from simple to complex.

Date: August 26, 2019

Topic: Development of New Ideas and Innovation Plans

In this topic I’ve learned why we need to innovate and the following are the reasons whywe
need to innovate.
1. We innovate in order to impose.
2. To constantly adapt with the changing situations
3. To become more creative
4. To develop useful and effective ways
5. When there is a need
6. When we sense an opportunity
7. When confronted with a problem
8. When strategies are no longer applicable

The following are the ways how we innovate.

1. Reflect and fill the need

2. Top the opportunity
3. Concentrate on the problem
4. Come up with the solution
5. Devise the plan to meet the need.

Date: August 26, 2019

Topic: Styles of Leaderships

I’ve learned so much in my topic about Styles of Leadership which means according to
Warren Bennis that leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. Likewise, John Maxwell
define leadership as Leadership is influence. But for me, leadership is empowering and valuing

The following the Styles of Leadership

1. Democratic Type- is characterized his concern for the achievement of goals set with group.
It is also called the Participative type of leadership.
2. Autocratic or Dictatorial Type- which is rigid and reluctant to delegate authority or to
permit staff to participate in policy and decision making matters
3. Laissez Fair- which is also called the delegative leaderhip in which leaders hand-off and
also group members to make their own decision.
4. Transformational Leadership-a leadership style that can inspire changes in those who
5. Transactional leadership- also known as the managerial leadership which focuses on the
role of supervision , organization and group performance.
6. Situational Leadership- who believes that there is no one most effective leadership style,
and that the best leader adapt their leadership style to suit the task, the people or project at

Date: September 28, 2019

Topic: Examples of New Products Services Through

Innovations, Etc.

Date: August 26, 2019

Topic: Purpose and Uses of Appraisal

I’ve learned in this topic the purpose of appraisal is to achieve better work performance from
employees and a good appraisal poses will bring this about by ensuring the following elements or the
basic function of appraisal.

1. To provide adequate feedback to each person on his or her performances.

2. To serve as basis for modifying or changing behavior towards more effective working
3. To provide data to managers with much they may judge future job assignment.

Date: August 26, 2019

Topic: Problem of Management Appraisal


Date: September 14, 2019

Topic: Appraising Managers Against Verifiable Objectives



Topic: Suggested Programs: Appraising Managers as Managers



Topic: A Team Evaluation Approach


Date: September 14, 2019

Topic: Reward and Stress of Managing


Date: September 28, 2019

Topic: Formulating The Career Strategy.



Topic: Manager Development Process and Training ( Gitalan


Date: September 28, 2019

Topic: The questions of Elites ( Guapa)


Date: 9-28-2019

Topic: The concept of a Senior executive Service ( Guapa



Topic: Approaches to Manager Development onthejob Training( Gitalan


Date: August 31, 2019

Topic: StaffingPractices ( Fruits

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